PAOF act TH1 DAILY NEWB Tuesday. April igf, TWO NEW DENTISTS ECZEMA LOCAL RED CROSS G. H. Arnold, Notary Public OPEN OFFICES HERE ON FACE AND HANDS SUPPLIES FIRST AID WESTHOLME THEATRE its to buy home at reasonable for KIT TO SMITH ISLAND Tuesday your opportunity a a very Dr. Tall and Dr. Douglas Will Five Years Tonight, price, uml 011 sue fl easy payments that it is nu harder to purchase Practice Their Profession In KcxMiii or Mil rheum. a it Is no ortti Ilia 11 it is to pay yOur present 1 en t. Story ami a half This City. called. tiiaulfcM Itself In Utile round The loeal branch or (he. Oain-iliun five looms am built. $1,300.00 011 leriiis of $300.00 cash, bal-anee pimples whlclj contain, id eitrcintly Irrl lied Cross: (society has sup R. A. Walsh Production Dr. K. S. 'lull ami Dr. 8. I latlny fluid. These break and autije plied a complete ciiutkciicv llrsl $25.00 mouth. Douglas, tfrniluale.s of Hie Chi qucntiy t cruse' or acale li formed and the aid 011 1 II I to Hie ,residents of Smith Eight Rah intense hurnlnj, ttchln and cago .orlhweslorn University "martini, slnnd. The kit provided meels H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. especially it nitbt or when the part is have opened offices in the llel- tpo"cd 10 uronr hett. Is almost tin-bearable with the full requirements of Hie Real Estato Rentals Insurance Sfcrsou llloek whriv Ihey will and relief Is fladly welcomed. pro1, ineial Workmen's Cuiupensa- "THE OATH" practice dcnlislry. mere, is wily one way to tct relief and lion Hoard, It Mill be put In 110 remedy Ilka Ilr, I'ait says lhal he looks o UDDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ehnrj-'o of the school teacher for see Prince Unpen laconic mi ate 11 internally and It Rets at the the (.'eiieral use of the selllemeul I lniiorlnnt centre ami for lhal seal of the dlecase In tlio blood aud drives Hunmnzc ComedyThc One Ucst Pet" reason he and tils purine! have II out of the system. Easter Week Special decided to locale here. Apply It externally and It takes out tha NEW PRESBYTERIAN Admission, 15c and 35c in inns', Minima and burnlui. and Droiuolcs neainiy iieaaiir, MINISTER GOES TO FISH ARRIVALS Mr. 1. sae, tit rrlncess Ave., Van router, n. c,. Arltesi'llavlnff surftred VANDERHOOF IN MAY New Laid Willi. ertr-nii mi in ffA ..., I....) rn i. Department or Marin inrf Flahtrlea. - " ...V BIV l.U IIV.U IUI ,.1.7 r...ier..i urancn. Five Carloads Sold at Belter last live years, I consulted several doctors. .nui'i- aim irieii various kinds of salves and V. .N I UK 1 1 April II nn- invited for llir repair lo Prices at Exchango This tin- i.llons. but I derived no benefit from anr ....... .Morning. i,r li...,,. 1 .11.1 ..... v in' I'resbyliirian.... ..minister lia EASTER MUSIC i.ixik iiavrir anu "null." WIHI tlf Ull Illlllll. -'.llpleS llf tlllt MMTlll.'lltill.t l.n .J.l.l ,M"'n .Mis pun 4 friend advised me to try Burdock Blood IM'"ll" l"e Home EGGS 'lien .11 iTime"-"ini.'ii liuporl, it Xanalum,inn rinerles or Xcw Five carloads of hulibul sold at Hiuers, and afler I had used two bolllu ll in lloMi d lo haye charge tif I lie W i-lfiitiiMt-r. uean to cl belter and now arier takina- ehureli here. He is (lev. .1 S. Tenders Hill hi- reeclieil Up In 12 oVIiii k me i isii r.xeiiiintre nils mornm:.' All Ho- lalesi ill Popular Itml Slamlard An . on me stnii liisi.ini at u. mr ofih,. at bi-ller prirej lliau hiivo been 35c PER COPY POPULAR MUSIC, Lowest ur any ti'iiliT mt IH't'PKMlNly prevailimr for some days, the too hlirhly. I Ih,i. von ulll m.k fun i... Mi,y- Mieaitlillie I). CJ COMBINATION SPECIAL anrplul. of this recommendation for the benefit tp'"'"'". vxbo ios In I'orl -'rasi;r l.ady I'iaiiisl in allendaiiec. (MkimiI! i. A. MM-rasre lielng- around I lie Iflc Willi every Male nT i:lilr 1 1 1-1 h MOTIIKIIWHI.I,i-u.r rr H.-iii-i'ii'd mark. , . . ttmso who are suirerln- from this terrible on .Mav 1, will supply hen.. Oul of Town Orders a Hpi-tMtilly. loieiiui er. 11. c., April si, iua. niiitiiii, rrceiua. 1 lb. of Bulk Tea at 50c or I'lie following were I he arrivals H. n. li. nut up only by The T. Mllburn Prince Music Store 1 lb. Fro3h Ground ColTce 1 in I sales; i.o.. Limited. Toronto. Out. FLYING BOATS ARE TO Rupert at 45c Wniis, 'Mlllll pounds; Vesla, Opposite PostofTice p. o. Box e Will sell 75H0 pounds, ami Murineii'r, r.mio .miss .lean (.urrie was aceoinnan BE USED, ON PRAIRIES we pounds, sold lo Ihe. lloolli Fish-erics Isl for Ihe even Iiik. 3 dozen B.C. Canadian .On. at Whist prizes were woii by Mr GOVERNMENT SERVICE and lr. llobmsoii and Car Thomson, the DONT TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT" YOU w.vatkii 111 ni.MiTKIt Tor rislierleK .Mars, "Minn pounds; llolph, 11000 eousolatioii prizes iu Mr A lle I of live llyiuu' brrals will Fresh I'aln.l. one, irit.-illm imiwit In hi I 0i fret W. U. Cornish and llnppy llilclib 11 The Best Good Shoe Eggs liinr. ni lif iriNMl mmii luinf Willi C..II11I.I. pounds, and Maifnierilc, Idort be employed in .N'orlherii Matii- ..,,. ,,,u ii.i.i- n. ,-i.ui.inMiiii ror nmri Ihosi- present Miss Invfctus bhoe men. Hie t will In. r..iinli-..,l r..p h. noiimls sn 1,1 In lie ('iii'i.nni 1 11SII were .Iran loba diirinif Ihe romiiii summer $11.50 for ....preilinnlelr lliree iiinutlis. Tin- lu i.nil. land ('old Stin :i"e i:.i nl i o Currie, Miss Kua Kiikevsky, .Miss lo palml foresl areas for die de $1.00 mri' rrew a in win. n Tenters,oini iijiiirniii ir i-In ir nun nil ami le. (.lady.s hemp, Mrs. T. Moss, .Miss tection of lire. (lovcriiiiienl t all lit and see lh- pew InvtHiis ,ibeily I,a paitlrulars, uml prlre per diem riMlulrvcl Ilelianee. i'3,000 pounds, sold lo .Miuji'i viench, .Miss Vienna Cn - atren s w in imv lli ml I I. SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK iii.niii in. in tin. ..nii'M ..r t hi. iLLLri... ..r i ... . . i ......J 1 cileries, fiinee linpi-ri, mil later limn Hie I'ae e J s n-e i-s .il Oil,. iicooe last evening-, wiien danc ins nionevs lo Ihe v,.i-in,w i...ii.. Patent Mary .lanes children s . sizes 1-7; pair. $U$ Rupert Table Supply Co. J. A. MilTIIKIIWKt.l.. "i HUH.... , ,u. nish, .Mlsi Annie Malby. .Miss liamls seal len..l f l,.......I t .... Paliiit Mary Jaiutt children' sizes K-lO'j: pair 1.95 i:lilef insK'i-tur nf I'lslH'iies. I 'Cidsvolil U'.oKo pounds: im. t.tniiininii-, llnppy llile hie. im.le n.-iels ,,t II... .,,.!,,.., .. in Ladies lllack .Suede .'-strap Walklli- J'timps; real bargain G.85 Phones 211-212 .Mr. inn I Mi- li..i.n...., i I ..i .. ... Ttnden for Suppllea for Patrol Boats. pcrieuse. r.00 poumls, ami Hose ""'.i.-vy... Hill. UMi 11' ll :i..'S..ll. ill.: FAMILY SHOE STORE I'oillt, '!.. 00 pounds, sold In Hie i iioii.psoii. iioiii. liou.lon, llerber w !l he aide lo a innluh i.. IU, slriinl TlvMilJIS up In will u-hiii lie reri'lvcil April the u i und,.rl. fur Mlin l''iliii'ii.i mI ID 1 list t a Oalby ami .Mr. and .Mrs. Kirkevsky. or nix days the work which ror. Third Avenue (Operating Foot Comfort Service Dept. general supplies incltnllnit IIihhi. ILinlwur I'nlnl. eli'.. fur Hie I'atinl llnats In lilsirh i llival, lo.doo poumls: liiiiir.l inerly reipiirej seveVal "Jieeks. An. 2: (,' I lien i n.ns run u iilitalni'd all leader i')00 pounds; Alliance nu. ruiu.i.i..H iini.... i'i.iii.ii iiii,u...i i, PRINCE GEORGE . J. '.. .MoTIIKIIW Ki.l., food poumls, and Osuuil, tool 4.S. 4 4 t? lilef (iispeelor nf l lslieples. ANNOUNCEMENTS Special pounds, sold lo (In; r.,i laiii.fn I' sl Tin- cily council bus nolille Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office' Hotel Central IV I'llOIIATI-:. ami i.olil Storaw; o at 10. t( II... I. !..., . - I I.N Till: SITIIKMK IIOIIIT OK lIIIITISir and Ic. ...e ii'i.-iniiii ooaru nun ll can "j -v ,. rwuriwv' ' PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. i;oi.u MIIIA. .'laul no furlher fimuicial I lie Ladies Aid of the I'resby- a. There will always bo some one to tako them. Prices In IImI mailer nf tile AliMIMMTIlATlOA sisiauce. j lien., is ilanfer thai Icrian I'lnirch will hold a Lfazaai ACT 'iiul In Ihi malliT of Ihe estate iifl I In; April 12. liospital WIRELESS may have In el. i.oi is iiai iiLASciiii.u. iii'ieuscu. In- REPORT mi Prince Rupert Coal Company lesuie. t nil tin account of finances. TAKI-: NOTICK Hull III nnler i.r Ills llnnnr . '8 a.m. Tho Klks' Annual llasler Nov- Exclusive Representatives Ladysmllh-Welllnglon, Pembina, Easter Week I'. Mell. Yoiinif. InadiltiifJJtfi ilav ur April, I'eler Dir.I, clly Hall in Ihe Atidiloriutii Friday, A.I1. t'J-tt. I was appnliiVf til.ulMl-troli.r UllillY , IS.AM Overcast son or .lames Illrd. ' ' Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. in lue rsiaie nr isuiis iiauuenst-inld, le l!tltll l.'i l'..n.i.l 4,1. i!... I Soiilh roil (ieorj-e, is in tin: April 21. .. ceaseil, anil all parlle havlnif rJiiJiuji.JKalnsi -. . ' '' i umpei. Uic slil I'slale nn1 hereby ivquii-i .In rnr- !ll UTe,, 10;. sell slllliiilll. hospilal M.ufferiii',' from kiiii shol Latest Hats nin same, properly vermeil, Pi in' up Jir jiiVU, 'IMH.m.' .nrnv-i- ,t wounds, suslained accidentally The Woiiiiis Auxiliary , lif Kl. Yellowhead Coal ii,-i'ii,- in.- .nu iiii.v ,ji ,.i.i.,, a.ii. iv-.'?,ann .,A.T. ....j.. w... 'tjll ill Suits, $20 to $40 an pariii.s iniii'iiicii in tin. 1' are rn raini; naroiiieler, i'W.liU; Icmper- last week. I'cler's Clnirch, ,nl if)oxV will ipnei'ii u. pa.v llie miHiiint ttt llielr Indi bt hold All-wool Spring Overcoats ediien In me fiirlliuUli, . . muix'tfi i ; .sea smooth. a Sale of Work nmkllome On Dock Del iv rU JOII.X II. Mi:Mri.-U.-onirlal y;jrnj.r. HAIWIOII Overcasl liill-net Hshiii" for slurseoii ('ookiu; in I he Church" on April Ailiuliilslratur. ' ' LUMP, Bulk .511.00 $12.60 $25 to $35 I'ATKIi Ihls C.Mi day nf Aiill, tva. qalmr biiroiiii'.ler, 'JV.'V: lennier. fi lo be allowed on (he I'raser .(.. 1 LUMP, Sacked . 11.75 14.00 Tennis Pants, Flannel, etc. :,Vl"WY -.! fta tnoderate; 8:00 Hiver belwcrn l'rimi- lieni'.... NOTICE. MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 pirn. sjiok !seamer Daiiiei low Hid lb,. heaiwalers (his year. Sold In Carloads .... 8.50 IX only Till-. MATTKIl of an appl! for NUT, TERRACE nir liaise l ulls of Clvde nlieam i Hie nf a freili rvrtllleal of title In Analysis Fixed Carbon, VJ.2 rent; vol llle mull r Jlardy .lay noi tlibuiind. Award foiA i:ij).lo lias been lot IU, Itlork II. .Si'llbin,!, Clly of I'rliice per llupon. Map :i. percent; ash, cent; moisture. ti.H cent " per Steve .V . Noon. made M favor of. llm plainlirf in MlTII I. I lli'l-l-liv irllvll' II1.1V 'If I. i..v per King FRUIT LAND5 action between In lMie afler Ihe ijiMralluti of 0.1 D per cent; 11. T. U. air dried,'iO. Dr. JMHiit ISLAM) Overcast. Donald Me. him; 1111111II1 finirt Ihe llr.-l .ii, This is llitih (iiadi; llilumiiiotis Sleaniiu' Coal. 'iiblion and the Orand TrnnL- hereof, a fri'ili I'crlllli'ale nr nil" i.. On. a calm; l.aromeler. ."..02: lemner Hart Block Third Avenue l iiiniprovcd If'-acre os, fity I'aeifie shove mi'iilliiiieil prupeii' In the name of siiitaliie for III!! Pressure Hollers uml 1'uiinnes The li : 1 1 II IV, Ifij sea snioolh. llailway in a riuhl of J. Artliiii lliutilley, nlileh n-rtlileale of lit three niile.s floui ,iVrrace.?s!' Ill way dispul,. at title I"'il III.' aril Man-li Itti:. uml I. is n very .Superior Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load 0' I.I. .Miworlb. IIAIIIlOlt Olou'ly, i Jiiri-.-u lo it'll) ui'i;o lerlns. I hi niinib'n-il Jat I I. nrr on liorlhM's wind; Iiaromcler "..- Holierison was arbitrator. II. I . Min i I Oh. Mlne'Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your I'arlly, fn.i'VrpVDif lO-ucre lots, lii-trlMrar of Tllles. ' heating stove. i : lempcrnliiBr, 40; sea IIIOll- laud liPirliirx unpi-I'rlnee vr j J0 In ?I0 pet acre. IIUn-rl. It. C. One five-acre Unci, all cleared elale. The local (ircat War Ycler. ?ll day of Mareli, ItiS. ins Association has. and .lowed and fenced. Heady for irolesled DIVORCE SUIT. the appoillllnenl of .1. II. ArmiJ Hartt fariuiiiK. Oooil soil. (IiiiiiI Inea-lion. haw as road iipeiiiiiendent in! One-half mile fioin town .Ml: Annie Vine Mobley has Ilils dislriet. jiii road. Price .'Ono casli filed a peliiimi with the Yan- rili' for our free booklet on eouxcr courls asking fo(- a divorce lion. W. II. Motherwell, minis. SPECIAL SHOWINGS Tcrrac1! ami Kislricl. from her husband, Harry lerof ajiijculiure, in willing lo : Shoes KENNEY BROS. Hoi-, ill .Moliley,. of Discovery, Al- the. Prince Ueow Hoard or & CO. liu, son of Ihe lat K. II.-.Mobley, Trade, say-j It is his inlenfion Real Estate and Insurance Brokers M.l'.P. the yiitiiitf couple were to.visit IhU dislrici duriii',' the Once worn, will so fully win Terrace, B. C. inarricd al Prince Huiiert in suiumer. I '.II 7. Ihree weeks, before the re FOR EASTER your cotilldcneo lhal you will spiniilenl wcnl overseas with the accept (he next pair without lloyal I'lyin.' Corps, .Mrs. Mobley HAZELTON fiirlhcr iiilroilnelion or ive-onimeiiilalioii, The best in town ille'jes lhal since her husband's as oltl friends rcliirn Ihey lived liitrelhcr in I. D. Oallovay, dislrici minin whose dependability and Wasliiuuloii. hut lhal since Feb. "ain ', j-'ave i ne nrst or a " ' ruary, tiny, no nan descried her serb-s of lectures to prospeelors Milliiiery worlh are fully ..... . proven. Strand i.. i. iml failed lo provide for bet' in tne HU.CIIOU M'llOOl House oil support. I uesday nir.-li. Just Arrived from the East. Low in Cafe BIRTHDAY PARTY TO Minor repaira, lo Ihe h'fli level KIRKPATRICK bridges across Hie Ilulkley lliver Price. Up-to-date. MISS ENA KIRKEVSKY ale beiiiL' made by Ocorirc Hall. The Store of Satisfaction All White Help. i . .. . . . In hopor nf llicir neice, Mjss v. r. .-aivem nan been ap- Ilia Kirkevsky, whose liirllnhiy it poinied jirovincial t'overnnienl Coats and was, a party wus .jriven hv .Mr. and road foreman in place of Vule Mrs. James Kirkevsky at llielr .orriyan who is in Ihe Kail. A good point to remember EASTER SUITINGS !mme last eviui)!---, when laiu-iiiK It ti4 1 whist were cnjiiyed. There r. t. (.hllil, who for several Suits was also jnusic. .Miss Annie year has been eonm-clcd with The latest styles ill cut. lalby uml Miss Kinina (luminiiiK Ihe Mlver Htandard Mine, left Y MtS The Ramsay' The latest in materials. latest, high s d'sligliled with their tiiiiKiiiK, while last week for Albenil, very Made to Measure Suitings Oeoi'tfe I'arenl, inlciids to pro quality, moderate y i i nr i TRY US ceed Willi develbpmeiil work on .-' . w LING, The Tailor EDSON COAL the Prince of Wales claim this prices. t4 PAINT season with a 'view lo Hjilppini; XZ Second Avenue Phone 649 lulcr on. IL X - . . II I I Corner COMPANY 2nd Ave. and 7th 8t. Mr. and Mrs.. M. Vein have New Dresses IS and will stand the pure, arrived from fscalllo and will L rsJU-yT lest of time. sell hi here belli!,' interested in Bell a mm. ie furm at Two-.Milo purchased Arriving this week. V Best Coal bint I. Miirsball.year by .liiiues Newman ami Full line of Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves. For sale at Painters and Decorators v . SILVERSIDES PAPERHANGINQ KALSOMINING at Ihe I'li"KUpiox home A'alley.of Ncls was llreeii,dentrov-in Winner of Last Weeks Drawing; Mrs. A. Hill, No. 6 n; 1're-wur I'ricct Lowest Prices l by fir() last week. M It I BROS. Work neatly and ipjickly Second Street done. Mrs. i. 11, Cox oitfunicd a Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 Order Now! Phone 58 lino of women f i re 'figlilurs lit "DEMERS" Ihe bljjr blane last week. Kffuctlvi) work was iloiiii'by litem.