i,ui ; Tii!dny,. April U, 10?9 MOR TWO. THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News HEALTH MESSAGE MORE DAYLIGHT I -PlllNGE niJPKIlT - HRfTlSII COLUMBIA Published 'Flv'PPy Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News TO THEWORLft PRINCE RUPERT- Wihtirig and Publishing Compnny, Tiling Avenue. II. V. PUL'LR.N, Managing Editor! Daylight, Saving from May 1 to Take "Fruit-a-tives" And September' 30 Is Decided SUCSCniPTION RATES: Make Yourself Well Upon by City Council. City Deliverv, by mail or rarrier, per1 month. .fl.on "Fruit-a-ilves",themarvclloum-eine Diiylifrhl saving fs to lie pul By mail In all parts or Ihe Hriltsh K nip ire and Hie Utlileil Slater. made from fruit juices and toclcs, inlo ef(feel in Prince lluperl. frotn in advance, per year. $0.00 Is the uot beneficial medicinal npent May I to Seplemlier :I0 this year. SMOKE To all other countries, in advance, per year . . . $7.50 tbt has evrr lorn C'vcn to mankind. The nlldioiji (if Aid. Kerr and Just as orangfls, apples, figs and Aid. Mr'l.end to this effeel Was TELEPHONE 98 prunes are iMiiirn'sowirniedlcine, so a'dopled by the efniiicil last nhilil "Fruit-a-tlvr" made frJm these M the 'aldermen with the ex T rnnsienl Display Advertising.., . . .,$1.10 per inciper insertion fruit Juices but concentr-Hed and eeptlon of Alii. Mnnlgolnery sup lYansient Advertising nn Front Page W.SO per ineli intensified is the greatest Stomach and purling il. There were pi-esenl PLAYER'S trfical Headers, per insertion 2"c per line Uver Medicine, the greatest Kidney al Ihe nieeliiiyr ihe ilelegnliou of Classified Advertising, per insertion.. . v 2c per word and Blntlder Medicine the greatest Blood Ihu lluard of Trade and repre Crtgaf' Notices, each insorlio,ii I5 per agalrt' line Purifier the greatest renml far Head- seiilaliveH of uiosl of Ihe alllle Cci'ilracl Dales on Application. aches. Constipation, Indigestion, Nervous-ness lie organizations .of llje city to CUT and Bad Complexion in the world. NAVY All advertising should be irr The Daily News 'Office oh day preceding To be well, take "I'rult-a-tives'' press the' matter. Most of Ihem publication. All advertising received subject to approval. spoke and (here was empee We n box, 6 for$2.50, trial sire 25c. diseussioli (inelioit. The V Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. At dealers or sent postpaid by on Ihe CIGARETTES benefits to be derived tiy alhle l'ruit-a lives Limited, Otla.va. lies and outdoor recreations cori- DAILY EDITION ! Tuesday, April II. I0e. sliluled the chief argument in SUITCASES favor of lh. change of lime Best Siller Is while Ihe opposition advanced by Well Worth Reading. TRUNKS Aid. Moiilgomcrv was thai il rcoifusioir ofv liuu would Tin; bcsl seller in Ihe book (world Ibis spring-Was "If Wilder CLUB BAGS cause if not adopted by Ihe steamship Cilmos,' .old it is slilf selling by the thousand. It has caught Ihe and railway . coilipauies and public fancy. Possibly il is more'llum a passing fancy. It- is Large Stock on nand. wiitlhl' also prove detrimental Vi literature anij should become a classic. It is a story IIkiI is in. the Prices low. cliSldren who would' lose an 'hour lirsl place' jJTle'r'osllng fis a story. It deals willi the eternal very of sleep in Ihe evening which 'would nTd be made in Ihe triangles, Vi v;iTnHsuud tfi women iinl two women and a num. J. F. MAGUIRE - up inorhiilgs. - There is Ihe proper elemehl of suspense.,' Working up lo n climav Next the Prinee Rupert Hotel Delenatlons Present. which' makes'it appeal to Ihe- ordinary story reader of Ihe movie Among I hose present In sup fan tvue, Hut there-is. more? ,than JhuL -There is li nliilosonhv port of Ihe udnplioii of daylight running through il (hat is interesting and- thought-provoking. Jj saving wei'e .1. W. Scott, K. K. PIPE DREAMS Huby and K. C (iibbrms, representing "If Winter Comes" Is Ihe Hoard of Trade; W. j By Newton Pullen "Main Street." I-;. Tholiirtsou and Jack Keefe, Improvement on V. li l-:iks; '. (i. Dennis, SI. Andrew's While there is a similarity between thejr'eiieral style of "If Boys Advertise; Six-ieiy; Alex Alcllae, Prince lluperl Winter Comes" and "Main Street." they are as wide apart as the Listen! Hear that voire? That Mowing and Yacht Club: poles in many respects. In the delineation of character and the is a newsy down in "llie next I In cry Dreen, S;ons of Canada liiiiiule analysis of actions they are alike-. The newer book, however, street, telling the Vorbl what, lie and 1'riilce lluiierl llaseball Association; is a story, while the other is only a skelch. Many peojile lias li sell, lie is advert isi'ig. T. boss .McKay, Trades diiFnol like "Main SlreetV because il was not il story. Ifhas tiol and he is doing so persisluiilly. and Labor Council; A. '1'. Ilroil-crick, (lie elements which wotild lend lo keep hevreader'.s alleulioii for lie will continue to d fit "uiltif (leorge Arjiuld, It. H, llen-son, If- slock Is sold out and lie goes and II. V. I'llllen. hours.at slreleh. II a Was a book, rathef lo.pick up and read a chapter and..their lay aside and do something else. 'If Wilder home for supper, lliv ijiiln'l jiet There avijs '.also letters from Comes" is (T'lioiik U'iaCholdsMhe allcidi?nili&lij! Pi"1 nnl l'"' reader lii-s .s'llesiiianshljL- iileas from Ihe Prince lluperl Football As- """gr hooks. He ;rol- lliem frnin the j N,-ieinlioil and Ihe Sons of Kntf. ' all is williug lo sit up night to llnisli it. "".. '. ...,' street. Hp fotinil out Ihe value, i j sUi0rl ,,r (lie measure. Philosophy" . -. ' of c.onlinuins pfildieily, an- ag- . . : sressivesaje-ipolicy, and the 'r ipirrfl 1A Of the Book. value or llo location. Thai he I IK I U I IS III (nfnnfirili Knf.t.. 'ft... 'vni.t u There are a lot of iiilorcstirig bils of philosophy in the book. I VUJLL I U IU knows of the last is shown hy out jo go into the entire assess-j , Here is a little of it: "You oe. there's this, Nona. Lire's got us. We're in the thing. All the timo ymrYe gol to go on. You can. Ihe wsty he- fishls -off (lie other' menl, comparing il with pail go back one single soeoiid. What you've done, you've done. II Vjftvss ' who seek In use his years- and submit bis. fuldinps lo .copWr-n, His methods are. I WE ARE MOVING prim-ilive, Ihe city council.:1 There had may lake only a minute in tin- doing or in the saying hut it's dour? tint they ure sound in Ihe noon ilnfairness itn'd Ineqnalily, ilr'said for all your life, perhaps for Ihe whole of someone else's life as well. That's terrillc, Nona. light of the findings' of modern M. M. Stephens Says That He is undotrhledly, and some properties business. Going to Start Action In had been reduced enormously "Vli1' 'tlfi.'s 'i,ny (ift! gets n's; there's jusl one way wcran y ' ' " " while luuf 'the'T:ourti. others gel1 life aifiniiat'sliy thinking forward before we lo a thing. ' Hyj V allowed lo stand slili. been to, our new premises in remembering thai it's going to be there for always. Whal'si in The Man in the Moon Announcing Ihul il Ids. in I was the Frizzell Block your head for another, Nona, is no hurl to tomorrow or to next on lent ion .To appeal in the courts year or to twenty year hence, either lo our own' lives or-lk-niiy-one SAYS:: else's no hurl whije'il is only there- and miljUUVwriji' against Ih'e decision of ihe Court j Ten Years Ago " of Itcvision in connection willi acleil on. -.,';- Sl'ATS Hie In Pr'nce Rupert THURSDAY NET are fashion certain assessment anneals on "Yesv Ihere-V, right olid wrong; -Nothing elNai between. Ao usual in matrimonial circles. the ....i.m.m;...1 v,. ...... ,.r ..n:.. .... i .. .....t,f... . i . ' grounds of over valuation ."rtiijiMHiH'i "f HI l-M.I 1 1 IIOIIIU I r 1UK'III. lllll JMOSl Aorj ii,. 1912. and inequality, M. M. be either one thing or. the other. Ouceuv mice a' step, towards AS long as men slick In Iheir lunl a lellcr before Ihe city Stephens enun fV. It. Parjridge was a , passenger For Hie last few days we nre pulling on sain' wrong, there it 'is for ever, and all its horrjju'e,things with il--flcee.il, stiff collars lliey' do. not need t cil last night asking thai he or rtt)lie Princess Miyyy last ' concealment, falsehood, snl(3rfuge,wlip"c(rtnce:' vile and make remarks about Ihe curious his rcriresenialive be given oer, night bound from Kngland lo 12 SUITS beastly things,like thai.." -. - dress of Ihe ladies. mission lo examine the l'jiiJ A I li ii where he is In eonuuence of frirnilno,; (iabardlne. etc., in Nuyy ami Fnwns. assessment roll and previous operations on Hie Hen McCrOe Concealment Necessary SOW everybody Is, lianny ex ones for Ihe purpose of making mine, .1. M. Iluffner anil Fred 50 DRESSES in nest society. cejd Ihe . We mayor. ai'e giting'lo comparisons and gaining Inform Chute were also passengers go i . Another1,Juleesting point of view is.brought out as a result Jiave daylight, saving, if seems afiou to be Used in the case. II ing north on the same .steamer. in nil Ibtt 'latest styles and shades' of Cantons, Ta If etas. Serpr ; of the expediences of the hero of Ihe tale, lie says: "This is what .w m m was moved by Aid.-Montgomery .' nnd Tricotine. These suits and- u"rejMs- nve a'(l tm u la1 ' I've found. Yiiti ciui diKs'hocking things and it can be known thai THIS is siiriiVs-, the i happy ind seconded by. Aid. Kelly that O. M. Helgersoh. of this eilv nuniile nnd have Just arrived u fowit. They are priced ui n f you do the shocking things. Hut y?ui mustn't be v'en doing Ihem. season when the hnusewife savs fix request ) granted and, af has tioughl four blocks or ihe ligtire which will prove p, oiii- ciuloifter llu'it we are he l , You can beat your wife and it. can' he'ltinvii among your friends nn will fluil iiiiDfts untidy hut. Ifr considerable discussion, Ihf besl business properly in Ras-kaloon giveHheni the best possible value for their -money : thaL you beat your'wife. Itnl be we are spring Calling.' ' you musjit'l seen healing her. e esolulioii was put and was lost and- In Ihe nal nine You mustn't Ileal her in the street 0On your neighbor"X garden. the mover anil! seconder beilig (he rnonlhs has- liirned over Kss.OOO.. ( Yoji can- drink, and il can be known that you drink; hut you i iii r. i iu.i 'again' "mis is only member of hP council noo .worth of real estate there. 'finuslii't be seen druiilt.. spring,' because If?- f had not nppnrling j, BENFS LINGERIE SHOP "The conventions are "all right, moral, sound, excellent, itienlione,! ii ytiii1. might not have Counter su;igesioil wore ad A dolighlful daffodil luncheon 'admjralde, bul;l(rsae Ibejr.own face there's a blind side to them, knowp. vanced by the alileriden n .'Hie was held this afternoon in SI. a sliuj-eyo side. .Keep Oral side of Ihem and they're all right - .' r,' course of K. .discussion Andrews Church hall. They'll let you aloiie. They'll pretend they don't see von. (till SAjs a conlemporary: "The two principle ones being IJinl, cijme out and stand in froni or them and they'ri devour liahy-car crop is (larger than Mr. you, Stephens coulil get such in They'll smash and grind and irevour yon. They're devouring me." ever this spring, fin account of formation as lie required hy an AMBULANCE TENDERS the shortage .of nursemaids peo. plying at Hie treasurer's, office RECEIVED BY COUNCIL "Ipie have learned to ioll their pr' y Mr? own. 1 and Ihe other that the entire ;ls Lumber & Lath sessmeiii roll bo published. In X the latter connection, Aid. Monl'- Five Local Firms Submit Ten SO.MH nien are down' at heel, ders and Proposals Referred said' thai publication had omery 'Others are down in Ihe mouth to Hospital Board. been made before and lie was Shiplap-Boards and and then again ''there lire other sure Ihe papers would be glad lo who ai e down1 and out 7nders arid proposals i for the lo it again. The most of the long desired hud' many timoa de. Dimension! aldermen agreed w'ith the idea of I WHY always talk alifml people layerl (dly amliutance were onen- ;on (he square In a round world. lo ublicaliou,Hie persoiial the chief examination opposition of ed hy th'e city council last night ThoroughfV Air Dried nnd fitored Under Cover and referred to the the roll hejng Hint It' won Id Uu hosoilal AFTF.Il a Iongf and' learned lerfere with Hie orderly work of ominitlee for report. Kiln Dried Flooring, Siding (liseUssiO)j on and The lenders and Ceiling, its 'a. r... .. I.. currency.1 - ' . the City Hall and if the privil proposals i.i-.in m j iiiir hi inn group voiced were as follows: ege were granted 10 one others and Ihe sentiment of all by sng- Ilnyal Aulo.Service a;. Finish AN ,nrge) IMPORTANT PRODUCT OF CANADA might ask the same and could gesinig Dial what was wanted offer to operate an aiiibulauco not be refused was a currency thai would T. II. Hooper, city solicitor, privately willi an hod subsidy SPRUCE LATH stretch all Ihe from fro in Ihe ily, three one way pay year eon-1 aid I lint there' wits Do provision Bread isthelmesf ?ood day to Ihe ih'xI. in the Municipal Act. for such an I raet at 5 a trip, Manufactured In Prlnon Rupert and selling at Lowest Prlce on earth- the one food exaujliuilioii by a ratepayer. Mr. ii tiers njrorofi ninlnilances fur Al.f. the best, cars are equipped sam as follows. that everybody eats-that with self-starters. So il Is with Stephen fore ho started,was out anyway,of court for be Ihe II. Pallinsou, Chevrolet Model PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Ihe best men. They do not peed O. chassis, l72.r; Chevrolet everybody likes,and W time in which an nppal might Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Ihe of the , urge hunt or (he einp louring Model tOO, ifl.-iO Telphone'361 be entered had pnssed'. . agrees with everybody. ty belly to make theih.gft into Unfairness and Inequality. Pacific Cartage Chevi flint SI Bread made In the ' acllon. fn Ihe course of the discission Model tj' 1770: Chevrolet -inn home 'With Royal Yeasf SPUING IhiHear'ls lik jnany Vld. Montgomery said If was his Hood A Frinell. Ford coiiuiIcIp THEO COLLART. NOfARV of LTD. mm our paura Iresnurccs, has If l.'OU. PVHUC Cakes tastes better, keeps immense latent possibilities. (ulHllMtl) lluperl Motor Co.. Ford tknoH fresh former, and is more - C S.ATAnnn of th or i ;i i : iteo, ijti'r.nn. Seven-room house for sale, Close in lift Hi. and iiewer con POSSIHI.Y It, limy spring inlo BLADDER rhr proposal to change Mm neciion, $4000 terms.' Bargain. !ourbhirg than any other- life hy Sunday , next or what (ab,Saccnibl light fire truck In an ambulance anoiit Friday ?'' will likely he dropped as this Rentals Heal EtUta 0,riOPa, n8uPanco chassis is lo be turned over lo Phone Bluo' 09 Westholmo Suhseril'ie for" IhV Daily News, BewareofeounterWU the Hoard of works. Thatre Block P. O. Box M