THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THBEI ie Tl aarlaianw f FUNERAL TODAY OF Local and Personal L7GZEMA III J arkaa I If. (lim'i Ofnt- LATE D. E. BRANNEN it for rtaaie an4 MM Irrtta- Brunswick L ail Bai U lin. paM nn IT. (Iim1! tntiftt ff If tixi xmUoa Ibl Service Conducted by Rev. W. H. li. C. Untfei taker Phone 41. If ir ana mm go.a wrap inr UO.tai. El all TornM alra or Hium, A On Redman at Hayner Chapel. No. 212 Msyner. Undertaker Phone 3M . tf Hie funeral of the lalp lvid Price was $270.00 I'.iiiiii.iiik llrsnnen, who wit kp Price now $225.00 Hkirl at attractive mire NOTICE. vlcluii of a ilper Irani ini( ecitent w ill an-3 - on 1'oi-rher lalsntt tn-l MoinJav $20.00 down and W limit Ju.I received a liMirniMK. l--..k .lat fi'in the l -.i t;...y- Transfer. IhNMNW aupply of YeHuwIicad Vga llayner 1 Ir..-. Chauei t .'.to hi..I i;..i, ,,i,,. 7h, uifftit or Ooal. Prlfe. delivered, in tliia afU'i-iMHiii in the t-Hii'Mrvt; $20 month cemetery, tin- Hpv. U'. H. HpiImiuh' day. per ir bnlfc, I It.25; in sack ... - cowlsrtiiiii llw aervirp. Floral) I3J0. I'Iioiip in your or. Just Captain HaiMiiRton left for iler early, l'nnce Hupert IrMHitex wi-ir apfil by Mr. audi Two of these instruments mI lie on I lip Prince Oeorga Goal Ok I'lione IS. 23 1 Mr. V. I . Muve, Mr. ami ilr. in stock. On nighl. J. 8. Kmilli. A. iIihh Ii, Mr. ami Mri. J. II. MH.-h. ll. Mr. am Mr ! this favorable price & Mi.- M. I.PMM..I, tf HmUkefa. I., i. ItrwiiitPii, Mr. Htid Mrs.l fl f..r i in- ihe l'rinee Maker, Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Iaw-reitep. terms they will not last n Irfidien ree. .'o tier cent Me. inn fl- Ih-i niuhi. Mr. and C Wileon. rfiMViUNl. Wallai i-d. t3 long. First come, first Mr. and Mr. V. K.-illi, Mr. and T make room for atoek. Mm. I'hilip Mrlx.nalil. Mr. and served new V. 11. Warl, Ipfl for Oeean Mr. II. K. Walker. Mr. and Mr. W jer etn flUrxtijfrr H vm Ffllla att Ui I'rlnrp (ieiM-ae taet drrp. leltM.-.- . tit .V. Mii.-Iiiiii. Ah'X V ill.-. Ila)lit - Sunday tSi-tiio. It. J. llMi vwk wi pniir OH MM otil el.iek ai.lni! I fr ih iini mi the Prinee repair at! felUfli. Uewrge (IIWi NUMBER ATTENDED i in x mi- ia( nielli. walefMHaier tf DANCE LAST NIGHT l-oi a r.inf.n i aide rled lati Mr. MH4 Mex. Ijirr Minor left I la.. .- :tni. Rnti- rcaxitialile. H ii ih I'naea iieiirie ial nlalil Ike in-l.utp Hall lal nitrkl ll.iu.l. imi la t I.I A V Maiwell. If for ike aoejut. . preaenlerf an animal. I aiM-ar- - anep wiipn Komp fifty r.niil.-. li. -li ..f Cut Klowcro Mr. l Mr a Slrattiia nvnl datiertl to Ike alrain of pweH'. an.I I'..I I'lant. I.are aaaorl of left the family, Nflilbpii, oh ly ..rrhplra unlit tk.- .-aily iiMMit. Ilrrhaut A Kaoun. INack I'rlnee timrt U Right off l"he evettiua wa. hup of VanriMiver. (lie itio.l ituereawfiil thai ha yet - been h.-ld and tln-p rewfjlar HERRING lift KAMOI S STOVB OOAU IL lk4j, of Spillle. wIm fata Tliuril) ntsrhl danep are be. ' if anytainir. IUr tM I Ike eMr on a kejtfae enmiMs a poftnlar rpmsVtv.m 5 par. ComatacT Coal Co- IMi trip, rHnrwnl h. Entile on (he atiMHiv llo- danepr of I'rinee Itu. I'Iioim 7. If Prinee lieorva) tal nishl. BAIT Mi-. I Itarmn.4- ha bwi H. C. CretisrkUHi. general a(real i..imu in I Iw cil with frti'iid of Ike Canattiaa National Etr ANNOUNCEMENTS I'M ."iii. iititp, left Vanr.Hiver Co.. iM. Jolm. x. i. and ,Uli. U-l infill pr Jap. heft tmr Vanrouver lal MiMMf Win.I tunc and I nrp - niakt mi Ike prim-e Oeiri(e. Wedwenlay. tlelohpr II. $30,00 per Ton Full atcck of 3-ply Cotton wood Veneer I now being car "Hump" fHhrr l.-fl on Ike Keep i l .Iwr .' flee. Ilia Ccnernl Ciar Co. Limited rled by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd- Friaee titrg lai niawl for Hard-liMP Ikance KxbibitMin Finest on the Coast Phone 116 or 664. If Taritn in lake ii. a !. Hall. Controlled and Operated. b' lion vtilk Ihe tiifpt s.Min, irwn 4. Tobacco Co. of CanadaLimited Obtainable from A ;IpH Oi. Mr. NUr ka ke Ptthian Sialera llaaanr fca K. Imperial l.i.i iimlii ner i in.-t.liaH Xa pniibypl a f.-rpmati aitem I. Hail K-I er M. Ii-.imI .hi a iv fi'k. .-..iiiUiiip niakpr at the .11 ry I Nark for a Canadian Fish & Cold Ltd. Storage Co., im.ii.r.. and .l'iur.' rmteirfrraM. I afar Hopilal Aiinuai Hasheaeen - -r Hall. Audit..hubs, TuuedMy. Uc- PRINCE RUPERT II Wall. nuii.K.'i Hu tofcer 31. Mr. mm4 Mr. I.anipp. NOTARY ll v .1 HnnW nl . 'l, i in -i KAmiu. pa)Pl fkr-mfH Ikp nly THEO COLLART, LTD. - - PUBLIC in Mi ii) it nlcUl ana urn. y.irniay en rasiti- to oulhern Hoal I'ur-pt lhuaar. Klk- .-I..I i. ..n.l Ma piIip IpakiHirJau tkp oulh on Home. Nuvesaker 9. We are now AgenU for the New York Life Insurance Company. n Hi" PriBjee liemrgei. Ike Hriaib .J.5 lasl niubl 4. The most liberal and strongest company on the continent. AJ TAJ VA U AV ....iii. Mrr liitet . v-otoloyed In diurrh of England ilasaar. Assets, $952,632,138.80. Let us show you how to av your - tkr enaiaeerifttt ilemrliiiPHl "hurcb Hall. Novpinlipr 15. money. Fir Veneer, 3 ply. full height tke C. . II. at I VI.on. - of rooms, and 4 feet wide also Preabyli-rian' Aid Ha Phone Blue 69. Westholme Theatre Block. P.O. Box M. Cottonwood Veneer, Lath an laar. Friday. N.-v -'. tf and STRAW Plaster. Call and see my t9ck. FISH ARRIVALS E. H. Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone 383. tr Nine lioal iHarkpli-d VO.000 - - p.Hiiitia of halibut af the Flail Wc have just taken into stock a car T. I.mfcni, tt-ieriniMnt Mi-rrli-aal Kxrhuuui- tin m.irnin. The ar. load of each, both of which are of mariiip ptatPii, who ha bppii rival were: WEEK-END tu Ike i-riv (nM 4mr in KUip. I5.nm iHiinl.. at U.Pr Special Values exceptionally good quality r.iiBwli.iu with I be overkMMil lu and lee: Malamule. 10.00(1 (Miund SPECIALS llir Canadian l'i'..Mi-lnr. led m al IS.Ip ami H.iv; iKtlpluii. 3000 Dm- Mrinre ( last niliI for pound al I ir ami 7c; and Thel. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. Yaiirnuver. nia lU I mini pound at lie and 7e o tlo Uutvadlau Fllt and B. C. Pullet Fresh Eggs. B.C. Prince Rupert, i ha ma I" mifiiilKlM'ii cimi.hrfihl Storage Cotopuny. Boys' Jerseys, 100', Pur Infants' Koiy Wraps Per doz. 45c 3 dor. for S1.1S Phone 350 P.O. Box 745 .Ill il of IIm- lUmlh S imI Imp lit ayliitii. I I.imk) Hund al Wool ill Ham ...I..1 Hii-I Fine KarmrnU in one lieaxy N. I'. I in I'.'Miknia in -I..M.I..I IS.ttr and Vc: llMer III. 13.-HNI. tripes, with tuitt.-ii -t..iil.i-r fieeee. trimmed with blue 150 lbs. until Ike kmH-lir al 11.6 and Ve. U the i'a-eific and pl r.iKar. Sii-4 .'0 to and pink satin ribbon. s. :.-ii.-.- I".-narl nM-nt i. r-aH for Fiberie. 3i. Special $6.00 each. PREMIUM HAMS j.n!i.hi turllirr uol ire will Coiu rul imi. pound-, al Special $2.50 each. Children's Sleepers Fine bi'ii tin Cta It.5. and tH-; I'elieun. 15.000 i.. it i n apin. Men's Jumbo Knit Sweater rilihed. fleered lined Willi I.I. - IMiuud. al 1 1.5c and Do; to the 150 lbs. Coats- all eolwr ferl. (Uili.r white. Siies 1 in RAILWAY - Royal Fib Ci. Hrouu. Mar...hi and lirey. 7. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC In lli- .U i"liee rourt Ihi Alii. IS.tHHl Mund. a 13c and Sura 3 u I i. Special $1.50 to $1.75. PREMIUM BACON iii.m miia Mtkr K.....k and Jihn M.5c to the Attm Fiaherie. Special $6.95 each. Kimona Cloth of extra PRINCE GEORGE. n-k i-rt- . arli finiMl 5 or Jt PRINCE RUPERT AND pood quality wide Slanfleld'a Underwear in ti rana-of .t I- .nni. nl li Mayi.lrali' WIRELESS REPORT. si... ...... ... roM iuiii Mialiny moulded. Tu ll h .cio.U) ...i i. u. al il n.ijn.flu tut o.mi ran. Ili-av) roloin. S" wide. v.wcouvm. vicToaia, m.. a. r M.'t inoiil ("i ..ii..l my lluir Wright. Hitivr.1, KtroHK . Lai at ton r.ANVOX, Waaaaaf, 11 . 'O" TIWT, UrSaf, ". I.. I..-U1..- KIwinmI and M.irru-i S a.m. and dui-Mlil.-. Si.-, .it to It. Special 75c yard. . IHtillV ISI.AMl Ittininy: Special $2.25 Suit. Ladles' Fine Wool Hose .11....ii. Indian w.iiii.-u of Ihe a . PRINCE JOHN. fn-li MMtlbeaal wiu; baniuieler Main and KiUbed. amlr. II it I i ll..- I'i i.iii.-i had been Men's Flannel Shirts of 35c lb. rkr!rta and ...iiili ). . l.lamH. SpfH 10. Oet. II. II. I pia. .lrii.kin;r ill Hi.- W.--I Kn, Cafe leuiepature 5S; rotiiih rxlra pimm) iia.lity, ihtulde in lllur and Crwn shade.. t:i5 p. hi. apaike Alatncla. Sue 8H to 10. Mil lll.-V l ll-Pll UN color Khaki DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE. I I- en. and V'-Sire left Kelehikan it . DalkVIIICXPT SUNDAY, 0O .. f". I r.wr urnr. tm i-.hi.-iia .'X.-iiiuk la.I ! Con- HiHtlliUouud I m to IH. Special $1.00 Pair. We will w-ll the above only f(1"(.nri .. ii. f. puiiiu Hira ! l tmil sliw I in. n. Hke Jefferewu arriv-pd 'Special $2.50 eachi Ladies' Spats lliefi.irra.l -quality ill pieee. ttiaili H iMM-lltlHuin.l. felt. Color raw 11 Agency For All Ocean Steamship Line. IU:3 p.m. IjHuuehe left Men's Winter Overcoats and beaver. Site 3 to 7. 50 Clly Tiktaf Otflta, J Tlf t., frlata Wfl. Pa 10. Kelehikan II m.iu. for Hurtirlt all wool, iliiiihlr btq4pd. Special $2.25 pair. lb. Premium Back Bacon. Use Our Inlel. Willi licit, iinUlli'd. l'iral Flannelette Blankets -Fine Taking whole piece, per lb. IIU. HA It IU lit tlxercn.l. 1 la lull..una throughout. quality, with blue ami 25c. Modern inilnPiiat tfp; harMiieei SS.7fl; Sup :i i I., i . pink border. Siies to.t. Ginger Snaps (Fresh Stock) Special $22.50 to $40.00. 2 lbs. for 35c. 6 lbs. RAILWAY l.-iii.prlureitV; aea rtmsli. foe $1.00 CANADIAN PACIFIC 11.4. and l?.i. Color whito lKAIi TIIKK I'OI.VI Clpar: Men'a Underwear, 100', arid grey. North-Wext Arrowroot Biscuits B.C. Coast Services Workshop aim. (MrouiHrr Stf.l'J; letiiier-I Wool ll.'NtyvkviKM. Hit-IipiI Special $2.75 to $4.25. in bulk. ier lb. 35c W U rt. 17; Pa tlMHlli. and ini-itiuiii weij;lil. Ladles' North-West have to large ex-i-.-nse Wool Sweater Animal Biscuits, in pijuiiipiiiK our workshop Noon, Plain. Kuaraulprd all mo.iI. Coats In plain r...u. with in bulk. IK-1 lb. 35c Sailings from PrinceRupert and now Uae the most frrh ItlullV miiilheniai ISI.AMl whi.l-HalnlBa: Sura :tl lo II. faney colored collar, cuff Libby's Tomato Soup, 2 foe rompli'te slinp in JI.C. uutslde lutnuiieter Special $3.50 Suit. ajidt pocket. I'.xXra fine 25c. For Ketchikan, Wrangtlt, Juneau and skagway ;'!..'..'; lruiM-ralure of Vancouver. 50: ra Men's Heavy All Wool quality. Sixes 31 tu t. SepL 4, 15, 25; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. rouab. Large Ripe Bananas. 2 lbs. Our Staff. Socks in u Mule raiiui- of Special $6.50. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle HI I.I. IIAIllitill for 25c. Otwiidy: Mr. Ragstad and Mr. Gourlay ouih-'U.t loloi'M 4n cIi.kimp from. All Pur Wool Blanketa - A Sept. 9. 20, 29; Oct. 0, 17 and 27. trale; iNiromelar 111, t: Inn. too Ilnxe. aiuall nue Juiu. Kxiert watch repairin. nmkr.. lartre asortnveul to ehowe 8. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Uuledale, 8wanon Bay, piralure IK; Mush. Lie a V a.m. Pack Mcintosh Red Mr. Jack Bulger Jewellery Special 50c to 90 0 pair. from, runsiatinir uf FaiBiuli, Eat Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell -p.iki- I'liuri-.. ll.-atrW in Mill- Apples, per 10 lb. bux ful. innkintr and remadelinp, dia. Boys' and Men's Mackinaw Scotch. Canadian and Hud. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. , llllllk Hi.mill weight. $1.75, inond leltliiK, cloak repalr- Coats IIi-uwcikIi1, ail fon Hay make. Colors dark , . Agency for all Steamship Lines. MMra in MllUank Hothouse wool. 111 Click, ultd I'laiU... icrey. titllit grey, whilr, red, Tomatoes per basket. l-uli information from Mr. J. Bulger Opllcnl work, smiii. KiMiihlMuiwt, 11:15 a.m. All ui.-.. brown and khaki. 60c W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, U.i;nn I .rum i;,UU.( I"'-' Uu,.,a,oUlld.1 see-t klll nur Special Boys' $6.00; Men's Specially Priced $6.00 to Cucumbers 2 foe 15c 4 foe Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, B. 0. ............, ,,KA, TKK I'OI.NT Ham. $8.50 and $12.50. $16.50 pair. 25c iiPKiyuiny, pic. oulliial buIi-; tianuiietcr .'V.I3; Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. for UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED John Bulger,' ""w"u"' ":MN r0-u I 25c. , SAILINGS Tlta Jaweller Universal Trading Co. For Vancouver, Hreaii hall, ami Kwiinami Hay, Tuoaday 0 P-m. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Table For Vancouver, Alert Hay and I'ort Hardy. Saturday p.m. ftJWW . T" SK-6S2.i;J Rupert Supply Co. For Anyoi, Alice Afin, I'uti 8uiiiein and Wales Island, Sunday t GIFTS'- THAT -i LAST' J1 I 'ii h i k 1111. oak Hi atn Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth Street. Phone 376. Phones 211-212. niidnlKht. CXUr 6-i g3 .,,,.( l.n.t i v ialilr. X.. I. For Naa mer Canneries, Fi nlay a m 1 1.