Chevrolet Six in Quality First in Value Sold and Serviced by rirst ri : Daily News NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER KAIEN MOTORS LTD. e%, phone 52 “It’s Serviee That Counts” a Dr , %Y “b, XXIII, No. 238. P RINC E RUPE RT, B.C. PRI FRIDAY, OCTOBER , 1982 Tomorrow’s Tides Saturday, October 15, 1932 High 1:34 am. 20.0 ft. 13:30 p.m. 21.5 ft. TAIT issepnBecsestisan . 7:34 am. 6.1 ft. 20:05 pm. 3.0 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS British And Bench. Prime Ministers In Conference Thursday rad of French Government Discusses Scheme With Ram- | say MacDonald—Agree on Necessity of Germany Being Brought Back Into Parley LONDON, Oct. 14:—Premier Edouard Herriot of rance was in London yesterday for the purpose of dis- ussing With Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald a new nch plan for disarmament believed to be inspired by he plan of President Herbert Hoover of the United } = *% The new | would provide for ra i nt scher iS ultative pact under f f outbreak I vould unite to demand a 48 he Hert ood to I I rea pel ~ the i it Eu f nN rhe Fret British Premiers : : enorted. last ht te have It's a fa to Algeria, out at last we have a pictur2of the railway upon ity ¢ of Ger- 16 soldiers’ of*the’ French Forcign Legion. Five rait employee ck to the nel we fc ! on ae ‘re + @#@ ee eee + . ~* ROC ‘ST 5 vit M * FISHING TO eect ot 7 R + BE HELPED * )O- > ce * MONTREAL, Oc. 14: * Acceptance of Germany Ratepayers Have Meeting to Con- |* —Wider Imperial tariff * Vv rtalr re ind sider Putting Candidates in | * preference S will mater- 4 Civie Election Field \* lally Lenefit the salmon * ' * industry of the Pacific * f r Ma To consider putting a slate of Op arse, ‘Ileal hel * M fou candidates in the field for muni- Le Coast and Wlila SO le p , | cipal honors at the January el- | the exporters ol dried at } ! ection, a meeting of the Prince |* fish to the British colo- * n conditions, Rupert Ratepayers’ Association |* nies, J, + Paulhus, pre- * was held last night é \* sident of the Canadian * Apart from admitting that a \* Fisheries f teeeton, + meeting had been held for, this le | ves day + purpose, F. W. Wesch, president nN stated yesterday, ‘ \ ' of the Prince Rupert Ratepayers’ | e dn he e< Association, on inquiry being 2: ¢ 77 99° ONFLICT CONTROLLED ck which brought death wre also met death in Turenne crash of him this morning, had An an- made no statement to make. nouncement might be forthcom- TS KILLED if ‘ st llows Day ; | E T wae Comer. Yai 0% 4a - . ing in two or three days, he inti- | f Rioting in Bellas ree MM N “N Y - : mated | a 4 ! More Are Killed si hs endanstoed ‘thant ts Mate-. | payer Association is endeavor- 7 Reds Blamed ing to have Ex-Mayor H, B. Ro- |John Hecimovich 39-Year Old j COREY Sees More Causes chester again run for the chief | Jugo-Slav, Lost Life Wednes- Fe Wi n World Today a ae aie ‘ ; day Afterneen a ' Authorities Making Preparations to magmyracy O8 & pesgram S ret Than Ever Before : R f Fisewhere economy in municipal affairs, Put Down Riots se ere fohn H ee old 0 tC , a See Jugo-Slav, k life in an a “ay » N d D t cident at Any it 4 o'clock of! er war, Rt. I D BELFAST, | Oe! Is vame epu y Wednesday afternoon of this week nih ems. ° ? ccording to inlormation received Peat " » , n lan ep { at di ict headquarters ol pro ' M vincial police here ) rv iy nel 1 i , : LRG. : : aaa ‘ n every I Dr. H. W. McGill of Calgary to Suc- Accordil report, H 7 po ves - vich and ee ¢ S \ iding sone ro W 7 ceed Dr. Duncan Campbell Anh 7 we : " 5 isu wnain i ) | : n, tl ibl iy oKe on a : aad Scott as Assistant ram, the cable which broke Oe es ean | ee ant in incline, Before the tram stopped n he was able to recall } ind 1 ps ¢ d = . OTTAWA. 06 14:—Dr H. w.|Hecimovich jumped out and, in +4 a n¢ ) : i rw we i — . . ‘on Love : i R 1/ McGill 6f Calgary | been ap- doing, was Jami een 1 tal ; TY : l¢ re i Loa | , ) wi ’ 1 : 7 , hteen' ‘ A Li0¥G George d a | . : yi nothted deputy uperintendent- |!em Umber and il drum, being / ein ett to wl ¥ lie ‘ eel . vex } iy be Th see +) . i Maa yes © halen arg de ee we oh set, Ro fof Indian Affairs in suc-/ killed instantly. Three other mer and peace to the milita! 1 regiment ol f . toy alien th Tye Dain dean ea hint who were riding the tram were un Rifles are expected aa hurt ! j } = ' : " ' 1 be eq Scott who has resigned ss naking it plait : LONDON, Oct. 14 I : An inquest is beinteehd at Anyox takine up the cudat OB lin official quarters he tha ve Hecimovich had been in the em ; f Germany th form<¢ National Unemployed Work¢ A Many Seattle Men ploy of the Granby Co. for seven 8 ream | . re tie ‘ammunist wit ; Premie declared sociation, active Communist bod i thalbinn « wiih een abil nations were not fulfilling}; 1d the unemployed ts i . : ; - a on t dren in the Old Country to Germany in respect to| pRoeigast.this week. Preparations an Omg 0 or on ‘i } +i ment being. made by the authorities to k Pl f Th k deal with similar riots which are i Waterwor § an ard 0 al.kKs T d W th ported to be planned for ! ( 0 ay $ ea er yn Tuesday next, Riots in othe ae ae Ti ai | 1 t Britain are also re SEATTLE, Oct. 14 Mayor John On behalf of the relatives and P) | Pathe OF Seren 1 F. Dore announces that 2500 men} friends of the late Angus McAllis . ince Rupert— Overcast. easterly | ported to be impending will go to work within the next 10|ter, of Claxton Cannepy, we wish to ! ll w . “y ramete } : 29.44 ules per hour; barometer, | i Mills of Terrace. who on extensions to the city water|/thank the Independent Orcer of “v.94; te oy ‘e RS . { r. 8 *y Mill c nh : ’ mperature, 53; sea smooth.) Dr. Stanve trip to Vancouver, | department which have been made {Oddfellows and all others who so ) Tene Tatialt . : 1 O a i t \ gh ’ : : "a Tree Point—Cloudy, fresh} hé ag - iace Sa the sout! possible through a loan of $1,401,- 163 wciously showed their sympathy { | » 2 ' ver n if y " » had t eres vmrometer, 29.90: 18 a . Adelaide th r. 000 which has been made to the |and extended help Nperature, 60; sea rough on the Princess At ni as nies iad sand , » re- DAN. McPHERSON LAGAr I la > ‘Joudy rnoon and will proceed to the in- ¢!y water department by the I ; 60 on a. \ Sland—-Part — clouc ¥ by the next train construction finance corporation. . NNERY. sout 1erly wind terior DY CAL I sea calm .| AMENDMENT BY FARMERS tevision of Currency and Credi' Urged Upon Commons By Alberta Member OTTAWA, Oct. 14 George Coot Jnited Farmer of Alberta membe 1 McLeod, moved, on behalf o! he Progressives, in the House o,: Yommons yesterday a sub-amend- nent to the address in reply to the speech from the Throne urging hat Dominion control of currency ind credit should be so exercised as to provide and maintain sufficient jurchasing power to raise the pric products and othe: commodities to an equ't | of agricultural rimary | ible level in relation to the cost »1 roduction and settlement of out tanding liabilities, public and pri a ate, and increase consumption hereby,stimulating industry ana roviding employment and that the ue of this currency and credit ould be based upon natural } vealth and the productive capacity f the country not as at present ne single commodity of gold Hoover and Hughes _ Address Barristers | te sident and Chief Justice Heard at Special Session of American Bar Association | | WASHINGTON, | Pre Herbert Evans Hughes, of the United States, were the peakers at a special session in Constitution Hall here Wednesday night of the fifty-fifth annual con- vention of the American Bar Asso- ciation, Several thousand American barristers as well as prominent visi- tors from many other countries vere present D.C., Oct. 14 Hoover and Chief Jus- ident Charles l tice VANCOUVER WHEAT , hie VANCOUVER, Oct. 14:—Wheat was quoted at 46%c on the local exchange today VANCOUVER, Oct. 14:—Wheat/ was quoted at 46%%c on the local [exchange yesterday, Japanese Father Takes Own Life After Slaying Family, It Is Believed Two Children, One Aged Three Weeks and Other Two Years, Slain Outright—Mother Dies of Knife Wounds—Slayer Jumped Over Dock? PORT ALBERNI, Oct. 14:--Two children, one aged three weeksand the other aged two years, were slain out- ‘igh* in theily beds, their mother died later from knife wounds and the father is believed to have committed sui- eide in a tragedy which struck a Japanese family here last evening. Police started dragging Alberni Canal today “x or the body of C. Asuko who is WE K DAY thought to have jumped from a |dock after his wife and children ‘had been fatally slashed. His cap All Issues Again Off Yesterday in Trading on New York Market and blood-stained knife were found . TO JUSTICE jues on the New York Stock Ex-'| points and utilities 1 25-100 points. | Man Surrenders on the edge of the wharf. NEW YORK, Oct. 14:—Purther’ change yesterday. Industrials were | Haunted For Half Lifetime By Peni- During the day 1,228,490 shares) drops were recorded in all stock is- off 1 19-100 points, rails 70-100) tentiary Spectre, California *harged hands. Wheat and bonds LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, Oct. were also weak. '14:—Haunted for half of his life by halebalipsberticythinetainen l the spectre of having to serve a penitentiary sentence, W. Kirby ee grey-haired owner of a Rev. David idee Robinson, erey-halred owner of Named Moderator: rests in the ‘Imperial Valley, Cal; surrendered himself to penitentiary jauthorities here yesterday to serve Pastor of Kerrisdale Presbyterian ® four-year term for robbing a post Church Named at Annus! {office at Fort Smith, Ark., 34 years Meeting in Victoria | 480 Robinson told the prison authori- David , ies that, after having been senten- Kerrisdale Pres-|Ced, he escaped from custody on a byterian Church, Vancouver, was, 2 changing his name to elected moderator of the British;5!clair, finally found his way to Columbia Synod of the Presbyterian |C@ifornia where he married twice Church in Canada the annual!#nd raised a family. Before the session ‘hére jstock crash, he'stated that he was worth $100,000, Even yet he was in- dependently well off, he stated. Robinson's story is being investi- gated by federal authorities. His had finally compelled him to give himself into custody, Robinson declared. Halibut Arrivals Summary 6,500 pounds, 3.2c and VICTORIA, Oct Lister, pastor of 14:—Rev and, at Princes End Their Visit in Sweden conscience Wales and George Leave Stock- holm After Stay of Several Days in Scandinavian Capital | ‘ae American The |», ( STOCKHOLM Prince of Wales 14 and Prince Georg October Canadian—None England ended a visit in Sweden American when they left here aboard the air, wireless. 2,000, Atlin, 3.2c and 2c. liner Hercules for Copenhagen) visitor, 4500, Cold Storage, 3.2c ‘whence they will return to Eng- snd Oe land, Doric, 53,000, refused 2.5¢ and 2c, eae oe left for Seattle. Spray, 35,000, refused 2.5c and 2c, olding over. DEPUTY IS RETIRING :*+****-*' G. J. Desbarats, Deputy Minister of » AGAINST STRIKE: National Defence, Has Been +*+e+¢2¢0¢70¢28046444 \* ASK FISH CLOSING Long in Service |e phn Lene Oe |# NEW WESTMINSTER, Oct. OTTAWA, Oct. 14:—G, J. DeS-\ 14:4 public meeting of fish- barats, deputy minister of national/® ermen here yesterday decided defence, is retiring at the end of), to» ask the department of fish- eee ee eeere * on November 10. The meeting # \* decided against calling a strike @ | following refusal of salteries to @ } —_—_—— October after completing fifty! ® erics at Ottawa to close the years’ service, it is announced. \* fishing season for chums or # 1? dog salmon in coastal waters # ’ Interior Weather Terrace—Cloudy, calm, 40. \* meet the fishermen’s demand @ Hazelton—Cloudy, calm, 47 '# for higher price of fish, + Smithers—Part cloudy, calm, 41. |® + Burns Lake—Clear, calm, 32. ‘ee404000000464¢84