tee October 13, 19% PAGE SIX NINSULLIS (po: SOCIALISM GREAT... | DISCUSSED SHIRLEY SHOT i E. Financier Wins Fight For Bail in 0 | | George Murray and T. J. sneniet Wednesday & Thursday = i . . 7% 2 —_— = f pn ng ee | PRI ES rare paeek OR wt | Feature’ Starts at 7:59 & He in Greece eee ADMISSION — 1 Labor as set forth and represen-| 5e & 50, AT cemeen OF 15 Martin Montreal Importers have just ted by the Socialist Party of Ca- aaa received a consignment of— 1ada formed the subject of ad- At the Height of Her Glory * ( ) e Insull of Chicago, arrested as a fu- nadé t Goin ut of Business Seave STCee Meer? TOC the Ries dresses before Toc H. last evening ties of Cook County, Illinois, has New Goods by George Muray and T. J. Shen- G |won his fight for freedom on bail ton a ré a ar 0 Well, folks, it’s getting near the end. On |which was granted in the sum of Purchased at such reasonable || The gist of the addresses was an i py can be sold exposition of the fundamental prin- ist! fin en 2 . "ie $5 ull is unwell and his wife ves that tl HIGH GR DE will tet signe gate oN eee, Mido bong hy Eons dieaarane a i “4 Re eae lciples of Socialism and the appli-! : At ° aa * spe ch of the time at the jai s ‘ A will be taken out, a party in the city hav- with him before his release. He At 35% Lower cation of Socialistie principles to| “AS YO ing bought them. must appear in court on November | the production and distribution of INTER COATS We have for sale a Cash Register and Show Case, which (1/14 when it is expected extradition! than elsewhere in town, | wealth in the er ° life une DESIR . nn onsen the hes oles i ‘ stead of profit. Rearess of presen H will go cheap for cash, sroceedings will be started i} The complete winter layout ee fiat seriall taint of E ME This sale has been the biggest in the history of the WASHINGTON, D.C. Ot. 13: can be bought here for men, be eoverininent 1] 1dministration | hased on the principles of the col-| { | NEW SHIPMENT OF lective ownership of the means of traced to Greece following his dis- Abt - cae : wealth production and an equita The Strangest Love Story. One Lot of Dresses, values up to $22.00. We were selling appearance from Paris, the Stat UNDERWEAR & ble distribution of the same were #} Played by the Screen’s Most dresses during the sale at $5.95. There were Department has instructed the Uni- SWEATERS urged ' Thrilling Star bout 200 at tha: time. There are about $3 95 lted States legation at Athens t whe manihershty tered in , 20 ieft and they will go at . 1ke steps towards Insull’s extra It is a pleasure to show our hd: 9 ahd im ' || Comedy—“STOP 'THAT RUN” (No try-ons for these) { dition. goods. sdinte of thr waseae’ Of the Sportlight— you get 35% speaker “WATER JAMBOREE” have about i2 Spring and Fall Coats, regular value | CHICAGO, Oct. i3:—Samuel In- ve 43 than anveher Screen Song— ») to $35. Why not put one away for next spring. It }sull was located in Greece as a re- elon tev Anrerl , ‘ : i] “JUST ONE MORE CHANCE” wil save you a lot of money. $5 00 * $7 00 joult of the tracing by the Cook Miss Lottie Bowron of Victoria i PARAMOUNT NEWs They will go at © ” County police of a number of code welfare officer for the Department 9] \)}| THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:39 EP METER © LL A jtelegrams received during the past ontrea jof Education, who is on a tour of Feature Starts 3:20—I5¢ & 35¢ ages ed ‘i }few days in Chicago this district on official duties, left tree) HUDSON SEAL COAT Importers on yesterday morning's train for | FRIDAY and SATURDAY a 4 : NS reece ct. 13 Sam- | ' es : , or 3 One only Hudson Seal Coat, Kolinsky ATHENS, Greece, O oan Smithers || “LOCAL BOY MAKES Goop WA a juel Insull, held here awaiting ex- Third Avenue rimmed. A good buy Y $175. 00 |tradition to United States on lar- for someone at .... lceny charges, proclaimed his inn . } ence of wrong doing, declari: g that A mW 5 \ MUSKR AT COAT Ihe has lost $30,000,000 of his own! AL. 9 fh r: . none his Chicago business One only Muskrat Coat. Will sell this ey ee ) | N A { if } is expressed nis willingness t cheap for an this week. : Be lined Ghats bo fuss APPROVED Oo one pprecia es | With Melvyn Douglas, Erie city. Never again will the ladies get such bargains as Samuel Insuii, wanted in Chicago boys and children. Von Stroheim, Owen Moore have been offered here. on larceny charges, having been eturn to the United Sta OTe OE TS | rial after the presidential be a , . : | He asked to be allowed to remain in| City Council Backs Up Chamber of : = th Stanfield Lingerie Non-Run. Shirley Athens for another month in orde: Commerce in Efforts to Have ee a m Oo re a n le agent for this, Never before such ol : . “ae oe . hat he should not be offered as Fish Service Improved are giving you here. Assorted 60¢ ‘sacrifice” in the e a a : oP Sacti vil sUl npai vt will go al, per garment While under tec! al arrest rhe cl ouncil last night, on way’: Ba by does ‘ os Bic a > Our F sus Shirley Shoppe Hose, the kind for which ull is not actually At a rive-away price. Here’s wishing you always paid $1.95 is staying in a smal! but yours if your size is here. The values ae thic hares at $1.00 able hotel. He is permitt are up to $55.00 $29 00 - ARE - }dom although he They will go at e s field Pyjamas, non-run, heavy quality $2 45 ier surveillance } laz j ty e4 50 Will > 2 TT. J $4 go at nen. Uniess a for 2 ipplication for de; No Exchanges—No Refunds—No Credit—No Phone or Mail Orders bere soon from © SHIR! FY SHOPPE ( 3 d A d 6th St ere oar = — , *} THINK! Carnation is fine, natural milk safe- sgettuee by the Greek authorit t h r, explained . f a . ; or ae guarded at the source. Here's every nutritional 9 Or. i ve. all " | PARIS, Oct. 13:—Prostrated fol- ; atin nt ee oe value of best bottled milk . . . the priceless advan- Cash Register For Sale Show Case For Sale ] }}!owing the arrest of her husband in! | ..on; ie aati iid tage of super-digestibility . . . vitamin and mineral that’s how good it is! Carnation’s double richness and economy in all N S vit hb d request from the Canadian Fish &‘lete and unsuitable ana ; re| ed tn pera: Hg: : e matter cooking—with coffee, fruits or cereals. ew ' Wil Cc oar ‘old Storage Co. for the instalia- modern and ccmpact one was de- eae ie RPMS: : 2 Head Oflicials Of the ired. The company has paid rental : ; ee N Railways and Write for free Baby Book and Cook Book At Storage Asked ‘a hi ia pa - # : pie to the city for some ten years for ted 'to eee her ’ Express C Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott St., Vancouver, B.C, eT cer mae Gee Mtoaten) soatea to | triment of this richness. Endorsed by foremost specialists for all = » sho tee g a » OF natter of fish shipping baby boys and girls- ’s it i Enjoy wi tiaras . . _ the present switchboard Is Given Liberty ie dealt Seine Gino teenie ot PARIS, Oct. 13:—It | City Council Decides it Cannot Af-'),. » ade t " os bk ‘ ford To Make Expenditure making of the inctallation micht| “: Gilbreath of ‘Claxton will/ vention of Sir B At This Time be considered again vy the council 54il tonight on the Prince Rupert) tery man of Eu ea WwW k- E dl arnati 3 : at a time when conditions were for Vancouver, accompanying the) ‘* had been given his \ el ee n on ee mendation of the utili-' more favorat from a financial|remains of the late Angus McAllis-|berty from custody by the G ey) ae ee, the city council last’ standpoint ter, who passea away on Tuesday | 2Uthorities “from hat, in view of ex- he application of +} / amen Suu 08 a on . al «.'grounds that : tradition aere : at, : v ew of ex The application of Le COMPANY n the Prince Rupert General H - : : ool Se. spe ‘ials | Contented Cows” here iast night t Ss, it woulc be im- for a new switchboard stated that| pital and whose funeral will take|ment be nt to meet the the present one had become obso- | place in Vancouver Greece is in : iv : af — seaveniaiiiiaaalanes tinier a ; , " $1. 40 MILK FROM CANADIAN COWS, PACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN-MADS Ste Mi aon 25¢c Special Hard-Time Bargain Offer ik. aa - / . = ve The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous 30c 70¢ To Subscribers to the Daily News or We: ~ . ‘tins. 49C “Rupert Brand” ia i : 5 idc Any Wishing to Become Subscribers Bal Yoder 1" a Dressing SMOKED All our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the custom- s. . Malkin’s , Bes ers. Here is our contribution. Any person se nding in a full year subscrip- bf SBeteecier is Gs cignrens — hi COFFE! " . ial eo . “ ‘ paper you should be using: — A } ap tion now will get the rest of the year 1932 free. This applies either to new Thsncanie of withasinhers exe jaye l-lb. tin subser ipti ns or renewals. poe ts ow a | ul es..ckc- is finding these better papers roll better smokes Try Chantecler cigarette papers! THE Ds AILY } = OWS Delivered in tne cny one year 120 leaves for 5¢ ae Raden 85 Prepared Daily By fro , $5.00 a : : : Rest UF Vai ner te January 1, 1933 FREE Swift's B slic Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. t k Bacon—Sliced oo 15¢ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Remo Fresh Cabbage one year from January 1, $3.00 FREE CIGARETTE PAPERS ro ele 25C Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 ak 15¢ |King Apples—Best Cook- H | | Ltd ers, 40-lb. bo $1.35 This is a very attractive offer and is made for a limited period to induce ote Centra td. tothouse Tomatoes—No. 1 35¢ B k N h subscribers to pay a VveaF in advahce Turthe the difficult financial period. Covenient to business district, 5-Ib. basket ac ort ern B. F Payrolls Payment may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner it is homelike, coat harbor Phone Your Order—We Delive: sent the more you get for the money. Ws, DAILY NEWS ae Alberta . Market Bulkley Valley Coal Rooms and Meals >rinng Prince Rupert, B.C. Hotel Central Ltd. try a portion of Bulkley Valle) First Avenue & Seventh Street Slack with your furnace coal THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Vifth Street Phone 208) For those who wish to economize