i, I AflR TWO THE DAILT NEWS Tuesday,, May The Daily News HEALTH MESSAGE Two Men in Car pricr nupKAT - BniTisii Columbia a Published jtfry Aflcrnoon, except Sunday, the The Prince THEWORLD TO A short account of t Trip to nupWfofl w.. Limited, Thinl Avenue. California in a Ford FUvve r j?f PULLKN. Managing Editor. By H. F. Pullen Take "Ffiiii-a-iivssi And SUBSCRIPTION RATES: INFLUENCE OF PANTS. Make Yourself Well City Delivery, by-roaij or carrier, per murwh. ......... .$1.00 By mail to nil parf f Hie British Empire and, the United States, "Fflilt a-UvM'VliemarTi-Hous aod SANTA .MAiUSAHfTA. Cat..-May Cigarettes $rt.00 tint male from fruit juirti toolci, .- I.asl nijrhl mid a pari of in advance, per year meJiPin.nl ajent nrilcut lthnioiU. terday we sneril al Palo Alto, the To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Iwu to mankind. that till ever piren tuiirwdly town wtier.- 'lie l.elnmt Jut as crauifei, apples, flff nl sianford unlvorify is liwaled. TELEPHONE. 98 prunjart ijaiiire'nown Biediciue, so Wp Weill ocr' flie niiiversny "1'ruita-lite" from these -T'te willi one of Ihe ltrilih Colllinliiii Transient Display Advertising. .:v - 91.40 per inch per insertion fliiit Jukna but concentrated and iliiilenis"' and we wilne. a Transient Advertising ou.Front Page. ?2.80 per inch Inten4ifiel is the freulest Slomtuu and hiloricnl I In' pa cr cant put ort l.y vara Readers, per insertion. . . .'. 25c per line IMer MoHJnr, the grtateU Kidvy women studeuls of the uniM-r-sily. Classified Advertising, per lnHfon , 2c per word aixi tliJJer McJUinetU grtelestDlcoil Legal Notices, earh insertion: 15c per agate line Purifier the grnurit lemeJ Jar llnvt-udiet, II wns a very intereiin;.'. Contract Bales Application. Conitifuiuitu InJijtt'tnSirroj-Bats nn TIip bui)dinsr fine and the All advertising should he in The Daily, News Office on day preceding, nod Bod CjmUj.ioa.-iA the world camplis l-no .-ire f lu larsro-f and publication. All advertising .received subject to approval. rfo be welt, ULa "Kruit a-lirea' fme in h- Cuiled Stales. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. SOc a box, 6 for f? '0, iri&lsii 25e. '1ip.' are facts which are ma. -ters At dealers or i!iit postpaid by OSUwa. of record.- What iuieri'slrl t-'ruit-a lire IJmii1, DAILY EDITION -day. My Ifi, 10?;. me. however, were the. -Miilml - pnl: ' SUITCASES The si'iilof .anenl of lit un Russian Question ivervily, whicli nieaii-s lli'-se iu Is Merely Postponed TRUNKS th third u"f on rlh years and the What has been expected in many quarter inre the treaty 'nnsi frr:Kbiale.. are oiven the of Bn pa Ho was igned between Bussia and fieriiianyjjia come to CLUB BAGS liirtvilejri' of ;irina cunloiiy pass. The f!enoi economic conference-ha failed oil the IliisMnn !-oliers. 1'Key are the enmm.n, .... !whitish kind .and Ijipy. set tery pielion and deliberation have been set over for a month to be ' Large Stock on hand. O ili-.ii Hti'V : lieniselv i'- All.. idiriy. 'flip iltrlU'r tlipy are the resumed again at The Hague without the attendance of the Russian Prices very low. prouder llif' ludeiil of theiu. enmesl (Jesire lo find lllf I mill) delegate. The question Jii u.t necessarily be. dealt with WiMi thc.sA iliiv wear brown r wa eiifeiieetl. A larae pari of again and this is merely a postponement. ( J. F. MAGUIRE other ordoreil shirt and soft Die student body alleildeil ttn Lumber & Lath tl'Pi'e BoteV rhnrch service, all Inni'li Perhaps. .In", the i meantime, the positions now held by frlext the Prince Itupert U'Hiinrs, I iii ynuiiirer j.iioetiis were a considerable number, men ai'e- uo'l allowed' lo .wear the Franee aitd'Oreat Brijain, as representing the two sides of feel eordt. anil women .who did nol do so ing in reganl to Russian affairs, may be so molded that a com K The reull is that (here i. very Often. , Shiplap-Boards and promise can be reached aod a. basis for Bussian reconstruction no oohJiery in dreS anions Hie Fine Little City. Ten Years Ago Palo Alto is di'li'jhl Till little ' arrived nl between Hum. Truly this is a consummation that all male sloilents of. Ihe university a Dimension In Pi'nce city with alioitt pii thousand in. Rupert All Ihe iuuior.s look orwaftl In world "waul lo I lie civilized nations of the must ee brought Il i suburb of tlie day when Ihcy can wear Iiahitanls. a Driml anil Stored Thoroughly Air JLJiiJer Cover about. As matters .stand at present, Oreal Britain, or at least San Kraucisew .being silu.'il.ed on May 16, 1912. cords and took as tousli as Ihelr Britain as represented by Premien Lloyd George and the rest of seniors. San rrnlR-iseo Harbor about .'HI the British delegates at Genoa, is inclined to ileal with the Russians Club The lias Prince cnmplcleil Itnperl its ilial Unwind fur Puts on No Side. . tulle from town. It is one close,of Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding with leiirency. With this'policy Italy seems lo a certain extent tlu imichasin- of lio hull of I lie The hizh schijol of lite loWn a' series of lown grouped j to be in.accord. France and Belgium on the other baud show river steamer HazMlnn, now on has adopted a similar dress and lojrelher southerly from the: and Finish determination (o treal the Russians with distrust and have hint Ihe way al Port Simpson. ('.. II. as you pa.as alon Ihe streel greal I'he.seaport.University of California is I French, ayrnf for the Hudson yi M. doeus of ruwiu? hoys . ed that they would fiivor the use uf force (o compel the Soviet suid dn'sseil ik al Herkeley. aero.. Hie Hay from J SPRUCE LATH Hay Co., soulU-lliis youiiK iiipiv went morn, lUdiou to accrdc"to the demands they make. The stand of Oreat the city. ins after IhcrJ'pIn'h closed Ihe wooilsiocri dr Savvies. ShiiiC' i-'o Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prict Britain and Italy can be easily adjusted but it is a qii?tinii transaction, ,'i'lie. Itazejinii Will without-" rOlliirs and; turn hack whethfer or not they would consent lo go to the lengths in reganl sjirts the he paintpd aiul hrourj to.J'riiicc. 'their al neck. In .PRINCE GEORGE lo Bussia that the other two powers at this time demand. Ititperl to h. moored by courtesy this way money makes no. hoy PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. of Cenoral Siipi'riiilendent .Meli.in look, suiy heller than any. oilier. ' S.I..A. Russia's Stand II. (t: 'piMiry, has been rtt a slalinn 'close to the po"S No sludiMil dares aioiear at col. Seal Cove, Princ Rupert Telephone 381 Bold and Unreasonable. .. V ajipiMuled' (ifficial trustee inj wbarU Th cosl oT tfiis e?e with a while crtllar for il In spite of the attitude of generoily shown towards the Rus 4;riunciii hankrifplcy! t-i . Ihe Pririri) finp cluh bouse lo (lie inwins "probalily would nol he while , 1 sian Premier Lloyd their demands lieorge dislriel: y Oeorge, have been amazingly cluh was ?500.- loon. Ni sluilciH. during col oi- audacinii and unreasonable when it is considered from II. L. 'ntdwell was JftsHntahl Icjreihour... ever dresp up or ia whence they hac emanated.. The .Soviet delegates have demand llan-y Jtoyif, 4 resident of elected a nieinher' of llie-'cliili any wav 'puis-oh' side, 'lie' dan' eo wiai weir war iieius snail ic. written orr ami nave asked lor a ileorge during thrt-'cunslaructioii e. ecu l i ve. , . i . iil. The effect, is pooif lhrou?h huge bian. In return they blankly say. Ihey are,villihg to restore - y oul IJip'toiyn s - days, was iu llu-.inly: last, week 10 foreign owners the properly which they have really stolen. I'lu'oole lo Ci-dar.'Crceki liurin- .VJi visa!ion w ill hot: Monger be As I .said,. ! nllenieia Page They furlhfefiiseMo acknowledge the pre-war dejds of Ruia ' Ihe past jii-;, y!;irs Mr .Hoyd ha ujitil Ihe-are granted full recognition. SjE piM.ttlilc on I lie s,kcena canyon ant ffiveivhy Ihe pirls. On such been farjiun 111 Ihe 'Spirit llivpr GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY untlf4 ItjpiWaler level lowers a in occashm in Hrilish i:olumhia Wfeu'jhe: Allied memorandum .was sent ti them in reply country and recently disposed of little.' Tli steamer port Simp everybody would ha'vei been S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sail 'I hiirs-day out lhal Uio'se setting demands could not acceded lo, they foine Iti.i .inlei'pslji there. b. k with a .lenglhv missive which amounted to nothing -'more son is leaving her run here lo dressed in his best: '.o so and Sunday at 12- o'clock MidniRht for Swanson Baj, 11 ... i: ;.V ",!.T lake lo Hie StiJiine where she Ihere. The sludenls wore I Itch Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. iii.ni -,i rriiiT'iiMin Hi- incir jirsi ocmanos wnat mcjr purpose m Provincial l ire Marshal .1. A. Uia work lo iM .jreiKiiliiif: in cords ailif none of Ihe men or 8 KorAnyox Wednesday, 11 p.m. 'Kor Stawart, Saturday p.Tn. this seems iard to, understand. In ome ways it would appear 'I'litimas. gave Hie- local fire uiJiilie iinlil (he iski-eua is women were siiiarletipd tin lo lluil Ihty have' treated the overtures, of the Alliiv in (he. manner brigade a 'lest rim but week. Northern and Southern Haiii naviyalile. my. extent. The sirls neat S. S. PRINCE JOHN For all points of a joke. While they were smugly, talking, "round round" yerp The call came iu about anil, and June lOtli mil lusty iu their all ire hut Queen Charlotte Islands, May l.'tlh and 27H1, with the delegates they have adopted a of deceit and duplicity from the Hank of Montreal and rjnwuier which lly Ihe. prince Itupert on ."'al. I bey did not overdo it. 2ilh. July Hlh and ".'2nd, August Olh ami l'Jlb, Sept. L'nd, Ifitli has been staggering. the hoy responded promptly, urday will arrive l(. S. Clements, He fore starling lo- attend ihe and .'JOlli. Ujih"thtf Russian delegates come ibiwn. from their stand, The water pressure was uNn M.I, for Cnmox-Allin. This will event, su.'.'eslPd thai I luusl Train Service ihe Allies, if they wish to remove thepresent seething not of intrigue tested on ficorire Street. Tilts be .Mr. Clements' first viil i see a barber as I had no shaved Passenser MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11.15 mid horror from Europe, may have to occupy Russia and proved to Hie ni'irslial thai, 'he Prince Ituiicrt eince his elec lhal day. I whs assured thai il and WlnnipPK, For Smithers,' Prince (Jeorpe, Kdninntort, that Ihe a.m. see demands are acceded Jo. With Russia as it is today, cjly has excelleni water pruss- il Is a meuaeh. lo Europe and it is impossible u forcusl what tion. did nol mailer. Many would be lir". . I.Ii fire mar.sltul exu'cK. making direct connections for all points in Kaslcrn ranada might Iiapjien if ihe condition is allowed, to remain. There seems similarly unshaven and my host ed lilmeclf i greatly dense. pml rniteij Stales. M eemed lo be olenM-,) much good reason for the .stand taken by many, o.f, the delegates ) o-ffrid wH the prontp redp'Oise of ihe .ALL TRAINS ANQ BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME 1 at ienoa, that Ihe (piestion should, be disposed' immediately for The. Man in the Moon heard.did nol insist on fakinjr'off my nre ,cpnruniu aao Hie ranuiny Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines once and for all eve-n' If Ihe adoption of of fensivev tactics is nece-sary. J with which I hey -foi into action City Ticket Office, B28 Third Ave. Phone 260. Perhaps it would be belter to do il now wlicn.il can he done Worklns Way Throuoh. , ' llrtui to try to do il later when it 'might be more difficull of -complishmerit. H About one' Ihiid .,of the iin-n , Inspector' Acland. of ihe Hoyaf ..II... I! it "WAT Kit is I lie I.psI mei!i Miu-nimiK' me lllllVCrsily nre Canadian Moiiiiliil police, was cine" says a doctor. Probably a working their way through. a visitor here last week. lot of lioollprer will decide lo Some wait, on l-ibVe; in the .t,iu lake' a Ipasudourul three limes lortoilories it jf university .Miss Kalherine Smart, of I'.iU CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY a day. and others work in' ' Palo Alto. moutniL, who arrived, in the cily To, "slina: hHsh" is no loindie-iri last Saturday, is Ihe vriies) .1; B.C. Coast Services MOW inake"7i lemon socially. I was ol, that o lart. ifirls Mrs. Itexon. "Get I The Habit" Leave it alone. - who waiLed 4m tiit-l for tlioi fellow student, were often jiivn Sydney Perry, seven-yea-old Sailings from PrinceRupert I A DAIRYMAN in Hip as has important position on commit, son of II. (i. perry, M.I..A. met. jlias invcnled a, elin which Will lees. Work is. looked on as with painful accident Sunday For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and.Skaaway . . USE . . rrasleii a hollle' of niilk In Ihe honorable. evening. While playing 011 nn April 21, may 1, 12, 22; June 2. door. Ho far . alL lillemhls l.ii 'h is tiiniDin we. had break old fuHce close to, his honi.' he For Vancouyer Victoria and' Seattle .secure cheese, evenwllh Ihe use fast al a real uiira nl in I own fell Willi Ihe result Hint lie frnc., April 25,- Way 5, 18; 20; June C. "Supreme" of. anchors, have proved a mis onduclcd by .student and lucre. lured bis arm at the elbow. S. 3., PRINCES8 BEATRICE For Butedaie, Swanson Day, ernldp failure. v is hardly a business or ciilling In East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Day, Campbell ' ' town where al least one iludenl MIss'Kilecn Sibley has returned River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Brand Fresh Roasted Coffee Spring cleaninor hinls: is not employed. They are a from Vancouver 'Where she wa Agency for all Steamship Lines. 1 DOX'T. .rush. -J downstair.r to' an J fine looking lot of yoiinir men. :i business col(et?e student. J'dll iuformatioi) from "None. Better at Any Price" swer the door bell while Ihe soajf Hie hope of ,e future jn u. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, "SUPREME"Coffee is roasted and packed in Prince is reeiimiur on iih- stairs. United Slale.s. K. II. l.ivingstouK i back from Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert; B. C. DON'T force 'Pa In eal down Not Bolshevists or Atheists an extended trip to 'inuippg Rupert by Prince Rupert workmen, town loo often, he might gel the I lold one of tin sIiuIciiIm 1 and 'ho consl cities. rt mllp to build up your home town. habit. I had heard thai Ihe univerille Sold only in 1 pound Airtight Cartons. CLEAN Hie celling after' you produced mostly hoshevisn and FREEDOM OF PRESS UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED have cleaned, the floor. il Heists. He iliHsetiled slronir- SAILINGS W'llEN .sweeping:remember the, ly from n,,, view, llr- said I lie IS NOT PERMITTED For Vancouver, Ocean Fall and Kwansoii liny, Tiiesday, I'"1' STEWART & M0BLEY, LTD. plaiio makes-a food Must re. student- al Slmiford fell ifener. For Vancouver, Alert May apd Port Hardy, Saturday p.m. , , f cepiacle. ally lhal in Coffee Impcrttri and Roattara PRINCE RUPERT. governineiii the besl Russian Soviet Government Con For Anyox, Alico Arm, Port Simpson and Wales isianu, MESTAnn Vi'l bread make a plnri was o- iiake, the presenl trols All Papers In midnight, Country. miick a(id hot Uiu;h. form eay a success and lhal oerson- F01 Naas River' Canneries, Friday a.m. . ality cou.nl oil more than systems, MOSCiYyV, May 15. ,svle WHY did I lie ice cream? He, In id,, mailer or religimi, Russia's newspaper. have been catlso the ejjfp' healer, ' ' be said 11101 of ln students refused reiiuceu oiuiutr .mo past year (,uc trnn la cbncedod by flslifrvie" D A IT herring bait THilgetson DlockK Prince Rupert. Phone 686 .''- to ink,.. ifi-anled any from, (MM (0 a3, .and now have Drxl I t0 !, the finest procurable at any I'aciflo pasi WOMEN talk the least. Hi Ihe dogma, or creed. Jusl bccaiiKi a lolal virpulnlion of only j, Port and It is "Fighy." Price, .10 ton, . . month of Kebriiary because there w;ih offered them. ' 500,000 for nil or por They llussla, trip Dr. E. S. TAIT no. IPF T,' 1)981 wuy ot '""Urlng a good quality are fewer learned dayit. 1.0 to ijivesjlgale for Ihein-selves. ciirdln'g il repiii't tuade m tn to have plonly of our bard frozan lea. VtW, There vverii 110 athcisU recent Conu'nunfsl' puijly Co,i. Dental Surgeon A GOOD ACTOR. bill .most nf ,iie,judenlM. wern Bt;ess. All of, tliprfe are govern. 9i, per ton. 0ur weU-eip)lpped flshlutf tfear, Neijrhbor I hear that you had agnosiics. They hud lo, b iuei)l rniilroHeil. Speakers at Onffife VUltll.5 aloro can supply Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. an actor employed on your farm. ?bown instead of meekly ao. the conference declared lhal and hardware..flshurmeii'a- clolhlng, grooitries und provhd""8 Sunday by Appointment runner on, and he a fairly eplliig whiii Ihelr fathers he. freedom of the pre eoul(j no utood actor, too. Why, 1 IIjoiikIiI lieved or what they were told by bt! permitted at this tune. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Iip was workiiiK the last week he. others who had no proof lo offer was here and who knew no more, about Advertise In the Dally Ntwg, Kelohlkan, Alaska Branch ..1