..Ul 2 10M. THE DAILY 'NEW9 PAOR FIVH STUART SHIELD rrnlh- fnlllwr (hem 'II : Amlff. Kellar wrnmll mm Second,Half linlf only , Mnrktnloh. Onv ami I IHIfif-'tM A far n Hip Hnnnaf fJnnmln JBrlr. TO CANADIANS wn ronrrrnrti ihrir fTy In lit. Hon if Cifnada Sroll: V. ernni half Km n ,t frrrM and Wrnilra a; II. Mrnilr.; J. Mil. Ihry srnied in rent on UiHr oar flirll. Dafl and (. HMIrlirM; U i wild alnm.t drHhrralr allempl nl flnr. Vnrrrn. .1. .Mnrfca, R Cinched Trephr by Beating Cab whH"k time by kiekiri? the hall Markd. nljUtr. i lies Last Night 4 to 1 !iiiMi Ihi- Hue liulrad of keep. Sv.irr- Hr ilf. i: Klspliorn. I a una ii in piny. In mir ihe (for Son flf ilan'ada : Wrwrrn. 1 : i To Holders of Five lh-r iint tli i:iim- in latl' n"h "n ffilvr and J. Mik. I : S. Mark, 1. Year IP football name by rorr "'7 ,ri'',, l",r,, pralna .he play The weather wa eo4il ah.I I. Mir Son nf Canada lookl"!''' 'l" wwal" kphndid murky and ihr nltrmLinrr w ! ii m thr Klmirt llrnefit rnU. nolahly tho tf nw. klln 5i Oav and Jork cent Canada's i Urn winning their fourth 'lntll. IIow.m,, per iJllri? wrrr fring fliraiiKt. I Ik n.phy of the ar Mp, and tliry jn mivH llirm. S HISTORY mil at cf. 'Ilifir r OF ' from a niiul-oiit rtrn loin -a.y. not only thnui&'i hrforr 4hr final wlilnMr wltrti Victory Bonds mii iM-flu hot nl.o on or. : I lav. 8ilt rirrd friin ronuwl THE f Ml -f ihr rnlhT wwf liimliijr GIANTS llakrn liy Hatr Jark. Ii km-, It' 'If He.i. in ihe firm In,If when Ill, K "- made nil their four 'rllleiNlowii lior Hi flnUh Hni Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922. i ' - ul rnl Iwn of v ! It jllarry Mrntir, llir 'fulinn , Ni. for More Than a Quarter Century m ilnln and full hark, dlayr I In t by Mi frrir of nun They Have Lived up to Their riinldirahly w hrn hr kicked I he Km i Mame n on IJtP Scolll.h hark Imll aky ItlBli mar llir feme on In u..wi-wr. ii Canadian al- CONVERSION PROPOSALS lwi orrnion. Shortly iM-foro -U.wi-.l their sniterioritv at M:V VftllK, Sr.t. I8--nianU Ihr rnd a inlnuli' drlm pnnif ifi lh9p period timl wen in arfion n, Wr4l a l rtalilrr." fli i .ini' il ;i li-fil. II wa only in aiie when OmHIr lllyf (e and iiiumhI old Jhii Malrtr. onr day THE MINISTER OF FINANCE .offers to holder, Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail IIM' . 11,1 hair that thr Cliltir .hr Mnttliorn rollidrd, the Hltr morr llNtn ifimrfer of a rrnlnry thee bond who desire to continue their themselves of this conversion privi!ege should take II' - ! any Uj. ni all and then llnir lrtiiMintrny inrafmrtlalr.1 aao a hr a( otirrinr Ihr Xrw investment in Dominion of Canada securities the their bonds AS EARLY AS POS3IBLE. BUT NOT If .lit l. . lie lion' "bare of afirr iintmir rrmr,i a iM.fi. . ,,f!Vork tram. Ihrn an airarriMliun privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th. to a Branch of liaril Klioft in Ihr roir-.e of the Chartered Bank in Canada and any receive in Ili, of exchange i lav ami niily nriaafd aia.ftMtlrrM. UtrMr U vfcorv bonds narrow xsrid. a bearing 5 J per cent interest, payable half yearly, an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing more than the snlilnrv my a a briry-hoOk man wear of either I'rrtliaiiiy ihr imi.l ni.lirral.ir of the following classes: an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of 'tm .it,, Tlrelr way msr orvrn-lrainie aool mot I.I win or ihr . the issue. Mayr rxeninn :tmri new li. 'i t Im'ir Um CaUle on Maralhon rare. (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November, r i.i,-d (en men. CnrHe hffr-B- Ihr 11,'yilir HOW,no, ai imiUh).. rmht for i:er iorr thry tnvr lirrii Ihr 1922, to mature 1st November, 1927. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest ' from ti rat, ef plavril ,,(,. h ,Uttf,n "tiiant" mfrioiAy, rotir. payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their .iii al... tli played aBfllnt tn W" 4ieal mIIioii for thr Iilivrly and finanr taffy. Jim wa (b) Ten year bonds, datrd 1st November, December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of v a.h' and wind. The play f rtilrr and rame riour t4. moHns Ihr "IKvldy .f Ihr dianla" and had 1922, to mature 1st November, 1932. coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured l.litcrlf on more ihan one omn. Ihr coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion riirhl In it.uml w.t almoal entirety In Chi,tlir, Ihn.mh not atUrh a niukrr lo While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st purposes. an rv. Ilia fiwuraltxe K iiiarlr ami only nrn rrirnrrd propm?. Nil wlirti December, 1922, bonds will Jhe new .,K-rn,., howr.l tnrtii commence to earn ' bar' rotor tw rtoe N vltrrnd hi now faKti tdtra The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks r .'f ro. 1ir Hon' Kiwllr,prn- hal Rtiifhl no har Iwrn ri-aiin l hr iNtl ii out nf im4r a.liiiirti-tin, interest from 1st November, 1922, GIVINQ A BONUS to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where thev will al ravt hi mile rii-rMViit A OF A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE be exdutnged for bonds of the i.i inr i'rt 'n lonlt wtdr hot rnn.rtrr HHnr otr tn new issue, in fully i. ft fornrl wfattJi rnMunl vrr. hr Mai k hrtilhrr I,.whI him tiMtrprd hr irrinVttrnnl funr. AVAILINO THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION legist ered. or coupon registered or coupon bearer form i "t llir imal nr lit llrt. Ilirir alur an.l ... .It. ,rei,. lM lion and did Ihr bapfiainv. PRIVILEGE. carrying interest payable 1st May and 1st November l-rrd otiUhlnaiiK hi. of each of the duration of the the tioal for llir Sttna Thr Uiant are now 40 rrn year loan, first interest . n.r, ttllrr 4ir wan vllrfnr.4 at (he game. Jimnrie old. Mnlrir hronahl Ihr Huh in.l This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds payment accruing and payable lit May, 1923. Bonds ii. v uttrWatwanM nfrninr Mllrhrll ant . Im. lMlf Ihrlr lo exi.trnrr In I HU Iry Indiicinc and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be of the new issue will be sent to the banks for a nlly own Ml Half back. Ihr Menttie hnv. delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered U --ay wlio bandWI. Warrrn nw.lr Jnkn R I lay. a rahM fan of the issued under this proposal will be substantially of the bonds. in- kW-wnt m. tto iiIhUW man, a Ionic afr rlraranre MtrlMiriM day. Ui finanrr hi-. I same character as those which are maturing, except frwMl Ihr firtl Uark httr ami Sroll ttha. The bonds oT the Jim fMik Ihr maturing issue which niau-toent are not ir onthrr rtmrtnc that the from HrW. exemption taxation does not apply to the . !" Iry In im. l'U)n vnal to gnrirl adtanlatir in nnd playrd ihr firl MHt onj converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on whirl, w MmKl half, life nntf mti.m( ..f Ihr old Polo rhound. Ihrn on I new issue. the 1st December, 1922. V-.I by Jlrtrr Nil Mfl x ht umi when he raMnl mi. l iflh Aenur. ratitina a1nillanrr! "i trntln(i4y f ( n a I all. ..... . Uu 4'MtfHf Mark hunt; Calllea' ui nr aiinit iarur in it ,n-H W. S. FIELDING. rMf front Hm Playing Ml yrar hy rrplarin; Ihr Troy ritnrr HHfera, vIh r4r. m. (.am. Minister of Finance. m ll.it an.i.lMo ll.irr fHr oiinulr . Irfl fnr rttrlr. mtUK II..- Some Old Timer Dated at Ottawa. 8th August, 1922. nimtllr morr a. In Ihr I'illrr' lltvr.iip n fhe On thai "ninr" fianratKrijr and i tl.rfi. Mark tot Hi 4M Naif. NMd Ihr ( .how. .irtuallx a nine .wifh no Mttoli. HIim 0 itMXlil wU havr brrd UW f Um foranl tin of ik.i lute 4ittrltrr Tlir Ai-otish nor ratrher. wrtr fwrlator hlr. ilay an.) Jark, kttrr. al. llitrk Kwing. ' Mir key Welrh. uroAW. ffntanliiK air o Miadr gt in Ihr tnrf hair melielinjr tieornr Ifcivi. Jai-k .'T i,rr lUtnimr. Iai (lillrtipir anil leaving r.ana.la for ii.mkI a In HpntitM. . IHIIm Htl MarkinloAti a dridHr off K. Hakin. all hi MMteulr mm. lolr. Iiartry Watkin. Arthur will rrtiirn lo Ihi idr of M BASEBALL fr.Hi ulMr rttthl. Al rHrt llir Ualf UrU aatr arr. Mulrir reiitainnl a Itatnaurr until Irwin. Hill J..rr. Captain A. C. .wianilr nrxt yrar hut hr Ihrn ' finUMwr Ihr j). ,r m rrtrr, knil Kinstiorn nwlr ly wttd. aa irImmU ti. rrnih. Ab.oii. John II. lvKrrd lloey inleml lo .rillr jirmiaitrnllv in NATIONAL LEAGUE. LADIES hHntMr-tk ofaitlU nwny naUxi a aia at full i Van id I in Im.1. Vn f.ll Inirk Kwihb. tieortrr Smith ami Ka.lrrn Canada. Hr .lau lit lirooklyn. O. ltlon. 7. 'i- mfekftl M hal. lift rouM fmi4 hr MaMd for M.I i. t firk al..ttir di....-in of!M,r" rrarh Knglamr in lime for CJttciiao. ; I'llUluirg. I. - i-h Ho tih an Ihr CalMaa U allhotish hr tin- rraiirhie in IK9S after Ihr' McOraw Cornea In :iiriliin. hut will Hn. a holi. Philadelphia, 5; w York, Attention! "fllwi llM-m aM Um hi hr aavt one that m lull ha( fiui'lf-il fifth in I8SM. John Jonh Meiiraw. day in Ontario hrfufce ji'fitut 3-J. if nW I lo nil. a.o- I am a specialist in Ladles' (lirttuah Mm. Thr full hat-k J.- mlri-u Kn-eiliimii wa lite lrn ut llarhat," i-amr to ht arn.. Mr. liny Hell i. now in COAST LEAGUE. it lli im Sam wa Ihr wralr h.w, in en M-Aiu-r. K-iiiintoK etinlml fo:- lu'liu in IdOj after hr had lol hi thirteenth yrar of rr.l.lettre Sealllr. t: Vernon, S. tonsorial requirement and I t4ty rnotlMll wln .Mi. Hidndnr rvferee.i ami It , .Kill ,.. I.iit Ho- i-lith wa UK-il.olh hi heart an.I lira.I in tl. .J.I In Ihi rlly. Kvrr lnrr hi ar. Lo A n mle. 7; Sail Lake. 8. am Ihe holder of five French Hianl ItMhtfehtal 4m. R.ntfi and l. Wausb im. r,"' "'ha San Medals and eight Diploma rr Mir4-ra.fi. fini.hin- In thr r. Ilallimorr lrnrlr.-i.n.l fliill,..l worke.1 mrrKrlirally Kranri.ro. ; Sarramenlo. ir Um I'jtlltr 'cHtl torn. Ihr plater Iwinir a follow-IjiIIm ..ml itiv i-i..n m errv y.-ar rxrei.l .rroitd fjrt yrar. John T Bn'' pr, ly l.iwnrd develop. 3. for llairdrrssing. loar and yri in tlir llrwr; Ktniihorn anil IHM: In hi. -uthl-y.-ar i.an 1 llni.h. NiihJer of Ihr ore.ml in,. ,nir aH'lHic of thr hrltrr kind Purl land. 0: Oakland. 5. My specialities Include Marcel -- Ul.- imrk- .. in the rllv II. .. Waving, Faca Msaeage, .Mnrmy. Ahhiai Soil ami l u'. amp- i r,., .ii,,,,,, itn.i !. .-n iiutiai-r.. jiMiKinir rtlilirr, t)mrina 1 "'i i . . :v. . . .. - Shampooing, Hair (In llriittl. Sluilimii u. iI.a trri iu kirk a looinau on Ihr Til MakT IHDDnVCUFtTP Singeing, , r i.n. ""I U. 1. . wharf a dotrn yrara t v irmivi um nu w unui I Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and afcssBBsaeBBal , The foMowiiur year McOraw" ago ami hrlird to organiir a BOAT CLUB PREMISES Violet Ray Treatment. l. am won Ihr pennant hut refu-ji-il wrii a playr, in ihr flrl Sonm Toupees and wigs for gentlemen B. C. Veterans' Ltd. t ilay the lto.ion of Knglaml fonthall tram in Ihr and transformation Ameriean Weekly P. 0. Drawer 938, Vancouver lot the World ly- Trn year acn he look a Lease For Property Signed Yesterday; for ladies. Switches made GAMES TO BE PLAYED OCTOBER 7, 1922 ,! 1 hr rrlu.al led lo Jiaiiiiioiihip he forma '" P 'n thr aailalion for Vote of Thanks to up from ladies' own combings. (!un of thr former McLean "" r,H,",N- Am at your service any time uiioii in Ihr followina year and Football ui ai oner matte iitan.tatar' a t wiinmrr. Mr. Iav llell wa one At a mrrtinjr of direcl,a-a of Ihe by appointment. Phono 694. Competition jne of t-oitleot.-t for Ui HUprrm. of Ihr firt mrniber of Ihr. Princr Itupert Yacht and llnwinz Chas.LeClercq Primv It tine rl Swimminir Club ju. y of ihr world. Thr (.iaiit won Uuh. preelili'iit Dr. W. T. Keruti and for one 320 Slith StreeL i the pennant avain Ihr net ear .uranon wa nffirial pre.t.linB, it wtt derided to rrert $10,000 IN PRIZES anil defealed the I'hiladelphM Irninrr for Ihr .orirty. Hi dr. a home for the caretaker of the AlhietirN. four same to tine, fit.-the pa rln re from Ihr eily will he i rluh on thr float built for thai iitanrr or rest re I jrenrrally and rirpoe at Itlle. miinmer. The new $5,000 $3,000 $1,500 $500 j Harry Hemp.lead, in 1011. in-.- it er i lit hoie.o return.that uomr day hr nitty I'tiihliniT will ro.t nhout 5tU). Edson Coal Co. riKST I'KIZE SECOND HKIZE THIHD I'KIZE IIOOUY I'KIZE . .-ele. hi fatlier.in.law, John I". Yrstrrday a lrae for Ihr nro- Iliu.li. as head of the (juh, and irty wa rikurd -with thr Orand Mall Coupon to B. C. Veteran' Weekly Ltd., P.O. Drawer 938, Vancouver !x year lalrr gnvr MrOraw a A Good Sport frrunk Paeifir Ilrvrlopmenl Cmi At our last wa are aide tn aup-ply Play fair at all lime. new. eonlrarl wIim-Ii inclu.l.il nndrr wliich Ihe club undertake JU1 k VI 4ii.-.U lUUI Play hard to Ihe end. w-Ul.ll lo jloek tn thr oteratin(r ntiirpany. pay a dollar a yrar rent and hi Keep brad. I Two year latr Charlea A. Slonr. Ihe Late on an 87 foot frontaire Famous Play fur thr joy of playing ham. Kranoi McOuade and Mr. nmotinlinjr to SJ13.KP. 1 Footbail i.raw purehard Ihr club from ami for the mifee of hi Irani A vote of think to M. McLean! Competition I a jrood No7 thr llruli etale and Slonrhain Ohey on I Irani of fnarh workrr.or rap wa...... pa.wd for hi rxrellent workj EDSON COAL be.-ome thr premdrllt. lain. -.." 1 1 in ronnecuon with Ihe buihline of Ihe float. II. C Vetcraiw Weekly limited Hoe hi he.I iii all ..Ki In .Hi any quanllly, by the ton 01T0HKK 7tli work. Persistent advrrtlslnsr Is ah. or carload. C.et your order GA.MKS TO UK PI.AYKI) Hack j Sport Chat hi learn In every hon solutrlv hrflratarv tn ur.ee in early to avoid tha ruth. (i loiter e:l. frUU. CMiia-INl4m 1tmm It wVh k lklUlil. ri deal. . . ,...... . . a g-""- - .1 . m. . Phone 68. 1 mm k fl ru.i. I- in t ...t.- .M. 1. kli a hv Ik. ium M t.U.b.4 t tb M lilve iia l,llM WMklf. M I Ik. A.lvUI 4WUa M MAl mm Htmtlf M-rl U J" At (III lima when opponent a .w.i a re Offloe of Prince Rupert Feed ruu. . ,.,.f ul tMUu. Tnililii ..( ;Im4 I- t" ' i""!"". ir""! lntrret in deal. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES . ! uiM; SI. tH Hll k4 in Ihe Shiatt Co Cor. Second Ave. and UI; . tu t Mil.Ui. Jk m Shield football eoni- rr.periru lo official. Aa MtiaikU, iieliiion may he appearing- to flai !) ailver.e d.H-.ionk srae. Thurilay. Seventh L Seplrmhrr 28 AMI.. SDoaxas... ii win Hoi ie lo ami remind io4iy. Kxiiecl the uffirinU HlBh lo t Mik ttk ctu U i. mttnu. U u Bum; A U Af. 0 It Dr.- fan of Ihe worthy object that enforee Ihe rulr. 7:35 a.m IC.rt feet. IU 33 p.m., 17.7 feel ttBM M-l eM a, t i C H. S o a. Cm fx Um. ihe proeeed of the aamo are hrn hr lor. coitKralulate Low - O.IS a m 6 , aoux IXkM awat raan MAD MAD b"iii devoird The Popular Restaurant. MAD HAD HAD lu. Thrre lill remain the winner. OKe hi opponent Friday, September 29. Iwo fixture on Ihe schedule full rretlit. I. lo earn correct hi iHljtb ' H.tH 'StlfAL w. aaowwicH a a.m., ia. lo be played off and fan fault throutrb. hi failure 2(:5ll p.ni.. 17.t feel The Boston Grill T0M VIIAA TOTTXMBAM H. I will gel their money' worth of nrn nr wins, rrnrruu. i.ow i;3o - 7.S a.m.. frrl. " tOLTOM sr. HVDDBasrLP T jooer heide Uelpinjf la u M,MMj I iitthie.t. i ronid.ratr. -11:31 p.m., 0.5 fret. Third Avenue, rau.e. Ihe nrxt jtaine will he AI all lime i true to hi Sat unlay. CltUI jf, aOXNLST j tomorrow niKhl between thr hiuheNt hh'aU. September 30. Delicious Dainties which Illjth-. VZQ 7. frrl. will tickle tbe .in, palate of the SSADrOlO sun of MiKluud and (Irulio with I aenllejiian CITT LXICCSTCa CITT a and a mo.i SI:3I pjii.. 17.8 fwtt. most particular diner. me uaie o lite ponipoued Sou Canadian. ooTxatax ,citt S0IT or Knylttlld v. (Millie iiialrh yet I.ow 3:18 a.m. 7,1 frrl. Private Boxes for Ladies. "TSTrVLACl HOLX eTT lo he eef. n all probaldiity it "O dar!" aruniDieu .ih.bhyJ . Sunday,15:53 pin.,Itelober 0.8 I feel. Open Day and Night. will lie minie rveiiiuK nx week. All White wluMi ordered Help. XSTKR CITT aEHTroan 10 im ouy Wll lllah 10:30 a.m. I H.J fret, Ihe oap. I jtut wih I ;?:5 p.m.. 18.1 frrl. fOITSMOQTa I'rin.-e Itupert i lo loe rLTMOUTH A. one wa a tliH!-k. I.w t:S sochmlb of her rtal( plonetir nirl rry "Why do you wUh ihalf hi 10:51 a.m., 8.7 7.0 rret. DABUVOTOV PJii.. frrl. oon ill Ihe' or.oii of Jotiii Hay mother SkkeiL Monday. Dolober Ladies' and Gents' USOpw CXtTJO rAXT K TKJTU T llell who eae a week from ' Vjwun I wouldu't liavr to wash High II. auiu 19.1 frrl. Tailor. Lt Sunday nijtht for Ihr soulli en. my fare and hand then." OltKMOCX u. -explained 30:8 19,0 p.m.. feet. mule to Kaern Canada and thr youngster Ho.ion Low-,. 5llS M.T.LEE a.m. J.o feel. England. Mr. Day UU Is not Transcript. r-Q' 77 rkaae 17:3fl pjji, 7,fl i. Red lit