paok rvrb T 1, tot dxtey ithwb ? The Daily News WHIT PIIIQFQ INONEWRULINGIN lllln I UnUULU RiTAPn ta rait fc pniNCB nupRRT - nnmsn Columbia PLAYER Putdiihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the, Prince HEADACHES ? PASSED AT OTTAWA Rupert liaily New. Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. Eiplanataey TaUgram from Cap "Fruil-a-tltes" Prevents Hal Saya Report pubHahatf NAVY CUT SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Auto-Intoxfcatfcn U United StaUa Unfeund4. City Delivery, by mall or earner, per month $1,00 Aato-lateilcatlo means alf-rio o n AW . July I. IUia.liah CIGARETTES By mail to all part of the British Empire and the United Htale tar- Many people suffer ftom frtnt Pre leMrl iuhlihel In Ihe In advance, per yenr Ifl.On Cmtyoiea r iiufUumt attit mf lit I nitct Slate Htal rnada had To all other countries, tn advance ier year $7.n0 Uutit. Waste matter tilth alioakl adnptnl new remtlahon riih. (Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation!. est of the Wly dJ, . Ike pass eery iiMr term on which the I nt. twain aad ,no 1 1 if Mnod. led Stale ft hi it vae are DAILY EDITION MSjitD Monday, July 17. IJ , Xi a mult, there it llradarhe, allowev) to ue Canadian pacific ladifrstioa,disturbed Mnmach, l'ia prl are quit iiBfwnde.L Tht In the I Uc k,Ft lw uiu turn aoj hf urin wa tin latey definitely morn Canadian Anthem 4 othar kia diman. mr at ihe i!eiarttiiftl wf hMMne Written By Judge. anl ftslierie.. Archer Martin, on f the judges of the eHirl of appeal ami itUiAUticmttom stheettlrta,tiial one of the bel and hardest working judge in (ianada ha written from frail Juice, act really 00 the In Feree Two Month. a national anlhem: "liaoadai Our lianada." bort, kidneys aad skin aad krp The on tc r-in. -iel I ! which The Judge ha very strong anti-Hrilih sympathies, hence ta bluoj par rich. cferrnee wa made in lb ITni. the reason for there lieing m tmee nf pn-Hritih entiment in COo a hot, 6 for tV-W, tf1 - t t SiAte dpalhe ww paett At dtmltn or eat potipatU ! n May 0 lai and ha been in hi anthem. It i inlenely Ownlian and then i little evidence of hi real sentiment, although careful reading may show it. Kruit-a-tiir LiOiit-J, Uiuua force eer ince. 'ttil iincil is limited In II apUea. Two or Judge .Martin son fought in the llritish army 1 ion ! I nited Stale fihln oversea anil were wounded. At the opening f the war Mr. Mar 1 SUITCASES h.-.r. during Ihe catervlar year. tin w a judge of the admiralty and alo a priie court judge. To Htf'j. and II effeet In allow him wa given the trial of the ee in connection with the ve TRUNKS i Vtncrteau fishing vee lo e. el eiied under suspicion circumstances off the coat of tin )'iir Nail a ix I Hpfdi anil In liniteil Mate or Mexico. I he Hrilish aulhonlie were anxious CLUB BAGS iln crew in UiadMin ort to delay the trial a thev did not want the lals turned hack t , iroidin? they tanl I heir ralrh at the'enemy to le ued again during the war. Thi the judge re Canadian port. Stock hand. j fire';J to do. lie defied the aulhoritie and wa promptly re Large on 1 I iOirinjr the nrenj calenl.vr lieved of hi commission a prite court judge. Prices very tow. yar. tur?, foreiguer ir for- . V', Since that rime the eminent jnrit seem to have nursed i tie order-tn J. F. MAGUIRE itin rorpralion.' I arudgc agaiMt Ihe Hritish and lias not leen backward in expressing; li'ounril rad. "hrlHging freh hi view. The anthem i interesting when read in eonnec- Nt th Princ Huprt Hotel mh In veel mrltere,l in Ihe tlon willi the ciretin lance here mentioned: l mied Siaie. of America to any Canada, Our Canada. ,iMirl in llrili'h itlMoihia shall he iMrtmile to I a ml Mich Iresh fih Hail! of drel stately country our at iu-ti Mri without parmenl of Greatest Value in the World theP altar To we light the fire, t Ten Years Ago liilie arul lranhip Ihe aiite in Xeer to le quenched Mill life expire. (ianada! In Pi'nca Rupert ImhhI in any port Id the t'rvHe,) Canada, otir Stale, or H eM h fS ht Chorus: Julr 17. 1912. hwtv such hal (taller a JO for 20 1 Canada, we hail thee! The city coiinetl., fltuin;c Ihe mar I duly Hens thevefnr, sdfo in uriW of 20 Vhotrvef may assolt Ihee, eal cveive, ha derill to which shall eviiort Ihe mpw hi Never sharl we fail Ihee, change the plan of pulling in ewmplianee with ihe hcinir re dud in tins of SO MOO llanada, our Canada! er fr Serlhtn I at the 1 1. quireinenl"!.'" fmrt level to 3-foot. Mutt Ha Catch, Each true son's heart glow with Ihe flae, t'nilcd State, fishing veel Of patriot ride to see thy name, Premier Sir Itleliartt Mrllrt.l-. are al a Ken the right under Vnt large mhi the H4I of fame, Atlnrney (federal tmer. V. II. thi onter-in jonell "lo HI Canada, oilr Canada! Kaywaril, M.l'.l', William Man. oeh flli fr ne in Canf4 n L. From St. Elia' lowers, . M. P. P. anl jwreiwe Me. liaymenl of ihe itnly.' Further jThe ?rye(ime through th? awakened hour, Ilae, seeretary lo the Premier, I niletl Slate fihin e.l hostile m a...fortnight "Arhe, assert thy manhood' powers, returned litis moriiKK from Ha. hrintintr freh flh In a rH in Canadian National A HAMiiI'lloNF that would Railways Hrilish CntHMhia shall he ' Canada, our Canada? MN where they adiirce, the per. niHle, "lo hail, iee pick up the .iiiNi-r sa' ion 4i the elite, aad met an Indian dele. purchase mm The tune ha ro'pieMH.take thy Hare, lAalloa rexantimr laM. Slmrlly Mpfilie. anl hip crew fir ueh hear he .,n Sundjy would prime ,nioiigtlie nation, race to race, rier IWey alfI oar the Prist eU al any pri in Hriiih very inleresimar and as... enter-. Prince Rupert Eoua1 at last tfiev'mracej John for (Iranhy Hay. Tttey fxhmthia. nriW ao that lamina ' v Canada, r.ur cSnada? were aeeompanle,! up the e by urn mreijniers ani loreiwn cor- V. C C. Meehan. general siqcr alion lfere hrinsing freh fih GIRL GUIDES YISITED DRYDOCK reW Camon de VaJera - - . Inlendenl anil II. A. MeNieholl. into a port In llrilih t'oinnihia. As Seen By American. . aitanl. may he permHle, lo purchase PARENTS AND FRIENDS A An indication of where Earn 011 de Valera stand lodayin the halt aivt m in any prt in aid AND estimation of the citizen of the. I'nited State i given hy a'very Pmf. Oitlum, of Vanever, province upon underlakinv lo Ihe Spene'nfl Cnjoyabl Fortnight at plain-spoken eouoriai pruned ity the inoune, wnich paoer 1 with a party of miMHtft mm. arrived satisfaction of Ihe minister of Peechee Island; Hanaco SHIPYARD generally conceded to reflect the viewpoint of the heller cU nf in Ihe eHy on Ihe Prince cusloni and eveic that calchc the community. The Tnhune ay in part: !e,rjre tht morning enrnte l of fish made with any hailing CaeHe Party. "One look at Ihe countenance of de Valera suffice to explain llaiellitn lo examine some inter. supplied shall be landed al a port Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Deeh the man. Jli narrow face, hi over-prominent noe. hi eye ei thre. on the mainland nf Hrilish Co A party of parent and friend Entlnaaee, Machlnltla, Bellermaktra, Bleekemlthe, PalUr of the Oirl (iuide and the rloe together, a thrusting jaw lietokeuing wltfuliie, hi hunvir-e lumhia." Hrownier. who are for masara, reunecw, Woodweekere, KU. ramping a expression hi i-i the typical face of a fanatic. When they RAINFALL IN PRINCE fortnight on Pcrober Mand rui-h-r Electric and Acetylene Welding. are right men urh a he are, valuahle. Ilut ala! they are seldom Ihe right. They espouse wrong and then, in erstacy of self-martyrdom, RUPERT NOT EXCESSIVE! Ht Mm ii tkc Mmo 1 a eapatfte. ....leadership of !-. 11. 1.. unperson, mane a I Our plant la equipped to handle all kind at are immovable. The anreslor of de Valera were not Irish, SAYSt- 1 very njoyahle trip mr to the with hot heads hut warm hearts, hut cold and cruel theologians. Many Ralnlac Place In Province Milanl eer1ay on Ihe iMiwer Marine and Commercial Work Hi blood i Spanish, like hi name, lie i of the breed of Tor According to Govecnment loat. Hanaco under ideal weaih. I cjnemada, whose doing of evirliecame to him a religion duty. Statlttlcs I HFJl lo move a hearty vle er condition. I PHONES 43 AND 31 It is vall creditable to the lrih that they refused de or thank to Ihe weather man i'tie ramp wa found to ! in Valera" leadership and- disregarded hi artful appeal to their The provincial Ktivernmenl de. for his splendid effort yesterday. exrellent hhe and the ynuog. patriotism. Ireland appears a entirely competent to look after Iiarlinent of agriculture's annual All those in favor say lo it Jer are und4ublcy having the her own affair, with the resolution to suppress, even to the report on Ihe etitoate nf Hrilish aaiu.'' Mill of their lives. The Inly shedding of blood, disturbers of her peace. Columbia. jut issued, again condition nf Ibe lent wa a "Dainty White" That even for a few days the lrih capital ha seen Ihe show that Flu IUI you ever hear of a ratllinx great credit to Ihe and Prince pert I by iiood ramp, l -it 11. I-1 ant e for over ti-t y r horror of-civil war i regrettable, but there i typewriter f th a corretfHiding no mean the rainiest place in girl are lo he congratulated gain. The Irish care enough for the substance of democratic the province. upon ibe soldierly manner la ItCMOVES ALU STAfM government to le willing to hooi in their defense The record I Hiring: Ihe year 1911 Prince IT ha the opposite meaning to which the lent have been erer-ird. LINEN AND COTT0l'FAlRICt will be calming to oilier de Valera. An eay-goiug majority ha lltlpert hail HSJt incite of pre. a peach of a stetmicrapber. Mrs. . HoHrq ha ineul. .i lioihug Itcutre for'10 cHi 1 need to esl,iill( duce in a while that it command are not eipitation and Ihe following calcd sutfieieut discipline: tn In. ak in h iiitcn J' likely to lie gainsaid and are more than advice. The shot that 4ace I Mid more: TIIFX what al"ki a riling sure ohmttenre to order and lb loiniito then nn Hit 1 t-' fell about Ihe fugitive head of d Valera in hi retreat are notice I lan fie Id 121.33 dressmaker. utoolh ruuoing of the organua. fjjfi usual Will not injure to hi henchmen geueridly to tie quiet." Olavqilot 159J)5 lion. A eaiop service wa con. delo-ate fabric. '.-iiii.V you have never Tak out perfectly, Pre. Ulocied yesienlay utorning at Jordan Itiver 93.13 Hear Creek 1S6.I3 heard of a ronarTeaiintu mtrUner wbich. Ihe visitor alteade4. Ore, Bloe, Ta, Ceff tuln. tc. En Ulna usually cn IVlnelel All Ihe children were entertained 1?t.l0 WHY shmilil not a xirl who Ur4 Ineellbie. Ilolherg by Ihe vi-ilor during tb day. loco H5ii7 IOn.07 sell, you ring and faadsngle at lu the afternoon a twenty minute I "Dainty White" I a rrftt a jewellery eahlihMeri Britannia lu-arli OS.g; balhe was fiermitled. A moat Bleach, "r e-erof enjoyable lime wa l'ed m washing If Id''" Slave rilver Fall 105.0.1 spent. .. .. . . Mill Ihe Hanaco leii on the return , 'r.-, '. wiuie- l auda ui a Tabt.- n aud all White i Hay B4.70 ITS simply woiHlerful toew trip al 7 p.m. a While n. .now t also T' Surf Inlet f 500.IU much a deiate young lady will The liirt iiuiile are lo return " I.IBnOW ttu all fa-l 1 1.tut. FiKiire for other iiirportaut eat when fnn ran, u4 Mrulmt4 II n h goe, out , on a home Tuesday, July ?5. I"1- hu M 1 Vr QUART OJf. cilie of the Van. province' were; picnic. fl si an4 u a kmitimu urd IIOTTLCS SOC coiiver. t.18; Verlnrla. 35.10; aai Wtii huiM PUBUCNOTICI Jtm -VtrntY Willie- .,lfrJ H) AT ALL OROCEfn W Vtiiontr. 0t.5; Nanal. YFJv ana ni Utt. They will e. is ih wuuil Irsnrh ptr Agents L, mtt4w4 Ct-Rogre '. m ui Vnrutr lit -W. ino. 3.85: Nr4nn. 17.HH; Kim. chew hand with glee when aittinr " Uikuliier krair. B.C. lofips. 7.13: PenticUin, 11.61; on a log- at ibe.beaeh when Ihe Complaint have been reraived Bldg., Vancouvjc, Fernie. 45.55: Vernon. M.15: saaie young iim-u will groove for lhal person visiting Ibe Metla-kalla law son. 0.81. an hour if they find a innocent Indian village. 111 Ihe ab. Confuciu, the great Chinese Sage OUtrlct Point hairpin in Ihe marioalaU at aence nf the native at the ran. RAIT Our froteo herring bait I concede! by Jjaherni" Ttie prciri(ation for variou home. neriea, bave broken fence. n-lere to bo the finest procurable at any l'acifle ' aid, "Tea harmonizes the mind, di.lrirt points wa a follow: garden, tarried away Port and It I "Flahy." prc, 130 per ton. dispels lassitude and relieves Hahine l.ake 20.17 IN view of ihe largn number flower plant, fruit, eta. ICE Th b'1 ,Jr or inurinar a good quality trip w fatigue, awakens thought and Prince Ocorge . , H.R3 of young people who are enter, Warning I hereby given that Plenty of our bard frostn ke. iVr- pre Fort St. J anie I8J9 ins the Mrio, of connubial blU prosecution will follow any It per ton, vents drowsiness; refreshes the New llaielton ., 151 thi year, it may he well to further depredation of this Outfits ur ""-1lpled alore can updy ablorlf body and clears the perceptive Vanderhofif , . . , 13.50 mention that there, I an income nature and Ihe full rigor of ftaheriucn clothing, grocerle. aad plMl", faculties." Anyot . . . . ... . . . 73.60 lax allowance for eath depend, the law will h applied m lr), and hardware. Enjoy these blessings. Ilella Coola . . . . St.lH ent. easea. Drink delicious Xa llartior ,N .r 78.77 CHAIU.F.S C. tFIlHY. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Sew.nrt flH.n.l Tllll poor fih" remarked a Indian Aaant. Terrace 12.68 apeeUlur lie mw a bathing Prlare rtiifiert, n. O. July 5. 1023 Relehlkan, Alaaka Bran ah Massell 0J3 girl trying to lotiat a Ural bam If "SALADA" Oneen Charlotte 5.80 rlor at the Halt l.ake yesterday. vllln v.30 If you are leaving for a CET HACK nisi Tiir cadm A MAM will iend more effort holiday II ia well la keep u cr j mile from Morlcetown. rrame neu s Thn nwpaper with the elr. tramping through the hush 011 touch with Prince Hurl ky '' ,rr er Meadowland, balance rgl' leulathin I the real advertising Sunday in a lavorile fishing re. having a may of Ibe liaily New pruoe. 0 Acree fenced, Snap foe either cash er t1- ,mtillum. sort than he will put into hi mailed to you every day. f Enquire THOi. McCLYMONT