PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. February ,0?? lnj H TiW0wh H Irfm PURCHASE HORSES ANNUAL MEETING CATARHM . G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public BSSSaQHI I BLADDER Of Ul CANADA AND STATES WESTHOLME THEATRE DOUBLE CORNERS ON THIRD AVENUE-in the vol y heart of MUSICAL CLUB III fcV'J Russia to Replace Those Lost Tonlghti Tuesday the retail district seldom conic on I lie market. To close an bcara name tTXlZs During War and Starved estate we are enabled to offer the one adjoining Hie I'usl Office Rnfanof counterfeits corner Third Avenue ami Third Si reel, for sale at a very reasonable W. E. Fisher Re-elected Presl to Death. and terms. Price and dent Mrs. W. E. Williams, price on exceptionally easy irumery ol Ihe hoard or works YVINMPIXI. Fob. SI. Pur Vice; F. Dlbb, Secretary. terms on application. were of the opinion Unit Ihe local chase of 1.000.000 horses in plumbers had u monopoly on the Canada and the United Stales by There was a large and cntlius. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. :a.lic aUeiidaiiee at Ihc annual business and were holdiiiK prices Ihe Hussian Soviet ttoveriimeiil. to Rentals Insuranco -'eneral meeting of the Prince up. The former eiled an instance replace those killed in Ihe war and Itupert Musical .Soeiely which and produced a ealalosue in the thousands which have starved which u complete bathroom and to death in Ihe lal four years, i)j lieu last evening in the Presbyterian Church Hall. Ile-eivini toilet outfit, of white enamel and may be completed within Ihe next i of annual reports ,anil nickel, could be purchased for few monlh in satisfactory lluau- lecllon of officers cunipri-ted 5. Labor of installing should eial arrangement can be made, February Specials! the principal ileuis of busines not cost more than , to, making it has heroine known locally. lid (he following ycrvchi)scii tu total of IUU. Still be had The question of arranging ulde I be affairs the society been charged ?U0 for similar satisfactory credits is all Unit is Fresh for Ihe coining'' year: work by city plumbers. holding up the deal. There are im ' TKMiKli- f"i M lain.ill Supplies . Prince it!!- i ii. ... i" "-nips ami Honorary President, lion. T. D. Aid. Kelly chaHeimed Aid. .Mc- Soviet representatives on Ihi- ! IHhriieiil- nr tii tn-i-ai-tirt-nt .if the ' i'atlullo. I.eod and satd that he would pa continent in connection wilh Ihc Service ..r i .ihul.i mil .iiner i.aiiainati diiv-eminent li"uirln'. in-, n well as to Ship-luf Presidenl, W. 1'.. t'ishcr ' (re-lected;. 1 00 for any such Jiilfitlaiddown proposed arrangements, but all Dairy Butter, j Scaled llir Imperial lender,'inierninciit addressed al tn litHr llie opllnn under here provitjiiis it was -of the details are being handled by a! jslinicd,HMi February,will lie received li. fur ur supplies l ii'on of on lh I In Vice President. Mrs. W. K. quality used by local plumbers Soviet hoi'eo puii'luiiing- commission lltMlf'WH'ntlilllUll It-Ill. : Williams. Aid. McT.eml said thai would b in New York, it is understood 3 lbs, $1 For period of to three 30th June,monlht,1922.from 1t Aprl Seerelary-Treasiirer, I. Dihh. fair rnoiiKh." The animals will he shipped froir (In'a j Kreh Fresh FMi..MMI. ICxeeulive iioin mil Ie- .S. Kin.'. Manufacturers' Monopoly. Vancouver, according to present ') F.TI Mirk. K. .Moore, YV. C. Orchard. -Mrs. The plumber alderman 'said plan. I ir(ili. liarnn Klwh and Vcgrfcililo.fjiril. un Yelf and II. C. Hailey. that Hie local plumbers could nol ('.onllttiialiiiii of Hie iinpciuljiiL-leal, itt. lirvad. The new offieers and executive obtain a bath tub for less than which will involve millions r Iiiiilrr. jr Choice In Miscellaneous Provision. ivill decide -in Ihe course nf ac- 00. 'Ilieir books were alway of dollars, was obtained front lo.' 'I I'-n. iou lo be taken this year. open for examination and he Could cal Canadian Paeille ollicials, who Picnic 1 Hams For tht Flacal Year 1922.commencing 1st April prove that bijr profits wer nol have been in (ouch wilh the situation (k) Washing- nt Hetldinir. .;kittiinr. ! PLUMBERS ARE NOT belli;; made. He said II111I tin ever since negotiations wen-opened. 1 1 Coal f"V $hlp. manufacturer of materials had' a Several horse dealers in 6 to 8 lb. average . Forms "f tender ami all lurnrinilitiii ma he nliMiiiril by applying- in I lie under MAKING BIG PROFITS monopoly and were In tilling up Ihe the city particularly those o! Lionel Irifpil. Applicants for fiM-nis are rcinicsic. 23c lb. In lilalu tli-i;il !' Dm- item. r lleiiis, i.i prices unduly. If any of the Iliissiau elraction, are also interested per which The lowest llicy wish or any li tender lender.ikiI ncrcssarll; SAYS ALD. J. KELLY tinieriiieii waiueil slock -III i in (lie deal. Barrumore accepted. iliiiiil)iu? company he would pive We buy American Currency. liinieu) lis,,.-, .visn. in Ohe Great .aval spire onircr. Have them an opportunity to share in -Adventure' Manufacturers Declares GIFT OF THE KING Highest prices paid for II. M. Iiockyard, Ksqiiaualt, II. :. Ihe (.'real prolils alleged. If conditions I:itli Ki-liritarv. !. --- Monopoly and Holding Up Educat'onal Married" Money Orders, Bills or Silver were as Ihe hoard of works Lomecy, "Scrappily LAND ACT. Prices Unduly. said, then he would indeed favor George V. Presents Daughter Adrrvssion, 15c and 35c Notlct of Intention to Apply to Lull Land. Ilieir action, but he did not believe w:th Valuable Piece of Rupert Table Supply Co. In Skcctia Land Dlilnrl, Itecurilinir Uu Considerable healed discussion. Fridry and Saturday "The Sheik" i ru t of prince Unpen. H. i:., and situate Ii. lliey were. Jewellery. khiiii Inlet, second burnt from entrance up ii Hie or winpli enallenes Phones 211-212 . It was iinally deeideil that the east side. FebTTo.- were thrown out aim iietttmr was I.OMlOX. King fieo- Take notice thai F.dr Harold Crawford cily engineer should obtain rupatuiii loa-pcr. In u-ikI s to apply f"i iivjrested, ileveloped last nifht at more rge,i iirinripal wedding glff to rmlliin tci lea- tin- following described information to o. as Ihe true con lands: Coinme.iriiis al a pnsl planted IP Hie council ineelinjr when Ihe Princess Mary is a handsome tlx- second lile In mmi the enlranree Tf dition of nlfatrs before inv fur the luiildiiifr amendment lo liyl.iw. piece or jewelfcvry. which he has ii.-t aide or Mm 1 1 Inlet, tnenre S" mains onlh. Ilienre 8 chains east, thenrc SP presenled by Ihe board of works, ther nil ion is taken on the matter. already given her, says the Daily Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Centril linlrn north, thence o chain west and iditiL' the deletion of Ihe .Mail. The Princess will also lie February nntainlnr 40 acres mre nr less. piii for lii.prnl iiAnoi.n II cmwFnnn.IMI Arpiirant clauses whereby all pluiiibinu FIRST ROUND OF Ihe recipient of another present Prince Rupert Goal Company must be done by tiialillei pliliuh- from h er father before her marriage I I 'T'kK NOTICE NOTICE.thai after Ihe publication rs, was iliseiisVed in coiiiniiMcc KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS to Viscount l.aci'llcs. Exclusive Representatives Ladysmllh-Wetllngton, Pembina, Discount Sale .f this niillce fur cine mnnih the l.akeUe I Mm spnnn l imited w ill apply to have ll if Hie whole. CRIB TOURNAMENT Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. inmne chaniri'd ! the Laki-lue Hot Spring-' Question of Prices. Tonight' train will arrive on ill'ildinir'TKIi t'.iiinpnnr tint STtli 'r January. A.D Aid. Mcl.eoil and Aid. Mont- lime. ; in-.'S. The first round in the Knights 20 per cent. cfTall i WILLIAMS. MAVStiN SoliilKirn OON7.AI.F.S.ror ijkcl.'C of Pylliias crib tournament was YELLOWHEAD COAL Wallpapers ft.. U'.rln I Imiinri SYNOPSIS OF played last evening and resulted TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! as follows: PUBLIC NOTICE LAND ACT AMENDMENTS II. Illake beat V. fiilchrist. LOST-While Spit, dog. Finder On Dock Dcli ' 10jer cent, off K. Hood bea' S. Howe. please phone CGI. ft LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 else in WML NOTIr.K lIKKI-n IS Foil IIKIil.llV SAIL IIV flIVKN I'LHIJi:THAT Al'i:1 V. M. Davlcs beat .1. O. KhIkIiI. . 4 LUMP, Sacked v. 11.75 14.00 Everything our TIliN O.V SATIMIIlW TIIK TWENTY F. YV. Weriitift beat II. Mac-doiiald. MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 KIITII liV OF KKimi'.MIV. Idji. AT Minimum prl nf firm-ciam .and "' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Store. TllliKK o-i;.i':K l TIIK AFTKII.NOO.V. AT r-iluced to Ii an acre: aecond rlaae to NUT, Sold In Carloads only 8.50 rilK HFFIIJ-: OF TIIK IMIIMI.AIIIM. I'llMW-:T TEllllACK. II. C. TIIK I'.MiEIIMKN- WOT.h1 now confined to ur- It. YVIsgrJiis 'beat .1. ItowatJ. Analysis- Fixe"d Carbon. 10.2 per renl; olatile our TIOAFIl (iOVEIlNMENT OWALII LOTS. eyed Undx only. fi. .lohnslone beat II. Hawkins. Tuesday, rciirtnfly 21. percent; ash, !I.O cent; moiturc. 3.8 cenl ilTI'.TEI ANO IIKIVO IN jTUS TKIIIUO Itecra Hill be rninled.coveMn viuy per per TOWNSIIK SllllilVISlO.N I IF IHSTIIICT lam) ruilable for arricultural purp-wn V. Hiii-ken beat .1. It. Lindsay High- a'ln., 18.0 feel. 0.10 per cent; It. T. I', air dried, 11.050. SILVERSIDES LOT NO. :lfil A.MI 3!t. HA.NiE 6. LOAST and whleh l non-timber land. (Several have 22:51 p.m., 10.3 reel. iiko. map mt u. n. piilnck abolished, games not yel iistiiii:t. it., rartneranlp pro-einptlona This is M.ow 1 a lligli Orade niliinienoiis llual. Steaming :i:l2 ( nri'KiiT. it. i:. but parllen of not more then four ina.v been played., 0.0 reel. BROS. Ill liliiik " (uexl of Kurui.i street i. arranire for adjacent pre-emption, The draw for the second round lG::io p.-in., Hj.:i feet su'itabl ror High Pressure Hollers and Furnaces. 'I n s . I.ol I IS Inclusive. aitb Joint residence, bui each making Second Street In i. of kalum street neeeniiary Improvements on renpeetlve has been announce.) by ', YY'er-mig, Wednesday. February 22. is u verj Superior Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load of Luis In I lilmk I liielimlve.! '.t of kaliiiii Slrccl. claims.rreemptors must occup.v rlaimi. loi chairman of Ihe crib committee. High 10:11 a.m., 18.3 feel. mine run for your furnace or Half Ton for your heatinj Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 lo-sii inclusive five yearn and make Improvements to 23: S3 p.m,, 17.3 feel. stove. In lll.i.k 4 'en-I nf kaliiiii Slrti'L value of 110 per acre. Including- clear-ma; L.itit I :in Inclusive. and cultivation of at least u 're low 1:30 a.m., 11.7 Steel, In islnck . K'is nf kaliiiii ! receiving Crown Uraiit. . 17:20 5.0 feet. :iii IneliMve. Where pro-eniptor In wcupatioii no-leM FISH ARRIVALS p.m., hi lil.Mk i; i.l of kilinn Mrccli than 1 years, and has made pro Thursday, February 23. I :i lucliisive. imrll.inale Impruveinents. he may. be From the Farm I'l.ius air I lie Tnxviistte shouinir Ihe Iil.ick-4111I cause of Ill-health, or other cause, ins-ranted Two Carloads Was Marketed This High -11:33 a.m., 1 8.0 feel. Ms nlTi red fur sale may lie ceil al b lermedial certificate ol iin Low- 5:32 8.0 reel, to the Table Ihc nr IIh- Oiivermiient Air.-nt al pro'-emeni and transfer hU claim. Morning at Fish Exchange. - a.m., erlnce Unpen. II. :.. nr at the tiflWc ur tin Kecorda without erinaneiit res. 18:10 p.m., I."J feet. licpntv .Mlitlnr llecnrder al Terrace, It. r. denre may be lsHue.1, provided appli Two carloads of halibul 2f Hilled at I'rlnec ltiiierl. II. C. hi ICili cant makes Improvements to eaten! of wen? Friday, February BulkleyValley u nr I'lliliiuiy, IS6U per annum and records ame eacl. marketed at the I'isb Kxcbange High 0:2! a.m., 18.1 reel, The Classic Shoe j. ii. McwrLi.ix, year. Failure 10 make linproveinenta linveciiliii'lll trcnl. or reeord i.ine will oiierate as 101 this moriiin? as follows: 12:15 p.m., 10-t feel. BEEF feiture.ihBn Title 6 cannot ard be.lmprovemin obtained tu Kidsvold, JiOOO pounds; Scrub, Low 5:IU a.m., 8,0 Teet. .ess jearn, PORK of IID.nO per acre. Including, 6 ac-ie.t IL',000 pounds, and Hose Spit, IHMl p.m., i.i reel. for Women and Children rerldence flearcd and cultivated, and MUTTON "The Store of Satisfaction" of at let S jenrs are retpilreit. 3000' pounds, sold lo Ihe Canadian Saturday, February ?5 VEAL I'rc-empior rvcnrd another holding pre-emption.Crown (Jrani If he Fish and Cold Storage Co. High 0:50 a.m., 18.0 frrU may FRESH KILLED POULTRY Canada's Best leUlreic landn, conjunction 'lth bis at 10.7c and (5,.ric. 12:50 p.m., I'J.'J feel, Skeena River Farm Produce farm without statutory actual Improvements occupation,made provided Volunteer, 5UHQ pounds; (Jonah Low 0:51 a.m., 7.2 reel, Starts Thursday, Q pud residence maintained on Crown .1000 pounds; Y'esta, 3000 pounds 10:13 i.i reel. VANDERHOOF CREAMERY HARTT Shoes p.m., land. " BUTTER granted Ui'surveyed areas, not exceeding ID and Alliance, 10.000 pounds, sold Sunday, I'ebruary 20. SHOE Feby. 16; finishes ALE ai'ien, may be leased as bnmefltas, lo Ihe PaciHc Fisheries at 10.0 High 1:20 a.m., 10.1 feet. title In be obtained after fulfilling residential Safmrlav Fphv ?f5 NORTHERN INTERIOR and Improvement conditions and Gc. . 13:22 p.m., 20.1 reel. and Industrial f For crating-; purposes $12.50 area exceeding (40 acres may be Low--- 7:23 a.m., 0,5 feel. THE SPRING SHOES ARE READY CO-OPERATIVE i(l by one person or company. I0MI i.O feel. 1 Mill, factor' or industrial sites on HAZELTON p.m.. 1200 pairs of Ladies and Children's Shot - ha. Phone 81 nay Imbri be land purchased:not exceeding conditions 19 Include acres J'he styles are of Hie best ever shown in Unpen v 'in nymenl of siumpcge. Duke Harris is expected home price will remind you of I0t prices Harvard Natural flay meadows Inaccessible ny existing roads mny. be puichascd from Vancouver tomorrow night. BUT conditional o Ihem. debate upon construction of one-half of of cost a road ot we have no room lo place llieni on the shelves. Tin EDSON COAL road, not exceeding half of purchase Mrs. J'. ll Hewitt, who recent, TIMBER BALE X2587, lo Hud tho room is by clearing our shelves from Hie 'li u rice. Is mad. Shoes ly returned from a trip to Toronto, Sealed lender will lie received hi I lie broken-sied lines and ri'dueing the prices Irrcspeci iv. 'RE-CMPTORS FREE GRANTS ACT. MlnHli r or al Vlclnria ik.I lot.-i than . The scope ot this Act Is enlarged u Is organizing a girls' club Ii.hiii on the nth day of .March. tVfj, tut and olTcriug Ihem lo the public as a real genuine ml ii: COMPANY nclude all persons Joining and serving here. Ihe purcliaifl or License XS..S7. to cul 11 with Ills Majesty's Forces. The I.IIS.(Hill reel or Hemlock. Spruce. Hal-am. Three bargain tables will be ready with plain llguic- Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. $9.50 to $11.00 me wit hit, which the heirs or devisees Ccchir and I'lliiijr. on Lot Gc, Alice Arm, sines nnd prices. Three Of our show windows will f a deceased pre-emptor may apply Mrs. It. S. Sargent entertained Cas.lar Land IHli-l.l. for title under the Act Is extended line (II year will be allowed for re played with shoes. from for one year from the death of at a delightful tea on Friday afternoon. iiiuval of timber. READ LIST THIS uch person, ga formerly, until one surllier iiarneuiara ur me i.uier ..rc rar after the conclusion of the gieat ler. Victoria, l. C. ur PUlrlcl Forester. First Lot Best Coal war. This privilege Is also made re- Prince Itupert, II. C. $5.00 roeatlve. Six pairs Pali-lit Leal her Sirup Slippers, ri'H, H.5(l. Sail fees relating The lioiuij of Mr. Mrs. 4.00 KIRKPATRICK No to pre-emptions are apd due or payable by soldiers on preemptions Klghl pairs Illaek Kid Humps, regular (57.50. Sale recorded after June (. Pill Charles Stevens was destroyed by Nino pairs Colonial Patent Leathers, regular 0.50. salt 5.75 iMxe are remitted for five years. fire last week. 3.50 at rrovlslon for return of moneys accrued., i t 12 pairs Patent Leather Oxfords, regular jd.75. Sale-Seven dun and been since 6.50 paid Auguat I, 1911, on account of payments, ,ees pairs Ilrowu Kid Oxfords (below cost., rcg. Lowest Prices USE.. 'r taxes on soldiers' pre-empUon. Miss llligh, lady superintendent 25 pairs High Hoots (.combinations'., retf. I0.50. Sale. 8.00 Interest on agreements to purchase of (he lla.ellun Hospital, town or city lota held by members of Second Lot llied Forces, or dependents, acquired was Ihe guest of honor at a $4.75 direct or Indirect, remitted from enlistment danee .iven by (he Tennis Club 15 pairs-assorted Pumps, Oxfords, High Shoes ! ''' hamrock to March II, 1120, Third Lot Order Nowl Phone 58 on Monday 'night and a bridge SUB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN 15 Plnii'i and and blacK kid LANDS parly given by Mrs. It. 8. Sargent pairs Strap Slippers, patent $4.50 Provision made for Issuance of on Tuesday evening., Miss IJIigh values to $8.50. Sale price....... t BACON Crown grants to sub-purchasers ot FELT SLIPPERS Crown Lands, acquiring rights from has resigned her position here For next purchaser!. who railed to complete (o accept similar one in Pen-llclioii. Fourth Lot your f HAM, Involving forfeiture, on fulfillment a $1.25 of conditions of purchase. In. She left for the Ok-anagaii Seven pairs Ladies' Fell Slippers, peg. IM.85. Sale Shoe Job I BUTTER era terest do and not claim taxes. whole Where of sub-purchat.original parcel, town last Thursday. s- t2 pairs Ladies' Felt Slippers, rru,. 2.50. Sale 1.45 1.35 Repair purchase price due and taxea may Vo carry largo slocks of 12 pairs Men's Slippers, reg. 2.50. Sale t below cost be distributed - 85c EGGS proportionately over whole area Application! must be made Miss I.aura K. Moore, a graduate clean screened Lump and 20 pairs Oirls' Slrap Slippers. 8-UHi, reit. 1.25. Sale. 1.10 try I LARD by May 1, 1K9. of Wellcsley Hospital, Toronto, Fgg.gizcd Coal. lis hot, 25 pairs Oirls' Strap Slippers. 11-2. reg. l,05. Sale GRAZING J. C. EMERTON Crating Act, 11. for systematic will arrive here tomorrow cosls less less smoke. development of livestock Industry provides to become, You'll liko It. night from Vancouver Champion Shoe Repair Shop for crazing districts and range The administration under Commissioner. lady supeii)lendeiit of the Hand-Ion Ltd. Empire Standard, Kmad lllock, Third Avcnup Annutl grating permits laaued based Consumers Goal Co. Ltd. Jabour Bros., on numbers ranged: priority for estab Hospital. Mis. Moor? was u P. BURNS llahed owner. Stock-owners CO., LTD. may and recently nurse overseas more "Repairs while you wait" form Associations for rang management. Phone 7 - Free, or partially free, permit has been connected with the. Cnrnar ThlpH and Saurinth pnono Lorne J. MaoLaren, for aettlers, Manager campers or travellers, up to ten bead. Vuncouvei' Jeuerat Hospital.