I'AflB TWO THE DAILY JfEWS ThvrUr. i.(,i,iii t . - ,. ." '. - The Daily News MUSICAL CLUB HAS NEVER FELT wa hlle hain..rkina hay Ml Wd kla rHeh.Ifce H pmncb nupRiiT - nnmsii columdia reaa af feedlM N IMn li PT A nTo on i nnir' marhine l.i hand w canahi 43 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince MMldMAdUFi TUP 'und hi ihninh wa ered. his Hupert llaily News, Limited, Third Avenue, Mil RHEUMATISM ;inev finger .Tiine and Ihr Cigaretles fl-.h lorn off the mllre ialni II. P. PULLRN. Managing Editor. j Business Meeting Yesterday Af. file wa lakea a en after a lernoon Election of Officers Since Taking "Fnill-a-tltes" i,..itile to Ihe ttatelloii H..-inial ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES i and Arranglnq Program. where he now rwertng City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .9 LOO The Famniis Fruit Medicine wel iiasler Ihe fare of In H. By mail to all part of the British Kmpire am! the United Stale. The MMniHg HUTtiiiB "of llr ii . Wriacli . in advance, per year. $0.00 israson f thr lOin-n Milsiral P.O. IWt I9S, I'oMKW, N ! Fo all other countries, in advance per year .....7.50 4Ub lon alare jf lcilr af- MI (Hilrretl wMi Rheumatisai for ft tuviox K at ha Irrnoon al thr tmr ,if Mrs. V. years, One 15 TELEPHONE 98 K H illiatu. Ili.ntrn Str. Klr. 1 u MuiMe to frl t1 The Man in the Moon tpacrof 1 tried axsiioe I m isertuwd, fi.n nf officer, gi-nvrat Kosinrs SAY.If ukiinuu tine cut aat trMtetl ly ti.M-iurs Vat MM Contract nates, on Application. inrladin I roarrangln of HttewmalMut aliya raie hak. a rich but mHd Virginia All advertising should he in The Daily New Ofllre on day preceding miot f I hi- bylaws and tkr rl. la I airiaM .Hr rUret IK Ihr ral the leave are i obaccowill gfrve ptilIiratiin. All advertising rereived subject to approval. Ilnsr mil nf Ihr pruanim fwr th tint 'f nrtl-m um mm aiJ p Htiamm itiraina eohsr an4 hae alreaity you Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. t-i IimA jtlacc I'lii ariKraai turn a4 kiuk a box, sul got !; r..niHM'ii.'d to faM. Here Ihe af least 43 frag rant a, ha hrpn made very inlrrrlin thea look "I ruA-aLie." ngbt akiaff Imx. .till reen an4 will fresh cigarettes DAILT EDITION itjggiK, Thursday. Sept. JS, 9tJ. and several valuable ami educational fr about mi SMtatiw aast I haia i tain till winter. a wH a enleHnitin aeier felt my RhaunHa ' 'C' - tts easy ubj havr krn put ow joiiv e. ..i iur.iwnef. Wtft:. man marries hisj .Revolution In Greece nch a Ameriran Imban nuisie. 3S. to roll your own with 60e a but.6 fr t? nl m steMs?raiher hi iHetallmi end' Follow Defeat. eonfral of folk song ami art At dealer or ru: sniut ky and her heit j 7 The Greek people eem to blame King Gonttantine and hi son. Anwriean miiiir, !. 'rl a lites Ltmttoi tus - 1 ORINOCO fahinet for the defeat of the HreeW army. Whether they are For lilrrary prfMe. II wa il--ell IV a . ' ihe yHiia mar- Tight or mil at any rale the king ha been foreed to ahdkate and lo take Hi I lc sliutjr of n, ,l t!eite w a hlMMe anl a- 1WO FINE CUT Jo new regime will, follow hi that oounlry. This show the flek-lene )corse Sands' amfl on CtMfin. SUITCASES -....ii a poil'lr aflar Ihey im of the people influenced fmm time to time by external .Mertiaje will be hrld eery two a -ar ut ner !. he aMr In a--l )nditiou. At one time the Oreek were keen supporter of week with IHefnry wectmjt- TRUNKS .! frtMM tMMite. In t'Alifornin Oon!aniine. thru they flm'ked to VennHo. when (H(Hlme wn com in e in ceaionaMr. Ninelrent CLUB BAGS ii. t Me a war and Ihe if there Wrped. Later they bruught back Cotitatlnc. niwh to the di-igiMt MtetHisig will kell in Hie . noay left they later a el of the Hriti'h. and now again Ury depose their monarrli emsrse af lltr vear al ihr homo li'.me herane the army ha been defeated. ,of asMeialr aiewvlier. Larfe Stock on hand. . -j illSii The fireek army remind one rf the ordinary eleeUrale in Mrs. V K. Williams was Prices very low. ANT AHV. Pol m h Ktsnt j any demiwralle OMintry. H ehnna-ealde a the wind and exceedingly again cae nresMesM of le learner who ha lo his er: flekle. Often the men wfco enre the penple bet are i:lwti and Mr. S. iMHon. -e- J. F. MAGUIRE i jnt- home KJuaWia. all is I SOLD EVERYWHERE lhe ones pnrned. retary-treMrer. Nsit the Prince Hrt M4 frleB. Proqram foe Yaar. 'Difficulty Of Te I'mtTrain for I he year will HtMJUiHi hands la aM rhjht t 'Serving Public fee as tafhm: Ihe hands are of ihr riaihi lMd ! i Gonstanline prntahly got what he deserved, bnt at the same net. tt. A I ike hosn nf Mr.K i trims for as sate.auellii.' r ami i Kims are fireferred k iaeks. I Face K. V. D-ay. time it t evident that serving the ptiblir l the mot thankle job An etcettewl program Jonteel (let. . Aiiiertwaa mlian there i. The poblie ha ik vdea of e-rntitttde and men are thniwn given. Ii tarNsaVti a eot.1 WWW mot peM like aholll , musir at fbe bnipe af Mr. Joe ver after doing grntd serviee without any thmtght for them tr Ms Towwihs. a ceriiaatoa in.inn , thai I ber know Cream, lrsr. Atheir welfare. That i one of the tragedies nf a drmoentey. Mr. J. Jane, a siiinhaae imthiiia ahoal him etrettl thai 1 Tlven in minor pomUIhi in the ronntry. thne who erve the siuly Xmv.of rtnrge Literary Saal'methg.novels nonet ijttet "hy Mr. tasatuller ana he tended a Ihessrv w hie It . people enllertively have a difficult time. Offieral who have lit Mr. .NVwtsMi, tioiui sofai hy '.. .k. n.4 aahterstand. Omalsi In rharge of Miss Wajr meet peo4e and try hi help them find themHve rttntinnaHy on Ml Kerr, - an-,noyed W hy Mia al the fejmw f Mrs. CnHen. stl'StHlS: Ihesr .tie... Cold and Combination and worried leeaiie He person make himHf otmn-!ion. I'ssmnhs and Mr KeMta tm4 a htM -r ttr-Hnstisti. Irish t!Mlly troiilde arie .rrane a few people enHler they a. recMaliot hy Captain Oasthwrt. ihal rav nf Itahl are often ScrfSrli faH. the at lnMiid have more than their hare nf attention and ttte offirial smnrs Tbere . ruofced instead of at ra hi. what was vr gnnal attme). Reduced know that they have no right to IL of Mr. A. T. Iarka. ance cm sip ring wet w.-aih-er atMNil it f The aM he atMH'l in price, now 50c a jar. Iee. l. Two PtoM nmsir. Mi wsatMa't f . man ihay and fcsul ,.f the .Happy Position Of Iec. t' Gkrtstmas roeetmg. r.ad. They are also put up in a new style jar and Jan. In. Peer lynt Suite by atWt't.11 there he aasdher Not Being Dependent, keep indefinitely as they are air tight irieg l Me hose f Mr. J. C. litlla resjota4Ma de. r a ainc Any person who i dependent on pttldie favor i lmd to gel Mrlxtnan. PARADISE BENEATH into diffnulties. he Jttsis tCMstm "fcmlj' WvMttt aVftFJT esperially if feel M dependent pnsitkw. Jan. SI fa eare f Mrs. ti. Mturh hare. f Anyone wtio i independent and daes iHtt have to rare K in a Ilrraai and Mr. II. Ward. CROSSING SCIMITARS astJ ORMES LIMITED ihappy position. He i able to go hi way and d hie duly wilh-Hit Kefc. . Muie ay AmerWn HMK tmtiad he 'forward fear of luring hi join. The man who ha nothing He to took Wnvneti ml the home nf Mr, p. Turk Intarpeats IndtflnlU Saying ! smsI a4er Tary al Ihe say.l rain 3nl Ave. and 6th SL P.O. B' to i to le pitied. . lirwes. In Koran as War leaviaw the traeA If there were Blessing on Phones 82, 200 and 134 Many people like to he elreled to a fwiMie portion leene Keh. t -Wwnea Comparers. Ivrn Ivwadreii ant ahaard at n f they feel ft i an .honor, and mi it i. To serve a mtnimtBtty 4nelwtiag Qhauiirvale. In the ba4 .f lie risaiiw time. THC PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO ItCXALL'ITMf! the grenlet tumor that rm ctme to a person Imf lei the nisi M"aeaii I I. In esVarre St MV..4HaM4r( there oarastiw. set out to do it lewiare. lie i IhmivI Ut 1 as Jwho a-et in to if nmllie. H. L. Cantabetl. the WMFN . Koran, and U iHtaawan lurk there atoUsusc else lo h vile i iMMind to feel at time that the and pipb nugralefsil March J8. -LuttRby ana Cr.He has aliajn heeh reaay In take Write a IkMe riefc.. jut 1ien he think he i doing hi !et work he i Jikely to Ie tht srawsm as a dirert etn. When al hame ram re feHiuK depued. nsand lw war o the tiaatesmer. hhse Canadian National Railways Iwilllam the home of Mr. W altar C Or. ear the Twrawlw (Mahr. MahoM- rilr a limarsrk. Randolph rharti. el nseabrre eifrey .Utea thai Tell ahitat mi arlre fine 'Hearst Ambitious. Aprti JJ-Jtufliiaiiaa Muc. there nnsl he aasMianl aarfare r an arhwr ttrMskusjt te - William Ilandnlph'llearot I anx!ou to serve the fuddle 'May SswntsR Mutc Prince Rupert t-Hren Islam and Use reel nf tlt- ivil it hneHr; thai the line president of the I'nited Slate. He has plenty of money and he Majr M.- I" clMM-ge Hf Mr. wwrttL axtt hiarr sfeosvo that the la a limerira. ha alXMit all the newspaper hevvvanU. He i Able to hold Hfi K. ".. Manning. Twri has nt anMel an exbiwtt .hi finger and a newspaper in each big eity nf the country respond. June 13. 4jtatrat of Polk arvt a.UnofiiwMi l battie when he If m to the asovie am DRYDOCK To that extent he has an immense bit of power, but he Art Jnx. earnare f rasa afar. He Is.! rtte a tittterknk. covet more. He is clrver and he may eventually get to the top; June Uosing fUeeJinx Iy taw and eHa. a 44ter. and1 tell Ihe iMftta e Hhr In lw AND position. He will certainly neglect no opportunity to put himself ' Ofieii aeh fighter jro ib haJlie m lu a llaeseieA. there if there i a possibility of doing n. It nwy lie at the Ihe nrm aaui4ae thai, should!" le-eatvaHer ym see a airt SHIPYARD next election or it may he year hence, but if trying i. worth anything (TENDERS ARE CALLED tte kiHrd la dafasire nf the)" a aaaa aad oaeeAly harl he will make the grade. faith. Im win iwvmedialetT kv! Kasi ahuul a ehnrt. r ! FOR WHARF ADDITION translated to the eJnjert of Write a ttSMerirk. Operating O. T. P. 20.000 Tan floating Dry Dock the stierial deaJallU whlrh aaamM Engineer. Machinists, Ballermaksra, Blackaervlths, Pstlem i AND SHED AT STEWARr him in pa rash e. - jiset vswsr fingers n Ileal ism makers, Faunaeea, Woodworkers, Eta. Ii is a lranae tarn of the wheal r" "r,r- Dominion of Canada Increase of Business at Mining that woald put Kemai Haaha atT,",l Iraai men Electric and Acetylene Welding. Ihe head of Xmi ,M" '""r" Camp Makes Eitenslon Necessary. an amry Mcfctiac a Victory Loan Bonds Jehad or Mly war. The 'miBa-!1' thiukery iurn i rhyme Our plant ta equipped to handle all kinds of Turk aatt the Nattonali Lj.'Befy iy wmew you aave time Tender are hems: aalletl tryj sttNenllr awtty fraSH Ihe tradi W'niiaic will at a dime. Marine and Commercial Work Lturin'o 1st December. 1922. (lie dettactaicnl of Itultlte uttrk lhns f their forefather and "Xty a limerirk. PHONES 43 AND 1SS f the IhMnminn linvrrnment f.r loiwHltr floulnl il I ..r u. 'J'HE BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority ihe rsMsertjrtlsMi f aa adddisw lewnet. They have warred on Ihe! ' of In Ihe aharr at .lewarl an, fsr rulUa brnsswr aad home ami I.; i Ten Years Ago the Minister of Finance, is prepared effect, to the er.rtii.n ..f an addition In aaatnst the i.osawmader of th ejj In Pi'nee Kupert without charge, exchange of the above bonds for the freiirhl shetl I hereon. laithtnl. even aMbsvuvh . ... MllfaTaAHaWl b ill, II ll,a a,.JI.u.tu lltiltno Block, Print Rupert, ft 6S6 I mr aiKiiuon na leen HMilel ' ail Mie aeMHUrilf j Ka B(ainKaa law 5 year 5i Bonds nerrssary owins to the trreM"r t" spiritual arw a aaeaded hyl ..p.-.v,, f a I 0 I , Maturing lu November, 1927, in business at thai imial tltie the Sheik al Islam. 8inae the firat' .1. . Dr. E. S. TAIT the oVt.-l.tf.ineiil of the mine. shot fired aaa.e the Imnahel"; ,LrLT" or While only in 1011 the wo.r ha. Mt.'l '.T.M Um one or two of the aravwa Dental 10 5 Wo Bonds Surgeon year ' nnnes have lii.pe, re h addition .t.M.ie, u, .tranjre alHaner. and.i"-"' . '"?,,T ' Maturing 1st November, 1932. i i .... wa a and ta Hie Premier, r vera I oriHiawam. BHausarra , . , ,, Ofice Hoars, 9, a.m. tt 9 p.m. more will do so in ttte near FULL PARTICULARS are obtainable upon application .future an( ii i eiprtrt thai Steele preJni ' "l Sand ay hy Appdntmtml to any branch of the Bank of Montreal in j lef..re lonf there will be a num. "i me nmni iurs itemv lull tear; Canada. twr ..f khtftplng mines al gew. hy Islam a ihe ehaniftion f the I Hi Tuesstay net! ihe lUplisl 1 art IzHU nf the I'mnhe. HrtttherlMMd will put on ihe iiie uniy j.oraliet veil I he pre ......uula It . NEW ENGLAND SUPPER .enled by r,h stateaaahip:,:., w; T a T Our froten herrina; bait Is conceded br flbruin ltenlins evary effart to keep the OAl 1 to he tha finest procurable at anjr Pacific Coast ! WAS GREAT SUCCESS I lurks from rmslanlin4e amttnz those to appear m ihe Port and it la "Fisby." Price, 130 per ton. .. . . . raal will he C. H MmM4Hi. I rank Tha best is of rasa.aa.al a I at.,a u .as If C way insurlna a rood quality trip AT TERRACE MONDAY iM,,b",r"- paimerin lorn A. Kllis. Itnhert Melnlth. ,dair! to have plenty of our hard froten Ice, Price, September 30 i in their frrat. tr. Harry MiHer. Itt ve. II par ton. Miss MrlfcHiald. Mrs. Chishfdm Outfit! "I,r ',,-,1u'PPd store can supply flihhif isr Eicellent Program Pollowed an Mi Itrnwa. Beana and Pumpkin Pla In MISSIONARY FARMER flehernivn'a eluthinx, frocerie and prnviahins and is the Last Day Presbyterian Churah. Th Oanadlaa HtHte Inv-U hardware, OF CEDARYALE WAS 'VSM.I Cm. IJ4, Mstenls lo lnnel NEW ENGLAND FJSH Company A New You should act at If wish to benefit Hnstand auiper was its prH4 atrfiaea in lite Mr. onca from you tha held in the Frb terian Chureh PAINFULLY INJURED Inlyre liloat ta m.tre ohiiiumI- j Ketchikan. Alaska Branca Federal Oovarnmant'a offer of new B'V- bonds in exchange M outlay rvemnir under the an, )ims iiuartee) m the Ke.h-rat for Canadian Victory Bonds, maturing Daoambiri, 1822. tMe t.r the ladiea' liuitd. The Richard Tomllnson Lost Thumb liknek shAeilv nnn.iu. Vi. it. .' Seplembar 30 U tha last day you can avail youraalf of this proverbial p,irk and bean. bnwn of Mis NOTARY Hand far In Baling Mach-chin rnutsen. inaaafrr ihe dl-ln. n THEO COLL ART, LTD. - conversion privilega, which entitles you to a bonus of ona ttreail ami nunipkin uie PUBLIC were and la Now In A. MrKertMe. Ihe new general full month's Interest. served in ahutitlawr. The Haielton (HosplUI manaaer ut we eosNpauy. is We Vaek Life Insurance are now Agenta foe tha New Company. Wa will convert your Victory Cliurrh was Iteaulifulijr dmratd ta paeved pay a visit In priiM-e continent. Tha most liberal and strongest company on the Bonds without charge will" Kiie af Ihe jre winning Ilteharil I iiinUneoa the wall Hetperl aut week. Assets, 962,832,1 JS.S0. Let us enow you hew to save your fruft, veaetalde and k aias (Men knawn auaaiotiary larnirr af Union Bank of Canada Ihe Pair aad him- .r the nmat Oetlarvtkhj, U hi the Haeekton LAUGHS,IN HIS SLCCVC money. inleresliHy ees)ta r itir eve. tl. iiiiai r. v ,;,,it frrrm a aaiai. OM Klnir al la a nier-'tts Phone Blue 84. Weetholme Theatre Block. P.O. Bos . Hiav aaattwid whet. Mi. Ilish.fu. my ..iiwed H weak ry aid soul..