PAGE FOUR THE 1YAILY. NEWS. ynlnpdny. Janitiry I. 19 , If this you painful suffer malady,from BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus appiy am-uuk. it 1 I 7 IT I I UNDERSTAND O 1 I I Ml 11 is purely Herbal, BT OLL.T-m oh; how 00 "you do COUNT ., OH! THAT'S quicKiy cases the MAGGIE FINDti OOT WUnt -iM CLAD f IM tXJKKY rRtr.QTODA.y.j , ALL RWHT J dull, gnawing THAT I BROKE THAT VOO CAUL ED I I MR JI5S iTZPttiV HE ACCI DffMTALLM fill IZZ. . ...LH pain.stopsblecd- m- vaie: ruusE-iN ing, ends .the HOSPITAL FER ' irritation, and in a short time com pletely and per m an- cntl y Mm. C. cures. Hanaon. Zam.Uuk Poplar, houldbe V B.C.,tan: In every "1 tuflctrd Home. tot years with bleedinr pilea, The pain wat then so bad t could hardly walk. I tried rrniwjy after remedy, and finally underwent an oper ation, dui only got temporary relief. At lait I tried Zam-BuV. Periererance with tbil completely cured me and CITY COUNCIL there has been no return of j Sport Chat j the trouble." Classified Ads. ' Daily News He km.all erariteta aaJ atona. STORM CENTRE The second half of the Prince It 11 perl llaskelball Association's 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vnrtUnment Taken for Laia thnn BOo season's schedule will commence dnoanY niMKM vS Now Is Time Must .the They Defend next Tuesday night. The time WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Their Work and Answer tallies has already been drawn to Criticism. tip and will be released .at the LIVE Salesman wanted in'Skeena YOl'Nfl lady desire position as MAIL SCHEDULE end of the week. It will be district for high class lino of bookkeeper and stenographer. The present mayor and aider-' very similar to,the .schedule for calendars and Xmas cards, Some experience. Phone (Ireen BVfllfllfllli THAT men have now reached the stage, the first half anil each club will (lood commissions can be 2ii5. 3 For the EasL . . ra run Mums sotts iurks ititnt I of tlm municipal game where Ihey play I In same number of games. earned by right man. Apply Mondiiys, Wednesdays sua SaL NEW SUIT aon vmuiurun DM0S4 sacks&cunu cnuru rab huh lit. must rise up in defense, nf their While I ho games between the Hox 208 Daily News. Officii. If. FOR SALS urdaya at 10:16 a. in. work if they seek to be. re-eloeled. Sons of Canada and the Elks in FOn SALE Tug or fishboat. from tha Cast, Come to us and have yoi;,' OLDISH man wanted on a farm mensiire tnken tfjdrty. l ine t They being criticized arid ihi Senior League will 'probably nre now IGxia.GxL 32 N. A S. enpine, duudays. Tuesdays and Tbura- may expect to gel inure criticism, ludd the centre, of I In sjage there In feed a few head of eallle 2.0Hl.ou. days nt 7:15 p.m. quality for choice and f but I hat does not niPiin lltal they will lie good deal of interest in For particulars write lo A Tug 37x1 Ox t- .12 I LP N. A S. Riiaratiteed. liave not. given pond .svrvicc. They the Intermediate, Ladies' and Norlierg, North Hulkley, II.C. t engine. 2,000.00. For Vancouver and South. PlitCE REASONABLE may- have, and again, they may .Junior League as well. WAN TED Woman or girl for Cruiser 12x11 25 II.P.. e - (Tuesdays 7 p. in Certainly w- will giv-t not have. They are. being opposed housework. Apply Mrs. Eby. gine. $1,250.00. .Thursdays H p. in snlisfacdtiu In all work y- for re-election and the aspirants If larpish crowds have been dow-nslairs, 435 Fourth Avenue Thirty foot general purpose boat, Saturdays 10:15 a.rn fnrmeit by -is. CARLTON must show they are better than drawn once or twice lo see wo East. 2 5 II.P. Vale, dynamo, storage! . January 7 und 21 Steam Machine for -b the present ollleers. The tack men's football games, says the electric light. IHOO.00. From Vancouver and South. and pressing. Oi usually taken in doing so is that Manchester Guardian, it is not so lug ft. 50 II. P. Fairbanks Sundays 1 8 n. tn. serv ice. Restaurant of assailing their policies and much a symplon of interest in SCOTS LEAD VETS seiiii-diesel enpiue. Power Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. the tailor work. II goes willi the business football as it lias, been an -appetite BILLIARD TOURNEY windlass, Auxiliaries. January 2, In nod ."in. LING, of running a campaign. The for the sensational in M. M. STEPHENS 821 Second Avenue and Tea Room voters will decide nexfc Thursday athletic spectacles. The Ttrilisli For Anyoi and Alice Arm. Phone C49 whom Ihey want whether the Football Association has pointed Four Games Played Last Night MA It INK Engines for Sale I. Sundays to Third Avenue present civic government suits out in forbidding women's games and Score to Date Is 75S 20-11.P. Corliss; t KJ.20 II. P. ednesdays ........... 0 p.m. (New Martin Block) them or whether they think a new-one on its grounds, that football is to 656. N. A. S. reverse propel lor; I From Anvox and Allc Ami.p.m. would be better. an unsuitable game for women. 10-12 H. P. Ituffalo; I (1 II. P. Tuesdays Afternoon Teas a.m. All the present aldermen, with Perhaps this point would have Four of Ihe game in Ihe Automatic; I, 2 II. P. Steven Short Orders a Specialty the. exception of AM. Frizzed, are been settled with more authority Trail Club ' billiard tournament stationery. Rupert Marine 'hursdnys p.m. LUNCH .COUNTER IN QUALITY CONNECTION. understood to be running again. by women themselves if they had between the SI. Andrew's Society Ironworks, Ltd. For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill Aid. Frizzell is being coaxed, and consulted will! their medical advisers. and the Orcal War Veterans BOATS FOR HIRE Cay, Wales Island and Naas River. Home-made' Bread, Cakes, it is quite possible he may reconsider Willi cricket, lacrosse were played last nighl and a Sundays 10 Pastries, Jelly Rolls, Etc. his refusal to run. New-candidates and hockey lo go on willi the a result the former team is COMING DOWN Launch "Nar- From Pt, Simpson, Arrandale,p.m.mill j Is Cooked Meats Ham, Tongue in the field Include virile young woman might well ahead by a senr of 758 to C50 belhong" I am not asking you Cay, Wales Island and Naas River. Economy Beef, Mutton, Etc. Then. Collart. Hod MeLeod, Douglas leave football alone. Few people having wrm.ilhre of the' four for a job, I am offering you Tuesdays Sutherland and fieorge Ftud-derham. will quarrel with the football as games. 1 iifgainc or Dr. Vesi a service at reduced prices. ..,p.m. Thn chief trial of housr-keeping Mellon Mowbray Pork Pies Oueen Charlotte Islands. The two former have sociation's decision forbidding; vs.. It; Davie and W. Goodrich vs. Phone Dlack 100. For today Is the keeping made to order. never before tried for municipal them ti play-. A. Kinghorn were, not played. down of cxpenscH. and the Leave your orders for Homemade honors, while the two latter have The followjng were the results AUCTION SALE. From January 2, 10 and 30. surest way to sucferd Is to English Christmas had Ihrir names at the polls before, of Ihe games.lpayed: AUCTION Sale al 2:30 deal with Orocer of Quality, p. 111. January 5 and 10. Puddings, Cakes, Mince Mr. Sutherland having CITY WORK IS V. V. LaCasse ((J. W. V. A.) Thursday, January 5, in our For BXaaway and tha Yukon. uhn carry nothing bill Ihe Meat, Etc. served before on the council 101; 11. llolier?on (SI. Andrew's) Salesroom, 823 Third Avenue, January 2. Id and :(). BEST OF EVERYTHING.. BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK board. CENTRALIZED 200. of liand sewing machine, clock, From &HttQiay ano vunon. D. H. Morrison. S. I.. Warrior. 158; It. An dressers, bedsteads, dining . January 7 and 21 The Best Is Always the The Home of Home Cooking I). II. Morrison is drew's, 200. being prominently room table, etc. (ieorpe Leek. llewan, maple Bay ana Iwamp CheapesL MRS. R. H. SMEETON mentioned for the police, J. May, 200; J. A. Allen, 158. . Auctioneer. 3 PolnL Phone 343 commission. He should be a F. J. Whlttaker, New Engineer, W. F. lloberge, l.7; S. D. FOR candidate. Placed In Charge of All Busl Macdnnald, 200. FOR RENT likely'Still flie school board vacancies ness of Board of Works. In the flrst g-amc of Ihe Wan FOIl RENT Light housekeeping Front January-January I, 12, 18 and -C Munro Bros. are going bepging. Nobody is derers vs. Trail tournament, rooms, suitable for lhrie 0, 1 1, 20 and 28. F. J. Whittaker, the new city scheduled for tonighl, Fred being mentioned for lliem and nobody bachelors. Third "The Quality Grocers 817 5 Avenue. like seerris to want them. Mrs. engineer, is to take charge of all Slepheps Wanderers) was de XOTICE. Phone 88 Third Avenue -just W. J. Kirkpalrick said this morning outside city work with the excep feated by,.lack Judge (Trail) by FOIl RENT Three roomed fur In t'owfi Cliirlolt l.liful. .ami Mtlrlri, she. had not made up her mind tion of the lelejdinne. light and a score of 200 to 1J2. nished suite. Apply National Hii-onlliir.ItiMI oil IHMrirt' Km- Wal or strmta.('.nasi or n Vi.rr-ln... aiut whether she would run for either fire departments according lo a Oi'iiccry. Fulton Street. 2 l.laml. II. C. new!! recoinmendalion of Ihe board of ItHr nulla lltal lioiiin V. krr. if the council or the school board. NEW COAL BUNKERS I'rinrr Ilurori. u. 1- in-ruuitiuii aiiirrnuu. City Clerk Woods is now ready works which was last night FOR RENT Furnished bedroom inirnda In tpp'f far iwnulumn in ,n,i. n to receive nominations, which adopted by the cily council. ARE BEING BUILT in private house. Steam heat. Ix-ln.W-iiiii:lis rflkiliif rmunrh-li tleamiMtl laiuli al a tor it roll lnll ami In answer to a question by Aid. Close in. Phone Dlack 280. 3 atXHil nno Iwlf mile mlh and tti and 1 How oflen have, we heard close, at 2 o'clock on Monday pair miiIm can rrwi tlx. twtiTiiiHi r Greetings! The earlier they Perry, Aid. Kerr, chairman o( the amall hay on lh MoOaby loland Mrfe f sucli an exclamation from afternoon. are that Prince Rupert Coal Company In I'O RENT from January I, modern Cairn rain, Ihmrr so chain, ixirih, ilwnr, board of works, explained tiled the better, he says. Hart A rhaln "al. Mimh-s an chain, aninii our customers when apartment. Apartments. they Mr. Whitlaker's jurisdiction stalling Store Room for tlxiw SO rhalna wil In point r mm see the result of the Dry COO Tons. F. W. Hart. tf lnrf menl. and miiiainina Alii acn.. HHina would be over streets, sewers, or Im. cleaning and Pressing wo JACK PICKFORD AT MM'ietr. v. RM111, APftnrani. health and waterworks, give their garments. cemetery, Coal bunkers for 'the storing of BOARD. O.lwt Ortolor .i.Hit,VV. Inwli, sawnl. To our Friends and in short, all the business of the You'll say it too, when WESTHOLME TONIGHT hoard of works. lberla coal aro being erected by THE new dining rnoiq at the. .NOTICE. Patrons you seo the work you ask Mayor Rochester said he Hie Prince Itupcrt Coal Company Inlander Is now open. Hoard in Oumh Cbarlnttit l.landa Ijanal nuirirl us to do for you. on the waterfront opposite Ihe by the week or month. Phono iKYunjiut Diauirt uf s.rciia, it. :., um thought it was a step in the right When Shall We Call? Popular Film Actor Has Ambition direction, lie had always desired Orand Trunk shed No. I and along 137. If lalaiiil.lltniif U.on C.the VVtnl d-aal nf Morc.liy A Merry Xmas to gecome Aviator. side the track, the trackage being Talc nllv Oial J.Win r,tirlailanima, .,f this work to have hronplit under I'rlnn- Huiwri. 11. ;., nalM-mian. leased from the Canadian National AUTOMOBILE3 iMrnptilun Canadian one bead. Inirmt to apply for iKTmlMlmi 10 iri 'i and a Jack Pickford, star of "Just Railways by the company. The l(M rnllimlni dMrrllml lands rnr rual ainl Steam Out of College," loops to be work of building Hie bunkers has RUPERT Motor Co., dealers abaiit lirtrnlaum:rat f.nir ComiTMSvliir miSr mirth at a and txp't ihrN'lanld aim "Reo" Cars and Trucks. Automobile New Year Laundry ww half fulls el fn.iu lh lwrrlinr Happy come a famous aviator. l-'or ANNUAL MEETING been undertaken by fieorge Mac-donald, 1111 llw repairs. Tires, accessories a Iht nn Mnrrnby l.laml kIk ,,r Phone S this reason he bought himself an who has a dozen men Cam I'aaa, ihctirp nnrih u rlainv thenr,. OF PRESBYTERIAN and Ford parts always Mai S'l chMna, tli-nre iuth an rluin. Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert aeroplane: and spent much nf employed. in stock. Commercial bodies Itx-nci- weal SO rhalCM Ui sdni of cmi his time -taking lessons from his The bunkers, when completed. tm-ixMnrnl, cualalulsa tin arn. inorr ..1 LAIDIES' AID HELD built for all purposes. Let friend I.ocklear. will be capable of storing C00 Ions iOllW.imTIESON. Appllcanl. SILVERSIDES us give u price on . you your I- W. OiniM-u. lie ffen uses it as means of of coal and will be entirely undor Dalwl Oct.r . 1 09 1 ir(, car body. Taylor ,& Mooro-house, transportation to the fioldwyn Financial Report Shows Great cover, thus affording protection Corner Third and Ninth IX MIODATE. Studio in Culver City, coming Success During 1921 Mrs. from the weather and ensuring BROS. letropole Hal down in the big back lot amongst W, D. Vance New President. thai the coal will always bo in a Avenue. tf IX THE SITM-ME cMLUunu.CinnT OF HIIITISII Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 the numerous exterior settings. dry state. TliA sacking of Ihe coal HAIRDRESSINO. In lh niallcr of tiik inMivnTintini, for rent to lodges or similar ".lust. Out of College," which will also be gfeally facilitated, as Under Now Management ACT and in Iho nnucr of iuc K.talt of organizations, ciimes to I he Weslholino Theatre The annual meelinp of the litis work will also be carried out REX HARDER SHOP AND H.VTIIH 'J,.iv,k?j5jvi TAkf: NOTICI: that In waai"rt.nrrt.r(,,,.,.r III. h,,af tonight, is Pickfnrd's fourth Ladies' Aid of 'the Presbyterian under cover. In the casn of Al 228 Sixth Street .r, Ui-H.... Vr.,t,.......... ....wn v.ri,. II.J III.... OFFICE SPACE iioldwyn picture, following "Th Church was held yesterday after, licrla coal it is essential that it be O. M. KILDAY Phono Blue 78 lMrenilKr,nnntairaior A.n,in ina ISII.t.t wi.of aepolnlnl n i. Jcn.i-n.Ad- From the Farm 38 by 24, heated, suitable for Little Shepherd of Kingdom noon. The annual report of the kept dry, and'witli Hie innovation arainal'Iwiwl lh and at Id all ralata brrrby havlnr rrnuln-dl clalm' professional man, for rent. Come. Ihe Double Dyed le, secretary treasurer was. read and of bunkers il..Will greatly enhance MISCELLANEOUS. tu furnlah miiiv, in,x-rl vrrlllrd, lo inn, to the Table i-iver" and "The Man Who Had showed that the year had been its quality on delivery. SLADE STEVENS, graduate piano on,n.or. iM-rnrr.11 iiw n..ii..flth 1 day.1.or.. January.... .I.-...-.'A.n. Agents for Everything." highly successful from a finan The coal dock for the handling tuner. Al Denny Allen Coiq-pany's IP indi-Mxlri rxnilrnl to In m pay fnriliwlth.llw. ainniint cir llieir BULKLEY VALLEY Norwegian American Line cial standpoint, Ihe. sinn of $1381 of Vancouver Island coal is situ-ated store, Third Avenue. ion.X II. Vi-Mn.I IV. Swedish American Line having been raised. between Orand Trunk shed Phone Illne I.10. If n.TFO thl tlih nmclal day nf AclnilnUtrMnp r'.ci-mli.r, till Scandinavian American Officer were elected for 1 022 No. 1 and I lie immigration shed, BEEF Line. as follows.: where.(he coal brought in by boul MIKCRAU ACT. l.v Tiir rnr.TY IN MinnATK.'rni'iiT or rnixcE PORK Oliver Typewriter President, Mrs. W. D. VflncrV i unloaded. CartlScata of Improramania. In IH'I'EIIT.the matter HOI.nFX nf Ihe AT I'lUXCF AliMINISTIUTlOX ni'I'FRT MUTTON Cary Safe First Vice President. Mrs. S MaylH-llc Jin. i.NOTICK.Mineral Claim, tltuatn In ACT and In Itw matter nf the FHtr nf VEAL TASAIII'IIO L. Warrior. tlifl hkcana kllnlnir fllvlalnn. nf lilnr iiii. KAWASAKI. iIiiisim-O. In FRESH KILLED POULTRY Theatre-goern throuulioul Dm ' le.iaifl. T srl M.'tkl; liM-alrd (in I'rlnini lloyal TAkF. ,OTICK that In order nf III Honor Skeena River Farm Produce FIRE INSURANCE Second Vice. Presldeptj Mrs. nation ore enjnyfn a Christinas, iniana, "i nine anu a nan iroiu surr Hin t r. Mcll. Ynunev nudi. tha m d,iv nf M. Spencer. lide chuckle in ''Tqpir of ihe ro'lnOlcc,Take notice- thai 1,'Mra. riorencp Howard. Ieremhr. a.Ii. Itl. I wta appointed VANDERHOOF CREAMERY admliil.tratnr in I lie Fatal of Tanahuru Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. J. A Day" Films worded as follows: rm Mlner'a Ctrrtinrati Tio. 4USIC, Iniei. t'awa.akl. derea.i-il, .and ill inrll". liavint BUTTER Dybhavn & Hanson Tcng. Mf'.lher, "Who ever taught 10 liir llif uaa Mlnlnr iruiu lierorder iiii cam for iutisii,1 Ccrntlraie 10 ap.iy tn rlaima reiiulrrd araln.l,to fumHi the Mtiie.laid ratal prnnerlrevertiimi are henhv NORTHERN INTERIOR Execufivu Committee, Mra.j D, yoif those dreadful word.i?" ln,ironjni-il. fur I tie pirnon nf obtalnltn to ins. mi or befoes the'vtlt day of ianuary, a Crown Oram ot Urn almva rlilriL Third Avenue A ll. it, and All parllea Indebted 'M the Men, Hunter, Mrs. r,t v,, Starr, Tommy "Sanla Clans, when And further tak noiiie tint anion. etute are remilred to pav ihe amount of COOPERATIVE Prince Rupert, B. C. ijiidiT Sortlon 17, uiu.l tt rotmiipiirrd be. their Indebledneef in forthwith. Mrs- Hnbinsnn and Mrs. W. J he fell over a chair In my room fore the laauanr of auiU Certldraie of iON H.rpe MrMI'LI IX. Phone 81 Kirkpalrick. on Christina Eve." Improvement,baled ttils I Tilt day or November, mi. Dated thin nth day omcul of neceiiihr.Adminlatramr.9tl a