' PAOF. TWO THE DATT.Y NEWS Tuesday, February ?f inV The Daily News saved F ROM HOLDUP MAN pni'vci: iu.tpeht - mutism coi.yMniA rMtJilihed livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by The N OPERATION IS ARRESTED Printing and Publishing Company, Thirtl Avenue. II'.. P. J'Ul.l.nN, .Managing H.lilnr. James E. Crawford Said to Be "Fruit-a-tives" Completely Man Who Stole $2000 From SUBSCRIPTION RATES: , Relieved Me Edmonton Bank. CilyDelivcry, )iy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Hy mail In nil p:irls of the Hrilish Kmpire n ml Ihe Unilrd Slides, 8928 Uxtox St., VAxeorTi-m, B.C. NAVY CUT in advance, 0.00 "I suffered with all the gymptoinf: SID WINSRY IS MANAGER per year of JVniale trOuMe,wit li chronic Constipation To all other counlries, in advance, . per year.x and constant Headaches. I Inlet 'pains Jo down in the buck ami sides Former Prince Rupert Wan Com CIGARETTES TELEPHONE 98 of the body. A doctor advUeduie to pelled to Hold Up Hands have an operation. While Till Rifled. Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion 1 started taking"rruit--tiTe"and Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch (tils medicine has completely relieved VAXflorVKH, Feb. 2l.-lnme l;ncnl Headers, per insertion ,27c per litie me of at ray misery and suffering. M, t'rawford, nljpgod robber of Ihe (Jlassjlled .dvcrliing, per insertion .2e per word am free of pain and headaches and t'nion Hank at IMiiinnlon. was ar Legal Notices, each insertion . . A Tic per ngale lino tlie terrible Constipation, and what rested here esl.erdu.v. lie" is -aid Contract Hales on Application. nm-d me U the fruit meJ'rfiue, lo have held tin Manager ,1 All Advertising should he in The Dr.ily .News Olllre, on day piV "I'niit-a-tlves." Winshv of Ihe i-asl end branch 'oil ' celling publication. Al advertising reeeived subject Jo approval. Madam M. J. fiOHSK. Fcbruarj- 17. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. EOe a toi.'fl for $2.K), trial size2oc. Willi OawMrd wr.s a woman At dealers or sent postpaid hy Kiviiifr Ihe name of Mrs. I'.va Lnr, Fruit-a-tlre I.uoiled. Ottawa. found the mi whose inrn w;m DAILY EDITION 1$J Tuesday, Feb. 21, l224 isiiiii oi ?i?uo.-. Need of Care When . SUITCASES j HM J. W'insh)-, Hie nianager of Boating In Local Waters. TRUNKS Ihe bank, was until recently in the Tlie experience of Ihe limbcrinen, as lohl in ycslcrdnyV 'employ of the I nion Hank al paper,, was iniply one tinny illiislralhm showing Ihe need of CLUB BAGS Prince Ilupcrl. Telling or I lit- greal care in navigating Hie waters onThis roast. Proper cipiip-menl rohbeiy Hie IMiiionlon lliillolin ol is cssenluil for' those .who go outside where the force Of the recenl dale says: ocean waves is.fell. 'Poking risks is foolish. It is mil necessary Large Stock on hand. j Edmonton Story. to go oiilin hoiits that arc not slnuneh and equipped will) proper! Prices very low. I A .during daylipiil robbery loot. paraphernalia (or meeting every emergency. Trusting to Kick placef lit Ihe North Edmonlon J. F. MAGUIRE js foolish. .luani-b or Ihe l.'nion Hank al noon ' Next the Prince Rupertllolel jl'rid.iy and Hie iiimuAkcd hanilii 'fiaiiip I Daylight Saving lho held up the tuaiiaei' at tin for Coming Summer. , point of n 12-aue sliol tru n There is a mmement afoot to organize the forces of those ioiade his escape' wild' a larv'-jriuuntity who wih a daylight saving ordinance during the coming summer. CONTRACT LET of money. The enlirt Those who are in earnest in Jhis mailer must do more than allow 'fio'ceof Ihe cilv police are jn liiir- the cause to drift. It would he well for each society in the cily I7AD AIT A DDVIMP t 'he man who heeaine lost to .discus Ihe mailer and decide what action, if any, lo take. flA yUrillllllilU Ul ylnv in "", m,!t" in vU-inily Then the sooielies who favor Ihe change might meet and plan out! of Beverly. Al 2 o'clock nO anesls a campaign,. The mayor and council can nol he expected lo hring ' tiad been made. tin legislation providing for a change of this kind unless they nreiHenry Wu,f of llc Arm ' Suc When notified of Ihe robbery Superb 2ualih sure. Ihe people want it. If Ihe people express themselves clearly cessful Bidder Three Ten Chief of Police Shille, Inspector there will he no reason why Ihe council should hold hack. A I ders Are Offered. IllaekWood, Inspeelor Shaw. Serpl. Finest Workmanship present Ihere has been no expression of opinion given in a - ' If.eslie and oilier members of the Greatest Value public way, , Henry Wulf of Alice Ann has forc.e responded and Ihe uhole Vancouver has decided lo adopt daylight saving Ibis 'year and been awarded the conliacl. for Ihe f((r,.0 atlached lo all Ihe sub-sla, in ihe World many other jdaces will follow suit... In, Prince llnpert there seems preparing of non yiil- or rook at (ion4 WPro lurn,1(, , in t.,iaM, r to he a demrtnd for it. What is necessary is that the people Smith Island for the cily rock man, who it is believed bended .express themselves so that Ihere ran he no doubt as lo what they crusnei;, ms enuer or cents a.f((1T,, ,own nf Heverlyand he. 10 form Jlizd in tins wih. The city council uonld not he juslillerl in acting unless cubic yard being the lowest. Three ,.amp in (h(l jJ11(ih jn t 90 " n59 ticy feel lhat the city wishes it. tenders were siilimllted on Hie res ion. ofSO&IOO regular sjiecillcalioji.s and one air The miuouin entered Ihe bank Library Bylaw I. t 1 ( ternative. one from taplain, Itah- just a few minutes lo 12 and held Popular Wove. 7 ; infrion, ".no nas jne unvinir conn,,,, f)io inanaser, S. J.-Winsby, al Lust night the local I.ibraryjAssoeiation'presetited a petition lract, ,for the laying down or the ,ie point of a sboliiiin ami ordered ii to the cily council praying that a bylaw he introduced establishing i-oiik on the city streets at l.rrir,jm not to move or it would cost o'clock in tlie afTernonii.Uie runib n public library here. They were' well received and it is clear that Hat. The oUier two tender. onj,i, ,js jfe. t,0n, necordiiif had not been checked over to ihv Ihe mayor and most of the aldermen are, with the. people in Ibis ine regular seciiicnilons were as lo Ihe manaser's slatemehl, wenlj lermine the loss. matter. The law provides lhat Hie council sjiall on Ihe receipt of follows around behind Hie counter and The manasrer nf Ihe bank. S. ,1. Lumber a petition siieh as .thai pn-senlejl yesterday prepare a bylaw juid (I. Liiiiliiiis, excavation of helped himself to all the available "Win shy, has just rccTmlly taken & Lath pass it and then give Ihe ratepayers an oiporlunily toJvote on'il,' iiiuskeg, logs and loose material, cash nnd.again said: ''Don't move charge nf the .North ljlin'onlofl This douhlless will lie done. Much of Ihe success of Ihe institu $1.25;; quarrying solid rock. Hie. Ol Irv to lfd jiv:iv! fliern Is im branch here, having come from a tion will depend on Ihe amount of co-operation received from Ihe 11. II. Hahimrton, Hi and j;l5;.ti.P man outside and you will be Jtrilish Columbia point. The teller. Shiplap-Boards and cily council; Happily Ihere' is a pretty good councjf this year ami iot- council went uiio coinmii. 'instantly shot. Darrell lloberjson, has been all r the" mem hers are anxious jn carry out lh,e wishes o'f the people in ire oi uie wnnie jo, compare the The. robber then beat a relrea the' branch since lysl May. Onh litis respect. Willi all working together a public library should alternative tender Mllt the one jthrotitrb the hack door, nnd a these two men are employed at Dimension soon he a going concent here. The slain of past neglect will thus 1 ". "'eiiwin as the manager and Ihe the braheh. be wiped away and the city will lake, her place as one that thinks amount or loose material In he re- teller, Dnrndl Itobertson, rdt rea Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover of something oilier than making money. iiuoen was esuinaie.i ny sir. itati. jsonably sure Ihey set up Hie pur NOf HOPEFUL inmoii io ne o or i.uuu yards, suit. Several shots were fired hv OF THE Kiln Dried Commercialism In makjng this ofTer it was slated them after the ilceimr uian, but DOLLY Flooring, Ceiling, Siding . Is Rampant. hy Mr; llahinclnn thai his sole do. they nil went wide of the mark a - VARDEN MINE II is necessary for all lo'make a living, but the desire In make sire was In terminate, with as Utile far .as they can I ?1 1. and Finish lit carried loo far. In delay and misunderstanding Police Notified. Property at Alice Arm Is Discussed ; money may a new city, where life is somewhat 'SPRUCE more Ufa struggle than in the older communilies, people are as possible, a contract which bad 'Hy this lime the police wer at Mlnlnq Institute LATH : apt lo lose sight or everything but getting ahead financially, been most unsatisfactory to all nolilled by some resident or lb Meetlnn. concerned; . Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices (list cirt nnd the whole nei'rhlini' j, Commercialism is rampant. We live in a world or desire for ri.... - ,:. , . .. . r commercial progress and forget lhat Ihere are other things in life .vii-r o.nc oiscijssion me oily ir..o. was aroused. They followei The Dolly Varden mine on Alice r even more desirable than riches. We do not mind spending engineer siaien mat vuuu yards (l. ,11Hn ,,, ,lf stockyards and Arm was the subject or discussion PRINCE CO. . money as a commercial investment, hut we do object lo spending would- .il.in.'.'.i.rohahly t ...I,!..t. cover fl all..the.. looseji,,t the direction of Heverly, but he ut Ihe annual convention of RUPERT LUMBER ' n quarter of n mill on the.dollar for such a thing as a lihrarv. Thai louii-imi .wimcii ii was necessaryihecanie lost lo their view as soon the il.O, division of Ihe Canadian Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 is the altitude a few people take, but we' are thankful lo sav it is io reoiiiM-. un mis oasis, tneins they ot in amToitist Ibn Institute nf Mining and Metallur ; only n few, The majority have a healthy desire for social iuipVove-inent tenner or Henry Wulf wouhl he shrubbery. gy says (he Vancouver World. much IIIC (OWCSI, SO tllC council 'flio Imnl- r.m.,1,,1. I...II.,.-. Dr. and lhat (leorge Hanson staled are not willing lo snerillce everything for the almighly that , dollar. ) ni.'ise Jrom commit lee and' in Ihe man ilelihernlely planned 1iis the Dolly Varden mine had been cepted his te'rider. attack and thai he may have been the outstanding realure or min Need More Frequent , watching their ninvejnenls for ing orieralions in Hie Alice Arm Northbound Mails. I li-soine time.'- . is Ihe custom or district, in imparling lo the convention The Man In the Moon his WHY YOU SHOULD .SAVE t Xo: dial il- js announced that the Princess Healrire is to I 1 . n-iier 10 jro in a neartiy rao1 olwervaliotis gleaned make tveykiyVnlls.nl this city, arriving here on .Saturdays" it is to 1 . SAYS: j a mite iierore noon each day to through a geological examina To insure he pet Ids lunch and tion of Hial properly, hut while yourself against an unknown hoped thai arrangements for mails lo be carried on her will V lhat of Hie future. be made unlit such lime as (he second (1. T. P. fast sleamer , nroimidi-i .. .... nianaper, ami it was while the pointing out Dial the Dolly Vnr To insure goes happiness and comfort Jit ' ' yenr den had hack inlo the service. At present practically all the mail arrives 00k "i4 ,0 . 1,P'- '""I lhat Ihe handi. en shipped l.yoi.ltl minces old here on Huuday night or .Monday morning nd if part of it could $20 a month;' "Stcredand found the wnanapei 01 had siiser, and also thai Ihe mine To age.Insijre provision for your family fif he divliibttled latone. Ihe teller relurned while yielded a high as 1,200 nr.. on Saturday il would , prove a great convenience to lo Ihe tle event of your death. the people here. A MAX whoVexpects to pet any , "' '.""naper bad his hands up and Ion,-lie expressed the fp- Commence Saving to-day witli kind of a lim'rtr to rent in Ihisl""' i'n,ber was helping himself 1111011 miih uie ore was only "sen city Is ah onl,!mis. lo Hie cash. nndary." Ills entire miner was THE ROYAL BANK Bandit Described. 01 a purely technical cnaracier, A HOOP garden Is a place the holdup man is described as Ihe speaker dealing wilh the for Universal Trading where poor prunes are plucked. bcinjr small .in size, wearinc a mation aim composition of .the OF CANADA Company time Hiiil. ore and emphasizing the largo Aunvvi ...... .. " """ S. Ji n. i.t MacLeod, Manager. ' 'm i4i won t a nark complexion. Heyond Ihi milliner 01 metallic minerals contained V ? on nuyvMiere is wonuerlnsr no further description of him is in II. Prince Rupert Branch t ,.... ,. .-,. r ,,IIIU you nvailah O lin to .Ihe ,oresenl In (ho main, however, the ure worlh. I - - - paper was not BARGAINS The manager nf Ihe hank de. over-ojitimislic, and Immediately following lis TNI'! ripnlinhllili la ...... T ciares tuat lie saw a man answer reading S. S. Fowler, chairman. paid twice as much a 'inff "ain? ''eription loitering you are expressed Ihe worth. .around Hie bunk the previous day opinion lhat the NOTARY Dolly Varden was an instnm-n of THEO COLLART, LTD. - MEN'S at the snine time, and 11 'gnu re PUBLIC WORKING SHIRTS ue lact mat IX Oermany Wlrlh Is reeos- Pair man in the vicinity has Ik cnptlnl going lulu a in Flannel nized. formed the. police that a man came none mum ,,01 expert values to FOR SALE Six Room House and Bath near and Flannelette, colors dark and oiiuiiiic iiiueiin iciy. and refer grey there about tioou yesterday wilh red lo what he termed the McBride St., $1900.00 easy terms khalc; regular $2.25, special for WHAT I would like lo know a sholaun and asked to he allowed "pee nuiiiar manner in which floJ ahoul Holshcvlsm is whether lo leave II there in storage mine mui come In, Rentals Real Estate General Insurance $1.65 Ihere will be enouh Juicy steaks unlit Friday. Or. 8, J. KchoriebJ. J. 11. ma. Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 68 to fm around under Iho Ilussian Loaded Quo Found. Percales ucmilai inc. Now Kenzln and several of Iho other 3 yards for S1.00 system thai failed. The police in their pursuit of Dark Prints and CJlnghams -Speefal, jier yard 30c the fugitive 'Jegates rlilercd inlo the ilis. found onlhc (rail Wntrh this sjiace for the weeklend. eulon; but while M the Sp,ak- I'OS.SIJU.Y it was Hie-failure over' which he had passed n 12- of the steaks lhat caused Hie gamre Miotgun fully loaded, junl who r niuiutieij held different there view were nmnv UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED' Universal failure of Hie system. It Is believed lo be Hie same as regard- SAILINGS Trading Company ' mg trie outlook for Hie mint; Tor wus left wilh Vancouver, rilllnp tl ansou Buy, Orciin falls, TiJmiKv, W- ,.,!,. Hie gunsmilh. none would express opinions For Port lmpn, Sum IHvir. An.von and Alice nn. Simitar " it Phone 376 Under Xew Management P. O. Box 1712 KVKRVHODY wanled lo eat dm Jl U csllmated that the amount fcriiu,' from those cniinir at ncmnir and ."Va lUrbw on -IIHi inn, iO. fell. IV, o ''"'l.,rrli expressed. i,uiiiii 11 pmiirrriiir. nunirnn una 31 ill Jy Nlllini rev. - tfteaKs and nobody to rnisn or taken from the bank amounts In i. 10 and Arrll t rook I htm, a little over 2nno, though at 2 Advertise in Ihe Dully News, 813 Sacend anut JACK BANNSkf V, Agtnt