PAGE TWO TTTE DATT.T NEWS Tuesday, F'dmifi The Daily News WHAT CAUSES iBYLAW FOR pntMifr rUpkiit - nuiTisit columma Published Rvrry Afternoon, esrept Sunday, liy The News HEADACHES LIBRARY TO Sensational Printing nnd Pnhlisliin Compntiy. Third AVenue. ..;... II. I'. Pl'l.t.KN. Manaffins FMtqr. BE OFFERED SUBSCRIPTJON HATES: "Fruit-a-lives" Prevents , OF MEN'S AND BOYS' FOOTWEAR it Decided! City Council Last Night City Hv mail Delivery,to all Iy pari mail of or lhe carrier,lrilili per Mm month pirn aim we. tinned Minims,.ftO log.,Atito-IntoiicationmeTHMlf-'OitH"Man' pM'I'l miller from paitUil to Tako the a Matter.Plebiscite on ' VALUES THAT MAKE YOU GASP ALL PROFITS THROWN TO THE WIND in adviinre per year ' .sfi.00 CinstifHllion r insajEcirnt j&livH of the afford miss them. . Si7.n0 Come and see these. You cannot to Every shop in the To nil oilier counlrie.s. in advance.- per year 4 lourlt. Waste msllrr wlueli should .The Iiylaw ir iilniu fop. tlie will be reduced regardless of cost pass out of the every day, estalilihiiieut of a niuidripiil free tore TELEPHONE 98 remain Arid poison the Mood. libriiry Hi ihe eily i In km before As result, there i llpcilidir, the ratrf payers At an early date. Transient'Hiplav Advertising St.iO per irh Pr insertion In.lipi-tjon,ilistiirbettsttiiuai-li, IVin The city clerk peporleil at last Lot 1 BOYS' STRONG SOLID LEATHER Lot 4 WEN'S HEAVY LEATHER WQttK TratfrentVvdvertisiMff on l-'ront Pnjre 2. Pr inch td the Itaet,tlhetunatletd and Keieiua li i Kill's meetiiiif r the i-iKiiu-il SCHOOL BOOTS in In-own and black. SHOES in hlack: uulilni v 1yi. Headers. jer insertion !?" per line aud other akin dlheavs. that the petition was in onler mid W nrlli up ."i.-'."i a pair. il sllNHIP, well.lilaile stme nil.; u , t .i,,, . word "Fruit-a-tiiei" uiSl iUtayt relitit Sale Price nl of liai-il Ileuuli Class jnd Advertising, per insertion , .2 per had hPTft s?nd by 115 property February wear. t.epai Notice, iaeh insertion , Ine per njrale liin Julo-intoxu-aMH aslliesetalilels,matin owners. .fer some itieu.ssioli. February Sale Price from fruit Juice, act penlly uu tlrt $3.85 Circulations. Member of Audit. Bureau of whfei was iJatt'Ctal hy Aid. Irry. Lovvrljj kKW)s aoel st'iii and k-'P who vnt mil ai tin ri'cenl im-el-inff Size ll-f. $3.65 the blood pure and rich. TtR Tuesday, Kelt. 28. I02i wlien the matter was introduced, IUtLV KDITIO.N 50c a bo, B Tot trial U 2. At dealers or rul fotpatJ by if was moteil by A I I. Kelly Lot 2 ANOTHER LINE OF BOYS' Fruit-a-tiiies limited Ottawa. ninl .seotuleil by Aid. KM i- Dial the Deal for Planing livlaw he orenared lo an before LEATHER BOOTS. (Duck only. Iti-piilar Lc-t.,5 MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK Mill Complete. 'the people. The matter was re-'fiTreit :i.fn a pair. EOOT wild lii'llows tnninie. (t,i, A den! has heeit put throiiRh Tor the ale of the Charlotte SUITCASES February Sale Price lo the eily solicilor In pre-ijiare Well liiiti t-' and will wear ti ,c islands Product Limited plant hut Ihe papers are not yet f .Spruce Ihe-bylaw. It will be pre-:senleit Iteuiihu- ti.'.iri. Votnpleled, ami the name of Ihe purchaser ha not yet l.eeii TRUNKS at the snine linie as the $2.45 February Sale Price to.he aide to make uiuouuecd. The receiyerat Vaneonver hopes (irjti.l Trunk P'aeilie avri-eini'iit Size- H-IO. Vih aunoiiiircnicnl in few days. CLUB BAGS a bylaw, which will likely come up $4.95 announced' will operate the luniher It is Ihat the purchaser- uu .March 2'.'. mill here. This is good Let 3 THE FAMOUS CUMMINGS manufacturing- plant and. shingle news, Large Stock on hand. ! Aid. Perry Wnnleil In know if in Vancouver a month or two ago that Ihe MULTiWEAR SHOE. Snliil leal her. there lor a rumor was Prices low. 'the enuneil had dellnil" i'ai. very any Lot 6 THE FAMOUS WILLIAMS DRESS to he rrnined to that city or.N'e w Westminster. Prince (iiiaraulee.l three inuiillis wear nr a new plaid was In the hrnisin? of lln library , las SHOE Ulh recede Ihe all.I rulm t Itnperl people will welcome any industries thai may he established J. F. MAGUIRE jlle wauleil In knnw w'bat expen. pair free, nebular a pair. dark Ian shade. Ite:.-ula ami espeeially one Ihat nianufailiircs Ihe.raw material found in 'involveii February Sale Price lo lie Next the Prior Hupert Hotel plilurc was going, February Sale Price Ihe district. ,1111(1 stijiwcslei! a ri'tlfei enee he. $3.45 jlween I fie enuileil and Ihe I.ilirais $6.95 (Library Well on Assiiriiilinii heftiri' fl Ws ileeiileit Sizes lt-. Way to Accomplishment. it- In submit the bylaw. The action of the eily council in deciding to prepare a library Ten Years Ago .M.iynr Itni'liesler saiil Ihat Iheii' bylaw and lake a plehiseile of Ihe people according Jo the statute (in in Pi'nee Rupert wmild he no periiianenl luiililinL-liliill. WATCH OUR DISPLAY WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS keen Ihe That the are getting was what was expected. people It would lie a leinpiiraiy library is evidenced in the fact Ihat so many hooks have been one. Nnlhing ili'ilnile had' bi-'li voluntarily sent in to form the nucleus of a collection. .Most of February 28, 1912. ileeiileil upon, "howevi-r. Universal Trading Company Ihe .volumes received are well hound and in excellent condition. The iiios e.vcilins indoor hase- Aid. Kerr intimated that the eily Theyare mostly hy well known authors and Ihe greater number liall game ever played in 1'rinre engineer had snjrsesletl dial I In Corner Third Avenue and Sixth ,ctreet of them would Jiave been chosen by any selection committee. . llupert was the one ni'lil be pri'senl readinu i-noiii In- raised The next thing will be to arrange for housing the library. tween the Crescents and I'irnte. and n concrete liasemenl be pul Phone 376 JAS. H. MARK Manager P.O. Box 1712 A giHd many suggestions have been made and almost any of them 'Ihe .cre ns Sti lo til in favor'miller il, thus making il a Iwn. are feasible. As lias been before pointed nut, the,housing of the fif tlA Inllpi- litam ;slol-ey building capable nf hous- library is not by any means the most important part of the work, iiiir Itip lltir:irv llin rnfuliti!- pnniii all hough it is necessary, . ' ; Cnnnirliaol, a well kniwninmi il,. illtii,. n,t nmiii. Copper lliver prnspcelnr, is in the In the Letter Box Stark Is Now . city liuyins supplies for the fur Really Elected. . ther development of his tree- mill 1 VANDERHOOF SEITLERS RUPERT BRAND . . . . The last etTort to unseat Fred Stork has been made and he is injf proposition. Mr. Carmichael ALSO CUHING TIES WANTS FIRE CHIEF ! . now member for this, district without possibility of a change. sayn there ; are valuahle placer Ths is satisfactory. No matter what the political views of some rnundn hear (Vipper diver and Kdilor Daily .'rw. VANDKIIIIOOK, Keh.. 2H. Ihe of the people here, all must realize that there is more, to be. got by thill I liO fiiild Creek benches frive seiilers in lhis vicinity, like at On aCcounl of the very j-'reat Kippers and Bloaters .havhug a member who is sympathy with the government. ten lo.thirty rents to The pah. other points a'nna the line, have iinpnrlance thai effirienl : fire much .Mr. Stork will be able lo do it is impossible Hydraulic machinery is he ins: iu-slalleil rip 111 j 1 1 5r and fire pi-eenlion is lo lieen piven Ihe this opportunity lo loll. Ie will certainly make,every effort to secure what we at" Mr..larmi'chae's prop iwinler mif cities, uiily I ask yotir valu-.ible of tretlin mil lie for Ihe need in this district, and jt is to lie expected that some good erly. assistance ill urinf iiinn 'Canadian National forSale llailway Com. at results will follow. If we can gel some of our local industries Vhtir Ineiif ?oprliinr body the Ipany. Tliere have heen going we shall have more chance of securing co-operation from flaplafh Hni-ney Johnson hits a mjniliei imiinrlauce nf sernlin? the lihlef ALL RETAIL STORES of small ri ill I rn el s wliieli Uill mil the government. written an ariirie nil .sevmniir i.n f yoiir fire, department In the H I'l'ntVli unrl ill till inonii. r.T O. niiipleteil nillir the snnvv is l-' uNuuiversary and Annual Food ' The Most Tasty Breakfast Better Buildings . na inaiicin. Il will: he j.ulilisheil 7.V'.'1" sone. Io mire. of Tire Chiefs and fire for the City. al an early ilale hy Ihe Iiniiiininnlnntisor. nt ureiiiin Miitincer, to be held in tin, eily' Obtainable 11 win very soon dp. necessary io eiuorce me city iiylaw in (Jmernment. DIUWUC flLUlAMJ August iilb-lftlh, I'.):'-'. regard In the erection of heller buildings in Ihe business section ir irAMnrbiinhr io 1 I.-;,...111- .i.-.. ( linn il.;. 1.111JIH 1....I.1 lUI or the city. At present anything seems Id go. Only recently COLLART'S MOTIONS totalled over :ii.'.noO,uJO Smoked Daily by what Va little more than a shack was erected next the postofllce, NOW Willi an alleiiilaul hiss it( 211.000 a danger from a fire point of view and not BEING RAISED lives. The fires are never oul. by any means ait WERE DEALT WITH Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. addition to the beahly of Ihe city. If Ihe city has power il and are coiisiiiiiiiis a milium dollars VA.NDCIIIIOOK. Keh. 2K.-The should certainly not allow the erection of buildings of that class. a day of Ihe erealed resources For the congested .sections or the city il is almost as eheap One. Respecting Quality of Build hrids-e ner the Neclial.n lliver nf Ihe counlry. With all PRINCE RUPERT here is heillK raiseil two feel hv to erect concrete or brick buildings. The rale of insurance alone Incjs Rejected Limitation ihe improvement nf limine ap !the I'rnvinetal is siifllcienl lo make it worth while. .Vow that we have a fine looking Poultry and Pips tiovernmenl to paratus over Ihe horse drawn. 'prevenl Ihe nf its possihilily go-inv Hie Ions ratio of fire Io property! school nud a line court house, as well as a number of permanent LaM Over. oul in Ihe llnoil. 'fhe work vali' ha.H not been bill blocks On the business reduced, lie streets, if would well to encourage ihAs heen KOill mirnr a of cniipli! on itie e ontrary, is cnnslanlly ... ..J.vjiS that class of building. By doing so we invite lower insurance Aid. .Collar!' resoliilion re- jweeks anil is still in nro;:ress. increasing-. This loss is ail rates generally and siiow lliat we have confidence in the city in quirinK. (he huildiiiT inspector (oj Lf M . m 1 1 1.- enormous lax which comes direct nf r. w v r. 'which we live. enforce the 1 i Vi.JiulaViV'J huilding by-ilaw In THREE SMALL MILLS ly from the pneke.s of the people. ihn leller;in regard In the biiild- Residences Will tng of liuls. shacks and cabins WORK AT VANDERlibOF Ton ofleii, unfortunately. I In' GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Soon. Improve . ind huildiiiys f. of an inferior S. Si PRINCE RUPERT Will ednesdi-y Ur.ui sending of a chief lo such a convention -ml The class of residences to he erecleil, will quality was. Inst when steadilv improve presented V AXIll'llllllfllV l.'nli u Is considered in Ihe Unlit Stewart and Anynx. ThurMlay niidiiiht for Sw as the city prows in size and In the eily council importance. In the lal niahl.U-,. earlv davs most of a Junket. Personally, I rail Ocenn Kails, Powell lliver, Vancouver, Vfeloi'ia 1 Hi K ;. hi siuiiii inirniiiie s,i 111 1 s are people came here to make a clean up and get nut. Todav people Alii. Perry, Aid. key and Cnllail .,,,. .. . , , thai i immedialely say adopted all S. 8. PRINCE ALBERT- W 10.0(1 ! r ednesday ' p.m. at'e looking lo Prince Hnpert as a permanent place' of residence voted f,.r il nnd, Aid. Silyersi.les. f" . .V . several device, which I first saw .Northern and Southern Queen Charlnlle Islainl- and the tendency will he Aid. Lend lo erect homes that will he larger Kerr, Aid. Me ami Ald.i deiuouslraled erable. .Nj r. Milrhell operates one practically al lasl arehilcclurally more heaijtjful, nnd with .etec interior luisji. Montgomery n?aiht il. II was ,and two Xiu-wi-frians another rinse year's convention nt Atlanta, iia. Train Service. fell by (he hiajority that Ihn Passrni'er MONDAY, WkONESDAY and SATURDAY id. IMS i to lown. The third is s uilh of and which I believe, will he nf. . .. building by-law covered the sil- town. iuralulahlc henerii lo my eily. 1. m. l-'nr Sifiilhers. i'rince tteorit, l.ilinonl'.u and nation amply wilhotil any such Of Great Value peif. making diieel eonneetiou for all point i' I' resolution. .o Chief can come In the International Camida and UnH(Vd Htatcs. S Aid. On 11 art's other rcKnlullnit 1 Convent Inn. for whic Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Brand Fresh Roasted for an amendment prcvehlink Ihe I Nervous Breakdown we are now preparinp, without City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 keeping of pigs and more than loiriR away wilb ideas that will Ihirly chickeTis In the city, outside be of preal value. Sail Kraneiscii of certain fpectfied areas Couldn't Sleep Nlglils. lias suffered from fires 11 1 no u aniring which were smith of 11th other city in (bo country, and Coffe Avenue and the vicihily of Coinox " we RAILWAY , , ... . I To those nn itie vpr of 1 nervous have taken nrceauliori In nre- CANADIAN PACIFIC e .iieniie. as i,i. mi nie i.inn- wMkrt0wn lli followlnir jn.p.nis pre- venl Ihe recurrence nf such a inr a rti so inui uie iviniif m-hi incinsnvrii: nervous lii-ariarlies, a ealastropho hy the installation of B.C. Coast Services queniinh mlKht be taken up wjlh ifwiinr r di prenslon. niful, dlsiurbi'd. p Ihe city engineer. leHIrn ami nnr-frr ftiliif; clrtn. often Ihe innsl elaborate hlsh presxure Coffee to be at its best I'here was considerable 1 tn.iiblfil im frlnlilful drpaini, ivold lire flfihlintr system in Ihe world. um of rrowilcd )U', dri-Hd of beln This, tnfrelher wit It the most Sailings from PrinceRupert miist be fresh roasted. cussion on trie resoliilion, inliiiii-. horror of corldy, !(!, comprehensive exhibit of modern "SUPREME" BRAND is !il W'lini way ihn th lirart nrrvff trnfrally hicoin t?roniM airertrd if In apparatus and equipment Tnr Hie For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaflvvay R roasted and packed right SMALL CONTRACTS fi'Ci'Ml, (00, anil on th lint lni or any prevention and exlinsi-uitlunenl January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27; iNikii of Hie heart or nrryi'i, nartrluir of fires. ever assembled, will he here in PRINCE RUPERT FOR TIES AND POLES riii-rgy or phyalral )irakdo-n do not wall iivnllaWe In all. W'n purjiose1 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January linlll beromea your case hopeleia, tut' nit Take a pound home with Keep terrace busy a remedy that will at once quieten I lit) making Ibis year' meeting one 7, 21; February 4, 18. . rerte, alreurllien the heart and hulld up Ki-and clearing brume for I lie best E you jto-night and TRY IT! Him Millre yiem. informal ion on fire mallem nj,. Agency for all Steamship Lines. It will please Till you will nnd In tain.iMo, you. i-'eh, 2. olf lian- MILBURN' Pull Information from Your grofcer has it. ff'n, the tiirther coiilractor, l& HtRT AND NCRVC PILLS In asking your aid it is in the W. 0. ORCHARD, General Afleni keeplnir all Ihe snare men. ritid 1 1 Mr. M. Iiamaand. Youna'a Cove fload. helief dial you can do no more1 "' homered very important public service to Corner of 4th Sirent and 3rd Avenue, Pi.nce Rupert, M settlers tiere who wish he w'nrk."'- your n TffllinT n iinhi rw i lj , 1 1.1 inuili with uiy heart had community'. Ihau hy nw"un Tulllnlr nf lies, he.d.eje, diilne". nising the nervoua could not DIlWAHI Q mUBLtl.L D lilies and rmlincr. Mnnv hel'sonn aleen at niahit. anrt inv ariiifalllA ua all neeessily of Ihe atlendunce of Uap Mnnll rohlNrlt. and thf ro. 1 o rw-rvftin breakdown M' Chief of your cjly on Hum n Coffee Importers and Roasters suit tliuMhere Is not a nlhrt$ mXl Importrint educalinual e nnress, UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED' E person In l-rrace out of workt,,ff)re j , ,he Mcori(1 tm nMd , TIIOS: Hi .Ml'npllV, -r 8AIIINQS n-'"ulLmia. PRINCE RUPERT WM Chief Muffineer, Vancour, rallies, tl Saiwn pay. Orran FalU. TiiflMlay. (Ills wiillel-, The lies lire fdr liet'eiler and would advlx anyone who tiat K.F.FJ). For Port simpaon, aa Hlvrr, AMfi and AHri- Ann. siiiuv Canadian National nhllwavs nl.r'' trouble to take them. Callln a( o-frilc ind .taai- llartinr on llin!. Un. . I'rli. ';' ' .,, war" (ienerany x pciiklntt. Hp'nHpipdle, t'i. Calllnm it snnfiilll' kmiifin mirt Mill Imy jIIImh III' I'rlrn, ibe a bo I all dealer", or irullnd a the piled nnd pole., foh Knstern III and AMI! , ijlii-fl on rt''ll tit price liy The T. Nil. advert ikfii i as silly n pm 23 Bacend Avanua JACK dARIMSLKV, Ao.nt auowt. Canada and the L'niled Stale. (nun Co., Minlifd, Toronto, Onl. iinodic eating.