Saturday, MjirCh 18, 192S. rnn daily ewb FOOTBALL RESULTS ST. PATRICK'S English League First Division Aston Villn, 2; Arsenal, 0. CONCERT WAS Iiradford I'.ily, 0; Sunderland, 0. Iturnley, ; Cardiff Oily, I. GREAT SUCCESS MACDONALD'S Chelsea, 0; Manchester City, 0. Liverpool, 0; llollnn,- I. Manchester I!., 0; lilacldiurh, Seven Splendid Performers Featured H., I. Program In Westholme Cut Brier I. Middlesboi-o, I; Mil ininy limn, Theatre Last Evening. on Newcastle t;,, Olilbam A., t, The Kmernhl Isle, the memory MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY I'rosion s. K, 1 Kverlon, 0. of SI. Patrick and, in fact, all Sheffield I!., 0; Wcsbroniwielt, Ihiiiss Irish were honored al Ibe ftrand concert under the allspices mm lollenham II., Ij lluddersfield, of the Prince llhpcrl Council. "You Are Looking 'AH In 0. Kninltls of Columbus, held in I he Second Division! Westholme Theatre las! eveninfr. ES, and that Is just llarnslcy, Stoke, 2. Seven delishtfnl nrlisls appeared "I know from personal experience. -o-t Ilrislol Cly, lllnekpool, I. "Y 0; on the sln?e: Harry Sharinnh, how 1 feel. After I had the Miiry, I ; Crystal Palace, 2. i;rnie Huller and . Miss N'nra "What seems to 'flu' I was left just like you 0. Coventry City, I; Leeds, Shannon, of Vancouver; Mrs. L. the matter?" all be are now run down; 5 Derby Hull Cily, 0. County, 0; H. Warner, nfSmilhers, and Mrs, could Why, I had tonsilitis, and not sleep; the little Leicester Cily. .1; Nolls Cily, 0. L. O. Larsen, J. .1. Ilnlel.ali and food I ate did not to do seem - Canada's Best - mv whole system seemed to Nottingham F.,t; Hrndford, I. S. K. Campbell, of P-rince llupert. Buy good, and J me was getting any be poisoned, and run down. blue." I'orlvale, I; Wednesday. 0. The numbers of each were so THE ECONOMY PACKAGE So much' m that I do not pretty South Shields, I; I'lilliaui, 0. entertaining thai it would be a seem to gain strength." "Yes." Weslluiin I'., I; Hot berliam dlfflcull maimer to adjudjre which Will you. let me be your "Well, my wife had been City, 2. If any was. the most enterlain-in'. doctor and do as I tell you?" using Dr. Chase's Nerve Wolverhampton, 0; CI;iiton, L. The program was entirely Food, and insisting, "I will do anything to get giving it a trial.' You on know me Third Division Northern Section of Irish character and a full strong and well. I have been Accrinjilon S.. t; Houtliport, 2. house rewarded the Ion? arid the rest, for I about was soon Ashlnplon, 2; Slaleyirid?e, .1, preparation ot Ibe pftiiislaklnpr sitting here too long al hale again, as and hearty as ready." llalifav Town, I ; 'Wrexliaiui .1. comrnillee In charpe of Ihn per ever. I have told lots of people Hartlepool l Darlinslon, fi. formers. Commencing Ijme ht 0; on Mary, whose part was taken "Well, you send to the about this Nerve Food, Rochdale, I; Durham City, 0. al 8:1.1 o'clock it was wns well by Miss Shannon Who was in drug store for six boxes of and never knew it to fail Stockport City, I; Crewe A., I. on to eleven when Ibe curtain deed charming and delightfully Dr. Chase s IServe I-ood, and yet." Tr.lnnirrc ll 2; Harrow, 2. dropped on the final number. owned. Singing and comedy take one pill after each meal "You to be the doctor are Walsall, 0. All the artists who appeared last, 2; Nelson, conversation featured (he act. bedtime. Believe and at me, in this I will follow it will not be long until you advice."case, so Wifran. 2; Lincoln Cily, 0. niphl are ajrain billed to perform Miss Stewart Speaks. your Third Division Southern Section in the matinee Ibis afternoon In The concert commtllce comprised THE EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILDREN feel the benefit of this treat Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, a ebanped protrram. .1. C, (iavigan, chairman, ment and find yourself gaining Kxeler Cily, t; Heading, .'I. fjOc a box, all dealers, or Ed-manson, 'l'be performance last nighl J. .1. Jtalci-rih, stage and which do it? in health and vigor." flillinffliani, 0; Hrentfnnl, 0, manager, Have you the money with" to Rates & Co., Ltd., I.ulon Town, I; llrislilmi, I. opened wHh selections of Irish .1. F. Vetiables, I-'. W. Ilenning. "How do know?" while Ibey let them Toronto. Start to are you save young Merlbyr, 2; Northamjdoh, f. airs by (he Westholme Orchestra I.. Astufia and I'. I'. LaCasse. the back commence life knowing you ate at comprising Cliarle.s Halapn'o, In the of the Millwall, i;" Ilrislol Hovers, I. cotirsp program of them. Newport City, 0; Wat ford, II. . Will llaliwio and Will llrowne. last evening, opportunity was vast like II. O. wliere in province I'lymotilh, 3; Charlton, 0, Intermission and dosing music afforded Miss Helen Stewtirt. of Savings Accounts are a specialty with t oullyiii? districts doctors were Portsmouth, 0; Southampton, of a similar rhnrnVler was provided Victoria, President or Ibe H. C. scarce and sometimes unobtainable by the oreheslra. Its usual Library Association, lo pive :t THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 'in had met with ON UNIVERSITY emergency, South Kml C, I; Oueens Park excellence Is well know anil was four minute address on library and 2(5 students ureal success II.. 2. -. well sustained on (his. occasion. matters. Couching her remarks S. J. MacLeod, Manager. bad enrolled in Ibis department. Swansea, I; Norwich Cily, 0. Vocal Numbers. in terms suitable to Ibe occas. Prince Rupert Branch A botany evening class (if 20 Swindon. 2; Aberdare, 2. .Mrs. Warner, of Smll tiers, iori, Miss Stewart said that addresses Gathering at Hazelton students had also been established, Scottish League. making her rirst appearance on Prince, Huperl, in Ibe, past, han and Will 'Speak Here on in ntrriciillure and extension had short attendance courses Aberdeei Hanpers not playeil. a local proyram in years, sany seemed Jo neglect the met:tal Monday. Nif 570 and comprised an students Albion, 1; Third Lanark, 0. "I'll Take. You Horn,. Atrain. feeding of Hie "fieopie and urged Ayr Lniled, 2; St.. Mirren, :1. Kathlern," and "Ireland Mnsl He that this city provide Ibis very IIAZi:i.TO. March rt. On from the tipper country and from Clydehank, 2; Alrdrionians, 0. Heaven." Mrs. AVurnep has a necessary requirement by gjv-iug UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Tuesday night I'rofessor l. S. the northern interior dNIriels. Dundee, 2; Hearts, ft. clear, sweel voicjj and a pleasing full support to the Municipal i Klinck, president of t lie Univer In addition to the courses mentioned falklrk, 1; Celtic, I, slajre niiinner and was well appreciated. Tree Library bylaw which will be TORONTO CONSERVATORY sity of Hrllish Columbia, spoke other courses were being to the of the Hibernians. I; llamillon A., 0, . submitted vole at Hacllnn, -hnil on Wednesday! insistently called for, including Kilmarnock, 1; Clyde, (V. .1. .1. Kalcivh appeared In a ratepayers next Wedneday. OF MUSIC nlfjIU al Now Hacllon, befifc lionie economics, advanced, commercial Morton, I; Dumharlon, 0. turn entilled "A Little Irish larse itatliorln?. The prous science and music. In SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O, LLJ. D.C.L, Cklrm. BH ! Canraara. Mnttierwell, 5- Qiieenspnrk, I. Humor." Mr. Ilalei'ph sliowed thai or took as his. subject. "Tin .'n'l-versily speaking of criticism, the lecturer DR. A. S. VOCT. Prlndp.1. of Itrillsh Odumhi.-i, its said, "There is always the Itaith. Hovers, 2, l'arlick, 0. be was ipiile al home over the Sport Chat DR. HE A LEY WILLAX, F.R.C.O, Vicf-rriadptL footlights and his variety of Iti'lnllnn to the Provlnc." In quesllon of criticism lo be .dealt' LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC opening Ills I I'd ur, (In1 speaker willt. ' Some criticism is constructive, MAPLE LEAFS MADE soups, jokes, palter and. step M FOR'THE DOMINION OF CANADA. dancin? fully enjoyed. received in was Reports Hie cily Jsnid that In- was not I here f ir friendly and well informed, the Th annaal Loral Eiaminatlont, Theoretical ern character of Conservatory's .Mrs. I.. O. Larsen, practically tills week front Hums Lake CLEAN SWEEP OVER the artistic prestiga of the money, for" moral support or for while .some is less con. and Practical, for 1922, mill b Curriculum, a newcomer in the local concert Jrlkwa and Smilhers indicate held, according to locality la May,J una Institution's corps of eta miners, and students hut. for tlm iitformi'il slruclive, es friendly and still and July. the exceptionally hftrh standard represented JUNIOR EXCELSIORS world, was pleasing indeed. thai the athletes in very those places by these examinations. inlrrst of the audience. Many less well informed. The first. Several Gold Medals and Silver Medali, second Her splendid soprano voice was are preparing for an active sum alto a Partial Scholarship, available The Conservatory's Syllabus and the , larenls liiid -sons and daughter Is always welcomed, I lie, within the Conservatory, are awarded institution's Year Book will ba sent to heard advantage in the Irish lo in the university and that others is never objecled o providing- the The Maple Leaf junior billiard mer season litis year, organization annually under conditions as outlined any address on reqaest. "Aslhore" and "Molly fl" work well In the Conservatory's Year Book and sonps is under way ami Applications for these examinations contemplated scndlM? their critics first avail IhemsTlves of team made a clean sweep of the Annual Syllabus. the before , must reach Registrar, an ar which sbi! for was specially costumed the and yoltnjr people there. till the dalii tin1 authorities will Kxe.elsiors in this week's tourna preparation improvement Special attention Is directed to the mod May 1st next. The evidence, of jrrowimr interest pladly place at their disposal." ment' winnlii? by a score of two in typical Irish dress, lie-sides 01 LTounus win commence as her excellent voice, Mrs, weather conditions soon as per in the university had h'tn Immediate Need. to 750. L arson's number showed a preal mit. Prince (ieorge, it appears shown by thoMuvltations received1 I ho Individual scores were as The professor staled Hint the ileal , of elocutionary . ability. Kn-eored is also getting ready for the ap lo address meetings and pivc follows: OPEN INTERIOR TO immediate need of the university .she .N'orwepiaii saiiii a proaching -season, l'rince llu lectures. In touching- upon what S. Howe".(.Maple Leafs, ir0; M USE, was greater accommodation lo classic solo. Mrs, .1. A. Wnder-son enthusiasts take pert might THE OUTSIDE WORLD the L'nivftrnijif It. J. was dolusr. j Stephens, (Kxcelsiors), fl.",. enable Ihein lake of the o care was her accompanist. lesson from these smaller Hie spenkcj Slated that in llie K. Halliday. I.Vi; li. Mitchell,' places I ever increasing --enrollment of -to. Harry Shannon, tho popular in the interior and commence Shamrock I department nf,.rts and Science, sludents, and that a greatly in Vancouver Irish ballad sinner, geting busy on its plans. It Jack McNeill of Telkwa Urges follywjiit subjects were Clieno'ski,) II. IT-izell, the M. .ri0; of to Give frrant supple. Building Highway 'bacteriology, creased legislature who with bis daughter, Miss understood that fooihall organ- Hauslit; botany, ; luenleil by other dependable I III. Nora Shannon and Krnie Hutler, izalion lia been going on here Them Outlet. BACON economics,! iheiuislry, classics, II. Kmerson,. IfiO; I.. .Wilsiin, sources of revenue would Jie ne. was brought here especially to lime for some already but as far TI'.I.KWA, Mnr. 18. Many or nei(do(;y and political science, 1 1. cessnry to put Hie universiiy .on lake part In litis concert, created baseball Is concerned then HAM its I lie of the Ilulkley "'id I KiikIIsIi, ixeolofry and inineralnjry, S. Su?a, 1.10; W Hamilton, people history, mathematics, modern a proper financial font in?. III. quite as pood an impression (his seems to be little doing. If (his Neehnro valleys are teen In jrel f BUTTER Principal Klinck will address year as. he did on a similar occasion cily is, to have n team ill'all 'litis tbroupb lo 'liiirloti. omniunlealion 'philosophy, V. tic. opened laiitfiiajres, physics, .1. llniul, ir,(i; Canadian Club here Wednesday EGGS the last, lie sang "Irish as year it would seem thai ft is and zoology.. The slandill? to ible: Ibe outide vVorb! by means of n and will speak al li mass She's Spoken" ami "That Old now none to early to start lining Tho departments of airricul- Theiilre .PI. I'lt. A v. inolor bipliwhv. 'rbo only juir LARD meelin? in the ifmpress Irish Mother of Minn" and 'was it litro embodied agronomy, animal Maple Leafs . .1:1.12 H70 up. not now onneeted ts.n stnall see in the evciiinff. encored twice. , litishajtdry, dajryin;.', horticulture Kxcelsiors ... 3:i:ui 8:i3 lion between Htirns I..'t1e and Kn ami poultry husbandry.' St. Andrew's 108 1 817 Novelty Numbers. Last week, the junior baseball dako. SnrakiiiK of the need of The Empire's,Standard. The staff of the university RESIDENT ENGINEER (irollo 25H1H 7J2 The Sons Seena "Mountains of hoys of Prince (Iorge. held - a Hie peed of Ibis Jack MeXeill said .Mourue" by Ml'. Shannon ami meeting to on matter's in P. BURNS LTD. numbered 77 jiol. iiieludiiiK as-fislanls. Klks 2 it td 721) o a Daily Xevvs reiresenlative.: CO., TO PORT ARTHUR Heavers 270 1 090 Miss Shannon was the opening connection with lhet competition "At Hie .present time there is Provincial Institution. number of the second pari of the lhis,y(ear for Hie I'rin'cr George something like 28 miles between. lie. said Hint lire University of H. P. Crowed of Mead Engineering Was Troubled program, .Mr. Shannon, 'as Pat, Cimen-. Shield, i . '.Tiros ' was Ilurps Lake and Kmhiko, on Hie and -Molly, eleeled prrxidenf p'f thff. l.pagui Miss, Shannon, II. C. bud been looked upon in its pro national liiphway', 'which has not Co. Left Today en Route East. Kihlitr i.eilh, secretary. Jt fine tided, in litis item, a combination the past ns an entirely Vancouver been .constructed lo conned u, G' Night Phohiv. J. Steen, 071 With Her Stomach of singin?, Irish was decided lhal only two teams conversational could hlpltwny nortb 270 university, but be assure II l (Irowell. resident e'lisilieer with the .e.xlxtinp W. L9ngwlll,: Blue wit and dancing. should cotilpelti enough boys Ids irteiirA Dial this was far ;us. and south. If this stretch were Day Phone S I for the Mead Knpineerinn Co, of) Krnie Huller, Loudon comedy for three could no bo lined up fronr the fuel, and slaled thai For Five Years joined up it wauld ho possible lo ' Dayton, Ohio, who lias neen nere conjurer ami vaudeville enter l'be litieutis well' chosen under STEENSL0NGW1LL Hie students attending were Irive from llazollon to Mexico via for several inonllis in connection "Cubs' and "Cianls tainer, ih bis number of magic. Hie names drawn from 78 points within the MllliTdale, Sisk., Quesne: and Asbcroft. 1 bis establishment of the pulp Slr. Saniuii Ward, Sheet Metal Worke with the sliints, proved both clever and Charlie Uowsky is the captain of province, eight sludents from write: "I fwl llial I littisl wrlt ' yU would hrinsr a larjfo number of and mill at Seal Cove, pro. He is conjuror of Hie Cubs and .Nat Porter, the Furncaei paper points in Canada outside the iH-fore nulhir day iiaic I am so liainiy mystifying. a Canadian and ' American visitors Agent for McClary Jecled b.y tho l'rince llupert I'ulp ami so Kraterut ti your nilMulld meillclnf, no mean ability an showed thai lifanls. The leairis are 'composed students from the southern of tin and from parts Sanitary province and.'!:' and Paper Coxsalls by the Prin liunloefc lilmid Hlilfrit, for after u nines be has bad a lot. of experience as follows: Cubs C. Izow- Heating Engineer foreign couiilrles. province and from the Stales, who cess Ileatrice this afternoon en f J" 111 tfllff. at tills kind of entertaining. He sky. II. Cross, 11. Johnson, II. The nifiillior of students rn-rnllM I timl ctomurlt troulile ao liad, I could are interested in ajrricullure, 6th Street and Fraser Street port Arlliur- Dnl. Mr. of tricks which Kennedy, II. Taft, It. 'Purler, It. route to had variety not lirar Hie siiiell or lustu of rood or a .... B.C. sinef 1H5 Wad growy, throush tho rtuikley, Frnser and Prince Kupert . Crowe H R called cast by Ibe bead anv kind, and t 10 tldn and wtialc I were splendidly executed. Two Williams. IL Abboll,. W. Mc- from which fuel valleys," :i7 to 1011, oftlce nt Daylon, When he reaches could tint wink, 1 had four doetoM attend small boys, Harold Das bison and Chesney, I), Pouguelj and, fi, Ncehaeo spoke for itself as lo the in-rre;isd porl Arthur he will meet H. S. ni. hut they did in 110 iroftd. I m In Kdwaril llojidima, assisted him. Adams, (Hants II. Manners'; H. demand for university 00 rain, but frit a 111, at tltiira, I Itmuaht of (lie Mead whose A, .Mackenzie, N. Porter, raining, arinHte Juslificalion of Taylor, chief rujrinrer 1 would die, In fact, all tny fi-li'0il were S. K. Campbell, splendid Nehring, ni'pniiiiitiiin, who iited l'rince tuiK I could many iiiouin, tenor vojcu lias gained an W. Nehring, fi. Waldorf. 1l. Hess, a univerMlfft llupert last year in February. Tlil time lint ar I kaw wliere a man enviable ineasur of popularity ll. Anderson, fi. llougblaliiig, A. In addlflijijln courses of tinU Some work which was- commenced aa relieved of ttomarh trouble liy Jlur-dock lit ills brief period of residence Johnson and II. Moore. jjftvery Old Highland vrsity ffalplng the. following lil'iud Hlltura, 1.0 my liuslaud rot i rournes oTjfrVon.unvcrlly grade a year rmo.iu the Western jDntario me two Lotties, but I bad no fallli In It In l'rince lliiperi, sang splendidly bad Im'ttWAm akeluVitcational ciiy Is lo be, resumed, after all the different medicine t bad taken, Ibe I wo numbers "Kl Harney" and The following guinea have been 0 WHISKY ' When neaollntions of the however ll Inslklrd, kml after the,Ileal two ".S'ora" and responded to ah encore playeil lu the Leplno Cup scratch raining: 't'forVelurneil soldiers. I'ulp and Paper Co, daya I mum nay I feci better, and with "Come Hack lo Kriu." billiard series nl Ibe Klks' Home. llupert Applied science H 17 sludents, npr-rleulltirifc' Prince after the nrl bottle I M 0 niucli better bead Mr. Crowell II. C. Halley was lltn accompanist. It. Arthur, Sr 200; HomJ, 1.17. 'if alid tirls and are brotipbl to a I went out a lllfto every day. but-could not "Hence, will likely return her. In company to aloiu) I u to weak, but I oon tol ao W. Ilalagno. i'OOj Hulger, iuo. for over 40 years; to His Majesty's t Leland, conslructlon I could walk and rat. and have rut quite The last number on Ibe program V. Iilylb, 112; Judge, l-on. II. J. with exclusive Clubs Summer School. who lull here some time iiout, was the, comedy sketch W. Hlyliie, JOO; Uulger, 118, Transports?; to many A Kiimihi'V'Sclionl t'l' "'e Ul'm enslneer,njrn, lo take churpe of Hie com I I feel am betur nearly than evcnly I have year Tor of jeara,are and and "Casey's Night Oii't" by Harry Hooper, 200; Hulirer, 189, and Officers' Messes all over the world. roinniodarloil ot school leachers Shannon and Mis .Norah Stiait. Judge, 200; McKvoy, 1 50. bud been 127 mencemenl of actual Jiuildingi ran do all my bounewmk. 15 Years Matured. Ask for Catto's add in 15)20, opened You may inaka ue or thla letter If you 11011. Mr. Shnnimn apjlcarcd as a Judge, 200; lloberge, lot, rnchprs-'ntjended and lu 1021, operations. wish, aa It may be the roeaiia of niaklnr typical Irish loper Who had tills, Judge. 200; Yl'recti, 1 15. f'ua 8i ar Govikxuint iJCitca STtara family are ac-: 1 '31 allHudeil. Mrs. Crowell and Tort other.' as well and aa baily I w." taken bis Onhio aildress, nhil entered iiuWer, 20rt; S. Prlngle, l. l 'l'be n'iihll&a health nursing, enmpanyinpr Mr". Crowell. fo li. t. II. la uiauiifaclured only by The om. the fashionable residence Mcllmoyls, 200; Kiusoii, 1UU. T. Mliburn Co., limited. Toronto, which Wffl inosf essential In a Arthur. If