Tuosiliiy, April II jiiiiH h ill 1 VAun fouh THB DAILY NEWS 10 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus WHAT Do VbO MElAM CSV OH! HE DlO-EM? VIELL,-HERE'S lVE OT TO coo "ss corned eEer The. ACWI NOW LI WEN ice-man juvr wrso t-r up- TAX'K to the M i AN' ii!?iA.ei& in My MSO CAN'T EAT T AND CIVE IT TO MVM TQ THR6w 1CC-MAM - KM Qfg MOOM?, "VOLO ME AWA - riJ" 1 J.. II HYV ALL HAVE A, If TO J . ... . ... " I " L . J I IOC HEART". c ... r- mm I ICS! ' ' tVT ri v V ft. . . y I Tr IT.r Ti m WJ I I i-T'ffBTHiw'iBw cam rf HfiHIS II iv Healing urn 1922 ImtC Frnmt Srnvict, Inc 44, A Cot in the workshop, a lore which is unattended, result! say iu inflammation or blood-poisoning. You bave to lay off for a day or two and it I lime iu Washington before tin 1 counts when pay-day come round, GIVES SKETCH WEAK HEART i territory was (realed a Stale. He Zara-Buk insures you against such loss) A little antiseptic Zam Buk promptly i moved to Hrilish Columbia .in Classified Ads. News H applied to any flesh wound or injury j 1 HUM. Daily prevents diseaie infection and rikof OF FRED STORK NERVES BADLY I On Purjet Sound Ball Team festering and ulceration, and takes away A baseball IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leaa than BOc smarting painand promotesquick healing, SHATTERED player in Ms young, S CENTS PER WORD At home a box of Zam-Huk is ever so er days Mr. Slork was at one useful. The baby's nasty rashes, the Ottawa Conservative Paper Says - ' lime ,a Mnv pitcher on one if older children's cuts and bruises, the WANTED BOARD. AUCTION SALE. inevitable burn, or scald for all these, Local Member Very Active Many a wnrnrni who should be strong 'he' amnleur teams in Puget HOAIII) Inlander, 8.10 Second as well as for more serious skin troubles, and Popular. snrt lioallhy, full of Ufa ami energy, ti Sound. Ills rugged nhvsluue WA.VTKM Men and women In Phono 137. If AUCTION. 8AI.fi of rlly ii , such as eczema, ulcers, ringworm, etc., hound by the sharklrs of lll-lifiallh. i would sliiriresl llml hn w.w vniil.. le.arn the Itarher Trade the Avenue. ho held shortly. Per . . by Zam-ttuk is the unrivalled S.imA llamiaA t... Pnat lt,itlnnl Hlaiit. I f Mr, J. W. Besnatd. 639. remedy.Craig St. E., ' Umlor a display lionrlin? 'TIih tinnn" ! I.fl 111 nirk v"--....In Ow, r.,r, ,.f .l'"".,1,1,. 1..l' "IIII1H.1 1 I tl lr.ll-l VI illl only met hod in the. world that MISCELLANEOUS. slrotis of selling their Montreal, writes : "Two of my fingers PpojiIh in J'arliaiiionl" lltn ni. wriik heiirt, shsiiered nerves, Impovor-1 0x1 '"a-innins game, Mr 'Slork will save yo:i lime and money property, write or eull i,n i were so severely crushed that the doctor lawa Journal, Cnnanrvnlivp, ha I'h.Ml hlfiod ami an exliaii.tcil condition or, was married 111 IHilS In '.Miss and fit yo.'i lor a position ano.oo IIKWAilU If fall to grow Leek, Auctioneer, , said they would have to be ajnputated, an .Inlci'rsHns ki'lrli of IIk life the wlmlo yMcm. i Mmilv Pnrkliisun u-hosn fnlliM.- hair. Oriental Hair Hoot Hair worth while. We guartiiilee I decided to try Zam-Huk firt, and In Cirealosl MUSIC. World's Cruwer. applied the balm daily Within' 'a few ami aclivilios of Krcl Shirk, MILBURN'S .lonn I'ai'Kiusnii, a uaiive or.l.an-cashire, steady employment, at good weeks the injury was completely healed, iiioinlinr for Skcoiut. 1 .xity.: HEART AND NERVE PILLS .had spilled in llraiilfonl wages, Write now for beautiful Hair Crower. flrows hair on , PIANO SCHOOL, Myfingersweresaved." SOu boi all dealara. "Wliai's in a ninif?" l-'h-il they will nnd a remedy that will unpnly Mr. and Mrs. Slork have Ihree illustrated catalogue. Moler bald heads. II mint not be l.pschellxky Method, ; fond for the exhausted put Where hair is nof wanted.1 pi!Uj. one that children. Slin'k, l.ilii'ral iiiciiilicr for nerves, one sou and two Harbor College, 30(1 Main St.. taken and special' allc: win airriigiiipn nun regulate iiiq weaK Cures dandruff nnd nil scalp Ski'iMin, niiplil wi'll uoln nflir daughters, llouglns Slork, ,a Vancouver, H. C. heart nml Invirnr.HA fhA uhnl mum I lo beginners. Tr.-m;-, .......... ...... ... ,. .. " .j......... i 1.. -i.;i i troubles. $1.75 per Jar. Slink'sp(nro. l-'or oin Iliiii2, Ihc Mrs. V. V. Pearse, U Sealon gt v""" """ " -1 , i up imp.-i riinu moderate. uitroiiiiminnrsH of lii.i nanio am Toronto, Ont., writes: "I was left wltU'ls the werelary! rea surer or Hie ItKLIAHI.M agent wanted for lln. Agents wanted. Prof. M. S. . CHAS. P. IJAI.AONO. llial of liis ridins- is one to bo weak heart and In a run down eomli- Sfnrk Ilat'dwaro Coiliiianv. " of cert. District. Thf Sovereign Crosse, 4 58 l.ogan Ave., Winnipeg, ri'iiipriiliorpil. Around (hp. corri tlon from the "nu.' My nerves were hadly Prince Jlupcrl. Life Assurance Company. Head Man. Rand lllnck, corner Sjjh and shattered, and J had sueh pains around my Fulton. Phone INne (113 If dors of I'ltrliamoiil ami in pnliii-ca! heart 1 could nht sleep much at hlftht, I Mr.;Slork was one of Hip firl office, Winnipeg. Man. Write NOTICE to Automobile Owners ciirlos, Hip naim-.i liavv orl took several doctors' medicines without iiiemliers to reach Ottawa fop Ihe Chas. A. Pyne, Prince fienrge, New Auto llepair Shop Just LAND ACT; getting any cetler. My husband session. Since manager for .N'orlhern llrilish of Jm-poiiip insppara'lily associalPil got me to bis arrival, ho Fraser and try Milliurn's Heart and Nerve Pill?, and has been Columbia. opened corner Notlca of Intention lo Spplr .10 Lain im tnil lie is usually spoken if as giving particularly tiivll, Qtwtnf l.'iral tlfiaa For Sale ntn. . arter I took one no I got relief, and afier . 111 '.'"ren .imriiiiifft Miainif 'Slork of Skppiia." And liark in taking tlx bnies I have been well and not close attention jo inallers :icr-taiuiug FOR SAL! . chanio. Specialist on ignition sKia fJ'nr M"'v 1 I0HI, wIipii .Mr. Slork niado his holhered slnrc." to llrilish Columbia. .Mr. l.i m a to Miami. Lois 25 nml 2(V Hliick 1, pnlry inlo ijuldip l i To as. Hip firsl Price, 60c a box at all dealers, or mailed Slork is very popular among his worn. orK gunrnnieen Taki. nr.ll. f'nti,lian. ri.il Soflion direct Foil SALi: Cheap One American Plionc 'J'J if ill trouble day or aire Company l.lrnlieit f prln Ii 5. Mn The I lixrollcnl Mayor of 1-Prnip, 11. (;., follow-in? on receipt of price by T. Mil-burn rcllow-parlininciilarians, and 'tis (.'., rriinlin llvh-ilealer; Illl sio frir hiimo or nparttupnt. Co., Llml led, Toronto. Ont. Halibut hull. L'ilher complete niuht for pennl-nii m lc- iim t llio Iriforpornlion of that said that his proficiency lown, a art iwriiii iinni :Mnnii nrin -i boat' .or not. One pleasure 25 v y Ailjuiniiiff llio Wnlflron. hi.s fij)ponPnl for thp mayoralty At slory-feller has somelbing to CYCLE REPAIRS. ..uir iipii in a "iMiinwemerir ni :i vioY. Soaloil Irn-iI'ts Civic iffalrs, he, has taken an feel; fine for this harbor. 'One Ihe tMirlhelet Iv was a iiiiio.Iw Hip naiiip of Quail. do with the iiuiiularily he er- 10. tlienre H0 fo,rf.i.sli reci'ivcrl active part in p.)U,ics, bold pro- .. open gai boat Ifi rooofj! 'Other Cvcles of all makes repaired i"iiiihvirierl.v fllreriimi t i Now .Mr. Stork, lo I'arlia-iiipiiI tuviip . T...l!.....l . J"t .-I.1.I..I. ,,,, .....1 1 1. boats ariil. infnti 7im Tsl eieri til- ". nnlll April ir.Ui, nil uiifr li;lf'lill, ,11111 IS U engines, '.Apply. and baby TiWriagOM re-tired u laklisi 1 tlieiien aflor Mip moasurp nark, 100 feel In,Hi past lii'csjrierU,,i!f the Prince lln Snga. Hayview Hole!. If Cycle Accessories. lr ifiar, thenre alio feet rai Agents for of.unusual;ui(ilicr naiiip,man Oil.v'loyy:ra,,M'oHil'pil. t'X. Ier T.ibe'ra.li: Association. lie BOY SCOUTS FOH SALIC New house. Four iijt 1 of "town orders promptly luenl hllrh ami waler rtiniainlnir mark tn two piliit it i - ::. yas ao (tie first chairman of TA.NAIiMN HSU 4, Dl.fr j i. Norwegian American Line W.l'., of Vjploria Cross' hinii'7 llf' Prince rooms and lialhroom; two niienileii in. COMCAMV I.Tit., Applliant. Swedish American Line lluperl Hoard of J. QAWTHORN Ily Dunran Hi-ninsiW t Four Square. I 'SidtVi nnd n member and Ho small bedrooms. CKisq "to' lile. rr.irii.irv m, tQ. Scandinavian American WANT GRANT 517 Fulton Street. Slork street. Cash or lerni's '"'Seen Line. Mr. cannot lay claim to siBpnt-al-arms of the Prince LAND ACT, in i. licins a 'nalivp son, , of, .UrJJj,! "Ij'jr-IViijIL"1'1' Stork is tin. any 'night, nrtW'lSi Kiie.i WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. !fls't. tk,ove. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply lo Lei Fighth Avenue' .eal Oliver Typewriters i-oiunima, nut. ii woi.uu lie uir WlVlTIJy.. ojiposed fn Oriental in i-riiim unpen ijihii n.; Cary Safes ficiill In find a man who glands City Council Is Asked for $400 Kxperl will r h, clock ami inir Iiltrr of :n.it lianrp injnijgraiioii.jiHo Canada, and he Matter Referred to Finance SNAPJ Ilooming Jloiise for sale. chronometer maker. In Hi'lnlly nf I'nrl liiyiui it. FIRE INSURANCE as four square" as he docs aavi', an.. erncnl. of his stand in lako iiolliv tliat , Jiillue b Committee. Seven housekeeping i ms ami Waller Mrml, nr fort I'- Watch and Jewellery Ilepairs a - :v when Nip inlerpsls his of na lips regard idm-iug his tenure of ten bedrooms, all furnished. nrriiiiatlim nlninn. Iniptm Dybhavn & Hanson tive province are at slake. A oSficp as mayor of Prince II tj The Hoy Senilis of Prince flu-perl Terms arranged,,,,, Airs; Wol. Mail order specialty. executed. lamM:U-rinUliin(Uiniiurn'liiy li lrtr Dm at ri.lluw 4 p -.7 man of .Mr. Slofk's stamp was pjl'l. Ile'0ll';f. a bylaw passed ihave asked the city council lers. SI. Louis llooui.,,n.. promptly w.iiltirait niriH-r or IjiI r,, Hat. GEO. GIBB liHlrlrl. Ilii-uro iinrtlicani 4 in. Third Avenue' -j hound lo commend hiniwlf lo iifcikiiig"lhegrantng of anidica- for a grant of $t(iii in sup. ttairr mark, ttwuro miuih Prince Rupert, B. C, the attention and confidence of lijr h'A-Vr; fioiior licenses Jor hotels port of Hip niMcmenl. A letler; FOll f?ALf-"Nnrbpioiig:" It is Dpp. Post (mien (P. O. Ilojt 71) I'.tll low water water mark.mark,lUem Ihelire w,'m his fpllow-citizpiis' and find his P'jiid'itlpnal nu the non-employ. makiifg Ibis reities was receivJ my inlention 'to lake the case Prince lluperl. If Mull water mark in ix.mi i.r . n: - way to I'iiiliaiiH'iif His splendid into the Admiralty Court and I anil nuitalnliit 3 Vj aeren. lire1 mem oi tirieniai laiior in Hie ed at last night's meeting -and TAXI . JI III S oil civic recorih innJ.Mn'ynr"of ' Krrn'le h6lels. a delegation comprising fienrge need (lie money, price I500. WAI.TKII "ill and lalpr rif'jmiJ4;jie.rt left The riding which Mr. Slork llorie, president of Ibe Hoy I loonies K. Freeman. Phone 693 Dalett rehriiary Jt. lotf A its impress on Hre ptihlic mind represents in 'Parliament Canon (Call (leorge lloss was Scouts,' (1. A. Ilix nnd It. PIIINCK llflT-IIT FOll SAI.lCeilar I.A.Ml ni! I:! I i PACIFIC CARTA6 E and was riiU' Wrffol'lpn. when the pslablisbed un'der 'the lledistri- V. Q. Lopine was on band lo Jl. long with wide rownnafittN'lieStinV'fn Five.passenger Touring Car TIIICT, ok COAST. HA;. liihcnils 'of Skre'na hrouahl him bution Prompt Day and Night Service Act of 101 I. - Mr. Slovk press the claim. 'Ilie scouts have Takii iiollce llml I. Uvrml, V in the fiohl. last December. yas the Liberal candidale of also asked ihe mayor ami alder good condition. Pr?'" fio. Stand: Boston Qrlll, Third Avenue f Terrare. II. marrlml - Limited Also Kvinrude. price oo. lo apply rnr a llren-e In pi . jie i f. Tioin? lo .Ilrillsh Coluinliia In Skeena at the general elections be pi'irulriini men o patroiis. of a concert ami naiural ni- "ii tl i,i!f !i IKOH, .Mr. Stork sedled in lVrnic. ll'lookeil Pulton. Oaily News. If HAULAGE AND TRANSFER ilesrrllieil la ml i Oiiiimeiiriar Phone 93 of 1017, and for a lime which I hey al e lo stage on April -L plintml is eliaiii mm,in ,ii in Hi i openi'd a geni'ral hardware sjore, as if he had deTealed Col. Cy. 27. The matter of the graul FOll SAI.l'-Coiitraclor'V' ilfffri, Phone 183 riinier iif I.M 1037. ilienn- - nlti Furniture, Piano aittd look a leading pari in the affairs Peck. V.C.. Hie Cnionisl Cov- has been referred to (hp Finance storehouse and two good beating I'll rn it uro Removal ih.llieiicu iiin, ihenre eat mi nenl f iialni.So chain IIm ii ' nf the then village, and became ntatri.il nmnliinn 'I'l... a!i.!1 .aI. ' ii.iiiiiieiicipiiiit. wiiitalnliir !c Safe Moving III,It in. t III 1 1- -, ,T v I I lll.l' Coiuiiiillcp for report, . stoves al'new wharf. Apply Prompt "Servic.e or li-M. I.AVK.MiRM Mtl1i:K Fernip's first mayor on its iri-corporalion gave a majority of (J 05 votes, hut Purpose of' Organization. .1. II. Simmons. ' R5 I'rince lluperl Transfer P. M. Mnm-ki'-n. Af f General Cartage as a town In. 10(11. this ruajorily Iransformed Speaking (be Mr. VUdl was lo re.pu'st, JIM STURGEON I'llJVCF. ni'PKnT I.AMi fll-TIlP Sand and Gravel He waft also a member of the into a maorily of 521 for Col. llorie said that the Hoy Scouts FOH SALI'-Hlock wood. C50 Tiuirr ok cihst. iivva: l'ernle 'IViwu Oouncil in 1 9(17. Peck aflPl' Ihe military voles had had been organized in Ihe city a load. Kindling 8.oo. Phone ST. ELMO HOTEL Terrme,Take iintlre II. n lit iH-rupalldii I, V. M.laml Mi II" The following year. Mr. Slork been added In Ihe civil voles. for the purpose of looking arter illaek lfif. fi Inlepii for eciiil,in imiiir.,1 apply Tor n a ami liiinoe ieli. ": :i disposed of his inlerpsls in Election Notable Win. the welfare of the boys at an Roiiins to let. from per week up. riilliiwlnr ileneHlnil lamN: . i,in . 87l KLITK Cul'o for t!.-.nes Night J, G; sal. furnished Steen, Fernie and removed lo Prltic' Running hot nnd cold waler in 4 hI planii'it mm mile w. ! ,f ti. W. Longwill, Ulue 270 Ill the last eleelions, Mr. age when their charaelers were coinpblp. i'ltynw 173. if et inrner nf l.nt ll'K tin where he starlpil into all rooms. l-hAlim, tlii iu eal SO rlialn- Hie Day Phone 8 Jfuperl, Slork was, morn successful than being moulded. There, were already e . xu inaiiis. inenre went an u. iIusIiipss again as a hardware his former victorious opponent in about .10(1 boys enrolled FOR SALF-Pool tables, cheap. Haiti. Steam Healed. Modern nf ciniiliiillriiiinil. ruiilnliiliijf ti STEENSLONGWltL merchant. When I'riuce lluperl unravelling the eleclorial skein bet-ween Ihe ages of 7 nnd 10. lie Apply F.mpross Hotel. . 85 Phone Green 510 l.ocmiii January tl.P.tvn M, MiWl'!.'.: was raised lo I lie status of a iu Skeena. Mr. Slork's majority considered that II was pari of Sheet Metal Works HAIIY Carriage for sale. Phono HYDE TRANSFER I'tllNCK fll'ITIlT I.AM) iiiiTiin oily in l'.HO. Mr. Stork agaiti had was mil crusiiing by any means, Ihe city work ami a gran I nf tiiict or f:osT. haSiik Agent for McClary Furhcaea tun honor of being Hie firsl mayor.' being only 31 yules, but it was $100 was not oo much to ask. Ol'een 25. Hi) Phone 580 Tk noilen thst I, n. V Sanitary and Ills record in Ihis respect iuile sufficient to ensure his There was no doubt that Ihe FOR RENT General Haulage VlrluNa. It. r... miner. Inteml ti, nr am ; Heating Engineer is undoubtedly uuiiue In Canadian elect Ion to llio House of Com money would be well laid out in and ii.'ilnral llrenne tn nu pruspiTt mi (he fur fnlllMlii riiiilj pi t- u tin " 6tb Street and Fraser Street municipal history. mons beyond all dou'bl. A- total Ihe training given' liVthe boys In FOll ItlJNT- Unriiriiislied apartment Coal rhaluii Uii.Mi C.Mi,i(,i.,rlnr miuiii nf the a I Ki,nil,e a D"t I' ran ir Prince Itupert. B. C. Introduced Single Tax. of 3,2(11 voles was cast for Mr, character for their fuliij'P manhood. with range, hot' and cold Agents lltiperf and District for Uil,lu.17. I hewn union nil .-li'l' II It was during .Mr. Slnrl;' re-, SI.irk and .'I,'22.1 for Col. Cy. waler coniiecleil; also three Globe Airless Tubes. llieiwi!went xn eatt i-hnlin.SO (till ilM.nro I ll tn mirtli pnlci ginie as Mayor of .Prince .lluperl Perk. Mr. Slork's election was. Canon Ilix spoke at length em. room furnished apart meiil. Secoml Avenue lej meniement, fnnuiiiliir(I. V flin,mom:kt' ' ." thai big things were ilone in a one' of Hut outstanding Liberal phaxlug I luil llie'movciiiciit was ready on I .'lib, Kixiuirn National P. M. Miinrkl'-'i. For your next civic sense. Tim single lax, a victories in Hip. last eleelions, neither religious fir militaristic. firocery. 8H SHOE REPAIRS riuN'i r iinrniT i.ao riiFTim jiiielhod of taxaliori much discussed bis opponent lining exceptionally; Auli-mililarisiii was one' of Ihe tiuut op 0.IST. JIA.Mili and critjeized in rpcent popular as n result iT Hie prestige basic principles of Ihe organization. FOll HUNT II'1(5 F.ighlh" Ave. Umbrella Repairs Take imili.e l hi i I p M Mi '1 Shoe Job Clolhes cleaned and nresieil. 4 ; Repair years, was. introduced and has of his brilliant military ren. II was undenominational nue Fast, 5 roomed bou.se :m.l Terraee, B. anneyne, InleiHl" Suits called for and delivered. fnr llernxe to prospect fnr enal. worked out satisfactorily. The ord. all hough a high code of morals bath. Hot and cobl water, and ' and natiirul no mi Hie roll,,win, 1 I try city also Inaugurated its own Mr. Slork was born in Ihe was demanded. There were two garage. en ijri.oo n(r Phone LEM Ulue 2!)i riialiia liiiulu mmtli I ninmiMirlnr nf the at winlhw,a lifiit' P J. C. EMERTON telephone, r vner and electric village of Holtoii, I'eel enmity. centres in the cily'already at the month. Phone 1.15, 85 JOHN -ol 1037. Ilieiwe linrtli SO ' liH' ' lighting syslems, and close n in IH7I. Ills father wa .lames I'resbvlerian unit Anclleau 844 Third Avenue earn Ihesre Aft wel ilmlm,mi clialna llience In mi,P Hi n Champion Shoe Repair Shop to a half million dollars ' were Slork, and bis mother Hannah Churches at which boys of all FOll lti:.NT-Nice bungalow. RLVAIR SHOP inenreiiieiit. ami luiiilalnlnr 01" " I Emad Clock, Third Avenue upenl' iu grading the slreels. Plewes, who liolh came, to Can denominations were assembling, . vtii-f illprv. : Including nnn ir naien la. Jannaru qui p,mm M. MO.v:. - : l Mi I'rince lluperl is K10 tulles nearer ada from Jtull, Kng. Mr. Stork, II. V. i. Lepine concurred in piami (idayer) for sale. Apply General repairs, gas onjtinos, VMc.r. hniTirr rirV-rtin "Repairs while you wait" I he Orient Ihan any Pacific senior, was 17 years of age when the remark or Mr. llorie and 225 Ninth Avcniu: Fast. Pbone stoves, locks, keys, sewing ma tiiict or cmsr.i.anm WW" port, 1 1 ii h n populalfon of about be emigrated, lie 'arrieil on business Canon Hix. 50; 87 chines, bicycles., grain,ii,Ihiiips Tk tie tiro thilt I, KalnVeii 8,000 ppfijiln and n propprly us-seKsment as a druggist 'in Hollon for Mayor's Support. TO III'NT l'urnislifld room. and electrical appliances. Mi'lni Ppl.v la,fnr li.a p..,'IIitihii inarrled tn Vifljiietl u:iu. of 1 7,000.000. The sevrral years and was K3 years Mayor Itochesler "sjild he was Steam boated. Hoard If desir. ROKKJAR BROS. pelmleinn ami linlurrl tin 'D ''' ll.l First Class icily is notable for many things. of iige at the lime of his death satisfied Ilia! the object was ed. Homo Cooking. Norfolk M20 Third Avenue West inir plaiileil(leni'illieil li i-h.'iins kmiN:mmili Ceiiiineiii'lliH nf llu illl )i II Is the greatest fishing port in 1017. As a youth, Ihe mem worthy and the movement was Rooms. Phono Black .120. If Phone lied 578 inrner nf Lot 1037, tlienre ninlli It, Electrical Work on 4he "Pacific coast, ban Hie ber for Skpena earned bin first liadly needed. The benefits de. rliulnK.iiii'iiih ivi'ii tin-nee ail eJit.0 rli.iin.rliam men"I' 11 : largest cold hlorage plant on Ihe pay iu Ihe employ of Alfred rived from the training would nooi) fJlejin Hods from .50 per CLOTHES CLEANED more iniiinifmciiicnl,or ,, ami KATIIl iiinlallilna..tv.fi aio'. r , coast, a magnificent harbor llowig, a hardware merchant' o( go down in the future life of week. Fishermen's lipst. Latn and pressed by latest STF.A.M . p M. Huni'kmn. - and Accessories the world's lust nf adventure the Hp the Pioneer Hnnms. 107 3rd AveF,. ranking third among Hollnn. The boys. was sure pressing process. I'ltlVCE IIPPK.MT . I.AMI fllSTHH T. Automobile Repairs harbors, and is also Hut tpi'iiiinu and travel gripped Mr. Slork at 1'iuance Committee would give CAN YOU HFAT iVI Five room S ults called for and deliverer. Toko liner iRilieii or tliut coast,I. p. uwf-N. M'.'l"k,,v. - and Pat ts nf Hip (irund Trunk Pacific. an early age and he was only Itt the rerniest every consideration modern flat, . Phone 648 Terrace, ji. c, cupailmi laml : furniMhed, ' Aalatlo IHHli will) ami Would strain fur Inteml ! apply for a lieeime ' ,t in Agalnat Immigrants. when he left home even a poliil. LING, The tailor rnr mat, im rent. 20. Phone Hlack 15 1, ii.iiuriil ami pelrnle tN H. PATTINSON Mr. Work ha IWn one of Western Canada as his destination, On motion of Aid. Kerr, seconded tf rollnwlnir ilPHi'i'lheil laml: Cinmt rt, Prince lltiie'8 "lye wires" lie was. employed In different by Aid, Montgomery, the FOll IlKNTjKilohen and ' I wo BOATS FOR HIRE. pu.t weal pLiniiii rni'iier'nr one.Lot mile 1188,went litem ef I'1"l",r'' , i Firat Avenue since he set I led there, in I'.IOH, Western. Canadian and matter was referred lo Hip bedrooins' Willi hot and cold iiAUNCH "Nnrbe.nng,,Wn an rlialna,eiuiiAH.llietn'ti ihi-nea wahi Sll Clmjnt.,mi I'linln Ilie:! uddiliou to his iiilerest In Amorkiiu tovns mid lived fur it I'iuanco Committee. . waler. phone lied 250, tf Service. Phono iif eiiiiiinemviiieiit, rniitjilnliijr Jllack 400, tf i niaieii janimrj imitj. , ... ,, (,