:iUy istay Id, 1022. r to titttrr wtf PROSECUTED FOR KNEE TBI I JMISr A I I) LENGTH DANCE FROCKS i I Sport Chat Sparkling They're All Right If Wearers Behave, In conlrast to last year when Dishes the L'liited States llolf Assoria- Judge Rules lion satyfioned an invading leant if seven, star Jdayers for Ihe evenf. LON'DO.N, May 10.--Tim point Drop a' little pece of nl whWi hrl skirl cense tn ho only one American woman participated Ihjs year ill Hie Mrilish Sunlight into the dish proper mill (. nic indecent was Ladies' Oj,en. f iolf Chafiiiionp stir into suds then debated in the Loudon courts, re pan, louriiHineiit al. Snndwicli, Kng- see how beautifully dean eenlly. lanil, wlncli was played yister washes dishes, cutlery, Tin' Urotts club wun prosecute, day. it fjic HtlowiiiK dancing when if utensils, etc. Miss itosapmiiil Sjierwood, of pans, life' premise- were not iironscd ani SI. fieorge's Clih Long Island, police testified most. ir Hie wonderful women N. Sunlight's V., was the sole Ameriean TmMIpe of I lie club, whiehls one cleansing power comes competitor and h: was elmiin blend of line,, of the in.ist fashionaliln in-Lon aled from the yesterday by .Mrs. Flelcher rich oils of tliecocoanut don, wire knen Icfiutii gowns. of W'omhley. in the firs) round. and the palm. For the Defending lh club. Sir Henry AJ.Ms, iMi,.fW(..d went abroad two same reason it does not Curtis Dennett, eminent .lawyer, years ago hul injured her ankle redden the hands or make ontendcd Dial it. was difficult' for in practice before the tournament .women not lo show their knees the skin coarse. opened. Al thai time she when scaled, declaring thai in received inliM-nationaJ mention lluy Sunlight to-dat. View of (he present styles there tor teeing off -on- a pair of NAVY CUT wan nothing improper in knee crutches Imt nt eourse was LEVfeH U HOT HERS LIMlltU length nl lire. not plliced. Miss slierwood i 538b: 1 Ontario 677 The judge decision . thai CIGARETTES vw not -Hie holder . ofs any prominent' Ibis wai not. a ipjoslion of morals championship -. and simply Mil one of behavior. Indicating enters the tournament ns an individual... that dancers may wear .short In the toimi.nnenl are skirU providing I hey conducl (he jiiosI finished players of inems'-ives moiiestlv. England, ' Ireland and Scotland, The oljier nishl clubs in London Hi.'I enlr.'iTils In all,- in less Mian went keenly interested in (he began la( year. case and were prepared In insi on skirls lielow (he knee if (lie I'lie. Itrilish ' Vomen's (iolf Stalest Uihe court ruled against skimpincss. Championship, often ir women Jlrzd im tins I J j j J I ' llayers f the worhl, was in-sliluted in lrt03. Following is j In the Letter Box a list of the winners ami defi-al- ed finalisls to datev IK'.K'I I.ady Margaret Scnll and lMilor Ihiiiy News:- .Miss I. Pearson. Y.our issue nf yeslerdav con IH'.ll I.ady Margaret Scoll and lained an ileni showins; wher Miss I. Pearson. iwo IJjilianieii were iriven .Tn IH',15 I July .Margaret Scott and days free itoard at Hie Hotel Miss K. I.ylhgoe.. Mekers for performing the lion, IR'.tii .Miss Amy Pasco,, and uiunicaliou as read he i'iveii In orahle feat of .smoking opium Mis.s I.. Thomas., sFORMS IN 'the members of the council appointed Now I may he a rnnnk, hut I I KU7 Miss Kdilh Orr nnd Miss cannot see that .smoking Orr. to Hie hospital hoard so opium lii.'il I hey could prepare a plan is or enotijih- puhlic benefit to 1H'.)S Miss I.. Thomson and HOSPITALS afler perusal nf .Mr. IcDairinid's Hie coirimiiiijly to justify the M.is I'.. Nevile. j report, llie results In he referred expense. if lliese Chinamen IKim Miss M. llezleti and Miss ilo the Hospital committee - for want ' mnke face powder or Magill. ilullon of Trades and Labor 1 1 heir report al I he next meeting. drink chewing trum or fill their i'.Klii Miss Jlhiiua .VilaJr and ncil Referred to Hospital I Ills was secomleil iy .it-rmail iioiiiiis inn oi-waicr aim sit -on Miss Nevile. Board. Kerr, and carried. a fun Jill Hie water hoil.s . either 1 1)0 1 Miss M. Cra'hain and Miss let them, alone or heiid iliein Ithoua Adair. tle.te.- f-iwi the Trades and STRONG ACTION IN home. ,,, i , V 1M)1 Mis .May llnzlet and Miss m Ttt, r Council regarding hos- Ailolhe ifeiii in I he Haine .col. Nevilif. compel ilioii. crop ,of Jamaica. fiiiatif.jig ami admin islra- PICTURE "COURAGE" mini snows wnere- .a ' llrilisli Ipna Miss Ilhona Adair and Ilil'.i Miss Cecil I.eilch and About a year ago Canada extended iwas lircsenleil al Hie meet. Jiplse fined' lwt, ni'rchanlS because Miss llalker-l.eigh. Mrs. Temple Dobell (formerly to Jamaica a customs Let Us Advise You tt ihf i'iy council lasl niphl in advert isi'pjf silk' slock. I'JfiS Miss l.nlliv Hi l an Mix fi. Haveuscriifl). preference similar lo that grant, Naomi Chllders as Devoted Young ilis In a dear In the Miss .May Ilelel..-- , (with a lifetime's experience preferred In die Hospital way (luman t'.C'n Miss (Veil I.eilch and ed lo oilier portions of the Hril- 'd for consideration and re. Wife of Innocent Husband In heart, a ClpwU ,alhered o'u the HH15 Miss llerlha Thompson Miss Molly liriffillis. ih West Indies some years ago. in all tvranches of. tho Prison street. You,,fvi note; that Ihn i n.I Miss M. K. Sluarf. 11)21 Miss Cecil. I.eilch and (in sugar imports from Ja- linildlng Trade). lellei rrai as follows! judge did .not fine lh .parties I'.mii .Miss Kciuiion and Mis Miss Joyce Wei bored. niawii"'l1le Canadian custom Brickwork, II a Hireling of the Prince dmireri of si runt' dramatic who actually created Hi? oh-slrurtiirn II, Thompson. preference is now equivalent fit Trade ami LahorvCoiincil aolmfi will find much Ut satisfy hnt the merchants for inn .viiss mhy iieiet am I The Jong looked for' v!lf about :iu' per cent, ad valorem Stonework, Tuesday evening lasl Itlieni in "(Jnurape," the Sidney advertising their wares .success-' Miss Florence llezlel. Shield, which Ihe local .ball Muring Hie first nine months "flowing resolution was I'liinklin produclion, which open, fully. The judge, also said I li.it. JilflK Miss Tillcrlon and All's loam won at Prince' Unpert ; last .'he Canadian preference Im Concrete, etc. 'I jed an engagement al the West. no decent woman would so ex lloroihy Campbell. , fall, luix made its Appearance in oorls of Jamaica.' coffee and Plans and' Specifications i lie-eas a tiumher of Hns i i holme Theatre Inst night unit will i pise herself. Kvidenlly the SM)it Miss Dnrolhy Camibell the city. It is now; on display ocoa trebled, grapefruit quad free to all our clients. ins province are V"' retiealcd Innighl. crowd thought differently. There mil Miss Florence Ilezb't. in the window of Ihe prince ujded, spices, hides and skin I :1t !in in fi n iinitidiiia I .imiiii Childcr, the beautiful is nothing indecent in the "hu- HMil Miss I'.. (iranl.Sullie an iixrge (jlub. 7 llie shield is I'otihlcd, while vegetable oils in William Walts & Co. i .u wn, , ,(, ;,k (lfCiiiollonal actress, is llie reaiurci man form uivme except in the' Miss I.. Mixtiv. both handsome and durable, be. reaseil fourleeri-foHI and raw Builders and Contractors !! necessary lo Hie l""' r appearing. UJ a role which . nunds of mawkishly indecent. 11)11 Miss liorolhy Campbell. tug made of oak with a panel sugar went up 1,000.00(1 pounds prop P.O. Box 823. Phone 482. I 'f. lent mainlcminoo an.lv'' U"p wi'" r"n'-"' ,,f "I'P" '"'"P" of a nasty- and Miss Violet, llezlel. for incribing hi1 winners' names These gaius were made, in de Office: 1017 3rd Ave. l . 1 I .,1..,... - 'l'l.n! l.,.lr... ...I I I!) 1 2 Miss 0. Itavenscroft am I. -ii uf the institutions. The shield represenls the cham jirossed year. Jobbing Work of all Kinds. A il. whereas Hie elmrire "laCKinoore, llie .levoieu youns vertised Ihe .nasliiii'ss'of' his own Miss S. Temple. pionship nf .Northern ll.C. which About seven weeks ago the Hie eutmeiil of r.alienls wifp wlios,. innocent liushan.l i mind. ' ' I'JI.'I .Miss Muriel D...I.I am Ihe thing Ihnl counts. It lainaim legislature ratified i dr ided hardshin in niaiivt1"!''""1 away from her by (he IIOOMKS K.l'IlKKMAiV. Miss Chubb. arrived in a substantial paekin measure granting a custom apari f.-om those who arel1'"1 ar r biw, "hi inler- Illll Miss Cecil l.cilch aui case with hinges, evidently Ihe preference on Canadian product U jiay at all, prels ii, part that . cannot imt you c an,'l vn nip try flap. Miss (J .Itaveiiscrofl. donor believing thai il would he but the nrofercneo is in inus From the Farm :d whereas, there is n tier- shiiine every weakling who sees il pely. to- I!i I ( inclusive j no travelling around the north' con cases .only five per cent. to the Table :til ilciiiand iin the mtrt of on the screen. j siderahly. However, Hie locals liai he government should Hlackmore, from behind prison: have no intention of j leaving CADET TRAINING IN BuIkleyValley e re: poiihdile for the main- bars, secretly directs his plucky tllc'i'ily and believe.lh.it tle case iiii.i operalion of nil wife- In the conduct of n great industry is unnecessary as ine siiiqiu now UNIVERSITIES URGED ' licipilals. which helps his country reposes, al ils permanent home BEEF The real 'murderer. on llie nanus,or ine eraser, ai PORK vn. whereas Ihe services nf twin .a war MOXTIIKAL, Mav HV - The im MUTTON Iiiii'ilical iirofi-si.ioii Is. in- for wliose- crime lie was sentenced, my rale every effort will he tniice of endet training In uni made by the locals losee that poi VEAL makes confession, ilcalhhcl raliie from Ihnl of the bos a and a draiual iu reunion 'of I ten Self's emblem does npl slp ycrsities was emphasized by (ten FRESH KILLED POULTRY era! Sir Arthur Cunie; principal Skeena. River Farm Produce El lie-T.ji'e. lie ii resolied bv the husband and wife, which also ils uiitorings. Prince .iieocgo of i .Mciiill university, in n brief ;l"ly iii regular ineelfiig ns- lurns the romance of tlH'ir son r,eader. nidrcssMvhich hn inadcal the Mr VANDERHOOF CREAMERY ?1 ' 1 'bill we nelilioii Ihe into a happy one', results. (iil! -Union last Tuesday: "It i BUTTER "ciai (jovenimeul to im BASEBALL vident" from proceedings in the NORTHERN INTERIOR uely appoint a commission LUSITANIA SALVAGING House of Coninions that tho lem. he chairmanship o K. s. AMERICAN LEAGUE, per of many Canadians is decid CO-OPERATIVE urn nf Hie Workmen's EXPEDITION LAUNCHED Chicago, o: lloMon. t. edly against Ihe militia training Phone 81 I i lo'HK'Slliin.'make a thorough sludy Iielifiil. tl; New York, . .yslomhs In force in Canada before Steamship Chartered to Attempt Cleveland, 2. Washinjslnn, the war," said Fir Afihur. "II neiieve llie experience Recovery Sunken Millions St. I.ouis, :i: Philadolnliia, won hi seem (hat there nre some 'I Mi; .nigh ihe ndminislra- NATIONAL LEAGUE. who would like In wipn out Ihe f Hie U nrkmen's II Al'l Compen- I'lllI.ADl'.I.IMilA, I'a., May lo Iloston, ('.: PilMuirg. fi. system of militia, training on For Sale W illi.I nnnliln i .,mi An exieditiou for tlie snlvaainir of Hrooklyu, 2: Cincinnati, fi. I i rely." 'ii under Mr. Winn's dlr-1" Ihe l.usllanin nnd otner snips New York, 1 ; Chicago, 0. oiiilin,, an effeclive Hial have gone lu tho: bottom of - Philadelphia, 7: SI. I.ouis. TO Practically modern COMMEMORATE new nr plan lo Ihe Onveru-lf feasiblo we would rec-'"I Sie ocean in the last few years Tired in the Mornings WESTERN INTERNATIONAL rt, residence in excellent residential thai Ihn scheme he will hlart from this city May 23.. Calgary, 15; Vnneoiiver, ANNIVERSARY OF section, BpleiidU;1ikVu M The Kleamsliip lllakeley has been LJ0VV do "Well, that is exactly what Fdmonlon ami Tacoina lrv on tmiuicipal Inciime sleep?" Ihe you lllug. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH bor view. Central heating. by Food niiils arramreil In invne -ill churl ered for the purpose Ll Tot well. Lots Dr. Chase's Nerve ii l.usilnuia Salvaging coulpany. verj does. It is only by enriching INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Ollered at less than cost. connection with medical of nights I liu awake for 7. l"!lllll Ipnilliiiili.l ,o great dirficulty is antici-paled hours, restless and fidjretty, the blood that you can restore Ileadjiig. 2; Il6eheer. i.n.MJU.N, May 15. .overs of ' it furlhei- in salvaging Ihe l.nsitania, exhausted nerves." Newark, I; Syracuse, 1. Dickens nre preparing to narti. Agents for about resolved thai n thinking everything, II. 'f Mn resoliilinn he for-'I is' is said, because the exact position but not resting or sleeping." "Perhaps I should try it." HalHmore, 10: llurralo. Ipalo in tho commcmorirtion of Norwegian American, Line lo Hid Hospital Hoard, Ih known, and the belief is "Have consulted a "I certainly would if I Toronto, I; .lersey Cily, .1. Ihe KOliHi. annlversarv of SI Swedish Amorlcan- Line "v Council and llm Cenliul Ihnl it In In an upright position. doctor?" you were you, for I know it is (leorgos UlmCch, where Little Scandinavian American I' Council fOM ll.nl.. n.)....ll,... ftsHmales of gold that lies al tho I wonderful the way it helps RECORD SUGAR CARGO norm rested op the nishl afler Line.. "Yes. The doctor proved of. This resolution IioHhiii of the ioii inns into Ihe the blood says is some people who are anaemic Ihe parly when she was loo late Oliver Typewriters "'ihniilled by the Civic. Kim. millions. A sinslu passenger am thin anaemic;and watery, and the and generally run down in SHIPPED TO CANADA to. return lo the .Marshasea Cary Safes Prison. Later she 1 ' ueio"ii- health." was married in nlon, alone was said in nine FIRE INSURANCE nervous system run-down man Perry slaled Hint. Ihn 7r,niMi willu Ihe purser of Hie for want o"f proper nutrition." "I am sure you will not be Montezuma Leaves Kingston, Ja the cIjiiioIi. Dickens was also 1 "f II. C, .MuiicipallHtf hail I.lisilnnin; while Mine. Antoinu disappointed, and f I were maica, With 8,600 Tons. a worshipper there during his a very cnmnrchiWislve snr- Di'page, wifo ot Hp nieilicai ui- Dr. I would not lose a day boyhooij and often attended the Dybhavn & Hanson "Why don't try you "f you KINliSTOX, Jamaica. May 10 services luler In life. hnspitnl as lo Ihe ques. V(tr of the Relglnn Pen (.ros. before -'etting started with Chase's Food 7" Third Avenue Neirye Ihe Canadian I'aelfic uleainship Tluv present church, was huill carried more affecting Ihe hnsilit- roporleil to liav'e this treatment." " H. and was "I don't know, just why, Montezuma sailed, for Montreal, in 1731 on Ihn site of the first Prince Rupert, B. 0. 'lid, lluil Mr. Me.. than mino.oniL unless it is because I thought Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, lust week, with (1.001 ions of chuivli, which wn given by Merrelary of fi'i'muhiliNl Hie union of Iho it was only for the nerves, 50c a box, all dealers, or Ed-manson. tiaar, thu largest carao of sugar Thomas, Ardeint to the monks of V he a I.I a ii........nrogiiim of.. Countable.Canadian Tluiriillrwuile.Mounted Ponce, whereas what I need is something Bates & Co., Ltd., ever shipped frouythU island. To lleriiioinlsey AhuVy in lir.. The newspaper with thu cir He moved llpyiil on to enrich the blood." Toronto, dalt Canada has purchased over culation Is tho real advertising under Ibeen leaves for Terrace tomorrow metaucca that rt per cent of the recent sugar Bubscribe for the Dally News, medium. itmM IV tho com- a week's vacation trip,