THE NEW For TAXI YOKOHAMA Phone CAFE H - HOME BAKERY DctSrviccnnd PRINCE RUPERT The Boat of Everything. Beat.Carsln the City ""'flu. Try our service Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone Black BO VOI-. XIH. NO. 05. PHIXCK ni'PKHT. IJ. C, SATURDAY, MAAUII 18, 1022. Ytittrdty'i Circulation 1702. Slrtl 8al 404 PRICE MVK CKNT8 Vancouver Wins First Hockey Game GANDHI GOES TO PRISON FOR SX YEARS IS SENTENCE OF COURT Taylor Murder Mystery Deepens GANDHI GIVEN FIRST WOMAN TO SIT IN HOUSE OF LORDS. Vancouver Won First of With Arrest of Former Soldier SIX-YEAR TERM The World Championship of Canadian Army at Mexicali Hockey Series at Toronto Indian Leader Sentenced by Court l.UH AN(li:u:8, March iH. A Times despatch says tliul u on Charge In India.of Sedition TOHONTO, March IX, IMuylng under eastern rules, Vancouver Canadian soldier, whose name Is nut given, lias been arrcsded ul AIIMKDAIIAD, Mar. 1H. Mn-hatma Millionaires defeated HI. Palricks four lo three in the first Mexiculi,. Lower (Jalifoniia, mid will be returned bere to be K. (laiullii, the Indian no.i-co-oprrulionlsl game of Ihe Hlunley Cup playoff, which calls for three victories to leader, and Ihe Ihe world's charged Willi 111 e murder of William Desmond Tayloiv the moving juin championship. (eause of much of Ihe present, un-ires Adams scored three goals for Vancouver arid Mackay one. picture director, who was mysteriously murdered ul Hollywood I in who India, was recently ar Kor Toronto, Dye scored twice and Handall once. some weeks ago. rested on a charge of sedition, Tim police decline to discuss Hie mailer, but rumor say that was scnlenrcd today lo six years The game -was fast and clean, with Toronlo depending on imprisonment without hard labor. ilie comhiualiuii rushes and Vancouver specialiing on individual a Idler received from Kngland lells of a statement made by rushes, backed the marvellous defense work of which Taylor lo. friends- during Hie war tlial u sergeant in bis unit bad by Hugbie Lehman in goal was the chief factor and the star of the EVERYONE MUST FILE easily threatened bis life. The man who made Ihe threal was found lo evening. have been in l.os Angeles al the lime of Ihe murder and was Irneed INCOME TAX RETURNS to Mcxicali, where a rancher idenlilled him as a mini whom he had overheard lalkifig about a cuptain in Ihe Canadian army who would LLOYD GEORGE DRAYTON GETS be "plugged because lie had nail certain 01 nis men sent up For the guidance and informn lion of (he general the during the war. public following particulars rclutKt. to TO SIT TIGHT BACKAT GOP Hie Dominion Income Taxe Act-have GOVERNMENT AMBASSADOR been compiled, and can be considered as reliable: Official Statement That He Says Defends Railway System And Any single person who has Will Not Resign but Will Says It Was Laurler OF MANITOBA WASHINGTON earned If 000 or more during the Go to Qenoa. " That calendar year I'J-'I must file u Built the Railways.' return. LONDON, Mar. 18. An inspired HAS RESIGNED! Berlin Thinks That Managing Any married person 'who lias nllieiat statement issued from OTTAWA, March iH. Sir Director of Krupps Will earned -000 nr mor during Ihe j- puvrriimcnt quarters last nishl Henry Drayton, former minister calendar 10-1, whether taxable of finance, rebul led Hie speech Accept Post. year. slates that I.loyd (ieorge will no! or iiof, must filv a .return. of Sir I.omer ffouin made in the Confer With Governor Will resign. He will complete his holiday Leaders of Other Parties LONDON, Mar, 18. The4. These returns milsLbr Tiled on at UrJccietii before.leaving for House of Commons yesterday by . .dufeuiliiigwla'rjffpt'decHftri. nd Before'Tatdng"Action: fact that Herr Wiedfeldt has" " tionoa to represent Tlrft7i7hu? llTe his lo i-liltti'Ty wflh this requirement the National ituilway system. He as resigned post managing e?tjnomic conference. denied the charges that the Ilrit-ish The makes the taxpayer subject lo a WIN.NII'KfJ, March 18.- director of the Krupp , , llBJ mimt-wbSII Kmpire Steel Corporation Norris (.iovernmenl of Multiloba, Co- Is regarded In the German penally. which curly In the week was de-fealed capital as an Indication A nurlnersliii) is not rcuuired Vittcouuless Ithondda, an Ki.fchrh Peeress in t.-r own rlzlit. Is the EQUIPMENT FOR NEW merger had been backed by the to make a return of (he business first woman to take her place In the Hoiiso of Lords. She began her fioverninenl, mdnliug out 11 was in Ihe Legislature, has that he hr.s accepted the Invitation contest for the seat in the House the but each member of shortly after death of her father, RAILWAY AT ANYOX Sovn Scolla which Incorporated resigned. The (ioveruor villi of the government operations, I-ord Ithoudda, Food Dictator In (ireut Britain in 1918. The title probably confer with Ihe leaders to become German ambassador the'.partnership must rile an individual Viscountess came ti her "by special j,i ivileKe," Lord Ithondda having ARRIVES THIS WEEK Ihe corporation. before deciding the return, showing a lalo- no male heir. The Committee of Peers, was finally convinced that Sir Henry uid It .wa.s the Lib of oilier parlies to Washington, says menl or profit and loss of Ihe Viscountess ltliondila had a right to Bit In the House of I,ord.i. follow-lug eral regime or Lauricr which was on its acceptance. Berlin correspondent of the her contention that the sex bar had died with the coming of suffrage. which will be used responsible ror the building of his K(Uipllienl and showing There is Hi present no parly Morning Post. partnership proportion The privilege of sitting iu the House was hitherto denied with a majority in Ihe l.eglslu-lure or the profits together wouion Iu Kuglaud. ill Ihe iniililiug of I Ik railway lo Ihe mil ways. willi all income from oilier ive access lo Hie dam new, an election and it is will very have probable lo be .Dial held W. P. HINTON MAY YET sources. SCOUT HALL TROUBLE IN which is being built by (he (iran- regina"victorias" Any person or company employing ly Consolidated Mining, Smell lo clear up Ihe deadlock. HEAD THE RAILWAYS help, must make a return ing, ami rower i;o. at .nyox was are in toronto to of all who have hi'uiighl north this week on a person VISCOUNT PEEL VICTOMA, Match 1 8. W. I'. been paid $500.0(1 or over ill AT SMITHERS IRELAND YET company freighter front Ynn- play in cup finals llinton, former vire-presidrnliind the calendar year This re onver. II eoiisfslK of lies, poles. ueral manager of the (Irand turn musl be filed uol later than rails and a ipianlily of electrical TortONTO, March 18. The SECY. FOR INDIA Trunk l'ucifie, is in Victoria on March 31, 1022, subject lo a Building to Be Completed This Messages Indicate Disquieting apparatus. The rails wer used lteginu Yiciorias. rinalists in the a holiday and personal business penulty of 10.00 for each day Spring and Will Then Be Condition Along the during the const riicl ion of I be Allan Cup series, arrived here trip", lie slarled his railway career of dcfuull. Unique. Frontier. Hudson Hay Ituilway for the purpose this morning from Winnipeg, Succeeds Edwin S. Montagu In 'A years ago In Ihe service II is 'pointed out that forms of bringing out lies and They -will play liexl week with (ho British Government Following of the Canada Aliunde and went are sent out by -Ihe Inspcclor of SMI III Kits, March I 8. - -The DUBLIN, March 18 Disquieting I resile limbers. winner.V dt the "I'oronlo-Ollawa Lord Derby's Rofusal. lo thi! Urund Trunk when Ihe Taxation. II is incumbent upon Seoul Hall bere. which is of iini-uc conditions still prevail series tor the Allan Cup and the roads were amalgarnalcd. every person, liable to file re log construction, will be along the frontier bet-tween PIONEER RAILWAY" Canadian amaleur championship. )N HON. Mar. IH, -Viscount II Is predicted that Mr. llinton turns, to obtain Ihe forms and completed this spring. This will Southern Ireland and I'eel,J.i runner under secretary for will be called in lo help handle file the bailie. Claims of ignorance form one of the finest Hiy Seoul, Ulster according to messages MAN OF STATES IS DRY DENVER In Ihe air ministry and Chancellor jhe Canadian National Ilailvvuys of Ihe requirements of Ihe homes in uorlberji U'ritish Columbia, received here today. SQUAD war or Ihe Duchy of Lancaster when Ihe new in eminent, ami act in regard to 'the filing of re and will be completely BELFAST, Mar. 18 Terrorists, DEAD MINNEAPOLIS MAKE MANY ARRESTS bus been lis Minister of Itailways, the lion. turns will not be considered in fitted with gymnasium and oilier who remained under ministry, In Ihe present secretary of stale rur W. C. Kennedy decide on their respect or Ihe waiving or penalties devices to caler to the moral cover all St. Patrick's Day, MINNKAI'OUS, March H.-Charles India,appointed succeeding IMwiu S, Montagu, ruilway policy. Until recently he under any .circumstances. mid physical welfare of the resumed activities today. W. Case, aged 87, a Seventy-one Men and Nino Women who resigned last week. has been associated with railway young citizens uuu.provmc ineui Several persons have been pioneer railroadman and formerly Were Arrested In Downtown I', willi healthy recreation. shot and killed. Raid Last Evening. administration oT Ihe C T. refused Ihe otllce. manager of the CI rout Northern Lord Derby as lechnical adviser o I ho re COPPER RIVER The roof is trussed In such a " Huilwuy, died today. ceiver. manner thai it permils of an en-I BELIEVED' OLDEST DKNVL'll, Mar. 18. - Kijjhty- TUMOR HOCKEY IS llrely clear floor space and enables three persons, including nine COAL DISPUTE all Hie Irupe.e and gymnastic MAN IN PROVINCE PRINCE OF WALES women, were arrested in u whole RETURNS BUTT NOW BEING PLAYED MR. apparatus o be hung in sale raid bv tbo liuuor suuad ju TO OLD COUNTRY willi Ihe ceiling. The hull measures OF NOVA SCOTIA SAILS FOR JAPAN the, downtown dist rict 'last night. Fort William Wins Against Aura Judge Refuses to Make Order of l feet by 30 feet. The places visited lfy the olllcers Lees of Toronto. I Court Accepting Development The ground was 'presented ly SllKUlOLIlNJv N. S.. Mar. 18. Karachi, March 18. Tim included hotels, restaurants and Mr. ami Mrs. II. A. Hull and Work on Claims. K. M. Orchard, proprietor of the William Hush, believed lo be the Prince ot Wales has concluded sort drink parlors. loltl WILlTXm, Mar. 18. -The fumily suiled this afternoon on liulkley Hotel, and Ihe cost or his long tour of India commenc in Nova Scolla, Aura I,ee emn of Toronlo, eastern Ihe l'rineess lleutrice for Ihe CREDITORS' MEETING. construction wus, borne by public oldest ci'lebralfd man his 1051b birlh-day. yesterday ed lust autumn, He sailed yes Junior hockey champions, lost soulti en route, for St. John, New contribution. The scouts con-Iriliuled terday on the battle cruiser ite-niiwn He is still in remarkably Ihe fliance of the junior championship llrunswick, where on March 3 1 VANCOUVKII, Mar. 18.- -When to Hie cost by huhliug for .lupnu where he will bo CANADIAN CLUB when they lost to the they will embark on the Minne-dosa Mr. .lusllec Murphy yesterday wus dances and oilier forms of entertainment good beallh. Ihe uuest of Crown l'rince Hiro-bilo, LUNCHEON MONDAY fort William War Veterans in a returning to their home usked lo approve some 2000 feet and thus raising funds who is regent oT llial country. NOTE" sudden death game. The score in the Old Country. Mr. Hull of diamond drilling on Ihe (Copper on this behalf. The badge of ITALY SENDS He was given an enlbus-iaslio Dean Kliuck, president was three to live. Toil William has been here for over a year as Itiver coal claims near lla.ellon Ihe senilis will be jdaced in effigy sendutr where lie left here. oT the University ut llrit. now plays oil' with the winners of Dominion (iovernmenl representative he said: '-This is too much responsibility on the front of Hie building TO GREECE MAKING isli Columbia, will be tbo Ihe M a n i t o b a - .Suskulchowun at the local shipyard while for inc. Why should and will be ornamented with VARIOUS DEMANDS IRISH COUNCILS ARE guest of honor of the series, Ihe Canadian (iovernmenl Merchant I, who have not put a dollar into electric liglils. The grounds Canadian Club, I'rinco import, Marine steamers, Canadian the properly, decldo on the development around the building will be enclosed IIOMK, Mar. 18. Ilaly bus sent BEING SUPPRESSED on Monday next. The Scottish and Canudiau iJiiUslier work when Ihe people with a rustic fence forming and energetic note lo luncheon will 'lake place ul a new were being built. who pul8300,00(l Into It have not I lie parade ground, which (1 recce demanding I lie release of Commissioners Are Appointed to Die SI. Ilegis Care at 1 p.m. the mullef?" will iu turn be Mirrouudcd wild Tickets bo obtained NOTICE, a say In Hid steamer Abbiuiu and complete, Duties Instead may 35 BEQUESTS IN WILL The Judge ordered a meeting of flower beds giving thu whole a satisfaction for recent incidents Discharge of Them, from any member ot the A special meeliiigjof (lie creditors culled within two weeks. very pleasing mid colorful effect. and seizures. committee, or ul Ormo's 'City Council will be held LATE LADY LAURIER The Knglish creditors are to be HCI.r'AST. Mar. 18 The Ulster Drug Store, on production in the Council Chuiuber al represented by proxy holders. JOHNNY DUNDEETs" The Canadian National steamer Home Otllce iu ihe last 18 hours of a membership curd, A 8 o'eloek tonight, li'whlch OTTAWA, March 1 8, -From I'rinco Albert was slormbouiitl has suppressed five local bodies limited number only can bo all ratepayers are specially the estate of 17:1,81" left by SAMUEL TO RESIGN WINNER OVER WHITE yesterday al Iho Queen Charlotte iu six county ureas, all buviiiK uccoimnqduled, so that Iho Invited, for the purpose of the lale Lady I.aurier, there, will March 1 K.- ll Is uu-dei'slood Islands and did not return' last Siim Fein majorities and regard members of the club are I'. made 35 bniuosts according to LONDON', ed by Hie northern government jis advised tu upply ul once discussing the O. T. be that Sir Herbert Samuel, NKNV YOllK, Mar. 10. Johnny niglil as expeuled, Thjj vessel Ilyluw, the will of Iho deceased lady. commissioner in rules-tine, Dundee was given n Judges' decision will be iu this afternoon and will recalcitrant. Commissioners iiuve for their tickets. II. U. IIOCIIKSTLMI, Mayor. Among them U the giving of the high shortly resign on account in a lirtcen.round bout sail al 10 o'clock this evening lieen uooointed tu discharge, the 05 of the. former premier lo wil) 'duties in place 0f the councils. home of ill bcallU. with ( hai li v White lust uiybt. for Stewart. Mackenzie kiug.