i WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI 99 r. Fish Market FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS, in hurry a CRABS, MUSSELS, CLAMS. Phone Fresh Horn Mad Sausage PRINCE RUPERT Dally. ALL NEW CARS Phon 871. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper v r XII Of HHIM.r Ml PRItT JI.C . TLKKDAY IjKCKMIIKII 12, 1022 PRICK HVK CKNT8 BEER Bl uLASS CONSIDERED IN COMMITTEE TRIM WARSHIP WITH DISTINGUISHED LIST OF OFFICERS ARRIVES HERE Members of Provincial House j VANCOUVER IN BRITISH SHIP PRINCE RUPERT Destroyer Patrician Split up Badly When Knotty i liKlf Ur LULU 15 UN KUlAb 1 IIMj Ur" oUUN. Is Her First Question Comes before Them Paying Tan Abov Zaro Snowahoca Orterlo Hit on California Coast Week.End O.T.P. Steamer Will! Ui.TlHIIA. In-. 13. Hrcr b the gla.. ai the .uhje.l f on Boold Roll w Being Transferred be Withdrawn on December From 24 Service Visit to Port Today lv the U'Kfliiturt for a lung time vrxterda). Tops Foraakan . ( I hi Ma K-iiiif aked fur a referendum and Ifcividj SAN FltANCISCO. I' . U. -Tile flea malt) 1(entitle n t. ii-rtn.' ile. member fur New Vrtiuiiilcr. naked thai he VANCOUVER, Dec. 12. ereM of (lie t(itih uleuliwr v tenlent of Ilie li.TJ. l-raiii: II..M.ILH. luredi liocl Palrn vlm ilrilmyer ian. li during hrr wHteli lit the It tan abova In lrl-mi. on rjekn ii :i n order t;hairm..u M. H. Jukn. member fur the 1-' wit zero Mli Moek off tfcvc .Colifurfiia runit StMNMliip Hervire. aniiirWMrlwu ear eniee in the (ireal Wur ton? through Hie high waves Vancouver today. I ml Hu m Mm' Inn began. Ilad. MarKeMlie quoted i Many milk dealera and ten utile fron toajlli I'oinl, were Ural I he teAitter I'rim-e llnrlfof the Nnrlli Sea al a ieril of knot mi hour anil etiKaxei iu M,,.rnii mi.i j. nr ii. ram, mcniner ioc Vancouver, betMK lranferreI V tUe nl.-aliwi-r...iuni 1t W nltlHlran front nenlcr on all niatiner of fcrvtee fpinf rutivovinir triMji to aMtinir irian. it -.i f ir k to npa:ff a vote of waul of cutifManrr w eiprttt men are making iMmit llil iwirninK. II Ilweoriier ; for the winter. anf baltlr rfiHrr, l linJay a viilor lu Prinrc ItiijHrt. Sharp on titnn their round on alelah. i i. i in hi oincr uNr1J Mr. Jaekxiti anil there lital oinc'e e' r if uil and ten kfiit Ollttrnlng nowhoe were l not known wlielli. r tlf uteamer a liijiii(r alonjf al nn hour, the war vrel paed h frce.for-nM ajietteai.,n seen cn Twelfth Avenue ran Im- -ilvauetl. le Ikereafler niaintallteil ijr lb' in l :i:3ti FlrnJa- afleriKKin and nlmrlly after tied tiji at thr PRINCE RUPERT Mi 'h- vole i li- elnan was mi--ii Wul on Sunday afternoon. teatnr !'rilire lU-orii". riirernmeiit wharf. The rmft i iNiinletl Mark from stem to i ii -I : t Li in. Hto.e iniiiii In SUnle Pak. the at-Undanla The' Trhire llitrt Hf arrive U'rn and he crept throtigti the entrance lo the harlxnir in th .-nil.' J;i.t H. J. rhineV. tiiem-:.. cut holea In the .APPEAL REGARDING here on her lal i.rl from Van. n.rwK'.rtn wiMi ehnj f Kkiek OBJECTION TO 11..1.....1 i f.. (,Vtbemi Feriii;Ilioraa J. H. I Sch-f..M yN ill. ic for the ducks while ; ORIENTALS HOLDING . ouver. YirtorU aid SaUr on moke lreamina IhrsiByh He titoke whieh i uei lo conceal f..r Trail: VV il- bear at on their haunchee r-alurdax. 1 K-eiiUer it, and will uonelf. the Patrician hwe.l 'tie battle ! in battle. in-uaVr i err forniMaiite vtiiel. Official W Ice me In vain for the peanula Mi.iii Kenneth IimDLn LUmiUCnLLO haii Imuran; REPEAL CLAUSE Mo,ail. Xetaon;r. M. F. Kers-tii. that did not arrive a the tU nrtominK fr.Mii tl.re .h. T4ie Ihm! winrh 1 a IHIIe Mayor II. M. lioheler. Fred peoole t-d Indooe. utiday rrnins. lereniber St. On H.i ,.r mm fet in tavasyTti, w- Sl.t. ..., an.1 liol. J. II. Mc-MntNn. Villi: Ian War Hemic and J. W IjiMhiX. !. I.' The o-m Tha lrl have forsaken Molay. lereiKT Sf. the ee' tiin4ii,l in G and inMoedi-iI4t vM 'ir olllrlal vi-lt Hi. Farn. Vanexeuscr: F. V nl ..f ltnk IlKtlake li. roll tna for woolena and wiM h lo the ilry tloek viheis-tie IikiI tier oloee antotia Hie lo Uie alrrin Uiik inoniiny. Loctl City Council D Not Want .VudrrtMut, kamlaaa, awl H. . iMin-i the hiSim of a llrttioh Mannala are taking; tha uill be tie up for oxorljaul Hllnlre.1. of .rfher t-OHelo ieoil The tiMiror xiekn.Hiie. tSomuiaixl. Inltlstlve Powir In Dolno )Perry ! te..r-. place of llk. CiliitohM mjfll mlf vIIihI Mr. IteatinttMtt Hinted thai the in.nvr. ill on.inlaiTiir.2 the er iHaihl uiftl b odleer and "Ih. iiel re.lu.lotl wa. (hyent - ..iihl lel. tifiioer Local Improvsmtnt I'liiiee I Jeorjre would nwtlHlaia freedom of the ea. Iler yentwl ecrew- to iim- rtiy and I he civio t. I hotua IImH fur rllmv lii'tnaew li.i- i.t-un with the ar- Work Removed jr.. the IIUil-ek ikerviee from the .atenwttder. I.i.ul. Ji4ih Fie irwrly fere Ur"n about llv. tit liie ska ia 4WWieiit f..r !i.' ai.ellanl that BRITAIN WILL tooth t.iil definile proviMoa had ajet uur ltllJ. !..... a rW. e-lajdflilllrnl. MMMI Hie riltuty i- le.id 1h- (nwr UGlSLATURE DIALS no ! Iweii made for the ten'art veteran of lite Ureal War and CtKHmamW Olaixl nlajed to ii. hotel. He herd tkvai lhi, of tlw roxiix '- rfirne.1 In ir-.rui MATTER TODAY run no laketi t the I litter ll aw i-onliiHiHl torr. Aecoin lite rnayvr 4lat 1he I'atriejan WITH .11 not east far law eatwudiinre iirteiiiuU laaliiilired t.-om SOUND STATES IM-rt. It t ..ie UmI Ilie ttanyintf hhi vm the Patrician wwikl be n the at for a of mower. vVveral paaxaea iitetlniy Je'rivt 4..in;; anl i. I'nnee he ralleil uuiirter of caK4e i'owple of and that she HIV !. I. It !.. 1. 1. ,.,.4 ,4pm wvarjaw HNUrr, ar-hilii.l.r - b fk . saXBkiaanaaatsaaesisI nil lieorse may up re a very ofll. year ..I land- anl MVM Hfiiwan ..... 1..14.41.1. I.lv tt?fll - ? 4" ttculartf icr iWmtJXJ TI . i niihhir Jf .lajr.fwrrTfttre Witf VI M.. euorwey s ,J, ItTsW W M'Wr. Tfce Id." On Question of Cancellation i I'lo- ariftiaeill ta Bol .w-fiilr In the north al the nit)JI oflloerx alio made tlie trip I IM nmvor exolaine.1 that It I ii. la leni-tutur - e .;i-r aajAiiraat hmmmM imiI French Debt .iii-li.-.l ! 'f the week. Itefinlfe atinoiine. aruun.1 fnw Ilalifat vrbere the!bad te-cn Meiiileti o put on a iiti Ihry Im4 re.--rHI ret- fit ijaMi 4 rtr ftrtai nenl mM he madi- later veH ia M'raianf nllr tlMne.J..vnore formal reecfH'ioH but the fMiaa Ike ua.t n.i enrHHIWl. lie.- IV IVll mt ''LICENSING INSURANCE List of Officer fl "l Ho lcHMc arrival of ... ,1 of Pi II ..Ii. I uialrr. tto ut.th real IsritMin mi-iid fe alHv. wax m it known and tliat ' ttie JVf . H rtll' I'reiNier IHrver. the e.mmrVHee j on I the I ntt.-d StBle- AGENTS WAS UP AGAIN NAVIGATION The othrer of the Palrsrian she wae leavinK a?ain lofoorrviw MinieBt . i .ii . Ill- nw Med win il aMu polr a"i I'lieiit williiisfMPiM lo take lude Ficat l.leol. V. K. W marniitvr had prevealed this be. .'I' ll to .'l.l' I,-lay. .miilt) defftmte U Itir-if MNIH1 te-H'tl III reference lo Al. liodfrey: l.ieal. II. ft. Prepay, j Amendment Introduced by Attor-, iejc rarrte.1 out. nl Wll i lo h done. In.t .l-M-est will. Uh- ej4l.le j INVENTION navivttn ollieec; l.ictil. Imi T"hi aflentoon. Ominiunder Ike itetil lotion ..r Uie re. larli d"l ney General Receives Support nmitder Frank II. Jetferaoa. chief mb i OtaaxJ and aome- of hix odlcera riled Olll i I" ! au rted ie tin' lanly Teh--! and Also Disapproval 1 eiraineeC: liituuer Wnt. Ari-liur fwill be hown about the waler- ' Iari4t .lioliwiialH- eviM-rt. It l VinniM-.me nd I.lent. IVnn-inander inrll USI Hi' man) Instrument Made by French fronl aivd wiM vixH eiicJi p.dnU I'l' lrl a ik t- . iiIi .ST. PATS DREW h4d that le Bnli-h lnlil af-'jrl YICIOMA. Ice. IS. The bill V. li. Ilnalnnr and Ijeul. Professor Will be Boon aa tire dryka"k au)-wl i storage, uotstd 'Li the WITH SASKATOON la I lUle4 Hte. be- raJPnic for the liccuainp of lnot-aine J. It. lauirte who are makin? a r lro. to Seafarers umler Hte jcaidance nf Mayor ' tHi-etMi V.O.V I fore Jaauary when the ""-ifereac" azenU was dUeacd in trii la(I oflteera. llochealer and hix committee. J.!K.HMX. Iec. IS. rf n reenter riMniee, lo roi.iunttec yeaterday afternawn. Iler erit rajiiil of Ht men. I been lltaJ.I I PARIS, Dec 12. Ship Totahtttt aosite of the oMcer -oll . flie Titronlo ht. Palriek arrlaiii yrtvettver the I n.led illon. A. M. Maaeoa. atiornay peu- I'he Ivalrieian accMiifMinieai ' " It Vt 'II Ih l.ll til' can proceed safely through who are uiembcra of Uie craft . tr. with Saakaloon a.ale i warlMia to rt.n.itler ral. moved an ameadmaat favor. Uie crueer llaocliwn uart of Mte I li. l i- lit. II 'I' the fo? In shallow channels, flan .hi vixilin al a Maxonia 11. .'I n - i . iijii'inib fit in an evhiaxtiiHI Hwrkey eiltter eaneetlalhMi of the Freneli itiK the part titae ogaat. 'Il'i lost vessels loaded with way Broiiinl frvan Halifax leav-ingr funetiun that ix taking place. vaioe here la-t aiarat. TUi deiN or oartK-loal"" " eon- was favored by II. il. Irrry, aatw. treasure ma be discovered Her al San Cedno. iliif Distinguished Officers i. he eeomi ilraa tar iL feceiire for lh iuleiatioii of I.er for Fori t.e.Tue. and was op here tin- M'.M'I ati4B at and floalln? mine may be I.ieut. Miami had a very dirtin. Cut, have plnyl ' lae ue1i a tef'. by Keiineih It incaa aosn- i'mniiox. Mrl.aultlin Hay Helta ASKS AID FOR ioa.-d located by an electric depth puivhi d ar.-er during Hie war and our..- of tUrtr XV e.lern I'll.- e.'ioioenl her- on the ad- Uer for Iruncan. and other fee.; finder Invented by Professor Itella . Alert JU a Ik Uw Inlet. e.':itiini"d oU uave sltl toi'T . I he rirkl a llh I iJoiwnnieiil. . of.... the conference .L.i lion of the Houw. lte luattr '; Lanqevllte of the French All No- travelling waa done eanier iiuriin. . " "" 1 - -iurtn? tie- day a if I the o Ulcer GRAIN TRAFFIC aneoli it a )lNld over. Csllege. The Instrument ; in..I conceal the fact .llwt H may has been successfully tried f the eel -VJlUeJ their craft IiDY CREASE .AiitL.tt.OOIff iir ititu.xo.ilile ! ImniHHiiie Hie alt the way on willHul 'Wm' ser-, i M.ietl view aim that t!bey will QUALIFICATIONS i by the French laboratory. vacea of a pllol . She wfll ee-! Premelr Oliver Sends Telegram HM.Illl It.' IIIKIIIIe-1. II a. lierv f.ar lv days nam .beforej to Premier Mackenzie King WANAMAKER ! Ml loiinnenintoi- maAe it clear SCHOOL TRUSTEES CAR FERRY IS ivluruiiHT to XuMPvavr. the PASSED AWAY Asking for Fair TreaU I hat. whatever Ua"iMi. ireal lailiii)r lime iM'iBK act tor Wed- ment HviLuiii will have no .liar.- in Legislature Provides That Man or tn-d,i)- iiaantwy. AT RIPE AGE DIED.TODAY ."enjiv iuk I lie HiJir dilriet. Woman May Run on Wife's I RUNNING AGAIN War Service I' I'HIIV Iff. I.' I'rei eemlar lml to I're- or Husband's Property Wlirle in the war Hie I'alneian I MarKaitnte San lalina UNEMPLOYED SANG wa a I tan-lied lo the I Mil s-iiaad- Resident of Victoria Lived I" liad rnviMul fiiwii rc-- Famous Merchant of United Vi:iOHIA. Ie. IV. The TUg Bermuda Left Last Night i in the .Nortii Swa--a battle Through the Reign of iialiiHl fi..m XaiK-iMixi Stales Pased Away at "RED FLAG" LONDON; Hiiieiidtueiit uui forward by II. II With Barge For Swanson ruier Mioadeou. liar umu- Four Sovereigns ' lie facUrWi". there were in Philadelphia Neeljwl.. meuiler for South Vau-louver. Bay First Trip Since metat m very modem ami in. '-nl and ii i in in eur-i ' Turbulent But Short Lived Scene deaiaiud la eliaitaate May Index three fvur inch auns on VlinoillA. Hec. it.- -Lady '" Iraela .-il.l not be un-l WIII.AllKi.PUI V I" Staged at Great Central I roperly gualifh-atian!i fop ho.d llje oruler Inte; four twvatty-one tj-eae. widow of he late Sir Wanawtak.-r. I he faMnnie acekiu lletl8 wa After having- not operated since incai lulex two i 'I for waiil r i ! and John Hall tiueleee in lorvWo ; one. Henry i:reae. Supreme Court "tealor nreivltaiil awl f.iner V"1l-"l-Icr oled down by the lejsUlatucM yea lat May. the car ferry f-r the pound anti-airaruU fun; four Judue. die. al her home tiere "i that a lii"W uraui ifeneral. died at lit how but it iaWcd tha: i arryinv of pulp front Svvunon l.ew-ia and oue Maifin -.iliei'el fMi-llilie e laid' I.uMmi.N. I.v. U A luiul- terday e'iMi vun. rrxr4a. used HO years. IImi lbs iMoruiuii. " iuahfy oi hi wife's Hay lo thia port for troiithlpnicnt The resfistered ftas'e jf Uie liaUdy ander 4ie llajHr beiv ill eltt aol abort-Irvca eOOlie waa b man may , a 11 " Bl. - ll late Ijttdv t'.rea.- Ihed In Lite) . with taawei lo aet. V.-MfS of ae and had "' lasted Ihia wflertvaiu in the prupei'ly and a wir en her lma-",l 4nw anuuian aiionai Putriciaii la. 1160 tailis. relitti of Tiair aovereinx, VJ. 1 1 MivalvM- otat'Ni in lai nec early in XovenAwr. i,r.-al iVutial Haii udjwlajiiig the taiid'i. Ibariie,jllailwaya is reauuiintf service. A ix.iiuiiii ui the eoaat she ran tain IV.. Vueeu VictoHa, IXrJCard loaded with empty r. Dial tlie (.iot litre frit lobby of tar Hoaae of iXjaaiOua . into a aerie uf beavy atonui VII. eikxi t.eork'e V. Wbile U Joan Wanak'T I"" nn..iMmoi nn IT ''en ii". iu. and when she arrived child, atte aliendol the '! Un i lie w.-iei'ii a-rain when tan. uol n ejected IWy imi-MaalyxaMl yeatcrday. coronu. Jul II. ItUX. tUmUNlUn DUll iu tow of the tus Ilartuuda Buy ineiil ehitulil iH't be drler- PhiHjdekuhia on who bad Invaded the aflerSMMu. her devk's wiare eov-ered Ikon o IJueen VaHoria in Writ-uitueler work iW otte nrrikll J TA O ud will return here louJe.1 lit the 'Hher by - iiaiwpoHa. and idaHcl.Ui phkce wmL beyau wintiny i with sluah ami mivow. Ao- .Vbhea;. she was married IVtUlitn 1 lUO tin of fw With 1 tales r for waul of fai'rtl-'Hi'lud'ii bov at lr ' 1,1 de-iiarteoeul "lied Ha" wtiile wvia v'a- ,-oure a days. i.rvliiiK to uavy ruler, every. in IH4J and l ame to llrili.h Col. lie lelea-rasn Ihlll lie founded the RMUHI carda. recent rwsUinpUuu uf opMa)ioH thin- on Ilia ,Mujety' shipa umliia in iritis. Two daughter, i '"' 'I d refereucr loiv whK-h acarv lit Eskimos Defeated Rivals In West- ul the Whaleii l'ulp ulill ut rwan- IllUal Im- aiik'k UHd all ad. till lwi sou . M-ven ifraiwk'hddreu not ii i port a wyaiiil antdttcr uuini'. Fnan iHtW-lliM ac was CAMBRIDGE BEATS OXFORD em Canada Hockey Fliture ioti Hay. it is anticipated the car inedialely on lyiinc Up, Uie and twelve tfrettt vraiidclilldreii have of urtaik uoania4er-kr"M'il "l Last Evening terry will be in steady servico devwa were ordered awept. It aurvive. idenly Previdcui llarrkwin lu . lorlli niakitik on. trip ..f iu i-r wax curtou lo ee Mic Urilatb tv. CaiMbridK LOMMJ.V I - I.UI I lo nrae Uial founded lac .'. ..uU.-.i In t H&H lie a,,-ast vvixriiik otboul the deviks Willi uibia liiil.l 4ie given fair I he htf- defeated Oxford in the annual IIU.I.W. lie.-. IS. F-dioontoiil livul. 1 es.ii yeliei.ni- I realJnelll " Ileal li m itr Ktiuilav n thi ruaby value Una ailernwou by a defeated Iteama i lu 3 ia tin.-! their uwavy khaki ewuta and FUNERAL I In U... world. lhlde.mi"tlu-Hons Ucore of St-H. Wealern limda HucUy Uau.- DISORDER MARKS IioikS nrov tiled by the govern-meitt NOTICE. be fouialnl iiiwnei for clHiiataii. stoiany CRITICISM OF FOREST wnl "racicd i.llure lat nitflil. L.O.L, 2310. and ban SWEARING IN OF ABERCORN SWORN IN I.ike IIMixl of the Ytlaatda, of AMENDMENTS V..M.r..A. d coHce Kiiiuiinr KILLED WHILE COASTINQ her kind. Hie Palrk'ian lieS very Tin funeral of our Ule ACT iu I ad in. Hi ma. Jwuau mid HLI.FAisT, lice. l?.Jlli Imk. , POLISH PRESIDENT tow in i he water bul when iivak-Iuk llcother I- loeep will take Korea In l- wa ikv.nsl- iiiai e from Uie li.i:. t ndcr-taKeis uf Honor t) . I i. renin Who ua iointeilj Mi.ttilllA, lec. If. Jismos ai .i-dinui-y run travels at a M TMltlA. Ie-. I .' Ho" T. ..i uilli the l.eaJii ..v.i'iinr of orlheiii Ireland. I iim sw kiiliil liera Mlntu Uir AltPi.VW. I'uland, lec. . xeed 'r I I kll'tta Mil U'UI' 'WlllL'll Partoi a '-' JO p.in. 1 '"' i i i it It uui iM iuiH iii ami VVedueaday. u I'-illiillM'a Hi. IVtceuibui IJ. Poreal hi tii'te loiia boiii. ii wlisNi he was Hioliuy in wlitcb inany wreer iiilv last vuing tiJV a-bias I- Ini' wif w.'iy "l Were -ii. .-. .1 ' " t '.i i .1 ivv. H. . .iuMiis j" ml" an mil" ut Uif kin d and wounded urai ke, tin sti. i.n- 1 1 fuuiiets and uu- All nieiirhei x are inviln to "-tli elor4a '" ' ''' '' " I- . i A in.ill eon l lie ed !iu.a!.i-! uiliU u; aweiii'iua in I'm tii te. .J 'haft van awiU a attend 1 -li 'iiipuiely bv the iiiinilr. Bubeortbe f-r the I aily Newv vviH in uf Uie anic iilitioii (HI mH VeHw..yd HlH l.-l N;i tuluMiio. ,-i..u.t volume uf iieuvy bluii. ' lit. i i- 1 1 1 1 in iimillee