I April- H, 10i2. THW iJXilY fftiW - Jjj 1 I SporTchatl LACROSSE IS E1Y I II" - u. L The .limbic hilUhnl" League COMING BACK MACD0NALD3 eaiifrhl ui. .ill it nulslnndiiifr delayed lonrnamcnN Irtxl' week and Hie ranking nf Ihe leant in- Ihe Day of Professional' Games flandiiijf ha had' only one alteration Seems to fie Qorte Amateur n a result, Mm Heaver Prospetts. linviiiir raised themselves from the, cellar pnsilinn wlilcli Is now occupied ,y dir. i:iIH. Tonight MANN1' CUP DIFFICULTIE I lie Kxeelsmr nllfl Hip SI. An drew's ale M'lledulcil lo meet. " Great Sllrrlulus Is Noticeable In .Ml persons litleresled In base,-bull Ranks of Juniors. should allcnd Ihe annual meelinfr ' i.f Hip Prince lluperl 'jiilKiNTO; April If. NVrii-fen llarball Association' Intiflil anl for l tin Canadian Pres by Wiiil their voice.., 1 1. Hip formula, Leonard Srnille.j CaiinHn's sfeat Thin Blood Like Skim Milk lin? of Hie season's, plans. The uinnler and' lialional same eily ha.-. Hie- prospect of musfcr-injr lacrorise -Is fast relurnins lol USl as miiK is a perieci necessary to supply to the ,'iiinllii'r jrfioif leant Oil's year popular favor and has during" the food,..sq" is blood u perfect blood in condensed and easily mill Ihlnys should We started pal Iw7i' years made slrides: far nourisher of the uHshnilaled form the elements Willi- jrond cnlliiisiasrn at. Hie it beyond Hip' expectation of Ihe .. 1 At At-... 1 I of nature which iliat meeliiiv luiiidlit. inosf opliillisllc lacrosse lover. t I J-3 '' "' - " J go Hut thin. Watery blood is directly to supply the nutritive Sofite two or Ibree years prior lo ike thin, 'Ayater- milk with fuctor In th blood. NS'ifli Hip playliifc' of Hie pns-lioned Hie outbreak of w'ar- Ihe same the cream skimmed oil, anu iMlil'iiiediiile I.eapiie liill- sol into', a rul alid' inleresl was These ingredients are li.'ird fixllirit liel WPefl ' Hie Sons oil Ihe Wane, due, no doubr, in riiirlMhment in flkim milk. found in happy combination Ilie element of Canada arid (iriillo las) week rowjly which was Imuaired heart .s action is in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. llip .slamlinv lo dale is: creepins inlo Ihe spoii brought Gentle thought wonderfully I'l. IMs. Av. aliotii bV Hie "win' at liny cosl" potent In action, this restorative Sons if C.'inaila . I .UOU' ht:i policy. The siijipori'crs oT IIih fl'V irn So aVij-ti4 ntina if treatment feeds the rirnllo . 322K .807 frame were not. slow lo rpalixe iti 4 Via nifnilt'itinn'nr 4Viu blood, and through the medium .f ard withdrew I IMLIli Llll. 1 U1U.b A UI A Ji kill. Klks .... . 2500 mid this, soon their of the blobd sends new ins I hat lesal proceeilinss, have II II HI III UCl ICLLi f U1J Ul i narliPi'f . .1 iS 1 05 732 allenilaucp. .'In' lOI.'l, however, vigor and to been Ibrealeneil, ....... energy every the I'rovince 'Ontario ' J - nf saw a cell and tissue of the human One feal hit which has nol nditfCMtion. annual chansp for (he heller Ihe The meeliiis of Hip and body. The heart's action is been previously lunched is The heart Jh a tireless and upon- lla.ellon Tenuis Club w:is 'held parne- was rapidly recovering . i .... i strengthened and the feel-Jngs Ibe lal'se number or leam eu-lereil uuiuiuua ti ui rv i. rj iuiik tin lasl w'eek iind Hu' fnllnwiili officers Iron) lis fornier sel-liack, Just as of fatigue and lassitude in Ihe lower RAILWAY series, vi... TRUNK PACIFIC t s sunn led wiin an anunu. were eleclcd: President. A. the season of Hill was sellifis GRAND f .?-t- 11' 1 .!il. disappear. miilset, juvenile, and junior, nr ui iiurt?. ricn......Liiuufi wilh A. I.ouiinn; vic.e-presidenl, Mrs. under way willl froh visor Ilie S. S. PRINCE RUPERT ivill s.-lil Wednesday tt p.m. for I. i. 4- :j l-'ormeiiy the lads were Dr. Chase's. Nerve Food, W. W. Anderson; secn'lary-trea l'.uroiean slrussle asairi upsel youuser Anynx. Thursday al 12 p.m. for Swanson jlay. Ocean Foils, 4 let paddle I heir while 50c a box, allNlealers or surer, Miss :. (ioddard; ex-exculive, caleulal buis and look practically own canoe Powell llivec. Vancouver, Vcloria and Seattle. . To this .starved Kates Ibe clubs catered lo either Ihe overcome Edmanson, & Co., Ltd., Mis.s M. Ilorbiiry. Mrs. every I across player over.seas intermedial!' senior S. S. PRINCE ALBERT For all points Northern and or players, Toronto. tiiiuitiuii u a. mi. a i it. in II. II. Utile, .1.. Ii. lialloway and lo eilsase irt Ihe more slrenuous but Ihey are at lasl hesimiins Soulherii fjueeh Cliarlolln Islands, April 10 anl 2i, For .Willies TuMlblllf. Same of war. Those, left behind Hewaii. l.J and 27. to realize -pril thai Ihey must build ' - decided I'd' carry 'on in Ihe junior Train Service. 'Hie nnunlry Club .11 Prince juvenile and fUhlsPl series, and in trom Ibe sroiiiul up and are MONDAY, WtDNESDAY and SATURDAY at It:18 I Tit t in? Ihe and t-asserier on boys cnlerins W !,H (leorse slill imllins on weekly I'.Mfl When Ihe war concluded For Smithers, Priiice Oeorsi, Kdmontdn and V,'iii).-pe, lit the Letter Box Ilbem in whal mi?hi be termed! i. m. J In in 2 exhiKitions which are Ihe boys from "oyer there" returned making direct connectioir for all points in l:a.sl.f rrt1 Mho classes. In addition nlli'liib'd alike by iadies and ffen- lo rindllml jieir favorite baby lo Canada and United Stajcs. BYLAW SOON! GRAFTER REPLIES. llemeii. I'ive I hrec-rouinl bnills paslime had nol been ne-Slecled Ibis, school leasucs are sprmil-ins Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. iu all or thus Ontario, pul nn Ihl Thursday epnliis' in' llieir absence ami the parts City Ticket Offl'ce, 52C Third Avenue Phone 260 ensurins continuance or the 1'ililnr Daily News: as follows; Tom Corliss vs. A. season of .1010 saw srealef a Perry Says Utilities Com- I see Ihiil eionenr of liberty, Ccal, viVn' by foriircr: Ticky Wilson prosi'Css beins made' Hum for Same Tor many ypars to .come. III. la Ahnilt R..Hii In In this laller coniieclioii the llooiiios K. I'reenian, lias al last anil Hick Corliss, draw; l.fo many previous, .years. In 11120' ae-lion Submit It. or 1. .1. I.ally or Cornwall deerdeil to sell out. , I'r-rliitps also Power's u'ni llerl lluslies, draw; forty-five teariw played in Ihe be will shut ll. ' It'will.jie a pood Itoberl i'orlc'r vs. Kiuil (ia'us. won Ontario- Amateur Lacrosse Association iu supplying chea'ji slicks' Tor i s rmnicil ineelin?, In reply thins for the nunhiiiriity. it be by former; Mort Ackert vs. Charlie series, while in 1921 Ihe boys in is the'also establishment bVlpips wonderfully of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY question by AM, Monlom- does bnlli. How' is a "poor grafter lloujhliilins, won by latter on ninely.lhrep I'eains: wepe eitlered, the satiie in new territory. Ihal Dip I lililies Coininillee o make a livin? if slielf men are knoekotil. nf which eisht-five actively par W'inilliies last B.C. Coast Services N season"ipe'raie(d a Unwed anions' us? II is a most ticipated. Some oji0:loppeil A .News man a eily leasue which was." very i'(l iiiePiln?: its. bylaw absurd idea thai be Then wore hope ;,' that Ihe pm- pri-Voum successrul ami' those' behind Hie Ihe other .i,tay and asked him from Prince Canadian AmatPiir'liacrosse As Sailings Rupert S for Hip reduction nf llfflit any way you look at it. Imasine saute iii Manitoba Were hopefi'iF what had happened to the Prince unwer1 ehares In I lie rily, wliere fair play existed, sociation would be revived this a roiinlrj- Itnpeft lioxinjr A-isoi-ialion which of arransins a series of'JrhirVM For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway I .... where there was one law for all. bad been formed snmp lime as" coming season; Correspondence with- the ilasl ;il the close ilf 'IliV March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. lli iiily liudilitr,. T. 0. rich and alike, whei-e abso. has been carried on between poor llirotish the orsanizatioii of I'rltz Hip Ontario and Mablfnha inlfrr-' year, but final nrrantfi'iro'rrW' For' Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle inr iiit"i 1 1 1 1 1 i ii itn i hi i.iii- Iul Jiislire existed, w here ex pry Schull. The .News man was were not jnade arf Hie' fl'.Af.'.'A; March 4, 15, 25; April S, 14, 25. iand ilie I ,:, 'ies Comniilti'e man was allowed to choose his unable lo state 'on Ilie spun of csIk but no definite plan has la season extended inlo''Vlcloberi S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Foe Butedale, Swanson Bay, formulaled. Ueen Amateur :i have a ronfereiiee nn own voealjoii and live his own life. Change In Ontario. " East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell ' me iinni" in nf,i. ii- ...i ierosse al the Paclfio CoUl is Why, some of us who liow make a River and Vancouver, Saturday at 1 '' livii'iK e.l rleyeiniiTllPllls. r.iecnon oil somewbal unsettled due In the One iialurally asks , , w l(jil every p.m. inlerfe'r-Inir 11 I J I 1 1 1 I Dill I I II llllll III ly ieii.lallne and weeks officers took plaee several j for all Lines! Iroiible of three years' aso be broushl about Ihe sreal clianc. Agency Steamship anrtv rniimanv i an niaue an wilh '0ile would base Ifi ffo asi anil trainin? ipiarlets wpre) tween Vancouver Island and Vic hi conditions in Ontario during , Full information from lo work. - - elccled but since then nolbins toria when Ihe Mann Cup sanies 1921. First ami foremost was, Wi C. ORCHARD, General Agent, il, lull, in view of I lie fale I contend just the opposite has been heard. YVhar.s dnins, Werp' decided. II is claimed' thai Ihe publicity siven to.: the same Corner of 4th Street, and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. liiul inel Hie lasl renliii- .loi. i .. ,..,n....... fi'orti Ciiplain IVecmimiiir people l-'rilx? Victoria refused lo' sive up the iu the press. In adiUtioii. to the 'iiiiliru in ii-iii II, .1111117 do need dry nurses. Tlmy Cup, in Xacl, Ihey will only ac seneral sossip of (lie teams carried racf at (nr.-.a loss I lie lo ennijiaiiy know wiinl tins to hae no risht o any liberty. They BOXING MEET TO BE cent a cballense for Ihe same on durins.Jhc week, every .i. ii t i.i me incaiiaiiie or iiiiisms soon upon I heir own terms; eily and I own where Ihe same ii in iiii' iMiiiiii.ii . ii niiiiin from evil. They can not exi HELD IN CALGARY Professionalism Done; was played wa.s, favored wilh In. IMl lift ii. m hi In rut ills- wilbout resululins Ibein. There Professional lacrosse' lerestins reiiorls of (be matches appears inn i 1 1 1 nf Ilie in inm in nn are pertain of us who haxe proved National Open Championship lo have had its day. Ollawa, by the local press, which stlm-iilaled Aid. I'eMy fxpresNed oiirselxes incapable of holdiiiS a Cornwall and Montreal (cam inleresl which could h.ol Be April Bouts to Fought op. -lf ill fiixor Of the liellt as Job or performinp a necessary 20 and 21'. ernlcd lasl sca-iin in what nielli olbcrwjsp have been ilrouscd; In The Easter selllli-jr ilH NliriilllH power, Have by nlir serviee who prowd be termed a semi-piiofe.'sloiial addition lo Ibis, Ihe seiUIeinan'-ly Aid. Monltfoinrry slated: abiliiy In set somctbins for riot ti CALflAflY, Atilil It. The (list leasue bul Ihe utlendance' al the conduct of all. players also' had Hie Prince lluperl Pulp andjntf '.. ,.a,t: govern. These Canadian national open boxiiifr sames was raiher limlled. on a niarkcii errecr upon itiose in . . .. ii...I r. ... j lire Ihe people who are lm be. re ehumpionships ever stased ill Ihe Pacific Coasl mallei's are ill allendanec a.s Jhe boys kept Jbeir iriiwn iiu finniii'iii inn mill sneciled. not Ihe nihil who sells Weslern Canada will he held here even a worse condition In 'Ilie heads' rind f 1 1 all Ihe sames play Breakfast denuilely slnt.d that it did service, fw hecalls it. April 20 and 21. when llslic arlfsls professional ranks, llioush Crtii. ed diirins 1921 nol one Unloward want power al liar present About .Iho small duals. I claim frtiiii' many jiarls of Ihe nonunion .lones who' spared no expense in incident was reporled, Aol so Ifihln'J'bis .siuiply was now they have no business to exist and Ihc l.nili'il Mates meet. Ihe past ii. get ioselher a wfn-nins many years aso a lacrosse same The larsf' lranpurlalion i-om- Preparations are jilready under learn tried asaln last sea Was not compleie wilhonl either demands panics have a monopoly now way by ollicials- of Ilie Alberla son- o set Ilie fans lo' follow n scran wilh the players on Ihe which should be cnnlinlicd. True. branch of the Amaleui' Athletic Hie i i-.1 nrrr nrr 1 professional lacrosse, hut' not- fieid or auionsst over-zealous "uu iii.iii vi un lo Interfere with our small bruit Union of Caitada In' aNsure Ihe vvithslandins Ibe fact that he rnns in ilie sramlslaild, but Foods of Quality tUNtSUAY ArlfcKNUUN licet would lie worse than lo de success of Ihe , ilourney, from Hi few open' Hie sates and' chars thlnss have c.liansed fm' Ibe liel slroy Ihc banks, but if the small which if is expeClcd Ihe llstii ed nn admission to iee' the' con ler in Ibis coniieclioii, This, Ion boatmen absolutely refuse lo pay Same lit Ihe western provinpes lests the citizens would not give has- resulted in ladies and r It i) fWI. IIUI BUKJ lIJllb MMtlW, black'iuail they should be pr will receive a bis boost, Ontario, liini their paironase. .several dceu'Valli'nilin's Ibe (.'amcf1. an a liinnn nuAM bibiled. Manitoba. HaskalchcWan ami men were' taken from the. ha si Ili,i following: learns .were en an kmu's koen oneii iv fines. The best uorernril country Is llrilish Columbia are sendins aniirmutiv DALU colors and played under Ibe of tereif in Hie Q- .A. .IV. S. Idsl unernoon tli!s wcek0)Pcau9b-'iil mi uovernid. rcpresenlalives, and lliefe prom, fpaflle, bul Ihe venlurn was a season: Aurora, 2: Allislon. 2: iv is ii in iijiv i in infii t ii t i.-i-i.-ii Lean or fal lo your tastes swept ..ami lender from jjs ..II l... . n i. 1 ises lo be ii larpe fcpresenlalirm lieavlly losins proposition for llrainploii, .1;. Ilradford', ,3 from the boxius fraternity in M'r. .lones. lleaches (Toronto."' border nlild xiisaf-rui'c and (lalfe'iil, 4iifl-fasliloneit sinokinu: lAcn Ihe newvpaper offices Alberla. Die Lord licshnroush Hup, do. Cilles: Windsor, I; Itracebridsf, he closed. SEASONABLE SERVICE Four of the Canadian' amaleur naled Iwo yearn aso by Ibe To. : llraillford, I ; C.amhelirofil, 2 ii lllllisiiiiv frillllu llir lilies are now held by I'nilcd lonln Hoard of Trade in the in Clialluim, I; lianforlhs 'Toron SHAMROCK HAMS win lie ooen II lit ll in We ar piipped lo serve you Slates boxers, ere si of lacrosse should, also to') 2; Durham, .1; I'ers'us, 2 lit any neason of the year, but we sreally help to slimulate inler (lali, I; llanoyef, 3; Ilespeler, 2 Tender and juicy. during Ihe day may havo'iin can reiblei' ou a special servici ELKS GAVE BARBERS esl in'llm same. Ally team Dial llaveiock, I; liasli'nss, I ; Ham ' v IM .I.....I- ,ii... al llns pnilicular season. Washable comes seeoiid In its sroup ilton, I ; nondon; I ;: Mliiiieo, 3; i unci's in- in v llieir lliu rrns.s niss. heavy blankets, dainty SEVERE DEFEAT IN sames, has Ihe riithl to challensn Muillands (i'oconlo) , (; Mark- SHAMROCK EGGS lace curlalns all Ihe unusual and which should result in many liile, I; Madoc, Ij Newmarkel, 2; which cVery housewife BILLIARD FIXTURE teams coiilluuius llieir . season Osbawai .'I; Owen Sound, I; TELLS" washing HUESTIS weishins 20 lo the OOZKN. feels compelled lo do at this sea. in an effort to win Ibis envoi ed Oranseville, 3; Orillla, I; I'eler-Iioim, Strictly fresli, ounces TRAIL RANfiERS OP son. can be surely cnlrusled (o us The I'.lks intcrmediali billian trophy who would ollierwlso 2; Paisley, I; HiversliW ror lailiidcrins. We have special t on in look the Ilarbers into camp bans up llieir clicks in Hi,, early n'oi'onlo i I : SI. Siiilnlls Tiii'iin- BERMUDA ISLAND machinery for either wet nf dry in Ihe toiirilanienl whicii was just part of Ausust and leave the la I'o), 3; Sariiifl, 2; SI, Thomas, I; SHAMROCK BUTTER clcanins, and" will return anylhins cnmnleleil last nishl by a score of crosse funs clamorius for fuiih. .SI. Catharines, 3; Shamrocks, enlruslcd fo us ricsb and clean k u 7 lo i:i2. er mulches. Amaleur leaius iu (i'oronliu, I; St. Marys, 3; Made In our own-creamery of rich fresh cream, will I 111 IT IIIn'JIIIV ilk itlilllllirr nil us new. The individual scores were as any part of the Dominion may tratrrd, Ii Shelbourne,, I; make ynur pASTKIl HUKAKI'AST compleie. SOit Nip I tln 1 1 I firtfrnpa in' Inn also oiler a carpet cleanins follows: c.ompele for Ibis trophy, SouHiamplon, I; i'odniorden,. 1; service which h.1 siven seueral ()', Kv .Nelson (Harbers), !H; M. Mann Cup.' YVeslon, .1; Woodhridse, 3; Wat. Your butcher or grocer will supply all Shamrock products. M. Mcl.ncblan (Klksi, l.'.o. Vflie .Mann (Jup, one of Ilia Iiicpbui's, I; Winshiiin, I; Walk- iiii iniii in ui i ii i mi 1 1 1 1 ii siiHsfaclinn ilo our palrons. Iloi Itarnes, Hit l'.f Kasson, most handsome-1 rophies. put i'oronlos, i. 1,1 .a years aso he Viin a I.e us relieve yen of this ; ,, ever elion, I; Youns liotiecleaninif. irn. . nn for eoiimeiiiinn, ami which is All of Ibe above and many new heavier work of in Jack.Kcefe, t r 0; C. II. Illkins, eiilhlemalio of Ilie amateur leaius will participate in 1922 he ru'i'iillni' m ii I n in lu liiwl in. A phone eall will put you P. BURNS & CO. N nf Mini '..lmiil ... .v..i ..f.i.lli touch with Ibis lahor-HnvhiK M7. championship of Canada .liii nol iu addilion lo several I own and W, nurkeh;jlV; K. Ilood, 150. been competed for diirms the schrtol leagues, now in process y were iuiereiinir. i nci u; service. Ill H0 bovs iileeiil' Hint Hie w: Mfiluwiri 110; J. I lay Hdl, past few seasons owiiiK to the of fofinalloii, so the sumniei Limited ATIKIItRV inn. ' inability of llm Cup tins)hps o tlow before us should o dofrrt as r wan jHveli thrcn ln-urly oiiiinnil CTDtHI I ,1nnnuinn a i Lnm II. Morley, I2il; A. Slrachan, seciife possession f haiuA from Ihe fc'iealesl ever in Hu hlnlory " i 1'i i1 ui' H(i l im-i i u ui '"i WWWr V V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVV VSnnrWW WVWTTV Phone 8 150. the Victoria Club, notwltbland- of lacrosse.