PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS WfdncMlayf January I, 1321. J-Ul 1 1 1-1 J Ll..J.l-L I HJJ HJr 1LJI HJIUU L-J !'J KETCHIKAN STUDENT PRINCE GEORGE ,G. H. ARNOLD, ' Notary Public EXCELS AT HARVARD llenlUing the serious situation WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSURANCE Is n hobby of ours. Vc Inkc keen pleasure which the city faces during the In making sure thnl nil policies are so written llial they cover Henry W. Clark Qts Highest corning year und (bat the si rung. Tonight nnd Tomorrow jour properly exactly as you Intend. If you entrust your Arc Award In Qlft of Qrat University. est possible man obtainable insurance to cnrclcss, Inexperienced or ignorant agents you should occupy the position of may find, when you come to collect your llro loss, that your chief magistrate of Prince policies are mj worded Dial tho insurance company is not KETCHIKAN. Jan. Heinv (Icorge, a delegation of about liable and,sQ will not pay the loss. Why tako chances? W. Clark, brolher of Mrs. Ulen' fifty ratepayers walled upon II. JACK C. ai' H Of I II 14 r Ir. Iina rn ..a-.- i fair (I. Perry recently and asked him H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. ijontly beeii uwardcil the highe.! lo reconsider his decision nol Insurance. Rentals Real Estate honors to he boslnwed niton nnv to run for mayor. Mr.-Perry In fludi-nl of llarYWrd University. formed the Uelegatlon llial he He alxo hat taken a' oroininenl h'ad no desire Tor Hie position, PICKFORD LAND REGISTRY ACT. part In uthletics ns.'a member of as he wanted to look afler his r.;i. lir,.licalion Ai. UJOt. lim finilluill I pain ati in other personal nfralrs. However, Ihe YAKIi MiTlcl-: that application li been sporls. I f jLVi r I If delegation was insistent upon ' Special Lunch matin In rc-slaler llulirrl o. Crew, or I'rmre Mr. Clark U about V.' years of hlnl running. Mr. I'erry then in lui rl. II. r.., iiiuliT elirlil Tat Sain liprd trow tho i.olleriiu- or Um uiy or ITIme a;re and -khs born and rained at asked I hem to interview Ihe other lui-il, liearlnir lat- llie VKlh day or .VivwiitH'r, 1017. f all ami sliirular Ilia I Kelchlliun. He Id inarneil and candidates, and Ihe delegation 'rrtalu pum-l or tract of laud and premiers while atteniling the . Sehool is left in a bod)' lo see J. II. John. annate lying, anil Ix-lnir Hi the city t "Just Qui I'l-inn- lliiH-rl, more imrllculirly known iipioiilng himself ami wife ami LEAGUE SOCCER son one of the announced can anil ifrrllH'l . lin I ty-iim (31) ami lill.l. 40c f lill-tv.lw.i i:ii ItltH-k thlrlv.olirlil Ml) didates. The delegation feel thai alxl Lots tuility-lwn ifii to lwrnly-Mcii The Associated Press dispatch they will induce Mr. Perry to isi , nun inclusive, woes roriy-two III.', TUESDAY GAMES. all in Scrtliiii elglil (Si. Map 9t3. Irllin? of his achievements is accept nomination. You air renlirl I" niit't Ihi" rtalni of Intei) from Hiistun, Mmh, and THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1022 tin'lali"lux or service nltliln or tlil:iii notice iliya from(wlilrh III" reads as follows: Scottish Football First Division ,1. 0. MeArlhur, of Winnipeg, of College' may rir anil rli'il jour by pursunal attention wvlre'or calno a.i "Harvard t'niverslly today Aberdeen, Ij Itailli Itnvers. 2. one of Canada's most' famous Soup Section ar. or llir Land lierin-v Art vlth awdrdod to Henry W. Clark tif Albion Hovers, t; .Morton, railroaders, recently visited Jlie aiiifiiilnioiiM, ami to the following etra l Rice Tomato Soup ttie.i-cfrotn: Kelchikan, Alaska, her lilshest Clyde, 1; Celtic, t. cily for a couple of days, jn Pickled Beets 11 and irniltMi in ili-ranll iH'iiir or Dletl a caveat lierore or crrtillrntr Ihn regl-ora-trim or scholarship. v Clark holds a Clydebank, 2; Motherwell, 0. eouiiectlon wilh Ids operations at Choice of a owner or tli! ("'rum cntlltcit under lion uniiiue in the history of Dundee, 0; Hibernians, 0. Mud Itiver. Mr. McAilhur has siiili tax sale, all pitmiis nerved with Vanity Comedy Tenderloin of Sole iiutliv. . . and those dinning throurli I he Institution in that he is ?ct I'alkirk. I; Ayr United, I. intimated that he has decided, Eaked Pork Spare Ribs under InlcT-l them,In lhi and l.ind all lv persona virtue cLiluilng or anv linr higher honors in his studies Hamilton A., I; Dumbarton. I not only to locate his. mill al or Boiled cr leashed Potatoes -Boiled uiireirts-Ured Instrument, and all imth.ih than any other man,, who also Hearts, a; St. Mirren, 2. near Prince tleorge but also to Paramount Magazine Cabbage -latinHir any IntcreM In the land by descent Kilmarnock, 2; Airdale, I. increase Ihe capacity of the ihwb line is lini rrgisiercn miner the t'xcelled in athletics auM look a provision or this Art. shall lie roe ever Ilansers, 2; I'artick Thislles, 2 small mill ho had Sago Custard Pudding prominent pari in them." originally coo. ' ft'.piKil and debarred rmni acton tin anv AilmiKsfon, 15c nd 35c f.Kiiark rtatm to or In respei l or the land so eolil Third 0; Uucem park 1. lemplated, of al least 00,. i ior the penum lairs, aim cull I inn led nrinirar nnder such nau tax reinsier sale an PULPWOOD RESOURCES 000 feci ii day. The constrtTc-liou 'Friday and Saturday - "White and Unmarried" its .iwtirr or the l,i:i.- no sold Tor taxes.' STEWART of .this mill will comuieuee Cafe Good And whereaa aiiKllrallon ban Ixi n made rr a Certificate or InrtcOmllile Title to DOMINION OF CANADA early in the spring and it will the above.nieiilloned land. In the name or drive logs right he possible to Hubert i. Crew, and wlierea nn Invefll-imihiir 'the Iriimlinc of the Premier the title It appears that prior to llie from the bush to the ipill silo. I Sill day or "rblier, 191(1 (the date on OTTAWA Jan. The, total iiiiin has been put into operation xvlilrii the oald lamia were aold ror overdue lavs . yon .,ver the assessed onner inilpwoud ri' of Canada, and the whole system tuned up. GREAT DISCOVERY. Wo live to opt and the place i-urtlier HieTor. lake or otherwise notice lint as at the staled same below;time according to a recent estimate I'll road to the .mine has been I shall effect registration In or properly broken, und the whole of pursuance made by "the Canadian Commis to eat Is the Wjf, What do think of such application and Issue a Crrllllratc or J on fiidi-rcaslMe Till to llie said lands In the sion of Conservation, amount In the company s team and tractor doughnuts, Herbert? 'DEMERS' Q lanie or Hubert I). Crew unless vou take transportation system i again my !H 1,000,000 cords of coniferous and exerute the proper proceedings to lluiliatid Wonderful, darling. BOSTON establish your claim, ir any, to the said pulpwood species, addi-d In which working, (.onsiderable heavy ma ScientiU have tried for iiiius. or mi prevent such pmiioseu anion years ii my part there are also levee quantities of hinery for the power plant has lo produce artificial rubber, and Great Hated at the Ijind Iterlslrv Ontre. Prince recently been taken to the Slaughter and in all Hie - up poplar jaekpine luoert. II. C, tills Ctli day or October. here you have done it at the v.ii; ivzi. provinces, which are to an extent mine. fii-M Portland (Mc II. F. MarLKOD, attempt. Hes-lstiar f Titles. used in the manufacture of cer Express. to make room fur new stock .GRILL To VM. I. ItK.VNM'CII, l-rlnre B. i irlrltei-ed owner: AIITIIL'll ltiiert, C. tain papers. The supply of spruce Active mining operations have MITCIIKI.I.. I'rlnee Ituperl. II, :.. re-ls-len'd and liaTsan in Ontario, Uuebre, ommrnrcd on the Silverado OHI DOCTOR. Third Avenue MAYS, and Ksy..BWeswil care II. owned;o. Crew,l'IIACIS Prince New Ilrunswick and Nova Scolia properties. Wilh only one shift May - Whal is a cruller EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! Itnoert. H. i:.. mortraaee. is nf working- umergronnd at present, placed at 501,000,000 cords, Hay It's a doughnut with the You want good food which 300,O00,O0ir cprds, roushly ore Is being broken otT the Hal ramps, "topics of Hie Day , WE HAVE spi'akin?, is actual. uvailable. lead,, sorted and sacked, and Hit IT y ilms. : in HATS COVT5, SUITS, DRESSES, The anmtint. cnusud In these management hope to make reju-, OPEN DAY AND WIGHT Arriving four province or .exported by lar shipments of. .sacked high-crade and al! La-JicV wearing hpparcl ore in the near future. SYNOPSIS OF lliem (ulals between 5,000,000 . - Phone 457 Wednesday Boat. and 0,000,000 cords annually. Everything in tho store red jeud. ALICE & UND ACT AMENDMENTS Call and see our prices. WIRELESS REPORT Under New Management. The first hockey gii'me of the ore I .Ave. "DEMERS" Phone 27 vliiilmiim nrl.i. of flr. -a" 50 BOXES S a.m. season was played ii Alice Arm r-dur.d to Ii an acra; twond-elaa to HUM. H.VllH)U.-Jear: . wind on December 20,"when the married fi.W an avr. lTe-emi .l..ii now cuwn' ur Strand imrlhwesi. I Iff hi; b-,ol'ler, 2!.-00;, and single men of -the town tered, land only, t-m.rAt win s. .ra.i.4 cotaiini inly . ployed an etciling giniJ Interest tempe'ralure. liifbl swell; iijiH .ituiUa foe aaHeultnral Durooe APPLES 7 p.m. spoke r'f'ipce- Ituperl ing game. . i tie married men ard wlilch la non-tlmb.r land mhollnswl. Cafe n Ocean Tails. iiorlib(iund; scored their first ?oal afler 12 but rartnemnlp paril.a of nol tirt..mi'tl"n mr than four my minute of play, and the single arrange for' . adjatn pr-rintloiiF 10:JO p. m. spoke S.S. Canadian llh joint r.atdanca. bol each makOu GOAL! COAL! COAL! lli'.'libiuler 1 40 lilies from Victoria men equalized five minutus later. recary Improveiatata 00 rPH NOW OPEN outbound; J:I5 a.m. spoke In the second period the married clalma.Pte-emiitura mum occupy iriairoa ic Jumble Pack S.S. Admiral Wal.-on, cnlcrint: men -scored two goals. Ilos. in five year, and mak liriproTtmenU to All White Help value or 110 per ert. innuain vir.r. Jtieen Charlotte Sound south-hound. goal for the singlp men pl-jyed ir. and cultivation of at l.aat a 're splendid In Hie third before rwelvli f Crown Urant a game. box. Wliert iri"ip'r m ..;iie.o" Edson Coal per DliD THEE POINT - Cloudy. period llie married men scored le than Kear. aed haa mad nr..h.. Company h. oortlonet Improvements, may. wind, southeast lilil.; hsromeler Ihree more goals and Hie game cue r.f lil-hetlh. or oilier eau. o M. 1 LEE 9.80: piiieralure 32; sea ended with a score of 6 to in el(ir..mral a ited I'-lermedlaie and tranvfer eertlflrate hi. claim.of in Phone 58 $2.00 SllllHlUl. favor of Hie married men, who Hrcnrd' without permanent re, We are in it,on (ogit IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, by'the oruvMed auuli lenre tnn I' l uel, DKillY ISLAND - Overcasl. were I he heaier team and pos cjnt make. Improvemanta to etirnt of ton or carload, of ojir famous EDSON COAL, which is known Ladies' & Gentlemen's sessed the more experienced 310 nr unnuio ana rora. wm. hj-i. 'vind, southeast freh; baromeler - year, rallur to man tinnrovMnroia tfr be the best, mine of anv coal on the market. TAILOR .'; tcmperatiirr, 38; sea mod- players or record nain. via operate aa lo,In BEST COAL AT LOWE8T PRICES fellure. Title canrot b. obtained erale. 1 II,an I jeara, and improi-nt. ORDER NOW PHO.fS OS Fit Guaranteed Noon Orcal excitement- prevailed al of I4.S0 per acre. Ineludlns i!ri Rupert Table Supply Co. HULL IIAniSOIl- Clear, wind the Anyot wharf recently. Smoke of cleared a I leat and i I cultivated,tare are required.and raildmca Office - Prince Rupert Feed Co. rre-emptor noidlns crown i.rant Third Avenue, opposite P. O. northwest lirlit, barometer 2tl.- was seen issuing, from the wharf mi) rec.ird at.othr pre-emption. If Ii. Corner Second Avenue and Seventh Street Phones 211-212 '.12: temperature ti; sea rnod-rale. warehouse and it w-as feared that ieiuire land In conjunction with -tilt Phone Red 138 farm without actual occupation. P'o. the stock in the liquor store vided atatutorjr Impruvaiaent mada DEAD Til EE. POINT -Cloudy, would have to- be moved. The and reldeiii-e land. maintained on Crown wind southeast li?h(; barometer, fire, however, soon subdued by granted ureuMeyeo areaa, n eiconn - acrea, ttiay I.. .eaaei aa norn.tu.a, -"J.H0, temperature 35, - 'sea many helpers.. title to be obtained afler fulfilling resi smooth, dential and Improvement rondltlona. - DKillY ISLAND -i- 0rret, The skating on the bay al areaa Por gracing eireedlng ana ei inaa'iini acre may ixirpi.i 11. ANNUAL STOCK Alice Arm has been brought lo a ijid ne on. peraon or company. wind norlheast mImii'; lianimcl- H.S. WALLACE LIMITED Mill, taitory or inuuMnii aiiea on Jabour's SALE CO., er rough.'."J.5C, temperature id; sea close snow. due It was to possible,the recent before fall the ot may loyment tmbet be land or purchaeed:aturrrpag.f.ot eiceedlrg oondllloiia 44 Includ.acrea REDUCING snow, to skate to the other side .Natural hay niea-lowa tnaece. mie by eji.llni roada mar t omchaacd MANY LAID OFF. of the bay a distance ot over n conditional upon conatructlon of road STARTS TODAY .0 them. I'.ebat. of in.-nir 01 coat 01 Specials, This Week HALIFAX, Jan. i. More than mile. road, nol eireedlng half of purchaaa . AND CONTINUES TILL SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1922 la mada. imp hundred employees were rice, To our cnsloiiiei-- uml etii.ens i.r llopeit tins eilraortliuury dropped from the payroll of the The Lion mining properly situated "f.E.The EMPTORS'cona of thla FS6E Act GRANTS la enlarged ACT.u sale is aiiiioiiiieed. This sale is uudniibledly mi "auli-mail Halifax shipyards at the boni" opposite the town of Alice include all peraona Joining and aerv-itif order limine ' sulo and will si.intitule the. idea of hii)iug LADIES' niiiif of the new year. Arm, on the west side, is coming with Ilia Majeaty't Korea. Tha lit home. one wimiii wnicn ine n-irv or a.viie.a alinig' fine. The tunnel being ror f it iltl dreeaaed under pre-amptor tha Art la tnay eitended apply Bscauso this Is the first and last sale ii Its kind to take place f.eo, W. Nickerson relumed driven on the properly Is already from fr on. yenr from the death cf this coming year. No such bargains have been offered before from brief business trip to in sixty feel and the work is such person, u formerly, until on. a and' there will. year ariet th onclualon of th. great never We are offering this opportunity now ILKIHa Seattle on the Prince Hupert to progressing satisfactorily. The war. Thla prirlieg la alao made re-Iroratlva. because our stock Is a little more than we should care to have tunnel is lo be driven 100 feet day. No feea relating to nre-emptlona are and are willing to sacrifice It rather than to carry It through. at which distance ore la expected riua or parabl. by atldlera on nr.. rmptiona recorded afltr Jun it. ISIS Therefore everything must go at greatly reduced price. to be struck, and the raea are reminta tor liv yeara. FEW EXAMPLES OF THE BARGAINS OF OUR YARD FOUK ONLY LEFT TO CLEAR. Are you an average figure? depth..obtained will he 70 feel. frovlalop for return of monera ac GOODS DEPARTMENT ciued, dae and been paid alne Auguat Style andNQuallty In Each. One and All Below Cost. The lead for which the tunnel ,r taset.!M. on on account aoldi.-r of nra-amptlona.payrnenie, faaa III these cnlj days buy Hie While Hahy flannel al, yard 70o is being driven, has a width on Interact on asr.ementa to ourchaa. While,und Striped Viyella Flannel at, per yard $1.50 ONE BOTANY SERGE wilh fur trliiiniiiii,' ami lnuidiiiK. the surface of. 13. feel, and has town or city lota h!i by rntmbera cf allied tyorree. or denende.. aeoulred Sheeting 00 inches w ider Meg. l.2!, lo clear ut, per yard 75o Ilegular 58.5(1 for $32.50 been traced for over 300 feet In direct or Indirect, remitted ficm an. Sheeting HO inches wide. Meg. $1.00, o clear, per yard 60o :SainiIi's taken from this Ilatment to March II, )Z0. ONE 'NAVY GABERDINE, electric seal collar, baud. length, surface ua.PURCHAsens or- crown Unbleached colton, reg, 30e n yard, to clear 5 yris for 1.00 lead. 10 feet below the LANDS While cotton, rey .'ine n yard, lo clear. ... .5 yards for 1.00 Bomely eiiibroiiJercd. Hetftilar 7 4D for.., 41.50 assayed 000 ounce of silver per Provlalon mad. for laauanca of Crown grants to eub-purchaaera of Pillow Tubing, Id In.. 12 in., I I. in., regular "Se and Hdc. ONE NAVY SERGE, j.ob.-um collar and culfs ami ton. Crown Lana: acquiring rlghta from To Clcur al per yard , . . . 60o lavishly '.-mbroiilfred, Hecular H7.50 for 49.50 . pjrchaae.purehaaara Involving who failed forfeiture,to complete on fulfillment ;'0 per cent, discount on all Dress Moods, Coaling uml Serges. of condition, of purchaaa. In. Crepe de Chines ami (eot'K''ltesi any w idth and any Color. 1 0 CLASSIFY teraat and taxea. Where LATE TOO aub.purchaa. ONE NAVY SERGE possum collar und t'lilTs with' braid. ara do not claim who), of original par. To clear, per yard S1.85. 7H.5() At last we have Cudomiii w mm mm t i.l, purchaaa price due and taxea may of the 3hoe intr trJiiimiiigs. Itegular for., 44.50 b. dtetrttuted proportionately over Two Examples Department Bargains lumpy coal for heaters and TO KENT--Three romp complete whole area. Applications rnuat be mada MEN'S RUBBERS $1.60 LADIES' RUBBERS S1.15 ONE ONLY SALTS' PLUSH COAT with possum collar. furnaces. Cadomln carries for housekeeping. Every by May 1, li:o.OBAZINO Every article In tho store It reduced. Our circulars show you lily her heat units than any convenience. Phone lied 259. 3 Craxipg Act. Ill, for ayatamatlo the details. If you have not got one ask or phone for one. Itegular $125 for 75.00 other coal sold here. ' davalopmant of- llve.toclt Induatry pro Store will be opened Wednesday Afternoon, 4 TO . rldaa for gracing dUtrlcta and ransa January KENT THESE AND OTHER BARGAINS ON VIEW IN. OUR WINDOWS Two, rnoin cottage administration under Commlaalon.r. furnished complete. Phono gracing permits laau.d baaed Consumers Goal Co. Ltd. Ited 250. 3 on uumbera oanera.rangaj;Stock-owntra priority for aatab-llahed may JAB0UR BROS., LTD. Corner of Third and Fulton C. G. mtitiS, Manager J, Lorn MacLaren, Manager form Aaaoclatlona for rang in a nag a. KITCHEN beli wanted. Apply Inlander, meat. Free, or partially free, permila Phone 645 Corner Third and Seventh Phone 7 for a.ttl.ra, carapars tr trayalltra, up if ' If. to tea toad,