Tuesday, April 11, 1022. THE DAILY NEWS j Local and Personal (rr.n ri'w.icfpN- "W.rtrn Crnilri'lnr1 eliit RulMr'; Fur a Tiui, phuiiu 07. If WMl.rn Canada Coal' Rliv , What Commffeial nd'Retail MrtlwijiV What's ana Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 648. Who H. (J. Undertakers. J'liuiio4l. If Hayners, Undertakers. I'hone ' Western Canada's 051. - if I'luiiic sill for Cody' Trans Eastertide fer, tf Lumber Business Cash for Victory Hond. Tims To uieot the ever popular demand for McClynionl. tf Easter Cards, Folders and Novelties we Ualdeii Seeds and ltou bushes. have this year a large'specially selected City Market. tf 1U Ylc- J . Ar stock of each and at popular prices. to rtvia"" - .-a Men. A. T. I'arkln will iiol. receive While we have enough for all, remember (uitiorrow. the early shopper gets the pick of 'In I Flower, l'ot l'lanls in A the stock. bloom. City Market. tf A Magazine for r". !..: c., oi " Every Man in Fifteen picc'u.band nl Hie rink the Business Thursiby nilil, I JUi. 87 a.un Via - . Don't think tlmt th Gi(sftaim.JM t,iimlrrmiin If 4 rt liv- Wwtern Every ,esu This cvo.ninw'rt Irnin is ro-poHed m mfljrHXine ptihlUhtvl for , mill owner nnd Inrflntr ted on tiniu and will 'arrive iprjitor inrrely for CO tail at 7:15. the lilfhfr tin. Tht Wttttm Lumbtrman atV HO ! idittd Ur tht btmfit f i:.sii:it i.n.i i:s and l-ot living tvtry man through whi tha makta Indutlry hit .W. Fill In the I'lanl iiri'ivintr .Monday iiioininur. -ba h In mill, camp ar .allW" ua. nitrating indapandantly. Q" lo .t Cily Market ; - tf Wa numbir among our or tut Coupon mott onthutiottio supoort- tin'- ran"" and Mail Annual mccjin? uf the City mlHa rt ttundradt and campt,of worktra who toll In a ' ..rr eTi'"-iV. 1 r ... cro"1 . iVi We", Now is KODAK Time u that tha Waittrn Lum-btrman llaschnll League oni;h! at 7:15. It monthly ooon Son. of Canada - llooms. (butinott Ing thtlr tyat rniini to what halplng tht in a"" nrt " tham do things right and KODAKS and BROWNIES S'i'xi. Monday lifin Faster to.XrtlVlM graatar in advanUga.tb Wrutern Monday, Ihc council n I inr will I.utnhermnn ar? written Our Stock 1b Complete for ttte MTrriisro man ! postponed iinlil Tuesday. . nrt in e r r I k fr tli No. 0 Brownie- $2.00 trjiinrd Ami lota rxpert.of urritioni You'll 0e ,...e . - Sacred 'Concert and' Sftiired In every numtifr. , Oioil l". ml'' I'lay al Ihc Methodist Church Subteriba today. YouMI No. 2 - - $2.50 find tha flrit numbar worth .nce Hood Friday evcriin;; al K:l.r, a yoor'a subiorlption. of No. 2 $3.50 o'clock. Admission 50c. a - - " MevW' : . No. 2 c - - $5.00 Into I'reshyleriau Ladies" Aid wiiWiilU "f Work, Home Hugh C. Maclean Come ill and inspect (hem. II will surprise you wliun you see Conk in;: and Camly on Wednesday. Western limited I iu pictures llial n Hrownie will take. April li". Tea will he serveil Western lupibef VANCOUVER, B.C. from 3 lo C p.m. in the Clmrcli m Hall. 85 Please aend me; Western turhSer- ORMES LIMITED man for enauing year. Draw on Tln annual ineclin;r of Ihc Phones 82, 200 and 134,: Prime lliipi-rl Tennis Club will The Pioneer Authority THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES ne lielil in 1 1 1 1' Conn House oil fer t to cover subscription. Service Thursday rvcn'fiur at H Fv PUBLISHED IN VANCOUVER fop Amateurs p.m. Doveloplng and Printing Dally Kill blank out for either DrtHnt draft or order upon eryone imci'c.sicii Hi 1 emus Is mill roneern or loapea raoia'i'here you are emploj-ed) invited. 87 Send in'your subscription today, cash or draft. Get theprU1 y Signed Sayt.lt with Flowers! (hit Has I issue. Have monthly the best lumbering journal in wesvern. Address el- I.ili.Is, Calln I.lilies, I.a.Kli. Ml Cariinlious. daffodils. Narcissus, Canada.' ..RUPERT BRAND . . Moses. Uaby Hoses, Violets, Til t -lips. Slocks, Hyacinth-, Maidert hair ferns and fancy pot plant Kippers and Bloaters ai-i-ivin;i Slu.li'i. Wednesday. Arctic Wimi-I from the Hoard Two dozen Harrodils for 75e. III the' last issue ornnVNVw oi'Ks asking permission lo re. City .Market. If. York Sunday Times lot -'he l-e-eeied for Salejat coiumend (lie ehansic of Hi here appearnpiclures of i-adc on Sixth Aw-ipic Fast s I'resh Snio Salmon. 1. II. Mrs. H. s. Chichester ami Mrs. "SUPREME" ALL RETAIL STORES as In en I out sonic of the hill Fish Market. I'lione 071 (i -McMordie, members of Hie L'lsler between Mellridc Street anil Hi parliament. .. Mrs. McMohlic is The Most Tasty Breakfast Food HooHr'Sehool was auViplril by the The Iteeves Vaeinini Cleaner for Hie widow 'of the former Lord Brand Fresh Roasted Coffee eomicil last niulil. rent by the day. .Telephone Murk Mayor of llelfast who was Obtainable ' . JOU. The NN'mnen's J-;xchalise. tf cousin ot Col. S. I'.. McMordie o Hose, Cnwau Latin's lender V 9 . Ibis city. Help liuild up your home town" by using' of liG for the printing am Delepales are rc(iicsed to al- Made in Prince Goods SmokedDaily by iiiniiMiir or i(Mio lax ilemaml no. leiiil a regular nieelln of (he Anions lliosi .sailing for Ihc Rupert (ices In triplicate bound in hooks Trades and Labor Council to- North on the J'rincess Mary la.' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. perforated ami numbered was nijilil. t cvcniii; were: .1. Ciirley, V. (in . . USE, . icccnlcd by the council last " tic and 11. Alexich, for Wliili PRINCE RUPERT niiiht. Other lenders were: Mr- Leate your oriler.s eiirly for Horse; I). C. Velie, Hazel Vein: llae lln.s., $1 U.75 and A. Home Made Hot l'rnss Huns al J. (ireen and C. N. rraser, fur SUPREME I-rank $ ll'.i. the Curlloii llcslauraiil (nice- Ketchikan: .toe llebich, .. Ilelf Ion's), .i , 7 and L. May for SUasway, aui Aid. Collarl brought iii ill last M. Menus' and O. Kin use for niKliI s council the matter of (1. M. W alker,, of .Mice Arm, Wraiiffcll. street crossing slcps In tin is leaving- in a frv days for , COFFEE hand limited lowiilnwil section when; it is The (Canadian National sleain Wp have on a very Williams Lake and jhe Cedar wilh much difficulty and dauber Creek gold diKfdiijr.s; ' v er I'rince Alliert, lluplalu Ncdden supply of Hial women can liamllc perauu arrived Ibis iiiorniiih' from Van None Better at Any Price Imlaloi's. I'hc Hoanl of Works llolliwell has been Branded couver aiul will clear tonight for and Hie City I'luineer are o lieriiiissioii In piirchasii from the the Uueeic Charlotte Islands call lluaslcd noil packed in I'rince llupert by I'rince Itupcrl workmen. ing ul (he north end fii'sl. Anion;.' lake II iiii. city tax sale lot :'ii, block ,i'K Sold only in one-pound' uirlifrht caitoiui. the who to sail Coal iia.sseuei's are Edscra eclion 8 for .-'7.l plus inter. You jit 'be delishted. Aid. P'-rry lias drawn atlen- e.l. i on tli,. vessel from here are lit Try a pound today. llon of Hie niayor to Hie con. . ...'. and Mrs. II. Lawsuit and litiou existing nl certain liusy j dauliter and K. Ilurnip, of Lon Andrew's Society and don, Ciiuland: 11. II. Ives, and STEWART & M0BLEY, LTD. which offering at the orners of the city where hllo I ulies '. Auiliary Musfcal eve- we are Itev. and Mrs. J. (iillatl, of Sand iiioek the irar- men practically inir. April at 8 p.nu I.ecliirer, Coffee Importers following prices fie al lime nnTj spilling, is prae- I'fincipal .1. C llrudyj on "Sir spit. liced without any eheck. The Waller'iH-oll." IteKular month MINE RUN, in bulk M A Htt mayor promised to take the ma). ly ineetiii.' postpiined unlil April FULLER'S SPECIALS per ton, delivered. . . . . . P 1 yj 1 u r up with the police with- a 80 ew lo closer pal I'lillhi).'. Fresh fiiner Snaps, lh 25c SCREENED LUMP, sacked d1 Q Cf , final .Jieiail.- or iiKt.;iiyinw in I'ure Olive Oil. rej-Mllar price per ton, delivered P1JOV Aid. Mel.cod, nl last n fill's allow fur I lie purchase' by I lie ."i.!(l pal. T" clear $4.35 DENTISTRY Served council nieelliij, emiiilred from oily of the lol .at the corner of Special Corn, 7 tins $1.00 First Come, First Aid. Perry, ehainiiau of the Utilities Second AVI'lllH and I'Jflh Street luic.y Oranges, u dozen. $1.00 Don'l neglect your teclli. One decayed or Hiissliur tooth Committee, why i was. that from .1. A. Kirkpalrirk. for r0(i Islile Soap, H bars 25c ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. there were so many complaints over Hid above dcliiiiiueul Jaxes Skookuiu Winesaps, only....$3.75 lowers your vitality. lately of unusually hiyh electric were put Ihroiifth at last nlglil's. Fuller's Hulk Tea. 2 lb- for 95c 5G4 BAYNE 116 and DR. Phones liuhl bills. Aid. Perry replied council meelintr. May Hloom Tea, lh 50c thai the eniuuiillee would be rillson'.s Oats, only 25c Rooms 4, 6, fl, Helgerson Block Prion 10 pleased lo'llioi'ouwlity investigate . II. ilallell. a well known ;usin Salmon, only 15c Olllco Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Aftcnioous. l:JO-5:ao; any and all individual cases Mice Arm prospector, arrived resh Herring, lull lins.. 20c fishermen 7.9. Evcnlng-8, r A inn Our frozen herring halt la conceded by Coast brought forward. from the north on the Clielohsiu .ildiy's Apple Hiilter .. 25c 0l 1 (o ,0 the finest procurable at any Pacific- tin 25c this npirniiiK and will, be couliii. Smoked Mack Cod, 1'urU.uiul it Is "Fishy." Price, :io per ton. tins ,20c and 35c lluy your green vegetables uiiiif hU vnyuKo loiiiuht bound lorncil lleef, CV " The bel way of Insiirii.iK' a Rood quality trip is tho City Market. for llella Coola, He iulends to Larue Oraujfcs, f:iianinleci llJLY lo invu ploaiy of our hard frozen ice. l'rice, no on ii Koiit prospermia trip extra iialily, only 70o UNION STEAMSHH COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED $1 pc'r ton. You re not iMome i(in nines iiiiauu-'iinii up Hest Hull er, H lb. boxes .... 400 SAILINGS ri.tf:.n fur woJl-eiuipped store ran supply fishing Kuar, rczEMA a i g p.rlm'Fiit-I when the llellu i;-.in inter. from Extra Special (2 Days Only) For Vancouver, Ocean Falls anil Swunson Hay, J'uesdu)', 8 p.m. VUirilS fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions i'hiiM'jou use oint Ur. llella Co 'la I lie V', which 12 local ei,'K". I Corn For Vancouver, Alert lluy and port Hardy, tjalUrduj i.ln. and hurdware. ' ment for Enema and hkln lrrit. Mr. llollell oil'.'llils to follow up Heef Hash or Irish Slew For Anyox, Alice Arm. Arruudule uud Wulosf. fslund, Sunday L tlona. It relieve! al one. anu graau-&liv hfuU iIia .kin. tuinnl. Uix lr. was local C'l oa.ny years ai by and I tin i lb. Auslmliun lilidlllght. . .. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company CUaM'a wnl OhiUnnit auuil 2o.aiinnp Ires it for you ijoMbk.uicntlon tiou.this a the fiiilou' Jwliii Hlurk, of llahhit. Total value l.70. For Port Simpson uud Naus Hiver Cannerie, l'rlday u.ni. Ketchikan, AlwKa Branch B&prt Lluilltil,all dealer!ioroie.or Kduiimnn. x.tet & V)., Alice rm. , , FaIiu Special $1.15 623 Second Ave. JACK BARNSLEY, Agent Prln Rupert, B.Or