15, 1982 iy, October oss Ve Cordially Invite You to Visit Our Store and Inspect the Outstanding Attraetions of the— New Beach Ranges Ultra-modern in design and finish — quick héeating—economiecal in cost and in consumption of fuel, Up-to-date improvements and sound “inbuilt” quality that assure added years of dependable service. MADE BY CANADIANS— IN CANADIAN FACTORIES — Bench Ranges on display at GORDON’S HARDWARE McBride St. Phone 311 Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal ‘or these who wish to economize try a portion'of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver PRINCESS NORAH- -Oct. 12. 24. Noy. 2 ry 1couver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean lls and Way Ports hikan, Wi Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH 8, 20, 29 For Information call W. L. COATES, General Agent : ’ rige n, r write Prince Rupert, Bt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver SS. ( er EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M Waypoints. arriving Vancouver, Thursday am SS VE N cu RE EVERY FRIDAY MEDNIG! iving . Vancouver Sunday midnt pprox lings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm ‘Ar vox, Stewart and Naas River ¢ t “gunday 8 pm iformation regarding all sAllings and tickete af MRINCE RUPERT AGENCY FNS OTE we The New SPER HARD COAL a anyone yd - ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 Second Avenue Phone 568, TT but Arrivals Eagles’ Dance " Is Enjoyable Summary 35,000 : ol Al a pounds 2.5¢ Lodge resumed The local Eagle 14,000 pounds, 4c and series of social dances which it] is planned to hold every two weeks ; successful Aerie Hall present American \durine the winter with a 000, left for Seattle ffair last night in the 000, Cold Storage, 2.5c i There were over 100 persons it the event which was very enjoy- Canadian able 1, 6,000, and Toodie, 8.-, splendid music borage, 4c and 2c, iCharlie Balagno Orchestra Joseph genial master of ceremonies and | James Brown presided at the door Dancing progress from ¥ p.m, until 1:30 a.m was furnished by and his Venetian Hudson was a was in Good Clothes Do Make You Great Order Your Next New Suit From Interior Weather | | ‘ Terrace—Rain, north wind; ter: perature, 46 Hazelton Smithers Burns Lake— LL Ta Cloudy, windy, 38 Cluody, east wind, 40 SnoWing, 3 inches | | { ° lee @ eee ewer eagle +4) The Tailor | , \* ©The Daily News cam be pur- ; Seco |# chased at “cond Ave—Opp. Post Office # Post Office News Stand, 325 + Phone — 649 l@ Granville St., Vancouver. 4) ne * Karl Anderson, Prince?" W IDE RANGE OF FINE ie George, B.C, - QUALITY WOOLLENS @ R.W. Riley, Terrace, BC. | 'O CHOOSE FROM * General dice, Anyox. ?| nm use best trimmings; high l@ Smithérs Drug Store, Smith- Ci “SS workmanship; perfect hg ers, B.C. e| fit guaranteed, + ee ree ee CeCe OEE! Kalsomining corridors and ceil- jings' on first second and thire floors ery including removing of presen | lockers Up-to-date basin for nursery New linoleum for nursery ; woodwork in main kitchen icond floor ' | work | LOCAL NEWS NOTES ’ } Taxi 35—Ernie “arge. t? 1 ton coal, 1 big load wood $14, ‘Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116. ) th Annual meeting Prince Rupert | ‘Football Assn., City Hall Monday at 8:30 p.m, 240 Eagles’ Dance, October 28, Ad-| ;mission, Gents. 50c. Ladies 25c, No! refreshments. } f Donation by J. B. Miller, propri- etor of the Montreal Importers, of ‘a turkey to the hospital for Thanksgiving was reported to the | board last night. The gift will be! Wiitably acknowledged. Miss Jean Harrison R.N.., perintencent, pital board meeting last ution was city with all. lady su- reported to the hos- at its regular monthly night that the insti- now almost full Lo capa- about sixty patients in DURING BABY’S TEETHING TIME The Bowels Become Loose Diarrhoea, dysentary, colic, cramps, etc. manifest them- | selves; the gums become swollen, and cankers form in the mouth. This is the time when the mother Should use and perhaps save the On the market for Price, 50c. a bottle gists or dealers baby’s life. 80 years. all drug- RENOVATE HOSPITAL (Continued from page one) Painting of patched plaster in op erating room Linoleum strips for case-room n-foot arch in nur Cutting ol sev Kalsomining of certain rooms on second floor Curtains for the women’s pubtic]? wards General renovation of diet k hen on first and second floors ‘luding painting, new shelving, ete Linoleum salva 0 be used outside main zed from nursery kitchen Renovation of chartroom on fir floor ineluding kalsomining, paint- ng and varnishing Painting and kalsomining ol vice rooms and second floors Repairing of office Kalsomining and floor in secretary’ painting of Renovating of darkroom and in-| stalling of dianhragm table in x-ray | room Paintings laundry Kalsomining of basement of walls and ceiling of ward ;night on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. | weeks’ visit in the city, s sailed by the | turn to the Queen Charlotte Islands. | paying a visit here with her parents, |by the Princess Adelaide last night fon her return to her home in Vic- Mlirectors; and lavoratories on first; ! Union steamer Venture, Capt. J, E. Boden, arrived in port at 8:30 last evening and sailed at 12 mid- Harry Eagleson, Henry White and Rufus White, Indians, pleaded guilty in city police court this morning to} charges of drunkenness and were} remanded for sentence. James Martin, well known New | ;Massett merchant, after a ‘two! ‘Prince John last night on his re- Mrs. H. H. Long, who has been Mr. and Mrs. George Frizzell, sailed toria. The big lighthouse tender Este- van, Capt. Harry Bilton, regularly based at Victoria, is on her annua’ visit to northern waters to take care of heavy work on aids to navigation which the Newington cannot carry out. The Estevan is tied up at the yovernment .wharf this afternoon. Taking of evidence in the County Court case of C. E. Cadden vs. Nel- on Brew was completed this morn- ing and the hearing adjourned un- til morning for argument. J. T. Har- vey is acting as counsel for the jlaintiff while L. W. Patmore is ap- earing for the defendant. The regular montniy meting of he board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was held 1 the hospital last evening. Those sent were: W. M. Brown, chair- nan; G. V. Wilkinson, Frank Dibb G. W. Rudderham, R E Penson and Ald. S. D. Macdonald Miss Jean Herrison, R.N ady superintendent, and H. W Birch. managing secretary A communication from Gerald traffic assistant for the Jnion Steamship Co. at Vancou- er, who recently reecived treat- nent in the Prince Rupert Gen- 11 Hospital for a broken leg, was ‘referred to at last night’s meeting al boad. Mr. Rushton | xpressed appreciation for thes lendid service which had been ven him while he was a’ patient 1 the institution Rushton the h spit ) ONLY LATEST FELT HATS 20 ONLY SILK pease 20 Only Silk Dresses with veils, ‘ipbetat BRE SSNs see —In Flat Crepe $5. 95: and Satins, Special ® aisasninisanabitai 20 ONLY WINTER COATS mee 20 Only Winter Coats—In Chinchilla, Tweéd, Chonga, Etc.; Latést Swagger and Manish $14.95 Models; In Brown, Tans, Blues, Greets, Black ang Navy; From seblestbcsts:4cssdseshghtCcobesboesates : 2 50 Only Latest Felt Hats—Some Sialic ieee 14 to 46 50 House Dresses— SWEATERS | Pillot Twill, _ 1°30 Sweaters—AH Colors, Sizes and $2.95 Styles, Special ia SKIRTS 25 Skirts—In Tweed, Serges, Heavy weight for fall wear $1.95 Fig Sem LINGERIE Rayon Bloomers— 39e HOSE FEI INE aii co seknhsti Stcackpetsaleccassdslsctleies ti Nite Gowns— 95¢ Hose—Full Fashioned, Dull Finished, Semi- RR Ss ky re aks eee Service Silk, All Sizes, Pyjamas $1.00 All Shades 79¢ Tip eno cic coca scetis aes ; P — — Cor. Third Avenue ‘ "9 Prince Rupert, and Fifth Street ANN TT S B.C. pees aT —_————————— . . ma one nm Tonight’s train, due from the | east at 8 o’clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. The meeting to have been held ‘ast night at the call of the Moose Lodgé to organize a public debating society in the city was postponed intil Friday night of next week aaeaie FOR SALE | A meeting of the newly organized S LOST Unemployed Ex - Service Men’s FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labras| | LOST — Black Spaniel Puppy League was scheduled for last night dor, young or adult- $20 per pair. Finder please phone Blue 486. but no announcement was made F. Hoppe, Lochdale, B.C. tt. 23¢ the delib- | - ore re es ne - 7 FOR RENT TRANSFERS chools, sailed er ae ee i“ "Phone Cameron's Transfer— Cordwood, on the Princess Adelaide last night house. Two unfurnishe a |Firewood, Furnacewood, Kindling, for Alert Bay after having spent Green a PAI ets \Poles, Piling. the past. week in the city and dis- por RENT—Furnished room, hea- | trict on official duties ted. With harbor view. Close in this morning regarding rations Barry of Victoria, Capt. Gerald inspector of Indian CHIROPRACTIC aaa Phone Blue 187 243 | MODERN House Dunsmuir Street ® . Money is scarce available for rent November om W. C. Aspinall ¥ —Official Administrator. yet she has 2 Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Announcements — Royal Purple ston Hall, 35c. Bridge Oct. 18 Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20 Elks’ Dance, October 21. Hill 60 inee, Oct Hallowe'en Bridge anc 28, 1.0.D.E. Hall. Moose Hallowe'en October 31 Nov. 24 99 CENT Presbyterian Bazaar bathroom wards and} Kalsomining of maid's Repairs to floors of varnishing and painting Replacement of shelving and in diet kitchens | trays Patching of diet kitchen on se- Installation of cupboards and! shelves in secretary's office Equipment, of the first and se- cond floors with vacuum cleaners | was suggested by Frank Dibb and may be included in the program. | The board decided to have the supervised by a competent person Hotel Arrivals | Central A..Marsh, city \ sample rooms, FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. Hotel Central Ltd. “The Original Cash & Catry” Covenient to business district, 18— Phone eee homelike, beautiful harbor 317 and 319 Third Avenue views. Pat ‘ abhinane Rates reasonable. Spacious ||***™ oo Renate SPECIAL This Special is Useful Every Day in Your Pantry 99c 99c 99c 99c | Peas—No. 4, 2’s 8 cans Corn—2's 8 cans Tomatoes—2's 8 cans Pineapple Sliced, 2’s 8 cans These commodities can be mixed to suit buyer, Butter, 2 lbs 99 & 2 doz. Eggs Cc Coffee, 3 Ibs 99 With a Tumbler free c Not more than two deals to each customer MUSSALLEM’S. Economy Store DON’T FORGET The 25 Garage | For Efficient, Reasonable and First Avenue & Seventh Street — ——_—_ --—_- —_ - ; | Fast Service A. M. Honeywell, Phone PIANO TUNING | | ad $3. 00. Walker's Mu- ' tf Linoleum, Single Bed, 2 Blectric eanor Tite. Phone 20. tf $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 Héaters, Books, 2 Dressers and ee we and up. Call, Red 802. | miscellaneous articles. **| Owner leaving town. | J. r% MOLLER : rs | Miss D. Hogan awes — | TYPEWRITERS e a M , full fodern house, full! Modera ‘Ray Treatments Gives hot-air furnace. Close in. Ready for occupancy Novem- | Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 ber 1. Phone Red 720 tf} 6 Exchange Blk. basement, FOR. RENT pretty clothes “You always look as if you had just stepped out of a fashion sheet. Yet monev is none too plentiful with you. How do you do it?” the neigh- ] king Mrs. Bur- bors were always a nette. One day she told them. “My secret of pretty clothes is simple. When my dresses, blouses and under- |Open Evenings SITUATIONS VACANT OUR PERSONAL CHRISTMAS | Greeting Cards sell themselves. This season’s samples most beau- MANURE FOR SALE $1.50 Big Load things become faded with much tiful ever shown in Canada DOMINION DAIRY . . he , ’ . . . washing, I renew their color beauty Pleasant paying whole or part by - — ce dertul ieee time employment, ladies or men. | Phone—Red 608 ints. ese =wonde ‘ : ; ae Cols . | made by the makers of Diamond Libera ommission. Regal Art Dves which you know are the best Co., #1 Gould Street, Toronto DAIRIES dyes made for di rk colors. Diamond rints are for light shades. They need no boiling and they last through re- peated launderings. All you need to do is to rinse your things in Diamond HEL P | WANTED PASTEURIZED MILK Tints. You can get such lovely HOW to get a Governinent job : shades by using them. So you see Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, IS SAFE MILK said Mrs. Burnette, “pretty clo thes Winnipeg are as.easy for you to have as for me. WANTED--Successful travellers fo * . 7 r ND | one or two months. Best z.ods ‘Fresh from Buikley Valley DIAMO Special liberal proposition. Stat Farms | | ygur selling experience. New: | TINTS | Publishing Co, Lid., Truro, N.S. | VALENTIN DAIRY | 239 | Phone 657 AT ALL DRUG STORES 1 | PERSONAL "| PRIVATE “Kindergartens pay. Ad- SSS | vice given free by the Canadian beer Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg — AUCTIONEER G. M. HUNT ard Ave. Phone Ked 637 The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping sic Store. VIOLIN SALE AT FEDERAL BLOCK MISS NELLIE LAWRENCE will re and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 15 sume violin lessons October Ist at 7:15 Phone 177. tf GEO, J. DAWES—Phone Black 120 Kootenay Range, 2 Rockers, 2 Pt oe saan reer Cribs, Oak Buffet, 3 Heaters, 6 DANCING WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & Kitchen Chairs, 3 Centre Tables ea DIRTY WALLS? Sealers, Standing Lamp, Victrola, TAP DANCING taught by Miss El-|| we paperhang a room. for TEACHER OF MUSIC For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta THE AUCTIONEER PHONES BLACK 120; RED 633. PhoneBlack’ 232 ; = — ae Phone 234 nf