PAOE TWO T7TE VKtl.V 5KWS Weadar in:. The Daily News ta&UT'BOAT CAP. llllllllllllllll'llimlll'!llll!Mj!V (,,fcIYES nm ii ne mn prince rupert - British Columbia OPINION OF I II I tl I I l III II M tl ! I I . I I I , I 1 . :!,,, . ,1! I'ablitbed Kvery Afternoon, etcept Sunday, the Prince FISHING REGULATION Raper! Daily New. Limited, Third Avenue. II P. PULLBN. Managing Editor. Flan Would b of InfeHoc Quality m If Dalayed In Traaall Saye . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: CapU Angel UHy Delivery, by maFI w carrier. pe mftnlh f l.OO ry..l'. U. Anal. of In Lai. By mill to alt pert of the Rrriib Empire and th United Mtate. ' ar Ma'la. rnMt in n advam-e, pr year !MH Ketchikan lat mailt Prtar To all other enjaafrfe. advance per year f HM)-r1 where hr )ial jtii 4l-;,. i.f hi .-at eh of M.'Mrft .. TELEPHONE 98 l Hm- Paetft Fthl at rtr' aad Ir. ay th Krtrhllan Xw anienl Dtaplay Adverti.iag. .... .f 1.40 Mr inch per inerl(of lb rai.taia arxl erw will tr- rranvieirl Adverfiing nn Front page S-o per iHte'd I.. ih .a nNwk ai-r Loral Reader, per uiertua. . S&tt per tnekrr4MMl Ibetr Mifaltw. lii t3aaifted Advertising, per inrtion 2e per worn LarB nf lb vnilirr Legl Notiee. earn inrtwwi - 15 pr egal line Ik Alaka. a4 n aare4 ahw. Contract Rale on Application. laldy with lb vtw f Ofkt.t llllf AM tvrtiing hoHld b in The Daily New Office on day preceding ltat. af lh HalffMt bMat tti.l pnlJiration. All advertiing received nhjeet lo approval. (laai. A. Mhi af lh Van ami: l il Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. C2a4.any Jakn rrardiM J tin ta t pr Ihe iHn.l llii llmi!MI!l'tll''lllMMll!iMI'!!1MU DAILT EDITION it YVrdnday. Joty , I0JS. fcryi lb Utrf f wtiica ri lllllllll II Mill Mill II I ! ! i ll , r II i I III Betowing Honors tml!ctatd Mr. on Lari in In mUInmi aKt llaily il to Xew.vwW cat a(Hi at a'. III il: Pi,::!;:; !!!: liitfUiY, :irHE,!!LBJTIN For Service Rendered. nattKnn daHar to knM' I II I HUH I Mil l II Ml Hill Hi II inni ill I ' 'I Vifii M Hill ii . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i I There is till a great deal of diMion gi'ng on in Britain fery 4iarti h1 l uitaM aver Ike rutom of lelwing poh'tc honor. It i charged, and U rarry car (mm Prnve hpr i Maanl ir In Ketchikan. TV cnl of npr-1 PRINCE GEORGE apparently with a gonf deal of truth, thai honor are bought there U.f ! ' i n v a a-wa Utta Ih4 wvioM tw rvv ry t. . nMt a lal Canadian National KaUwa'vs and that a a renlt title.are matin;.to le behMa dirpit. tnl. H aaid h wmoM liki to'in rimilalnl -.I ia faviar l ih lari ar. 1 ' PiHrfly 1.1nyd fteVgef ubVfl a lhormigb democrat and de to knnr w1mI wtaald baftp" In Uh ! 7 'H iral V r tran 1KI rare much for titfe. he himlf on more than he fihnnaa if fi ne it enofi. " '" n i-'-m aaaialavtr llAZETON v ImmiM Imh'1 ia arch ia "r etMot lntM-ipal i it. Prince Rupert .arcatinti having refoed the djUitltont may Ie ng the ap--potatmenta KHcwitan at oar tHn. lntMMir I aatvar. I' for lb pnrpe of breaking up Ih oM ytem. He MM If lh MKMMa ftt .katUI " an4 lh rfcm iMtapvi Th Trad M ill. ' ii very atule. Nolliin wouhl do more to eHtiially kilt the fbave a few Imal in ttl. H witMfrfldM aoi afnrinllv advrHia th- iva Witrkrr bav rliro-.l ' DRYDOCK IHIe luine than aivin- thrm aw-ny tndierinimaUly. 11 m atM e4raMr to lh flh, aarwv bftr makiaa Ihe a- f aftr havnif? 4ai v-ra1 And after all it vmnM'be diffH to award litl U. arn to h aid. T1ir w alattra a BH"' ng eaaaaiag ai Ih Silr i AND ta4y MMirkri at Print Raaart. Klaaxtaril maa men who are Ie fit to have them than many of the hereditary ,r-' iaapc.iwl in lh a lh buy know thy eaa rt noMer are ar"preet. A man may be an lmleeife and yet if h lbtr fih away wvlhm a da over!'"" aaatna 4 nrar- In. and Mr. N C. Wrinrh and SHIPYARD i the eldest nm of an earl he Mner or later lHnr a eari ho 6raat Trank lm. eeeHea w.k i Mn aW Mia laaaa havr r4irii4 Iron So it i with every title evrept the- KnihL Capacity of BeaU nnder Saaariaiplai J Mar- :h Mayu :ilnw, Hrltrir Opacatlng O. T P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Oacli I Hi an avrnt U r.44 h fta. fcaat, m4 he faaaa. Minn Mr. W nivh hallh I-rh The ebfef in with diffieulty dolflfr aay hereditary tnMr i . Knilnaar. atachlnltu, BolUrfnaaara. Blaorrith, PtlUr MCd ah aehontt mvwthi hai iaanm4 a a rnll of that the move wonM e liMtVrd Mptn a a ap at the nrwarriiy. AcraaaMlWHI- ar kna mikiri, gaundara, Woadwoetaea, Etc. Irma ihr to ftr rriwaU ml ;h lralaacat ah ri4. At wnjr ai the ting get hi position Irawe be i the rWet ttli. ih,im NV. 1m arh ear. Tht c a avHhr at ih Maa t lh - - Electric and Acetylen Welding. oa of a fnrnier manareh, U i nrd reasonable to Hrret that a wold aaah itn rar Ur earl. fair ala il HaHIy. Ih Cawavaaaiaai and Mra. Haaaa duke or an earl of a baronet may not du hkewv. Irfp af five cboiar. VaadevVw h.ur, and Marry f akainaav. have laka rhara-r t.' ha-i!! all kiadt Our plant ia equipped of Aattrriton. M Hrinc iorp. Hi m aa tamate." aaitl f ih aKalioa A may arl ai DUUnclion To Mr. "of what lh Mfrat - iln Vieaetl aad A4t. Jaekaoai Marine and Commercial Work Waller Mektai ha rurn4 Uctwiiaaer ln fr Mahva. Be A M later. rarry Seaada. ttt.- oa iMiiiir4ay l friar Ueonr aftr hain whr a i lak up fmu. FHOhti 43 AND JW liiM-MMiR the nietkm of titlr the Mnehler Guardian MM th.: HtirtanL I ftV.. ifi th pat var and a half in , 'rk for ih araoy. tay: hlU and RefHtMic. Wla Hm.: vlhrrta. I - Oiti-m of the method of btlowktg lnr eonrnt rated I4art, AUka. Panaaaa. Vane.j I Mr. and Mr T HUithy. of in tbe'lnlA on the ieetWrIy infortiinale eae of Kir J. H.'llo. nnaaey. Altn. Ihrty Tawdn. ii.ra M. Will tarn leN n ; xnf .(ajanag a h4i4ay kaM. Sjmiir and Yakatat. 7ft.-009 iundav for Victarta ! all na iar here with Urt. aaat Mta. J. H. "Dainty White" w!m baa in iiitaJ4e ihmw. now ery terma withdrawn fcMtn lb Ihe am Htti lh.; MtilwtiMi and hema- Jtmta byturreodrriiig the peerage. Hut a peerare or any lher u tln SA.IKI0 and M.oao lb.; I trlt ,.,,.,.' .. f . bonor onjrht not merel -to be free from objection. l'nle Ihe VahinatMfi. Arctic, Taena. MK naaa hf Ut wk hie RtMOVCS ALL STAINS fRO imlilir ten ice i Mimething very defiwite. involtinfr eriou effirrt Alia. Italy and illadl. tajMHI Th aaaraias laavfc h i LINCN AND COTTONAAgiCI and ejf-?ri(ir',,why fiirli. out the prfrmer Ui In- dituigiihed and M narrow Htir aal llr Ih Prior Uaaty Woaajilal laal aliM a fw itay- hf.rc So lt..tin Kaui-d0i wk Mia Thnaaf and f Taftwr moxfaita f1ri. hag Ut V a arw cr ma hr a ia a .i.luii. r 'J, 4 frfjrn",4ia 'feflowa by A title? If title are to be conferred at all. 4. II. K4war4a. The gnaav at Il i 4I kMn atooasr Lh lrlhr. Mev. Was ntiniii' . Hi- i i ii their gift ihotild be dioriald altogrlhcr from party politic and ltlrm. an al lMtye. Ibat w wba chair a H. w. aaual. V til I n h v purged from every poibility either of a peetmiary or of a poHti-cal a hatihot rUmter can nvak bt lieaham art..iaai 4 the w reiaimy. Hra W. Pmremt, Xm Mal aVlteat fabric consideration. They should be limited lo real distinction or lr Um frtMii br Ut Prin Hu-Prt H wa l muted ia Ih Halnrt l'm ialaa aaat, ta rarty Takea out parfactlr. rrR. to official errice and position, and they bould not h niHlli-rtied lhaa a frry eaufcl. Al the whit fihliiK foreal fir aa ft Aaaa! on hia firi hwlafair Oraaa, Blood, Tea. Caffea tul, lh hnaV hr fraa wa mm way for f Cvan atalna ralilHit etMinrr mmid pet aerax yar. ate. waiially lyond nece-ily. Ear!, viM-onnN, laroii, laronet, lh IH4 CuuMtry. .- aiders InOallbla. Hiian' en4ranr whB it woald knight of onler of old renown, knight of muhroom onler i bixitd fr lh ferry t Miaa Walaaaa aad Mia H-Jivar "Dainty White" ia a.Ptrfad that nobody remember, dame and Victorian onler and O.B.K. ntak lh trip. Thi wom!I mran Th fllvina ar lh atB- ef Ih .1allotl N aaaital laff. Blaach. hra of th local aeatiol Irarhia they Kwarm till it begin Ut h a dilinctKn to le plain mi-ter, Uhal if tli filirnan a fared Mi Rrla)MJ ..f .Vw Hail-on. I'a ih Waolnfii: like our greatest noveJit. our rnod rrlebrated dramalitl. afnl l 4I hi fib her, and a loro laff lr In fall trm aa aa-annd Miaa YV altar of Vaaritir. 0m aiar' u mm mTT Tahl l.uiii ami oil V th hoard: Aletaa- houtd b bloavnir. lb byr ky Frank lari. t'jMtrt aad ' h a. Im 14 la a. bl a' t.. I , the and he late iw ihmir, rwaar rr ta present prime miuiler.M er Man a. urtaripai. ana ii;j. Muihrf rd tttmt4 . wootil not buy. a it woald maa a r iMaaaW raw all t -i ..i..i aiamari m. Mdan. tim r.ri- im Mi4aH a la lb fb wottld ba to b 1II ra.,,,,,,.,,. party which 4 ii iM. a4 QUART nr Striket Are Cauta ovr br prbap ral day. ian, r iitronc Harwia. Kliaav arald i.M-hr d thail MHHia. f.i Mir u-i a m.4 'MOTTLES DC . hlh M Vinaifrd Hih-iuan ae W auwai.. Of And Lott. l'.aan. Suffering lain laal -k. iM-fiir rracbinir Prlne Hiprt t' Th. wan- or4 ia AT ALL GNOCf rtl aixl Mtrllr It. MHWiarll. Suffering on the part of Ihe women and children ami ! h tn nUt In Ihe Katrn Hur. of immense mm of money ou lb part of the employer and kl. STEWART m. tii t tw ftogtra Bldfl, Vancovivar & employee alway result fnm ftrike. Vhile there are ocaMin In Baltar Condition The Man In the Moon I Vbn tb fili go to Princ when trike are jntified. eipecialr in the pa.t, uruler preHl I J 51 act Maaro arrid in l.wnl Htupect dircl it H ertaln to b SAYSw day condition etery effort hould be made on either aide bi alard on .I be rilern nrfirkrl in I laal wa with .a r.- k fr.iai' prevent tile tie up of the pfanl, Js'ot only i there lb b atxl hllar euoilHion. If it had lo hj on of hi rlaiav ua Id loar E. H. SHOCKLEY. lINCK H la lb dwty af Nir a waarh. wha offering uirnlionrd Iml alo Uirre i the engendereil bale bich frrid, anl lbr wa any dlayi rru.h, nwiaT i ' -! asaiaai all aiiad ln a.ilif. Planing Millet Cow Bay. Wharf: Nat ImpacUl Oil Deck i cloely allied to war. If war f wrong mi arn trike. Sldofii il wimiM moan the rr.irintt of th uiHa f iMi'OTfMUea, what ahoni Phonal Mi. jQl fih. It U veil known that th ia advanfage gained by either. Thy are oflen the retull of mw-tual aamiair of the fih will make " ih bia Mill fthv af tfea mU It. K. Nill, foraarrl) inanaaec FIR DIMCNSION, FINIIHINQ LUMBER, PLANKN0 AMD dUtnut. ll ad ih htaeh n aa th .f Ihr Prmir jmfrioc ijualMy. Mia, i riM-i. TIMBERS, 8HIN0LES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOW. laeha Mr. Iiren aaUIbe fihrnH at ire lbi inn by way Agant for: Will Prove Mora f hirbikan. A Harkett Haw Mill Ltd ti an iBiimn i nrii nnrru. fc Than aaitteat huia J Fyb- Kw.iOi IntaretUng Fad. a an. ami ir nt rorri in ainriw.i a lluraaood. f, .. .. . lW-. Harry Taiaer riKnl aa I.ajiiMlco .l lUittoniMM ine raiiHiiinonr i ai preem an inieretiinr larj rmt it mat' in niarana iny wntun rnainiy ryi I ply I'li.i-llmf ii.. a.....A ... t n .i .l . . ... .... . .i... .i. . i arinlaaVal af 'he Kith Oailand tympany rliitg Paml niiir r.uiir- ut itr iiin. ii iioirr nun inai. j preoefll II I 111 Ha i In'iH"l I md afh A l.llrKHAl. it a raa w CrrH Mining Cm. lA experiniental lagc and i not being adapted lo any particular, from hr. aa thy ar dointr at ia with lh fHHraaial whrn in all hi givi. lim I i ih iaka iifcful iiir-oe iniUide of a littl eulerUinment. Poibly cn-. prent lime, h rwhl kio.1 af aaaarmaeai i'prHMer. tertaiuiiig will in future be it principal pherr. " ". ia powr hut wfoi i a?ami ia' - There wa a time when ome fieonl kent a riarrot o a lo 7 " ' iavraaai wtea II have lo talk lo lhm. Now wirele' Ton Von Th Koitehin .r..iif on BENT'S LINGERIE vomeoue they can nut in a A klad i m irar. A l.aerva- : Modern ' 'lacier Creek. wnl i m av a a w n r w w a a i.y recver with an amplifier and get all Ihe talk and miiaio they! In Ki'nta Kupart lit ia ail ti. i dilli fry Aaderaf.n aI lm YnutiK.j LADIES' READY TO WEAR wanl. That i, they can do it if they live in one" of the big citi. j ba hn bonded In . Hill. -1 3rd Anu. Here ve have no hroade(ing station mi have more dii'firully, " A OVKMHVT thai i lahl lavr. i:..brado. lb litri.. in (Kckiug up the gpeevhe. 'w wa r'iv in town aotikl hay fdetHy ttt leurae hhtr will arrive in atMao a Laundry 1'nilly in ibe not too dilant future the yletn will i,,iMay inai in riirnin airik Be. fi.rliuyhl In further rianiuiv tli Big Reduction kiuiplificd mid amplified and the rot of instrument reduced o ' KtUian lia ltu trilled. - and ithl OS pri.(irty on a ir-uraiii that everyone will have a receiver in the houe. wired in when ,M,,n having r..Hiprimi4 A8 lb aaad far erajlH ia- of itvloaaeni. Service the building erected. j Thr ba been a ti-up for raea lb paanl wba ' iilllf I tat. vi rr.ln pijlT aek anl Umtk I br lly.lrr Mlar wa pur- Spring Suits, We i.ffot ln ' " unplaanl when lb ijifcaalam i U-! wk by Friie.l liloe An Inlereallnjc wciMlna wa HlaaAlen. i Nun "f a' c t- of Keleftfkan. .... iMfJcfiinieil thi e4t at Port Coats, i 'Kimp.ri when 0. I.. Mnnro. of IF Laundry r",c7 yon woo IJ liiHb Ih Iad4r irvrll In Ibe lll Xw Economy . ift r lull". jili; city, wa wr.Mwl ta Mlt of fan a wild k-eltiaa- cold feel. .Mi P.. Hinecn. of pari Htmn. nough Dry, Dry Oa"'"; -in. Itev. Ir. IJirge affkialed. WHO aid Catlie? i SUITCASES Dresses, etc. Pratalng and Dytlna. Mi, Mollie fiitieea wat brld and Carpet Cleanlnl. ' 'maid and 11. II. liMdier wa YKg'IFlllAi-8 ftiolball gam I TRUNKS tha Regular Uunrf xriMiiHaioan. laie, innK n,e. At rnl.lni.hl I lea. 1 " il wa .nil gwiHg ami it; CLUB BAGS BENTS We ran ur ty te I'BBaHlJaW S No oihcr Sundry toap hat the I kariff Hldrlry I bringing wa. beiua ejdaye (bit noun ! W lim may a ' X kltail af aiurlf aw ail I H hi 11 all I aaaVaf. aa ilia. HBBBijJfaW aaal a4 Mia vm"am9 wwvtf 11 t fr- ma all mm lawn. ! H UmtWM ' " alaauilaa lkl i,t ifi an Hilton firej bi Large Stock on hand. Third Aye. Canadian Steam Launilri M ut, KmmMr '"',Siit i alib efi a (tlltKal. krratai saiiki Mifiuir. Illg Juley alrawher-rf". wiMl Mliuatatj bad loo Prices very low. Ogg, Bank af Mantrtal. Fhone , It aol kim altil mo r a kaf, California poppla. and a bead i in mntRing la take! WL LEVEK BhOTIIfcWI UMtTEU. TOHONtO ONT. I I green pa ar only a few ml pan in ih- game. ' J. F. MAGUIRE ''be variety uf tbinat b pro-i Nit tha friar. Supart IIUI d iC . 1HiK who lott money on Advertise in "The Daily News