the. daily News - Saturday. Morch 18, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu, i! IP" I KIN- -,IT. ft ' Itfao-fr-"rf.l I ' 7 So: TOO THINK. FT TOULL NOT ET jpL jWI eSSSr.. H WteSal MA'ClC't) "TOO CAM iMEAK U AWAY FROM ME 1 J DOOR to) Mil OUT- COME -n 1 1 1 1 sb vt- Ik I HAvG TO rr. r ALL t VyELL II II IB r. O N I CHI i J here: -you rouLow YOU TO riwtCO Tcinorrow WORM' Alright ' '-W - T. . I'L only" hrt NR Tablets stop tick headache's, tetieve bitious (lack, tone and regulate the eliminative organs, make you (eel fine. "Better Tlaa Pffli Far Urer D " Mva bj II l l22 ar Inti. Fcatukc Scwvk... In I itrtf ferwy 30 1 m MOVIN G? very ncfruiilnp wilh his retinue M "i niienoanis inured in navai Waterfront Whiffs Unifitrni with the shamrock suspended News Classified from their medal ribbons. Daily Ads. If On tlie entrance of the. Admiral so, of the I'leet the strains of the 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Le than BOc Doings of the Mosquito Fleet Which Is the Chief Source orchestra broke out with "The Call Us Up of Prince Rupert's Prosperity LWoarin' o' the 'Ureen" accom BICYCLES WANTED FOIl SAI.F Wriu.ig panying Mie melodious voice of dcsn, , Experienced' men give satisfaction -J Flossie Flirt who sang with BICYCI.F, Special Tires, lubes, WlhK-AWAKl-: Salesman wanled hogany chair, follow. ,.,,,, in household ro-(ilovals. Kill I Miles and stormy weather future. Instructions have been much pathos, o much so in fact murlguards and parts nl one-third for surrounding district to fruiljnrs.I'.sill... lift two Vim latnps i. i. and di.iiM.. have prevented tile fish raleli forwarded (o (he rhief engineer thai the large gathering were nrf until March .11. See handle our line of manufaclur. l"'llll' Jnii Orders" for general cartage coming iiji In Hie expectations of of Ihe fleet lt install an electric brought lo tears. The program , window display for' prices, ed-'nil id, including over fifty FOIl . SAI.F.- MrClaty )t,lw work given ram fill attention. Ihe Admiral if Hie Mniiii(Vi washing machine and elect iic was arranged by .lack loner as perfect Bicycle Shop, 117 Fill-Inn arlfcles which sell nn sight. chairs, kitchen labini i. We propiise prompt delivery Fleet this week, ami while: Ihe rooking rouge aboard (lie lug, sisted hv Captain It. "F.. I.ainbley SI reel. Sold lo thirty different classes etc. iLouis Lillke. I i.T, s,,.' nf nil Coal orders given lo us. morale of I lie crews is a tririn and to olbenvise touch up the of the 'Mauritania. Prior to the or trade. Must deposit ?5(I0 enlh Avenue Kasl. ci si rained Mi rough lliese circum inlerior. cnmmencem'enf of Ihe musical LOST cash security for samiiles, stances and St. Patrick's Day The Cow Hay orchestra have numbers each member of Ihe which sum is refuniled ONK Indian Cornieh i.aiin i:.i elelrralions practiced the wedding march fleet society present LOST Black Persian Lamb muff on re-, crei ami two li, PACIFIC CARTAG E no untoward hap .to was nre- I ti rii of samples. rnn per n i,,, liave and if the drum will between .Mc Bride and the bos Prize birds. pening been reporled to Ihe perfection enteii wilh au Irish cap, some mnnlli can be made fiy right i;jy Mark.-i stand Ihe there will be' decorated with feathers pilal, Finder plcasv notify Admiralty offiees. Sonie five pace a and snnie man. 'Please do not reply nn l illl OF ICW SALl Limited cars of fish have been parked real musical welcome awaiting willi clay pipes.-. The musical Matron. Hospital. If less you can fulfill conditions '""J :'i:.... Phono 93 and shipped I his week, which is the popular skipper and his program Contained some splendid MISCELLANEOUS. Stale experience. (Juiek action. fiKi liraclically or (ireen new.In in. !.. I'lun. rnicwhai below Ihe usual ship bride on return to port.- numbers, mid the- artists are lo Post iffice Box unit, Vancouver. If ments. be. congratulated on their ren ;.u.ihi in.u .mid ir I rail to grow B. (J. . ' 7 AUCTION SALE. The Dixie Huperl, Kiplain (!oo tiering, some or winch' wore hair. Oriental Hair Hoot Halt Several of Ihe smaller vrafl Xewcombe, left porl on i'riday heart - rending. Among the t5rowerv World's ftreatesl WA.VI'KI) Men and .women ,r-,..FrnON SAI.F lonwlu .,; ,,,. A good point to remember put into port this week from morning 'wilh a (iiirly.of linemen items, were: The Minstrel Boy, nair urower. tirows tialr on learn the Barber Trade bv Ihe In our Salesroom, hv ; li,,-, outlying p'oinls wilh excellent lo execute repair" work oVj the sang by Cap. l.amhley; Mush, hald heads. must not Jk only method i Wlir( nla Avenue, of viih aru.-il ik. cargoes of furs, the majority of government. telegraph lines Mush, Mush, Tooral I.addy, inflicted put where liair is nol wauled will save you lime and money pails, axrs. I,- n-' which are. finding their market around Zauardt ltapids. by l'ete Murphy; Molly Cures dandruff and all scal and ft I you for a position brooms. etc., tic-:. Ramsays in Ihu easl-Tir in Vancouver, the . 9 Maginess by Peggy O'J.cary; troubles. 1 .75 per jar, worth while. We guarnnlec Auelioneer. local prices not coming up lo tin - The Wigwam, Cap'fali'i ' 'Clau Shamrock Bullcr and Shamrock Agents wanted. Prof. M. S steady employment at good BOARD. expectations, of- the. trappers el Ketchiim, is out fif 'l i r t. loadiii; I.ard a" musical number splendidly Crosse, U8 l.ogan Ave., Wln- wages. Write now for beauli the moment. The mink fur lia a scow or santi for the hunker rendered by Jack Toner on the ninetr, Man. ful illustrated ratiilngue. Moler BO.MID Inlander, 8:in s-, heen Hie predominating calcli.. at Cow Hay from the nioiilb of windjammer; Is your father in. Barber College, ,l0t5 Main St Avenue. Phone 'Li; PAINT Vristnzabl.e Island and ' Porelier the S"keena Hiver. First Slat Mollie Malone? sung by I'lossie MUSIC. Vancouxer, B. I land seem -to have been Ihe lirnniy Ttfomas is in charge of Flirt. This item was a great FOR RENT happy limiting grounds. Ihe operations. favorite, and ' Flossie was Ihe PIANO SCHOOL. ItF.l.tAlll.F. agent wanted for Ilti I.eschetlzky Method. All. grades pert IHstricl. The. Sovereign K) IM..M I-UIuI-!h.I r.nini IS pure and will stand the The Secret Service of bo Fleet The Kayousa, Captain Art' Os of proud the recipient,occurrence,upon of completion a oound taken and special altention Life Assurance Company. Head Steam healed. II.m.'.I n.'.ij'. had been srirnewbat to beglnnera. Terms office, '-W innipeg. .Man. Write ed, Home Cnubi;1? .Vorr.Ji , iierlurbed test of time. well, arrived in port on Thurs of Irish 'bacon donated hv Pat llonins. J'hone lli.nk :t:9. If early in the week as to the outcome nay night, anil reporte.i a very O Flynn. At -the conclusion of moderate. Chas. A. I'yne, Prince Tienrge, "ir the St. Patrick's Day iicct'ssful, trip. .Mllimigli. bad the musical numbers Ihe crowd CIIAS. P. BALAONO. manager for .Northern British FOIl HF.XT- IW i.iMu.lteil For sale at celebrations, and 'precautions had weal her ,was encountered during joined in with' Ihe chorus land Block, corner Sixth and Loiumhia. - rrmini. Can i'ii h"it". been taken liemjell any serious the vnvage no damage was done entitled "The Night of Murnbv's Fulton. Phone Blue CIS II A.M lo re,i from Anrll keening. Phone lid .''.' 'f riots which might have broken and lite tmal lieiuived admirahly Wake," but foe someone men first, furnished n modern SILVERSIDES out between the rival Irish fac pastime it is his intention lo n FOI.'ll room lion- I .ml tioning Mial ifwas five o'clock in house suite. tions. : ' lire from aclive crib and go inlo or Apply Box It fnrnilure for sab' - Mi H "l' The launch Oh' Baby, Captain the morning "they would havn Daily .ews Office. ci - BROS. Owing to Ihe iiisuffirient the old fashioned heal my neigh Ireel'.' I'hoiic Hlie .Myhill-.fones, prnceeileil on .Wed been singing yet. The singing of Second Street luanlily if shillelagh . olilafii-able nesday to SriMth Isiaml wilh Mod Save the King brought a bor games, WA.YTFD lo rent'., five V six PIMIMISKS occtiiu. .1 i.y W ' Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 a Ihe Irish armory, it was load of freight. - , cry successful Irish night lo a roomed house. Modern one cr.s.' f.lub for, i-.-itt pi known to the S. S. that certain Ihe Mayflower, Captain Jud Blue 2!m1. tf conclusion, after which Ihe crowd ,M. M". Stephens enllenieji of Irish extraction Thurher, arrht-d in port mi Mon i tie rirsi spring salmon was dispersed outside (o settle had armed Ihem.-elves with various caught during -the week in the few outstanding differences. day wilh a bumper catch of hali WAITIIKSS wanled for country MODKHX Aparlm in io but, and struck the market, 'fdr lintel. Apply Commercial Hotel weapons Including pea Mctlakatla Passage by some Phone Black 151 shooters' Irish potatoes ami Indian fishermen. Bob once, while it wns on the. high y. nr. llanna has completely re. feather dusters. Wilh this prices. Jud says it was one of BOATS FOR HIRE. Melropole Hall covered from bis allack nf flu FOR SALS knowledge the marines of the St. Patrick's Day al I be .Mug and has again hoied his flag his best attempts at Ihe fishing .ALXCll Xarbelljon W i Fleet bad cleaned Ihe dead cat I'p held last high I was a wonder, aboard the lug I.orne, game, and having a hunch that FOIl SAI.U Tutr .or flsliboal. Service. Phone lilar i too for tent to lodges or similar from Ihe shore batteries and had fill and brilliant success. The his lucky star is shining, cleared lf.xl2.0rl, .12 X. .V S. engine., organizations. the suns so trained that Ihey main salon was a sight for Ihe The Fanny F, Caplain Bells, from port immediately he had 92,000.00. would fire on the word of com fiods as. far as Irish decorations arrived in port on Thursday discharged his calclu Tug .17x10x1 32 II.P. X. A M ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFICE SPACE mand. Wireless messages bad were concerned. The ceiling was illuming having encountered f"ry engine, 82.0(10.00. 38 by 2V, healed, suitable for ilso been sent lo.lh'e Irish Xavy eleganHy draped wijh Irish ap-pb'.s, bad weallier ou the homeward I he Xaila, Captain John Bergman, Thirty font general nurnose W 'a professional man, for rent. Ibat if lhey came williin six otherwise sppds, which trip. The chief male and steward arrived in purl during Ihe i li.p. alft. dynamo, storage Homo Cooking, Aril 5, ' " Agents for thousand miles, of the bay some were festnoiied u clusters,'while has lost u deal of weight due no week, and among a miscellaneous electric light. Ircw's Hall. Norwegian American Line pointed remarks would be conveyed Ihe Irish harp beautifully displayed loubl lo the trying circum-lances cargo f ruin Pill Island, exhibited Tug 57 fl. r.O H. P. Fairbanks Swedish American Line to their Admiral on Ihe on a green cheesecloth and it quarler sized bunk. seven fine wolf skins. senii-diesel engine, power Tho Ladies nf the Royal M; Scandinavian American question 'Of Irish Home Hule. The background perhaps look priority ' windlass. Auxiliaries. ..In C.U r.t Vnnnv W l!-K llu Line. i result has been thai SI. Pat in 'the decohilive scheme. The Torfierg, Captain .es Caplain Svenson of Ihe Cold Loggers 2ix(10 slern wheel Home Cooking Tuesday Apnl " rick' Day passed off very quietly Around Ihe walls at convenient llobiiisou, arrived in port early Storage Fleet wishes to stale scow, -to II.p. sleam boiler find Oliver Typewriters although in fairness it must be height clay pipes were hung wilh in the week willi a cargo of some thai the recent mention in these winch with house 20x40. May I'lin r.ndies' Aid of lb.' P''",,' Cary Safes said that Ihe improvised dress-in? a notice allached rending "We !0 furs, including six otter skins. columns of his la-liittg his mate be used nn camp and donkey. iBrlnn riiiuel. will hold a I1'1"" station al Cow Hay was overcrowded givi Hie pipe its up In you to Local prices were loo low for a nil cook lo the tnasl owing lo IJI750. FIRE INSURANCE wilh minor injury cases, fill it." The whole affair was Cap and they are being forward- heavy winds did not refer In the II.P. Fairbanks 9. typo slallon-nry April 12. but no convictions were made as carried orr as a J-leei stale occasion, d to Vancouver for disposal, elements hut referred lo Ihe engine. With pump two rt.n rite:' Aniiiinl Factor NV- no -one. was actually killed, and and the admiral looked blast of hot air he heard from hundred pound pressure Fri Dybhavn & Hanson Jim, manager of Ihe Alliii ellv Ball In the Auditorium therefore Ihe shore batlery was the forecitslle when the cook and geared up. 2".o.oo . Third Avenue not called into commission. Fisheries, is. confined lo his bed first male were lelling each other Pile jiriver and 10 .p. donkey day, April 21. Prince B. ' DO YOU SMOKE wilh flu. what good tf-lhiw ifiey were. engine, 2 Win tb. hlimmcr. J,-250.00. NOTICE. ... Rupert, C. ' The All etainliuitloii- ror Ijnut' " u,rrl Karl, Captain X. Winter in i.j i.ui.i . i-Mti,.i.iivir, It. 1 lk ' .... ami the Jean, Captain Sanson TOO MUCH The Alma II., Caplain Brtibn, One of the mechanical slaff at 7 II.I, -tluarantee marine entrlne. Mlh III lit-and iii-iii at n prince I n i Itnpv"-..-- - lli-.n""' ,,, arrived in port on Thursday Cold ilurreasrul apbll.-ani' will. . ; arrived in port early in the week Ihe Storage hits an eye on .1..0.00. the walling lint utKI on.-'ei. -wriir. with fine catches of furs from Th'Mfl artt.niany men on wlioae heart anil with a cargo of fur comprising string easy inonAy mid this time' 05 falltnms .1-1 inch lesle.l ii 1 1 lll.'V in order or im'cii iipivoii system tobacco jirmliiros the mowf Salarv U IDii.ou Nr iimi"' ,,, around the Pearse Island district. five liliirleii, one bear, seven oiler lis in tb'vclam gelling The chor when a ' For your next tcrloun iphiiMh. It rauxri palpitation, pain game. cliaiiu nllouaiire Tor meal ,n'-iitli fM" In the cnleh were 52 ' fir't in the liearl, Irif irulurlty or lis lieat, makes i ml 10 mink skins captured idea is In shoot the clams and Other boats and engines. .liniNeM. lo tuu.i' P'"1 class miriU skins, which will be the hand tremble. U the nerves on eilre, iiound Skhlegaie, wilh this object in view Is planning M. M. KTKPIIKXS. olie. years saiuiarnu..ii.iih.iiiiik'ii -.," .,,sinn Shoe Repair Job ((lUHfH tliorliies or Iin-alh and lnio lit "II tippllcatioii to lit.- follJnx Ishipped east. Caplain Winter o manufacture a clam gun i.....J.nit I r i...-..ui-in i-.ii-i, l-li..iri' " It. ' reporled Mini be had been well sleep.Tn counteract thlt demoralizing- tntlu- The lug boat MrCulloiicli left. suitable for a man standing tt lOx'JVi Cabin Cruiser, hull onlv. 1'IMrlct 'forester, rrlnce""''.....,M W"-lebruary , illrlct foreaier, try (satisfied with bis seasons. Irap-jpinjr, enre on the heart and nerve there Is r.O porl yesterday for the Meorge- feet fl inches bight. Heavy built, suilalde for loggers. to. J. C. EMERTON and is husy refilling for remedy tn equal lown mill, and will low back A To fire a gun wilh accuracy' Could be 'used for fish Ihe spring salmon trolling. ' MILBURN'S scow load of fish hoxes for Mie from ibis altitude it is necessary carrier, will sacrifice, for cash JOOOtKnMMKKJu0 Champion, Shoe Repair Shop HEART AND NERVE PILLS local fish Mils bouses. In have special sights attached week. Xorthern F.xrhnnge. si They make the heart lwat Mronr anit Capfain Petersen of V,. (he Kinad Block, Third Avenue nuily, renlure tone and vigor to the to the firearm, and to allach a FOIt SAi.K I.lpselt is incnpacilaled from the Brass bed complele. nerven, and remove all Ihe evil results Caplain A. Swanson of Ihe Itdesciipe to Ihe mu..le o the, "Repairs while you wait" fishing Karne at present, being a rau-eil liy the tobacco. Prince Huperl lloallioiise came gun without interfering wilh Patriot healer, Iwo Axmlnsler viclim of the flu epidemic. The. Mr. rrank Lutes. 71 Terrace mil St., out of hospitul on Wednesday foresight is the problem this Jhe squares, Fumed oak smoking adventurer nil (auk repairs hau been practically Urautrord, Out., writes: "I had been nnd is his home stand unit dlher liousehold e'f-' convalescing -at Is wrestling with. troubled with palpitation of Ihe heart for completed on board, aiid ' feels. Phone Mreen 1112. tf on the waterfront. number of years, and by epells It would The best in town when the skipper returiis lo tin-wheel bother me a tot. The doctor told me It The following boat a are in FOIt SALi: Kighl .laying hens, all wfll be In shape In hit would stop on me some time If I did not Tack of New Sinclair, York, port: Torberg, Jean, Leila ft., chicken wire, kitchen for Ihe high spots. cut out .tobacco, when I would yet a spell cabinet, ' my heart would pound, and I would break Boston, Chicago and sometimes .Marguerite, Pelican of Seal tin.' table, also chimi cablnel wilh out In perspiration, and vet so weak I from .Missouri, arrived in port Peggy, Texas, N..M. li., Laura leaded glass doors. Phone Strand Interesting news has been received would have o sit rUht down and quit my on Ihe S. S. Prince Huperl on 1.;, Iloald, Alma It., Kouyasu, Mreen HI7, n'nee George by well lit formed circles ucrki also In the night I Would uuke up Wednesday. Jack Lillian reports a very Iieula, F., Towena, On. nf lhv Mosquito Vied to Ihe effect an my heart Would be jroliis. I should say, FOirSAI.i: Oerard 'Heinlzmun jpotel about io heats a minute. About three successful trip, and nays he has awa, Fdhel June, Thelnui H.. Cafe thai Cap, Wftlson of (he years- ago I got a box or Mllburn'a Heart gleaned somii wonderful Yonkce Huby Mae, ',. .eilon. Mauri. npi'iglil piano, fu perfect condition; TORONTO St,:irslii, who proceeded to Kng. ami .Nerve rills, took them, and found that crib trlcks which; he 1s ciititein. lanla, P. Doreen, Sampson, Annie gnul a 'new. ifiaon.nn In Centra of Shoppino Dint' land nouie lk week$ ago, hail they did the Job. f am feeling line and have plnting springing on his collen-gtjes Tuck, Macgalice, Crescent nf Tn. Apply H. L. Tlm'ley, port ml Business ROOMS All White Help. ben 'nnr'l gouA ami Srot mai'ried, Mined Price,over soc vO bos pouuda at all In dealers,welKht."or mailed uround Mm fish liduHes, If cr ti i a, Chancellor, Volunteer, Al . CleiueiilM. 07 '100 250 wilh Wvats BaB unh" thai lie will bn returning to these trickii fall . tn bring him 'a.P direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil-burn nance .o. I., Provincial "'and KI.ITU Cafe for ale, furnished bii floating, liouiu in tliu near Co., Limited. Toronto, tint. glory at the favorite waterfront: Parhelia, 'complele. Phono 173. tf