Wednesday, April 19. lg; THE DAILY KWWO TN STUDYING THE BEST EMPLOYMENT for your uiuini u nonuu Coughs ALICE ARM iniiaren s I ' savings you have, no doubt, given consideration to cnD ciimmcd tamd; WESTHOLME THEATRE - loan ne-them on real estate, uareiuny seiectea nrsi ruA ouiitiutiiv Vriiiti ;r .it r i i An Kater concert will he held and Tomorrow morttratrpR on imDroved Citv nronerty afford excellen yuickiy Keiievea. in the Coliseum Hall on Thur Tonight Trail Ranoers, Tuxls Boys and day evening. The school chil.l- of principal, which is the first consideration, as security ti i f Ir i i. tlf L i i: 4- C. Q. I. T. Plan Holiday It 11 bard for to keen tb chiidfeo from rcn are , to lake a leading narl wen as a gooa rate oi interest, nave cwui weuw at Port Simpson aainr roid; tbey will run out of doors in if ENID BENNETT who want to borrow waiting for funds. If you have "t properlx wrapped, or bTe loo ruuch a $500.00 or $1000.00 or larger sums, wc can place your A ij eleiraliun onsi.linir of Itrv fir cfc'thinr loo euddcnlr.on. and ret they overheated ret tbelr feet soil Charles Ixmleii tva, in low 11 IN money securely and profitably tor you. ti. Li. Ilaikrr. 1". berry. I'. II kick off tbe clothes at nlrhis the. mother last week enruule frtihi Victoria, l.iiizry. S. 1). Mardonahl, Max caunot watch thrm an me so wrui lime, wlierc he spent the winter, to Come in and talk' it over. Heilbroiu-r ami Ilowanl lo.'n met she rolnr lo dof Ihe Naas Valley where he is "Silk Hosiery" Mothers ahould never oerlect the thU he i-iiy rounril la."! night ak- ranching. drr-DS courhs or cokXs hut 00 tbe first II. G. HELGERSON, LTD. for of ?200 lowanls 11? n jraitl slro should procure a bottle of Im loihlhii.' of siiitmier camp al OR. WOOD'S Mrs. T. W. falconer tiMik ln-r Two Reel Comedy, "Shipwrecked Among Animals" SEASONABLE SERVICE I'ort Simpson this yrar for Iho KORWAT risiC tVRUP little doti?bter,. . Juanila. to the Paramount Magazine. Admission, 15c and 35c -'-.-vaaiai, aiirrj IV k ak If liruj I Trail Ilansers, Tuxi Hoys ami relieves It eoutu or toU In a very shorir","x uuspuai a.t week. '1'lie in "Saturday Night" comes First lime history ! Three Days j Caii.-iiliau (lirls in Trainiii'-'. Mr time and thus prevent brourhltls. pneo little jrirl is now reeuveriiiK nice i are iiiiipc(l to serve you Darker i'Silaineil thut thr' work monia. or perhaps ronsumptloD retllnr ly. on Friday. at any .caon of (lie year, bill wr being- done anion 2 tin; hoy.s anil fuothuld on their systems. Special j ran render ud a special service Mrs. t. Smith, fir Victoria Arenue. I alrls waj similar lu that of Ihe .North. Ilaiulllvn, Onl, writes: "I hare a surprise purly was Kivt'll al this iarticular scaon. Wash Y.M.ti.A. ami a ruch va.) worthy last Wednesday three rhildrrn who lure had very had nruhl in honor 75 sacks of lalilr russ, heavy blanket, dainty f njiiorl. Already 100 boy rows due to rhanre of climate. I bite I of .Mrs. Helen ueieh. A dr- ilare curtains nil Hie unusual and girl were receiving free iriea 01 nr rent remedies, but I seem tolj?hlful even,ill? Was "pent at Iwashlng which liouewf i" "eji resuiu in-m nr. i every Irainlnj.'. A .ti!iimer ranii had and ffnmcs .vorwar rm. i h... uancing SEE' CFEDS. HQ I feel compelled lo do at this sea licen jironii-ej I hem hut it would In rlvlnr It lo them as they like it. I Ashcroft .Mill, can lie safely entrusted lo li? he liiiio.ible to flnanec it with- aluays hare at lea.-t one bottle In the FISH ARRIVALS ra . wc nave i acivcu Ifur laundering. We have spcriu. ill fulcide ai.lanr. Tliri! haute." Two carloads of halibut were K 9ja-a Our Fresh 'iiuiehini'ry for either wet or dry heins rrlre, 3ie and 60e t boltle at all fore, a pranl wa rciuet. marketed al the Kih Kxehane dealers. Put only by Tbe T. Mllburn iuck in up spring H'-anliix, and will return aiivlliiu "d. S. I. Mardoiiald alo spoke Co, Limited. Toronto. OnL this mornitis as follows: entrusted lo 'n fresh and clean xlollins the work that was lie Norland, L'i.ono pound, Potatoes .-hi,) Field Seeds n new. ns i(Uie hy the or?aiiir.alioii. was on Ihe donr. fanny K., S.non pounds, sold ! Garden and Wc also Idler a eurpel cleuuiuv Mayor llochesler and Aid. Ke. Ihe Sinclair Fisheries al 8.7c. 1 ne anair was mana'eii liy a -i-rviee whieli has given genera' ly ."puke in fav'ir of the and ic. 100 lb. sacks. j-M-aiil joint (- tn 111 1 f f .'f the foolball FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concen?rated Fertilizer) satisfaction, (o our patron. Hid lh? matter was referred to t:iara. C,00 pounds. Flatter) Weight and quality Let us relieve you of Ihi.-heavier he I'litauee Committee for ac- rlub and tht. Ladies Auxiliary. J..1IIO potillU; .Millie luck ,000 Fresh stock of PRATT'S BA Y CHICK FOOD and guaranteed work of liuuseeleuniiig. itui. poiinils ami Viola t.OMO iioiinds SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS Price for delivery direct A phone rail will put you it ST. ANDREW'S GAYE Id to the Atliii Fisheries al Mail orders promptly attended to lunch with this labor-savin? !.Cc and Ic. from dock, service. CALLIES' FOOTBALL ELKS GOOD BEATING Ilinan. 5,1100 pounds, sold to Prince Feed Co CLUB WHIST DRIYE JUNIOR BILLIARDS Hie Canadian Fish and Hold Slor Rupert $2.40 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY age Co., at O.Cc and Ic, P.O. Box 333 Phone 58 AND DANCE WAS HELD Phone 8 The St. Andrew's junior hil SILK HOSIERY sack. the Gallie' I'ooHiall Club put Mardists iiiilirted n severe de. Knid Heimi'lt'i latest starring per hi a very .Mieressfui winsi urive feat on Ihe F.Iks last nuht in the vehicle, "Silk Hosierv which will Rupert Table Supply Co. nd il.'iin'c in St. An drew's Hall leasue rixture by a score of 871 be Hie attraction al the West- a.t nishl. o fi83. The j:ik were sueeess.-lholnie totiiglil is u story dealing Phones 211-212 TIMBER SALE X39S4. I'lierp were -Ti tables of rards rut in wiiiiiing but one of thelwilh (he existence of romance in Si-aled Icmlcril will Iw nicHi-d j,y ii ind the. winners of first prizes six iranies. inodern life, which U linn.llml Minister "t land, al Virioria Ulrr DUD reme ihi Uie .scores were as follows: from a most unusual and novel Mrs. Own ii'un on km- I tli ilav (.f May, Iv. Jack Cobb ami Wick, rr IIh- purrhajr uf lirinir X33. tu eul the lall'-r haviu? to cut with W. I.auiliie CSt. Andrew's) loO.lotl'.'le. Mt.Cim n-i-t tit (rurc. Ilciiilurk. 10.000 1 1 in'ii I ttfi uf o-iMr I'llis and Sfi.uoo liiM-a; Mrs. C Ilichards, with whom she .I'turia, tr.ihsj, ;u. .viiss ii.-niu'll, iiurlrayiiir,' a m SEE OUR SELECTION OF war tvt "I Skrt-iw dar i:n.Mlnr.I'olm, dii( T.arra I". Hallway."iwalrrt tied, for the honor. William It. Arthur, jr., 130; Ceorge ). romantic little niodislc's model. Brand Fresh Roasted THE VERY LATEST a.slar lil.lricl. teid won Ihe men's cons ion. Shaw. 101. v ' U airorded unusual opportunity Two i. vi-arn will ! allowed for in ri'ttmval i'f llnilwr. Itt'freshiiients were served and . Duncan, I.jO; hddie isniilh, for ulilUins her exceptional dra-'23. Virioria.uirllier II.eartlrulara or lil.iriri ir tlw I'oivrter,chirr ForeMrr.ITHm-llniirrt. Janciiiv 1 hen coiniiii-iiceij to the -' Imalic abilities, 'as well as foi II. C. trains of Arthur' orchestra . Hamilton, lot); ."Sorris displaying a number of beauli- COFFEE Ladies' TENDERS WANTED here were 7.1 couples present I'ringle. I XL ful Parisian ;rowiis. William M. Itrown wa master of I), .lack. I.'O; II. Smith, 8(1. . I'lll.VCE Ill'I'KIlT i.ami lilSTMICT-ll.MJL PIS eremonies and A. Olitppertoti W. lilchel, 121; I.. Astoria, TltlCT OF CO3T. t. W'oiiirii'it Siali-U liiider Missionary are Sot-lely.liiviii-d MellmdUl liv ilu I on. The Coffee "that has 'em all beat" Take Hotter that I. I'. M. .Moncklon. of cliurrh.I'ort simpron,Toroulo,of a fur bullillnr I lie couMrurtioii.lo be knuwi ai OF Tin- standing to dale: icrracc. 11. 1... eurveyor. inienu 10 atipi) One of our customers, under date of March 21, SYNOPSIS for a license to prospect for coal, petroleum Suits and nir i.rifljy llrln llomr. runs and I1!. Ms. ,v. nnil ralural the ceiriralloti4 ran lie Inriirrli'd and Under-suliiiilMFd aa 011 following (le.rrllxil up to i p in. April tsih, tt. al Maple I.e.irs 7 CI55 879 laud-i: Cumiin-n'-iug at a no.I nlanted IK writes as follows: chain south of the louthwcftl or inr I'rliKf urnre liiiiM-rl,or Mles u. rrrry.Mjlr and Indian 1'earou A LAND ACT AMENDMENTS SI. Amlii-w-'s 8 00 1 0 831 Lot 1(137, thcuec norlli tu chain.,corner liieuee "By the way we wish to compliment you on your I'orl Hlmp.soii will al.Mi havr plan and Kxcetsiurs 7 3750 821 ii'jt 80 chaliit, llienre soulh 80 clulii IMTiriialioiw Tor rianilnailiiii. fli-aiina-IMiimblnr. tbesee we.t SO cbaliu to lsilnt of rmii- Supreme brand collee, it certainly stands up to anil clrrlrlc wlrlna iirolto 0 5518 758 ciueiit. and containing r,Id ai-re mmm-c Dresses ran br ii-niKnd for wiiarati-ly roixM-tlvHv If dealrrd. Minimum prt. ot flrm.ria .and Heavers 7 527li 75 5 or Hated tes!. Janixrv !!.e.ISJi.m. mij.m;to.. its name, and our customers who have used it imwci or any iciiner 1101 uere.arn r-dnced lo" IS an acre: aecond Ihw to F.Iks 7 0073 725 pronounce it delightful; "it is the real goods." 12.60 an aera I'ltlACF. Itl'PUIT M0 PHTHICT UIS- ITIimi- IiuihtI. II. C. April f Silt. IDJi. IlllLM.Vr! r.UMMITTKK. I-rr-emfilt-n now confined to sur TIICT OF CO VST. llVXUt 6. There is no question about the GOODNESS of At Special Low Prices prr C. C, Terry. eve1 lands only, ftecords will be rranted coverln jttij WIRELESS REPORT 1ke liollre tint I. U. r. Moncklon. of and IiivjcH our stork and lie NOTICE. land rultable for agrleultural purples Virioria. 11. C. miner. Int'-nd lo apuly fur a "Supreme"' Coffee. Order a pound today and wbleh U non-timber land to proupcct for ioal. petroleum and cuiiWiifi'iJ 'lial vc irn Urn- lo IS Till: MXTTHI of an appllrallnn fi.f rartnerimlp prr-emntlona abolished (8 a.m.) Illren-r ga oil the following described have a real treat. Kivi! yuii fliu best possible llif Is.ijr of a frp-li rcriliirate or tlllc I' but parties of not more than lour m Hull I la rlii r -O ve rca s I, lii-'hl Coiniiienrliig at a pout plunli-ij l-'i Lot 10, I'.I.M k U. eccllon 1, tlly of ITInw arranre for dj;ent pre-emption iii"iin imiuiii Ol I'M- miiiiii.i-'! 01 II" r l" value for you. num.-. liMixri. Map wltli jKt residence, but each making 'Olllheii wind; liarometer, J0.20 l.ot I03J. thence souih 8 clmln. tliene' LTD. .NOTICE It lirri'liV rln-n that II l im necewary Improvementa on reauecliv leiiiner.'iliire !1., sen stiiooin, I t I..,,est 0.....chain.. Ilirnm norlli u e-nalti" STEWART & M0BLEY, Intrnllon to lur arirr Iho rtplralion oi claims. ,.hain to i,r com. Bents Lingerie Shop 'Mic month from the llr.t pnbllrailon ITe-emptora must oecup.v v'ainm loi p.m. spoke steamer Princess I nieiirctncnt, roiitalnlnr 6tn acres more 01 Coffee Importer and Roasters lirrcof, a Iri.-li irrlillrale of 1 1 1 In lu thr five yeara and make Improvements to in ""' M.2rVI"".'i. I'orl Alexander alHivr iiiriiiioiwd properly In I If name nl value of 111 tier acre. InulU'linr clear-in- botiiid for i- m PRINCE RUPERT J. Arllini lloaillry. whli-h rrrtlllcale ol and cultivation of m lesit ' re. I'orl Alice northbound; 11,0 line i. imirii inr aru Marcn. ivis, ami It tef're receiviiK Crown lirant. LAND ACT. nuiiilK-i i-d 7 J I l-l. Where pre-einptor In occupation no' p.m. spoke n trainer (Jlieeil 170 Notlca of Intention to Applj to Lsait Land, II. I. Marl.Kon. itma than I year, and haa made oro ri-,.ni '" '-'"eeii 1 harl.'lte Inland Land HMrlrl, lii glsliar of Titles. nortloiiatt- Improvemeiita. he may. be llllles Ivelclllkail SOUtll- ir,,,,!,,, i,rlct of tvlnre Iinpert, and Land Keyl-try onuc. caue of Ill-health, or othei rauxe. i-arvi,ted bounil: 11:10 p.m. spoke steamer """ rront of Mk -y lu 1.01 I'riiM-e Iiujm i t. H. C, p-termedlaie rrrtlflrate ol tin 11 i.i.d.i ?lt 'lav i.r Mari-h. I'jlt. oroemrnt mid transfer hU claim. I'rinee lluperl abeam llella H'-lla Take nolli-e r'ansilian I I'll 4 Odd stor Ilccvrdu wlihoul prnnanent re. l'i:30 noi'lliliiiiiii'l. age Lompnny l-lmllnl of I'rlnre lint'cri II Hartt m.M;f: iii i-kiit i.axm lilSTIUCT VIA dwnte may l iBKueil.. provided sppti occupation iimi m-an-i -. iiin-nn 10 apply Saturday TIIKJT or (lAST. llA.MiK i. cjnt nial.eM improvements to eilent of head 'free Point- raining for tiermi.-rliiii to h-a-e I lie following de Thursday, Friday, 3i irr ttniMim and rwrU wn.e rci. .crlbed ijndi. i:ommenrn at a iiobI planted Take iMt(rr that I. V M. lion, ol year, failure lo make linprovemeiils calm; barometer. -". :7 1 : temper. one fool In a soiithwclerU dlrei-iloii fr-iin Terra''!'. H. C. orcnpalloll laml mirvenir or rei'ord peine will operate aa 10. a I II 52: siuooth. Ihe iHirlhwesleiiy mt or Indian llncrt are 11', sea liilenil" t" apply for a lli-pnse to prnfperl feilure Title cannot be obtained tn No. In. thence 10 feet mure or lep In a $ or roai, tiaiurai ami is'irolrum on tlx ,e!K tliun i years, and Improve'iuiu. Highy Island raining, soulh- s lUlhweMrrly direclioti to low witter mark. Shoes riillouhijr drsrrlbed land.: Omimmrliir al of SI'l.l'O per acre. Ineludinc h Mclei. .1 I'lriliT 'UO ll-L-i wv--ii-rij aio,ii in n wat.-r Dollar Days at Jabour's a ihwI pUnli'cl oiih inlle wel of the norlli cleared and cultivated, and residence east Mlllt; liarometer, .U.'JI ....m thrum Hill rert norlhcrlv to hlirh west rurner or t.ot u?, thrnee norlli ' of ai letr't '1 jeori are rriuirrd. (emperalure, 37, sea inu'leralc. water mark, Ihcuee sou feet ca.lerly along rhaln, tin-in r rat DO rhaiiiii. theiier sontli I'rc-empior lioldinc Crown i;rni high water mam in point or commeiirr nu rlialns. thi'iirr ! Ku rhahis tn r.nlnl mny cord ai.otber pre-emption. If he (noon) incnt and cnntalnliir tun 'ij' acre, fir ie-i BIGGEST of I'omioi'iieejiit'iit. roiilalnlii? Cu acres. le'iulre. land In ronjunetlon with hl-fnno. CWWiMrl Fisil k 1:111.11 n 1 0111.1. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MAKE THIS THE Ouro worn, will so fully will Lorated January 13, I0;i. ilh"ul actual imtu nil Inn, pro Hull" Harbor overcast, light COMPANY I.TIi.. Appllraul. DOLLAR DAY SALE EVER PLANNED FOR THE PEOPLE OF e. M. NO.XCkTON. tided tdatblory Inprovementa mad south east wind; . liarometer. II y Inincaii keniicily. Agent. your roulldciirc Dial you will and rliience maintained on Crown Iialril Febriury IS. USX. PRINCE RUPERT. I'III.M:K llllfKIT I.A.Mi MHTIilCT -PIS granted land. 30.IU: Icuiperulurr. 5C, light aci'i'l Hi'' jk'xI pair without TltlCT Of COAST. ItA.MjE 5. iTpiturveyef urea, isd ,-&r-efiina r'l swell. Yard goods values that have no equal I icrea, may I leaned as hoinesltea, cutlun. Six Mints r..r l fin Hi. t introduction or rcc-oiiiincudulioji, Take iiullrr that I, Lavemler Moniklou title lu he obtained after fulfilling real-Ornilal head Tree Point overeasl. SHIPMENT OF Wliilf f Terrare, M. i:., married woman. Inlene ami ln-proement eonditlona Wliitu Cotton, nwilar !" Tlnrc aI onc-liuir urds l.i' as old friends I" apply for a lncii-e id iironrt fur i:oal For jrraainr and irdjHtiil itiirp"-ea li-'lil south eal wind.; barometer, peiroleiim and natural Kai on th followlnv ireaa eaeeedirr aeren may be 20.73; temperature, 57; LOVELY L nlilciiclic.l Cutlun. . . .'. Siv yuril fur whose dependability uud dencrlliiHl lands; Comiiieiielinr at a oi --fcd by one perxon or company. I nhtcui lii-.l Cotton .". v I ymiN T"i '-w" M rhalns outli inoderale, planted of Hi" noulhwe.i Mill, factory or lnliiirinl Hltex .hi sea worth aru fully proven. corner of Lot 1037. Ihcm i' miutli au chain imbei land not eiceedim 10 acres Islniid .south. I'illow 'I'uliintr. iTKiilar 7.V Oiw nml oiif-liuir yanl l ,,u Itiem-R easl HO rhalns. thence norlli 81 iay Im purchased: condition include hisliy raining, l rhalns, Ihencn weal 80 chains to point 01 nyinent of atumieKe. east gale: harouieler, 20:!I0: Slifi-liiisr, H'l. it!?. H5. ......... .OiH' ami oiie-luilf yunl niiiiii'Mi.i'liK'lit. c'liilalnlur acre mori Natural hay ineadowM ii-aeceaililr DRESSES for l-,m Oiif ami yunl Slifctiii,', ll, SJl.iiU. . uiu'-tiiinl or leaa. I.AVKMiKM MONf'.KTOX. y exietma; roads mny tie puicbaaut leniperatui'i', 3D; sea rough: II:- itr. . l M. Moiii'ktiili. Arent. ondltlonal uiwin cnatrueiion of a road 15 a.m. in Prince lluperl north. Slii'i-liiiir, 1 0 1 . vr-A. l.l(l...i...... Our yunl H'() o them. Debate of one-half of tot.I 01 rni.ACK iihi'F.iit i.anh pistuict dis- nail, not exrecdlnc half of piicliase llOllllll. Wliiti! Spotteil I'rint, itk. siq'uiiil 30n. i. . I'ivc yawls for t-'" KIR.KPATRICK TltlCT OK COAST. IlA.NuK S. rice. U mad. HAS ARRIVED (iiiii-'liam . .Tlii'i'o amj yunl. l-,,u Take notice that I, k'alnleen Moncklon. P.E.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. The Shiii-ruhs, enler-lainers, llli.l(!tlc, ick. 35r. Salt'.,.' I'oiir iU.t r'i The Store of Satisfaction Virioria. II. r... married woiimn. imciid ti Tim cope of this Act la enlarged negro apply for 1 license to firospect for coal. elude all persona Jolnimi and htv who have been in Ihe Our Money Hack hrawing Is Colornli Turkisli'Towcllin, irt:. : . ... . . I'ivi'' yai iN r'i iM'iroK'Uiii aim natural ius on Ihe follow n with Ills Majesty l-'orcea. The Inir decrlocd lands; Commcncliir at a pol imr wltliiii which tne helm or ilvheeH cily ami district for some months Slill Itiiniiiiig. Nini! Crooliet IIuIIm of any color for -"" planted IS chains noiilti of lliu fiiutliel f a deceaaml pre-emt'tor may apply sailed last night on the Chcloh. Tliirtffii Cotton Spool for "10 corner of Lot 1037. thence north 8(1 chains Inr title under the Act U extended Ihencn went SO chains, thence aouth go from for one year frun the death ul sin for Vuncouver.. rhalns, thence ta.t Su chains to point of luch Tsruoii, aa formerly, until one LADIES! these Bargains are Unbeatable commencement, ami cimtsliilii Alii acrrr ear after the conclusion of the cteal "DEMERS" EASTER SUTNGS more or lesa. kTiii I', M.K Moncklon..moackto.a,Aireni var.riM'atlve.Thin prlvllere la alw made re 1), II. Morrison lelurned today Ladies- Cnmry Cut Sijiiiini-r Vf.U TlAvf No fees relatlna: 10 pre-empt loin- ara from the south after having I.adii'H' Oumfy Cut Suiiimcr rcif. (Tie Two for il " I'ltl.VCK lU'l'KUT I.AM) filSTIlICT- PIS- ilue or payable by soldiers on pre-1'inpilona Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 ' "" Tlio latest sbics in cut visiled several, cilioi in the TIIICT OK COAST, IIA.SUE t. recordnl after .tune i. lulk I.adii's' Mrrci-rii-il VcIk, itk. l -'5 anil I.D", fur. .,. Th latest in materials. Tale are.remitted for five yeara. soulheni pari of the province on Ladii'.' Coinbinations, ri-r. 81.10. Sal- jiWci' "" Take noUi-e lliat I. I'. M. Monrkton. of Provision for return of monea ac Made to Measure Suitings Terrace. U. C. occunailon In nil surveyor. rrued. dun and been paid jglnce Auirual .Masonic Lodge work, Mr. Morrison I.adif" .Muslin NiHlilRowiif, itr. 81.10. Suit' ' 110 Intend to apply for a license tu proxpect 1, 1911, on account aoldlern of payments, 'ee also visiled in some of the Muslin Coret Cover. 03c and 75c Two fo' 11,1 fur coal, natural ra and petroleum on Ihe 'r taxes on nre-emptlona. TRY US followlua; described lands: Commenrlnr all Interest on arreemrnta In riurcnaje northwestern stales. From the Farm Ladies' Muslin L"iideikii t. itk. 1.50. .Sale ' 00 town, city Iota, held by membera of post tlanted nue mile west or the north or The Tailor west corner of Lot 1498. thence north id llleit Korces, or clepei'dr -t aeiiilred to the Table Ladie' While Summer Oluvex, itk. "jlic. Hpecial I fi'i "J LING, llielier 80 I south direct or Indirect, remitled from en """ rhalns, west chains, hence Caplaiu I'. (I. (roves, super, so chains, thence east au chains to point li.tment to March il, 1920. Ladies' Jlose, black, In-own and white, reg. 50r. Sale 't Second Avenue Phone 649 or rommriicpiiiriii, cuiiiainitiK oo acres. SUB.PURCHASERS OF CROWN iiileinli'iil of Iho Pacific fsleve-doriug Ladies' Lisle Hose, brown and white, ick. bSo. Sale for Located January 3, 9. LANDS Co.. and Philip, sail, P. M, MO.NCKTO.t. son BulkleyValley Lailies' Orey (iloves, chamois, j-ck. 151.00. Sale Provision made for laauance of ed last night on' the Olielolisin ' 00 Ladies' Dark I'rint Croon grants to mib-purchaeere 01 Aprons, reft. 1.05. Special Cro'n lind. acmilrlng rights from for the south. Haptaiir droves is BEEF Bigger and Better Bargains.for the Children's Department failed purchaaera who to complete The best in town P.irchane, Involving forfeiture, on fulfillment going to Victoria and Pliilip is PORK llhililreiiV Muslin Drawers with elastic bell and clalio kh'1' PACIFIC CARTAGE of conoitiona of purchaae, In. on his way to Vernon lo re-suiue MUTTON ' 11,1 terert and taxes. Where sub-purchasers HeKiilar 10c and 15c. Sale .Three for do not claim n hole of original his sludies, " eel, purchaae price due and taxes pai may VEAL Children's Muslin Drawers, repulur 05c '. . . .Two for l be distributed proportionately over FRESH KILLED POULTRY Children's .lloinpcrs, rc. 1.25 and 1.50. Sale ' 0U Strand Limited whole area. Application a muat be made Mr. and Mrs, Olof Hansen and Skeena River Farm Produce by May 1, 1IJ0. Children's Slocking Three pulls for family left this morning' Phone 93 GRAZINO on VANDERHOOF CREAMERY The above are only a few examples of our Dollar Sale Good Orailng Act, 119. for ayatematii. Iraiu for Suiithcrs. Mr. Hansen development of livestock Induatry BUTTER Call In and get your Dollar's Value. Cafe Furniture, Piano and for graalng dlatriot and range pro-vidaa will visit his tie camps al Decker administration under Commissioner. Lake and Wulcoll and Mrs. NORTHERN INTERIOR Safe Moving Annual grating permlta iaaued baked Jabour Ltd. on numbers ranged: priority for eelau Hansen and Iwp cliildreu will Bros., General Cartage llthed ownera. Stock'Owners may spend the week'Jend at Lake CO-OPERATIVE All White Help. Coal form Aaaoolatlona for ranga manage. Sand and Gravel menL Free, pr partially free, periniu Kathlyn. I'heywlll be, back in Phone 81 Corner Third and Sovonth for aettlare, caroper or travellers, up " " to ta bead. ' it few day-.