0 When You THE NEW Want a TAXI YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE PHONE HOME BAKERY Service and The Best of Everything. fleet PRINCE RUPERT Try our service . Dest Cara in the City Phone Black GO Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ml Yul XI If NO. HI. I'm.Ncn itui-Kirr, n. c., tlt;.sd.y, apiui. 11, jussj. VtlWrday't Circulation 1649 irt SdM 4t. PRICK KIVK CENTS France Takes Issue Genoa Conference CONSIDERABLE REDUCTION IN CITY LIGHT AND POWER RATES editorial 1 Friction Caused by GREEKS REJECT A A. M. MANSON ON CANCELS ALL BUSINESS IMPROVING. IS BURNED OUT: TURKISH ARMISTICE SUNDAY CLOSING PER1TS TO Russian Delegates ATIILNS, April 1 1 . A Tll.'ll business ill VillU'lHJMT ti'h'Pruin receded hen-from lias improved rnnsiilcruhly in the McGettigan Suffers Heavy Loss iSmyrnu as 1 -k Delegat'on Mettj Attorney Oen-Vlctorla CARRY ARMS pad few weeks is (In refreshing In Saturday Morning Blaxe. headipjanlers liuvt- rejected' eral at Regarding news brought from Vancouver at Big Conference 1 1 1 ' proposal)! for an ur-jii Matter. j (lit! -tJ fMlt lul i v nfu wholesale THREE PERSONS HAD islic.' vn il Ii the Turks insofar Drastie Order Issued In Belfast llrm there. Ilu says I Iml NARROW ESCAPES as it deals Willi Hie Arguments for and against I lie by Government Cancelling collections ro heller, (lint onler.sl GENOA, April 11. A clash which might have shipwrecked removal of (lie (I reek army enforeeuient ut Hi,, provisions, of All Permits. in? cumiilg in iiml Ilia I there is !i the financial conference on Its first day was averted today by the Kndako, April Ml. McOclH-gan's from (ho battle lines, Hie t.oriJ'H I)ay Acl were reseni-ed general motfiiiftiL lowards .flrmness and tacl of Uoyd Georgo and Premier Facta of lUly, general store here was to Allorney.tifiieral Manson Inference is called hunted lo IIh . gfound about I: yesterday afternoon, member of Siirl. ii uiociii.'i.iwiisiu-i-,h.i. wh0 chairman. o'clock I the bonrd of police commission. on Silllmlay Miuriiliir. There has been a hard lime bolli George Tchitcherin, head of the Russian delegation, said Tlic eiilirr slockLand persomilj crs. representatives of the Minf-' Irish Leaders Asked to Meet to for Iiiimiicss in vn mill for working Russia accepted the terms set forth at Cannes governing participation effects of Ilu1 nijini-hor arc a! FUNCTION AT islerial Association, and a large Discuss Is Situation Court Stopped. III 4 II. All IlilVl! had to in the conference, but Russia would go further and welcome total loss. The V!i muted dum-j deleiralion eoiiifioscij of various .. .11..... ii... .1 ..r ...I. ..... :i.. business orhnixalioiis and Individuals I lOOII 1 1 .-OHIO Ol .III 1(.'l 11), age is IG.50l ;farlially rovcrcd any steps possible' leading to disarmament. j opposed lo change HKM'AST, April 11. A drastic Illll II 1" CVIUCUL II III I III- WOrSI IS by 'J.()on insurance. LONDON FOR any M. Barthou, head of the Trench delegation, heatedly in Hie etislhijf sjlualioii order against (lie carj-yin'j of riii riin ilii,ivi,ri.l liv appeur-Iiijx u'jii iiirr iiiiii iiiiii t omul iii is arr arms was issued lodav. In eireet aeniea vnav icniicnerin nao a rigni io oring up uusi inaoionv, vniui i lie and advanchi-t lliejr vjews on iiliprov ui. pa,,jj. McJiellisun as was rci H cancels all prjvale. jiennils lo Ill Norlheril llrilish loliiiiiliiu was noi on me agenaa or, ine conieronto, ana wouio oe oppowg as a I limine from a danci. While P.C.LARKIN Hie matter, says Hie A'ieloria II. . 1...I.I I...II.. .......!. r,... topic for this conference by Trance to the bitter end. Colonist. carry arms. I llt'l " IS II SHRIIL IH llt l IJIl lll I III- rescuing his brother, Phil., and mills (ire opening and loggers Lloyd George asked the Russian to keep to the agenda and complete I. Mullijran, who wi-re usleepl The 'discussion disclosed that HKI.I'AST, April II. Lord Mayor O'Neill of Dublin- has in- arc going lu llio woods. While the work the conference had met to do befo're embarking on iiiimcilialHy ahove'llie rife. Mr. j Banquet GJven Tonight by the, as yet no specific reipiest for sued invitations in Ihc imiiicdinlc nc ichhnrhood other tasks. He urged that if any problems were added to the discussion .Mi'(ietliaii was n'tercly burned j Canada Club, Hamar Greenwood enforcement or the Act in any lo prominent the conference might 'bo shipwrecked and the peace of particular ease bus .,, Headers o! the opposing liarties in if Prince. Ilupcrl there is mil about Hie ra:e alid bands. Mrs. j Presiding. Southern Ireland lo ineel to dis thai cl ivily wii woulij like to Europe shattered. MeKeen, who wbs in cliarve vt j .Tt made to Hie AHorneyi-reiieral by 'cc, (I is evident thai our liirii Premier Facta ruled that Russia must stick to the agenda, and (lie restaurant In.llie iipposile I LONDON April 11 An Hie board of poliii'i'commis'sioii- with cuss the iew entire political ituatiori uml to this the Russians'agrced and France let the matter drop. unusually large attendance is ers; Ihat he. :ij)i anxious to v.. . a to reaching Unity. It will come soon we shall all cml or I Ik iniH'Jiii'-', also nail a It .JI..I...I .I...I f:..i.. l be bow. Lloyd George spoke next to the chairman and urfledthat peace narrow i-seajte on aeeoiinl of lite assured for the Canada Club's asspreil wlielVi'V the request fori-1 "a" u inai .uienaei nonius nas fler nil, lic winter ha not must be established In Europe through the earnest e(Trt or an rn,,,Uiij- with wliieli Hie flames banquet tonl7ht.'to P.CLar-kln, enforcement is hacked by the ai i-i-il'-u no" iiiviiiiiioii, HKLl'AST, April it. Armed been anything like as had as the nations to do things most likely to conduce lo the good or all nations, The cause of Hie fire the new high ommls- liiiiiorilv seiiHineiil of ilie neii- )D.'ssiiiiis( prophesied il woulij forgetting their selfish aims and "the snarling with whicn Europe is.jv unknown. clnn.n fni. P r.a H a I rT rVjllA- . pie, who elected Ilu: coininission,llTI,ul,,ilan ddicr today refused ptTlilil lo the judso to elder the ami Dial he does not consiiler.' It will 1m hi. flpt mihlln r.rl and bewildered." I In- The.ro has not, jcen thai deafened Tin; liulldln;; destroyed was u - terrible (iitii lluil many-looked The admission of Russian and German .representatives to the jtltf ,) j)a. M rupture and was'; pearance since his r""vai arrl,! I Ilu I il is desirable, to enforce Donegal court house lo open the session, vtalinx'lliiit republican loiw lllJ u. I..IINlSIUllLjl'Ill principal, governing committee of the conference was strongly , iiimlmark Hf fonslructiou here.- ljn-aet in every' paricula'r. only opposed today by both French and Belgian delegates. dayx. I Hamar Greenwood, ocfjlef lliough . a )yiipi-' particular courts could be held there. The cojirla j-wugiiirij.closed- JoY -fie SundiTy" fusine's-t Hiei-financial slumps. (Tohiparc Lloyd George together with Premier racta Intervened, with the ; secretary for Ireland,' vio Is cjasses -.searched-. - Armed Russians and Germans were both admitted. also a-Canadian; will preside will, not discriminate between in- women Today result that the lie cal winlnr willi four F. IIS years i AUSTRALIAN and the Dukf'of Yorl wili dHdiials falling wilhin any one DoiictrnI homes for goods made in -dink us. (.oittparr business "EMBER FOR ATIIN fOUNTIES WILL TAKE CHAMPIONSHIP attend. p. idass. Suoaests Conference. llelfast. iiMililuiii Willi what Ihcy with ' . . . , hKIIIVI HIP hM.Kf. AIICTD Al IlkT CUfrf I'll IV . ThA uliorney-general staled II It.I I.41 T. I llll k...H M H I H .1 IS VISiriNG tllli JOHN HART IS rtudiruiuan onir rwp he jiiilged from his interview Ilu1 Iii I Iwu year. nf Ilu- war. with the poljce coiiimissioners A- ti in I f tB of fjiel li.'iv-i LONDON. April tl. (ieorj;e OWNERS HAVE MADE H, F. Kergln, M.L.A., Accompanied that lley .a't-i 'nol- aejuuled by . , , , Cook. Hie An d rnl inn pocili'l. was NEW MINISTER -- ' llll MII(M llll 1 I I I I H IIH- Young, by Road Superintendent AGREEMENT SEAMEN "'I'.Vri J'jfttg. for. ti wholesale en-forei'iumi any very serious (roubles. disiialilied in Ihc sijilh round oT Camo n Today. Proposal to Restrict Their Actlvl-tles'to ijf -Hie- act., and he ami i'oiii now on wr may look a clicduled I'll.round bout here -r-lfT suggested (o JJiij."deleg'ulion of for iiiiiuovcmciil Unorganized,Territories lust nibt against Joe Itecketl for II. It is OF INDUSTRIES II. I'. Kertfiu. M.I..A. for Allin. LO.OoN,9April announced "ant is" who appevirril before him I aim neore.-. . i iimiiiki ..I r"i"......r. Is Defeated. tin- cliauipiou.iip of the lliitisli (,lal a satisfactory un-derslaniiru'; lliul they Hhould jnecl wjjh Hie Inlendei'l. arrived lliis niornlni; ' I'.mpire. lias been reached between eouimissiouers and discuss ""the OTTAWA. April II. A motion (he management of the Premier, Oliver Retains Portfolio on the t:iicohsin from Alice Arm. mailer. He announced that ho (o (online Hie ael.ivilies of Hie ENGLISH RUG3Y. Australian sleamers and (lie of. Railways for the Mr. K'wiin and Mr. Youin,' are had reticsled the police board mou n lei I, police to iinorgauied I.OMlON. April II. Leeds de. Seamen's I'liion whereby preference v"Present, bete lo lake up iniKllers coneein-in to set forlh its policy in writing MAN IS BURIED piildic works in Hie northern lerfitores was defeated by a vole Teated Halifax by a score or '.'0 .will be granted to members ami he pronilieu Ihat lie fore any YIC'I OIHA, Apr. 11. -lion. John of IOC In 1.1. Ibose who voted tit 5 in Hie Northern llugby of the Aiirlri-liau Seamen's action was; taken by liim di-lricl with A. I. (.iirrullier-i, upon Hart, minister of llnance, was today auaiWsVdl ineludeil Premier Mackenzie cnuii r for Ihc l.'nion game today. I'liion. any i'ei)iiesK 'for prosecutions in "uperinlendenl, sworn usvmiulster of industries, AT VANCOUVER Kimr ami Hie majority of (lll-ee liorllieril eonslilnencies that Hie a ii t is would be informed relieving premier Oliver his Jollowers, Hon. Arlliur MeiVh- ilminecn. Prince Ituperl and Allin. .so Ihat they, too, might maki' or the ollice. .Mr. Keiyin also Jias liiisiiHjss witli eii ProKrensives.and ail liis rollow'ers. ami a few Under New Utility Bylaw I heir written recoinmendulions The premier still retains ,the Flsherios Inspector David F, M. (ieor-re A. Clothier, resident miiu Tliose liii,- Hie motion and suggest ions. portfolio of minister of railways Perkins Died Suddenly at insr eiiHiucer." ' Mippoi Two Hour Discussion; - and Mr. Hart continues as iniuis-ster Included a niinorily oT Hie Liberals,, Household Rates Will be Hospital. Mr. Kfrn.iti icliirnsilo Alice Ann I'or (wo hours Ihc subject Mas of (iuance. llo'jj. T. A. t'rerar ami a ma-jorily, n Ho- Prince lliipcrt lonjorrow before the attorney-general who VANCUL Vlilt, April II. Havi, ni.lit, wbile Mr. Youmr will I"' the l.a.bor'(r Hie I'roKresishc.s and independent;i iil all 8c and 5c in This City made il clear Hint Ins desire was STATEMENT TO BE . I' .M I'erkiiis. fbery inspector taking Hie Prince,Alhcrl al Hie end lliemlieis. to be fair to all parlies and to week Tor Stewart. seek to meet the wishes of the lie of I MADE TODAY W N'oitbeni It. V. and rcsldin;; Ilie niotou was introduced by ON KiT.'iu (liat (hues majority of the people. Mr. rcporls ' Soul Ii l'(rl Heurse, died al ipiiel in Alice Arm and William Irvine, Labor member for The lAlaw whirli is lo be presented by (lie utilities coin-millee The interview between the al GOVT. RAILWAYS S' J'aul's fiospilal lieie on .Sun-duy are very Calvary. (.oniicil dale for general (here I no deilnili' news s to lo Hie c ily at an early providing lorney-general and Mayor Mar- wliila visillns (lie eily on wlia altivilies there wjl be this reduction in cily light and power rates will show a reduction of chant and Police Commissioner OTTAWA, April' it.---Hon. W. business. Me was taken ill suddenly. the household charges from Hie present tarill of 10 Vic for light season on Hie llolly Varileu mine. Slaneland was a brief one, lu ('.. Kennedy, Minister of Hallways Mr. I'erkiiis' wir0 Is. a It is .ciicrally lelieed, howeer. INVESTIGATE and lie for power lu He. for light and ne lor power. Correspond-ing which it was made, clear by Hie will make his unnuul stuleincnt UHT of Mr. .lustice Murphy. will also he made in Ilie industrial which redoclious rales, are for Ibat some development worjj will latter that Hio move enforcement this uflcrnoon in Ihu House of Mr. Perkins huii been In Hill-""Ii be done, principally on Hie Wolf now "..'( lo l.Ile for light ami 1c lo Ic for power. of the Lords' Day Act Commons in regard to tbo government Coliiinbia 2S years and was THE FISHERIES Hie this Aid. (5. (J. bylaw mine. There has lieeii a wood den' .Speaking on proi'oscd tuoriiiiig, Was bused upon the principle. railways. Following a nolaiy public for i'O years. Ho chairman of llio iilililies coiiiinitlee. explained Ihat it had ' of sickness at (he Arm lately. Perry, Ihat the workers were entitled to Ibis, the house will resume llio was connected willi tbo iesal "the intention of the commit-; J been one day's rest in seeu. The discussion of 'tbo estimates. ami illinium Liisine-s from I'.'()'.) Standing Committee of the House tee lo bring in Hits bylaw ever mayor mil lined Hie pulley of Hie STORK'sTlD HART IS GOING TO ami was us.social t-il with I'. ,1. . ASK of Commons to Go Into since the.llrsl or the year. The poliot. board, at least that sanc Hon. Mr. Manson on Ids elevation 'iillespij, in Hie llxcelslor Life Matter. delay hud been causctl on account OTTAWA TO FIGHT tioned by himself and Cornmiss (o the portfolio of Atlorncy- liuurnnco (i. People of Vandorhoof Want the or wailing for Ilie auditor' report inner .Slaneland, stating (hat the (icucrul und wishing liiiu a ca l ive years utro Mr. J'erkins was Watorways of North Improved. OTTAWA, April II. -A standing fur llt;'l, when liual llgures would FOR VICTORIA DOCK other commissioner, Mr. North, reer or suciess in his high office, uppoiiited fis.liery Inspector. commitllee of Ilie House of be presented. The passing uf the was not in 'accord with lliem. Kev. Mr. Slevensou sug The funeral look place this VAXUKIIIIOOK. April 11. -I'reil Commons on Fisheries, is lo Investigate, reduclion bylaw, ,M.J. perry VICTOItIA, April II. No Roquest as YeL gested that the question of cn- -lion. inumliiif a U:i5 froin Oenter A Slork Hie ineinln-r for Skeena. is the fisheries of Uritish staled, would depend largely on John Attorney - (ienerat Manson rorconU'iil of the Lord's Day Act llanna x parlors lo the Holy llos to be asked l" aid '('. t. Mcllride, Columbia, A motion to thul effect tiie accepting of Ilie auditor's re. finance Hart,and provincial member minister for Victoria, of pointed out thai us yet ho had was, so far as Victoria al least ay pro-calliedral, member rorlliis distl lcl. in securing was moved by W. (I. Mc-Quarrje port. This will be, completed in is going lo Ottawa llil, received no reiiiesl from llio was concerned, a species of al.rrrom Ilie pjvcniment lo of New Wcslniinsler and the course of a very short time week lo fight for a citiilinuatico. board for authority lo prosecute hardy annual. north of but it is not delluilely known in and he llev. Dr. Clay staled the, DOMINION WILL inilroe Hie waterways adopted by Ilie lfoue. now, or Hie Mscjui Jiiult- dry duck building. liny particular cuse, ques Ktuaii Lake. This was decided lu his speech Ibis member for just now wbelher or noLIhe b law-will uggesled that the board .should tion was the largo one of the FLOAT ANOTHER on al u recent mecliiiK or the Nt;w. Weslmiiisler denounced Ihu be ready for submission for set out in writing just whul Its enforcement of law without dis Hoard of Trade. Dr. W. Iloss Stone .laiianese in the fisheries and next Tuesday nighl'ii meeting. policy is and whul l desires in tinction. In his opinion the LOAN YERY SOON prcsiditiy- said -they would monopolize the Previous to 1P;'II t)ie utilities SPANISH ARE AGAIN Ihu way of enforcement of the. country was 'sulfering from a fisheries of Jlrilish Columbia in' department bad obligations to Ihc act, a suggestion llio commissioners lack of respect for the law. is the near future. genrrul fund and it was a, Hial ACTIVE AGAINST THE ugreed to. "I think I can relieve your mind, OTTAWA, April I J.- The kov. JACK depsey Win. Duff of Lunenburg up-polled limit impossible lo rediive rules. Immediutely following this lu. You needn't worry so far I am ernment conteniplales (lio Issue OFF TO EUROPE Mr, McQuarrie and suld Siliee 10-0, however, the obligation; MOROCCAN REBELS lerview: representatives, of the concerned as to law enforce of a loan for an auiouiil wliieli is he was opposed to licenses being of (he utilities to 'general .Ministerial Association uppeured ment, I um hero to administer not yet deleniilned suld Hon. V. Xi;W YOIIKApril ll.-Jack given to Jupauese. fund was aalscd by the selling of MADIIID, April 11 . Itenewed before the Allorney-Oenorul, llev. lite law," staled AUprney-Gencr-ul S. Kieldliitf, Minister of I'inuiice, heuvyweihl eliauu Tbo minister of flsbei'ics said bonds last year and llio utility ii acl ivily by Spanish aviators lu W. LeslJe Cluy Kev. William Munsou, who, however, poiut- (oday. The bunds will not bo' l)ciiipcy,of world, willed (oday on the wbohj' iiicstion was auiiu now on its feel. , In lUSO there Hie operations' uguinst (bo Mo. Slevensou and Kev. William C. d to the fuel ' thut tho Lord's lax free, .howvvur. TbU loan plou (lie for Kuland. lie leriiullonal one and should be was a surplus of .'10,000, uml it is roeean rebels is officially ro. Frank composing the delegation. Day Acl wag drawn upon a busls will meet thu muturiiiK on He-eember will Hie Aijultanla spend three nioiilb on a dealt with jointly by the United expuded tbut this yeur's report, ported, Muuy villages liuve been Congratulate Minister, from other luws passed by the I of 0182,831,000 worth Stale umi Caiiuda, will show a similar surplus. bombed. Intending congratulations to federal authorities. of tux free bonds, lour of Kurope.