ram turn THH DAILY NKWS Monday. July 17 in Tim i ill 1 1 t i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm SXTvou carfM , knew . UZ oft wtrc cxmt want , Rr aw f? OHt ffT?,'- Tt U SSmI V ' J g ' j Be Prepared! Fire Risk is always with NEW BUILDING A K FOR RENT you MCl'.I.V furnUlied hmi. k ,,t . W Write Fire Insurance Daily News Classified Ads. IlilP. Apply 110 ftltlh A K of Every Kind THIRD AVENUE united states points or plnte I IS Mualein I. . Let us quota you 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AilrartlMitMnl Taken for Lose thaa BO Agent for J I XK.M . July 17. -A net Rain i(K)U Clean Ile4 frin (M tr Permanent Block Started by Late Norwegian American Lino f .l tn.HT I in laka prodm-l WANTS week, Fluherten'a lle. tU W. B. McLaughlin to be Finished exported lit I he Stale frr .In no -I I. V.., 1 1. ........li ..a.I f......I mm ..r mnA pbiBer floooie. 117 3rd Ate r. Swedish American Lino Willi llll rllllll'-l -, jrni i....n.m,.. i. Scandinavian American by HI Sitter IS)??, iiver lti im month lal anoint of tl3n.& to he added 'In addition lo Ihi amount f.r "V" ' I OH JtriT Tw.. riMtm snt Lino. year l.liwn by monthly acrortlinit lo Hip Mpnirnt lil irri'iil ptwnp of Hip itotprn. learn the Jlarber Trade by the nlil 'arge frohi r..om t. Tlioma MrClyntnnt I in receipt rmiimerpe lalptitnt iiicd hy oniy nieiaiHi in Hip world thai Oliver Typewriter rompiled l.y . It. Shepard. rit) meni ilnrtme Ihe nrxt fiscal year i fore Apply Wallir Cary Safe of advice from Victoria John C. Mellridc, collector nf tax aeor. and iilimittel In I here i approprtalrd in another , wilt tave yn'j Hum and money FIRE INSURANCE 'hat Hi building Marled on Third riilom. ,'l'hf estimated value of the eity council. Thi I V1I.. bill an amount to eoser the ex- ami fll yn.i fur a HVillon lOlin room nilern apartmc venue between Second and Alaskan product, cxirted lnl &r.H e than Hip Ivij appraisement ;Mne incident to Hie cniw-rlta. worth while. Wa guarantee Ttn. ApjilySmjth & Ms; - Third Street hy the late V. !. iimiiiMi i given hy Mr. MrllrMh and 30U,a;rt e Ihnn that lion of contract. Hie mnil eoil-ervalive teady employment at good t Dybhavn & Hanson McLaughlin i U be preeelpd a being $l.tiri..in;. wilh product of HtfO. palimate of which 1 wage. Write now for beautiful II,AT for Rent kl.in yeher A w M. menlt. Stephen with. I'nrfitt Ilrn, lh Virtorla of III' Fniled Stale returned On the hai of lal ypar' lax rtil.oiHl.ooii. IhiI which Hie gen. illustrated ratalogue. Moler . Third Avenue Ihe contract there valued at fMO.19;. mak llarher College, 304 Main St. roiilrt-lor, bavins pvy, IK ttiifl.. the Kn lax rot. tleiiun from Mirhhran Mr. KH- LOST Prince Rupert, B. 0. for Hie work. The nlan. vihlrh insr Hip llal voIiip of all exiort Ipetioit ihi year will ativoint to ley ita laei might renrh Vancouver, 11. C liavp ppn rrrrivpii. how nip-f'r lal month flilft.tH. OI.no. or H.H.1.tl e JImii ;S.Omi.immi. Taking Hie footer. WANTFO A eompeletii general UHT llunih of key i. hr lurry -onrrrtp huililintr wilh Only Decrease In Salmon. lat year' laxe, and nt iO mill. alive figure of o.om.0(io ervanl. Aindy .Mr. W. Po! Office and Seventh Av ,. i.rril lirlrk anl dlateil t i 1 Inereae in virtually every S.fltH.JO e than in Hip taxp uake the lolal ammint atailaMe r'elhertwthaugh. IIW pup I'jiI. Vi4r plea' . JSEf. front. It will hatP 20 foot fronl. prodiiet, with Hie exeeptton of for lSfl. Ifor naval exiemtitiire during the al n.xtly Nejvorfirc. .... Lapp ami (l fool tlpplh am) will .lltin, w hown for Hie Mayor llnhertnon ilr(reted th next Ji.cal year ftori.H3A.a7 7. WANTKIi A general ervant. l.fHT tUoie hnxich (,. a , Shamrock ronlain thrpp lnrp arransred lo month a eotiijmred with June adviahlity of ehandinir the pre- Limitation of Armaments itod wage. Apdy 3? liflh. Seclloii J ami City Hull i w miil IrnanU. M. Pnrfill, who tti ent methiMl nf inlal- Avenue Wel. 171 t!;t. (dipper ore hhipmenl payment by 'Hie total naval appropria pleae phone liluerli: n. here a few wl airo, will rPlurn were maoe totaling n.:iii.U73 meiil inlead of a lump Mini tion for Hie current year ending WAXI HI- Smari IHIxety lty. SUMMER t BACON In Hip rily al an party ilalp lo pound havimt a value of rtlO.-h.H nelllement i now required by June 30, III-, amounted to Sllt.- Apply Kleelrle Window luk. RESORTS. K't Iip work larlpl for Mr a nsrninM a value of l;.- the eity intinanee. In Hip di-nimn ir.J.JH'.l. mi that the reilurlion 111 erie. iU) Illl.l. FARM. Tcerae. Aec.m HAM llilila Oray. of l'iiinonl. flat, Salmon of the nvgert inn. alt nf J ilt lat year. exporln naval exMretiturr for the next dallon for ummer bo"t --1'eriH ipr of ilprrapl. w1io ha now Iropped frmi JWl.lti lal yearn the member preent tentatively year, after the rallfientMiii nf lhe WOMAN ck wani.il al ihe n. m.brnte. Kepari pump intt inipiii4iu of Hip pro- hipmenl. to 9tl3,.130. All olhei approvfil l lie plan. No action, treaty for Utf liiuitaliotT.iyTnr- Umler. If hut if de(red. Apply Ian EGGS lpi-ly. fih pro1uet pximrted for I tie hnvn-MT, wa taken. uiament will huhmihI lo VJr.Hnn,. BOARD. fear, and French. month iiiereopl from Hi.7ll 7 1 ?53. LARD ARRANGEMENTS BEING ln-t er to '.t.3.1l in Jim.- of .en jf we diregard tlnttn.- liOAHIlnlander. io Serond THE QUIETS HOTEL reiMainpil NEARLY HALF Aveniia. I'hoiie asseU. Ihi year. Oynum Omi.iiotl appropriated for Hu rain. 137. II MADE FOR EXHIBITION lulionary. Stone pfiMtui-t. in1 aliMmnt Open July I. for Tihi .. criiatHiii iif contract . ibr Th Emptre'i Standard. FOR SALE KporUnii'ii and loliUy.at. marble ami manufacture etuilintr NATIYE BAND CONTEST BILLION FOR appri'prialcl for Hie current ex-M-ne Fibinc, Shltng, Ibialing of nhowed fain. wins) P. BURNS CO..LTD. nf ihe navy next year FOR'SAI.K I rtmmed houe. two I'h-nle LIt'of 'Exportl. amount lo 43I&.M.K..S77 and that lot ami all m garden, 11760. Orom Cmirart form fni- Hip nalivp r.urlo I. ! STATES NAVY i only rtrt.M.ir..;i e.. Ilmu h.-appropriation half rah or IISoO all cah. Room tnsm $1, Steal let. PrlfiU Suite. hanil Vkhirh will compptp al thp I'ertllirer S.Sifi for Hie year end. 7oome boiue wilh aiblitlooal forllomln$( fall fair romjpi llerriujr. Seolrh cure and ing June an. IW?J. Now in order 3 room apartment, on cerncnl J. C, 8, DUNN, PepHUr. TERRACE MOTORS i ion arp liplnx pnl out hy I hp all 27.715 lo fully appreciate the imMirt. pile, balh, etc , excellent rn. HAIRORCMINO Thl be Year Amount to Spent xliiliilion hoanl. On ii)rffPlion Kreh. oilier than aloMii .'l.57 ance of lhep f inn re e i Miy dil ion and good location 19,-(mmi Terrace, B.C. f llanilm.iitpr It. O. Itowlaml. Orieil, moVei or en red &.2fi0 Almott a Large Prior to thai for Ihe year ending June 3i, on eay payments. l.tHH II wttoinsixn. Slit pomlurlor of llowlaml Oinrerl Pickled 10 Conference lull. Ihe year previoii lo the I room boue. lot in gsriteii. c-'l waxing, and far ma- i llanil, Vflnrouvpr, two pipre hr Canned Salmon, -'t;.l'.)7 (eginning of Hie lairopean war. chicken bniie, etc.. near King a specialty. Sbn k TAXI hppn mihIp(1 for Ihp rompelilion. All other SA0.MS9 WASIIIXOTOV, July 17--Ut our naval apiiroprialiou aiiuoint Fdward School, f 1700, term. Singeing. Hair Oyelag. Kin I.par" ovrrliirp by Mw.im t:iam n.r.n tUinadian l're. The Tniled e.1 o only l H.nSn.Ota. After I'd 3. block 30. section I, Willi Seatp Irealniefil. iHle llairl ami "Klpffpr'n Spflal Shrimp Ii'510 tale navy i a long way from the i:uroiean nation engaged In 91 ft. frontage on iliggar wU for gei)enep end lr( .Marrh" hy V. II. Kirffrr. 'Hip All other flli and fih the pre.witr appropriation, in bonOlitic we apfiroprialeil for I'lare and three rimmi'd hniie formation for ladie. Swd- Service wiiminff haml in Hip flrnt will rp lipiihirl B.57I pile of Ihe recent, naval agree the year ending June 30, l!M5, 1000 rah. Ip4'b up from ladie' ppIvp a diploma anil earh of Ihp OypMim IO.hoO ment, and in plte of public II IO.IV3.I77. For the year end. I.nt 31 and 35. Illnck 3, See. romhinf, 320 Sixth M Eiprete and Baggage iilaypr. ilvpr ninial. The Ivory pfpnre for economy and for giu ig June 30, tulrt. wv approprraled S. View lot on Allln Avenue 'Cor. Frser ami .Sixth Transfer. I.'in.I whininir Ilip APPoflil will Ore, matte, ami re?iil-ii ing low1y in Ihe n&tller of pre. uily H,..;ft.l.r.n3. Then for Ihe A erfert bomeile, I7i0. half tir ppoiitoen. ,yjia. One I'rlcr to All. i-pppivp a ilver mrilal. VUtfh I Copper 8I0.M3I aaredne. year ending June 30, IUI7. when cah. One lot on lleach I'lace 4'derrn. Phone 9t. It haml will hap to have 30 or.Pi S.H37 II I a farl that rnmiiaralively thre wa imminent danger of our for 1313. a beauty. U-l l and ARB FWEIOHTINQ make TOWIRa l.et us your reservations few people in Ihe Ignited Slate morp nwinlipr and nnl llirrr .sionp. inrludinit marble Sfi.U&S iMvoming engaged in war and Ihe Oil. block IS, erlioii S. ;w4t. at are al least Ihree enrrie iher WoihI and maimfarlure have, a real umlernlanding' of the ureal I a tile hip progcaiu ha-l term or 1750 eah. M. Al. Tug "Mans," Ce pay LakeUe Hot-Springe Hotel. will I- no competition. The mim ..f 5.S50 fart with repect to the rope of ttecn authorized, our lolal appro Stephen. Sxl.VAii: WOHK of ?i tO will he paid earli eoin-petins All ..I her' article I.a 1 1 natal preparednem a Indicated priatiou amounted to only 1315. F.iefenced. d,iyef and dmn hanil and for lhoe eominK iy the navul appropriation bill KHH.oait. In eonclimnn Mr, FOIt HA1.K- Now i Hie Urn, lo Out fil. more than 50 mile lo Hie 'ity iml paei. Actual reduction in liyrne core! lUmgre for an. gel gmwl milking giMt. With BRARNEM'S TERRACE there will tip an extra for GIANT RATTLESNAKE Xieiditurp by the lniled Stale Ihoriiing Ihi heavy expenditure one kid 5 lo 30 each. If Phnoe lh 711 4nd iiravellmx expenne. KILLED IN ONTARIO fr the present fitMnl year as after Hie holding of a conference yiMi lake four lA-month old .O. Ib x fifW'PrinVe Hiiperl H 1 FRUIT LANDS ompareil with the fiYal )er for the limitation of armament doe .in each. Apply M. V wliirh ended June 30 i alnt'! lliirk. Foretdale. It. C. CLOTHES CLEARED WINNIPEG HYDRO which Ihe people heiee wtuild OTTAWA, July y7. A giant negligible, while) Hip expenditure and preed by latest HTl Pivn acre, tirol clax land one ELECTRIC PLANT IS ratlle.nake, menniriiu five feel provided for the preenl year re-ull in greatly reduced naval FOH 8AI.F Furniture of four presllns pmre. mile from lowu. One acre cleared, three and a half inrhe from Ihe will he nearly three limr Hne ixpenditure." roomed flat. Cnl .'(iO. Knap Suit ralle.t. fop and'deliterrd, fenced and gown to clover. NEARING COMPLETION end of the noul to Hie tip of Hie of the pre-war iieriml. for eah. Or wouhl rrnl ; Framed rabn t.'xlt ft., with tail, w-a killed in Hie vicinity of I'he remark in ue naval hill TEAMS ARE SELECTED tn miitable Iciianl. Hlinne. Itlue LINO, The Tailor rooking utenMI. I.nt in ituated 273. No. I Clapp ltuibhug. Mine Sea Lake by a young ilictmlon of iliprcenlativ on Rood road in nil loealily. WIXMI'KO. July It.- Work on frcnch-Canadian resident of Ol liyrne of South Carolina, a ile- FOR FIRST LACROSSE FOH SAI.rV Small block of ORIENTAL MODS the 41130.000 conduit project of Price $1,000 Cah. tawa who had gone up Ihe inocrut. and a member of Ihe in the Hydro Kleptrie I iiearina-complellon GAME ON WEDNESDAY hare I'rinee Rupert Iluild- Japanese Kirnoia, CrHfkfJ. OainP.-iu on a fWhiug trip over uli-coiniuiliep that framed Hi' and the rahle will be mg and liiveimenl (. I.id. Itamhmi Furniture. Ornanr m, KENNEY BROS. & CO. ready for lraiimiiin of cur-l-eiil Hip holiday. The young man. navul bill in (he bonne, are illu Apply W. F.. Flher, Room I llket, . Children's , Rnmpfr. noon. K. V. (Uton, chief ell. who did ii"t give hi name. minating. Mr. liyrne' figure l.ine-wp were arrangcit and Smith lllock. If Tiy, F.te. Real Eetate and Insurance brought hi trophy back Ui Ihe werp rtnt HuccpaHfully fontrovert captain were aelecied for ihe I.0WKHT I'ltlCFS. Ihe I'.leelric jimeer of Hydro y. TERRACE, B.C. rily and, look il lo a taxidermi! ed ami are undoubtedly correct. firt l.acroe League fixture FOIt SAI.K- For lio.mi a heavy F. K. AKASE teui, ilatel. to have it l of fed ami imiunted lie iaid: liext Wdiieilav evening at ft motor coat of Kngll make. I'. Tel. H"! w The conduit i beintr laid from O. Hot A I The raltler wa een by Hip Immense Sum melting of player held on the gorul a new col 15.00. Can tation King Third Avenue the terminal on Stork's Lid. Street lo Hie Srollaiid Avenue young ri'iierin.iii iugginiy It i trne that the bill a Arropoll Field yelerday. tie een at I'rlnre lluperl lloe Hardware, .nictation, a ill"La nee of more making it way acro a rhloni agreed iion moke a direct ap I'. I'. l.a(Uie will captain Hip Office. WATCH AND LOON , REPAlM- frenuenled eounlry road. The Son of Canada and Mnce Style than three mile, and oonlilule propriation of f?M",334t.!i77. ImiI FOIt HAI.K-Sixty cords hemlock n4 F.iperl walch. rlofk We lino of who at flrt mi the F.Ik. The line-up will Iip carry a ornplete young man, Ihi i not the total amount a largp part of the hydro' and cedar; rut fine, II.&0 ier rhronometer nisser. krheiuft of iindertirmind work in look Ihe ratllennake for a big wliirh the bill autlmrize the a follow: cord or IS f.uJi. W. Himx, Jap Wnleh and Jewellery Repair Valves, Pipe, Fittings the rily. garter nake .which are fairly navy to pend. In addition lo thi Soil of Camilla 0. Sunberg, Inlet. I'orvher Itland. It peri ally. in Ottawa dilriel I. H O. O. Shawr, common Hie direct appropriation, Ihe bill an A. Saint. row ii. I'xravallon work ha been eiecutrt PACKINQ, etc. We flpncial-iio completed already and only the grabbed a tirk, and with a few ihorte the navy to end umler IL Cioett, L'. U. I.arjw, 1'.. FOIt SAl.F. Cninre Unlet. Mail iirder prmuplly OIBB in Marine Hardware and finishing work and connection viaoroiily aimlied and well- the head lmreue of Ihe Xnvy, Mackiiilokh, II. Meiuie. C. I,cae building, furniture and Ono. Iut GEO.Office !'. O. H 71 directed blow mmui kllUi il. The balunce oin'mntinif Illylhe, W. Oray, II. I'rile. . fixture. Apply V. II. lUtley, Il Boat Fittings of all kind. re lo be done before Ihe cable umxpmded Prinro Rupert. nake wheu attacked did not ami alditmnaj (iraham. 11. It. Scot I ffnd W. on I'remWc. ifi.iJO.noti an Phone Black 114. run tic put into operation. Mr, io (Ulon oaid. how f la lit. Il wu only after H.mm.ono, which Hip navy de. lllythe. CYCLE REPAIRS. Ft Ml SAI.Ii examination of Hie dead viper I aulhoriied to eollect r.lk II. I.lpell, I.. Style. J. Piano, mahogany lleconlriieion of Ihe Iran- parlment lr4 that Hip angler made the ome. 0, McAulay; O. Manel. I. Wlg- fitiUh. Apply No. I. rrU. nf tl make rep certain nolee due Ihe. govern miiiii line al point damaged on what klarlling dUcovery that Ihe geworlh, A. A. IUn. J. Mlt-rhell, Apartment or l.intey' urn. and bahy earrlages re-llrl by Hie orui i being ruhei In ment. The bill authorise no ap When in Terrace complellon alo Temporary lute make he hail jul dcpalrhed propriation at all fr rlothin-, It. Oliver, M. Ooiuale. M. Srrh tf. Cycle Aecesserls. wui a raltler. tranactlon M. McLachlau, I-. Ollhuly, W. FOIt HM.VW Traffiu J. HAWTHORN curryiujr the four circuit fur Iml by a bookkeeping Oninn True I'rln' and S. W. Taylor. Mn rwoved lo rear of at Sliermau top i-unmiinn of current from the it make available l.o0.(i00 for been iied euifTleen month. loer plant at I'oiiil dn Iloi JUNEAU'S TAXES ARE (he navy. Hy a lmllar Irnnonc There wa alo u gimd turnout Apply .1, K. Oyer. iah Rupert Muslu tor for the n held yeierday. Third Anu Tourist Hotel liuva been eervinv the hydro Hon il make available ISO.nOO prai-tb -atiifactorlly while permanent LIGHT AND ASSESSMENT for clothing for Hip naval reerve ctuss NOTICC. FOH iiilller.8AI.n W.Two cows; (rp,h ftEAUTV CULTURE PARLOR-m Him, Ut Kouma nd Dining Kowu repair were being ufferied. I'll'' REDUCED HALF MILLION 'Thee aiiuMints l"lal 56,6fl, XII l.b tea Iwrvliy Millfled lhr amn I'orener laiaml. Jap Inlel. i..l aa Kurvlcn In the North permaiieni work U prartlrally 000. which when added tit Hie di llkklia fsntfr by iMil Ik '111"HMMlirc 4 lHi Oxll MX Hlfdrelt). btnioolnr ' Koomi from 1 (JO up fliiUhed, however, am current r l aptiropnation inaibi in Ihe il i im tew m ardrr rmm utnt. KMTK Caf for sale, furnlbed uaiiwr, marcei vvavine - . Mteln from X up will be tranimtlied over Ho regular Jl M t July 17 Hip total lull iiiakea a loUl amount Hist ll,..l..,a tuv iluli...mrillii l.llk.M.l m wiiwhii t III. ''- llrfi..11.1 onmpieie. Phone 173, f In, Fac ahd pcalp Trritm"1-Abv F. DUIIOKD, Prop. jmwi i liii' - within a f. w appraised vidije of local properly Hip naxy i aulhorited l nd iir si. Hit. iii I j,- IMm( Wrathsll', MiMler Hi 'lull - nv u lay. for aitetiment purpoie tbli year mr ' urrrni operation uuunp. uv lu pnituiM nmu .ny ;ici. Advsrtli In lb lully Niwi. Thlrf .