Irhursday October. 13, 1932 ee PR ee me awn Thousands of People Read 1 ye Advertisements on RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT is Page Every Day hae q er ‘e ee = : _—— a aan line. Cooking, lb. 4¢ to Tae Chicken: Moo 5.000... 20 Ground OU Cake: ......:30.02.3 3,00 ' Frults Ham, sliced, first grade OF FING CRG CMO oo issdsciccssoiciad 1,70 i Valencia Oranges. ...doz. 25e to 80| Ham, picnic, first grade, Ib... .1% Crushed Oats - 1,80 be iA jLeimons, Cal., lav 60 | Veal, loin, 30 Fine Parley ‘Chop . 180 j Grape frt lit, California, 5¢ to {| Veal, shoulder, Ib. 20 vont, elimi aly « >: DI I 9 e f as 4 ‘ vor rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of “ents a is a0 aed tne kee ‘f il | . 2 &uince, li 190 / Beer, ng, 'd., ) i , word per insertion with wa Byte for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25e « word, || Preserving and Pickling Season tt tb Apples, 4 Ins 9: | Beef, roast, prime rib, lb 22 Ma Schredul e oa erti i ¥ ‘ AD } S 384, w| ; ant, ’ - a vertisement taken fer less than 50c. About Over—Turkeys Here at | box 29 | Beef, steak, lb, 25¢ te ............ aa 2 = eae _——— Reasonable Price ' re, Anious. doz. 20c te 45 | Lamb, shoulder, lb. 25 Vor the detec —_ Ribier Grapes, Ib. ...0.-....-...00.-.... 5 Lamb, leg, lb. guj) Monday, Wednesday and Friday FOR SALE CHIROPRACTIC DAIRIF Pn |Lamb chops, lb, 3h $:30 am , 4 4 AIRIES | A number of lines of seasonal} a hee saab 25) ae : ee: | aeaat piemtemrel ‘fresh fruits and vegetables have }*©¢dless Grapes, Ib. .29| Mutton, shoulder, Ib. 19) “vam the Kast— , SALI Mink, Quebec. Labra- W.C as | walle their deliiieavatisn from the (0ncord Grapes ig | Bacon, side, sliced, best grade 35. ‘Tucsday, Thursday and Satur- young of adult: $20 per pair, - ©, Aspinall PASTEURIZED MILK /iocal retail market and the season |.24nanas, 1b. lye Does a to eke + Oe Hoppe, SLoatiakie B.C. \f. Phree Year Graduate Chiropractic IS SAFE MILK \for preserving and pickling is now’ Dried Fruits Hat’ - a ton a 12:30 pam at SSA | 4 ‘ rer. Conco! ‘ ates, bulk, : , > Tee. ee os : aah : Y HOUSE, close in. Pay- Modern Ray Treatments Given ete te Ce ee ee ‘ aren 19 | pork, dry salt, Ib 26; ‘Thursday 9 p.m rT ett to nirents’ damia at HET and crab apples are, however, still cmon and ( range Pee! 29 | Frida 1 pie or inter Phone Red sone for Appointment oe , jin and housewives are being ad- “Jack Cooking Figs, Ib. 10 | Fish ree 3 12 and Sate Pi tf Green 241 and 543 fresh from Buikley Valley |vised to purehase their supplies of ~itron et ‘oir 30 | Smoked Bioneers, I i Prom Vanewuver— , Open Evenings 6 Excnange His Farms Concord grapes without further de- Wh..< Figs, ™ 12% oe oe Ib. 15 Sloass sad fat ve oe lay while the quality is still good une 30-40 Ib. 14) 4aHouy, td. 15 Ww Pe ae nee eo . is . : anal , 3 ‘ é i eqnesda 9: 30 a.m, FOR RENT eal oie VALENTIN DAIRY ‘and the supply plentiful. The season Prunes, 40-50, ip ~ 2% Feea Friday pan MANI RE FOR SALE Phone 657 for this fruit is not a long one. The *funes, 90-70, 3 lbs .25| Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.75 . Getober 8. 20 and 29 ein 2 niaped oder OL : irst cr: srries * season ¢ Raisins, Australian seedless, Ib. .15 re ; ye it 2 ROOM - turn. a ps rn $1.50 Big Load oe cranbe rries of the season are ae a Sted a Ib jel et vere Valley a for Stewart and Anyex— Two unfurnishec lone -. 1OW .n. ae. ot ets. % sie Rey. Grea 2 er net eens - 1.70) Sunday . . 7pm 698. tt DOMINION DAIRY AUCTIONEER First turkeys of the season are ‘rranis, 1b + ft) Bran 1.40 Wednesday - § oe ( » here t v7 “38 . Apricots. bb. . 20/| & ; % Pipe ald Hea ant hla Phone—Red 608 JALIVINEE now here in r¢ dines for Thanks oom : 18¢ to .20| thorts 1.46; pebae Gidekaes aad Anyes-- | Mates, Deputy. Stree let desis socdn a uate giving next Monday. The price is vt eS, Cirle 18 | Middlings 185 ‘Ppesday ............... sisal 11:30 a.m, wr, Ad ’ mia } ‘a ‘aan ri oa leading Aurteuviace r 35c per pound which is lower than caches, Peeled 18 | Barley 1.65— Thursday ; . § pm, ‘ au os ‘ ’ usual for the opening. Meus Hayihe Mash* 500 2.65 ber Queen Chariottes— WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & G. M. HUNT intent priced eatrent bere at ahes tka area BS | Oyster SON ee nttee 1.9 . Qetober 14 and 28 .. 9pm > say A BIT fe tee ac ™ “kBh) price , "> Fowl, No. 1, lb. .28 | Beef ; a WORK WANTED DIRTY WALLS? srd Ave Phone Ked > gent are as follows: Serap 2.90 From Queen Chariottes— We paperhang a room for oe RL wants. general housework or $5.00 and up, Calsomine,. $2.50 ; Vegetables a ly 2 155 Yai) and up. Call, Red 802, Th AUCTIONEER Potatoes, 13 to 15 Ibs $ 2 § g. Apply Box 2, I ut y j p MOI I BR e Rul. seck, $1.50 to 1.75 at ‘aaaaaliie eae Packing Crating Wrapping Vegetable Marrow, |b 05 ecure as ’ and General Furniture Repairs a ao — ; , . ur 2X arsicy, bunch O7 SITUATIONS VACANT List your goods with me =A Ayu EC r ‘ s . ; : ’ Steamship Seilings alle Tae hata: ettvvay OT 25 : rO YOUR EARNINGS SFLI Carrots, 8 lbs. 25 : n a 1 Green Pepoers, Ib 20 al r ror Vancouver— | TYPEWRIT® RS | Citron, Ib 05 » TI uesday ss, Cardena 30 p.m. | Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs 25 Lit Write TThurs.—ss Prince oe 10 p.m | For Sale or Rent Field Tomatoes, tb. 5c to 07 e Regal Art ( 91 Gould ‘ : i ‘ | ’ , Radishes, 3 bunches 10 Friday—4#s, Prin, Adelaide 10 p.m. | , ve . T atts vad Torot 223 Ss. Catala midnight | Rose, Cowan & Latta B.C. Cauliflower,:20c to 30 , Oct. 3—ss. Prin. Lauine p.m. | Phone 234 Onions, BC., @ lbs 25 A Oct. 12 Prin. Norah p.m oe é ~~~ iGreen Onions, 3 bunches 10 LOST Oct. 24 S Prin. Ne rah p.m ue Pe ene a ah. Sar. Hubbard Squash 08 from Vancouve:— a ————- Celery, head large i5 Kid ¢ ‘ ' Sunday Cardena p.m iden Bantam Corn, doz 40 ‘ piease phone o 238 = Wed.—as. Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m. Garlic, imported, per Ib 40 } he Classified Ads Priday Catala p.m. Savoy Cabbage, é¢ach, 12 to 18 r Ss. Princess Adelaide - m. Cabb local, green 03 Sand visi 5} Tecicctea SORE Sage PRE, TE SE sg PIANO TUNING Oct. 8—ss, Princess Norah itdoor Cucu each 07 Many people have something in the Hou ‘ they sal Princess Norah 2 Head Lettuce, head, 8¢ to 10 would like to sell which could be turned into money ined $3.00, Wa Mu-! Oct. 29—ss. Princess Norah a.m 'e Scien Ny io if they knew of a customer. Try a classified adver- ti | Wer Naas Kiver ana Port Simpson— SALE Spina i a : F : ee : 9 a Sunda Cardena 8 p.m Flour tiseme nt. Most people read the classifieds. For From Naas River & Port Simpson— AT FEDERAL BLOCK Flour, 49’s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.55 about fifty cents you can let them know about it VIOLIN Tuesd Jardena ....11:30 a.m Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 45 to 50 z . ou i fa wnt t : TIRE = and it may prove rofitab ansaction. for Stewart and Anyox-— SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 15 | aust. P stry flour, 10 Ibs. 40 y I °? fitable transaction NELLIE LAWRENCE will re Sunday Cardena 8 p.m at 7:15 Eggs vialin lessons October 1 Wed.—ss. Prince, Rupert, 4 p.m. K ry R 2 2 |Alberta Seconds, doz 20 177 ¢ |Srom Stewart and Anyqx— C1 Oak Buf! 3 Heaters, 6 |B.C. Fresh Extras, doz A5 ’ ruesday—ss. Cardéna .11:30a.m. Kit 1 Cha 3 Ce Tables B.C. Fresh First. doz 37 Ht Renting the House Thu Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. Seale 1 Local. new laid. dos. 50 ~~ cn For Ocean Falis— Li i 3 ’ 7 ; TRANSFERS abi cae B eevee heh oun : There are a number of houses in the city not Pus Prinee Rupert, 10p.m.) H i id Fancy cartoned, lb 34 : Friday—ss Peta. Adelaide 10 p.m | miscellaneous at -c-enmery, $ fe 3 rented yet and many people make little effort to rome Transfer Cordwood, Prom Os ae elie i Own wn Honey | Ne ies secure a tenant. Others who are wise to their Op- dd, Purnacewo Kindlir Wed Pr, Rupert : a.m xt t Honey 1r jar 20c to 3¢ i W: eae op: : . Bs meidas Catal = nia e One, a TAL SNe: to 28 a \Y 3 oprtunities try a classified advertisement in the rid ataia [ un) Honey £2 i . ” F ial ne Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m Cheese il} “For Rent” column and often get results. As one $+ 60060 & @ & + For Queen Charlotte Islands— aw Qnitario solids, new ib ‘ i satisfied customer’ said recently: “Those little ads + ¥ Oct. 14 and 28—ss. P. John 10 ntari tui b 30 | an alee z . ne oy * ADVERTISING COPY @ From Queen Charlotte Islands— THE AUCTIONEER Stilton, lb 35 i} ce rtainly do bi ing re sults. + MUST BE (IN FARLY # Oct. 12 and 26—ss. P. John a.m PHONES BLACK (26; RED 633 Edam, lh | Lo : Prince John a.m - == Roqnefor lb i A ds + py for display advertise- @ For Alaska— lorgon2cia, Ib ) e * ments should be in the hands # Oct, 8, 17 and 29—ss. Princess | Naan S z i] R d A 1s ¢ € printers not later than Louise a.m. | w! 100 Ib 5.60 X ome t ce ea er ¢ Se * the day prior to publi- @ From Alaska— | NEURAL Yellow, 100 lb 5.10 | ¢ This is necessary toen- # | Oct, 12—-ss, Prin. Norah a | A good appli “ ‘— | Some people after trying other kinds sf adver- + ' t ’ » ae. © application o im. UT lb. 15¢ ¢ 17 we Cae i est positions to be § d's, eccerdia hoot sing an > “; a Pes ay oles i onal : | ards, according to directions in tising decide to try a reader among the locals and find thet you : : oe » tke > nee aN > 2 ‘ ‘ Almonds. shelled Valencias 5 b personals, Then they have got results. The cost is . get wonderful relief! a Hitnetia end ahi ; te i} ; : ; : 2 ab teeeeseeeesss+ \Skin Sufferers een ae ie | a little higher but they have been well satisfied, ainut roKke sheliec 36 oe ee et | Try l This Test | Walnuts, shelled halves oe) When conditions are like they are today the news- | Peanuts 15 ‘ wa ae P . » Ino is ot verv io (a ~X Pure Antiseptic tic Treatment | auiien papers can often help. The price io t very high, Guide to burning Nebing skin which seems to dety re | McIntosh Reds wrrpned) Ib... 4 Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. Try a ~'t bap ihe sores, crusts, eruptions, . wer . a ‘ . $ ‘ Remini nga the pare coat | pe ee be different kind of advertisement and if that is not ag Rage OD vie tenitated tissues, A McIntosh Reds. bulk ; Correspondents sasthing and healing the teria d th ee t Ra's uk fancy Ib ; | successful tr y age iin. gives your movey back | Ax 9 ‘ vO ( i fhe Daily News welcomes - rrespondence on live topics f the day or any other sub- ct of public interest, but let- ers must be brief and to the int. The long-winded cor- pondent has no place in lodern journalism. Every letter must be signed y the writer, not necessarily ‘or publication but as a mat } r of good faith and courtesy | unsigned documents go to |} ‘he waste paper basket. Let- | ‘ers of a caustic character Must have the signature ap- | *nded for publication. Letter should be written on ne side of the paper only rrespondents must avold “rsonalities and the language [| hould be such as would be al- Owed in the ordinary rules of lebate La eh ene eee men ee “TILLIE THE TOILER” _——— ~=- +) ETARNALLY JUMPE wa AND VyvAAwe* — wa oe o. wnty ed DADDLED } = 1 i & SOF 6... f/ WE BE FO RE 2 We TOO TiRED NS) | \, vo STARryt D To | re A Dose of His Own Medicine DIDN'T YE Gan & Oe s THE ee io RIG ) 1 | $Y ReWw- For ‘vow’ i —y = | re as “¥ SOO MARN ORM Fe * WHERE'S My CHILOREN you OLD SKINFLINT 7 HATe - HAR Gar] ‘eM So THEY ) pow (Sey LOCKED UP ) \ en 4 (LSE. = Sie \\ “A ee 7 mw ha Ds i 6 Sydhicste. ots) WIS, King Low een Creat Uricdin’ tiphet teatev My Gil OSB MONSTE, OR LL HAVE You A®Reweo, Cer THEM OvT THIS MINUTE, SOU OL > —By Westover. 3 Ps bo : ; ray r * t's. 1.4 a4 ; ; : ‘ | ae a 4 Wie tied a xf 4 ‘ ite a ty % q s" : ; ‘