i tn9 July 17. 102 THE DAILY NEWS PiQl THAE1 Caili for Victory Hondi. Tbos. Local and Personal McClymont. - tl Twinplex )'tall Ton l lit ui 7: 8. O. I., va. (.allk-i, it 11. O. UnOrlalera. 1'lione 4t. tf Stropper r Ulierineit, All ur rublier Hayners. Undertakers. Pboue Iik1 am ttrMoT al lUttl i'rltc 351. tf Jloyal lioe HUirc . .. f $5.00 " u for nreaervlHif fruit I.. Awfeirfei, lr nailed faf He before y.,u buy. (My Market. If utile up the 1'rtlice ItHperl lal QB' I This night stropper soon saves its inir wind fr In , "i 1 POSt in hlnrlna V. prices w "tMvo uivij icvj v so n i:i.,j,,g out Bait, lloyal Shoe .Mowe Vblt Ilrhi- and DalMe. good for 100 shaves not Hliitf. if .Mrtropole Hall, U edni.day, July ordinary shaves hut 100 PERFECT shaves. The V Al H-.30 afiarti. Kiri-ealiiiienta. The new "490" Modela are efficient, quiet nd nance Ileketn 30a, IhartKHj) at Uht Auditorium, w. koliw powerful. The new rear axle eliminates rear axle Twinptex sharpens each side, two edges, alternately. I'lim day. July to, Newell' or- trouble and noises, and the make Improved lie-tre. lCtj Mra. W. .J. Gauli and family tippets Gillette Safety Razor, $1.00 maiM hH nlglif on Uie I'rtnce the engine extremely quiet. Price used to be $5.00. We have absolute confidence e "till Iwffl m few pair ef llHIwrt far PeuUle where they wittli" it if unit and I'mnp Ml will apud aevoral wi-k iitla Many other improvements make the Superior in both and oirer either or both on One Month t Sl.oti kt ptiir. (loyal gh Chevrolet "490" the best buy and the lowest priced Free Trial. Your Money Back. You tike no Store. if ter)f If. UcattRKJiit, V.H. mar- fully equipped car on the market bl at JuneaH, riturned I ant chances. Satisfied customers are our best advertisement. Knidhi. of I'ythinn Picnic, lu Bi?bl from llytjer ami called tMn You must be satisfied. i.u .in Wedlieaday, July 0. iiioruInK nu Um I'mircmi Ijutoe .lull. 5iir. children free. Coffee, fur Juneau. lea ami rrram provided. IW The eurrwaj lou of the II. in.l lirive and lianee under C. (tatette euHtalH notice of (lie i In- nplre. ..f Kiiijtht f C- limit of Jarlailtetton or Sheriff Iiiiii.ii.. Metroooi.. Hall, Momifty. Shirley wlttrii ht eon fined to tlr ii i;. at H:3i p.m. Velhotme eounly of Prioe Hupert ii.-.tra. lot Alt ftr fiflinlart ifntr itfrrrti faywwrt ft. be Ittuneh .VartM-tbunz look a At In. Middinu "f Miaa Marj party of picnicker mi-r to fur V M' ki iiir, f l.o-hinvr. trit. ther Inland )lerday. lUball i.in.I uihI Jubii .Mfan4vr Mclla and wimminr induljied in CHEVRO IT f i In- nly, lak.- ilai' tlilii v during the day, the j.arty Iealri2 Columbia miitf at 7 i'r.n.k at Ihf Ihiplial the IlaiKl abwHt V p.m. on II .Inn I'll. return Irfp. - Mnj.ir . II. .I..lni-..n. mHngrr Captain (ieonrtv. Itlaok. M. I1 ( I'riiier HuM-ii InMtrwnrr for Yukon, and Mr', lllack were Records ai in i .. null- next Sunday olirhl Maenfer nfl I to- f.ii VirUiria nklicrp. nu July 27 UHiie bound Rnrlh thka loorn- lir will br itmrrir-d in Mla lur inif. Major ltlae& l on liU way lhy lirai-r KltiHliaiii, la(ilr to liaw.on a flee hat ins allMided if Mr. and Mr. Jimhua kinaham Ihe parliaMtnlary eion a 25c. 50c. Ottawa. i. . V. A. S laJ lii. rl mental hospital at Any 10 inch Hec r.i Any 12 inch Record Mri'liim will If krl, um Tueaday Mr. Irving .V Linnell and ton WINNIPEG CRITICIZED July I k a m . m. rr a di-'Uiini Ibdibie arrhMj,, la ft uislit from Fresh n tb rnniin.2 Ut Hir London. lUigund,'where Mr. I.in. Mly imi a Mtrly date of HI. K. nell i. in Ihe Utfd State eon-ular Qrand Jury at Aaslia Opening i ORMES LIMITED ri-llffiry thr vrnor tirncral Mrviee, ti viit eeral Outspoken Raqardlng Institution. l..r.l ll)iitf f Vimy AH rrlumril nioiith wUh Mr. l.iHitellV ar. 3rd Aye. and Gth St. P.O. Box 1GS.0 'ii.-ii arn Nfiially invltml. A nu. Mr. n Mr. V. S. FUlier. FLAT Ma kriitr. rrrUry. IM t-our Hi A venue Hntt- WIXMI'KiiJuly 17. A -i-atli-ns Rupert Fhonet 82, 200 and 134 4 rrilieiin of the deulorabh' THfttflONECR DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES I lir annual Nurllii-rtt II. .. .' lli kvarUoi. reaireanlaUtr i-omiltHMi. foil ml at Ihe Selkirk in-ot iiiat f hr Homa n of Shale ra. Marantor A. On.. biMpilal for menial iieae. tliie i In it ii' I'liuri'b fM-lna- htrbl In 1.1.1., dry so4 whokMkrra. nr-riveil to overcrowding; a eere ar-rnianment Brand Hi. rily. Th" Mmsiwn rixn. frtNM Ihr mmiIIi on Satur- of tbr buinw ad-ninilratiMi FISH ... n.-.-.t Ul mlnriy ami will dny nwl n4m Lmtlstit fur th of the aUe rourl luilf dii WtNtiiMliay of interior. Mr. )titHardwii is ae wbleh ritiit o many tetty ,w. njjl)bp I ltiM atJ" nf eotMMUied by hi" wf. I bey will ra lo be taken (ii'tore I hi' i.i i...Qj from arumi $mrU of th rrlum eMtih Mil Saturday. huher eottrt al vreat eiicne ! now available from the irHUtMr. Ihe pnninee am a n nuoemjii- grand Trunk pacific railway Hev. r. thin O. Ilaye. lion thai Ihe pnaent prison farm local retail stores. t, t, PRINCE OEOROE AND PRINCE RUPERT wUI sail Tbura. lib-ri A. Ililrlitr. m f Mr. I'uhnaluwH, I'-, invdetir of Ui sive plare lo a lanti-r and iihti-nroiloetive r ' alii Hui! .v a' I Midnight for Swanaon Bay, and Mr- J Krml IIHrlii. ..f IM HeMeral .eeiMMy ul lie l'reii owe that il mihf fcearf Falls, Powall Rlvsr, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, i1' ''t-' al rrMNt in llutfalii. lerinn GhureJi in UiHd Stale Uporl itelf. featured Ihr re-j Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. i Anyos . -I". -Liy It t. . I ..r Slaw art, Saturday. 8 p.tn. wtii-rr h ha- I a ken up radiu iaed. litmus ihe a4ly on the Mr of hr Krand jury pieentetJ : wmk H in writing Ui In. I'ruare.e Lvwi.r IbU inorMimr lo Mr. Jntiee 4 a 1 1 in iie ! PRINCE RUPERT t I. PRINCE JOHN I ( ai (".into Northern and Southern iMf-fiil- aya thai tnr rnr hk llr. II M i- to liNikja uniiipeelion eiHjrt. The rert alo erilieised; Quaen Charlotte lalanda, May I.ft It and JJlh. June l(tli and tail tli- sial iriHix and out. of mi iii talioii Hi Alakka i-oitilii ion a found ut the Sal Joly (tilt and ..'nd. Visual ilh aul 1Mb. Sept. 2nd, 1 6th fiU arr very i-oHtmtm psry- vation Army re.ro,. huaii.- at wherr. IUtU lia lirrn nlower II. S. Munro. AMiiazer of the Kat ktldonan. whn-ii wa 1 1- Train Service in lakiiM M up. ira iu) OnMiluktU.1 Miniuz demneil a fire-trap. Paaaangar Dally Eicept Sunday, 6.4S p.m. ... Smelling nud I'owe Oj. wa In ilealins with i iti..n. B. & K. Poultry Mash Iff tiiiibef. 1'iiinr (leorge, Kdmonton, and Winnipeg. li. II. 1 1, l urner. Ihr well M rimer for Vanmir on Ihe foiiml al Hie Selkirk - 1 1 I f..i-menial MaWtusfidirei-t . "iiiir. iii.no lur all points in Lattern Canada known Stewart miniiiK naan. I'rlne lluuawl U.t iflIU. Mr. d)eai, Ihe ii'..rl lal- l ' lutoil Stale pUtn. later in I be Man ihi .Munro and i.rl bartlJ Hie 'i that the hopilal wa fouml means iiiakius a Irli- into I In- Innmera teumer al ISonl lUmdeii a eontaiu ll5 tKitieiil. wlu-ii TIME ALL TRAINS AND fcOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD lilarer lieUU "II l.en IteU'i. lie wa aoniiny dowu from Mew- M-romiiMHlalion wa provided foi l Agancy for all Ocaan Steamship Llnaa airilane. It i .aid in 111- art. only J6II. The ovi'i'-rrowdinii More Eggs Clty-Tlekat Offlea, 828 Third Ave. Phona 20. , iiionl. ii taper thai .1. I rev) . ka reultei in the member of llil. In.- . Ihe liM'al m l li um en. Hi,, t:. I. II. toHrttl tauier the lfr be i it fon-ed lo xeek TT ' i:.---1 . liiiineii .liin in ali bat) lrinre im, Ouj4. Arlhu .leepinir iuarler in the ba. This is a balanced Laying Food. I Mi IM. tin- -ay tf lm- no Hi- Slater. m In port llil mwrnini; ment, while room that norma Ily CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY I 1.1,1 1..ii ,ii I i' .r. tll time of frton Ul:30 o I o'eioek bound lHuld contain only three or four Each sack has attached a tag giving the ingredients .i.ik. i n j lal i rip north froM anrounr lu Skat: ImnJ have a mauy a riylit and and guaranteed analysis. B.C. Coast Servicet way with 277 iae?rra hum nine. Althouirh leepiu in the of whom were loiirt!. Tbrei allK- i forbitlden, vome uieni-bera iebarked lie re. T. lu llanniell of the taff made their atay THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO, LTD. from PrinceRupert Major J. lalkiu'r and J. A. Mc conditional Uoli beuia allowed Sailings limes. to aleep there, u il wa Ihr P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 350 For KitcKHm, Wrangall, Juneau and Skagway only place they eould "b'ain any JUNE 12, 19, 28. JULY 3. 7. 14, 17, 24 and 2. HOTEL ARRIVALS. real. Many rota have been placed For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle in lb ;orridor, an J on the JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1. S, 12, 19. 22 and 29. liueol at Ho- Hotel I'riitc ladie' flour there are only two I. 8V PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butadale, Swanaon Bay, The Lowest llnpert oer Hie week-eiI in bathroom. The report praiacd llelgtrson Block, Prince Rapert. Phont686 elmied: T. li. Uanefl. M. (i. al East Balla Balla, Ocean Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp-ball Ihe manner in which the iu.lllu-lion River and Vancouver, evsry Saturday at 1 p.m. Price for a taw,M. MaeMiilan.-. K.,Shoii..Mr.J. WalUoe.H. . It.. nreed i bviiii;wonder ioudut('d that the and Uff ex. Dr. E. S. TAIT for all Steamship Llnaa. Agtncy lleoeor, M. A. Mi kereher. II. I.. a able to roc with the ilitation I all int..i ".,t i. ii fr.'in llrowH, Mr. ami Mr. J. 7.. Hall ui the liuiHiier acerlalueU. All Dental Surgeon W. C. ORCHARD, Osneral Agent, Quality Watch and X. Hall, Vaiuwuxer; Alfred meinbera of Ihe alaff, froiu the Cornar of 4lh Street and 3rd Avsnue, Prince Rupart, B, C. Harvey and T. kUpatrick. Vb-. Uieriiilrndent down, weiv i-oiii-meiided OfRct Hoars, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. Tin' id i i. i . in r iit'lwen & loria; Mr. and Mr. II. It. 1 1 lover the upon way they are Sunday by uii li in.nt' to II and oik and J. I.. Itli. iImh. lUluar ; lirharsiiiir their dutiea. uiub-r Appointment iirtnli- to i nu i Miinot be aeeu K. llroilerNk. N. !'.. HuIMikoii ami aueb Lrylnz vireuiiistmire. tUirly THEO COLL ART, LTD. - PUBLIC NOTARY W llil llil' llllll Mill. .I !.'. J. I.. William Wtnnlpiv: Mr. eooiplelkMi of a aepatuli- liouu1 irui'ii Wutt'liex r.lll'l.ll lu and Mm. llrown. SH)llat.; Mr. for the nuraea wa uryed atroni;. art now Aganta for Ihn Naw York Life Inaurancn inuik' I" ell u I'beap u any, and Mm. V. J r.ab ami, fain, Company. Th moat liberal anil etrongeat company on tiul i i rue a iiuality and ily, city; J. I.. Muffnlt and J. M. E. H. SHOCKLEY tbe continent, Aaaeta, 9DS3,33,1 DH.BO. Ut unhow Uinhird ol fine eontru-lion I'n ill, I'riite lieoriie; Jamei Fred llo ' and J. llarly were . you how to aav your money. iuuii.il he put into u Itrown. J. ti. Hoiiiinn and I.. A. fined 5l,eacli in Hi.- police Planing Millsi Cow Bar, Wharf; Nasi Imparlal OH Dock. watrli l-low Maelean. Chuloii; Mr. and Mm, ourt Ihi iiHirtthi? bavtni; been Phona t 313. Phn Blua Waatholme Thaatr Block P. O. Boi Wllliain MalHiew and U. W. Wlii'ii you buy a Ciruen ound guilty of drutikeiie.a. FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANNING AND KtlklabA- LV madia 4'ilt.t I' V NValH, al 5 and up - TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. rau.. Sn Kr.wl.wj W. II. Miaa MaeliouMol ami Mi Agant for: ..iH.iimun. fr th- pnea ,.uy real wnfh and on a wlu .MlHuUoli, .. M. iladwell, of Ihe local teai'liing HoberUon & llackelta Saw Mill.. Ltd. "Uml u,r mg. terrace; J. lUii.hotm. taff. aaib'il for tin- aoiilli In! J Fyfe Smith llanlwood. DENTISTRY! " tilif df-, rUlnioiiiwi: Mr. and .Mmil II. I'. lit lit. Mi MurlNiiiatU i "Lamatco" 3 ply Uottunwood I'ativlliuif. lalnl'iy ui I winch. 1'ort IUIard: Civile I. Virloi'iu Mini l.lahvill In o and Clartand Company, Hoofin; 1'aint. igu. I Sunt It. I.om Auiieles; Mr. uiul lel.iria. Modern X-RAY Service Mr. A. M. I'.haffry and fuiinly John Bulger, I San Kraneit'o; T. Smith Itk-iMllilc. EMORRHOIDS UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED The Jeweller H SAILINGS DR. BAYNE ltchJa.U m( wtlri illMUIar.aaaUk.r or rrotnidlac 4r rtia For Vancouvar, Ocean Full and Swan.ou Hay, Tueaday 5 pau. " 4, B, , Htlgaraon Blook 10 GIFTS THAT LAST'I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY urU.al I'lU..unliHl ar MaulniL ll.murrlkal4a.Dr. N For Vancouvar, Alert Hay and I'ort Hardy, Saturday p.m. lr lloura: Mornings, -l2- Afiernoou. 1:30-5:30; a)) For Anyos, Alice Arm, I'ort Siuipaon and Wales Island. Sunday, Kvenlnis, 7-9 T HK.T lt 'in lo rcn. Hoard airora uaimar orani. too U. alt midnight. Kdmaawn, UatM CV. u.al.r., or r i. "I i" . lllui an.' tor IUui(t t s ti For Nias Rlvsr Cannarlas, frlday a m.