PAdl BIX TilK DAILY NEWS ! ! 1 FOR SALE. MUSICAL PESTS ARE FREE AT LAST OF only tier, liak MirUHS five asfetratl saoRtfce a ad In tMild.Mr 5 Roomed Cottage, Section 6. Has living room, din FLAYED IN VERSE veliile in latere lasaew II Ukr. and bath. All rbout erl)tea) ItvoSklrl. WESTHOLME ing room, kilclien, pantry. 1'- bedroom, THEATRE Terms of f 500.00 cash, i:ery nook, anal aoesser m the on one floor. Price $1750.00. Music balance spread oer three year at 7. Now rented at Saying Hath U Not Charms True of But Jan.the KIDNEYJOUBLE 1a Hlol-ajfe uiilitval tanks In oimie hoM'! Tonight, Tuesday, at 7 and 9 month. 125.00 6 Room House, Section 6. Hall, living room, dining Musk- bath eharnis calm "Fruit-a-tiyes" Brought Her ..on iui of oil are nlaretl mj aevttons af Ihe nuat. room and kitchen first floor. Hire bedrooms and bath second I In ftavaK Itnat," quolli Ae.i. I lviMou IV oil is fed to Hie fumwre! floor. Basement. Price $2,000.00 cah. Now rented other Health and Strength "r 4iin- famou sage. llir-merh onrayer and when a""-iim at oo month Ilul. that Ions before tin fuit tll marli a Alice L H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. 65H Mian ! i MoMraeii Real Estate. Insurance. mNTii "li-irk"' itiotruhienta for "Far S )er, I i'r-rl r.,.iail teraliii e .'..iMi fhTfr.-.- Fall I .am Rentals. Hiakuiw nulav- iiiu-i.- were in. from KUnry Ikmw i l'" TromU-Mf (nli'-.i. In tin- Iri.jilr- tkw liat vented. Ao a mult''! ..f ttn-t. hearth va m..- r ii-l.-aii'l .it'nn i- atoM.-i uhlM-aroiitr tH " LAID ACT. wIk-m an aaaren.iii.ti of jat nr. la the way of r.lioi' ui. .In-iae did , ,I.t cliniatei, Mt.' draiig-lil fan I N lists oerrnaile.t t animal i fcalil "'' me say fi. ke.i the imiMl al 4 PaVs"scTto tin!lh"Xe-v,,nni York City, t brasU Tbea aorW at " 'Ft- n" leiia'rature.In lie l-iiter nii I k-'i' i I-verv it Christmas Ouwi OMrtotl ll4 Uf Mtrirl ' ,.r.. and tin eet a remarkal-l l Over the Wire" B.rtfr Dutrtct of siero. it, M-'" " thai they OOUld tbe tla, Hea4elM. Iiiiamcn novel arraiHr-nant fr the mii os is tt ri t Nmr not be ratine,! fr eeral uV . tad CoaitlftiMoa rer rli.J aad fireaieul lu tell betaarr Oiey k t 5tirs ikal lUrry VrMtaa. Mlirr thew intruvnl are not I veil are raWina; a ilol.e aOren or. oace autre in ,V..y X ruvii' M may lw All who saffer from tawai traafaiee reH. nuriiir ha bei fl't Greeting L'";r;r " iboula tiV "Prail s lives" high 1111 on the btritrro im4 re Hal Roach Comedy, "Rich Man, Poor Man" r.-i pliaieil Iti nor oaa of ike oasis- f human, do ml acclaim Jvtfiy lUm IHiKMintH MHV SWI Hie taf the 4iiafl - ;r .Trrv!' .vsj:' oWe" -. fOc s box, 6 far II.TB, Irtal W!ir thai it r eait wen le Pathe Review Prices 15c and 35c thrnrr Mwlh rkoia; thraro 1M of them odd inolnilHenla Is Ihe niwelt Alli-4i- t hAiIrK i1li.M.. rfttiai; Ibear nnrta it CfetlSt IS lb I At d(kra or seal peasttaai by pumt r nmiMmmi. I amount of irai-t ir in that tniol Fruit a tTM iJaWted, Ulteoa Cards u.iea be clone uu them to mat Cood ' A lo i' liiw ni lrli)t "n tint or innciH uivoni. in I lilTM-IHT lkr Hark: tni vklo-n 'ini. ..n .) Per cfeni. aMitl. Steal. vi inr orpjiiiwni ;m i . iharfii uf the gunnery bratak li of belter difk Printed In our own office. I labo acr. There notbinz I Ml per the the I'alririan. wl out uti H M.S. X-Ray DENTISTRY; Service , Phone for Sample Book. nonce or intention to Aretr to neighbors more than to have engeMMre in Aiik'irot 111 I. and mil LAio. j somebody net door or ill Ik nest neiUnualiy. tuk irt SYNOPSIS OF The oiiix i .iI.k ( i Order early for Foreign 1 la rnnn- nnn Lnd DMirwi. trnd flat above atrufpie with a msiol- in the Ootenel aitdek awl liarel.. I i i ii'l i! i" i .1 lli.- ii id ,i l MHrtrt, CMtl Roar S. B.C. and Stl-i..! Malls M lu II mi In nil fna rraw Hawn1 .,.,.e ai'apetl vten the 1 1 una will :i UNUACT AMENDMENTS I. in -Irn' !ui brlii r unmnnaiMT mm or .tt. ny. mini Saiophone horde of ate after the Kriiioh t raooia of Bopjrr4 cml aorist ot of kfrna atf. i 'l ite liird vrbo pta niartne al that immuI. lUMiiina Rose, Cowan &Latta Tike anttrt thll I. BM SllWr. It DR. BAYNE Hljtpnrt. B.C. orrnMI" ttrmrr, aMMaASi A aStkooe at of Iky HfttlMir the Venai'aiH'r Limited to ippry ror enatHa la lte O fc4. lty all a lean ma-bi Knk t araitin i 4m4 it- ti oa are nnnl Irrnn .b-lri. ki ln rWrrlbrd lawh lnwiwtrtlr SIS a r HM a.o tlffi. e Hu ir : It Toe. I linr- . Hi.t I Prince Rupert, B.C. rrt mi n I wt piooled l Ika aoMft. t o live alfSie. to attark the Ih4. -r -.oil mmm fm4 to oar if-i lttii) ill IIimIi- ' Mil rarwr or U'l St?, Ilur S. CoatJ Phone 234. DHirlri B.C. llvrr m t onr' 4e.j Flute. nnnner VinniwomlH- . nest tnit floomi 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk. Phone 109. nwi y ren omr u.r.r. nj , wmi v thia aw4 M fo. rMMaeol anr- ; I MMitlirrtjr llrnlM to low oitrr BMC, Ili MhotDOts upiei on irmel a to Ihe Issrilaii. hi in ttftnij tirrua ilot A rtsrie elle. nhafe the hi too iar m mmm atrr mirk tn i pniat SirvrtlT oatk Of Uw Son aMiw eeo mm or munnwam. rararv ro a imv- ti.MiM la beaten Ike alarHinsj of ihe out. r fort . . uiati, l aajacoat oo-ooaa. lhrijr air- to onaM or fornmorT' Ml Mai I man Son oa oaahSoo VViek! artil! the fir.I buewtaritiiwnl. Admiral brat, foouiaiar S r avw or pm. aaaBBBaBBaioBfBa laaaaVBNaaMnk4n4 a SHSj Seaejaare BERT SI TUS. Calliope noelNsek was in . Iiarn of the I aUlam 3 im or Apf4Klnt ..... F9m-i Extra Special ply ' Dsi4 lt SOtS, ISSS. He hskiM to k e eMIiaanun MM the VetiaeaiH'e a .... ..... ut. Mtal TfMtee) imbI ! wa hi. na-hip. Ihe gnniH-r al. m"". -Iwol W'fcen aay uairt iu the Innduia f llw oo. ri.i. ,. VtrtksyVV pB) ejfnj(sjBB aft ataiaajftjant aaasa tpsj 1C0 Boiss muiinea near hanak and It a. ihar i rnr- ae4 oh aaoo. an. m BARGAINS Piano, kl I hi llSM that l-.iriliniHlrr SS-;V"-ViV I ., I . veneer ,I I. HidiinMMr Swa tlie firat Wloria gtwm fim-4tmf nvianoan w mm j is sbe wax ilrssaws ni Bf J ftrt 4Htr ' ' Jonathan !aa uf tne war. f T I.T'IJ.TTm' ro. (Mil.. j.,. ,,l V'l'X ' ' Be Comfortable MimiM aaretjr Hs I.tier flunner Vinuioeoii lw I otiM W lrHm Rh And Keep Your Collar Clean. i Hi a ksusasier. tmnferw4 to I Ik- ih tni).-'- roar naaow to aooko r. Ik n. lion rHoarr Be panelling Flageolet iUhih'I aat ka.1 the mi fortune I m t)T aaea a o. mFr wt ms aMt.i ao rwwvo Pure Wool Mufflers tu li 4..., Tni i--i-i k oSaaaMO) u. ' i i.nim m- aiw APPLES TIm aw u b, wlay liiriaOiitHI ill ihe Mediterranean .uak- an iii.'jii-iiiM- ai'.l IV Oaaoit I. We wa in the ii-r foi V rvrnrtaa .la-i. i-ry li.itrthlf XnwiK irfenl. oa loaiioa. wow! Gives a Beautiful Interior 4 U MOW OHI.I OI three houra before Iwnirf lkeiwnrea floe kirka t--ei.l r oi wr.-i ; ,oa r i It N. . r KaiU t.. Plea. I 'rtl'M on) ki Effect and Can be Applied to Re'a aare t set. lill taken ! Malta in an nlra. rv. iiiioi 4 or aaaotoa Crowa If So Sites 163- ill Special $15. mat n iMUe er-MasSi. a it aotaiasrvii the Walls very Rapidly and . Trombone. jhan ahin. He at- wrx.-J iii III'- ,Msw ia4 h iMiiillaa aa ler in.--,- ..f yioai rfc . Purs Scotch Knit Wool A troSMSNMiiiM Hiiaoian eamiasiun. fon -t'iw aiaal 001 iStM, . aias Bi4 . Tea Mian or !l w 01 ! Easily. oaav I' n aaSa 1 Oak ! Cloves. Jut Ike thina for ni WMM. ouiMMaM4 no Futka will aarrv Alt the other of f i. .-i tomI lli- ' iHMiy" 4ay. No Iwtlrr in tmc sueaiaii couar or soiTish Fur Il-a"tiaUe call ShyouM iiraviire t with honor and diatinrlnHi in Mii l'M4K.oroa ae-a a eoeoodnt Vde. -'arg' l'mei Iovh made ' arie. iaor lean I oa SaamWoo coiuwaia. Tfce ttwv Mae oe. Majeotjr fleet during the war. no- i m aauini afiar f-iifMi'i. root Special $1.25 Pair. aelal Hiio oaoa aaojoaiaMio la la Blallr u lOr ia u4 WMSkMa .lie in j Violin Albert & McCaftery Visit to Engine Room i biH the as si Just Received. I.ariir ktit Tkr slurk vMm pJatre -nib, LIMITED ment ol Xmas Neckties. A viola TkHMtSrh) rtff e-asrte.v vf lni-snsukSVr "TIo 1 1 T rinmi rnj " ViTHt thai oa ia ISSS af ami Phones 116-564. Beautiful iiian A de, aV'ea) well Jeffarauii. a rrpeewala-IVie ioso lM om oteoMhai oaroo r "H."?. '"" ' along to hii ' 1 uf the Hsa. wmm permitl ed aar a- 1 in r inBiiia MfVI. ifa aBjo. orTW-kM lanniriur. Spsclal 75c each In Xmas Me Sxisj4 fall in. Ut sbjsm,.! 4f r(sjrijBMay aa mtLWl. p. ! Mandolin lo siaii nW ewylMe riuna uf the Notarot .".!... wi n ax. I SB) aoeona aavaa imaaii ifMOM ska WHILE THEY LIST Boies. eossia ae miT-4 i aM a .o-aie to Hajrsrmn aha Miare r iM. r o rxaxl THE BREAD THAT IS SU Pure Wool The luke w'v Iwevka luontiny 1 1 1 SI. I aoa .Xrvooo W a rao4 aojoV'"M nhs narty rros Margarst'a IhM Mf the vaaoH filled . miimi Sr-f 10 mo oT aoto-holr of avot o SECOND TO NONE. Sos. N" nor- oid f-'t. A ataudoliu - M .a... kalf m ,.S,n All r. ..oik wr a, esr W'Ml SNarnmerjr and she a driven rtr o faaSo re,i, are krel ruMr4 k a, aar aaaar $1.85 Had i-et be uul Eitra Special Value 3 ,to la aaarr.iaa f.ttenia. laxattirtl Use viator fa-1 aa a et CMaroas ruse &ant act. lien route IBJ. I tiiTtsi tt tw i ' of rnnn aaui Pain for S2.2V 3i kaMo tt te) awlea an hour TW. no. oT lkl AM la ooiart4 - iar l-roote Bnni Lonaa Uu III Electric Timely Film. Ic. rol, oa wraia saS aan :e uf aavn itft he her twin servw ra)Htero. .( wKa Ufa Majofty a rreo Tfco JOV a ! I I IV Per Boi Acme NT aharh la riyhl feel in m .'ik" naS a- hoe or 4ovtooa In ik. Rui-rl S i Importers DESTROYER PATRICIAN 4 a . eo-oflit'or , ari ik Art U ottoorf iNkr m aaaf DOWN AOAIN IS PAYING HER FIRST . rraa. lot -aw r fr oa Sooik f A, W. Llpsln, Manager. VISIT TO PORT TODAY ravr boitera orenent-aleaaa the iaok o,i las, oa foranrli. vmtlt mm WHAT IS XMAS 'at afiar is aoarlail.a ol iho 'oo EGGS Bread Tel. 359. P.O. Bos 667. with a easaarily of ar TMo etv(o ofe "- ro WITHOUT THE TURKEY Fresh Puliel hUioji hi. ra4i. When N4enmiSMc all nor.i..o SVe oik- Sa oloils i- or ..- Per Dot, full oee he vriwel nojrn. tm loo or aofokt k a.Slor an 0,-rved on a nunilrr of veoort JM-re of ill ss iMawr. nwl al nanwaa naarSi I arior i-.-- r. iiS p'ial X"tr: t.rry- loaf of ' iw oro roaiaiod foe fit r 50c wltloiUHli the I'alririan i hi her lardsnsry ataaad f alxMil I a rVovMoor for itra of " o-- BulkleyYalley KLKlTMi: HllhAIi Iwara tli- worj THE NEW al a4 i--o aota olmo fir.i command. He wwn bis IMa. knot oh- iMfrsss wv.-n iarrl.. ' VKTKIUN. If tli- loaf Joi noi I. rM. o aaaoaul af aoaoonia. lniiraiiilH'd Hervu-e lvoa for n-I'-in Ilsere are ;n swru to look after las- o -wi.. ... iaioi rar lit.- iorJ VKIKHAN it i lol. I OO 9W.- .t ., jUXt KLKi:THI: brrarf Men's iallaiitr' '" resruina; aur. Use iiaM-ititi'-ry. I wa or any hmo Bote Sy Mnkn- .J Ruperl Table Supply Mwir. in a hesnj wale in the In baUii- I he olaa drieit i"'- ',ie.. - 4y..l ' r TURKEYS Aok fur ELEirrHI: HKI and North Sea. bv iiieao. rf fun-ed drwoaht Mow i Morck 11. ISM Phones 211 and 212 V"- urr you get what you a-k for. Il- i- rated a- mo- of the send. geiierwted Iry tMl Strsllieliae fail". sua ruaCHAseas o irown If Your Qrocar Cannot Supply, Store LAN OS Phons 667. 1'iu rprr1n on toriMdo work anal IIh- la., lurfriuea wSjh'Ii itriv for loovooro aru i a bijiMy kilUJ nam. He i th- rfti-.i iravel al Uu- rul- nf Craoa araoio t s-t rrkaooro -t with reasonable i tri-mely imtMilar with both hi btw res ui ii bun a annul'-. Ier),I i.mroo i-i woo. a-Jtaiewc raiieo i.ngnto nowaioio rr.oi A FOOTHILLS CAOOMIN Electric Window Bakeries prices ffki-ers and hi iwea. .itm jbit of on. , ue.l iq IIm- tuiler j 'ttP-nXjTtJTt. BEEF .iilainl i. a nalne of Nwva HtsiIk .liliH.-.l mul t (! firot. after tar 4 taioo Wbr mil am a 1 1 I and ro So aa atna a boar V .-'giHol COAL Courpl-t'- iu Third Avsnue. a rarry i-nd all tbe of flier are I-aria- mihb lle.iaoli the holler rl 4 ol. oaet Baa mum 4mo aJS iaoa .? ti'...-dat- toek of Mfii -i.loitniig tiian i j ..ii.i.-ii...u oaia Star future u. o etotrHwl riiirinnij eoor I V It. oO aooo AaookioUaoo mmiM to oooao l. ; Kurin-hiiii,. and M-ry interreliim oera4NUJ4' oujlbe iMmaji .m flrrae ..m.leiiwra Sr Uf L ISSS ORDER NOW. lie.I ..! Dr. E. S. TAIT My ( k 'oiiiiri' Hi.- I'atrirwu U I.wut.-lxmmn- daoeSjm- loma of water an Uroatoa Art.OaAZiNO Ilur. lo . mi . Phons 1- Uean. Litt . V Suits, Ovsrcoata, Underwear, tier JelferaoH. rhief engineer ufiltowr. I 4n i an ii 1 1 1 1 of Mvo-tok Maarr pro-j YOU'LL LIKE IT Dress and Work Shirts, '.to veaoel. He !u i a highlv ; Weight and Value oOaMaiotroiaBr! for crno m4ir o)l1rl f ini an4 iiiiotaini rooao 7 and 31V Prions PENTIST. Socks, Neckwear, Oilskins hilled moil in bi4ine and aerve.1 n. t.,U viwbt of the n;,J7f!rilrr; NORTHERN INTERIOR Helgerson Block, and Rubbar Boots. iii rliarge of the engine rooiu...o', oMorhiiier) i ulnMrt 110 t-Mi. aiKlif?in am i.5rl nsitai aarewaai www:-,"'rsiri saaaskaiak r COOPERATIVE Consumers Coal Co. UJ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Uu- .1. Mroy.T rMiperb in ile laUieHBl. j,, vaiutNl at t.MMMN. : t rreo. or aortloa fro tm I t Jiillaiid wviUt 4uoii-al Jei-jnh.- tor km.. rM iroeiioro. w wa. ImuH in IVIrt an,I II Office Hours, 9 to 6. I M I .Ml Phons 686. Thor Johnson tie fleet. Ii Ihi IM-eaaSPM bet maito-d with the euidltOB fr Open Tuesday, Thursday and liHe Iniura alad ail l:e rottkl liei Saturday Evenings. Next to Olennle, Second Ave. wa tl.e I'ontintial bacuriSM; of villi. Uiu-e he railed through tit. j IK'ukiHg tube to the brlitge ami CHRISTMAS JEWELLERY SALE H.kt'd wual wa iiomx. He w iiiforui.d thai Ihei bsvl Juat al 1 Ladysmith-Wellington COAL ) riuiaet float'ng teaUoui uu. ' ill i 'it'iatiiiiikt-gti'd thi to the ret I Ho .taff with him and eloerro lo 9uiel business conditions and having a large Bulk on Dock $12.75 8acked on Dock . SI 3.75 u. I it U- later it wax fou) EveTV Article in the w'ng Bulk Delivered SI 4.25 Sacked Delivered $16.00 lliai I In- wret-kml btaala ViM llftt- n assortment of goods. on hand I have decided to put on YELLOWHEAD LUMP lll -..iiiiiuiuder VI'IU'I Jeffrrwn uuo aar. dtOre at a UlSCOUnt a Xmas Sale in order to reduce our large and well Bulk on Dock ... $11.00 Sacked on Dock $11.75 Kd with U.M. i.loriuo. Mill. assorted stock Bulk Delivered . . S12.&0 Sacked Delivered . $14.00 - i k. Adveuliiruu and ImmmI. YELLOWHEAD EGG Submarine Eipert t I VY. i.4frvy. ftrai twrutssi. Bulk on Dock $ 8.75 Sacked on Dock $105 uut of lb- Hutrieiau. la a syeell With Dollar CHANCE ON 3 BEAUTIFUL Display Sulk Delivered S1 1.25 Sacked Delivered $12,50 it in oultninriNe vurk. lie - every Which are on k-ii in the i;.ri. h u, and JLSt mr. Purchase get DIAMOND RINGS in Windows. ism tin sr and oiu-e Im tb CJ1 you : Prince Rupert Coal Co. hd the usaytvuiit nasMuUswi of uearly iMfing- tiu..i4 wtsesi a PETER BLACK, AgenL depth eluwge i- ndrataj naar Solo Agent for LADY8MITH-WELLINQTON COALS. A YELLOWHEAD do.lroyer In keel. n,-ii. aarved mioatly on in MAX HEILBRONER mrd Ave. Phom Blue 269 Jeweller Phone 15. Main Offlcet Central Hotel. the NiaHh .. tumid- t'. M ViiOllaOOUiitc, l.i