Rep" mber "fl I0" .... Haynera, Undertaker. j Local and Personal 361. f Brunswick m MmU weele"The Honnle fro(li Ilriar toiy llnsli"every told lli Extra Special Values An Apple 1J. U. Undertakers.a. Phone 4 1. tf vVenitioline, only, No. 212 Bob Newell's regular dance Bob Newell'a Orcheelra tonight. tonight De Luxe Hall. DeLuie Hall. I fa time to for Friday and Saturday Price was $270.00 get atarted dancing for the winter. a Day Price now $225.00 Ki.r t.m'- Transfer. Haggaa-e . ami Coal, plume 1 78, mxht or k-4.. Boy' Wool Jerteys M 1i-ii Men'a Shoes -Doctor a $20.00 down and lay. if Mian Ureer, wlci lian lieen tix-itlnf pc-cial n i weight, rililied; color, aohd leather, double - here fa lime uilli oine navy, brown, red and navy sewn; lielloy tongue, the DEMERS SPECIALS - Milk .rf her lirolher Jth li-eer. ail l- Keeps $20 month blue with atrtfiea around double sole, leather lined, per Serge ill. -., Prices reducd 15 niarht for (he Hoiith en route to neck. Hire. 21 lo 31. antiseptic, nan-perspiring;; ind 25' . tf her home in Ontario. Extra Special $1.50 each. color brack; sizes 6 lo ---- Just Two of these instruments Newell's Orchettra De Luis Men'a Sweaters Pull-over Doctor Away in stock. On Hall tonight. BHne your own lenra'e K. HiiMoni.. geiinal style; Tiavy blue, all wool, Extra special $9.00 per pair. favorable party and entertain your frlenda. enlern atretil al Ml. Itui of I lie made in Kuala ml; suitable The Slater Shoe For Men, This U the first hi week this price & Atlanta, IlirnilnsliiiMi and AM mi f our iAles for fishermen; aiie Lnion made; aurtable for Campaign on terms they will not last Ih I l see ''l"he Homiic tie Itailway. I niakinu Hie round ;i to it. railroad or firemen; double lln ApHeg. Prices have llriHi' llii-li. Il is a woudc rfnl trip on the I'rinre fteorite t lower opened than for the Extra sewn with double aole; apeclal $3.00 each.. long. First come, first play. 1 tiolirif tonight only. I'rinre Itupert and Anyn tlii- waterproof lining; none past five year and no family 4 week and wlH return outli t- Men's Fine Llama Socks served - genuine without the slate. ran afford not lo hate 3 lilt FAMOUS STOV1J COAL nijrhl. He ai-eoiiipanied tiy Fast cashmere finish, box dye. Color Mark: alze 6 to 10. of apples In the home. . if anything, ltler tlil Mm. SiAlon. reinforced heeHa and toea: We have a special premium year. Consumers Coal Co.. Lid. made in F.ngland; color Extra special $10.50 per pair deal for this week only Phone 7. tf The cfi af I.arwn et al. black: sues H U II. Leckle Shoes for Girls. in connection with this sale. Hrhmidl wla proceeded with in Extra special 50c per pair. Solid leather and double ilh every hot of apples we Full atock of 3-ply Cotton the rourlly eXMlrl before Jude sewn with heavy duen give ABSOLUTELY FREE, wood Veneer la now belna car. Young yeett'day afternoon and Men'a Tweed Pants in a lining; midget lait; sizes ONE ONLY JAPANESE rled by Albert McCaffsry, Ltd, aajinimmeni made aiier ue fine dark gTcy Worsted H lo 10. CHINA CUP AND SAUCER In Phone 118 or 564. tf fenee wttnene had been heard tweed. First class finish beautiful floral design. he rae arisen uul of damase five poeketa; auea 3'.' to Extra Special $3.75 pair. Fir Veneer, 3 ply, full height raileil UiroHSh the rollimon Ol 4 4. Chlldren'a Jersey Dresses of room, and 4 feet wide; alao f'-hin? bat. Extra special $3.75 per pair and Rompers All wikjI ARRIVINO FRIDAY. Cottonwood Veneer, Lath and elgea. trlrniiied with rl -collelte Our First Carload of Northern Platter. Call and tee my atock. OmiitaMe .Martin, of Iti,. pro. Men's Flannel Shlrta At- in assorted col-lors; E. H. Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone vtnrial poiaM,' left on lat ninlil - tach-d ciHhir. double size t to 3. British Columbia-Grown 383. tf train for Terra rr where lie will sewn; color a dark . g rev make an' inter ligation into (lie Extra special $6.00 to $7.25. HERRING and khaki; ahea ttH to lack Miller, Use rfvil engineer death of the fate Waller Jaynee IH. Misses' Qlrdle Corsets--with Potatoes i ! 'lrfM-,1 last lllglll fritMl X and prefMire far an inquel wliirli Extra special $2.50 each. elastic. I suspender attached; Hiiri'llnii where fur the past few will lie held an Saturday before color pink; all ' 'l.' lit- Ii- iw. ii superintend Coroner Jolm irfinwnv. of Any Men'a Slicker Coal lilac. sues. Will arrive Friday. Quality BAIT who will in the , length: 3l to IS. Guaranteed. ihg I lit- pMlliiiu in uf a pipe line os. arrixe rily Extra special $1.75 A $2.75. fur Hi- railway company. tonipht. Extra Special $5.95 each. .Northern llritlah Ladles' Fine Heather Hose Oilumbia by purchasing its Mr. ami Mr. H. X l--n l.en I tell. nreniitent of til SUnfleld'a Ribbed Underwear llibhed. all wvml; nuide in produce, livery sack of interior have taken house on Vat.-iiiwt. Hallway Kmaanyeea' Inve-tiiieui in a go. .l heavy P.nglnnd: assorted color ; spuds we sell help $30.00 per Ton Victoria mid Mia Ma.hi and Indualrlal ,.irial in. re- weight: si.s : lo is. sues 8H to 10. the district and keeps money in Xrtami ' already r..m Inrneil lat ntzhl from llaiellon Extra Special $2.25 a Suit. Extra special $1.75. circulating at home. Finest on the Coast iiiftH-tHi murk ill hr Rank uf aeroniMinied ay W. J. Hill, of Men's Jumbo Knit Wool Montreal In lii-h bi Inin-f.-i- Calvary, whn will uperYi lb Ladies' Chamois Suede Sweaters Pullover r from hcrr. overhaul of the arial i"ii e style, Gloves ot extra (TimkI 500 lbs. with stripes around body. Obtainable from hy.lrofdane llateltuti whieh 'in. quality, with two dome HHI rothsr. colors fawn, I In- i id.- injitii mlirn liuti lite need at the float on the water fasteners; colon fawn and Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ur'li.lra gatli.t Ml front tln nwarmnp. 36 nariMin to 41.and brown: site grey: all sites. Armour's Mi.' It.- Mall an. .until.- Extra special $1.25 a pair. . The l. T. V. steamer I'rinre Extra Special $5.75. PRINCE I;i. .'r In ..n v I Ii. iiii. I. RUPERT 'll lllll..t Willi Albert. Capt. MrL.-an. ai Curtain Scrim and Muslins JkWil lllll-K- Willi 'l. Leckle Shoes for Boys All Bacon from A new ' tived in trt Vaneuin. shipment just I ' : i tllilil. I II.- rl.. i rv. .'II . solid leather tbroiigboiii I' ll' Null .lljuv It. Ovilir! m.l the ijueen :harlnlte Island arrived in a wide range of last n mil I at l o thick with illO iKilltlle -i'li; lllldgel Us); new design and coloring taking (he whole side, i'..ill r t.m: ies 8 to :i. lie I'niM-. HiiMii Mu.M-al tuna of Inland teal for AIImtI i 'S. i. iv ky ii -iiled lh- I'rinri' MH'.affirv ami ereovuteil Imn Extra special $3.75. Special per yard 25o to $1.25 35c ' t - ' ihtmI Honpital willt tier for the' dry h-k. The .-arji per lb., I 'll' iiHtliiiti lan'ii fur Ihr ui i lewa diwlnred Imlav and i'ii.' .Niu'iif ana no mairun the leamer will rlear tomorrow GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY 4iiioi. there hall tie likely for Hi' wlh avain. Fin Universal Co. I uiilir epi..ii.n of thankti for weather wa eneufitered on the Trading at, PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE OEORQE, 'lie Klft. tri. iiortli hihI Hie aim was Rupert Table Supply Co. . .. . . Inning briuliUy at LayiHin Hay. r i. - ai 1 1 M.lai.BI I .i t site, fvd I. . . l ..lllr Krank M'.-m. minan'r of the on the Jue. ii Clmrlotles, yealer. Phone 376 Phones 211 and 212., ton .WAS.ION V. Mlf. M. :. L'uili rtaki r. I.-ft lal mbl Cuy. The . annery at that muiH torn anvox. mm.m4., i pj. ton itiwamt, laiittit, -. fur Trrrar.. lo lak.- rhartii' uf the ha now rloaetl up. the filiinv .. PRINCE JOHN. funeral arranifeiii. nt" of (he late n the MaiuN beiiiir practically I t Mil II. LUlwta. B B. Ilrl 14. IS. SJB. Walter Jyn.- win. Ho4 over. BUILDING BYLAW etenlaa; iiioriuny liiternieiit, il DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE. All III. Illll.'I - .. Mr llllll'llllg i uinl-rti.iMl, will take plare in is DSIIT IXCtrT SUftDaV. . i r i W imui I lie rji.t. EVIDENCE IN trades an rdiallv invited lo 5 4rf I l.-l. i. - .nL lMl 1 Ullrd stair.. meet the lluilding Ooiiiiiii-sinn m aLECKIE' Agency Tor All Ocean Steamship Lines. H. 4. AND ARGUMENT OF the l liiy! at T.m p.m. Friday H.-. W. (iarnbani wlm wa. Cut TUstat OtrU, MS TalrS Ai- rrtaM a.aart. PHM ISO. COUNSEL to Jis.'ia Hie proposed in Hie rlly elrd.l fof few IS OYER amcliduHMtU' to the above llylaw. Always look for tha Name liuur. on bi way to hi- hoaiie in K. A. Wood. City Clerk WORK BOOT luroiiio wa a rli.x I ear her "Leckle" on th Sola. n Prince Rupert Mercantile ami bad hi ear anions Case Which ha Been Proceeding Mrs. L. U. Kendall sails to- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY little lomniy While. IKlM' Its a pleasure to war for. Past Two night on the Prince lieurge Mr Ihollia uul prepareil In ill them. Tin "LECKIE" Day In Police Court. am-ouver. B.C. Coast Servicei lor entraih-e lo (he Hijfll Srh'iul. WORK BOOT is built on a atunly last with first All evidence lia been taker nieetiiiu of the Pioneer Association HOTEL ARRIVALS thoughts to comfort and and aiiiuiii.'Ml ..f niunsel finish Sailingsfrom PrinceRupcrt will be del, in thi' wear. It' a strung Hack eil hi the cae avaittat the Prince MelrMie ll.ill Krulay S. .i-intH.r blucher with an orange It Mercantile Prince Rupert. u pert Co. charged Foe Ketchikan, Wranjell Juneau and Skagway al H Hiisiio's, election stitch. u.hi. Tins style with unlawfully aelliav two fear K. h leaning. A. MrMcan. SepL 4, 15, 25; Oct 2, 13 and 23. uil"ill"ll uf .if officer-. iil'u'H.sed l..'JA4ure A. I. Teanant . are others. rets of heer and Hits muruinu and J. Wlnt.-Vancouver; For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle i ..iislituli 'ii aiul lila. elr. All Hie case was adjaunied further acre. R. . Sim-Ian Sept, 9. 20. 29; Oct. 6, 17 and 27. rilueiis, xsiijeiit in the town ui ileision. UlMissea yealer- Inverness; T. A. Clarke, P. Han Your Shoeman S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For BuUdaU. Swanson Bay, prior to Manh HI IVIU are re. J. la and this mornlHa were II sen, A. Miller and John llannn Eatt Balla Bella, Ocean Fall, Namu, Alart Bay, Campbell il. -I.'il lu he plea.'lll I'loiieera: l.ap-n.-k. J. Siiiiiiufxl, Arthur cily: Mr. ami Mr. W. K. Uo.Ht can fit vou River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. t in- i. uiii iiieel inii. Turn out It. I'.ovey. (ieorye llusa and Iter! I.iala, Illinois; Mr. J. M -llride Agancy for all Staamthlp Unas. .uul ii.ik.- it a nicreaa. tt Lull- for the ilefeH.. Yesterday and I.. Olive, Cetiarval.-. J. Leckie Co., Ltd. lull i ii f"i in front there were several burst of fire Mis Martha rlewia Port Ks- W. & ORCHARD, Otnaral Agant, from the arguin; counsel. M iiiglon: C. II. liayf.xd. liorgs. Vancouver, B.C. Cornar of 4th Straat and 3rd Avenue, Prlnca Rupert, B. C. Use Our iioiuale. for Hie defence. a, T lown: J. . Smith. Victoria. W. II. HiMiper. for th erwwn. which Hell. Prince larnraje. considerably enlivened the pro Central UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED Modern CMilinir. I he il.-fence subiuilte. J. Morrison, cily; V Conner. is to the effect thai Sitfiuuiid U.T.P. SAILINQS who is alienist tu have made DENTISTRY! Hie 5 Workshop For Tuesday Vancouver, .m Kail- and Swanson lay. p.m. ilelivery of Hie lieer. la im l.mjier For Vancouver, Alert liay and Port Hardy. Saturday p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS . haw gone to large ex. a iiiiiiiIm i uf i in. coinnaiiv Por Anyox, Alice Arm. I'orl ttimpson and Wile Island, Sunda) pence in equipping our work. . Mod ern X-RAY Service midnight. Keep OcIoIh-i .'o fie.-. l;ty simp and now we have the taaet' for Naaa River Cannarlas. Friday a.m. complete simp in 11.0. uultida ONLY ONE CAR FISH Hard-tiilM !l.vii. e ritti!tiwil ! Hall. DR. of Vancouver. GOING OUT TODAY - a,-.-Pythian BAYNE Our SUff. Stuteis iUxaar in K Rooms 4, 8, , Hlgroi Block Phono 10t ALFALFA HAY Mr. Ragetad and Mr. Oourlay i'he fish sale ibis morning whs I'. Halt October ts. Ufttce Hoars: Mornings, 9-t2; Afternoou., 1:30.6:30; K.kpert watch repairinar. Evenings, 7-0, a aniull the belief one, price au. Mr. Jack Bulger Jawalkfy Iloyal I'urp4e tiasaar. Wks' ing to the thai had auffi-rient makuiK and remodeling, ilia-j lloiiie, ,ivudVr f. and STRAW to make uii n ear load. Kvl. in Hid semiiir, riora rviwir- - luwiua were the boats: tun. IteiiHU'iat. JS.imo sold Cbuii'li of r'illi:mt IUji Mr. J. Bulger Optical work, :iiurch Ma'i X.iv "i". i ,. lo Thiol h Fuhenea at ib.70 ami E. H, SHOCKLEY Mlihl testing, leu grilkdilUT. r 7.541. We have taken into stock a car just I'ligiuving. walcli repalriov, Preti,vli'iian ; ( Aid l;i. Kairwa. INMMI pttunsl lo I...1,1 x Plsnlnc Kill! Cow Cay. Wharf t Next Imperial Oil Dock. both of which of ieIMMIUg. etc xaar, h i idav N . . f load of each, are si,.rae at ll.lm- and 7c. Phone i 3S3. I'lieliua. B.Sim H ld Dingo 5(I(KI FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKING exceptionally good quality John Bulger, AND lo C-dd toruge at 0c ami 7c. TIMBER3, 8HINOLE8, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOW! Th Jewaller I'maJle 3ihmi I,. Al 111. Kisliuiiv. HEMORRHOIDS Agent fori THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. al luc and tic. Robertsot & llacketts 8aw Mill, Ltd. or lUiuurri-uiUs. Kv J. fyfe bmith'a llardwod. Whan buy uralc.l iswaiiva iwiira4. I CiuMw'a "Lamatco" 3 B.C. adveriialny yuu ply Cottonwood Prince Rupert. UtnlSMat win r.U.v. ftm at an n4 Panelling. P.O. Box 745 Phone 350 buy (JIIUMT TIOX and ee that SffeM Umtrng kMHalt Sa a lau; , Oarland Company, Roofing Paint. you g.-i i:. tf