PAOE BIX THE DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, February 28 19." PERMIT FOR CHANGE c5atXrrh REBEKAHS WHIST G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public IN MODERN STORES Hil ftl iBLADDERl DRIVE AND DANCE WESTHOLME THEATRE DOUBLE CORNERS ON THIRD AVENUE in tin- very heart uf Universal Co. P.,1l fllMllIP Affair Wm Held In Trading Start Work Enjoyable the retail district M'ld"io come on I lie market. To close an XUWM baarsnawe If loniKni, tuesuay Improvements Premises. Hall Last Evening on to Metropole enabled the Hie Post Office estate wo are to offer one adjoining 100 Present. corner Third Avenue and Third Street, for sale at a very rea J. I.. lllain, contractor, has tollable price anil on exceptionally easy terms. I'riee and ' taken otil a 500 biiildiiis permit receiving 175 now where ten I The llehekahs gave an enjoy- MARSHALL terms on application. for repairs to-be executed at the years ago he had received -.'0u. table whist drive and dance in tin llclgcrion Ulock, Third Avenui Instead of a reduction he ask-I.Mclropole Hall last nisli!. There H, G. HELGERSON, LTD. and Sixth Street, for Ihe L' for an increase lo -;i'5. were Iwenly-tliree tables of whist N EI LAN Rentals Insurance Tradhjjr Co. and the I'Hncc ItupcM Sid Iteiih said that he had land about 1 00 persons were at Jablc Supply. been in the service of the cilvllhe dunce. Prize winners at A new double window entrance for three years and was receiv- Icards were .Mrs. A. II. I'hillips ii iinihT contrueliun which when ng i lie same salary uow a when laml i;. iiicuariiK, ronoiation a- ompleted will gie this store a he started, namely ?l;'r perlwaiiN gi'iiis to .Mrs. I). C.nnk "The Store of Satisfaction" completely modern appearance month. laud .Mr. l'ilRernld. Itefresh. Bob Hampton nnd will enable the display of Ilenrj- Sinilli aid he had been I meiils were served before daiie- Canada's Best TIMBER SALE X26S7. jrood to a grtNitcr advantage than ccntelery caretaker for seven ling ei'duueiieed to the strains of years. Me was one of Ihe worsl I .Vrlhnr's orelnstra. The com Of Sealed li-wiv will 1- n-i-elrd -by thp hitherto. 'I'lie new entrance bir Placer HARTTShoes ;. mam Mmlnlrr i.n il IIh'l.and I'IIi si lla Victor of Vlacrli.ia not Ulrr IHJiP.than fur I'hird Avenue will b' a duplicate paid of Ihe city employees and iiiittee in charge comprised .Mr I Ik- piici-lia-,- ,r l.lri-ii ,K7, to rul of the existing entrance' with Ihere had never been a com-l.lames Simpson, romcnor. .Mr I ilar in.miii ami iirl I'llnnr.'ii llnnlmk.mi I.n Sprm-.BS. Alice nil-am,Ann, larwr wimlow display xpac. plaint 'against him. The cut 1.1. M. Kraer, .Mr-. J. N. Morrisun I'a Ur l.aml Pl-dru-i. I'he enlranee from Ihe would leave him with a salary of and Mrs. J. Wilkinson. I one (I i ear null br alluurd fur re corner $12.50 'tnuval uf limber. of Sixth Street and Third Avenue 8115. He- bad recently taken I Surlbcr larllriilar nf Hie ililef fores mi the supervision of city relief j iit. irinna. H :.. r Putrid rorciler. lo Ihe Huperl Table Supply Com NEW VOLUMES FOR ' ITInrn mi n. h. i.. work ami hm lu-i-n kivcii no in pany Lavement is belli? remod IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH elled and with Ihe chantfin;? or the rease. NANAIMO LIBRARY Harvard COLUMBIA. Aldermen's Views anfrle of the existing doorway If In lis- mailer uf HIE AliVl'vllTloV will Aid. Monlgumery thought the :T ami in the iiiaiirr r llf.MIT III II permit of more tloor and mpJoyccs i. O. D. E. Chapter Add Literature eulilled lo fair IIAIlli luHVl, d-recd. window space in Ihe men's de- were for Children to Collection. consideration, lie would favor Shoes TVkK .V'Tlt.K lna: wi Ha- jHlli ilar of artmeut of the: Universal Tra'd- January. ml. Inters if administration hoard of nrhilralioii win- amiliHl Hi Jour. II. Mrwiilln. unirlal Co. This entrance will. Itrnd Aid. ColhirUhouiihl the conn- NA.NAI.MM. l eb. h. The ju- Viltiiiiilsiralor. Uriurc liuprrf. Drllbh nlirely to Ihe grocery department venil Hon of the Nauailll" iiumbia. eil shimlil slnnil hv its i-eonri $9.50 lo $13.00 ll . Ihthhi hatint claims asaliist the lownstairs. Wages were being "cut generally library has l.c.-u enriched by Hi aii estate arr rmu'rrd lo lllc name with When Ihe work is IIh' undrrJttH-il wllliln thirty day from completed, Aid. Kellv thought that Ihe addilitm of I'M new volume from liii- dale hereof a Ml all iiersons uwlnir l(ich it is expected will be"by the .Mala-pinaChapter uf the I. drill- lw IIh said estate mrr- required lo city should endeavor lo keep ilsj'lie () pay IIk- same lu Hip unuprslrucd furllrwllli. weeK-eiul, Hie Ituperl I aide Sun- officials bAil the employees !',. II. These book, which an PATCH mi rin ii j or lel.ruirr, ly Co. will have, main JIUIM II. MrMl I.I.IN, - one en should not lHvptivilcgcd when allrl,,Ii"'" 'or 'nmfen raugm:- KIRKPATRICK imrlal tdnitnlslra'tne. lranee, while I lie l."niversal Trading ' iilher workers were being re-froin the first primer lo Hie en IN PROBATE. will have two double duced. lie agreed lo a Hoard of trance class, include some of the i THE HTIIEMK nolllT OF IIIUTlell front eiilranees. The improvements Al'btraliou bill fell that a re- het books by famous authors Col-CMIIIA. are in the hands of l.eo duet inn Was necessary. These book have ,een chosen In IIh- matter of THE .U'MIMsTllXTIO.N Wain. Aid. Mcl.eod said In- was not with great care, with Hie hope of t:T ami In tin- linllci' or Hie ESTATE r .mi:iioivs .viapsea. deceased, in favor of a ten per cent cut. inculcating a ileire for sound. February intestate. CITY PLANS TO MAKE TEN There might be a five per cent healthy literature annum Hie ri- 7 UK MiTICE llial In order of III- PER" CENT. CUT IN SALARIES reduclion and another five jierliug general ion. . II-lnr I. Mf II. Vuunr. made IIm- 1 1 III day AND WAGES j r li-briiarv. A.H. mi i. I was appuihfd cent reduction about September! It I also honed i provide tin Discount Sale i viadseu.Miiiuiii-irainr dec-ased.m inc ami r.stau-all partle i,r .Mi-potts havln; OF EMPLOYEES if eoinlilions warranted it. reading room with a sunnlv of s arring ;-iainis n'uuirrii against inc sain-ami-,'-stall- arr Hereby 'Continued friiri faro one" , Aid. Mlverside sad the inalterjnewspapei-s and magaiine durin 10 iiinnsii iiruporiv vert- nied. t hip. ni or before Hie i;iu day of I was not being approached pro- the coming vear - i Wesley Barrie & James Kirkwood I In Mann.llw a.ii.-lale vn.-irr and rpqiilrrd an iariir lo pay nuleblwi IIk-aiimiiiil I2I oer month. II hardly pen. i lie euy. iiouiu coiner Steps an- also being taken 20 per cent, off all , uf their Imlf blolru-is lo me Hied fair when in 27 days he Willi I lie Head ur ihe depart- improve the healing of Ihe liluarv. ruriDnitii. iOIIX II. Mr.Ml.TLI.N. had handled as larc a sum of menls. thus adding comfort lo Hie read Wallpapers ; IMTFn Ihu I5lh omriai ilav nf Administrator.IVI.Miii-v io money as 22,000. .iu. iverr said inert' was jo ,.r and volunteer stall- of libra- Charlie CHAPLIN Asked Increase days notice and, in I lie mean-Irian 10 per cent, off City (Jlerk Woods said the time, there might h e a board proposition was absolutely on of arbitration. 1 in Everything else in" our fair lo all concerned, lie was No Dismissals JAPANESE RETURN "THE EMIGRANT" Store. .Mayor nocnesier said ilia a GERMAN SYNOPSIS OF delegation of the employees had PATENTS! Admission, 15c and 35c come to him. They had heard TEMiEIIS fi r Ml IIjii. in- iMjppltrM al Half Are Confiscated and Sold tot that Ihere to be dismissals. entire Iiiiimti H, t:.. u, ship and E-lab- LAND ACT AMENDMENTS were' SILVERSIDES i-bmcnl- ir tin ni'iuitiiicnl .r tin .Naval lie had smiled al that for none Japanese Concerns. j Si-r itt t'atuitla ami ..llu.r j:..v. IrrnniPiit Ih-ikhIiih-iiK, a Mrll tu Slilps had ever hyeii contemplated. ltl'lll IV .l.'-.l., .-'. 1... - BROS. uT ilii- liiijiorlal ilovi niiiii'iii al iliclr uiitliriL. Any action ill ill I the council saw I.....V I lie lilltlll 1 sialf-l iiinlprs. aililn-n-i-d In Hip umliir- i,,,.,.,-!,,,,,.,.! ,.i.i..i. .1. .... ! IsliriMsl. will 1m- thtpIvciI up In nmn nil IIm; Minimum nrl t of f Inst oiai's '.ainl fit lo take ili regard lo the r- - 1.1,. DENTISTRY Second Street second t r-ilucrd to t o acre: -eliae war coiillscaled llioiisaiids of Her iui t i-iiiiiarj. iurr, lor upnu-a or me fl.SO in Ki.r whole matter woilld be suitable Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 lllllli'l-IIM-ntliHM-,1 IP-Ill-: fT-eini-il,ifi now confined to ur. man patent, has decided to re For parlod of Ihrta montha. from 1 at April to him. Alt that had been 10 juin auna. i&zz. ve.veif la no .onlj. pro turn 500 of Hiem to (icrmaiiy, Don't neglect your Icelb. One decayed or missing te- Hecortln will be rrmded C'jrenri jiuy 'a -'In I"itIi .Mr-ils. 41 posed had been in the interests Krri.ll Klll. land KuMaMe for atrloultarsl selling the other 500 to Japanest lowers vitality. land. of mid the clly your r liT.-ll .Milk. and whlrh Is non-llrober economy as a concerns. abolWnrd. d; I'reidl Partnership pre-rmpllona 'n,", jri-lalili-. whole. ol nol more than four mnj Iiut iwrtles USE. 'pi Itjrnn and Ijinl. ifj Iin-ad. inmit for adjacent pre-emptlon-Hli Aid. Perry said I mil it was DR. BAYNE J-,lnl renldence. but each muklna Tonight's train is reported i r in Iiiitl-r.M I rlla Hi-mi n rro 1?loii . rlalina.neppuHary ImprovenientJi on respective his opinon the whole . mailer seven hours late. Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phom 101 Shamrock i i i. was out of order. There had loi KHr. Tre-cniplora muW occupy tiilnn Ollicc Hours: I JU-j.JDi i flip yeari and make Itnprovemenls lv been uo vole in committee and .Moniiim-. 'J-iil: Arirrnouiis, For lha Fiacal Vaar 1t 1922.commancing April, valup of f 10 per acre. Including clear-ma; Thi' intelligent, shrewd alien- I A cnlng-, 7-. notice of motion, llu moved and cultlvaiivit of al leaal -' -re no k Wa-liiua; i.r IiimMhi?. i lnlliluy. ir. Itefut-p rei-eliinf Cron-ii ilrant Hon which is given lo selling that the Committee rjo without 'I ' t:ial fur ship. BACON Whrre pr.pniptor In uci.-upaltuii iiui should include I -irtn- nr ii-mli-r and all liiroi inallmi may advertising. leap than X ytr, ard has made' tiru reporting. Alii. Mcl.eod, Aid In- oliUliii'd liy applyliiir lu IIm tinder-imi'-il. t HAM isilli-aiil.-' fur ruriin ire ri-que-Oed rauKP,orl lunate of Ill-health, oiljrr be raue.may. be up I'erry and Aid. Montgomery WATER NOTICE. In Hal di-llnlli-ly IIh- Iii-iii. Menu, i,r un rmiiled I- tennfdlKlP certificate ol im Dlilrilon and Use. w Ii 1 1-ll I lii mi-Ii In tniili-r. voted fur this motion and Aid. and transfer hU claim. BUTTER Tin- lne-l ir any ti-ndrr nut lures sari ly proeinrnt Ilccurda viiii'iiit irmanent rM. Kelly, Aid. Collarl, Aid. Silver- Takl- tlollt-U llial Jjliii-M V lleunn u I,...,. ari-i-pli'd. dpnee b iMi.ued, provided appli aiiiin-ss is run riiijriiu. 11. t;., will apply EGGS 'fllflieil fll STIX AISII. rant nialw may ImprovpmeriM to eiiem of ides and Aid. Kerr against i t. fur a liri-iii-e to take and use 31 rubii' fir I aval siurp onii-.-r. VZ6i nnd record- name cai-l. M-r si-itiiid of Water out uf liruun. i r.-,.k ivr uiinuin Aid. Iiybliavn was nol present. II. M. i.. liiH-Lvartl, Ekqiilniall. U. C. yr. Kallure 10 make IrnpiureineiiU wlilili iiuws iHirllit-ailerly ami drslus lulu LARD Mill I rliniary. I us. The mulion Hie be llucnall Hlvi-r nr rs-urd wame wiU operate an 10, that mailer about nlni- miles frnui iiuniiii fpilure. T'"1 Penrol be obtained in laid for week and Ul iiuniii ipo-r. over a more Hie wiier will -e.s tliMii i years, and Impruvenieiu iiivrrlcil frnui the of lin.uO per aire. Including i aciea consideration be given it in the iiihiii at a i-uliil aixiiil 17 fi-i-t alioie ll'li- cleared and cultivated, and residence The Empire' Standard. of i iPal I enr arr required. meantime was then unanimously laud mil be u-id'rur poui-V tuipu.-e upuii Vr emptor holding Crown tjrant carried. Un- laud dPsctlbi-il an Lot I-1. Uaiiirc i P. BURNS CO., LTD. Just the Thing ni.o 'et-urd a not her prp-emption, it h i:oa. lil-lllrl. Ski-Piia lllver lilnlrlrl. tdiu'i"'- land in conjunction lth pis Mils nolli-i- wa- li-d un tin- gruiiiid on fnrin without actual occupation, provided in iviii uay or January, ly??. mahiliiry Improveineiita made HAZELTON A copy or Ibis and an appll-sllmi women : these cold ti'id ru'sldeiicp inalntaliird on Cfjwn puriuiaiil tlieri-tu and lu Ilic "Water Arl, days Kraiil-jd land. mil." lli be ni.;diii ib. onii-i- or tin-Walt-r L'r.iurveyed arcaa. nut eicerrimc t' IlKi-ordcr al I'rlnn- Hiimi, fl. u. IC jJ i FRESH PIQ HOCKS rici-p?, ma l,e leaned aa homeltes, School Inspector J-'rascr visiled objcrlliiiis lu IIm upnlli atioii mat lie llli-il From the Farm HHP to br oblalnrd aflPr fjlfllllnc real. Willi IIm- Mid Waii-r liei-ordt-r or Willi tin-t:iiiiidiolli-r : 2 lbs. for 25c (Initial and Improvement conditions Hie schools here last week and of Wali-r lilglits, Parlluiin-nl l'ot grafting And fiidd'tHRl iitirou-ea continued his east. lluildlnirs, Vlrlorla. II. C... nlllnii Hum the Table trip to nrpan exceeding 110 acres may lie days after llic llrnt 'aiH'ai'aiici- of llnr ; CALIrORNIA NEW a,.,! iv one perniYri or company. iiulirc lu a liH-al iipv-iiuK-r. Mill, fai lory or. Industrial aites on JAMES A. llllOW.N'. Alinliraiit CABBAGEy10c lb. unbei land not exceeding 49 acrs The ore bunkers at the Silver The dale uf Un- llrst piibli-uli,ii of tills. BulkleyValley nay b-- punihared: cotiditior.a include Is I. Slumliti-il inliiii in-., inivv foil .nul nulii-p January l. -iiytiiem nf viumppga. Natural hay mc.idow liiacceasiblp as soon as weather permit thel land act. BEEF ! SPECIAL v exiMting roadx may ba pm chased conditional uiion conatructlon of n road mill will oe pill III operation. Ill Notice of Intention to.Applr to Lens Land. PORK u tlietn. Kebate of one-half of coat or meantime a' good ileal oil- e.-in "" '-s'" "i-iru-i, iict-uruiuir in.-tin. -ond, not ejceeulng half of purchase lfr ut .r1(.B Hup,.,!, k. (;., and sllualo In MUTTON ! for a few Days i.rii-e. Is mads. ore i being taken out and llippcd ahull lulol, second bight from eulrancu on distinction VEAL "RE EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. the direct. I to j IMPERIAL SMOKED Tap notice thai Edgar Harold Crawford FRESH KILLED POULTRY Tlnr cope of thla Act Is enlarged u I occupation loKKcr, luli-nd. to apply for costume ' include all peraona joining and serving Mriu!loti to li-iii-e Un- following described Skeena River Farm Produce KIPPERS with Ills Slajenty'a Kurces. The The railway company i lo tap i"",","'?'!1"? " 1i"," pismed u. ilii- wllhiii wblc-li the helra or deviseus VANDERHOOF CREAMERY ! 2 lbs. for 25o 9 lbs. for $1 i-f a deceased pre-einptor may apply Mis.sioa Creek and bring (lie waler eal side of kliuti inlet, ilii-m-e o ilialn- BUTTER for lltle under the Act Is extended ilown ,.11'iiitu, ini-iice xn ciiains ea'i, iih-ik-o ii 50 POUNDS CRANBERRIES from for one year fmm Ihe ,leath of live .Vllle breek. and acroS cluilns norl i. tieni-e SO riialns we.t .,.,1 HERE is a feflins of senuine satisfaction f-the jucIi person, as formerly, until one lo Hie lank early this I com s In in tr 4(t acres inorp or le.- 1 summer. NORTHERN INTERIOR AT HALF PRICE year after the conclusion of the gieat . kiiomi hmiold ciiAwroiiD. Applicant possesMon of stylishly clad fret. Whether car This privilege Is sum muds re-irocallve. listed De-pmher II. IVJI at home ok-on the vacation. CLASSIC SbofJ CO-OPERATIVE I 2 lbs for 35c 6 lbs. for S1 l.lijah Heneou, an Indian of will and tbs No fees relating to pre-emptions are give you tfce service you should have due or payable br arldlers on pre. Kilwunga, is In IIm- hospital here smartness that is admired. '' Phone 81 i-inpiloiui recorded after June mis We buy American Currency. Taxes are remitted for five years. siitfering from alleged self in. Highest prices paid for Pinvlalor for return of moneys ao-crued, due and been paid since Augual Ilieted sunshol wounds us u resulll Money Orders, Bills or Silver 4, It'll, on account of payments, I'ees of despondency over a love alfair. ir taxes on aoldli-ra nr-e;Ttptlona. Interest on arreementa lo purchase EDSON COAL Table Co. town Mlled or Korcea,city lots or dependents,held by members acquired of The Willing Workers' Club has A. Rupert Supply direct or Indirect, remitted from en been formed among the Sunduv Hutment to March Jl, 1930. 1 COMPANY Phones 211-212 SUB-PURCHASERS.OF CROWN School girls here, and the. follow. LANDS fug oiUcero have been chosen: Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Crown Provision grants made to sub-purchaaera for Issuance ol of Leader, Mrs. J. II. Iluwltt; presi. Cro'n Lands, acquiring rlghta from denl,. Hetty llergman; vice-presi- For your next pjrehase,purchasers Involving who failed forfeiture,to complete on fulfillment denl, r ranees Willanj secretary. Best Coal and of taxea.conditions Where of purchase.aub.purclias-Interest treasurer, Jessie Smith. Tfcs asw "CLASSIC" rs dO not Clalnt Whola Of nrlrlnnl n.r. Ball Strap Otford, with Shoe Repair Job eel,be purchase distributed price proportionately due and taxes over may I.. C, Klitleng. of Coneiihagen. We carry large stocks of perforated toe, by whole May area l, l:o.Appllcationa must be made Denmark, arrived In Hie clly by clean screened Lump and at try GRAZiNO the I'rineess, Mury yesterday Cgg-sized Coal. Il'g hoi, J. C. EMERTON Grazing Act, 1919. for ayatematlo aflernooli and Is rcgislered at coelq less less niiioke. Lowest Prices Champion Shoe deyelopnisnt rides for erasing of livestock' districts Industry and rang pro. the Hotel I'rinco Ilupert. Mr. You'll like jl. Repair Shop administration under Commissioner. Klitleng has been lour of Ltd. on a Annual rraxliis nermlta Uaueii Kmad lllock, Third Avenue jn iiansa muobrra onra.ranged;btocK-ownera priority tor eatab the w orld since 1UIS, the pur Consumers Goal Go. Lid. Jabour Bros., Order Now! Phone 58 "Repairs while you wait" form Associations for range manags.may pose uf his mission being Hie Phone 7 menL y-ree, or partially fres, permits universal Introduction of tfng-llh for ssttleis, careysri or travellers', ud J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Corner Third and Seventh Hionj- lr tsa Ia4, paitry ., Y