' ’ ’ ’ Se = » + . 3 o> Tae =. 12 —_ >? ot we ae. 3 » Mh x AS LEN aI AI ye om a Ne ing He te ia me ES ¥ PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishes Every Afiernoon, Excepi Sunda; by Daily News, Limited Third Avenve sau GF. PULLEN - - - Managine-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier. yearly period For lesser periods. paid in ad Sy ma to all parts paid in aeonite for yearly By mail to = ther in advance 5.00 paid a 3 > per week of epethery and Centre VabDut : : 2] British Columbia per “ical ull 3.0 parts of British Columbia the British pire and Uniteco Siates. paid in advance, per year. Sy mail to all other countries. per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per Insertion, per word ___ Loval readers, per insertion, per line oilseed Legal notices. each insertion, per agate line dipsennliii-~iathaate 13 Tramstet display advertising, per inch. per m 28eTtvIon all Vist Em- $8.00 2.06 nessliiitaiieethlas ase 82 Contract rates on application Advertising and Circulation Telephone __. See Editer’ and Reporters’ Telephone amen Member of Avdit Burean of Circulations DAILY EDITION 1932 HUDSON BAY ROUTE Commenting on the Hudson Bay grain route the Finan- cial Post of Toronto says in part: “In comparison with the St. Lawrence route, insurance both on hulls and cargo on the Hudson Bay route is about ten times greater The e shipping season on the St. Law- rence extends throughout six months of the vear. On the Hudson Bay route, the normal season, when insurance can be obtained, extends only for about 50 days. Hull insur- ance is granted for the compl n and not for a single voyage. Thus a vessel trading e St. Lawrence would pay an average premium on the hull of about four percent Taking an average tramp Ship Is works out at S440. But fir [ jazer this premium the ship can make a dozen vovages reducing the cost per voyage to about $330. The lowest premium on hulls on the Hudson Bay route is three and a half percent. The cost for an average tramp = aid be $3,500 and aS Ohiy one Fe iS POss c t i eI must fall upon one cargo. The comparison, therefore, is between $330 for the St. Lawrence and 33.500 for Hudsa Bay. With regard to cargo insurance a typical case is given im a sni pm nt of lovor importe oy one of went eT = sein 2 4MUUT iit) : it 2 S c quor commissions. The insurance. actually paid, on the Hudson Bay route was $314 whereas the premium on the t. Lawrence route wonld have been only $38 “Ob ious!) the new route cannot succeed unless insur- ance rates are reduced. And the sinking of the Bright Fan will effectively check any trend toward low: tes as faz as the underwriters are concerned. Looking hack over the history of the new route and, having regard to the strong ; political pressure exerted upon the government to pour tens of millions of pu blic funds into the project, it n anticipated that the next move will be a strong agitation for state insurance. It would, indeed, be folly for the fed- eral government to bow to such a demand. Enough mone +1 ae ee ‘ 4 "=" hen bhi throws into this venture alrea It might have been pointed out that the Prince Rupert route is open al the ve und, the insurance’is light, the pilotage easy and the risk correspondingly sma nota little more boosting for this route j NEURALGIA: The agonizing aches from neuralgia can be quieted in the same way you would end a beadache. Take some Aspirin. Take enough to bring complete relief. Genuine Aspirin can’t burt anvbody. Men and women with rheumatism will find the same wonderful comfort in these tablets. They aren't just for headaches or colds! Read the proven directions covering a doren other uses; neuritis, sciatica: lumbago: muscular pains. Cold, damp days which penetrate to the very bones have lost their terror for those who carry Aspirin! All druggists. ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG IN CANADA THE DAILY NEWS - | ee me PROPOSALS FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA PROGRESS BY LIBERALS OF PROVINCE! Foll a? is the list of policies which the Liberal | if Britis h Columbia. in « ention Xv , at — LP 4 ea, +h bette null 4 ae Pel tse i ior ine bFUermMent of condi- x * province : Nationa! C redit days ago, | ‘ed tions in > a a i. is * = + . i. iat the na nal credit shall be used in order to re- eve taxation an nempiovyment. t co-operation between national, POVETRMEIS and the tive enterprises and the lyvine of the people at a 2. That a plan of credi provincial and municipal promulgated tc maintain con health, education — a oar 4 . . +} 72y banks ve Struc ang StancarGd oi “2” sikai . = *€ — 4 Lit is Vt > . . » ' ’ "or - — 7 : : Vy steqr r < - lL nemployment wiict ay ust De alowed m™ iter and that useful public works be S Tt ; > n - - -_ : + FA- 7. . 5. That national contributory unemployment insur- ance be adopte 6. That the department of labor encourage co-opera- tien in industry itself for the purpose of extending employ- ment opportunity, and that a shy rier working my ang thic Aanr rat diese? CUNLIIOOL De Studecc In P. G. E. Railway Tr Pees £ CCA ifai Whe her ibe Fr. 4s. B.. 1 Soi OFT DCT peT2uicen vo! ne Ta ay Shiz ”e Malmained. S That the railways mumister safeguard the pub esiment Mm the i s. i. OF al aggressive p Cy i nsure an 2SSOCI2Z1e Parl im any Taliway cOmmeciing the react ai - : T — 4 { + MVET ihe Facil as 7 hat governmental effort be made to exter mar- kets for B.C. industries c oan — — . nal +h 4 ’ | That « s he made € 2 € " =? r at) 7 y m™maQ 7h? none ¢ aa Lids ailliniy - > Slate Gi etiee ak. ihal Une PoveTmmem make ava me iands a>- <7 #G areas ire I Naree t Lbose ¢€ resserr : eaITe 7 . ie engage in az bure 7 That mA ry armtine ™> — is imai 2a @ TrePTesSenuneg jf CuCer. € ‘ sumer DP CNaaAsned 1 ScommMens 2 pian I kel- £ agricunurai PTOGUCLS OF a Hasis ha iti Make Lhe SirTy Cafaie Of SUSLAIDING Ise Im ine €T : -, a ] ihat municipal taxation and revenme be reviewer ; ¢ 7 at ar “- ta -2 7 StmMent i a0¢ < yet é Y Mnciai anc CTpai revenues and expendhures with- n pe Ti e a 4 . f 7 . i4 ifai vigorous efi wis be Mma recuce res ’ . harges as far as possible without im ring provincia rT dite Th. 4 a ‘ ; ] That provincial taxation be revis t veCia I reas 2? exer i ns pe- - 12 a a ee meni : . is inai previneiai limances be reore IZeO LO Keep ex- endaitures imm revenue. - a li. hat the Dominion be asked for roval commis . - o clini £7 ntl ait S107] 10 ad judieate outstanding Gaim. 0: ‘ 10r IMTeas- 4 6 ee es 4 . bs ed federal subsidy and equalizatior i Transportat harves Governmenta! 18. That the Liberal leader be given free hand to se acabinet solely on grounds of public interest. 19. That, in order to re-assert parliamentary macy, governments be not defeated excep: by confidence ‘ h x supre- airect x +2 ,ULL. 20. That compulsory registration of \ ly revisions of voters’ lists be adopted 21. That the Tolmie Government, ha loss of public confidence, be not auth any further major public policies and tha tion be held forthwith. 22. That cabinet offices be reduced t and representation in the Legislature bx regard to topography lation. 9 aan 54-4 - ++ ig admitted its d to carry out l @ gpenerai € lec- the minimum reviewed with *, community of interest and popu- Social That educational policy be reviewed to put the edu- cational system on sound basis, democratic in principle, and that any approach to the caste system of special privi- 23. non- lege for the wealthy, encouraging child labor, be denoun-; ced. 24. That recent arbitrary acts of the Old Age Pensions Board on Ottawa dictation, making it difficult for eligible persons te obtain pension, be disapproved. General 25. That a public utilities commission be established. 26. That a highway board, with power to lay down a program of highways for a period of years, be established. Advi. : : ; Saturday, October 15 Loy a aa ee tame RECREATION W. H. Tebey Again Elected Presi- adent of C. N. R. Employees’ Bods Had Good Year Chairmen of Variens Committees Named—tnspiring Message ce > . e-President—J. A. Frew Treacurer—T. C. Wilding Secretar A E. Wood Executive—M mm R. E. James nc W. McAu Audivors—H. Lincoln and R. Tas- The sugeested names of commit- rmar hosen by the par- _ r -“—pective oOrancnes held commit- placed bef Weert nc apvoint ments were s fol} f sport at previously € meetings, were ore the ton—F. M ine Basketb J. Campbell R. Tevyilor S—T. Annesiey P ub—H iIncoi4r Softd W. Rei T § F A Rogers J}. Bond I to the he presider > r : x » tm « E s ’ A R. Nichols Rope _ = reet T k and Ficld—G verdale Gad Good Year Drr ¢ his annual report ¢ rgamization. the president ir. Tob eke of complete mn t marked the arc- ® previous vear. Despite € r reatsoma! ac- b e ad beet - tT" * woe ot The pi eration inc y me ifom the xe ve he whole sth ; ne G universe r p mrade- p a £ eipfuiness and r ac th- T € ure vr ced from we m of life the pre y. oD 2 manity Poor \ aione . ‘ ure or ad- g u U «} ‘ ’ f ¢ benefits we must of ore Aer . w men I we dont 3 wie Ya Dpir ac Om mem wi b ur re- were ‘ | Sport Letter Box! BENEFIT DANCE Ttine Editor, Daily News:— We would appreciate it very much t you uld find space in your pa- per to express our thanks to all those who in any way, shape or buted towards making the recent Benefit e for Player E. Webster, such a success. The sum f $106.70 was realized at the dance c this amount has been turned Mr. Webster Yours in sport G. W. LAIDLER Secretary Prince Rupert Foothall Association Practice Schedule For Basketball Wednesday 7:00-7:35—Catholic Club 7:35-8:15—C. N. R 8:15-8:50—Rovers. 8:50-9:25—Boy Scouts 9:25-10:00—Merchants 10-00-10 :40—Grotto Sunday ~1:35—Tuxis ~2:15—Panthers 2:1 ~2:.50—Comets-Me tears 2.50-3 :30—Cardinals 3:30-4:10—Amagzons. 10-4:40—Jap. Assoc. Over i 4 . € ? wa t ( y W 4 . ' & DM - De I st . Shot She Old Country Soccer SQUAMISH SC OTTISH “LEAGI E First Division & >+ Wirren 1 Aberdee!r . dS Milter 4 tritish Columbia Team Defeat, Calgary Shamrocks in First of “ Lacrosse Playdowns He: CALGARY, Oct Squa, 9 ; Squa. Ki L IG¢€ é ish Indians Bri lumbig Mor lians 2 poe erosse cha lefeatag Que Pé K inisue . Shamrocks, Albe tle-he ~Nold. pla yed r s: night b; 11+ St. Johnston 4, Ayr United U 6 in the first game Western - mi-final for the meet ENGLISH LEAGUE Winnipeg in the fi First Division caper icy, | SPORTCHAT Bi 2, Ci Derb y ertol — Leeds U 2, Manchester C The Prince Ru apart Football Asso. i ci | t ge to Liverpool] 4, Portsm« = 3 mo! : ropolis Middlesboro 1, Huddersfield Town Hill | grounds the much rred re. tef football game bety the Ca. Newcastle United 3, Wolverhamp- nadian Legion and a t team Wanderers 2 representing the rest € Senior Sheffield Wednesday 3. Sunder eagne. If weather n pre. land 1 vents the game being ed, it has W Bromw Albion 1, Bit-. peen decided that it si hen ninghan ned altoge-ier Football Ass’n Is Assisted By Hospital Board In order t ssist the Prince Ru- wb have come cepieed ns | Ducks Are In mei So b r asi ight eason ecide € t of Saturday, Oct. 15th =e in re x i See Us For Supplies “Most Sportsmen Do” $1.65 Motty Paste, 303 Oil, « Reds, Et« SCHEDULE 15—Booth vs. Borc October 22——Booth vs October 298—High vs rden Kaien Hardware Phone 3 We High Borden vs. Booth vember 19—Borden vs. High th vs. Borden Deliver Badminton Suppii« d Rackets Repair« Denge NIX te the I Lager, Pour gare watch KH foam! Taree things make such goog. hess possible—coed malt and a careful brew- This advertisement Control Board or iof Liqu 18 ot published or displayed by the by the GovePament of British C ‘ _ nee a