f 4$ ' ; , 1 sslin& The Daily News SUFFERED YEARS CITY COUNCIL rniNGR nupERT British Columbia - Published Every Af'Tnoon, except Sunday, by The News WTH ECZEMA GETTING BUSY A. Kirkpatrick r Printing ant Publishing Company, Third Avenue. ' II.. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor.' Eleventh Hour Discussions and) "Fruit-a-tives" Gleaied Pre-election Talks Berore SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Her Skin Adjournment. "The Store of Satisfaction" City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 fBy mall to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales. TotsT tfr. 1'ir.iut, P.Q. Klpvenllt hour discussion! and .... in advance, per year $0.00 "1. suffered for three years with preelection talks wpip indulRPil To-all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 terrible Ectemn. 1 consulted cevertt in hy Hip mayor and several of Ihe doctors and they did not du me any aldermen at last nlRht's couueil TELEPHONE 98 food. ineetiiiK, (he inalters brought up For the Days Then, I tisod one Ikix of "Soothe coinin? under the "lipfore we nd-journ" Snapp3r Salva"tin two boxeSof"1-rwit-a-tives" Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch each insertion procedure. and my liuiidnnrnnow clour. TJiepiUu Itoclwsler said the had Mayor .Transient Advertising on Frqnl page. .......... .$2.80 per inch 4 Lo5allneaderi,'perihs'erlidn. .25c per line Is gone and there liaa been o return. cnndillon of ladders at the Rv-prnnipnl I think it Is marvellous iiecausi no wharf and flsli docks' and Classified Advertising, insertion 2c word per per other medicine did rae any irood Men's Men's All Wool Heavy Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line 'Soothit-Snlva" and the poor liphlinir there had been until I used hrouirht to his attention. He Contract Rates on Application. the medicine All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day pre "Fruii-a-tivrt", wonderful Ihoupht tlie council niisht take, it made frvm fruit". ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval: Madam FETCH LAMAKKK. up with tlie provincial (fovern-menl. Mackinaw Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. fiOc a box, 0 for J2.iC. trikl Ue,2.V. MACKINAWS "As far as Ihe ladders nrt con At dealers or sent postpaid by cerned," said Aid. Dylihavn, DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Jon. i, 1921. l'ruU-a-tives Limited,Otutwt. someone -must have piven you a 'hum steer.' your worship. Only all wool; all sizes Shirts Vancouver Is a few mouths ppo Hipsp were all After Elevators, CLUB BAGS put in pood shape, four brand new Various prairie visilors lo Vancouver have recently men-i for Inddprs IxMiig put in. Big Horn Make, "It is true Ihprp mik'tit he im-iirnvpmpul ',' lioned the necessity fiir increased elevator accommodation for New Year Special $ in the liphlini; at the 'prffirie griiiuial the southern port.1 Thei VnouvcHoard of Trade Gifts fish docks, hut this is a matter to $9.50 and $7.00 U'jr-liaii been Inking the malteV op mid fejireeiitatloii ore being tie allendeil to by Ihe individual 4 made to interested quarters. Now that- the question is being Large Stock on hand. nh comnanies, I think'." iriveii Kiicli tirominence in the south, it would seem to be an Prices very low. Crooked and Dark. j opportune time for Prince Rupert people to get in a word for "I know a Kood many placps in WORK J. F. MAGUIRE MEN'S SOX their port. The Dominion (iovernment and the Canadian National 'Iip city where liylit inw is poor." Hauways will uoulilless have much to no with,these aliairs aim Next the Prince .Hupert,Hotel said Aid. McNeill. This was PENMAN'S Heavy Grey Ribbed .4 Pair for $1.00 maV'.be instrumental in the increasing or establishing of such reefed with smiles from several i facilities. Hecause Prhire ltupert now has a favorable federal aldermen who apparently thoiiKht HANSON'S pure wool, 100 per cent value, is why the necessities and advantages of Hie "chestnut" about Oraham Ave. government no reason Regular $1.25 Regular $1.00 Regular 75c. the. port should not be pointed out. There is .little likelihood of The Man the vus rouiilifr. "No, I don't mean Moon in Seelion Two this time," said the 80c pair 70c pair 60c anything Inking doue for us if we appear to be asleep. "It is none per per per pair 1 too early to get working on this question if we are ever to make SAYS:- J alderman, catehtnir on. "This this port the grain shipping centre that we believe it will be," said K limp 1 am rpfprrinjr particularly lo Hubert McKee, chHirmau of Hie l oreign I rade Hureau of the AFTKfl a girl geln on the (he Kjcehanjfe Hlock. The oilier Vancouver Hoard of Trade, last week. There is no reason why shady side of 30, slip drops (lie night I went therp to npp a dentist Vancouver should be any more the grain shipping centre of the affinity business and begins lo and found there was no 1 i t-r 1 t Pacific Coast' than Prince Rupert, and it is up to the northern hustle around fur un ordinary in the crooked hallway. It is dan- j Hartt Shoes need here. Kerous tbere ami the mailer people to show why. The reasons no recounting bread winner. ... oiifcht to be brought to the atten , Wireless vs. Land, ''I HK time will come" thun tion of the owner or the attetii." CANADA'S FINEST MAKE Lines In North. dered the suffragette orator, Aid. I'erry saiil his otTlce was ( In a country of lite geographical and topographical nature iff "when women will get. man's (here and Iip knew the hallway Only the softest selected leathers used in HARTT Northern British Columbia and the Yukon a wireless service of wapes." "Yes," sadly mullerPd was danirernus. A word to the ' communication instead of a land line as embodied in the plan of a man on the rear seat, ."Next aent mipht rit;ht tilings and, SHOES. These beautiful shoes embody tjhe Test, Fred Stork, member-elect, would have many advantages. The Saturday night." anyway, it.iwas not up lo Mie there is in shoe craftmanship. I4 most important of these advantage, would be the fact that the council. '! system would jjijt be dependent upon long transmission lines, the PERSONALITY is a combination Slippery Streets. i dillicullies of Vliicli are onty'too well known to the people of Ibis of individual qualities de Aid. Kelly talked about Ihe ice f northern country. Mr. Btork makes no secret of the fact that veloped to the highest decree of on the streets. , (in Sixth Avenue' aaaw vaaaaaaaaaaaam $11.00 y something most be done with the Yukon telegraph line in the excellence. It.was obsolntely bad and the sur, ib'iar future. It is gratifying to see that he has brought upAhe face was Just like ice. There! g question at the present time,and staled his intention in regard I.KT us gossip of one another outfit to be some ashes put down. y. to 1 1. lie did not take advantage of his plan for election purposes. virtues; then will ;.he vices take The mayor supgested thai the per pair. Whether his-scheme is a feasible one will have to be decided by care of themselves. residents mitfil assist and tlie -practical men who. are .experts-on telegraph' work. All know, eily enpineer was also instruHed mwboweyer, that to put such a? wireless system into operation would SOME people hold Hip kpy lo to take note. w re.quire much .more. powerful equipment than now exists any Ihe situation and then are to "Tlie southeaster will lis that wharfinger, to conditions llf .-. where 'in Ihe north of. B. C. The public believe that wireless tolls lazy to turn ii. anyway," said Aid. Dybhavn. New Ambulance. mtis't necessarily be higher tliair those of the land line. There "II would lake not a southeaster Aid. Frizzed added his ' to Canadian National Railways . seems no reason why this should necessarily be so. In the case A HE you adding anything JrJ but a veritable tornado to the chorus of niuries and -nil-, of such a system at any rate it is.plainly obvious that the costs of Hip world's happiness? If not, fix some of the. thinps that in Hie cisin and wanted to know iiiiiut; installation and upkeep would not be nearly so high as those of you are a failure. course of the year I have brought Ihe amtiulance. Aid. Kelly ey- land lines. It is a tremendous proposition, however, and one on to your attention and the attention idained that Hie liospiUtl board Prince Rupert which there can lie no simp decision. fiflASP the first opportunity, of the board of works, Mr. was still trying lo get specifleu-tions. Aid. "I refer Mayor," said Perryi it may he your- last. Ghandi's Efforts to the Hays Creek bridge and the "You are Ihe only one who Are Failing. . . NO man ever did a great thins graded part of Tight Avenue JUtst has'nt spoken. Aren't you going The popular character of the reception being accorded the who lost his characlpr in Hip near Seal Cove. The latter plaee lo ay something. Aid. Silver-sides?" Shipyards Prince of Wales on his lour of India is thrown into sharp relief by process. is in absolutely bad condition and asked Ihe mayor. the declaration of the Indian repubiic by the Moslems and the is almost impassable. I should "I will second the motion to G. T. P. Ton Floating .Dock-Engineers, Operating 20,000 Dry more or less impotent riots that have been incited by Mahalma think that when such grading is SOMK men leave their flngrr- this alderman. . . .. .. . adjourn," replied fihrfndL the i 1 1. ..i.i i. n r. .1 . , . , Machinist, Boilermaker, Blacksmith, Pattern iioii-co-operalionist leader. That Ohandi's efforts witli Hip police, und some UtOlt" llirif UUUIU I"" nMlirr iijii'i"! , I , '.' have failed is clearly shown by the splendid receplions.that the pj-inls leave Ihein on ihe hooks for maintaining it. Itoek should l"""'":. ' 'V:, m. '1 makers, rounders, Woodworker, Cto. you ' rill ii i ' r- Prince has been getting everywhere in spile of the threats of lend. lie put down instead of cinders. 111 HI (Wirt meeting, others not. Electric and Acetylene Welding. boycott and passive resistance. He has, unfortunately, succeeded Raising the Devil. .i. in doing some mischief, but his cause has been hopelessly dis- A I.rri l.K learning is a dangerous "AUo I drew to your attention credited. There seems to be n lucking of ioiy deliberate, and tiling, hut the effect isn't som-e time ago, Mr. Mayor, the Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of widely organized attempt in India to overthrow tlie British rule. quite so disastrous as thut of u handrail near the Seel Cce Ten Years Ago MARINE AND little authority. School. Jioth yon and the road 1 In Prince Kupert J . . foreman iiap bepn out (here to : DOUHTLHS8 you Jiavo noticed look at it, but nothing has been 1912. it COMMERCIAL WORK thut when men who know most done. A little thing like that January 4, Small Bank Accounts iihoul itipiiiuff the world's affairs which might mean saving life For Ihe first time hinee Hie PHONES 43 AND 3S5 make Ihe ij-ast success of should be attended lo without me pioneer days of lrinee Hupirl We welcome even the smallest accounts and ex- their 4mu. having to come here night after Khawatlans. Lake has been visited tend the same service to the patron depositing one niuht whining, finding fault and by a targe' skating iurly. Toward dollar a week, as to the firm banking thousands. Advertise in the Dally News. raising the devil about it. You I) o'clock last nitrhf the should have been that the road launch Hover left the Hupert Moreover, that deposit of $1 a week, continued foreman attended to it after you Marine wharf with a big fVe.ght Lumber & Lath regularly, andincluding interest at 3.compounded had iven instructions. We are of skatero, provisioned fur an semi-annually, gives you a balance.of $280.26 in always ready lo repudiate cluinift Arctic trip, utid supplied willi five years. that arise from accident due lo ropes and a light sled. such things as this." Shiplap-Boards and , J lie mayor said dial, lit was From the falls to Ihe camp al UNION BANK OF CANADA COURT OF IlE.lSlO.I. (lie first intimation he had had of the head of Hie lake the party Dimension tlipjtandrail not having been put sped in brilliant uuHinlight. t'ru I'IU.SE lllTLHT ASSESSMENT DISTH1CT. in. lie had given lnslruclionti thai fortunately, Jul a little way Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover "ace rvuperr ornncn . i. DroaencK, Manager NOTICE IS I1FIIK.1IY CIVE.X that t Court it be done. However, Hip city en from hf dontinaHoa one mem. nr lit-HMiiii mid A(ipuil, under Hit !iu-vuiuu of the "Taxation Act" and ttu; gineer could not be blamed. He ber of Ihe band struck n blow "I'ublir Hrtiool. At'C rfaiwrtlnv IIh a.Hfti' had here hole und .went through to (lie Kiln Dried iiiimii roll for the I'r lure Kunrrt A..ninniit hardly been long pnough Flooring, Ceiling, Siding M.li'lct1 for tho j fur Mti, will lit) licld to cover Hip whole city and look waifit. lie picked himself out an lol owa: For ertiiri. nuperl At Provincial into stieh details as these. with no worse disaster than Hie and Finish Phone 15 Peter Black, Sole Agent Main Office, Central Hotel TlinrMlay,Abitriiiuire Hie onue,lutli rrlnro clay tit IIiiht1,January,Ii. c III m'oi Kay Creek Bridge. loss of a collide of axes which he at 10 o'clock In i!i rormiiHiii. In regard to Hays Greek bridge, had been carrying. For Slfwarl At Arthur Mlnlnr If- SPRUCE LATH Prince Rupert Coal Company irilm'. onirc, Kieuirl, H C. on IrliUv, Aid. McNeill said Ii" had looked ih (bin day or January, ivti, at in p'rlork . The v at it and had found nothing dun parly picknicked in I'.le In tlw forenoon or Immediately after the Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices (Effective January 1, 1922) Announces the following arrival or me uraiia riuiut t'acinc iiaa.in-Ker gerous. Khiiwutluns camp kitchen bv reductions on the Duteri aleainer.at f'rlnce liurrt, B. c tiecitii-her "If you can get time to come courtesy of the camp cool-. A ytlli. IPI. JOHN flYIUIAVjr. out wllli no some lime, said AM. final hour wax speni on (lie PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Famous Ladystnith Wellington Jiirtrr of the Court of lievlnlon and Appeal. I'erry, "I will show you where the perfect ice at the rear end of LAND ACT. surfacing is almost worn through the lake. The parly included Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 in several places." among others, Mrs. Jlohersoti, IN BULK, CARLOADS f.o.b. our Dock $12.25 ton Notlc of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land. City Knglneer AVhiUaker said Miss Dru'mmond, Miss F.llclt, IN BULK, LESS THAN CARLOADS- F.o.b our Dock. $12.75 ton In Skona Land Iiuirirt, HvRordlnt nia-.rift Aid. Perry was right, flepairs Miss Du Vernet and Messrs. IN 8ACK8, DOUBLE SCREENED- -F.o.b. our Dock. .$13.76 ton i.f I miff Hiiiii, li. C, and itual In Kl:uU Inlet, ai'i-oiid blunt from rnlrami- Oil were necessary nl Hoys Greek looker, flandile, Warlnrt, Mac. This reduction on the splendid Ladysmith-Welllngton Coal Take notire that F.rtnar Harold Crawford. bridge. Ho intended In Issue In. Master and I'urdy. Captain Nor UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. will be cordially welcomed by the public. We have now on ornipatl'in loartrnr, lnumda lo apply for tdrucllons In regard to lilghtli man IJrndhurid was in ehorgc Salllnia from Prluc liunartt . our dock over 700 tons of this ooal. rruiitalnn to Iim th followinf dnrilid for Vaneounar, Victoria, ralnnf at Swanaon Hay, ocean rails, Turiday. I pja. East. Hover. lanut: usnnirnnnr at a poat pi.nwa in Avenue of Hie ror ran aimpaop, naaa mr, jinyoa ana miea arm, sniiday, uiidoiirni IMPORTANT lUeasa note that prices quoted are f.o.b. our tli arroiid blirtit fmnn ihr rn ancst of Finally the council got back to Calling at Ocaanlo and Naaa Harbor to (111100 OCI. ft, Aov, , 10, D. ntt aid of kbiitz Inlet, tbrnre SO chain i. 11. Jan. 1. dock Our patron can arrange their own deliveries, or if amitb, thHKC (0 chain mat, tbrnra 110 tho government wharf and it wan Some men who 'haven't motor Calling at Somardlla, Kumaon, Mill Bay on lalllotl Oct, II, 10, MoT, II, preferred we will arrange, the deliveries for Ihein, cbaina north, tbrnre in rbain and T, Her. It, It. 'niaiinio ti Ti mnrf or decided to have Ihe mayor draw cars always have their muffler MI (aeons An.nua MM SARNSLCV, AgaM rrlna Ruoart, . a KnriAii iiaroli) ijuwnirn, Appnraiu. attention of Harry Dalrd Oercinlir; ii, :r?i jthe Dhtrtjotl, open.