P) ; yber 14, 1932 MONEY LOCAL NEWS NOTES : ’ ‘ 9 * : N G it MP aA . \ ood j cit Taxi 35—Etnle Large. t!; 1 ton coal, 1 big load wood $14. mf ti = —— Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116. B. Irvine, radio inspector from) 1 A Ec Victoria, after a week’s stay here! to check up on local reception con-| A. D. Sykes of Atlin was among FRIDAY & SATURDAY ditions, sailed by the Prince Ru-/London visitors recently register- Here’s a triple bargain . . , Shredded Wheat with hot milk. A treat for your appetite, a pleasure for pert last night for Ocean Falls. General’s office in the Old Country metropolis. jing at the Agent your pocketbook, and a boost for Canada. For only he 7 Sina: aateca ie can : ee SILK DRESSES 50 ONLY LATEST FELT HATS 50 Only Latest Felt Hats—Some with veils, Special Canadian wheat is used for Shredded Wheat, the lat 2 100% whole wheat, natural energy food, HREDDED WHEAT ~In Flat Crepe $5.95 20 ONLY WINTER COATS 20 Only Winter Coats—In Chinchilla, Tweed, Chonga, Etc.; Latest Swagger and Manish Models; In Brown, Tans, Blues, Greens, Black and Navy; From . $1.95 o'clock this afternoon from} the south and wil sail at 10 o'clock | tonight on her return to Vancou- ver and waypoints. | and Satins, Special 4 Colds, Sore throat tear $14.95 Col. George S, Pragnell of Kam- 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX i o Clear days in the city and district on of- aoe 4 IN CANADA + BY CANADIANS » OF CANADIAN WHEAT — | iciai duties, will sail tonight on rd = os Frm e6 syeiele f yr Ocean . nae ol 2 SKIRTS * SWEATERS a Sa Oo ae th? I 25 Skirts—In Tweed, Serges, Pillot Twill, Etc. | 30 Sweaters—All Colors, Sizes and $1 95 , — ; ' aber ain “iz ° | Under the au pice he Cana-| en als } Heavy weight for fall wear $2.95 Styles, Special ; ‘ian Labor Defence League, an-| Ae ? 2 Up from LINGERIE jother enjoyable dance was held) . MADE IN CANADA Rayon Bloomers— jlast night in the hall on Second } HOSE To clear c |Avenue, a good-sized crowd being| ; Ok PM sick SI. i te aii ty —— } 5 ae eet Nite Gowns— = lin attendance. Music was furnish-| William Millar, liquor vendor, : aha ull -Pinished, Semi- c \ed by members of the League and|Was admitted to the Rotary ou) eee springs D nished, TO C1ORE. ...cencneisnn Si lrefreshments were brought by the|as a new member at the club} Service Silk, All Sizes, 79¢ Pyjamas— $1.00 i 9 | ladies luncheon in the Commodore Cafe , All Shades To clear Siiemian yesterday. : | At the Rotary Club luncheon Cor. Third Avenue 9 Prince Rupert, LEeerony afternoon, Paul Armour! On motion of Weldon McAfee, and Fifth Street A B.C. ; jwas the recipient of a case of|the Rotary Club yesterday decided pipes given him by the members of] to invite George Kidd or any mem- | the party that cently visited|ber of his comnittee to speak to) oo — —————— = Ketchikan for his activities in]the club on the Kidd report at an| e CN. R. Trai R. G. Cunningham left by this SATURDAY and MONDAY connection with that visit and alsojearly date re arget it rains | morning's train on his return to because of the “esteem in which he| i oo Port Essington after a visit of a is held by all Rotarian | ©. E. Brooks, chief of motive | False Statements | |For the East— | couple of days in town. ish Serge—54 in. wide, in shades of wine. green. brown ian ai atl Gehtiirs. “Caen ie wer for _ C edi National | Mondays, Wednesday and Fri | Re ‘eo £9 GE ail x SIV ee a ce *, . | Railways tl eg arters in| > davs 9:30 am. Regular price $2.65 per yd ©. Boden. arrived Hayevort inane eee T Obtai R hi f mye EEE LLL SEIT Day, per By $1.50 A ’ ae : Rive = ot ae a fs |Montreal, arrived in the city on 0 ail eile From the East— , F= = = - ~~ sate , 6 ; _,,/Jast night’s train from the East in| WSR | Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- | 4 and 44 in. wide. Regular price $1.75 wa eT shia} the course of a western inspection; Emil Raggbak and Arvid Dund-| qay, 8 p.m. \a i SMeRAIMG in Day, per yd 75€ 7 - te ae . : me ; S| tour and sailed on the steamer strom, single men who are stated 'GRAIN SHI MENTS : ere ees os : aw Re “|Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. to have come here recently fron Wace VN Syke a \THROUGH RUPERT ‘ Non-Run Bloomers—Heavy quality 50e 7 _— : - : : a "| Brooks was ac ompanied here by|Anyox where they were in the | For quick returns Try a Want HEL P BUSINESS ng and 1 : t 12 midnight on , ; : } } d Day, per pr . . re ‘ ; eee > 7 |Archie Watt of Prince George, di-|ploy of the Granby Co., appeares 1A dvertisement. i Wooltex ¥ a 4 to 44 : : yan ind Way! visional master mechanic, who re-lin city police court this mornin IN MANY WAYS Unuaren § VOL Wiz « t no j " : 39c Dp rned to the interior this morn-|pefore Magistrate McClymont o | ~ 2s Hearing yroceeding before | ing |charges of making false statemerits | i People do not realize the many Cottons—Includ finest quality of Madapolam Jud “ eat’ Wasal ‘ eo Feel in regard to their earnings of {tx | ways in which the shipments of i Camb: Regular price 35c per y $i 00 Court this afternoon of the e of wast six month for the purpose of | we ROvEN Prince Rupert Princip ‘ yer the ise tx : fy ym | = Ieial government. H bak declared | | Recently on aa ate ee ae ee ee & earnings since April to } had been unemployed, found he Haysport, the plaintiff claimi > 95: Phone 95? | 91S earnings since Ap h | : ee LADIES’ COATS the tos f $2347 , + ba sae ' been only $235 whereas the auth could now get work but first it . . * t Ce . d ] lorities claim that they w $813 | S P E C | A L S | was necessary to oe his eye- uXurious Furs Newest Fabrics t, - Lundstrom is alleged to have eamn- | | sight up to standard. A friend , ly pri i for our Ba ri ris Pe de ed $695.50 in the san iod where. | | advised him to call on G. F. Da- \ ‘e yr our bargain follov y h l Ag oe Snly , : ‘ Naof > i © ‘ . i ; i it " oh $17.50 le ne lant did not make De ong S 1s he declared that he had receivec For F riday & Saturday — Re gag hes cr grin > eClals a ) hh , ' . a j : } charge of the Optica ept. of . plaintiff. J. T. H but $240 | CORN STARCH Rae ae ate r: ae ‘ey . # Adiourninetit for. elsht’ Gay a ae 10¢ Max Hi ilbron , Jeweler, who Wool and Slik and Wool \ rae Ayo i nade in both ca | “LLY POWDERS—Malk ane BAS ee Soe ere : a W. O. Fu pea made — vom sLY POWDERS—Malkin's » for : » is ] 6 to 16. Regular © &¢ . “4 iC h d C pons made for him and he is now able wth : $1.29 $1.39 ndan “is an arry | Best, all flavors, 2 pkgs 9c to work. aaah — entiinianinatttedilni, jeamil ' . rORY BLEND COFFEE—Qual- | ' ; ‘ & ia ‘ost elette—36 in. \ rer jua $ Hotel Arrivals ity 2t Low Cost = oe ic ydy Bargain Day, 6 yd 1.00 r id & S t rdayv per Ib 23¢ |= —~ ; i rl ay a u y Central JLD DUTCH CLEANSER 19¢: Fila el P e Di f Si tra Sa j re test st Ba $1.95 . W. C. Littl Woodcocl i ¢ Ws ' ‘Wool-d aaa a | W k- E. d pecia $ Hamre, Burns Lake; W im § | ELS NAPTHA SOAP-—-10 Large| p 2 a oe wt Jersey ‘ Size 14 ee n Stewart: C. E. Cadder red Re |. Bars per carton v ersey Di Si $2.75 Stewart B, Cadden, | Sank aD 738C | t styles. B \ Da Dates kow ana I. Muramatsu per ctn s | lb ' . 25¢ T. Anderson, C.N.R.; B. W 5 | sALT—Iodized or Plain 160¢ | Bi PRB Mae tle | 5er ctn : - pecia Ss pre neat eee 95¢ —-- —— | ‘HOICE WHITE FIGS 10¢ SPECIAL ins fo ar i. G. C. Wood : i¢ | oer Ib Malkin's Best = This Special is Useful Every : a consul, returnes | ‘HOICE DRIED APRICOTS : CANADIAN PACIFIC {| 9-1 $1. 40 TOMATOES | onsul, retur nen 13¢ Day in Your Pantry : ; vood ( ry B New Pack, Size ? Sat : ‘ y a . PRINCESS NORAH- -O N : ‘SOe ® tin following a two weel s MINCI M EAT-——32-oz. jars 39e Peas—No. 4, 2's 99 r PRINCESS ADELAID Fri 10 p.m Ocean 3-lb. brick " “i 23 home in Seattle | Dutehmaid. pér jar 8 cans c d Wav Port abs el Golden Was seal fr - REDBIRD MATCHES ‘Or : ' Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCES tAH § Zoe Ensign Whole R. J. Reid and J. Martin tl aoe sree’ hes 10¢ i o . 99¢ ” 29 For Inforn Ma B iw Af Green Beans Dominior : tiey n LIC! O PE Sunn . = : : ; : Vominion imimi 0 SLI LACHES-—Largest Tomatoés—2’s ‘OATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, Bu" | n 4c Finest Quality |yancouver, are 1 h Size tins, per ti 22¢ peer 99c — ' 9 4 . a ize ns, pel n 8 can B , I 80¢ a ig °27¢ on offi musi] |tOYAL ANNE CHERRIES—Royal|] pineapple—Sliced, 2's $9 Do son Se ult Pork " Ge sy e a) ee 16c 8 cans c TD ” ; 70¢," 25¢ re - by } per vin These commodities can be weight, 0 ~ I8BY’S CATSUP mixed to sui or UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ae o OR |sour. imbesh shaalie toa 13¢ ae 14¢ mined th oe PARE ners leave Prince Ruper ie oi ao pel Butter, 2 Ib in DENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M vi aaa 45 OFF COLOUR? LYE lic oS Oe oe 99¢ arriving Var ‘ n ol ar mie ° Malkin’s Best per tin ff § Ibs VENTI ky eve R Y FED AY MIDN 1G MI Ye I ne SPINACH HOW iS YOUR LIVER? LOTHES PIN& 12¢ With Tumbler ree IOC Va u Sunday mid ‘ Fo : D € . tir Port Simpso e Arn ' BC 29's 29 Wake up your Liver Bile er Un Not n han two deals to River point per tin { —Without Calomel \LTINE—Medium size é3c¢ stomer . ’ re ne all atl g ana Ke A . TRINCE RYPERT NGENC v: aerand Aven Phane in AEE ET SS es { ! Be R Pitted Your liver’s a very small organ ue it cer p ‘ > menue oe CeO REET ETE NEES ‘ ~~, >») ved { nly can put ligestive and eliminative OLASSES - ON RE TR RE TOE re ~~ . % eat ( FFE HERMES ey ans & kilter, by refusing to pour out it {OLASSES 14e MUSSAL LEM A t nalinis — aw ewe CHERRIES daily two pounds of liquid bile into your b« wela er 2-lb. tin ‘amare “e 5 i 0 l 2's You won't completely c« ot eu oh a condition (BA Bi oke nn Orange » Pekoe UD seneumnscommnmmmmmem |) fs) Ty 16¢ by takingualte, oi, mcral water laxative candy | TE 26¢c E sii aie S | rl 40c Pe o OTR nL inte Shrouperast yea. | per Ib conomy )tore i ~~. ae ; need a liver stimulant | EXTRACTS—Jamieson’s, Lemon or is . a te ate ait d ‘ é . h Star Lard 48¢ Calten’s Liitle Liver Pile’ will acon betes beak | Yanill ; ‘The Original Cash & Carry 0 ol es 0 Prince Rupert rk civve iat With ron 8-lb. pail the oui hine into your fo, The ey’! purely veges inilla iu 15¢ 18 — Phones. — 266 , € 1 pagn at th table Safe. Sur sk for them by name. Refus ner 2-oz. bo . a . < e€ i s ad r rt r) es. 250 at all druggis! +s “ues 317 and 319 Third Avenue 7 Yy G }} Sauce and Cl 25¢ I i . apremeine ipidly eubstitutes t ruggists | SPICES—Malkin's Best 15¢ ps 4 “ > tir Ca np ‘ Mal Malows ine Tom reat |) DRY DOCK | orient tcon_siow 45] 0 cote, SOC foams iplmanrecrtensick Sy || Swift’s Back Bacon—Slicec c per 1-lb, pkt | QUAKER CORN 11 e ’ Q } . ko x ’ - ;| 1-lb. pkg i a Corn Starch & 1 Pkg 1 Cc Ce) oj’ ~—— / 7 oe pce s Ona ae Cc A per tin — _ Your Next New AND || Remo Fresh Cabbage 9 indry Starch, the 2 fOr nnouncements Ssloesbi aan ame DON’T FORGET Suit F | eh ‘ex iness Soap Flakes Ci sit Pram i 19¢ vd tg ager], The, 25, Garage ravi Caleb per pkg ‘ G 7 20 SHIPYARD | ania 15¢, Clas Cleanser Bagles’ Dance, Octoner 14 and’28:) VINE Empl ogy 7 1e}: spre, each — _— 23c \dmission, Gents °50c. Ladtes’2?5e°1°°26-@. bottles, ver bot For Efficient, Reasons aS and . ’ ‘ Kk. 3 s f - ' ; ea King, Apple Best Cook $1.35 bg mm 20 Yo refreshments ®RESH SAUSAGE 15¢ ras Service Operating three Dry Docks ers, 40-lb, box a we! Lose sr Ib A. M. Honeywell, Phone 25 ° Total capacity 20,000 tons Hothouse Tomatoes >| per head c ; a Sass me t ' ; . ; Royal Purple Bridge O 18 |PICNIC I Me | tf 1 T tor y } tAMS 1 Cc cot othous atoes — e Lalor ‘| §-lb, basket Pageecone-anditobvaaa B5C) soston nail, 35c | per, Ib 2+ o Shipbuilders } co | per basket bn Shi airers > Your Order—We Delive | s rs] NE We-—-Opy. Post Office eae Wood Vessels | ee eh ¥ 5 «i ee 25c Cathlic Bazaar, October 19, 20 Th if C h & C . Phone — 649 for Steel an : 5 z rm r t as arry Miss 1). Hogan toncore rapes : 2 VID Sawmill and Mining Machinery eS aTOs 75¢ Elks’ Dance, October 21 Phone 179 201 Third Ave. © RANGE OF FINE Repaired and Overhauled r basket $7: QALEDY WOOLLENS tan umbers—-Large size 7c Hill 60 Hallowe'en Bridge anc “CARRY AND SAVE” '0 CHOOSE FROM tron and Brass Casting P. GAMULA, Proprietor ; ‘ach dance, Oct, 28, I.0.D.8. Hall, sale dieisaihs teaeerditais Winall TEACHER OF MUSIC ve be ‘ Nectric and Acetylene Welding || | . hone aoe | e ancy Bartlett Pears . ; ‘Se best trimmings; high || Electric and | Vifth Street Phone 20 wer basket 35¢ mcs Hallowe’ én Octobédr SY." | ; Attention Phone—Black, 232 1h cuamiea perfect ||] 59.ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts 5 —— ---—— | TNT ET ET Fe ecuntorm loops, inspector of Indian agencie for the province of British Colum- a ufter having spent several | 50 House Dresses— Sizes 14 to 46 95e