JFor P.R.Fish Market TAXI Fresh Clhtnt Phone Fresh Crabs V, , Fresh Shrimps Dett'Servlce Bcet.Carsl.ln and the'Clty ., PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Killed Poultry Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 671 VOI, Mil NO. 13. piun'cb ntpniif, n. c, tunsuAw fi'milahy 21, 11122. circui.u.n isi so-.., 392. PRICK FIVK CENTS 8 Are Killed When Airship Plunges LEADER OF D0UKH0B0RS TALKS OF MURDER AND RACE SUICIDE Giant Airship Roma Plunges ICE CHAIR POPULAR AT LAKE PLACID. Doukhobors Say Taxed so High May Kill Children From Height of Over Mile in Air c nd Break up Colonies Killing 38 People; Wounded 12 WINMPKO,i Feb. 21. The Free Press publishes a statement by M. .M. KoftnikolT, manager of the. colony of Doukhobors at Hrillianl, Hrilisli Columbia, saying that Peter Vcrcgin, head of the NORFOLK, Va., Feb. 21. Exploding after crashing down-jPASSFMFR AND Canadian colony, lias praclieally secured, the consent of all the j l .!- al-L. t t- a...11. -I . -a 'Jiuiadian Doukhobors to scheme for olT llic children, and wara uriny hi uini iiiyiu, 1110 innjr-s luniun uuiu uirsnip noma, a killing was destroyed near the naval bsae here with the loss In number of j WAITER JUMPED firm preparatory lo closing the colonics and taking lo the road lives not yet determined. Estimates an hour and a half after the' il Canada as a vagrant liorde opposed' to luxation. disaster placed the dead at from half a dozen to nearly forty.' FROM A STEAMER According to the interview, Veregin says the government is There were more than half a hundred persons on board. naval is informed axing Ihe colony ul Hrillianl so heavily, especially for road The hospital that 38 aboard the airship SAN rilAXCIsco, ryb, ;m. were killed. I.Mr. Alice Jlilfs, n passenger, mi.I which they do not use. that Ihe It is announced later that 38 persons were killed and 12 Harold Hollowny, a waller. colony cannot support the children serlcusly Injured when the giant airship Roma plunged from over a jumped from the liner ltuekee and must either kill them STRIKE BROKEN mile in the air Into the barracks building at Hampton Roads army Slale yesterday afternoon and or render their women Vlerile in base this afternoon. were drowned, ai-cordin to . order fo prevent further birllis. radio ineKsaste. No cause for the There are two colonies of SOUTH AFRICA Doukhobors located (irand double suicide is at ( iven. VFGEER ASKS Forks and al Hrillianl. The peo ple live a communal life and oc As Many Miners as Are Wanted TWO HUNDRED MORE POLICE USE GUNS casionally they tH overcome with Taken on at Several of MAY FREIGHT BOOKS RECEIVED religious fervor and go onl on the Mines. FOR THE. LIBRARY DISPERSING MOB Die march m!n and women ah- without clothes of lutely any (i, V. Wilkinson an- One Killed kind. I industrious BRICK WORKS RESUME RATES HEARING : and Two Seriously They are Very noiineeij Ihi urienioiiii Wounded In Disorders at and bave.ja large Jam factory. thai he had received un The educational department has Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Slight Change In Situation at the uddilionul "(HI Volumes bad' trouble in getlin-f Information Asked for Last constant Gold Fields, Where Men since yesterday. Of these Sinn Fein ibem lo send their children to Sprlnq .Just Received and 100 were -donated by Maj. ' PAW'TVliKKT. H. I., l eb. 1M.-"One Split school, ) Are Still Out. Three Weeks..Necessary V. T. llayiies and the man wus "killed and tvyu.wer.j ''The llritish Columbia, colonies For Perusal. seriously ijul-ed today jviien Jhe ' i.oNDON, rw. Yj. ncui'.r's others by a nuiiiber of dif- Cainf. lb'""I lie " m'-ovfncij f rim! Ji WHtyr)l n,M)M. " poUci!. us"I rfol ,!,rii us ri'i. u,crowl Inevitable Says Norlliern Saskalchewan, wlicr Johannesburg'corj-cspondeii Ivsiiys-that Dl I'AWA. I i'I.. 2TT of thousand, who one -iJcrald 1 .Mr. W'llkiikson Is onxious ! persons they first located vjicn Uiey ar-j the strike oT coal .miners and sotieilor athcn;d al fie plant of the li:oi;r, representing of the stalT of the electric power Ui have as many book ti.s rived in this country from JlusJ "1 io It. C. govrrninenl ul I In railway Jrnelis wliere u possible sent in direj-l ;in sia,' ilceniliy a number of Hid station at Vereniging was broken eoiiinhssiiui hearing of tin1 pi-.ler (lint they liij,!- juv j'.sfrike is hi progress. Republican Leader seel from the prairies migrated yesterday by the return of as minis of Hip western province ealaloUed us they arrive to Mexico. many strikers as were wanted at yuinsl excessive freight rules, and thus keep Ihe work Hie several mines. There was :iPR0M0TI0N FOR -1 the board dial data asked well In baud. They may Dl HUN. Felt. .21. De Valern is upparenlly regarding: the also a resumption of work'in llic ')) last spring had only Just been WIFE OF DOMINION brick and tile industry. h" left al either of Oriies' split in the Sinn Fein camp us incviluble uud is openly adtocufing ;I)ihiIm'iI by the railways a so As Hie gold fields the J men re- driiR lurus. hnv week's perusal was neoos-aled s LOCAL OFFICIAL Mich u division, lie says il will he be'tler for Ireland lo have two ENGINEER. DIED IN imain out and the position is un- fur the Hrilish Columbia armies, eueli ready lo assist tho oilier if Ihe country is imperilled, VICTORIA LAST WEEKirL'?"e!f..,:r!,!..?r a .sU"1 i.n- ;unscl. He asked for a ilelay (liuu one army divided in ilself. will O. F. Johnston, C.N.R. Ticket Mils period. The board returned tu work. jiv - ils decision on the roucst MANY PREVENTED FROM Agent, Appointed Q. P. A. The strength of Hie new provisional government's support Mrs. J. B. Lambert Passed Away oilay. Australia and New Zealand among the Sinn Fein clubs of Ireland, il is expected, will be Funeral Was Held Yesterday COMMITTING SUICIDE clearly dellneil by Hie Aril FJieis, l.lio nalionul Sinn Fein conven-lion, Morning In Capital. FISHERMAN DIED (i. I'. Johnston, the well known which opened here today. .Michael Collins received u RESULT OF FALL ' SHIP NARENTA Tho death occurred last Wed (IKNKVA, Teb. 2I.--J'i fly-four and popular city passensrer mid demonstration. men and women were prevented ticket aeul of (lie Canadian National nesday morning at St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria, of Mailaliuo Nick Arneson Passed Away In from ciiiMiiiilliiiK -suicide in Ihe Hallways liere, has been WENT ASHORE SEVERAL BOXING DELEGATES Flizabelh, wife of John II. l.am-berl, General Hospital at 4 O'clock lasl siv mouths through (he ef-folt officially noliried of bis appoiul-metil of the alili-stiieide league at as general ayent. for the GAMES THIS WEEK I local Dominion public works Yesterday Afternoon. engineer. The late Mrs. Lambert Zurich. Most of those saved passenirer deiarlment of the New Refrigerator Ship Was About from Mlf-ileslruclioii are now Canadian National llailways in FROM HERE was 32 years of age and bad The death occurred al I o'clock to Start on Her.Maiden dohiK well and their secret is Australia and New Zealand and Joe Hcrscov.'tch, Canadian Cham, been a resident of Victoria for yesterday ufleruoou at the Gen Voyage. carefully guarded, next mouth lie, will leave Prince plon, to Meet Barney Adair nine years. 'Die funeral took eral Hospital of Nick Arneson, tho Itupert o cross the Pacific Other Matches. AT OTTAWA place yesterday morning from St cook of the ilsliing schooner Convention, Vli TOII I A, Feb. 21. Tho new ocean and lake 'up his new and Andrew's Cathedral and itiler- who fell early on Sunday nt i i.Talor ship Narenlii, soulh-I'uiiitil SEVERAL KIDNAPPED more important duties in the NHW YOIIK, Felt. il. -loe tiienl was made in lloss Hay morning from a ladder at tho from Vanroinor lo Sent lie, MEN NOT RETURNED southern Dominion. Mr. Johnston's llerseoviteh, Hie Canadian wel-lerweighl Given Good Reception But Cemetery. i!tverninent wharf and sustained 'un ashore just south or inn-liiin. uppoinlmeiit marks a new champion, is matched Delayed Through Absence Mr. Lambert is at present in serious Injuries. Thj? funenuwill uil was relionlod on I ho departure in (lie development of to box Jlaniey Adair, a local box. Ibe south having been called be held tomorrow afternoon under l: li ink' last night. She was np- IIKI.rAST, Keb. .'l. Willie I lii railway company and follows ei; on Saturday night. of W. C. Kennedy. south ton days ago on account of the "auspices of the Dep Sea Fishermen's h:, eidlv it ml.,in...-...I lull t a i il: inosl of the L'lUcinisls caplured up the policy of extending the Cloulo Tail, Canadian lightweight Word has been received his wife's illness. Union. ' ninilenilih' wilier. She was reeenlly in Norlliern Ireland have business. While many friends champion, is lo meet Arneson was a Norwegian by from Ottawa stating that the ut lo commence her maiden been released, the l ister Home in the city will regret to bear of Johnny Murray uf NewYork Fri delegation arrived there ARMOR COMPANY bit th and was II 7 years of uge, trip lo Office announced today that Sll on Helonging lo Seattle, ho was not Ihit Orient. Mr. .'Johnston's leaving, all will day night at Madison bqiiaro Friday and well received. of Ihe kidnapped men had not offer congratulations on his promotion. Hardens. was THREATENS CEASE well known here. He wus single BIG QUANTITY HIGH" yet been returned. He will he (he first Mike Me'ligue, claimant of the Everything favorably.was pro-grossing The TRADE NEW ZEALAND and u member of t ho Deep Sea of lie will Fishermen's Union, pafsenper njront t company middleweight chaiiipiuuship, delegation will be delayed a EXPLOSIVE FOUND in,Australia although there is already n I Young Fisher of Syracuse few days owing to the absence HERRING ARE a general traffic manager tomorrow afternoon. from Ottawa of Hon. LONDON, Feb. 20. The high EIGHT ARE DROWNED there in Hie person of O. Hunting cornmisioner for New Zealand Enough Gelignite Blow Up Half win. was appointed last November. W. C. Kennedy, minister of says the London Tunes, has re WHEN SMACK BREAKS of Glasgow Discovered In NOT, COMING KYTE IS APPOINTED railways, whom they wish to ceived u telegram from the New Interview In connection with Ash Can. sail Zealand' tliul in UP FLORIDA COAST Mr. Johnston will from GOVERNMENT WHIP improved service on the premier saying here for Vancouver on March 0 conseiueneo of the refusal of the and also in LONDON, Feb. 21. Nearly 700 Fishing Boats Have Deserted the railway connection Zealand (iovernmenl to issue and will leuve thai city on with the construction of New NEW OlILKANS, Feb. 21. I'liuml of gcllgnile, a sufficient Caotaln's Cove and Are Originator of Famous Charges sleamer Niagara for Auckland, branch lines and other railway a meat import license, the Armour Fight men wero drowned when, iiiiiouiiL blow War Named for Important of high explosive to Soarchlng Elsewhere. During New Zealand. His successor here Company, have undertaken to "P liair Position; and steamship detail. Ihe fishing smack, Colt, went to hus of the city of fijasgow, has not yet been appointed, but Mr. Kennedy Is expected to close all trading in New Zealand. pieces, on the Florida coast. been found in ash can in Ilia! arc an The three compauies announcement is, expected at an and Interview east end of l)u; city. No rishiiiK herriiiK oul of l,or' early dale from the head offices OTTAWA, Feb. 21. Oeorge return tomorrow an will then be ,ar I'eniH iiavo ytt been mudo. the Canadian I'ish and Cold Slor- of .the company. W. Kyle, member of parliament arranged. UNOFFICIALLY STATED Co., Ihe N. Jf. & Mr. Johnston has been city for Capo Hielon Soulh and ltich-muud awe The,members of the delegation CANADIAN MERCHANT NOTICE. FAMOUS RACE HORSE Jlrailbury Vol r have Kiven up passenger and ticket agent, fieri and originator of the fam had a . :1WT.Iiimc their arrival ul (2up- for six years succeeding J. O ous Kyte charges which proeipi- say they very MARINE HAD BIG LOSS animal enjoyable trip. Tho meeting of TRAINER DIES; WON li.ln's Cove uud are searehln1 Krick in IIMO. laled a sliell eniiuiry during .the The Prince It u pert Mowing None huvo war, has iteeii appointed ciuei. elsewhere. LARGE TOTAL STAKES been for. them brought In since Sunday. government whip. LABORITE ELECTED OTTAWA, Feb. 21. I nofficial and Yacht ,Club will of time INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC information says HiuL the Canadian bo held in the Provincial still plenty There is OVER CONSERVATIVE fiONcrnmont Merchant Marino court houso on Tuesday, I.OXhOX. herriim to be secured and the GONE HEAD MASTER DIES Feb, .'I. .-.li.hu ,or-a for responsible IS PRACTICALLY loss for ll2t was l.0l0,000 Fcbruury 2 1st, 1022 ut prominent race how cold spell is probably tk,, LONDON, Feb. 21. C. O. Amnion, The operating loss was 1,700,-000 p.m. 'alitor, died ut Newbury at tho for the delay. The H"condition. LONDON, l-'ob. 20- Dr., It. S. I.ONDON, Fob. 20, Sir John labor candidate, has been and Hie bulunco was made . Husiuess: Kleeliou of ' uf Hi. Ho had trained seven far bnvi' been Johnson In ifuuJ of the .Cold Copeland, commissioner u f David McCliire, for jhirly years elected in llio North Division of up of fixed ehurges and depreciation officers, liaising (he price slkeH nijy winners and winners of Manager Oompuny" reports that health, stales that (lie danger of headinasler of tho famous Mill Cainberwell by u mujorliy of on sixty ships now in operation. of mooring and dues. amounting In the uggro-f Storage success a serious' influenza epidemic Hull School died today! Ho was lOU over Miller, the Qiuiservutlve In lf20 Ihe lino had un to fe'ood '"' l0 07 i.017, tlic largest they huvo bad very bi.f praclieally di-appearcd. born In )t?00. eaudidaie. oporatlfigr surplus of 81.000,000. 1 ! b; i.y Iralimr s,j far Ih!-' seiiiun