WHEN YOU WANT A TIIK NEW TAXI 99 main YOKOHAMA in a hurry Phone CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME tlAKF.RY ALL, NEW CAMS Phone 636 - - - - Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper vol. .XIII No It 'ill, ' PIIINCK IUPI.IIT H.t Till It.HHAY. HEPTKMUEtl 2. I22. THltrMl'l CirtsUllM 1UI Strsst Sslss . PHIOK FIVK CENTS '.. "n . TURKS WILL ACKNOWLEDGE NEUTRAL ZONE FORMER PREMIER OF GREECE IS ACCLAIMED: REBELS ARE IN FULL CONTROL Near East Situation Seems to be TO BE SPEAKER. FIRST MOVE Prince Rupert Man on Train 1 TROOPS FOR That Left the Track on C.P.R.; Relieved but Still Somewhat is LaB WAR SCENE Rails Spread Going to Nelson LaaUEP -AB t - in i Regarded as Serious by Britain aTJaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBVA raaw aTJaaal (Serial lo Ihe liaily Nevv,. Machine Gun Corps Passes NELSON", SepL 28. The uperial train carrying delegate from Ihe roa.l to Net. off Ihe track LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS M Through Vancouver on ran when IIK miles out of HHL nfaaTaaTJ Vancouver, mining a delay of eleven hour. There a no dam-uge CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept 28. The Tnrki-h Vil.unuli-I- Scenes at Victoria MCTlinniCM MAC to the Irwin and Ihe paenger4 were unhurt, although lliey will in principle acknowledge lli' 1 1- 1 1 1..I ..t tin ,.nlaiif lie- IfUUluill H Au were .omewhal shaken up. Seven car left the track. armistice conference In be NrtM'iatl llntish S.I, rji I.. l,y Xmwh. landing an in liy On the train were praclirally all the Vmirouver and Viclorin 'SHOWN VANCOUVER, Sept. 28. ilelegale a well a many fnim Ihe iirrotinditig dilrict. Among Possible War between llril.nii and Turkey at least lent PROGRESS iLLLLLLflLLLLLflLaC i rLLLLB Silent as clam but under the Jailer was lien Self. Ihe theatre manager I mm Prinre 1 1 u pert. averted b the declaration tit Hit- K.m.ili.t. The l".-t-r-ution "mobilization order" porwrily a party In all there were 2IM) on hoard. The train arrived here Ihii relieves Ihe .ilualion which I ff admitted of non-commissioned officers cveo, lnliH u- and Ihe morning delegate Are taking part in the Work of the Figures Indicate Increase In and of the Canadian inlicat. , men convention Much ha been .lightly delayed. .ONIK)N, Sept. 5?8. The llnli-li lonci innent today take Membership, Income and Ei-a machine gun corps stationed There are preeeut here alHiul grave view uf Ihe situation hi the Ihirdaiielle. 11 is regarded ptndlturte. BveeaaaaaaaaaBTeaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaV at Esquimau, passed through ne hundred ijelepale from .i crttM'Al s U) ieverhalow development in (Ireert. The ohiiiou' here last night In full marching VjiloriH and Vaneouver I.land THREE HUNDRED i- generally Uken I hut llere is now a greater pro pew I of fiarl - or. CHOWN GIVES REPORT, order. It was gathered ulone irii)e lhoe from Vancou nig between the Turk, and llrilih than at any previou lime. I that the troops had been ver and mllrr place on the, .Mi.iape hwui reply M ine warning agaitfi vmnmhhi hi Gensral Conference at Toronto summmoned to Winnipeg .oa.L Meni'ier nf Ihe iirovin- AT OPENING OF i lie tietitntl mnh i being considered It) Hi cabinet II i regard. Get Encouraging Newt under secret orders, but It It ciat rabinel with the exception of. ..I a unsatisfactory Reeard to Work. believed they are destined lion. W illiam Sloan and Hon. T. The Creek revolution ha added an ever deeeiiing furee In t for the near east. I). I'atlullo are alo pre.rnt. I BIG CONVENTION he) near fttffru dif ficoltie. and the allie iicr a more complt- TOIcOXTo. On!.. s..,,i. .'8 Family leave taking scene llepreentalion for each emti- led .lUlalioO IfiMii fT. people are aking how III di appear- Hy lanadian Pres. I noi F. A. PAULINE TO BE at Victoria when they embarked liieney al Ihe convention i piven1 re of Kiilfr (iilHiiliiir and Ihe new internal silnaloui ill Greece tt,. ni(1 teait llu (ieneral were similar to those on the bai of ten delegate U,r caucus Went Fully Into P. Q. E. will ailed the nue.liuii uf Orae vacH4ioii of Ktolrm Thrar r.rrrrii.r will feel that when SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE of 1914, the men promising each meudier in the Provincial Matters Yesterday Aban- r..inrrd l thr allte and inild iimiii the Krmali.l a i l be full reH-t uf lb I4iurrh' to Christmas.bring home a Turk for Hou.e. flural rutitilueneie. donment Does Not Seem ,arliitie. r4iiraliiia,t. iirltuil however, are allowed extra repru-i " Selected by Liberal at Nelson; Favored Turte Still Advance I " lid rially redemptive, are pre. to Succeed Hon. A. M. Man- i .eulalion on a lmi of one dele. " M.NSrASIINn..K. . w. rilAMPPQ IM MHlei in it. thai Ihe ht amsd- on In Chair. ale for every 55(1 voler on the BUCKAM COLUMBIA, It,. I.Kk raalr fn.w KrtMkeu,i j, tlllrinuEu 111 irennium ha been in man re. tit. with u uilniniuin.of leu dele-1 ' i aiaiM'inK iruaii hv iurm-i i .(eel. the grweer-l MbWhJ Usui V. A. Hi'.'lLlal. nf Smin- OE VALERA QUITS; iUU . j CHOSEI1CHlEFJ!WHl uk.Mii .iual(in aHariilly mi h Hie-- MelkH.ilJtfWTrTfrn,.TMW Irh " ha been -efeelrl by I he LIAM LYNCH IS" NEW To fitfWiifJHAIatKttie'lrimM in ' " . n.. vtr t rut ift Ike llrilib TIME TABLE lli l"Vr kMWH.v l.lbeial aewri,liij for Ibe pro- ' HEAD REPUBLICANS XeUmi 0ii week the upeeial train E'-'N- Sept. 28. Hirf Hhite iU al V.beiMr. 1ie 'I1n the latetiieiil of Miiriul romentHiii wlurb ofwueil i of C.IMl. .leeper. ha been parted!,'V"dr' M9? I'fe.enl liniub m4aMin. iiituorlmi b ar-! H,-. S. l. Chirtn, freneral ell-rliilrudenl today to be peaker of the l.eitie. I H ill.IN. Sept. -8. in the railway yard, ami delegate xiieii i lie provincial i.uierai ron-veulioii till. r. fc Wit I haaak t r.wtn-t.i Paeeenger Trains Will Arrive i,r Ibe Methudi-l lal ure in iK- e..imi to Hon. A. Eatitonn de Yalera and hi not able lo set into hotel opened here lbi morning tiiaL The kriimlM ireu. at 5:30 and Leave I'.hureh in Canada, at Ibe tien-eral l.wW nleiS-W ..MM friend bate uli.lieulei sleep there. The convent iniU were form, 'l. . Ulttmit IBJ(M.Tt..U IHI'tllUM at S After October 1. ltnfrenre uf Ihe MelhMrfil M. Man.ow. He i lonked npnn aerortlilM lo the Free-man To Pick New President ! ally welcomed lo .lon by m,. rBMl of iMnii'tek Iiihi- Clmrrh in I la da wbieb ieiie a Mir of tb .in mi'nil r nt Journal, and I.Um A Hisilion of unofficial but al.. Mayor C. F. Mcllanly. .iki hi Ihe Hrullai ! ". Thi l A new time table for the fur it quadrennial elin lie re the H !!. Lyiieh .eliief of .luff uf ufo.l eitial intporlanee is nclil-ally Ihe Parifie Great Eastern nit. Oku iirtli ilali n I Um nra-t. dally passenger train service liNtay. The new i,eitker deniKnale Ihe llepuidieaii.. and hi lo be ftllisl by the convention. ualion wan fully dicued in i!n .MMi. fix ii-nnnlraiire over the Canadian National "We tall ttiHe f Ibe live at ikik Hay eloae lo the eolleaaue. are in prer. Thai i president of the Liberal raucu ve.ter.lay put no an. failed U Railway between Prince Rupert .tali.lie fur Ibe ejuadreHniUNi a elly of irliiiia. He un Ihe The newiaer deelare Association of llriti.li (lo1um)ia. nouncement on the subject was I II.. HrMlsb iIN- ! and the East will go Into briefly a MWibie." miM Ihe eal ii defeating ll. .M. Kberl,-now hai I lie li'-pe. of iihIhumI M. A. Maolonald. K.C. ha. held formally made. From opinion -gathered, Mir Hlrflire. M TtirkUh liaxi'l effect neit Sunday, Oct, 1. tteueral Suierinlendent. "We 4 Ju.tiiv Kbert. anl wu re peaee are tia.lie.t by (III that iHisition fur the pusl seef however, it I evident Iie Turklali N.iii iiah-t- ' will The westbound train will mil jirise them eire,l an wit-iic.ite. eled.'.I at the Ixtt election. He lieu event ami Ilia) the year, but there has l.eeu umcli Dial there i Utile or no sent I- t 1 tiiirtl Ut atlK- Dial tley arrive here at 5:30 p.m. In-stsad In Ibe intellectual and wa formerly a partner of John llepubtK-au leader are irilirisiii of hi fajlure lo call a inenl iu favor of Hie abandoning ! l.-leral the ItirtlfWlloit "f, 2 i" of 7:15 as at present .pirilHal life uf Ihe :iinn li I hey 1'ierry in the wholesale dry ii.mxI. forcin? their follower.. Iu convention in that tiure, and it i of Ihe railway thousrii the Ah- i nn 4ttta in 4lie iwilral. mne and the eastbound will leave vtill al le. beirH etinfiiieiiee in Iiuine iirior lo Mr. l'ierey continue In Ihe biller end. hardly likely that he will be re- croft.Clinton cul.off may lie re-romuieudeil. I tti.- anlaiielle. Ihe 11111111- at S o'clock In the evening any iiilerenletl per.iw hi neltlllil tip lillMiie. in i'rinee leeled. The (uelion of f the v..rk f flllfili4 Instead of 7:15. Otherwise linatll lie inilueed by mi"reire--nlaliiiii Huierl. Two romplelMiu i ill o Princn (Seorse -oceupieil name are prominently i i... I.kel ill-Mi the Kenill the service will be the same In fear I hat Ihe I'.hiirrh mentioned a hi successor. They the allention of tlie '- ti- viarraiiliim nnlilar) ar as al present with westbound i. ileelinintt iu ulrenath. r. uiini.ler. J. A. (lauipbell, idem of Hamid ! hIimh-iI lien-, are pre In addition to eudorsing F. A. trains daily eicept far a atatioliea ran repeal, i- Greek Revolutionaries the Vancouver City Liberal Association, M .in in(i!"i'. Tuesday and eastbound dally laekiiiir in any essential eleiiH-nl and Itriii.-iien. V. V. Pauline, member" for Saauirli, as Equipment leaker, Ihe raucu clioe J. A, Sunday. eiwpt f .wrpenw. odium. Mr. CaiuplMll I and other details will be Iu department there ha a young Hiiekhain, uirmlier for Columbia, SKI'S PRICE every his in man who, one year as practically unchanged. en a train, Ihe tilfkihil re. May Set up Republic; president of Ibe rity association a chief whip. The new time will be fuMnuv: ' turn' arp a lias established a hish reputa IS GOING UP even more ' acceptable In For Quadrennlum Ending 1922. tion for energy and ability. Prince Rupert for they will lal inenibemhip uf Venizelos President I Hris.-tien. Odium's fine record VICE-PRESIDENT allow for longer visits of Ihe Chwrrfc a a soldier and a business man United State Will Have to Guarantee tourists both coming from Meinlienihip Yunnfl i -i greatest asset th political 1,600,000 Francs Clear the south and bound east IVnideM' (irtianisa-liinia CONSTANTINOPLE. Sepi. 28. -.Former King Convlutitiue .tiviiiilh, hut us be is already of OF C.N.R. HERE or he Slay In Europe i and vice versa. of Greece who ulidicaled eterday is rejHirled lo have beeu im- parliamentary calibre, it is be. Local officials of the railway Sunday SehiMil foree. priaoued by the revolutionarie in Allien. lieved thai he will be held in l'HI. rW.t. - liiMinai. are eipectlnq the tour-I inrliidinv officer A Miction nf llio revolutionary army i imbued with the idea reserve fur Hie next iKimiiiion M. H. McLeod, of Toronto, I Accompanied (-i are .till bhmIihh '"r 1st traffic to continue and leaehera 17 1.3W of a republic and Hie accession of King lioorge may be uccoai- election, when bis friend believe by party of Construction i inii Hiki to fM in the I tnt-i ! winter. Many I amount ieii Officials. throughout the lot it muied with diflu'Ulll. hr ran retrieve Ihe laurels lost finii- The olored H.au prairie farmer ar planning for all purpose. An imre..ive jkro-Yeiiiielo demonstration occurred al in Vancouver South. uiairer ha bihk' hh '4 that the flo to th coast and by Sunday Sehool Allien Ukl iitgtil- TlHiuHund of eole. including troop, paraded Henry '.. Hall, of Vieloria, a M. II. McIHid, vice president Hi i nlllllllllll "I ai'i'HUlBBH i on wav at least will likely ant Young iVo- I la lreU Miiging nttd acelainting Vemielu. waving portraits former member of the Legislature, of the Canadian National Hall, ) i Hther Harry n li or Harry Prince Rupert. iilea' trmnUa!iiii a.6KH.6M ways iu charge of construction; via - - -- - j travel of Uie funnel prMithM-. they, - - i also mentioned as a M n- mHI be a iui- "f I.StMI.OIMI also be some Tntal liin of the ('.. S. Oiowsky. assistant to' the There mav fttarrlHNl to the Hrenrh legation rjAfJ D A M17 DIIT possibility, and Ibe Interior people nn eiiuie ! iiMXWM) Ut.! although t'.hurt h for all ice-presideul in charge, of con. eicurslons pur- to special eryuiK "Yivn La France." KUD DAfllV DIJ I are said ! have a desire tlii-e (etiilii( iik nttl auitilMe .l7.3i.77 strut-lion, U. II. Campbell, general delln-I i none have yet been iMie The revouliomiri liave orcu-iried bring out K. t.. Mrljonald, M.P.P. the I tilled SliH' - iHtUat t4ii llely announced. i lift fur Miinii all .latent.- point ami WCT W7ITII II A II of Vernon. uperiutendent uf construction, it reiiiMiii in l'.ui"i'"' and raT ' Bupr animation fund ,i....ir... lflL and W. Hum, engineer of construction, ' rlnd m lien! nlof man. i BIRTH. InxealwiHd e0ov fTunnmL all of Toronto, form a n-iilTlinr an off. i- fi"in I n I ...i. ta. i ii I" Mr. went S,333,I7 GEORGE IS NOW party of railroad officials who Ml ii meet tin winiii'i "f Ui'' Ur. J : Amlfi .!!. uf tUe Bd Amniitilii until by Cir- BIG CLEAN UP OF LEAD AFTER arrived from l!u East on last 1 'tlri.HlillH flHtit I..IWHM It'M'k- lll'-rk ut Hie .. n.-i al lltjdal uita fr wlnilnr-iul night's train in llieir private car ! uni r'nink Moi'iiii yi'.liTtlay. nupporl H.HMI.HI5 KING OF GREECE No. 5 and who are spending the lutal value Churah CEDAR CREEK Three Bandits Killed and Two day iu the rity prior to returning ,,i,.,M.Hy 5.t3.Kiil Jailed at Eureka Springs, i . East loiilglit to Lucerne Liberals in Caucus at Nelson Iliee rtaP When uweiner Arkansas. Crown Prince Succeeds HI Father from winch point they will ure an llluiratioti oi ine un- Two Rockers Take Out 56,000 EMIEKA SI'HINiiS. Sept. 28. Following Pressure From branch off lu, visit the lines lit Plan Regarding Future MiMbMM id mueltinii emirluaiona Three bandit, were killed and ' Army and Navy the soullieru part of Ihe pro. Adopt Gold In SU alHiul ll tMferU nd lr-,e.. Worth of Days two have been Jailed following vmce. of I h Oliurrll whleh re the mbliery of the Flr Xa. ATIIKN8. Sepl. iK.Grecce has. Mr. Mrl.eod stated this morn. Pacific Great Eastern Railway mil liaeil upua aeliwl knowledge VANCOI VEIL Sepl. S8. iUm-firmalioii lioual Hank. The men, who were a new king. Crown Prince George, Ing thai his trip was merely one ,,f Ihe fnela. They in.lre uf ie)Hrted tarue ra-ttini heavily armed, entered I lie town who married Princess Eliiabeth of general Inspection and there H" "nle. Iln- Pal lull., i-idnnj. llmnk for the U4t and eourae ill u roekrr elvtaiuup iu Hie and looted the vaults of I In. bank of lluiuaiiia, succeeds bis father was untlilng of special significance Nev. S, , ml . auli-riUtieiy fur Ihe fulure." r.edar Creek irolil-plawr ait a i UkniK $5,(Hio in bond and Cunslaiiline on lite throne. Pre In connection wild U. This NELSON. Sept. ;'H. ..mide- al"t' lieim brouuht here by Man J. Johnston, 5.ooo in rali. A bank ulerk sure brought to btar by lb army is his first visit to Prince llu. ur the ParifH' Ort I a.lerti .taleil to le tlie iliey d-t-ulml iH'- Miss Vila llavidsoii ails to ol the Ikiiiiinton geoloaical ur stepped on a button nouudiny and navy made Ihe abdication qf perl for seven or eight years '"'Iway Iu Prinoa tieoriie and Hi LtlM-ral euu'u U ..1.1.1 r..i Hie .iiiiltl ein'oiile lo .y, vtti.i ileclare. that in the an alarm in five of the elly' (tonstantine necessary . since before Ihe taking over of mlloii .if (lie line vbttls lilit da Hriarttinm. The ilue.l.u falir.'i ma I" join tier ni.'lliei laim of Hie l-.lm I'.ieek Mining : principal business houses. When I lie line by Hie KiiverutuenL Iln I'hi.iihmU in urUmtn with Uie.uM all the llwe t "' 11 ' Hllil ..lller ibrrs of t lit- ram 1 't inonsaiiu uooai i ' " m ine roinier iiicrjieii tney were Ilalpb Smith, of Atkm - Meal was formerly general manager " -"luaii r(iurt wtti the nail' 'I'1" ir'Metn i 11 "" All I. II here III.'II I ll- . ild wa taken nl in day in.-1 with a hail of lead, The Market, is epjoyina a week or Western lH S for l Call. " t tt tuii Tuf lite alliwnt imiimii t trttntuttHuU lrw rvvsei . ili recovered. holiday at Smttaws. atltsu Northern. ti- t uiiciia ud :rii o ti.- r.i thr pout. du.