9 AOT TOOT THE DAILT KEWS WadnP(l.iy. Apnt 19, r, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus bHES OOT A CRfZAT the 100 POOR "TOO DOrVT THIfiK wav te r i JlS I'D OE SMOtSIN" hit me WITH FELLOW - I til I Oli: ABOUT U f HOUR. "bOON HOME? THE. N it we fowo or THEM - tHE txxV ec mcr AN HOUR A. PARLOR IF WlfeTBECRATt T-Rt MUCH DAV- 1 iHE WU2.-DO v 1 V Aooor -cm: -7 - root? o o. C ft w9 r MRS. K4T - I V-JKH of the Com- TJUI dmll f merciai Motel,- 1 Pah. m Poolar. B.C.. f rmr aay t I foaadZaat-BekafrairraMdy forpile I tiJ u Jered for J tar.a J tt a , tmrnmr. tmartinr paioa were so uitteM 1 WW that at nn-i I ronW scarcely wa!k.adT f fit? M severely weakened by Iom of blood. I MKlerwent a turrical operation ia The Sacrrd Heart tloipi'tal, Spokane, bat irithin tvrelv months Mr piUt grrv again, at painful at evr. and taw and heard evervlhinp. a "lJmtmmli, hot pouhicinf and o-nIM ' pde csrev' da) do Rood, bst I UNDERMINING Are Pressman. (.Mind Tan-But iinmedatelf aootbiaf. The (iovernor reecplion was a I r gave wurw'erfii!relief! Wheo.asIkfFt idifTV'-Pitt liurKi'i. They bail pretty Daily News Classified Ads. on tlvirmiK. the piles begas to ilis-anpear. PUPIL'S FAITH tweeds alid siloo Hip I Iwmw a happier zai(LSereot jgood common niua. 1 irrJ hi bnteaoi thi herbal m Tomorrov Alright garden swallowlails such as 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea than BOc 7am Huk is aJl. bat ibe obstinate- and I'riici- lliiperl .ociely requires m taisfsl dnease wa thoroughly orercotne. Inspector and. Principal of Vic 'the tel eveniuv fteeftsinns. Tbpy MY PILES WENT 3 YEARS AQO toria High School to Conduct 1 P jTttz.'mBH , id not, however, thai precise WANTED FOR RENT I CYCLE REPAIRS. ami t haven't had the trouble stir," r Vtn Zam.Hak for aootbinc away aay Inquiry. 'ki'ld necessary to insure Iheni WANTED Men and women In TO flKNT FiirjinliPd room. Cycle of n( .rrjakps repair soreness, irritaiwa or smarting paia. Classing the guard al the iotr. U-arn the Jlarher Trade, by the Steam heated. Hoard if desired. and baby rarrjage rc-lovi fantaatlV It eSertrre. UThttLtr (It trnwiite rs l pIes. itchier eczema, cr aa OBJECTION TO BOOKS. I What were Hiev io do Tlo'V only method in Hie world lhat Hume Conking. Norfolk Cycle Accessories. otaiiaale' woonj, sore, deer, barn or j wanted tin sec li reception, al will save yoj lime, ftml money lliioin.. I'houe lilack 329. It Oul of lown orders proinpdr klU. Zam-Iak titlt dittate trntt. viirroni.i, A.rii tu. r.. fiu-i jtlioir-'li Ibey were not i.-irlietilarly and fit yo.i for a position al tended to. and grows new healthy skis l i I'Ul llu- (rulli of (iOODCIeail I teds SI-iO wonderful aorlioii- Ilia! keen !o v receiveil. I hey were worlh wh;p. Wo gu.ir&nlen from per J. GAWTHORN Zain-ltok's war refined herbal essence act Ilif bitory lau-lil al lh Vin. ' lit lo see everything of an official slcady employment at jro'hl week. Fishermen's flesl. dale 51 1 Fulton Slreel. or.iht inutratV4ll at thennltr tiiiuts iria Ili'h S-hiirt ilr-i tli( I rainer olne 'S :i"o;r lit nature, hut hpre 4h Imr werp up wages. Write now for beauli Pioneer Rooms. IB7 3rd Ave..K. Titer soothe, p.i-ifv and beat the skin, rrlizirMix fallh of- lhr fliulnlr. riPiice which i .i'-. ..Hiii many and they vKr on Hie oiiUide. ful illustrated catalogue. Moler SHOE REPAIRS ai ii cleat aura- -.;.a. j. iple. biotches Ilt llily Srhrrl Iloar.l nrdord lnilti of creali-in and v'w'xn? IO Hk.NI'-furnisbed Modern Apartment, uowever, n lakes more man a -t Mc 3 for iiarnpr i;oilcge, 30G Mam St tn box, a- sores, as ruu broader or unfurnished. F. Umbrella Repairs man a horizon." he add t) i5.aU- -irmitt r.as iaorea.orZam-'Bsk a inoroiivii lnveli?alion nilo matter of clothes to deter Hon. Vancouver. H. (',, V; Torrmn TK1AL SAMPLE lor I Ik- liiiriry IpsI Uifk urit in Hi" cd. TllPr-eforc. I fav.ip. Hip full Alex Manson, Fred MauMiii and W. Hart. 4 If Clothe clenifed and prcsurd It stamp it i his paper is mentioned. liialriciilalion rla4ra. A emiiniil-tof pl eiuiiiry into tliU mat 1. r. of Mike McCalTerlv when Ihey nr.'' HFIJAHIJ-: agenl wanled for llu BOARD. Suits ealleil for and! ih-lierfd fit lli l...anl. Miitiicirnl l-r'-ior cour.p anything we don't like j anxious In gel thece. 'Iliev pert liislrn l. The Sovereign Phone Itlup. Itcnnc ami T. W. (:rncl. VlibvPrivp" of our cone.eiilidiiM, scraleltPil llodr IipbiIs and looked l.lfe Assurance Comiaiiy. Head HOARD -Inlander, 8.10 Second LEffl JOHN :i-Ut of iiialririilaljnn liiliry bill if Iherp nnyHiin? laiisthl in a eaeh other and theii M-ralrlii'd orfice, Winnipeg, Man. Write Avenue, phone 1.17. If S44 Third Avenue will i-i!iliift In iiKjuiry. Hie llizb Selio'ol which sub their heads again and made remarks Cha.i. A. Pyne, Prince t;eorgc. BOATS FOR HIRE. RE.-AIR SHOP Tli lloaril'. (Icri-idrt In ?M to vprK rtf Inilh I will do evpry- -.vhich .iiind-I .nmeHiins manager Tor Northern Hrilish Oeneral repairs, iiigini. Hi.- Ix.ii.iim f tin' Ihin? o -ee that Ihp emirHe i Coluinliia. AUNCH ga "hfrf.y" iio-tioii like "ilamp." 'llien II onuleil- "NarbPlhong"- We -e!i doves, Ircks keys, r'vvftu- mu. wa rirnvfk.ci ! a loiter allerpd." of ervh e-. Phoiip lilack inn. tr anre one lighted up, though chines, bicycles. WA.VJHD load of dry kindling. graiiiopli..iiis Accordlnq to Text Book. fr..m Ilfv. Xorman Smifli hieh birlti -win. ave lo Hie bright "I think enquiry will how that Telephone price lo Daily News ENGINES FOR SALE. mid eleelric.nl appji.lni'f- ail lluil c knew nf II it Slmnl iilea was not slated. "I have it. office. ROKKJAR BROS. Mr. Cornell i-t ndherins tf. Jo the ftuiIciil- who had ahandontwl boys. We're journalist." Second hand and iu good running ?0 Third Avenue ttv.t p.xt book." aid Tm'Mpp ihi-ir rrliioiis hlitf. a a ro--ull Mrs. "That's Hie." repealed McCaf- FOR SAL! onli rv t-..i b.p. Standard; I-30 Phone lied uK f llicir hilorj sludifi. Spnfford. fery. "I always was fond of news EDSON GOAL b.p. heavy duly Huffalo: t-l "lU-fnri. "I understand yon looked into FOIl SAM-:. -Jtl fool cauoiiv Inking k rour-f lli( paper work. Lei me in there to b.p. Caille perfections. Ap-ily CLOTHES CLEANED Hip matter before and ahsoled launch, Tt b.p. "Ferni" lielir-N lild wpr: ManV nrd of ake a look al the typewriter." engine Prince Rufiert Hoal house. and pressed by latest STI AM Mr. florneii of all with reverse iTvery. blame, finding gear. lhi COMPANY rtinirlion; incarnation f Signed the Roll. Phone Red If pressing -process. tiod l Uf nnr Savior: lh arpn.J thai hp taught only what wa in thing completp and in best Suits called for and delivered. Corner 2nd Aye. and 7th St. They made for 4 he pre- gallerv ion of ClirUl." Mr. Smilh wrolr. Ihp book," obervPd TnislPe and signetl the roll as representatives condition, carpels,, cushions, BOATS FOR SALE. Phone 649 llrnwn. II seem unfair to ak etc. Also one varnished 1.1 ft. "A rul! of the a vur thp of various journals. Mr. LING, The Tailor him lo commit liirnself 'furllier. double ended row boat "Turner' -IK fl. boat filled' with t h.p. wrr- yivrn ahd lh following up Dawson represented Hie Prince Best Coal rplit'ioiu Ik-MpN arrived at: I cannot ee ibal any good would built, with two pairs of Caille Perfeclion engine, can-ojiy HYDE TRANSFER Rupert Daily News; Mr. Manson. t'tfi. In first class come of it' spoon oars and rowlocks'. I'.ri-quire shape. New Beliefs. the Omine-a Herald, and Mr. Mc-Caffery, " This dopsn'l bear on Mr. Cor. F. T. Saunders. MaVlne Apply Pj-Jnec nuperl IJoal-house. Phone 580 I Thre wa no ppcial Hie' Orange Spntind. neit al all--Jt; merely: L art. p.f Stal ion. Prince Ilupert, H.C. 01 Phone Red .191. tf General Haulage at rvrlalion of Oo. to MlP llPltrrw Wearing; that dpvil-may-c-'irp px and fort 10 fin'd out what I- ih this prpssion, with hats slightly tilled FOR SA1.K Cheap One American MISCELLANEOUS. Coal tniok, and what it i dofu? lo our Lowest Prices Cliri.: was only an ordinary and with a leer Ihey enjered the Halibut hull. Hi I her complete Agents Rupert and PintrM r" jyounsr oeople," said Mrs. An- 50.00 REWARD if I fail Ut grow man. The inrarnalion. galh-ry ami al their own initiative or not. One pleasure boat 2.r Globe Airless Tubes. orew. hair, Oriental Hair Root Hair at'iopinenl and reiiiirrerlion mi- became members of Hie great feel; fine for this harbor; One Second Avenue "When an inquiry" 's planned Orower. World's Oreatest nfpr.ary and unlru".' fourth estate. From that boal 18 fpeel. Other vantage open gas Order Now! Phone 58 into what booli Mr. Cornell is Hair Grower, Orows hair on 3 Chri"! wa a ptn1nonhr point ihey watched Hie reception, boats and engine. Apply BAGGAGE and EXPRESS recommending lo his students it bald beads, tl must not be only in Hip .anip pnp a othpr saw Ibe shaking hands wiib the Suga, llayview Hotel. If by is a reflection upon him," advised pu where hair is not wanted. nnriPnl and nultrn philooplipr. oyernor, and revelled in the WAKEFIELD'S FAST PARCEL Municipal Inspector Iieanc. Cures dandruff and all J'OH SAI.B "Narbcthnng." Jl is scalp 'i , (.hri"l moral and rlhical thought Iha-l.Tor one occasion at DELIVERY "Hp can only recommend fxKiksj my intention lo lake the case Iroublps. l.75 per Jar. " olandanl no npep.arily any any rate. Ihey were rakish dpvils Prompt Service. NUrht FboTjes J. - G; Steen. 57J authorized hy the Iieparlment of iulo the Admiralty Court and I Agents wauled. Prof, M. S. W Long-wilL blae 270 , mor Irup, final or bindin? than onnecled with Hie formation of Phone Blue 418 l-xlucation; o it l a rpriection need (he price ftr00. Crossp, i 18 I.oan Ave.. Winnipeg. Day Phone 6 any olhpr moral rodp. public opinion in Canada. 1 money, Stand: Oil's cigar Sb upon the Ilepartmeiii.' j Hnonips K. FrPPman. Man. "(5) OhriM was Hip founder STEEN5L0NGWILL "If this, is so llii-ii I want u MUSIC. f a rpli'ion only a Zoroaslpr full investigalion." said Mr. ENTERPRISE. FOR -SAI.B Cedar rowboal, 18 HAULAGE AND TRANSFER Sheet Metal Work I and Moliarrirnpd wprp and Cliri Siverlz. "if the. teacher is de The chief of delect ivi-s was fl. long with wide beam, in PIANO SCHOOL. 1 a 1 . 1 1 lianiiy i noi i)-fiirily final. aiding illicit sliil. good condition. Price Phone 189 Method. All for parting from I lie path of an Above the 100. Leschetizky gradf Agent McClary Forneaet .-iniiili' Furniture Removals f A 'pnpral idpa thai man his duty we should know it and boulder, nf Hio motley crowd Also, Kvinrude, price $100. taken and special attention Sanitary and I it PKiIviri? uftwardit naturally if he is no he should he protected." f onlookers protruded Hie ebony I'ullen, Daily News. tf Prompt Service to beginnpr. Terms Heating Engineers toward pprfpption, liavin? Prince Rupert Transfer no Mr. Sivertz pointed nut ivad of a huge negro, who modprate. I IRK Warden's . JIM STURGEON 6ti Street and Kruer Street rirpd of rPvloralion.Xor?ivpnPe watched Hie scenn'wilh Potiy. saddle and 1 thai a sehiMil of geographers in a help, CHAR. P. HALAONO, Pnnee Kopert - - - or ararp or alvaliorL bridle for ah cheap. Can Hie United Stales now bPlicvrtrt less, sad exprfssjon. The chief ST. ELMO HOTEL Rand Mock, corner Sixth nd .Mr. Smith prnphaKizrd thai thi that world was flat while W. J proceeded lir smash everything be ppii at Hudson Hay Raneh. Fullon. J'Jiohe Hlue CI3 U Iptlpr wat in no pnp a rharpp liryali was figliliu: I lie evolutionary in sight, and then bad the various Smithers. Apply Mr.. A. M. Rooms lo let from $3 per week up. ayainl'Mr. OornPll. nor asaiimi theory. coils and kettles loaded on a 1 1 well. (j Running hot and cold water in For your neit Hip Ilish .School, iruefc to be conveyed lo liead-uuarters. 'OR SAL I' Cabinet' gramophone nil rooms. I am in no poiliftn," hp add. Hath. Steam Heat'-d. Modern and records: also twenty six to ay wliPlhPr or not Mr. Cor. , "Say. chief, wait a minute," hole range and large heater. Phone Green 510 Shoe Job Repair iipII i civilly iriJi"rprpalinn or said Hie negro, as lb aulu was Fishermen's Rest. Pho;i Red TAXI uiilin Hip thought and Itidy about to depart. "I'll give you 3'J'i. 9i. trr of hit punii alon? line that DELEGATES ARE en bucks f.ir that Irurkbiad of Phone riilisrlai. 693 DsparUnsitl sf MaMn and w.iiild n-ppsarily Ipail to ih"- junk." FOR SAI.K Ford touting ear in ritlisritt Branch, J. C. EMERTON f Call tleorge Rtms ruiirlii-iiiiu Piiuinpratpd ahovp. "Why?" ake.l the officer. excellent condition. Overhaul Five-passenger TiMlr- am -swt-tu-tl f.ir If n'l"-'' ,'' Champion 8ho Repair Shop bin Ihp jrrpatpsl parp Jiotild ! NEWSPAPERMEN ;'K-osely. "Ar "you figuring tin Jnl completed. Owner leaving Touring Car Its- 1: 1), s. -Marllso" anil Hie " Einad Block, Third Avenue I;it-n a tt Hip inlprprplalion --tuning a still, loo?" city. Phone 210. jj Prompt Day and Night Service lsl(.iif "llspa."r llw .KK-iiiratl.iii.-Jllarli llateu. an anil Is- 'ilin "" aiven. Whilp hriuins no phart'p "Naw. hos,M-replied Hi'e Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue fn.ni 1 hi- lrslritl r t lie l1-11';, negro. on:.- at I'rin.f )lus-rt, .aiiaiiiu ' "Repairs while you wait" ii'itiiiAt Mr. JCoriiPll. may I tk "1'ui aimin' to enlarge mine."- OR SAI.K. Rotary Singer mac. LADIES' HAIRDRESSING Wr.lililll.li-r, for a ilinroii'.'li tiKuiry into jn.i For a Too Short Hour They Enjoy bine S.l.l.fUI. Apply Gih Thompson TemlHrx will tie re-lvsl Ml t ' '' " ,1,,! udge. 11 ! ihksi, mi llw ymli Judant al tiw- - wltuf 1h ik iPat'liin?: along what the License of the Fourth Street. 9j hniniiooiug. Marcel Waving. umkr.-nnM-d. , UimoI any tinier iw'--a'"' liiip hp rpt'oiiinipnd fliuly, and Estate at Ottawa. Saturday Night cumin; Friday KMTP. Cafe. for sale, furnished Scalp T.ealinenl. Manicuring, etc., nr First Class lit what liouki Iip irfprx linl''iil Westbolme Theatre. complete. Phone 173. if for .adieu. Children" hairlrei. iKltlmL i:bir 1.In.irfi-uj.A- MOimllW.1.1.1.j tli. i'f for rcailins?" ALSO WERE MEMBERS. uig a Specially. VJi-isitT. M. 1:., OirH'tl.'IW Electrical :M "Are Waverinfl." MRS. P. STEPHEN LAND ACT. " havp heard that in many Al Hie Prince tlupeiM Hoard of bove (iovernmcnt .Tclegrrtdi Natls lu I'riors t InUxtlon llus-rl to.n.f Applr fiihirlM.to Laaia K'",",La"'- ifcflioolx rhildrpn sroundPd in t tin Trade luncheon yelcwl;fy. Presi-ien (inUw, Third Ave. I'hone Hlaek .t?5 ma lil.liin A.r imi.i Nana k. aiul .l"'lr and Accessories iniip faith arp now wavprin?," Orme in tlte chair. I'. iu tlriuiijr I'orl KaimatiNi, li. 1 ,B1 iaa iMtirw nun we. jiiiiiik i Automobile Repairs uiii Trnipp Mr. Jiprtha P. An-ilipw, Dawson, one of lite delegates It WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. IV.H.M ... f ,l..bl..ll II. I iil,i.nii. aii" M and Paits "rolh;sp sudPul ar Ottawa, told Ihiw lie and hi; fellow urrupatlim iwruiKsJ.tii .i lease n,(lis inirn.1 f.ill.ntini l. l ' ' tiandinif lopi'tlipr to pp if Ihoy delegnleM managed to gi( j t J Kxper, watch, clm:k anil iaml: iU4iuiieiii-iiia at a i.t l1'"1""1. ' ' tumie-aM ruriM-r .r u. lunte H. PATTINSON fan rplorp that faith. TIip xtmiy Hie eovelei) positions at Ihe opening chronoineler maker. I1UI1I1I, thciiw nortls-aai I rl:ni' of'hUlory in rnrlain .'ays un-Ipriniiip fif I'arliameitl and at the re Watch and Jewellery Repair n low vtau-r mark, lls-iwe kihiiIi .Bain-1 i "' uaior mark, ilipiirr weal ,'",1,l"," j First Avenue lliiti faith. W xhoiild eeption by Hie tiovPrnor-tJeneral sjiecially. liirli ttr inaik. llK-lire i. rliani- a1 Mail Isijrta wair mai-k lo ilnl tit romiiii'i"-""1" tiavp thU hook . invpxlipalpd and and l.ady Hyna. orders promptly executed. aiul silainlii( tvl ai'ifa. inure "'..''."" art with tli" Ttpparluipnt of Hdii-i-tliiin J'or lJie opejlifJX 4')' lb" sll'iiuc GEO. GIBB .in a. - to pp what we pan do the iMeaJi' had tikikeln for tfo- Mpp. Post Office (P. O. Dm 7f) WAI.TI II AJill'Ml;l"'14' Ihirt hook. Il'v Prince I'uperl. jf DM IVIiruarr . I , ahoul a very vital galler'. I"il l'l6r,-fV Jal. Bell a Cpossett mailer." gallery was filll. 'liiey iondejTil ORIENTAL GOODS IN IH0BATK. in uir. sri'iirii: cm hT of hrit"'1 "V can't thidp-dlpp a dpfinitp a minute or lji and then decided (Ut.l!NHIV. rp(ucd for an invpulijralion," that Ihey had iiun so tonaroiio'l Clean ' yapanese, Kiintuias, Crockery, In thn mailer t.f ll AnMIMSTIt"it1 J Ai: r tml In llu mailer of llw ",,r.,. Painters and Decorators Tfuitlcp Wvrrl ao.pilod. Tltip the t:haleeu ' Ir.iurier 1 1 1 it t Ihey nlamboo Fiirniliire, Ornainents. lulls im'Ht.NS(UII.b. gr-neif PAPERHANGING i a gradual evolutionary force might even qualify an members. Ware Iiy.kcts, fhildrcnV Rompers, TAIL VOTlCt that ill Oilier of III- H1'1 J KALSOMININQ affecliiiw I h relation between They joiner) Hie procession of Are coated withsnon-poroui, - Toys, Kir. Mrit. Vi.linir 11. du I he .'.111 (laV "' .r-. , I wan ifrmlnlHil li"l"1'l"' h? 're,var Piin-M religion and advanced ch'jH." senators, and nieiuJiers going into flinty gUzioc smooth si LOWEST PRICES. I'l I lie l.llle uf IjhiU H.ll(1l'll'llll- , Work neatly and quickly lie uoled an article from a lead, Hit Sena(f cjiumber and were al slass, Msde to withstand F. K. AKA8E Hi e.l,ealil and rrUle oil rarile.air bnnli.v tiat inv r'0uli'rl rlaim K ":."L tu .Miilliodirl uiuuiciiic, wli it'll once rcroijiiiii'd an, if not members, cud ussge MeClary'i, P. 0. H.H 01 Te. RerJ 5 nil ani. m.srlv terlhil. Id III' 1,11 . done. j-et l-roia im , I""' ilm A H. lay nr May. declared thai modern cjiitifif ut 1111 0 such clay as that At All Good Stores 'Hiird Avenue all aiil4 ludedMil to tin- el Jte 318 Fifth Street Phone 77 diprovcrlp jiecpiiiiaip,ij c)iurioi Of whjri njeinlinr arc made. aulivil 01 pay rti aimuict 'if U)'" Persistent riinroa n iun roriuviiii. iu pre suit rfligiou coiict'iitiuud. They ul unioiig dig fuvori'd ones advertising Is ah. join li. MrMi U':' ,( solutely necessary lo success. turrlal Aiiiiiiii'"-' bvlED iliii iu day of April,