PAGE FODR THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, February 21, 192. BRINGING UP FATHER By George"McManus VOrVT LET ME OKIt J IN THE HOU', I ah: i uKtiTU x. jfr rTS THINK "fOU I jr-i i -t, iim THr? .HEO BETTER, HERE. TTT THE. door; . 1 HW I DCS IKI tit vnrmr 1 ,77 ' ' 5". ' 1 "My little son was badly scalded by pulling a pan of boiling water I VI II-. -' UM' I I . if? over himself," writes Mrs. Albert Sawyer, of Midland, Ontario. "I called in a doctor, but his ointments failed to eaae tb child'i intense pain. I therefore discontinued I lie treatment and began with Zam-Pult infttead. "This wonderful balm appeared to relieve pain almost immediately, but to male jure t wa doing the liijlit thiiiR. I called In second doctor. When I told him what. I' wain minx. l'e "aid : ' That right -just keep oil with -1 Zum'Hitk, therr't tw(liiiig to g ml fur and hums ' "A I persevered with ?.am-RiiV all " soreneM and inflammation uai drawn 1921 by Intl FcaTimc Scnvice, Inc. , a-ir ( HHP oat o(the injuries and new skin tfruitually farmed. It was not Jong before, the BcatJs although sueatrnsiveand severe go lo the people as soon as possible. were completely Jiealed." Library Advocates Present Zain Huli obtainable of all chemists and 60c box. is Aid. Silversides said 'be move. stores, equally splendid for the treatment of ecema, ulcers, Petition to City Council Iiienl would get all' Ihe s.Uppnrl Daily News Classified Ads. ringworm, piles, varicose sores, poisoned lie could give il. wounds,chaps,eold-sores.chilblains.etc. Aid. Collar! said that il was 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than SOe Asking for Passing of Bylaw a matter or niuiucc more loan seulimenl Willi him. lie was BOATS FOR SALE WANTED BOATS FOR HIRE quilc in favor Of the library but A delegation from Ihe Prince. Huperl Library Association, he baled lo spent! money with WIIKN in need ol boaN, engines. VOI (iillL wanted to assist CO.YUNO DOWN Launch "Nar-helhnng" oinprising llev. fi. (5. Hacker ( cliairmnii ,. , W. IJ. Williams, II. out knowing where he was at. anchors, compasses, magnetos, wilh. light housework ami look I nm no nsklng you Pollen, Howard While, T. Hnss .McKay, Mrs. II. Pallinsnn ami "Sewers are Hie worst need hi ca rb u ret I ors, )iropellors, etc. arier baby. Apply IL'H Piflh for a job. I am offering you (i. V, Wilkinson, appeared before Ihe eily coinieil la;! night disking al Ihe present lime. A person go lo Hie Northern Kxehangc. Avenue West. If n service at reduced prices. I MOVING? should not have to pinch his Phone (i ill. f Phone Hloc.k 400. thai a bylaw for Hie establishment jif a municipal library in nose when reading a book," WA.N'TKI) Young girl lo assist Ihe city be put to Ihe electors al the'parlies! possible moment. A Aid. Kerr said that mainle- CLOTHING MERCHANTS. wild housework and care of WATER NOTICE. widely signed petition was also siibmilled to the meeting. The nant'e was one of the main ques baby. Apply Hot C, Dally fsToiHi'.l'.l lelegntion was given n favorable hearing and was told thai the lions. IT Ihe rending room was DO not let your slock run down News Office. tf. T KT MITiri: thai Ihe (irinliv rimw.ll. in choice quality or values. (Uleil M, S. A I', en. Mil. wlume adilreMt If main dillicnlty would be one. of finance. The nelilion was referred suitable he would be favorable lo Our SITUATIONS WANTED l Aryiei, II. vili apply mt a llpetoe rnr so. vacating it for the librarv and special order department the tturave ir ivniiii arre ffet ur u-aipr I o the eily clerk In be checked enables ypu to serve the fashionable, mil or (nil i:rrek, whim flow, wmtlwrly building an addition. Kl-TfCIKXT Saleslady wants taiiii. iirnin nun i iiiKervniorv iniei ni Call Us Up up lo acerlain of Ihe rviuired cent in price in (lie last seven Aid. Mcl.eod said thai they al dresser as well as the ilion. Kxperienrcd. llefpr-ences. pos. jlxiiil Anyn. nn The reel vinrare dam will'rrom lie Ineati'ii iipotieam present 1 00 proiierly owners have signed ecomunie or eight years. "Prince. Hupert ways bail opposition from the buyer. Selections of Apply Post Office Hox ulam. The rap-v-lly nr Ihe renervolr In lie Kxperiehced men' give sal is-faction il. was Hie sort of place where l'inance (jommillee. Hp was patterns- unsurpassed. Write H5i. I7 eretied will nmd In alMHil aliotit no,1 1 1 aere 0 ant or reel,land.anil The It in household' removals. Mr. Hacker, Ihe spokesman of many people had no homes.. They heartily in accord willi Ihe move- today. H. Vineberg 4 tin.. waler lll lie diverted rrom Ihe stre.itii at Ihe delegation, staled that Ihe either could not afford books Limited, corner St. Lawrence FOR SALS a point aitthiiriied under Cotidltloiial or nicii. A bylaw should be .siibmilled l.leeiiae n. SJItr In lin n.e applleil rr Orders for general carlnRe lime had now come for Ihe es could not curry them around nnil lie though! it would Hlvd. and Dululh Ave. p. O Ik t'l miiinkiiieiil a rluhl In Like .and urn I-Oll w"""r " Pondiiioiiaf SALI-reo. 'l.lreiisa Lot willi two houses I' .o. work Bivon careful attention. laiiiisnnieni or a Horary. . rep- with I hem. The money in establishing pass. Hftx :t(M0, Montreal. njB rhu ,cp inviaa on ihe We r.esenlnllvp meeting of Die As ooe would be well Was No Hiring repairs. HtiyPr lo i-nnmd on the stt day r Janiufy, tott. promise prompt delivery Opposition. ni inm nonee 'oij- ami all i.,n il iir apfiiiratlon of nil Coal orders given to us. ocial inn had unanimously de spent, lie was loalh lo ask Ihe bjilcher shops, the- proprietors i ix nis own li Ills. I. . purnijanl lhereli and In IIhv '.'Water Art, summed .Mfcyor llochesler up Hart. tail," will Im IIIhiI In tlie-,nfllr or If the cided Hint Ihe city should he "robbers council are because, eily lo they spend but money Hie feeling of Ihe council and water iieeorner al pnnee ntinert sked lo put through a bylaw lo he thought that, next (o he hospital, charge, in the estimation of these' UAACih Tor SalP. Six ' """ 10 """ applieallun may he'llled Willi staled' IioIps. that fo Ilot il was easy be the .,ld Water llieorder nr Willi he go before Hie people as soon as Hie library was 'most crilies, too much, therefore Ihcyl romipplinn' Kft'l ,:"niPlrnller or Water Hlht. Parliament PACIFIC GARTAG E seen I bill Ihere was no opposition ".'A ' III"J liuil.imirs. Vleiona. wllhln possible. An initial grant of worthy of boubt be prohibited Ihiny dava support. The citizens or con in the council II was all a Mflll Avenue Last. t7 arter the nrl appearanee or- IliU ludlee In 2,500 covering $1000 for lih- were piddled lo il. Where in Ihe ironeii. i iie.Me critics do no . a Im'al iiewnpaper. The dale i.t iim nmt Limited anan s salar -fiooo for books Dominion of Canada was there would matter be or taken finance willi and the as .uch see that the urerchanls. go iop SALE OF ALIEN PROPERTY 'publlratlon mil. nr lliln mdiee U' rehruary 4 til. phone 93 and $500 for incidentals, would a city Hie size of Prince Hupert millee. up turn. the open markefs or the .world rill-: hie SMI.l.TI.Ml oiuimdy AMI co.vsoi iihti'o mimvo, Custodian of Allen rowtll r.oIPAY. be required. A liklk sum Would without a library. Ilecause the and purchase lea from t'.lilna prop L Ml I I II, Appllraiil. 5Ir. Hacker said thai the reading erty gives notice I bul Lots ".'ft Hy William Ynlnir, Aaent. he each The necessary year. meat, and wool from Australia people were pioneers .wid am would for and Per Wade I . Weimnre. Hioni do nicely 29. Jllock I, See. fl, in iiresenl reading with room, bitious was. no reason it should cotton .from Ho; Nile am! bring Ihe purpose.. The same quarters Ihe r,ily,'or Prince Huperl will I.N Till: i:ot'NTY OtCHT OP PHIVPK Miglitly larger "extension I ban be overlooked. Along Ihe lines it n their doors for which serv. Hl'PLHT, ll"Li.N AT PIU.NCK III TWIT. used for the ladies' rest rotfm Je ,ioli auction by public nn .had heeiY 'planned, wnhld 'servV oj" opnnrtiinity and education it ice they must pay. W'.' Hie mer could be used, for storing the, Wednesday Ihe 22nd of Between day 'ine purpose jr ine. niiuary as woiild'be ih'valuable and, II might chant, nay with .service: i.ej.fjb r. 0. nwsox i.iMiTro. Hall well. books .and the, jnen could lie accommodated February, 1022 ill the hour Pl.ilnlirr, Metropole the fin, lumber, eliv . keep men from And younger away ' in. Ihe addition. 'I he or .1:30 o'clock in the after-nooii Public Opinion With It. Ihe poolrooms. II was in the would1 I lie critics have the. right lo I LK WO0. r.LOIIfiK CA and pil.V (or be' library started willi at (lie office of Phill-Iiott-Fvilt i llAVi lilCk, rarrylnr on ImXnei. a for rent to' lodges or similar Mr. Hacker staled lliab'the' petition interests ofMhe city and the ne'o. 3500 books, 1500 from local donations, eider Hie field and sertire .omt1 & no, Aiiclioneers, :oMPA.Y.IIMl SAMl 'P.OMPA.M ami MIXil SA.MI organizations. which was Jieingpresenled joe" who hail money invested in inoo from (lie government of the "enormous,? .profit's fqrl Third AvenuePrinee Huperl, lerrnd.inl. had been in few it. In have fkF. MiTKL that a ei.itni ha. i,n.n -IjhhvI a very a library started iiiemseives, mey naveno rigni jo add 1000' from the' Associa-linn. II.0. The sale is subject lo n enlned and a Suinrnniis lued aalnt you OFFICE SPACE Jiours and that there had been Mr. imams wen I on to ileal With 100 added each interfere willi another man's In Ihe above i:ilnily Omrl liv f. il. lunam reserve Terms year 't only one or two who objecletl lo with the legal of (lie mai service, unless I hey by price. Limited ror the autn or aiio.ys rnr ynudi 38 prove hy 21, suitable aspect heated, for Ihere would soon be a creditable cash, balance t, 2, and 3 yeajrs, Hold and delliered and an enter lia been professional for rent. it. One of these had said that ler saying that Hie council was providing a belter one their eoni inle'rest' made thai Ihe puhlleatloii or lhl fHitlre'or man, collection. nl six ier cenl. the entry or milt plaint and Imue or aurti Ihe people would'' not be in hound Ihe lentinns and then there will be young duly to present liy-law Howard While pointed nut I hat FtMllF.R f)LTni!TO.. Summon'. In a newniiaiier publmlied and Agents for siveii Ihe proprrJiiid of reading, al tlm next, election where a no necessity for such iulcrfer ilrriilatlnir In the city or prltire Hupeil ror Norwegian American Line no ouiside organization would I Uh . February. IH22. three lnerllnli at interval id Iwii dav In liis mind, this was a strong money bylaw was submitted. The encej and thi' Hi.titit of a ealinl ropy of Hie Ihe II would library. Swedish American Line run always ald Fiiniiiinn and a true or Ihe aald argument jn favor of Hie council assumed The community lias Hie right ropy Scandinavian library no responsibil be under the jurisdiction' of (be MISCELLANEOUS. order In Ihe 1 1 p n I I r' nnue or thin Court American rattier tlian against it. A prop. ity and il was high time that a 10 enter ine meal business in at Prinre llunrl. II. r., Miull be deemed In Line. council. FISIlfiftMRN! ni:MKMIIKIl!l Our lie iiihhI and milllrlrnt nor Hie of the Plulnl r library would attend to this. start was made. open roinpelllion wilh others bul uaml SiiiniiKiii upon you. The being petition, on pre Oliver Typewriters need. Allium;:!! limes were hard, (Jity Solicitor Hooper agreed it has no rigid lo a monopoly machine and blacksmith simp 1011 are rvqinreii u enter B nipme inte senled, was laitl over Tor a week within ten davn rrum Ok. dale tit the lint Cary Safes Ihe unemployed would benefit I hat Hie bylilw could lie submitted until il lias earned il by service is open. We do new and repair Inierlfun or Oil notlre. al Ihe terllrar' so that il could be examined by (illne id Oil al the work in all lines. Salis-raction Conn limit limine, lo a great -extent through such at time with another and il will then have it automatically. any the city clerk. Hy Mr. Wilkin I'llliee liiei'l. It. C, and If you do Iml n FIRE INSURANCE library and many pleasant money bylaw. guaranteed. Nogue.s & enter urli rii-pnln note, Judiifneul may 1m' , son's count, ll lias liepn signed Parent Co.. New Mnsset. Irned airalinl you and Hie piamlllT may hours could lie The tax . spent. Mayor Supports. by 113 actual properly owners Better Method. s prxfeeii to eeeiiiiou. ii i mi ai rriiiee itiipert, nruikn i:nniin. payers strongly favored the lit) "I think this is a splendid v. . Take "dope" it js apparently FOIt ODD jobs irr pari time work, bin, this tli day or lebrnar.v Ivit. Dybhavn & Hanson rary and public opinion was be idea," said Mayor llochesler. here, I do not know. I have never phono )). L. Harrett. lllue 2.1HI II. V. NUPLLon,lunKirar. hind the movement. .11 was Hie i met mil one person in all Slick this add To :IIV nr rhani IdCW. Third Avenue "and Ihe city should-have a lib I al I T my on your pluflie. Prince Rupert, B. C. duly of the council to act when rary, there are nnl many cilies j in ine L,eiier box i life Dial I kuevv as u dope fiend for reference. If WATER NOTICE. Ihe people were expecting If. Olvaralon and Uat. of this size that have not one. Ihere is no- good persecuting Mr. Piillen said that public Perhaps, however, (here are not DO IT BETTER. these poor devils. II is up to FOR RENT Tako notlre thai Jamea A. Brown, wnoaa sentiment d.lrrm H Purl tlnton, H, i:.. will appIT was undoubtedly many oil loss of this size that have Ihe government instead of lor UNDKIt new management. St. Mr Hrenee In lake and use & ruble reel strongly in favor of the. library. menling them (os Hfrond or water oul or Browna provide a bel per Creek, Night Phones - J. G; Steen; 371 j uie cosi would lie small and as large expenses in making Kdilor Daily News: Louis Rooms, Mrs. I'. Valpy, whirli nnwa northeaoerly and dialna into W. Lonsrwill, Blue 270 very roads and other public works. A I have in my humble way al- ter method of service Ihifii that managpipss. , Hales $3.00 per lloeaall lllver aboul nine nil lea rrom moiilti levy of quarter of mill or lliicrall a a lllver. Day Phone 5 il. public library would be a big lempleil lo check Hie deslruclive so widely .criticized. II might be week and up. Also furnished The water will be diverted from the would Miss. Stewart. cover asset ami I am sure that (he legislation of Ihe past few years. possible to gradually reduce the housekeeping rooms. mream al n point nliniil A 7 reel above tidewater STEEN&LONGWIIL president of Ihe Library Associa. amount iise.l under such nn Lot lilt, Flan ire t. Oiait llUtlli't. ouneil will lend effort lo I he world kindly every seems to have gone and will De uei ror' power puilHwe uimn lion of II. :., a government ln- service. 'The TO HKN'T Furnisher! house the land 5, having it established. The mad with Ihe desire to interfere present attempt to described a Lot IIM, Panne Sheet Metal Works Coal I l U lot. Skerna lllver liUlrlil. lilution, in conversation with iiuaiicuti end or it seems lo me willi Ihe other fellow's business, prohibit il makes il more, prof. keeping suite. Apply 110 0 1 li Till nollee wua imnteil on tlie ground on Agent for McClary Kurr.caes him, had said that Prince llu- lo be Ihe worst feature as Ihe hot lo bul lo I name hi l no dealers and more Avenue F.nsl or I'ltone lllue Hie Htli day or January, li. help, prohibit; beg A ropy or Ihl notlre and an anpllratlnti pert was one of the that places Sanitary and eily, through the unemployed, is lo point oul lo you 'once more costly to (he consumers, and 217. tf. imrauant Iherelu. and to the "Waler Acl, was causing woro1 to I ho As,o. 1914." will be (lied In the omre or the Heating Engineers Ibis year faced with (fn extra Dial service is the base of all really increases consumpf ion. I FOR HUNT Modern house, 5 Water lleeorder a I Prinre Hupert. IL eiiition. She had wondered why expendilnre of. thousands business. drives, it into holes anil corners ohjertlona lo the appllratlon may lie llled Mb Street and Fraser Street many and bath. Phone lllue lierorder wilh thn something had not been done rooms with the ald Water nr Prince Rupert .... B. C. of .dollars, which had not been The bur-rooms were public and because it is prohibited 710. Piimpliuller or Water Hlshia.. Parliament here. All the dala hud been giv- makes il more desirable. niiildlnta, V-Uirla, H. C, within Ihlily xpecled." club rooms where people con. day after the Itrst apH-aranee nr mis n by her. A bylaw could bo Aid, Dybhavn, chairman of the gregaleil (o while away I ho passing Any ulteinpl to prohibit an BOARD. mdlre in a loral nev.paper. put up at any time a money by. which there-is JAMLS A. IIHOYV! Jipiii-niii. articlefor finance committee, .said II was hour for which service those already The date id thn llrM publlratlon id Ihl law was presented. The peopb) Just a question iif money ami, if people who used these services an active demand is an interrer-enre Till? new dining room al the nnllre u Januarv 91. 1 . were anxious to have n library, il camp, down to thai, he, was not paid. The coinuiunily first de. willi Hie -natural law or Inlander is now open, Hoard in probate: ! M. T. LEE Trained Librarian. supply and demand. Such by the weok ormorith. Phone prepared Just then to say what stroyed this service without having pro tiik srrnr.Mn coi iit tr iihitisii Mr. l'ullen pointed out Ihe could be done. As far as. money provided something In lake hibitory laws only change 'the 137. If iiii I'M 111 A. Ladies' & Gentlemen's necessity for a trained librarian, was concerned the lime was very it h place. melhoit of buying ami selling HAIRDRESSINQ. In Ai:T the and mailer In lb"r innlier TIIK AllMIMSTIUTION or Uie KHale or preferably a lady. The lire of inopportune even to submit a The llnlsheviks or abolition from Hie legal lo Hie illegal and Under New Manneinenl reanrd.lllWAHO Inlemale.r.l.LVLI.A.M) PAHSO.NS TAILOR Hie whole instltirtion would be in bylaw under such uncertain con ists or prohihilioiiislK were de. bring our laws and officers 'into RF.X UAHriKH SHOP AND IMTII8 TiK NOTIPK" In order or III" Honor the librarian ami it-would ditions. The usefulness of Ihe lisrepule. Also cost or govern P Men. Yoiinir, made the Mil day of only stroyers. The community found 228 Sixth Street iYi,..iiv A li 1099. I wan iLiiiiolnled Ad- Fit Guaranteed be successful by having one. library was conceded bill the that Hie destruction of lliesn ment service is increased ror 0. M. K I LIMY Pltone Ulue 78 tulnliilratiir land ParHOin,to I lie iieri-aen.Labile id uun Ldward an inm"Lleva. J'he, present reading room would city had other problems just as club services was nol wise, that which service we pay unneces. ImvliiK ilainiH- airalnn the aalit etnie are Third AVenue, opposite (. O, be a suitable place and it might important or perhaps morn .so. we bail erred jn doing so. sarily high. The best governed AGENCY. vel'llled,hereby reiiulred to nie on in or rurnlsli berore Hume.the Kill iropeily iluy or Phone Red 138 be possible for the librarian to Iiis where the money would be In groping for Hie remedy we country Is the least governed. Vairli. A.I). 1 09H, and all puttier Indebted MAMJFACTLMIKH of Higlil Class the enlate are required In pay the supervise that as well, The people obtained was a question and he tried Oovernmenl Control, The IIOOMKS K. I'llKHMAN. amount lu uf Ibelr HuJilitediiea o me rorili- Flavorings wants local would then get something was no( prepared at Hie present idea i practical in Ihe hands agent, JOHN II. MeMPLITV. Musi for their money. .Mr. Pullen declared time to give any hope. Passing of practical men, not in Ihe Advertise in the Daily News. have best of references. onirlul Ailnilliiklralnr. .No capital required, splendid nTtli tbl gth dny id lebruary. IUiIJ. that Hie association could a bylaw would not find the hands of visionaries. Oovern- TORK'S have filled the council chamber IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH opportunity f,. u,jy Illul, ,,r money. mcnl conlrid of liquor or dope or COLUMBIA. s SELL willi an ciilliusiaslld' delegation Aldermen's Views. foot! or clothing can only bo a In the mutter or THE Ah.Vl.MsTIIATIo.N treal.ahlllly. Vriie box- "icri Mon. of citizens, Aid, Kelly said he was In fav success when the government Ai:r ami HOWE,in the iliicaiMl,nmltpp or III-.'MIY IlL'li-H.MUi TOVES. Real Demand. or of (he library right through undertakes to perform llies'e MUSIC. TAKK MITir.E l tin t nn in ati, h , , TIMBER SAIC X-3MJ., Mr. Williams concurred in the and even if expedilnre on some services belter or -cheaper or .m.Muij, i.j i, it.urri or miuiiiuMrutloii statement that I ban wrrr btiuU'U m John fi, PIA.N'O SCHOOL. Sealfd tetulera will tie rnrrlveil by lite now vn the lime thing else had to be cut out Die both, private individuals Miiiiiiil.iiator. l'r(iw Miiiu,Mii,HuiH-rt. nilli'lul Uriiixh Mlnlati r or Lamia at Vlrtorla not later than to get the library started. There bylaw klimild go to Hie people. can. Columbia. Leschetlky Method. All grades unou oo tlio Hud day ur March, tin, rnr Fred Stork's, Hardware was a real demand and, nveejaily Aid, Montgomery, expressed Not Robbers said All mute prrsimt me luvinir rvquirrd rl.ilnn In lili-arulmt buiiib with I hi' taken and special attention the 1.600.000 purrhane reel or or l.lrenae Sprure, .-3(l8fi,Ledar, llpinlok to rut for it Ihe eily hud teen criti. sympathy with the movement and The only kind of crilicism thai I lie undrtliU'J uliljln thirty ayl rro,n to beginners, Terms and Uuliam. from an areu altuated .on Cnaat the 11)0 (Juttl liftffHif anil all ii,.i.ri.,iw .....i.. North Ann of Mourn Inlet, Itanyn Second Avbnup cleij because there was no Y. M. fell that 1,500 could be spent j worth while i to "do il beU Ubta ti iim mid palate are required l"i moderate. Plutrlrt. , h t- PHONE BLACK 114 A. for Piiv the atn to tun umerlimel rorihw-lili, -CUAS. P. IIALAONO, Tluoe 3) yeara will be allowed for and no plaee people to without jerioiisly affecting the ler." Take for instance, the common t'.pir.,, iui nm uiiy ir reiiruarv, mud removal or tlnder go. lloALs had gone up 75 per clly's finances, A bylaw should criticism of stores and JOHN II. MrMI!LM, Hand Hloek, corner Sixth and r'urther partlrulara of Ihe Ciller forester, oniclal Atlinlultirainr, Fulton. Phono It I u n (11.1 It Mcinrla, Ii. n., nr ntrlr I'nreater, Prince Huperl, B, 0,