~ Chevrolet Six First in Quality — Sold and Serviced by KAIEN MOTORS LTD. phone 52 “It’s Service That Counts” First in Value b}. XXIII, No, 239. The Daily News NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER dy Np q> 2) 2p, “ey ff ta Gp a S bes —— >, 0X - _ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.,5 ATE NEGOTIATIONS FAILU Ee SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1a, 1982 Tomorrow’s Tides’ Sunday, October 16, 1932 WEN iss 2:06 am. 19.6 ft. 13:58 p.m. 21.3 ft. SN ee ees 8:02 am. 6.7 ft. 20:36 p.m. 3.2 ft. Parley On Aatuities And Other Issues in Dispute Breaks Down onversations Between Rt. Hon. J. H. Thomas and Presi- dent Eamonn de Valera Fail to Bring Settle- ment of Differences LONDON, Oct. 15:—Rt. Hon. James H. Thomas, secre- bry for the Dominions, stated today that negotiations ith the Irish Free State government had failed and that ne vould regarding Irish land annuities and other eco- ymic issues between the two countries remained un- ranged. This announcement followed two days of nego- *e+e+e+4202004¢8044 HOOVER IS REPUDLATED BY JOHNSON SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 15:Senator Hi- ran Johnson, Progres- sive Republican.and pro. minent figure in United States polities, declared, In a statement to news- papermen yesterday, that he “eannot and will support” President er in the forthcom- presidential election. The statement, made by Senator Johnson at the solicitation of California news- is taken as one of the most significant made in the entire cam- gn so far. Senator did not com- mit himself, however, to alignment with any oth- er political group. Ho ed papers nson ++ e282 8 #444484 LLINGHAM PASiOR BADLY sees esses eeeseeeseeaesetesese % jations here between Mr. Thoma and President Eamonn de Valera of the Irish Free Stats Following yesterday session of he cont! erence between de Valera nd British government represer tative no announcement wa mad t ! meeting wou be ume President de Vale celebrated his fiftieth birtnd yesterday ‘Hospital Had Small ' beshubie Deficit |" Expenditure Exceeded Revenue By $176.76, Finance Committee Reports to Board j \ 7 ¥ } Rup Gr Hos} no 1 f Y } by Frank Dibt fir ' Expel ‘ i the m amou $4367.6 ‘ ry whi re WV $419 rhere wert 674 hospital da co ‘OntarioCityls | . Very Hard Hit By + The Depression’; SHAKEN UP IN AUTO CRASH wou | Tol Dver h rece letter NGHAM, Wash., Oct i fron frie. nO “ ) McCartney, Presbyterian jing th 1e ¢ as bet h ninister, is in hospital het t ing been severely shaken | l be \} in rday when his automobile | ci ud, Uner wide road while he was or his| pre I tt Seattle to meet and bring | mace pecia 5 hter home. Mr ing from shock McCartney;granting it 5% reliel British Liberals Take Steps To Regain Political Power; Samuel Makes Announcements | LONDON, Oct. 15:—Sir Herbert of the Free Trade Liberals in Parliament, addressing ¢ Scottish Nationalists at Glasgow last night, sta ted that the Liberal party intended to measure aiming to bring more home rule t Later at Perth Sir Herbert: outlined a five-point program with which the Liberals desired to ease Un- employment, free the channels of world trade, de- velop trade with Soviet Russia, take active measures to rejuvenate agriculture, establish the free use 01 capital and lessen the burden of remune rative capi- tal, Both announcements were ; Liberals are determined to take active steps to re- Kain lost political prestige. t Samuel, leader sponsor a o Scotland. taken to mean that the jing infectious java 1} Tterrea REPORTS ON | CONVENTION Managing Secretary Birch Tells Hospital Board of Matters Taken Up | Many matters of interest in hos- pital affairs referred to at last night’s meeting of the board of | directors of the Prince Rupert Gen- eral Hospital by H. W. Birch, man- }aging secretary, in his report on ; the annual convention of the Bri- itish Columbia Hospitals’ Associa tion in Vancouver which he recent- ly attended. There were 100 delegates registered at conven tion, Mr. Birch Among matters taken ported upor Mi of doctor were over the reported up and re- the hospitals in hospital re Birch were and by relatior regara to observance of gulations, et economies in sur- gical service use of operating roon service departments of ismaller hospitals, hospital finances enerally endowment of wards patients of chiropractors and osteo- paths, fumigation of rooms follow- conduct and ality of work of private nurses in ils, sweepstakes for “hospital anert on whieh no attion-Was ta- iken by the convention, length of holidays for members of nursing taffs, nursing routine and respon- in cases of surgical mistakes in ho pital operating diseases, Ipility rooms the convention ther thar Ww placed by on une ioctors Yi Mr. Birch tior it Naving expressed his apprecia vention which he had found a instructive ind intere thering. It was regrettable members of the board had been un bie to committee for loc al| to the finance sideration of matters of interest. Appreciation was expres i by W. M. Brown, chairman of the board, to Mr cellent report co nGesesrseoes |\* BURNS LAKE GETS FIRST SNOWFALL # + iliac + First snow of the season in # # the central interior along the # line of the Canadian Nation al # * Railway is reported today # t Burns Lake in the Gov- # * ernmen Telegraph daily # + weather report. Temperature # 4 ere at 8 o'clock this morning # i y above zero and there # * wa hree inches of snow on # * sround, Hazelton and Smi- # * the report cloudy weather #| # while at Terrace it was clear # + \ north wind & ~ # HAO PERM OR ADVANCES IN STOCK Bears Put to Rout by Bulls Yester- day With Price Inereases All Around NEW YORK, Oct, 15:—-The bears, who had reigned pretty much su- preme during the past week or ten were routed by the bulls on the local stock market yesterday when all issues showed notable ad- The days vances ip were up 2 64-100 points to 27.72 utilities average and the which | the nurses. | sting that Birch for the ex- | industrial average was}* Commission to 4 8-10 points to 63.84, rails |* causes of agricultural distress | been sent to the} | Apparently a bit peev Roosevelt Field, New York ig down to earth head just this plane at to get even. , i nh its rhe seport was adopted and ve-|Chinaman Picked Presbyterians Up on Suspicion Will Meet Next Of Being Deporte John Yuen, Chinese, was | up by the city police here last and is being held on suspicior | being wanted for deportation liowing a convict in city court here in 1923 on pot morphine i | for which he wa | tencec to nine ment man Yuen time of Chu Sin Chong Song. He disappeared pet jing an appeal to the higher cot which was unsuccessful ion poli a charge months’ impris deported believe and oraerea whom the police to be gave the name lias Ah Sing $|Chicago Haslts of Unseasonably Cold Weather CHICAGO, Oct visited with its first snowstorn the this week several days of unseasonably | temperatures season *@#evee24¢@¢40¢446¢4¢704684 ’ # ROYAL COMMISSION ON | AGRICULTURE URGED i4 * OTTAWA Oct to 15:—-A Royal inquire into \* was proposed in the House of moved up | Commons yesterday by Hon, W 1 65-100 points to 26.68. The day’s;# R. Motherwell, former Liberal turnover was 2,063,300 shares Wheat was up 14 while bonds were also strong. # minister of agriculture. » at the close # ‘@eeteoeecereeneaeee te picke his possession fined $200, ser “ RENOVATE e ad night of ] ce of ) First Snowstorm, ace Precipitation Follows Several Days ‘night, decided to Chicago wa ol followin W in Vancouver VICTORIA, Ot. 15—The annual meeting of the British Columbia Presbyterian Church of Canada will be held next year Central Presbyterian Church at Vancouver, it was decided at the ssion of the 1932 presby- ‘day ynod of the ‘losing st here yesve! ery HOSPITAL te Decides to Embark on $1500 Program of Repairs and Improvements the upert General Hospital, at monthly meeting last embark upon a I rogram of renovation, repair and reneral improvement in the insti- tution which it is estimated will ost, by the time it is completed, in directors of Prince jits regular PRICE: FIVE CENTS Court of Inquiry Held Today Into Status of N. U. W. A. Leader , T. W. Murphy Will Fight Order and Gives Notice of Ap- peal—Bail Fixed at $1000 Pending Decision By Higher Court in cratic | An order for the deportation of T. W. Murphy, seere- tary of the Prince Rupert branch of the National Unem- ployed Workers’ Association, was made this morning fol- | migration department over which Frank Fitch, local im- |migration officer, presided. Murphy was ordered returned %_o England whence he came to this . API | ALIST Immediately following the mak- ing of the deportation order, Mur- phy gave notice of appeal pending the sum of $1000 cash. | Samuel Insull Refuses Demand To Guiry followed investigations made Give Up His Passport to United by immigration operations and the States Government jetty eS ae eee moter, indicted in that city on larceny in connection with the col-| DISCUSSED lapse of his enormous industrial} ne enterprises, announced that he would refuse to give up his ; aad passport as demanaed by the State! Canad For noe ee Department at Washington, D.C.,| ment With Britain ‘ government tc endeavor to take it; NEW oo. OCs. 16:—-Announes- rom ‘him ee this week of details of the new It was also announced by the trade agreements between Canada it would take no steps to co-op- ; he re of possible tariff reprisals by erate with the United States the United States. in extraditing Insull Under the new agreements, ex- effect that Insull might leave/f steel and iron products and Greece for Turkey. chemicals will probably be seriously pilates curtailed. It is estimated that in HIS STAND | States might be deprived of busi- {ness amounting to $300,000,000 an- ON BONUS’ Against Immediate Payment | aa" | CLEVELAND | ALBANY, Oct. 15:—Governor| candidate for pres:dent of the Uni- | Replying to Charges Made by ted States, who has announced that His Opponent For Office he would reveal his stand on the| La the very near future, is expected to} president Herbert Hoover left by declare that it is impossible to pay) special train today for Cleveland the bonuses at this time owing to/ where he will speak tonight, answ- Es would be favorable to some plan 'self and his administration by Gov- whereby the immediate and urgent |ernor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Demo- needs of the veterans could be met. ; candidate for president. S M N |here Sunday and will leave next enator Cc ary week to speak in Indiana, Mlinois ’ ‘lowing holding of a court of inquiry of the Dominion im- country. IS DEFIANT hearing of which bail was fixed in The holding of the court of in- ATHENS, Greece, Oct. 15:—Sam-' uel Insull, 73-year old Chicago pros) charges of conspiracy and grand} yesterday | __ . 7 U. 8S. Talking of Retaliating Against and would defy the United States) Greek government yesterday that land Great Britain has brought talk Reports current here were to the |/Ports from United States to Canada iron and steel alone the United Governor Roosevelt to Declare | HOOVER IN Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic | president To Speak in Ohio City, question of the soldiers’ bonus in! wasHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 15 — the state of the treasury but that jering charges made against him- President Hoover plans to return T Chi F ana Minnesota, the neighborhood of $1500. Details ie ¢¢¢ ‘ e*e+#ee0088 a if the projected work were gone H Add nto by the board which authorized oover ress ¢ # JAPANESE TROOPS ARE + he house committee to proceed | — * ACTIVE IN MANCHURIA # with the preparation of specificea-| PORTI.*~ >, Ore., Oct. 15:—Sena- ° enareaas * tions and the calling of tenders. Af-|tor MeNary leaves Portland today ,* MUKDEN, Manchuria, Oct. # er the tenders are in, the board|for Chicago where he will give a * 15:—English speaking for- # called together, meeting, will be possibly at a special to award the contracts The work will be financed as possible the hospital but, if these do not suf- fice, the balance will be met out of | a standing hospital extension fund which.now contains about $9000. The program of work decided up-: on includes the following items: (Continued on page three) as far) out of current funds of | eigners in Manchuria west of # Mukden were warned yester- # day to concentrate in one # centre in view of a proposed # movement of Japanese troops # against Chinese bandits in the # area. Japan is also planning to # use troops in the endeavor to # eampaign address in support of * Herbert Hoover for re-election as # president of the United States. \* Senator McNary will deal prin- \* cipally with tariff matters. \* snnetiieeatiehtineca sian \* Dr. Joseph T Mandy, resident | # | mining engineer for the Depart-|*# ment of Mines, returned to the city |# definitely establish the newly on the Venture last evening after|# created state of Manchukuo. # ‘a trip to the Butedale district on| # ° official duties. oeeeeereeeeese oy : “ #, 4 Ne ¥ 4 Ry’ fi ¥ ‘ ; Ph as " nt ge e