PAOK BDC Tim daily ikwb . 1 1 .J I.I.J 1 1 -II! I I PAPER MONEY RAIN IN INTERIOR G. H. Arnold, Notary Public N. B. Walton Savs Most Was at WESTHOLME THEATRE AD INFINITUM Prince Goo roe Fires Under FOR SALE. On of Uie best Dwelling In the City. IIS Control. Tonight and Tomorrow Seven Rooms. Excellent condition. Very finest marine view. Best residential district. Very close In. Fully modern with Soviet Russia Flooded with Val N II. WhIIoii, general superintendent furnace and flre-plsce. Double iane corner. In fact a home ueless Notes with Mora on uf the Canadian N. lfaT.1 1'avV flim lll to be proud of. We will be pleased to show It. Way. Hotial Hallway, who returned Norma Talmadge Saturday night from a viil to H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. Tin: ii.Mii i., jiy it n,e i In' i-ni-ri section of the tli. Real Estate. Insurance. Rentals. brave ylaim of the Soviet, thai ' in f. stales (hat while there ha IN Uiey had cMnl.lMied u budg' i tu ii rain in (he interior it ha ytCIII fill ltuill U l' l III u"t i n enough lo Hit mil the t NOTICE. smoke When I In- Dilliev ik dctc r.'iiv.t fire. However fire are "The Wonderful Thing" gallon pre.nii, ih. pn-m-ni j.ivtiy well under eonlrol. The It TIIK MATTER or in anll.atlon far Hovftnimenini rigui't'K ami moot rain wa in lite neighborhood SaaaSafjaBBVMa1-MB S SV-WaBBMSBX tin- iMir itf frmh rcriiririie i.f till M Watch Ibis Space n uixlindrd two third, t St liitrrrM In Miiiiiflif retl III,, nl tier dclegali'4 in "f I'riuce Oeorge. CHUISTIB C0MKDY - M()Iii)I)Y' WIFt mt In I...i t:i and fl. Klurk St. Lais tJ ml ?, BI.H-k St. and toll in. si iixl It, a oJasid gf iiilliniiH ami Icillnin. Purity does it Admis-on, U.rr aul 15c HIiMk tl in m smioa . Clljr of Prln iilld promioeia nf wlnil they cnuld For liuin-rl (Nap 3. WIRELESS REPORT Sati.rartorjr proof of Ihe loaa of the do. The hi-Hilai'lii't the diplomat Tata half a rale of Sllhl. MARKET INFORMATION rrrllflratr of title rovrrlnir tin abut ar il lata ht water I jot got was niiifr lanrta. rutin two produrrd It niy In-trillion revenge AND PRICES la laaur, aflrr Mm rirl ration r for Ihc brink relmrf in the morning weaker mi allr lain rlr 8 a.m. " month from lha fin I rmtiliraUon hereof, ". rl I the ttolkta a4 Ill I.I. II.UIIIOU i frrh rertiriral of titl in the session when the "liter delegation. Cloudy, wind Now that preserving fruits nam of Hlrt Smith amf llrnr Smith, refued to join (lie Soviet ooerale ka weaker. I.alar, iirlhwe. fiTh; barometer, .in.. which rrrurirals of title la itatrd are cumins on tlio nfarkct, tHiilirr. ItU, ami it niimbrrrd tltS-l.lin propaganda scheme. rle Ikena lkorhlf.aed voor II: temperature oH; light w-ll. anil piled at i h Land irrltry n fried. lolkea will s eteaa fresli peetflifnllr vegetables ami U p.m., i"ke eimer iff"" Prl BC" dlT lu, Out or III paic of figure, Spokane "Supreme" Breeii stuff arc lict-ominK ii. F. mostly xei-os, the fael utaliil e eaewy while, ill Ml Hunk Sound, northbound: Brand more vlentlful II pays to Ifroirar Mvi:i.Eon.of thi. that no) only have lliiian been Tke rtek aeoaat ana" palm 10 p.m. Mke Prince l.oui..-off In lonrli wUh oile Mr ii the Mrl of Ike Ivory Uland, Krp prices. tiortMioiiud; IN PROBSTf. iiiiiiiiiiu the (Siiv eminent on an 8aliht cleaatl! IN TMl SUPRKMC COUNT Of BRITISH isiu nf Almot ml power. I : p. m. pke Prince Albi-rt paper iimncy New Potatoes. 0 lb. fur 25c COLUMBIA. Mmf SmmUfil it, fmrily tmt ff Noble Maud, iufwiluHi, but that inleud of northbound. " lb. for $1.00 In ttw Maitrr of fnr aarAra. FRliSH KRKSfl -'0 Hie Ailiultilairatlnn Art ni:.ii tuki: poixt ;i.udy: anil (retMntf f iHler the niltialioii I-getting CofiE Kookinir Onion. 4 lb. for 25c ROAST D I In llMi Maitrr .f Oh- of John rM. wrre, for in I lie iiionlb calm; barometer :i:i;; temperature ROASTED New Carroll. 1 4b. for 2&c Iwciwl, IntrMatr. 51 ; iinlh. tue vm:t: that In i.lrr of III f June, lite very iimntli in which sea New Hrrcn Peas, S lb. for 25c Honour r Mrft. Vminr. made the lain rlay DlilllV ISI.A.Mi lirltillug uf July. ISM, I maa ip4nlrd Ad-miiHMrator their delegate came to The HeinJ a the HreakffKt table: Cherries, Lnrjre Hings, lb. ,f the H of John PnaL llairne. the Soviet iMted H5.-IHMI.IKMI calm; tmnmiftrr 3U.IU; tempera, 35c dfrraurd,aralnat the and ukl all relate par I Ira are iiatlnr hereby rlalma required IHIO.IMHI paper riiiile.. lure 51 ; a iii'ki.. "SAY! MA GIVE ME ANOTHER CUP Special priees for prrser-vintr u me. to on furnOh or ttnrr unir,the pmpefly nth day rrWIt of Jil.OIIO.Ollil.imO.OOO in..ii- Ihan In DL'I.I. HAllDOllT:Koon,. OI- COFFEE, PLEASE. THAT'S THE in caoe lots. We ail. tinl. Ittt. and all nartie ln-riVMrd May, and eveu time h many n Overrs-l. in the eme are required la pay wind northvpT frh: iMnnurirr B ST YtT! WHAT IS 117" you to buy your Dins I lie anxwnl of their Indebledneaa lo me in January of la set year. 'Clirrf ie now us the quality forth lib. OII II. Me.MlLlJ.X. Deficit Even Then. 30,H; teuieraliir, 57; e moderate. Yes, I knew yo iJ lik-i It. Thif. 'S'JPitE IE' N excellent. nrrwal AdminlTtralar. There i now in clretilnlmn in volver in t lie poosvaokm of de tlie CoTee that Dated Dili 1Kb day of iuly. ttlt. ii:ii i iui: poiM i:ieHr Fresh Roasted Coffee, tastes at Hllla .'lO.IIOO.OHtl.lrfW.OOO ruble. Sour lloioloff. Cherries. Preserving wind Horlhwexvl lishl; barometer it smells. All frie vis uting it now" good art 'Hie price and quality Tnli a look "Vor the rlnifir and if all the lae the lluian The defendant, in evidence, said as my 3o:IO: wiH be right within ten coliiiiin today. There is something expect to runir III till year cioe he had befit aecretary to the mMHh. lemwralure. 60; sea Ground, roast"! an ! p t -kod it the w-trernus" f lay. Ptace your orders for sale there that may interest they will liave ti liie pter to Dololoff lUjintiaiiy, which during HKHIV l.-LAMi with ii now. you. meet n '' er rent deficit, an I lie war iivimifactiirvd munitions baMHiietrr iMi.tli; CliMidy.temperature.calm. STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. amount ctrccdiilir the tidal Large Green Gooseberries J.H-Mr for the lliitau Kovernment, and lite IV; m.Kb. y a.m. ioke rJ Hetre PKINCE MUPEKT cireulalioii on July I. Coffa Impurtert from Terrace have just arrived. worked in (HHiJiiuclioii wilh the leaiirer Anyot off I'Mnce Ituperl 1 fical which the tnhogsaii on These are so large minilry of mtinition. When the h ml choice that they wit) We will pay rgS Soviet find themselves is shown coniMiny eloaetl down, he broHght mHilirMiUihl;l Ml: l& a. in. .oke 1 en ner Spokane due Prince Hu-lerl the anlooiidmu fact that by on nlnve quickly. 4 lb. Imkt. BOo the firearm ami ammunition I there III circulation kmi. northbound. lllly were mm away mi Unit they "wttiriil not full Butter and Eggs $50 eighteen time h many paper iittu uiiilexiruble haml. The gnu SIX KILLED Maid of Clover Creamery nible a on January I r tin. and amHJiiiitioti were uoJ by the Duller in bulk, fresh slock for a letter about year. Inli'ad of .'1 1 ok down company fur etpniii nlal pur. lli;MAT. Maine. July IT. Lumber & Lath NiDy to meet 'iieii.e. lay crealinv a rrriving Monday at Pacific Miik but now iHiiortant iwtrU Sit Mron were kllb-d in a revenue, the only known way of 3 lb. for $1.25. of the nun were miug. Tlie truiu wreck here. making biiduel. the lliioian near Capital Creamery Duller Kveiy till of Pacific Milk you iimmiiniti.iii eaiuld only Ine uJ Shiplap-Boards and are jfi.iiiK in the oppo.ile direc. 3 lb. for $1.15. liny now is aluioxt onp-lralf, in llta"iaiMade gun. THE BISHOP REFORMED. li'.n and travetlinn with f.iine Alberta Fresh F.ggs. Another pure cream. Through our im-' A fine of tro, ioclioiina rots. khipment due Monday prover proi i-s we are eiialtled H-ed. wn iHiiMev, ami the firearm, I'hlilip llnwrk like,! o , Dimension direct from fanner. t put up a much richer and w ith the exception of the revolver. hi Joke a well u any man. One Thurouslily An lh pd and fioi.-d I i Vr i .r 30c dox. 3 dot. for 85c. FOUND AMMUNITION lK-tter milk than ever. II i am aHMituiiilion wwe eouflaeul- day .Mr. HaldwiU uf Ibe Jlitillaii ur ptticy to go to the wyniin AND MACHINE GUNS d. A In ion wu writing to him and wlio nee I'arific Milk fur their liHI '"to the IHIer Rupert Table Supply Co. a new. Kiln Dried Flooring. Ceiling, Siding opinions on our product. PRINCE GEORGE mit clipping of a talk he had Phone 211-212 For the bet Idler telling why Russian Fined In London for Be a i en mi profanity. I'rvtmpily and Finish you like this improved I'acific ing In Possession of Weapons came the inowrr from the! Hie (iieime BMW'mill reaiiioml Milk we will pay in cath, III.Imp: "My dear llaldwiu I $50.00 I.OMXI.V July 17. -At Willi. aelual luurber culiiu uiwralruMs have jut finished rcorlina our SPRUCE LATH the lie emurt, (teorve d ial wwk with hair of the plant remark mt profaHtty. You will for second beut letter; running. Seveal rural men hav Manufactured In Prince Rupert and soiling al Lowest Prices All that hear about llolotoff. ltuiaii you $25.00 a Kubjeet, was be glad to know that I agree Willi been litretl and will le iliiiliHOH'd for keeiiiiiHr firearm poire them, ami have entirely aban for the I bird bent letter, Wliep) tin- i ti ii.I ammunition uithitul huviiig reitlire.J pLlHI mil-niug doned the habit."- lotoii I ran $10.00 Hartt cerUfi4'ale. full i Mpaetty, PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. and for the next 12 good let. erlpl. It was .tated that the ixdice. Iith we will give each free on I.ona uwailtal rains started Seal Cose, Prince Rupert Telephone 111 bavin? reeeiM-ii informaioii that John MalheiMoi and John Mm f I'in-1 fir Milk. ! ace falliim iu i lie ililrirl lat week Contest Closes July 31. I aiiimuHilmn. etc.. was Ihniik slur. and the forast ilMtrnietit rn. ray are rolling a big yellow Shoes e.J at imltl.-don I'ark Uoiiee, cedar tree back of J. :. Mrl.eii-! Mrl all fire ulr e-otilnd. The Pacific Milk Co. Arthur lload. made a raid upon nan' reldeoe on Itorden rtreei raiia i hI of gral eMfil Ui Hie premise and found two tier, llii aflertHMrfi at 3:30. The ireei Limited the wltlcli have been uf-feriug. man oiaeliine uiin. a (iernran all. prop I a big one ami a there are a I llieir looks, good perfect fit, SacteelM at Canadian National Railways long liulurance. is fully verified Akbslafors LSe, O. 2S ONAII STStIT lomatle pilil. .1 57 round of number of reidtiee cloe t i by the genuine salUfac-liou LlmlUa VANCOUVIS !lt)ian an iiim n tin m. ami a re- William West, tlie well ktaarwn il will take some careful guidine. However Mr. Murray is an et. you receive when you miner ami prrprr!or. has re. erl feller and il i etjieeted wear them. turned from the Oular Crerk Summer The is low for shoes there will be no difficulties. The price BENT'S : LINGERIE eoiinlr). lie ay the plaer strike of this high quality. I fee they are felling is a well I lt-i.- i. rallier a finle ami thai LADIES' READY TO WEAR tlie ore will develop tutu iiiarli. known landmark. $12 50 per pair 3rd Avenue. -- " Tourist II. M. tiibooH, lite I'latillay Tickets TO EUROPE Big Reduction Kork trader, is til the city re-liirniitv ft'i.m 'Mkeo4iver to the KIRKPATRICK ON I'eaee HiiT Uutihlry. Tis i sets. ON SALE DAILY TO 31st AUGUST HUE BESEBMTtCWS HOW! Sealed IrlHlrr. mill L rrrrlt t ih - -- MinHter vt Laud al Vlrtvrla later Return Limit 31st Oct. The Store of Satisfaction Spring Suits, I'rfd. i:. J. ItytUl I eieepil thaa im) on il ttis day of July, lift, OUtSIC-CHIRSOUSO-SOUTHAMeTON. tar I be MrtMu of llirura klala. i bete early IIh wrk to look over Set USO.ooa frr ut Haliaiu. l-rflar, Nrut to HAMSURQ Mk aiel spruce, rimalrtl m an ara oa Ami. SSa. S Oct. S .tmsraaa Sraac the ground of tire Uuenel.prinee lie- kw)i Hlrr. ftaaa t Coal biatrial. Sue-tl Sap. 1S Oct. 17 Cwsraaa Scotland Coats, ieorge riiuit. Ilia company, the amaal Tut f(I) vrara UI I slluaed tut ; Edmonton Calgary Winnipeg MONTNCALSOUTNAMPTONNTWtRe ll)au ImiIi itetrOil i'-u., ha the lartlwr tartirulara of lb rUtt t'nrea tit .' or Ulalrlrt tureelrr. All Points Eastern Canada and United States HYDE lAwf. I Au. SO SllenaSaaa eolilrui-t r etrlnpletilig llli jauS-iesp.1SOcL1l Slallta road. VERY LOW FARES CHOICE OP ROUTES Sap. S Scella Dresses, etc. STOP OVERS TRANSFER MONTRKAL TO LIVtRPOOL liaul ik IU-iHweia, local eon. Jul? ZSAua.ZSSap.22 Meetulm Writ or Call, tractor, will build the new llll.. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE. I Au f..IS tl Sap.Sap.IS SOct.Oct. IS S Victoria Stontroaa IMM) I'P .l.yl. riairlHilireli here al TIMBtN SAll XtlfS. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Ave. Phone 260 Day and Night I'hone 580. Sap. I II). 2S ManUlere BENT'S the corner of I'iflli Olid llruiis-wick Sralwl I'Otl'rt mill be rrrelted lr llw Kire-l.. the roulruel having Mli.lalrr of taiela al Vlrlurla ivil lai.r MONTRCAL TO OLA MOW tbait oo iim ma dir or iuix. !. July SS Auf. 2S Sap. II SUlaeama lieeit awurti. il lasl wek. Work tor lit porrbaM ut IVne-e X nil, li Best Coal lAuf. 12 Sap. SOct, 7 TuilelM Third Ave. will eoiiinif ore at One. rut S.ttv.oou a let Hiiikra fret on of an cedar,arra Sprurr.arijereot Sal-aaui to J Sap.1 S Coralca ladlaa llrun tu -rill Illicit. Laiifl Tmm Opp, Bank of Montreal. ham 4. OcM IH.tnrl. 1 QUCStO TO LIVERPOOL I'.. A. I'yn is back from a To It) rara mill i alluard fur ra- Wood Wood Auf. IS Sap.12 OcL 10 fmpraaa of Britain ui itimr. inonlir liii.ine Irip through r orlhrr Mrlirulara of lh tlMrf rue-a - DEMER'S - Stove Lengths, Split. i QuiBio-CMtasoysa-souTMAatPToa the Caribou diric. lr, Vlrlurla. a t:., or Oiiintl luraewr. rr'w Kuwrt. B.C. (Aus- 1 SSap. Kmpraaa of IMI From the Farm TlatBtW Apply to AaaaU afaryuiNar, or t. 4. "SMALL STAKES." Sail XSSSS 139 2nd Ave. West. rORSTIR. Oanaeal Afant. O.PJI. Stall, to the Table Itefore plaiig a round of golf Srab-d Irmlrr mill l rrrlrd by 11m Phone SSO. VeiKeua, Talaph 3armr 210 Miuiatrr uf I ami at V lrturia not latrr Great Clearance CANADIAN PACIPIO RAILWAY ..lie day two elderly gentlemen lhao Mwu u Hi fois da of July. Ifff, fur Hi .ur,li of I.M-riw x )iai, to Traill (ihL BulkleyValley thought tl would make the game ml I.oou.hoS frri of ldar, Sprura, Sal' iuteie.iing if they played aia and llruilnrk, altuaid Ml th I ait umre Arm of Hit take. Literal! Say, haii I, fur (ake. Kill lel they ba Oh..I l.l.lrlfl. BEEP turr (si i rare mill bo sllumod fur real gamlilers," one saldt vll rnixoal of lln.brr. SALE PORK ilowh uud lurihrr parlirulari of Itio tblrf lurrt-Irr, slake The Best in Rubber Footwear MUTTON tl keep lha Vlrturia, B.C. or plalrlcl lurealer, play for it eeut for the first hole J'rlw liiiierl. B.C. VEAL and doul.lH it vry hole for the TIMSCN SALi X 41S1. We are Hole Agents in this city fur HIPRES8 Itubbcr FRESH KILLED POULTRY Hoots. alo the 'PARTRIDOEM llrand. Full stock of all Hub-bers. Skeena River Farm Produce eighteen." Staled leiMlrra mill ! rereltred by Hi when MlnJ.lrr of Uii'la They wire aiiiiUrvl they al Victoria Hot later Kee our prices for best quality In these lines. VANDERHOOP CREAMERY Uian Ik it iim third day of Atitual, found at the righteonth teo Everything at Cost lilt, for His turrlia or lrnr 4111, "INVIOTUS" ehocs. the best shoe possible, fur men and BUTTER tlie lal hole to ml aivl rMiM t taa ouu iMi i.r women, from $11.SO. they ware i.luylllg kprnr. Oder and llraikMk (lwlurtin NORTHERN INTERIOR for over ILaOU or I,JMM.70 lo frlled nn.lM.ri, eiiuai .hi an are all(Jniii EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED, s.T.L. Itlllp. r.l.irk Bay, L)rll I.UuJ,1 Im etact. ll.iaUm News llureau ynu Cliarlolt liuiry-l. . FAMILY SHOE STORE CO-OPERATIVE Too or()tm.brr.yaara milk, be sllustit fur rt-nwMal . Third Avanua Phono) 3B7 Third Avenua Phone S1 nAuMy I'ersisltot neeesry advertising to ab. Irr,frlu"rurtlu.r Victoria,IIUiN.i-1.parlirulart B.C..I'. or of platritt lb i.blrf rwrvalarJ I'oraa Advertise in "The Daily News"