PAOE Dt THE DAILY NEWS Tuttday. May 16( bnncrv. mid sraicd with lunsinn BENEFIT FROM eye.s al their einpiy glasses, VICTORY DONDS can be made to earn "iii.lii'i vim make nnrlliinc. M' laroer Interest by selling the bonds and investing In first II1IIT' hiniiirril ntip. "'tjl about WESTHOLME THEATRE SOVIET SMALL I 'looking at (hat house saw you mortgage on Improved City property. And the mortgagos aro the bisjr one with the open Tonight, Tuesday Just as safe, although not so readily convertable Into cash; Money window?" Invested In mortgages Is, generally speaking, fixed for tho term of Some Parts of Russia Not Starving "Didn't trouble li ask,' win the loans which run from 6 months to S years. Hence the larger Dut Stocks arc Scanty. Hi.. r..nlv "I looked in the win Sidney Franklin Production rate of Interest. Drop In and talk it over. Ke uiueusxye r. dow and saw two pals playing on .Sl'IZIIAN, .OX Till; VOI.OA, one piano, so i Kuesseti uiey May l.'l. - -('I'lie Assoeialed I'ress i null i"Iiffl Iiik" "niir:s were too poor for ine. to worry. " H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. J-'ive hundred miles from Moscow' a$si$tlnt.1U$e;t, 'Courage ami "I I lie horder of the COLT WITHOUT FORE. famine hell, it heroines evident that the fircl year of Soviet Itus- fo'itii'asliind dishw LEGS IN WINNIPEG sia's new eeoiiomie poliey has iiTJtvx ii vivcu ui it; j u made far less changes in the Curious Freak of Nature Lying in province 1 h;i 11 111 .Moscow, ret-rofrrad Mekmaid Comedy, "Tohciiy's Shakk-ui-" Hartt and the oilier hit: cities. poandpmit, Animals Hospital In Prairie Prices: 35c and 15c Far reniove! front the sea- City porls, eonrierled with the man-ilfacluriiiK' aeatis and aWnfeds lHHmial 1 aBalllBs(BlBBaBllBBBBaBH WINNIl'lXI, May 111. - A two-lensfed li"lricls hroken DEPARTMENT OF MARINE FISHERIES hy a system overloaded wilh Ji -ii;. ::"! cult, a lTiiiat kablc freak of EXTENSION OF TIME CONTRACT VAKOUN transport Shoes RIVER. the shipments of food and seed nature, is lylnj; in n private wartl I Intcncllhjr bidders are licrrby advl.Td strain to the worst slrlekeit hun- at the animal horpilal, McMillan mat Ilia tlmn lor rrrrivlnir tenders and Avenue. II. . (loleburnov-veterinary, srer resiions, large provincial irr rt'iiiniclliin or Hip work lias born ei- SEFfn IclidiMl ten clays. Hid will therefore If towns such as Suizrau have, nut Is workinsr to keep life in Once worn, will so fully win ( received until c pjn. on the 30 III day of urally, henefited very Utile hy 'lie body, and lie believes Hie colt SE We lutvc: received your cutillilcnce thai you will 1 J. A. MOTIIKIIWKI.I.. the present freedom of trade. will survive. Our Fres I IS Ciller Hlwrnr of FNlHTlr accept the next pair without They are not slarvins.'. as tin Ea(sDirt Normal in every way except for Spring Stock of the lack of the animal fiirllicr introduction or recommendation, provinces rarllier iiown tne voisra forelegs, hul, al this li f the year, uas born Friday at the Fort as old friends with the next harvest some Itoujre Dairy Farm, Fort Harry. Garden and Field Seeds whoso (Ifpeiulaliilily and TIMBER SALE X 4062 uionlhs off. Ihey are liviujc day It was rushed in an ambulance, lo worth are fully proven. to day from hand to mouth. Ihe hospital Sunday in an effort FERTILIZER (Fcrtab's Concentrated Sealed lenders will lie rerelved by the Paper Money. lo preserve its life. There is im Fertilizer) IMMrlrt Forefier m,t later than on Fieih of mi Zdin ua.vt or way, ivz, lor ine iur-rhase Markets are open, 1ml display sisru, aceor.ilinsr lo Dr. Holeburne, stock PRATT'S BABY CHICK FOOD and Hirer, to of rill IJrenee ar.o.ijoo XtMS,feet near of sprure.Klldalla scanty slocks and at prices as Madel of even the stumps of forelegs, SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS iieniiurK, aim t iuar. hfstli orahis-'her than in Moscow. In which hp believes is unique. KIRKPATRIGK One (ti year will be allowed for removal Mail orders promptly attended to "f iliiilx'r. while the peasants and town QnaOa The eoll is heiijr fed tt special KurtlMT Victoria,parllCMlar!'jir the of tilti llin li CI1I1T t Forester,Kores-ler, Iwellers have not Ihe abundance preparation of analyzed milk, and Prince Feed Co The Store of Satisfaction Rupert Prince I'. C. which llllperl. )f iiaper money seems is suffering: mi pain. U a few LAND ACT. ommon to all in the cities. He. days, when he lias acquired suf P.O. Box 333 Phone 88 Notlca of Intention to Apply t to Laaaa Land. ides, they are slower to think feminine finery- douhlless of a ficient strength, he" will be in rrinre unpen i.anu uirtrict. iiecorn-In and spend in millions and seem "cradled," that is stood his District or Coat liantte 5, and fllnatr pre-war vtnlae. upon in rlrliilijr or Port Esjlnrtiiii. B. c. eluctanlly to part wilh the Buildlnns Empty. hind legs with his forequarlers lake notice, that wr. Julius Johnson and printed hits of which JMs- Walter Mlrml, or Tori Essliijrton. n. : , paper Most of I In buildings were si rapped up. from the roof, to a nrrupatlon Ilshermen. Intend to apply for oviles (spend freely today 111 the normal Fishermen position. In this he empty, their boanled or broken way, permission In lease the foltowlnfr tlerrlbed lands- Commencing at a post planted al helief thai they will buy less tomorrow. windows speaking Ihe desolation probably will live for years. Canadian National Railways southeast corner or Lot 4i, nanire 5. Con si District, thence northeast 4 chains o low of seven years of war and revolution water mark, I hence south s chains slnnf In the principal street of that shows much low mark, more FALSE ECONOMY water thence west 3 chains to suuran, "wnicn lias more man THE INVERNESS CANNERY hlrh water mark, thence S chains along plainly in the province than in lilfh water mark tu point or cnmineneemcnt tO.non inhabitants, the corre- Announce CAMP ai Dundas is now and containing 314 acres, more or less. newly resurrected Moscow. counted dess than 10 poudenl The that family does not Jl'l.llIS JlllMI., When the Yoljca in the provide open. Highest prices paid WALTE1I MEMI. open stores m a nine s v rule, opens for laundry, service in Ihr Applicants. prinir, some of Suizran's shop- Salmon and Halibut. for Dated February ex. IM., Tljcre were three or four 'bak windows may be filled astain and weekly budgel is practicing false Summer eries. disnlnyiliL' meatrer slocks economy. Under our new plan. NOTICE. if Ihe coiuins; harvest is normal. lim: of fisliini? A complete of paslrie.s ati'J black and while Laundry work, by the . pound, Ihe town lose its air of oiled IX Till? MATTF.ii or an aptmratl'm for may supplies, Kroceries, and bread, a meal shop or two, liim- praytlcalry Hie euliie familv the Issue of a rresh eprllllrale-tif title tn lepression, but as il slaiuls to-. rlolliiny, brass, lnonze. electrical Lot to. Block 41. Section 5, Clly or Prince soiit-' tillers had in their s-'rimy llo, -Washed and returned, Unpen. Map . lay. it seem an example of Ihe damp supplies, etc., at city .NiiTH K Is hereby given that II Is my wih'dows a few pitiful bits of lesnlale of the nlmtl .;rrady for iroiiinif, for Tourist provincial towns Intention tu Issue after the expiration of " prices. me month rroni the nrst publication better class t hat dot Russia from $1J!5.. ; lierror, a fresh rrrtlllrate or tlllf.lo he Tliis is tin" '" Alec above mentioned procrt.v In the name r SYNOPSIS OF Vladivostok lo l'plrosrrad and c.ieapes Laundry J. Arthur lloailley. whlih cert I II rate or Servici:..ever otfiii-ed loeuliv'. iimt from Archausrel lo Odessa. j ukuIii on the job us fish tllle I dated the 3rd March. It IS, and la numliered 7341-1, Ihe husband vvjifj ias 'lloi we- "buyer. II. F. Macl.KOH. LAND ACT AMENDMENTS Tickets lare of his family at heart can. Tli" f'filjiv rump in at your Ileglstrar of Tlllca. INTERIOR NOTES Land lirglslry iifTHe. not afford' lpass this service MTvicc. Tell is your wauls. Prime llup-rt. II. C. list day of Marrli. im. up without si-iloia rttisi,epaioii. A reduced Mir.ltnum to li t acre:or flrat-claas aeeond--laaa.and tu Mrs. San fori! Mercer, of Xew We haye 'alsfV ou'fvifeoft. Finish ON SALE large supply or filtered The iiH'sliin for Hie advertiser I2.SV an acra Westminster, has ben u hucsI of Service, wlHr,. for a .small ad-ijiliona! fuel always on hand. fre-emptli-n now confined to ur--Jie.ved to consider is how many neo-pli iands only, Mrs. liodilard, of Xew Iluzellou charge. evervthliiu- Is read liie paper. You can'l land records rullflhle will for be rranied egrleultural c-)verlD purpose,imj duriiisr the past week. ilriijd. and all flat pieces ironed May 25th to August 21st gel results" without circulation. and which la non-tlmher land. a utj folded. Partnership pre-emptlona atjollshed.four Ilev. and Mrs. .1. It. Ilewit, of , lo lliosi! who can afford the but partieK of not more than mm Final Return Limit October 31st arrange for adjacent pre-emption Xew llazcllon, left on 'riiuiday small additional' cost, litis it the with residence, but each making CLOVES Combination necessary Joint tmproveroenta on reapertlve for Vancouver lo attend the Meth inosl couiplele service possible J ClAlmH.fre-emptora munt occupy claims lot odist conference. wilhoul fiuishiug (he entire linn EXCEPTIONALLY LOW FARES five yearn and make Improvement to. He. The cost will be found lo Special j value and or cultivation$10 per acre.of at Including least ! clearing -rei. It. II. Cairns, inspector of In- be considerably below Hie prevailing' City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phonf 260 before receiving Crown Orant price. Sale Where pre-emptor In iK-cupallon no. rion schools, Vancouver, arrived Special lean than i yeara. and haa mad oro in Xew llazcllon on Wednesday, A trial will convince you of the all this week GENUINE cause 1ortlonate of Ill-health,Improvements,or other he cauHe.may. be i and was Ihe siuest overnight of merits of this service. Old rrar.led proemcnt ii termwliale and transfer cerllfirate hla claim.ol im Ilev. and Mrs, J. n. Hewitt. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY 10 cent. Discount Country Ktcordji without permanent re. per rience may l. Isnued, provided appli PHONE 8. LOW IN PRICE pant makea Improvimenia to eiient of Unite a lot of liiiildiiirT is go-inff V3i) ier annum and records Kme eacl. on al Mcvcral points throtisjh- HIGH IN QUALITY year. Failure. 10 make Improvements When buy advertising -MOVING- fr rvi-ord eenie will operate as fo, out Ihe' Valley and il begin ' to you you TEAPOTS fellure, Tllle cannot be obtained In buy CIIICUI.ATIOX, .and tseu thai ,e than 5 eaPN, and Improveineiltr look like-a relurii of more favor 'if $111.00 ier acre. Including & acre. able times. you pel it. It "DEMERS" of cleared I'rr ni -empir leat and 2 jenrw cultivated,holdli-g are required.Crown and resilience ilranl This is Our Last Month on Third regular value $2.00 nin rvi"'rd another pre-emption, If he Wm, Xutiati of I'acific iirrhci) CONSTIPATION Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 together with ieiilrt-.'-funn tvitlvout land In actual conjunction occunttlon,with provided hi in 1'elkwa on Saturday iiisiht lo Avenue atatutory Improvementa made take over the depot lliere. Ile- 5 lbs. Gold Seal afid reMldence niaintained on Crown BAD HEADACHES grant ed land. licvinsr As;ent Sessions has sone Unaurveyed areas, not em-eertlng SU on lo Kudako. June 1st we will movo to our Hays Cove Avenue Stow. Blend Tea ;icrea, may le leAaed aa hnmetltaa, FAINT, DIZZY SPELLS TO ALL title to tie nhtalned nfter fulfilling resident Same 4S Phone, regular value $2.75 for Ut graxlng and Improvement and Indjstiinl rondltlona purrHMen Inspector Aclaiui of Ihe H.C.-M.l'. areas exceeding 0 acres may he vus in 'I'elkwa last week and Constipation Is one of the coimnoneM TRAPPERS! Special while they last, -HKt-d hv one perunn or rnniiany. Ilia of mankind, im one tod often allowed FULLER'S Moving Specials Industrial aitex wasi accoiiiiiaiiieil by (instable Mill, factory or on lo go unlocked after, until loioe serious at less than cost, tinbei land r.ol eiceedmg acres f)avis of I'rince llupert, who will comiilliatlui) sets In, nay lie purchased: condllloua include One pound of Schilling's Coffco and Ono pound of Ridfla' layneui of slumimge. lake Constable Millwaler's place A free motion of tlie buwels dally Let's all get together. N'Aiural nay meadows iiiai'eesit,e hiiuld Im I ho rule of eicrjune, then there Tea, valuo $1.50 for $1.15. there. The latter has to $3.25 iy existing roads mny he pmcliasLd jsune Have inside information -ondlllonal uion cfinstrucilon of n road headquarters al VoncouvJ'r'. ulll he no constlpjtlon, ilck or bilious Empross Cofreo, In bulk. Itumilur !5i Sn-i-uil, 2 lb. (oei n them. Ilehate of one-half of cost ol HflU, dullness, heartburn, coiled ton rue, that will benefit us. road, not exceeding half of puiehase rcul breath, sour stomach, floatlnc specks Castile Soap, miiiuII liars. 8 for 25c. ili'e. In made. WRITE US AT ONCE The latest vyord from T..J. .lef-fHrsou, before llio cjes, Jjundlco, water brash, etc. Castile Soap, luri! liars. 25c. Rupert Table Supply Co. 'RE EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT Keep the bowel properly regulated by " 10209 101st St., Edmonton, Tin- cope of this Act la enlarged i tho 1 tu Ik ley Valley dele- Ihe use of Klondyke Soap, n.wial 30o bar, and White Wonder Alta. Phones 211-212 ucluda all persona Joining and serving Kate lo Ollawu, is thai he will be MILtURN't 'Chrystyl White, 3 ror25o. with Ilia Majesty a Forces. Tin 'im wit Inii which the heirM or devisee back in Telkwa lliis iiuhiIIi. lie LAXA-LIVCII PILLS with e1 Old free 35c One Country Biscuits, reg. pks. given r a deceased pre-emplor may apnly and will the has been atlendins; several meet-insrs you enjoy best of health. for tide under Ihn Act Ii extended pound of bulk Sweet Biscuits. Troin for one year frn the death in New York mid the proba Mrs, r'lank Wlllxey, II. II. 3, Belmont, wllle" surli person, aa formerly, until one out., writes: "I have been troubled with With every 3 lbs. of Rldgeway's Tea atjBOo per lb. wo ear afirr the on elusion of the gieai bility is Jhut a decision will be for constipation two nearly I had Bell & Crossed far. This privilege is al made re years. ,6 Jbs. of Sugar ifor 25c- V 't' rocallve. arrived a I. now wilh reriird to the bad headaches, falnl and diny spells, and Ladies' No reea relating to pre-emptions are fiirllicr de,veopmeiit of Hie company's would bloat terribly. I wis nearly ills-rounired I.illlu Wliili! Ili iin.i. Special II Hps. for 25c. Painters and Decorators ilua or payable recorded bv after sMdlera Inne on 26. mi pre-"inptiona coal inleit'sls' in this dis for I had tried so many things Self Measuring Coal Oil Tank and Fairbanks' Truck Scale'1" that rave me no relief. My mother got ma Paxes nre remitted for five years. trict. Sale. PAPERHANGING Provision for return of moneys au--rued, . a vial or Mllburn's Uvi-Llvcr rjlls and KALSOMINING due and been paid since Aujst Uild me lo Vive them a fair trial. After I Vegetable Spray Fountain for Salo Cheap. 4, I'.Ut, on account of payments, .'ecs had taken one vial I felt much r laxes on soldiers' nre-emptlona. iiiillii'i'S asraili defeated Ihe lo better and -.Pre-war l'rices Lingerie Interest on aareements to purchase cal 'I'elkwa''baseball leaiu last continued their use. IS'pw I btva no film Orison, ;i lim. fur 85o v. ii. i ..... CiiiiiI' town or city lota held by members i.f and dizzy spells and sin raining; nicely, i I Ml iv Work neatly and quickly tilled Forces, or deiicdet-ta acquired Sunday by'a score of 17 to SO. would not be without MJIburu'a Lm-Llver Ilrunxvi4k SanliiU'iV, 1 for ,02.75, Mown Oliarlo' dono. direct or indirect, remitted from en fJari'ialion nl 25o listment tu March SI, 1920. I'ills ror llio world." -a 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 IN SILKS, SATINS, CREPE SUB-PURCHASERS, OF CROWN Tim farmers Ihrous-'hoiil Ihe Price, SSc a vial at all dealers, or milled Olcuiiiai'sTuriiii', 25o Milk, rime 6-60 (l LANDS Telkwa disfiictare niovinx rapidly direct on receipt of price by Tho T. Nil-burn II. C. I'rc-li l-Hr- DE CHINES, ETC. Provision mada for Issuance of liireclion t' Co., Limited, Toronto, Got. No. 1 Viut'iui A)Iim, in Ihe $1.00. Crown grama to sub-purchasers ol dairyinsr as lli.1 ror $1.00 t,!lt " Crown Ijinds. acquiring rlghta from Die main ipdustry and a number :.Y arc clcaiiiw All made in our ow'n workshops, purchaser! who failed to complete Ulirfsit Ih'm Sallcil Sodas, GOc al a J'1'" are Heinz Goods limie and For your next lurchaae, Involving forfeiture, on fulfillment preparins; In prop, and of taxes conditions Where of purchase,suh-purchas Interest erly reed dairy herds. New and H.PATTINSON ttyfee Ch-uiiHor, n.'K.'25c, now so i..Tr,...i.urrij- Shoe Job era do not claim whole of original pai larger barns are lo be creeled, a 15o nil Imt limn ihovh Repair At Exceptionally Low Prices. tel, purchase price due and taxea may Ourii Hi'cf few lta.Mli, be distributed proportionately over more s(los will be built and Electrical and ,ri'b'. 35c, iidw. whole area Applicatlona must be made more succukyit feed wil be now 25o Hulk Tea, - Hi. ror &5 by May 1. 1020. try CRAZINO eirown for oallle. Mechanical Engineer lrili Slew. rcjr. a5c. now 25o National -Soilus. I"1' J, 0. EMERTON J. Bent's Mratlng Act. 1919. for systematic Dynamos, Motor Lililiy's I'jiiciiiiplu Kliccil, a- (!5c, now 45o of livestock development Industry pro Tor $1.00 vlden for graalng districts and range BUSINESS IS BAD. Magneto National Champion Shoe Repair Shop administration under Commissioner. Repaired and Rewound Dclinonlt! J'l'iiclics, iflUcil, a )., 2 for 450 Kmad Wock, Third Avenue Lingerie Shop on Annual number gracing ranged,permits priority laaued for estati based Two li-amps sralliered al Ihe Storage Batteries Repair for $1.00 Armour' Hum. ......I Jlai"01"1 Third Ave. form llshad Aasoclatlon owner. fltock-owrerB for rang manage,may local laveiri al Ihe end of a long ed and Recharged Italian I'ruin'K. 21i', 3 for ju.t arrivo.1. "Repairs while you wait" mant. Free, or partially free, permits and unsuccessful day's pegging Phone BOO P.O. Box 1 64 95o al 41o per ! for aet tiers, camper or traveller!, up to ttn bead. The" wore bold tired ond