PAGE TWO ' TtTR TJXTCTimVfl The Finest Gr.een Tea The Man in the Moon TAXATION OF is undoubtedly SAYSt- THE PROVINCE I IT i fur heller t lie on nun. jmtion than mM of ronwnl,4HI "'Ph TatH'lNn Ih'iiarWiieni 4ia "SALAD A" I'll I'M I'. one utNinillHf fen lern run on lieilv hine . 1 1 baat. and - -(Tn hoina i lure at n iMiAAr ami 41ml i the i wonderful mil- if the ' "X- -- . " Ifwnm no ' lav aMi Buy Hon. John Hart tn hi NolrH A PESSIMIST l a ftfan who ' It is pure fresh and wholesome ri-ilMf in III 4iliviltir play Nrreat eeeh.. "Utr audH jrtri i a K 0 jTi fielin en rirHtK nwr lnl Maeeh Oh" ne n rma- and the flavor is that of the true lnirflli triHlin", HnI h 'f- 4fet of Hit jeai m far leaf. K ib. green MtM WHKX w will h?r fbal eiey r'iMiir If ml ii irHfMrlilp ti voire aayHMJ "liat ill you fliture JIia renii arretmplKhe I The Daily News ..ave by 'If it "1k been Hte t- Tin PMIM'.K HUPKltT - HltlTTSH COMJ.MMA FAITH akea the gtoeet eml tirmmo fir a eintrreree wmti 1A. Hie Miniwrrr ..f l ieianre a Itl. Um Ike Mil: tuft arMMtnt 1'ubllihed Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince leein fl the tH4in of 'in Ihe .m; charily at lat p1""f ltuprt Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ihe irwitnl. Hie dual Iomii' fwv roHertl hi Hit efvhir, wtiWe III vtrw of II. P. PUM.BN. Managing KdiU-r. I IIH tellre in ilie uak wll IHx mr"lbA, ire Parlfawnent " Mr " b"'n lell ymi a -lry nowmray. if rmlp,H4, UAtLi KDIllOf m Monday, Nov. 57, 191?. am inentntwn. V .n rNnirlM'fltlir all Hie liwe. I : M tia lxen Mfail' mmk ' 0 Public Service And JAtIK I rHy U Uwrtly to the Bvwry larenrxwaeM. At What It Means. aiie a tertHtr. W imlrtail an ewMy HirtiM4tf we wHI en. M 4ijre w1 m- "What t ar to tmi an interview ami iliilWii Pulilir service i an ahtrarl ipianlity nfleti difflrtill In di- pre for Btmir rlvan i w4t rem. Il i generally considered in individual an nrrefi r wiH lo Mime etnl rehire the flirt Inward the bringing about nf roiidilion whirh If ml In improve- WlilS are nftrn rvoli Mm in M1 4nrWIenre of Mir I the life awl welfare of the community or the nation a the ihhhHi nm n4 mwh efxHtgrn.' d'Hihtr yidtM. t rjKe may lie. The bet ervire r niially brought aliut without Tlie onunirieKvMiiu tor lieen reward Im the eron or group whirh give it. Il a (eroti i (Mid SatiVITST HI w that rain repreen44rr tlie ilvnnenl fur wi irk hr dor fur the benefit nf Ihe publie Id ervirr mn oMt fir llir AtiiwvHi. Wliat Ibal they aboold be len rr railed ixthtH- erviee. If, however, he wk jirt far tlie to thr ilir Ihffik of wir Hini-le t enipii mn utnoHr eav 4 le Tlie best fine cut tobacco purpose ,of improving Ihe lot of his neighbor or countrymen rvw "anfiMril Nnnril Me ! f lura-rtn. without rminirae in oight Im work corner in the dMrir. of Mini I4V- 4a-e..ii lio on tlie market ij puhlir ervire. TImiI i where ptthllr .erriee awl civil srrviee "WKIIK mi trv lonUeh Hie kren fMIie MiM hII fM-r mal in- differ. A man may Ik rallnl a pulilir errant lull tttat doe not tram." nfcri the wit of a Titan ronie etotl he lat'd willioul mean thatjii work i what i generally known a puhtir ervire. AMt iiail krrKrl IrreaMile nn.anv eeiiiMHii. he ral- --n lW There in an rlement of philanthropy in prtl.He Venire ami one ihe nl(l furm a Ihe (mki Hille ifMl tjmo 1.. he n- Imlr if t I never pawl for philanthropy. rt ahead. "Oh 0.1, nmt nl nll.' ,e 1 tr rree). ! ifcivermwnt. ' Packages 15T he reiied. T w jut efiainr ,before enmHif n nnurnn. City Government Can he train olll if the d(Mil." j AWVhHI t. the prill .f a, Render Service. eiferenr vHh Ihe Ifcimififc.u Small Tins 25? In a city wrh a Prior Rupert pwMir trrvire ran be rendered ... - . ,i..-rrinet. il wiaiM i- omh-Ii by il mayor, it rity eHeiUir, it rhool luterd and it nilirr Ten Years BMire MMhi(4rv in Uf tat pay. j IMP RIAL TCBACCO C0MPAJ1T Or CANADA VWtl riimmiMouer. or other rivir rxervHive. In fart if an hiHient Ago er ir oaa ir mev 11 latere w person hold any of lhee offirei, hi centre i lrirtly poblir In Pi'nca Ruport only one milerl ina; rnxtv wiHi All fervire. v,he ,mhniiI avina in rl. I he mayor gel a soiall remuneration, Ihe aldermen matler 1. i, ., ... , 'tabor in mnnrHwi wiah makinz ioiAre equrtnidi- l all wn- iv Mill and olher elected adaamitrntor "LJhe city rereivr nothing ...n ik.. ki.l., ..r .fc- .n t.i . irr-innr annnyanee. ' mw tm j wwi hit f r wt' r uifler lle new aliH fmoi at all. Xo matter how efficient or rHefiriruljlhe Timber Llmlta nwvor or the - urtHliieUlie jfejf rtirwttaii I fbe MHfte dale, henrr Ihe deoire RED MOUNTAIN aldermen may be. they narn the annual r' iMrrrcrfvl. An ill-paid traht frimi rdia rly In S011II1 "Sieaer im rfHnnlaUMt M the lieftarlinsHit a r wii- man rereivr a much a the mayor rereive awl a ly will nave trm mane anniMiiy ny tu Hie work im time for the ?j . Xhfl of the I! V; t-nrn iiiurii uir amersieH. Hiirf JixHQe llo4er ail J. 1 nta-Hofi iteianlHKnl hr Mir ad. nt. management Ibmndary . I here n, itowrver, vat differenre in I h services;tht maKlHeMrr were wenyer. iHioait ami f-ifuattf a4R f Land Defined refHirtrd a gro- on I put of ItaOl ui F ii miuereu ny ome rmr aimmiirflior ami otbrr. WfnM yjr value at i'.ri araHle iHHtrr "TinMier lawN.'a iWUaed by aeven da' opera Imn. Tin ia a gr-- f mor ni I'niire llnjrt may rerete lrllle DHM-e UiaH tUunf W lyttef JtMire Hnn4er. M Hie lonrt. n It'll Ihe flol lk. the TtH4i"n Art, i 1ol MHMtrti 1 day. a ionijarrl with VT41& Mr day (!' year, lie may be worth a hundred IhoiiMind to the city in a rW. V4.T 'f It H Hir ye1ertir. mMinn m Tatalaiin rrMivoxMl rueatarn merrlvaMaMe tinir4r tn arvrn day. The wime applie In the aldermen, nrhonl llee.IiiJ iJ4tMjlvfrri Hnl it wohU iiaol ! that Um iiiihI of tiwber He ettrnt if iirM 4fto-al et' We ailvir invrlir to watrh mine rrt t ' a comliloner. , a . O 'l 1' i Iw.Jhe gwtrrmonl Hiat the ale VaMl olmHld Iw made fty et Ni Itie arre wrt ef Ihe 4ir1ea market flur tualion in onler Intake profit- II .tf fhiiMjr Indian le emite an trt hiwI evrraBMl !) nfahtion and fle hrMand feel t Ihe PhII information rrlalivr In the loon-l e P Real Service I,tjMlieAhb nfTen.w. that Hie rat mat id laitimaln. aere eat of UmI line. lain mine, il rlMrlkn and lh ieoi ' And Unreal. b W rrsarhl a raiufal n. "Tti ot of the rrtuoe i 34 in the hare, will be fnrnihei l a4rkHol I- vvnue Mvtr ornrr n.o murh ,. tUarfc IMimhM. H4ie44i.'tieetiMlMrr. The PaMMOil. alo may preen opfMirliiuily Uf.wd T aere fur Jo rent rrutar of Ihi tffre upon rwpiel. reiiiiernig oi poKitr rre. It i a reasonably .ire llr nuiil ,rKl-HI f tftr Uo'ui hydnl. e4ek tal kbe mM of M in Hie lieavity tiintrd arm .1 1 1 k 1 1.. I u. .... . r ... il . ... For rofivrnirHre. fill imiI and mail tln- n.iir mat irrj, trry irw hi inr men wo go iihii nn- hti.U are ir roniiMMy. aroHoiKinlml byinrreiN wiariiinrry wmikl Im lmfc the real. aal ?Sr pre ariuaieu Miieiy iy mmive or semrr. There are veri fw Mr. IUII. .arrived llii Ilium..iiMre Ihau rrtaakl in Ihe Immi. arre Uf a IS ae mw rrajiar men who go into Ihe field roiitidrring the aln 1 miiv re itfjr fno Yatimuvrr mihI Wtora. l alirlm. l-!l of ie firaie. I lie n. NVtdverlon tV Ok Ltd. reive, 'ilie allrarlKin lo the man who ha on u oJjet4 l rnlH llll no ay.enfir lai frHmJin if tfalied hy U era. 0t lomiriioii Hank Itblg., Varwoi in vjew may rome in Ihe honor that he niavvA I WJL. 1 iti'hf ll- Iteireie lireen relurfx) on Ihe fr hi (Mnl in Hie Impart. era ihrtHl el Mi - .if Hap.1, lJrae furnib me With Ihr muil rrrf mi i 10 rivir omre; it nay rome in Ihe oro"fH of ronfepiiig -Hy lIay , after, liemtr in Hie enerU. the work IwnHT ihMe in a ipianiMy f lioiher of eaeli rrlalite to Ibmndary lle MiHuilain come advantage upon the eMale or opertj- fit lHueir or hi Kat wheri be erunt a liriiie ol iiiriMrlriihle ami tt.Wiaiard l-XJi- in emHi iu aere bkk. Niw inrims or in vnn oiner way. , Will prrakle rr Hie Orern niner. rbe Met vvilue le. the aire and different iirutle ml While the atlrartioii are legion or Ihe elfi.h or U.honel 'mhiHkpi fieri, inv only a MnaH errentotre .f the tinibAT, he rta .if lli kai. AddreU man in the realm of rivir pulilir, there i only mr rermirn Hi' aefwal valu. Tie I!mr-ftietat Uiv tia;iwgratiy nf the iimiMHl. for the unejrih and diboiiemen and thai i Ihe Mliofarlion Vr rerrited llii mora. mwnneiirr! the vrk hf Ihe el of lwiHtf. 44W r4 f of having given wii-e whia.-llL aine Ume out of ten. be dU-roiitded mic Mmi 4 be appeal nf lb O.T.p. sor4'yiiir a tvirrtdent and lrauwirlMiiiii. iMel 41a vwhae of Wolverton 8c Co., Ltd. by unjut I'erhaf. in thi may be rxpUined tte ktie (Uiveneir-4on-al in rnun. aiifloriiK tJiii,, in -arrange Uie Hie IHiiImt. We are fatntUiwd why many rHie miwjylaj find thentelvr with rivir govern-menU vH in reyaivl lo ihe Oamrrwn Hay nereary orvaHiiatawi. Alter a wiUi a riHMit4 ( if na Member- Vancouver Hlork V,x h. g thai ran be Urmetl IMUe rle than a "iMinrh of dnb or (ao? fia.l mi h..f. trfel ihe wHIhmI HhMlr wa if U 4h in forma lion et lort 704 Dominion Bank Bltfg. Sf. "grafter." fotMid ttni Wi xa4ifitrlry and for rarh 10 rre bbirk. Kifteen VANCOUVER, B.C. letU of Hie UiriHtov f r wa let 4o Hyan-Mr renl par off b Hie aiiNwaiq al. Prince Rupert Soon biiMaeli PUri A4 Ma-HI hae lHlh.liliirrwn Omtoany fir loweit fr 4he taluhig litliMMte To Choose Again. jiM reaahnl the ruy. Ilie jtnai the rompirthiH lf the work. Several and itri -fC arm. The aer. 1'riiire ltnp4i WW HMD be having another miiniripal rler- wa one nt Hie 4Mrte H. )im4 rMnrrrenrrM merr tield wiHi age rot f Hie wnrk Ui he lle-parHnent NOTAt lU'tt ut1 lht,rr wiM ,lt going in from .elfish awl eiuiniet in 4tiee wter nt wa lwilif cohha, atMl a rpy of Hie 4i itate apiriMimle. THEO COLLART, LTD. - PUBLIC. ""fJ'' molivr. in-onal awl imieriial onr-. It i u, be .letr.e, lww ihr nuntth ..f JP"1--l "Wrw! Mhoi44e. lo ly S3e. fwr aor f. ir aeraiif hifjied HtHl hi rily will be more forlunle than many other ia Aiu It hein w yeneraWy annrmed. finally rruie. mil irvrhnluig We aro now Bnt W- Nw Inwirant C the Viod of men ur women win. them.elve. There Itte owner afr mm- rioperal-iflr hoe arre rbeekel. pany r. Tha moal liberal and strongest company on U not he many elfih ratttiidale IhiI it m a rerUin Uiiug that there may Mayor Newton i qiioletl Hi Hie wieti Hie rhMefjunoHl by hhi. Happy Petition tlncnU Assets, $952,632,138.80. Let us show ysu will l.e Mime peroual owe men going in wrtli Mwtr ave to grind papra ImUjt h nrkk4r a very plyoag 11 wUh ih4r rroie. In till rt nf the viorid n save your money. or ibri.el with personal opoiiAn or grudge, Uvh- inmir 4ijerlron to fe nmmt-r tahirh i roblrahh avinx In in mil i4lier (lie efferla nf Ihe in a mall town give them undue iki um their rhaure poliltrn afe im wiri llierlenry rrilirjrrd him r" V rrw4 '" "mH'rMMl war will be fll for onie yar Phone Blue . Westholme Theatre Bloek. P.O. giMul, However. ertioiilim i to be amidol a murh i, prin-e in regarii Hie moral f the neri vniy eoale a rfterk mi lo evime, allbmivfi we run Ux.k Itupert a anywhere ele. eity. iHtea, nf a naviMn re. In bir a eonliinjiNi lKUrHMrt4 if or redoe4hw of (hi or Uiwt fcai II im miter f me. wttere own. eomlilion. lirflili laduenbia ia will be In llo- .i elei-tor to -hooe gwxl grain ami I'limiiiale ,t l may not be it0 Ihe ra.y ln. matter frim to tlie do K. ParUfiMxi, mleefr of In. er di not Imve a rwie of rheir in the happy im.Uko Utl it roar rojlrami Not hi l Kit wul grewter Wie pWNiMirr liiyeelf 1.1 Uiat ny DENTISTRY w but a little rareful thought wiM land lteeiia ftir Hie province . 4hey re iKiyiwu iO pe rvftert to rerover rure ranidly a-il. A man' rewnl M,iAI to be able to MnrtouiMe a auli-atautiul be In bilr-a g.,od one be who U imw in Ihe eiiy, i very eenj of ihe 44 in raHidertion iban other port kofi of Hie Khi- ran generidlv rhoen fnim a rut in tatafion. but in f beimr r1i roole of bad one aud the man willmul Heam urlti Hie plarr. He xiopWed pire. hoi a a. triple e ouit rei-ord i tiot wauled. the eireumahanraM I HiHik we The . liere in ronnertton wiHi ihe map aiui ilelail a filed wilii realire Mm4 we iae iarreM ar trltrtion .i wj-laiwtrnent u rxe. i ., tnnre imortaul mai dewrvillK of rMlUII04i4lHU fin llefavrlninal. The Dr. J. Maguire if J. Jetion bl owner" burden to lir. nut only ler than many llnnk II w rihv ,. . areful roiLideruhon. r.dlerfiir. a tlie lal Ihey bud n4 been rount y oHmI lejiUlaUon in tvr- iteeUiiinjr 4i Uiorra.e it. WHial paa ' have nlwtiyik tried lo work t" rmiMinahly or njuiMMy aee. y the lote. Mil alo oh 4MI. 7 and I "' and. Ml iew f the nl of Hie rouni of loan nnle fr d-veliajiowrai i auHi an ripjalluition oL4atu-lion Boom. PRINCE GEORGE Hiut the li,tie etaiwnunity Office Hours! new Mei.miienl. Hiey ikyreeil to of fMjr oaJHral re. Mother and Her Baby pay general lnrree in fheir Mrre. liall riofririlHilr in jut iinajMir-I Phene878 Uy den lligyilh wIim ria Mm lave nf irr r-nl fur Ihi MmnwlMle there i a 'oina'aiU on Hie rl of Ihe irvieM Are Relieved of Eczema whieh are provided for all. noe in r airiiunk. Alaku, re. jr. ii ui mimik.n ni uie umiianil ur-in ii for ti w ami for I iM-ftv, t4 erk lo I'riltrr (ieortn Irirt.u. mi I., 4gn tin, work Ifni riM.nt aerviee. f..r onM-e CrWIt Better I I Mm. Peter A. Palmer, Slt Burn, Ui belli iu ftlKr in Hie Pine. lone Ki-uilnailv bu' acr nul tn..ney fur koIhwiI f... Vreater "Ilie rreilit if Uie proline la V . I J i 1 write i iew eiHe4iien4. talem Hie HU-re-u-.i partiea ni fnr niuniripaIHa- and belfer rwiw than at uny 4inie Percba "Dr. Ch' Oiatmeat hai complcttly u wa - mneeil u,a ,, Mi.l the mber ln., w ninMiiion..n lnre lnfepitWin, nd till ia Gutta relet cd me of etiem and pAtt. I lw tlifl Pi ile, w4i filM Hie eniHitrated by tie mwly aaJa a..,..Mia Tires a4" ued tiu Oiataitnt for ny Uby. wba broke ieii4wu of itHrUr 4mre for t Mir tamd. Hie JirW-e r 4iae it out ta rcitnu, A few applkatiooi were all eeml year. tdied rerrnlly in nreurd. and Hie nitmlr of fin-anrial both i th wo Dfcenary ia ber ce. Dr. Ctiatc'i Vawouvrr. 4iouea heldiiku Pw t4ie i-o. Tire a- H Oiatmeat kai been worth a hundred dollm To Sleep to-ni&lrt Use to ne-beforc uiiug it 1 had iptnt a (rett I'rtMfk .aiiMi4e tefl nil In- ; aTl kaf J. J SZ a , This provlnre I fortunate in Cartage, U deal more than that in tuuuccettful treat day fur 4W n.t wUrr itr wdl wruiiK tjreoit ifuliiral reiMHirre Pacific merit from doctort. We hae alto umc! Dr. vde 111 future. , r I Iw iihin ra biHind. ttiuber, oinr. f hone J- Chaie't other mediciaei, the Nerve Food lua-rniiHuml land ainl fUheriea.l having rettoiej my health after tufferiai M-i . KHliurr, of Alea jke. , THOL'4V0$ialtaM.l UUIaaMrakaiirllaaiMlMi.UU Ca44lti art aev fia fraai n aai ctw4 Th return of norntul mndrthm from eere nerve trouble whea a girL" )Mtt but wee-keifl ill limn. "May a J ia laair intaat. i ay- ad Ua. Ma. and the influi of fiopulalion 4Jku we rnay tMttirhMla li llir uii Gen and I RAZSAH, IaaraaU(4 rrthf. ar yaar 4ragllH gla year y Ladie.' DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT Km4e llHrtbst aifl Mf Mirlll C aula I aa fci.K-k ailaf 4rali. few yare, nanbined with Mie Tailor. HHlrlir wiv oMirrinl at DdriMiit- ' fn trial ot4 14.111 rvl!CI4U.ItwU.a'Mt Uallao UatnUi' uiuimI, aaur fudiey of d-vrlop-ment Ceata a hot,ail dimlira. or Uauuuc, lla I A Cu, 144.. Irvatt Hint m Xanentber J and laie re. I af Mir rullrwal ceMMjrree. M.T.LEE luetuxl U priiare fmge to live. ) Id hy OIHIKS UMITCO. muni ttuie u ,f a ,rt4it ond r.u. - ... rkaa r proaperous future.