’ 18 "Chevrolet Six First in Quality — First in Valué Sold and Serviced oy Che Daily Netws Tomorrow's Tides Friday, October 14, 1932 ES cei, 0:59 am. 20.0 ft. AIEN MOTORS LT 13:04 pam. 213 ft. at 52 “It’s Service That ake, BI cmnetecetcerint an ae at 7 “up, tan NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER wh ‘ = “ae ¥ ~ es = |. XXIII, No. 287. ‘Vo, a2 PRINCE RUP E RT, B.C Cs THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Y Lo, , > . — —- == xADE TREATIES ARE TABLED NEMPLOYED HEAR SOME PLAIN TALK BY CITY COUNCIL REFUSAL BY REPORT IS SALTERIES — RECEIVED quest of Fishermen For Highe: |City Council Accepts Opinion Price For Dog Salmon Denied City Solicitor Regarding Work- —Considering Situation ing Out Poll Tax of NEW WESTMINSTER, Oct, 13 Overruling Ald. Casey’s insistence he demand of the British Colum-/|that there appeared to him to be 1 Fishermen's Protective Associa- | no good reason why the city, if on for a raise in the price of it wished, could not give enough | or dog salmon from three|work tc men who were otherwise | each to five or six cents has|unable to pay to enable them to rejected by the Salt Salmon|meet their poll tax of $5 for the ackers’ Association of Canada,/year and thus qualify for the mu-| couver, according to a letter re-{|nicipal voters’ list, the city coun- by W. E. Maiden, secretary of|cil last night on motion of Ald.| mer association | Macdonald, seconded by Ald. Black, | fishermen will consider the|~eceived and filed a report from | the city council last night presen-™ it a meeting today at which| ‘ity Solicitor E. F. Jones to the} ted a unanimous reply to complaints f the canners to a ad “J {fect that it would be inc mira | on various matters that had been | for higher prices will also be|vention of the Municipal Act to} presented by the National Unem- with nrol any persons on the voters’ list | ployed Workers’ Association of this | householders unless they had | city. Incidentally, it was suggested A a yet te ogo ating to the association that unreasonable EW PL, NT i pale a SOURt emerding WF) complaints and suggestions by in- jin taxes to some other municipality dividual members of the association | rr were exemp | could not be met by the city and} IS OPENED a eee Pe Oe would only serve to injure the cause ‘ vas U » de in which the members professed to heels Turn in Russia's Largest 7 not be working. At the same time the Single Undertaking Under ee Pee WOte Ie German banners, scores of them, took a prominent role in a gian* steel helmet paraded in Berlin- council gave assurance that its sym- “Five Year Plan” Lee oe -" - e-| templenof recently. Her¢ i view og the massed colors. More tha» 160,000 men tock part; the pa- pathetic consideration would be vent th fron ng’ rk. to| rade served as a demonstration for the present German national Government given to all reasonable grievances MOSCOW, Oct! 13:—With much} 2>¥-Person and, in a like manners 3 itineceihetitein dina seid $$$ | 214 that everything possible would ny attending the occasion,| °°” P ' th be done to rectify cases in which senshis ohh finially onened |?" 2 , e mat-/ there were valid reasons for com- Russia has officially opened), | peopl esirous of exercis-| ® e . plaint st single industrial project, t ranchi it the munici artet 0 I ) five vear plan”—the Pig rigs and a wen [ ? i n the presence of a large aud- eh cheatele davainn. {oe : mn ang wee oe me ience of unemployed, which inclu- Dneiper River aes _ ° * ded a number of women, the whole in connection wit ; re Pr fe rences B reat ritain e ituation as regards unemployment of which American en-| ; Vane : 7 akc v y 3 elief was given a thorough airing. hh teneutem) mart Uy SO! ; rm ‘ Speakers on behalf of the National nnlethil wall elise ¢ ache : p : ~ a C ® Jnemployed Workers’ Association er : |stitute a1 e _ oncesstons ré a v in eturn were T. W. Murphy, Charles Chap- r un eee feared. wis ian, Mr. White and W. Kohornen “! |migh< possibly BO we vor The matter was introduced by the SCRIP IS inf the election if adopt q es iayor who, in reply to a letter from ss sorter the twhaithenk bo 9 ny 2 ‘| Practically Entire Range of Canadian Natural Products| Phone Department ee eee ee ee DISCUSSED le the report of the solicitor be-| Including Grain, Fish and Agricultural P roducts Cees wae published in an ee ng adopted with only Ald. Casey] Are Favored—This Dominion to Take Had Surplus Last News on Tuesday, announced that nui Machinery, Textiles, Ete. the council was still of the unani ity Council Decides to Get More Information As To Cost of Operating System TRAFFIC ON A 1 rather length; seats) LINE AGAIN] es and pt ble disad\ tne systen ¥ re al ce ee ee | t hern Pacilic the finance committes | Repairs Rushed to Sout rern Ps tailed report on the yst of Railway Through Tepacachi and operating a rip Pass 1 connection with tl ’ of relief as compat! BAKERSFIELD, Cal., Oct, 13 ‘ t f {ti W re present tem of ‘ chi Pa " pecified stores umed , a . sendin rip proposal had been be rday N a , ; ouncil two weeks ago and! cloudbur vhich resulted recently ferred at that time to the/in 25 mil bell een committee which, in turn,)much of t ried t altogetnel question back to the coun Or tn id. mel worked on light without recommenda 14-hour f I the in ~inting out, however, that|/'Two mil be 1 would be considerable eX-iplaced entirel even new possibly $60 or $70 per|pridges have had to be pul u involved in the printing of n addition to which more Work in the treasurer's department AME FOR he city hall would be entailed A ‘ollart suggested that the) ; nd might be met by issuing NGS E *ank relief orders and permitting A a reeiplents to purchase goods dciaitiainenaly al store: = rased Ald Ma do or o io favor of American Bar Association Hold the oer band f ie ie Prohibition Responsible For > Scrip a trial for a snor in US. me at least. If it was found to be Lawlessnes too « stly, the council could revert : si T er mace the present system, He W iSHINGTON, D< wen oe \W where it was possible that the A report was prest snted to Ul “ati ad { ssi t : Crip system might give the recei-|° !can Bar Association vin pi lle? a lit tion here, placing the M of relie? a little more pur ‘sonven l of the present rule ' r “A8ing power, If he found that sponsibility fo Sa ts tes . rip system was diverting all gangsterism in Unite : a yer bac ntn to Oriental stores, ;/arge extent upon the Eighte a »v , Act 1 did not maintain the Amendment and the Volstead At ‘| “ d encourage andard as that required of white which are declared to enc Yo he would certainly be in law breaking. 1 ) Of discontinuing the sys The report followed a year « i . ee ol Macdonald said At the a committ ‘Continued on page four.) ne by y) ness same fay lavor Ald tem same vestigation by association. the | Relief Matters Give Ait Airing By Council; No Ground Found For Discrimination Charges Unemployed Hear Some Frank Talk From Mayor and Aldermen—Unreasonable Suggestions and Tactics Decried—Casey Will Not be “Bulldozed” Giving assurance that the city was doing everything vithin its power to provide relief for unemployed men and their wives and families, reiterating its former stand that work should be required to be given for all relief that was disbursed and finding that no discrimination was be- ing practised in connection with the conduct of relief work, | OTTAWA, Oct. 13:—Prime Minister R. B. iy rly commended to the House of Commons yesterday Bennett The city telephone department} f cases where there was just rea- he Imperial eco! iomie conference agreements, tabling the oe a oe . oe on op-|3on that recipients of relief could pacts entere .d into by Canada with the Unite ‘d Kingdom, tration im the month of September,|not work, and that no one should be |South Africa, the Lrish K'ree State and Southern Rho- according to a report presented to} required to work a longer time each | desia. Among other things, Canada grants the following he council last night vy Samuel|month than was reasonable. The . the United Kingdom Massey, superintendent of the de-|*ouncil had found, the mayor con Widened British preferent sail artment. Est:mated revenue for|tinued, that there had been no dis- tes on 223 items in the Canadian * NEW TRIAL the month was $3137.53 and expen-|crimination on relief work against .) g&sedapeiben citure $2621.63 foreign-born workers or any other |" : setaile person and that all were being fron al re er on OF SEN ATOR treated on a similar basis ieted to use for f rings, tron oa |steel parts and machines for use in Fraser Street Council “Too Autocratic” | Canadian factories only, all forms Of Charges Against Davis Will Be Re- *] 1° After the mayor had presented his lwire tramway tracks and mining sumed in New York on Building Is In report, the delegation was invited, machinery are given preferences November 28 if it desired, to address the council Alcoholic beverages including li Dan erous State Mr. Murphy objected at the city }quors, Wil ind ales are favored NEW YORK. O 13:—The new g engineer having referred a matter }up to as high as $2 a gallon com= 4.5.) 06 senator James J. Davis on - of relief to the chief of police and | pared with former rat ; while cigar charges of conspiracy to violate the The city council last night re-jcharged the city council with hav- jettes and tobacco share largely IN\ jittery laws of the United State ived a report from the city en-|ing become “too autocratic alto- [oer eucuons. brics | 2aS been set for November 28 after S!neel Oe Lamyp ca srs Boome .ether The particular c sae betas Cotton, woollen and jute fa ie ‘| the presidential election building on Fraser : treet wes In &}¢omplained of, Mr. Murphy stated, |will have ‘inreased preferences) 4 ow trial for Davis here was| Very dangerous condition and that} was that of a married man with two | lranging from free to the former) ,.dereq following the recent mis- !t shoula either be repaired imme~|children whose wife was. ill and jrates ho ul diately or closed with a view to de-| pregnant and who, for this reason, «thracite coal will have in molition. The owner of the build-| was ynable to work out back relief | eased preference of ten cents per ing in Vancouver will be notified| 4; had been demanded. Mr. Murphy | ton bv wire, the council decided, What Canada Gets : Halibut. Arrivals In the following is included what United Kingdom grants Can- Summary American 56,000 pounds, jand 2c and 3.5c and 2e. Canadian—Non¢ American the jada Free éntry into the United King dom for Canadian manufactured products excepting in respect to a very limited list of goods, Canadian; Kanaga, 43,000, Cold’Storage, 2.5 manufactured which enter|and 2c the United Kingdom free number | Sirius, over hundred commodities 2 Preference in the United Kingdom Charlotte, 6,000, Cold Storage, for practically the entire range of and 2 Canadian natural products | woods 7,000, Cold Storage, 3c one Pioneer, 32,000, refused 2.5c » and left for Seattle. Restitution, 12,500, Free entry into the United King-| 9 dom for certain timber products and (Continued on Page Four) \for Seattle, 3.5¢ | Pierce, | } 7" : Canadian fish products, includ-| 10,000, refused 3.5c and 2c and left! contract with an American scienti-| | fic A | al stein and | will leave Month of $515.90 _ DR. EINSTEIN “| COMING OVER: 'Eminent German Sc ientist Has Ac- cepted Life Contract in United Sta tes BERLIN, Oct. 13 eminent -Dr, Albert Ein- yerman scientist, mous opinion that relief should be vorked for under reasonable condi- tions, with due notice being taken assured the council that the Na- tional Unemployed Workers’ Asso- ciation’s grievance committee in- tended to interest itself in such cases and warned the council that land might happen in any other place too.” children under 16 having to do ;heavy manual labor. assurances, no clothing was yet available for children under relief. Mr, Chapman also complained of shortly for United States, the accommodation provided un- | where he will take up permanent’ employed single men in the govern- | re. sidence, having organization, accepted a life'ment warehouse at Cow Bay. Mayor Orme replied that the ‘Continued on Page Two ) ‘what had happened in Newfound- | Charles Chapman complained of | Also, despite | GRONAU ON WAY AGAIN ) Will Continue Flight to Germany in Day or so on Gronland-Wal } i RANGOON, Burma, Oct. 13:—Re- pairs to the Gronland-Wal, giant flying boat of Capt. Wolfgang von Gronau, German round the world flyer, and his three »companions, ire expected to be completed hére within the next day or so after which the aviators will make their next jump into Calcutta in continu- ation of their homeward flight to Germany. The Gronland-Wal sustained no structural damage as a result of the forced landing with a broken water pipe on the Indian Ocean 200 niles south of here. ACTOR IS __ ARRESTED James Hall Charged With Failure to Support His Wife In Connecticut LOS ANGELES, Oct. 13:—James Hall, moving picture actor, has been placed under arrest here on a war- rant from New Haven, Conn., charg- ing him with failure to support his wife, Mrs. Irene Hall. Hall claims that he has been un- justly arrested, asserting that he has made regular payments of $200 per month to his wife as agreed | upon when they separated a couple of years ago DIRECTOR | SUICIDES | George Davidson Believed to Have Brooded Over Wife's Attach- | ment of His Salary | HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 13:—George | A. Davidson, a director for the Fox ilm Corporation, who was found hot to death early this week, has been found to have committed sui- ‘cide. It is believed that despondency over the act of his former wife, 'Thelma Roberts, in attaching his salary led to his rash act, | eintthipiiniciajil panda | eee eee eoeoeeees \* + + DATE SET FOR WORLD + + ECONOMIC CONFERENCE # |} e + LONDON, Oct. 13:—February @ }# 20, 1933, has been set as the | date for the opening of the # |e world economic conference. In- \# vitations have been extended # ;* to many nations to participate. # s oo [e909 9? 99 Se