THE DAILY NEWS OLD LADIES DANCE AT;; J Local and Personal PUBLIC FUNCTIONS Waterman -I' .-w.M LONDON. July Z6.-M all H. 0. Undertaker. IMiona 4. If re-rnt fcnuvillm the number of old Hsyners, Undertakers, lailien present lim lieeo alc.ciiili-ititt There were ilozejujif them Reputation Lead the 351. world. There is a at Vrmrcnn .4, Immediately after Mvry'a 1all, and iuite Pens pen to fit every hand. And Cash for Victory Ilondi. Thoa roasting. offeer If nutiilior were dancing wild every user of a Waterman is MeClymonl. tl exposedtoalr.begins y lung mm. On ld lady. ery is a guide to the future, because booster. to lot its freihness. Ion I and muill, had a etiaruijn it is a record of the past. The a Mr- T. MrClynioiil nalicr and fox-lrotled very Salada Tea Company has earned are in a class by themselves. receive lomnrrnw. BBBB fiere air in the J vaily. Many of theee pleanure. for itself enviable an reputation I 'a inir doBKera, uhu are not ak 4 11 K S UrfK N0NK OTHKU in your Kre ua fur itmt niir f, m nabob d t "young danee. tan aatlufy as a result of supplying to the . Fountain Ten. iM-foif m buy. i;tlr Market (tin i- love of daneiiig only ly at public, for more than thirty years, COFFEE A f ndlng the big charity ltM, for the highest quality of Tea and never Just r received. Thin we nur winuowa ri pi i & vacuum nn uhicfi m winch they take Imtmt, and to varying from that standard. The I CnCllS ,cads- IIartl rubler our Closing Out Sale. H..yu Sh n- preserves Its strength -fl winch young rompelitors are not reputation for reliability has built handle. Like all other Hlore. if n4 flavor for all time. askrd, but only young dancing the greatest Tea business in North 4. iiifti. They are alwi lit be e-en Waterman products, they lead. The nicest laii' i at IIh) Audit..i in I BBjT BBB7 i-iaooois not sola in aBBJ Bfl ,. 1 tho rai'eroure8 auditing round America. tit to use, besides they arc Iwautiful. rinir.JHy, July f7 New ii - .. V bulk. Always freih. the paddm-k and betting with eon-id'- elie-l i m. able judgiia-nt. $1.00 $1.75 $2.50 4 ii" ii..' inn. x. 16. Ilf)iilar f lrvvriBBV WIFE A VAGABOND "SALADA" ' 1 1 1 r liHIiHilt I I.ik-I ' I ft TBI HsfsfsfsfJ '' ". Important loin. , Ratlred Builder Wrltai to elflaeMv5.Jdd Mi-- HirkMiH, of Toroiilii, Father-in-law Scathlnq Let-tar iili-ii-il ttir llaielton Hospital ,JKgB5Wla4H Complaining About ' '.ill'' a Daughter. r.mi t :UIVal.MtFTim-.m.Bjl 4. LO.MHj.N. July 50. Mm Vv -till Iim a few pairs of Mi-. .. .mK. f . . ,, ,. j ..ii! Flciiiior Llllinn I'm re. whoe Uini' otfnrd maiden name wa lleyer, nfi hkI K-fi I'umio. Ili' I'i in. i- lit , .Jjy fi "III I at ttm per plr. Itoyal 8hre Vaiirotivci . Mii'rdare.ganJen., frayed for a! store. If judicial .eparnlioH trtmt Simon SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Henry I'earce, a ret if iJ builder. A. V . " in ii'-.I I" town Fresh M I McGaffiry fwft on laat Hi the grtMlliil tt III. rueHy. Imiay after l-trip bu.ine.. day a iri iiiuM . I rain for 1 tinea Oeurm to Yaneouvei The re.iiHjent denied Hie Bargains on imolavM trip. Kin fain. eruelly and prayevl for a judicial ; lly nr.-holiilay. gotag lo 'I'errare for .eparaliuH on the around of ln a Fishermen. All rubber our wife-, cruelly toward him. Thif FLAT hoot al. at (t l'riee. ; are on Toilet SOAP (loyal lboe $Urv If I he petitioner denieil. I Rupert Ii' lo, tlliinrw, rbarviHl Mr. I'-arlwriKhl iharp .an) thai with Hie parlies were nmrrieil on I ieit4liMff farm pnidurr I. X. Nwbotle. riimpl roller of 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps wllhxiii a iieenw. win find ( Ibe tlanadkua t i-h and Uuld April 3", HOI. Mr IVnr.. emnptuineil of her hu.baiid'.j and ia ibr polire courl Morale tmn retuni'-ii ttalay from Brand to clear at lai morntatg. a brief 1 rib to Yancouver. heavy drinkinv, of hi. h!m'iiiiii.! FISH 4 able lanauaae ami of III. viol-. A. K. CteveUlM, Ikr well r - ence. He had .truck Iter and I. .K. luirdan, K'.wVnt 2 for 25c. nuiti- known Miwlag man. ami Mr. aarr of lb Pacific Mill., hii had given her black eye. On the annivf r.ary of their wedding i.leetawf are making tkr round Fall., waa a paxwuger from now available from the day he wrote the following let I Hp In Any-ox on Um I'rinrr Vancouver Oeeaa Fall, otl the ORMES LIMITED Umirar lata wte4.4 I'rince Heortw ve.lerday.- ter Soulli.ea:tn hi. al local retail stores. Dr. Harry A. !! n. of Yan- ear fir. -Jut a reminder 3rd Ave. and Cth St. P.O. Box 1GS0 Mi. Y. Munkli.'ii-i- f Iiiirw. that ten today I mar. U year, aito the roier, a paM-ngfr on Lake, arrived I1..111 the .ou4h Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'rlnre tieorav loday for Anyoi rid the greate.t vagabond, liar. Phones 82, 200 and 134 ii the Prince lienriie tin IIKITM Dr. and thief oh earth. Nothing in SiiiiHton prartiiw putlry ilia and will continue Iter jowr- PRINCE RUPERT THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES in lai . omeller town. Ibe hoii.e i. afe. She .leal.. In Ibe tbi. ley interior on eve. pawn.. .Iioul.. and I- a curse t" uln tram. Met ttatir. who arrived yen 4.. Ibe ueighborbiMMj. The iotice ..I have been here many time.. Tin. on I be ChHohain from H. k. tiampbaH. utanawer of lb. Hiorttiux I again raugtii In" roeillaued Jiia jwurney Canadian Hank t Commerce, re 'ill If lal iwl lai red-handed tealmir nx-noy from - ii rvc turtles lo I lie ray Ml. Morninv Tlie my Mrkrt. She think, a a . uroulr lo California. iiiiik after having eat a brief holi HUffldBJ lie was brn into I lie world i" day ia Ibe aiHilh. Mra. Cam)itetl l'.apl 1 1",I MrKVnaie. formerly will return later. powder her face, .moke eiaa; -rile, Silo Solution RAILWAY ffi.-.T of tb .learner 4 burn furniture anl rai GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC pet.. .peid her time 111 ph-tui'- I'riiu'r Huprrl i now com. Mr. and Mr. K D. Wallaee. l.t. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT Hill tail Tburs-anl inamliiitc a prualr yarbl ImIm' ii no were rrevniiy Hfctrried in IKilaae., muie hall., and .top THE "HOARD" SILO. Sunday o I Muln gli for Swanaon Bay, Yaii''ouv-r and t'owrll Hiver. New e.lniin.ler, are esperted Mil every night with my brother. Ocsan falla, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Saattla. - on Friday mailt froan FJroe "A Silo On Ivary Farm.' Anyoi .lii ia 1 1 i " t--' Stewart, Sal urday. 8 p.m. Tlo fikeri' 4rpa-liiM'nl Sa.k.. wnere I liey have been The .ervnnt I. a bsnl a. -1 A,i w il No hoops- No attention 'Self-adjusting. li-aiurr Marfi.b ail lotlay for 1.1i1ng witb Mr. Wallace ami. with Ibe aid of the .li,-.-. Anyone can erect a HOARD SILO In hla apara time. S. I, PRINCE JOHN t ' I point Northern anl Southern a i heiHg thrown imiI 041 Ve,n.'. lite 0uu (rlolte laaMl wild brother. Th- iisuny advantages of the 1IOAHD over the Hoop Silo are Qusen Charloll Itlanda. May l.uh and I7ih. June loth ami upplir. for ibe dfpartmant. day. and ymir daughter will f.-l-biw. explained in their catalogue. J ly Milt ana --'"!. A'igu.l Sib and t VII. SepL tnd, lOlli IIm- vael will br bar about MCETING POSTPONED. She i ruining my boy. rite for Catalogue and 1'ricea. t 'th. lb end vf thr week. Public Meeting Technical ami the projwr place for her In Train Service re live i. where she ii bofM.-Your Passenger Dally Eicepl Sunday, 6.45 p.m. Ml-. I. McI.hJ. of Ibe loir. Kduraliou elay al t Mt.iHinij p.m. until Yed- faithfully, fi. II. I'earee. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. K ir Smuhers. ! mm Oeorge. 1-dtnonloii. and Winnipeg. I'li.'iir rvehanjie laff, and Mi It I. laal rUr Pattern Canada . of Ibe offtre nuajpe-ii'd H- P.O. Box 745. Prlnca Rupert B.C. Phona 3S0., po.l - U dir.! r..nnwii.Hii for all points in held in Home tvkins. Dr. WIRELESS REPORT c I mini Stairs lafr. left on U.I iiiitht'a train making. Millinery, KoHie Nur. ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME for Morii'i'towa wbere I hey will ina. Weaving. Stenography and S a.m. -p. ii.I a forlaiubl vacation. Agancy for all Ocaan Steamship Lines . Typewriting, IbH'kkteping. lmi. IHiillY ISLAND Clear, calm. Third Avs. Phona 260. mercial letter vwrHing, Malhr-matic. bartMiieler. . City TUkai Of flea, 62 V. I:. Mi Ma.trr. renhtent IIMH ;i0.iO; Irmperature. (ia and tadbi engineer &M; smiHith: ".'JS sea a.m. spoke au'i of the I'owe 1 1 Itiver Will, ing. Machine whop work. Furn teamer Spokane left Ketchikan and H. Hell Irvnw. alaw an official iture DEMER'S - making, Uartwatry and 1 1 p.m. .outhbound. of the .ante I'oiiipanv. wit Building. S.iielur), Sch.M.I DL.VD THKF: I'OINT Clear. la.''liter frtmi I'owell lltvor to Hoard. 173 calm; barometer. 30.1-0; temper. RAILWAY iKean Fall n Ibe I'riiicr CANADIAN PACIFIC a 1 11 re, 00; sea M000II1. porge IbiK week. - COURTEOUS DISCRETION. HULL II AllllOU-Cloudy, light Great Clearance B.C. Coast Services chief JiMtae Klliert Ii. (ira, when itorthwe.l wind; barometer, 30 lody J. I. Foide, an-iinicer tue.tioned by i 'Mirlrrs recent ly 38: temperalure. CO; light swell. . ; ... i fur Ibe I iiiiiiion loivcru. eourerning a W I ilia Hwum con. Noon. Sailings from PrinceRupert ui.'ig a..t.ted l' J. D. Lambert ferenee. refurted any informa DII1IIY ISLAND Clear, eulin; Die aniiua' in-.piH'lion I'Hlay eumplelcil -SALE- tion either in cniifhleiiea or for barometer. 31.JO; tempcraturv. Tor Kslchlkan, Wrangall, Junaau and Skagway of tb- DryirM'k on ue. piiblieatiou. 01; .a smwoih; 10:13 a.m. la JUNE 12, 19, 2. JULY 3, 7, 14, 17, 24 and 28. half of I bp 1 i" .1 iiiiicnl. He re Such inforniaUuM .hould I'rince Oeorge norlliliin.l. Tar Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Inriicd from Sicwari ''.li'itay conic only from the Pi''nl"iil. ' DK.D MtKK lul.NT -Clear, JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1, S, 12, 19. 22 and 29. on lite launi'ii v airoimo aim m he aid. "and it waahJ not be calm; barometer. 30.SJ ; temperature, .'. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Buladala, Swanson Bay, 11.'W "ing l" Ho' Oueen :hr courteous for inc Lo say any. 7J; sea smooth. Everything at Cost Eatt Balla Balla, Ocaan Falls, Namu, Alart Day, Campbell l"ll'- l-IUIUl- !" Ill IIHH- III. IU thing. HI LL UAItHOIt- Clear, tight: Saturday at 1 p.m. -.. . Ii..11 w ! II"' dutrtcl. River and Vancouvar, every "la it a tuotimt of being northwest wind: barometer. 30.-j Agancy for all SUamthlp Llnaa. court eou. or of being discreet ' 2(4; lempcralure, 01; light swell. Full information from ne of the newpapar liteu u.ked. W. O. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agant, PERFUMED Tlie Judge pausatl a moment HOTEL ARRIVALS Carnar of 4th lraat and 3rd Avenue, Prlnca Rupart, B. C. and than Hinleicl wHJi a Uirvi.l that ended the iulcrvtaw: SPECIALS - Just Arrived! POTTERY "It is always dlMrwH to be Prlnca Rupart. Misses' Patent 2-atrap Shoes. All sue.. II t $3.35 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED ourleoua." s. 1: Harris, Yancouver. Women' op Growing Glrla Patent 1 Wide Strap, Low Heel- - I SAILINGS SOUVENIRS Central. All ai"S. Sis to S $4.7$ I or Vancouvar, Ocean Fall- nnd Swanann Hay. Tueaday 5 p.m. Soms thing New. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY J. F. Miller. Y. It. Newman. These are a penal purchave and will move quickly, liall ,r A. I.. Shaw, II. Triekey and J. and while they last. See Ladies' window. sue Alrl ll. I I'orl llarilv. HutlirtlllV H.III. tars with the get your Little F.iirfli' 11 and Yale Island, Sunday! Na-li. Any ox. Sala Agency for tha "Invlclua" Shoe. No belter shoe made. nyo, Alice Arm, I'orl Simpson . i mia.lian al "i nun. on oiw I.OSt Niiilil J 11 1 il al Sail "idnlght. side and I'-li- i'd I'unce Hu-P"iL Lakes, red l.'uilicr purse con. Ari'hbi.hop Du Yernel return. YYe ,-uaruntee every pair. f Rlvar Cannarlaa. Friday .m H.t.. taintug sum .f luouey and ei this week from a visit with FAMILY SHOE STORE Tli li- a 1.1-1 1 11 k perfuiua valuable private papers. Finder Hev. I.. Moss at Stewart 'Mr. Third Avtnu. Phona OS7 Third Avanua which spi-'-aiH all over Hie can keep money If they will Moss relume, recent ly from DENTISTRY! 1, tiF.T "Nl- Vl WILL kindly return papers In l'olka Lngland with hi. sislei and is III W.LASF.D lUiulf, Sav.v llolal. t'lmuc ;i7. now in charge of Hie F.iicipal S5c to $150. 175 Mk.ioii al Dial p'.uil THEO COLLART, LTD. - - ynTY Modern X-RAY Service John Bulger, NVA.NTlUi ln. umbiliou. ageut to liun.II. itb up to dale EMORRHOIDS Wa rs now Agents for tha Naw York Ufa Insurance BAYNE line ol 11 hh! stalioiiery H Company. Tha moat liberal and strongest company on DR. d.r ita ixt sul sui'f.r ss.ik.r 011 a 11111--1OH IhisIs 111 1icbIb. iilwJlBC. or ITolrudlm the continent. Assets, 9083,633,130.80. Let ua show "oom, 4i Phona 10S LAST north' i n II NVrlle full 111., m llamorrholda. how ,( g H,l0,pton nik ITOIFTS THAT Pr Chsss you to save your money. . surglcsl oiMrslloa rwiulrwL OHIca Uoijra: Morning, CIS . Atlernooua. 1:30-1:30; udlag phone will rtUcvs you si and 7.0 nilllliiei' o 1KU :iM Daily New. titurd Usilsir Ws.-m a bo; U Phona Blue SI YVt.tholm Theatre Bleed P. 0. Boa Evening. ikMUrs. oe KdmsBsns. UU Cu.. Office. t Uui ' J, Tor ii'-. asiuj'' '