I IT 10? I II 'NORMA TAIMADTF t mieBIG Movies and Movie Peopli LIKED BOBBED HAIR A1 UM A"UU111 Devoted Tamoua Actrtta Say It la IndU C2P to the doings and sayings of those who t catlva of Famlnlna Character MACDONALUS PACKAGE entertain the public. J Chock-full of that Mi Tnlmailv l htirtily In rich flavor which arvnril wllh Ilk tlinry thai ,r4- has made '"'"l -"II wnrlinn on IN wi r urn ItlilHMnr of rleanma or Mm- moti ami fi-nrtnin linralr. NABOB WESTHOLMC THEATRE I nknwr th iH..oMM-nlkm nf "Tli lliorjr f rrffiy riirlil." h .r.MiH-rr. in th wrjt, ,;,,. h ajra. 'Th ldn tlial M1 Monday nn 'ttrday ferenee are -n hL bHwn lialr imlial Dial a iriri i- worn. TEA Norma Talmadiri- in "'I he 1 1" board ami lit mi who mak an i unrrllatiT ami Hint ort of BRIER the choice of Wonderful Thine;, r.hrl- h pll'll-. miliar i on 'tnir. H a altri -'NtHkty those who knour It Alitd?. Dial -It i nifiliilMMi.. nlni ami wife.- llii nli-rls fn lirMirk be. iMa-amt movie actor TEA as it should in ( V1lHdy am) Ttmr. ' ih b-m4(, jhh. H.fl. "My half ia 1'iI.Im, ni a1ni1 ilaVllnil Ih Woman." boy fifteen rear of w,, I ouiillnu In ! a modhn rl all "fur rwl. Ch wla-h. pottml ami lnml lur lr. it -HI tay Ih.Mx-.I m 'uiwily, "II! II." - r..i 'i i.. i i . iiI pn.l.alily n Inns timr aftr. tiwmrw I in ui MMCK- Krtday nml SeHinltiy 'mf II.' I- .. mnl. Hn In Hi 1l ifava mUr-n '"III I.aw biI Hi Wo. want in Jat ami purm-th in-in I wn flaliljfut tnf rx-..nilinn I man. Hall Huom Hoy IiaiI In 1 1 at lli a I ml in tni4y anl Cotm-dy. perry am! Jrevli 4 many llm vry lat. I knw I it.. III flf III I lotted Mi'i hail In Ifwik my lt ami tli r- Drill.h Canadian aei.-. think lirrau-manner IH tul.!rn noinrliuim lauali iill a that I wn lHin a erat TIN lal ii f niit Ip f.rrau owl Ian il hn uimno f hit hail in lh far wild a pi. , t lt In srt up rfirly In nnhr in pro. 854 amliriM- r irly arran my hair. Simtit . I II KIM', I a iMMittt mayor in Ni.lhiiiK rpU ual a w,rt il.-i.-ni n,jIK mi.li-ii- 'That ln of iliii bamlimp. Packages 15 y l"wa ft ifwMN tu It Ii4i li...!.- 1 1.an -luff f ia ji in. mi nry aiir. law ami better in turn. Inn I anr ami in Ih hi aflfrnonn nr ar iiik pirinr on Snndly. at nlil.t i frit that I hail lt my ririryr So il v a ia of nut ' Sn eelr tftkimt- Im part in "HAIL THE WOMAN" Kitmr wy iii in my tirk or BASEBALL tu iIom lonlitht ami ih firl Modern ;i clay may b clever UH n Ixilihina my hair, an my hair wa offirial cam of th airu for i.uiner a rtnvetly a ad fan COMING ON WEDNESDAY lol.U. Ih Hlork Cup I to lak plar on Union Pacific i in i car ,1wmH It. Saturday' Game. Yilnilay nivht. II i hurilly AMERICAN LEAGUE. likly J till lhr will Im mor Th "THE WONDERFUL Laundry There i an open air msnl. nwirh lalkisl of plctiir. THING" :i-f lan.l. i : Philallphl.i. 0. l)Mn two lam in lh rtinmnjr. Hail ,'! I lira I r hina- IwW ltH Ih Wonian" hirh h WESTHOLME TONIGHT IK-Iroit. i. lUiton. 0. namly Ih l-'.lk ami Sin of Systsm uti n arat iir-ii.m in I'.hu-avo, 3: Ni-w York. t. mi lmHanapil. It In triHiiwi jCanada. hut Ih , .oialUn ;t- keep II wHrafin for lb Ihk 4I l Ih at Ih local !t. I.oiu. 0; U a-lunitlnn. 7. ln !houUI Im alU to arTi.ip a kiwnI Tho Doublo Track Lino Service diirinir lb lliratn rndat of ihu "Th Wi-ml-rfnl Tl"-V " tli NATIONAL LEAGUE, ;i-rk. iifiitiiT inlrrtiriK nri nf tram !-Iwn Ooina- or rturnina on your in-ml h It miuwIi1 of f.ri.l.Uru play lill of Hi Ind-.l proilin i i.in ;r lii-imklyn, ?: I'liNburz, 3. th two. Iiaii Ih KVSTKriN anmmr xrur. f Hiii.iiiiiK .i inriHlK of tlii. rinr -iriim 1'aiiiMily;. ilitrittiilnl I'hilail'Iphia. i: lllnragu. . if. i Ho- foilowm- Sort hav won itoth pr.aon ion tin yar try th 1 I f 111- Ill till" fl'lll- lh- iliflimhy wMh rMcK4fi I-miI.I -lamUnl ami intnlify hy .Worial-i! Firl Nutmnal 11 iliitriiuiali, 3: li-lon. 2. aam il not man that tb INK IN PACIFIC 8VSTKM iHMinl i thai lhy ! Ml wn. Hun lh hiaht lyi f woman lnn, In. II i annnim l n th Xw Yrk. 3; SI. Iui. t. Stork ('up -J xoinv to riml 11 Superior Service all Through ilrlail arl. ami It. tllfflMilly IikmI. Mllrarlion al lh lholni COAST LEAGUE, Sao Salt Lake Economy Laundry Service firt horn in lhir hall, Harry Denver, City, Damp Wtihi Soft Flnlth, with .r.in-T. i. lhy ar ill. ITi folir lb clnry of 'I1iatr torn 8 lit. (i.iklaml. 3; Sarmmnlo, t. am! th rt of hi Hrolhrr Hill Great Salt Lake Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, nig i II anyihin lb iibli Ih lifi if l tirt. On v l. fit pnnriin l in n nniil- I'orllaml. 0.?; Ij Aanrl, avr. Wlll tin nli a r! raMy tiahlr in than anvlhinv ?-8. Prejitlg, and Dyeing, Rug marri.iir. ilrMnlinK Yellowstone 1iH-h Mi-, inlmail h.n ilntii aitl. 3: San Kram-iro. I. and Carpet Cleaning, and on man nrnmin 1lh fatal r. irntb hul it ha an umhrlyinv i-mon. lo.r.; Sail l.al. A-6. ITAUAN-AMERICAN the Regular Laundry ler-vlte. Hi -' Y"rt i-iiiirlii II. ainl lh hIIht rrtwllril. -ram -f n Ion ili a" a whh-li INTERNATIONAL LEA QUE. IS GOLF CHAMPION . .Hi .urfly arrve you. t-iv ls Talmailp !.;ort unity Jry r.ily. 3-1; Torono. 9-?.! National Park 'ay llll Rules Laid Down for the Ilrailma N.-wark. J;I. Syraru.liuffalo. 3 Id.. OF UNITED STATES and many tdhr point of In. lUliirnori-. ?: HMhirr, 13. CcnadisaSteam Laundry Gene Carazan Kaat John Black Irl- unit- of double Conduct of Movie Actors Sunday Game. Phone S, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. and Cobby Jone with 2SS track atl.at! train. for 72 Holca. through dininn-rar entire and Actresses Los Angeles 1 N.-urk. I. Itutfalo, 3. Sytn protctd by electric Hall tutor 3; !ioh-tr, . automatic block, aixnal OI.KNCllK, III, July 17 f.n ay. natin? it; SyraruM 7. . V I V- t - Sarairn. aal SI. an Italian-.mrian. it-m. L.iin-rui riiiimrrn 1 COAST LEAGUE. . - - - A million fiM-lur h-l cmnpaiiy ha bn formnl in Ii won th t'tnlril Stul II: :- Or.Gso.L Barton V rnon l- .'rt; Salt l.ak. 1 1.II. Airl with a irw In imtiliiir m -Iiim lr niuliori pn turr ar Salll. S-O: San r'ranoio. opn tr-'li champiinhip with a llliiatrated literatur nt on' lor ami ai-lr ulm-ii ill nimiurlril iimlrr riinitnn--ii total u ?8 ror 77 b.il, tat-Jotin rqnet. (Valmer) ml ami ngiilalMin nml hirli u4l riiilrl Ih action nr Ih I'uri l.niit, l-S: l.o Anye- 5. lltark of 4Utlirornia and For information auk any ninilir Ixilh innl Ih lintii4 ami oiiUmI. Tlir ar In ir llohhv Jon. who lil for rml ticket agent or write Chiropractor iiiir nf ih)-ial IrnimiiK ami nimlir ar all r(i n NATIONAL LEAGUE. plai hy a lrok. FRANK 8. ELLIOTT kp lhml fit nil Ih llm. I'hilaoVlphla. H: f.hlr-ajro. I. 5iwjr liinan wn Ih only) finral Axent Federal Block i Th fnllowiiifr ar Hi rule 2i!iFM lbilon. 5: I'inriiiiinll, 3. Knslioh nlrant to finili in ihi S1S-1S Roger Building "l T pnMrl Ih fiHi. nam of lhir profion, lh mm Hks lxtk nV Iiiiburir. i: Itrooktyn, A. fir 1 lwl whil Jim Harn Vancouver, B. C. PNona C0. Iht of lh 1'arant-Mint rtok "it flifU aat aralHiti In any N-w York, il: St. I.ouh. I. Jal yar' rhampoSn. wa away UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM i.onipany hat sups'!! ami iiMtrtw-tor or offtr of lh I'ar iiwn in lh lil. nlill tlw nil nf eomlnrl Himoinl StiM-k Company, or any ami work. -nirfir infrinit. UkI) ri.i- rtmn-ll wilh lh slii. Sport Chat PBINCC RUPERT TIDES iowiI lh rut im4 only alio, ar lrlll- forhid.li-n. it harm to ymirlf a an ac-ii-i Car on Detail Monday, July 17 s eaview ami an imliitmtl. hut it alo "7 Mcmlwr of .Ih lnk :Snn.Sine f lUiuada ih only fur hou wiuiuiu of the lh High 7:flrt a.m.. 15.3 feet. EDSON COAL uorV injurv u )mir ao!al. rimany will li rvrrr,) o play' ta-'in 19:38 p.m.. 17 7 feet. hlr-t aillirnr to lh rill I aii0,! .irer rkaiipi.nhip Ijw 0:59 H.3 feet - a.m., ainl to ltini Iwny pari Su-- Storage & Transfer it! in b-lory IdhikIiI nver lh COMPANY mmlr of b-iium!tl f r k "in l hai! only nn cimil1 !S;50 p. m 8.8 fel ;iltM-. 11 h may aumt that Come 2nd Ave. and 7Ut SL ih- ruiiipany, ami it aln U r-iiiflnl Ttorma. Ta 7m a dee Tueday, July I. Cumpanir work, ami aliilily to do goml rk Hi I en 111 will h on il liu r. Phone 777. thai miiil.r hylir"il ix w The ua.idert1 TitinC' Ilish K:Jt ajn.. I5.a feel. ran nMiionirai.i a wvii in a tiitin(r iltf in Furniture Crating a Speciality !mi. aNi-l lrit to hat iilhr mall bit a in a lailinir ml. ilil- in win and every,that the way match mi. 20-JM pjiu IH.0 feet. 'nh-nilM-r f Ih 'omHy i.ir Ijiw 5:1ft ajiu. A.? feet. Thrfor. n'r uliclil your work.J , will he a drawimr card for a Best Coal I3MH p.m. H.H feel. Eipreti Oallvery iim. to matlr how imron.iinlialjfor(IM. bj,, 4r lhc MntU rinn record rrnwd of fan. Vlelory F DROCHU, Proprietor. Health all Important '""r o. 'lioiml ailinn Ilia I lia n.U Uet tomphf will at leal aiir Hie raiica arrraT und DiTairr. Uat of all poo.1 work' "M- li arnil in lh choir nf , S-mi M1THICT COAJtt aot . ? Tli ,-rw a .P-, .i,r a. a play.off wilh Hie Stin of at ia Pmh paltb. Thrfor. im- ymr aiucial ouUid Ih 'lu-Jj,,!,,,,,,. iu,tu. Ih only I'.nylaml if they Hieiiiev- win Ttk untire Uitl II 0. F. Mnnrkktik IMnxl uirk. .:. luvkw, lo (iUj la ,n r "f th l-aranioMHt Slofk Ilemtt-r: "A nwtu i known taiKhtr i.f tin- At uririi ' lloir frm Hie lirotlo nn Tbnri-day Ikn Vlni.l.r r Um roe Dram Lowest Prices looill pnant lhir by Hi cmiMiiy lie keep.' A A win for the Canadian mhum-i fur nl Ml ft no bAiurftl iioiupany Ki nir, a fintltil proilurt of .a Innirht r wvrr lb r-illiff tlrrrUM-4 lrnl PACIFIC CARTAGE wtuiian I kmvin by Ih . w'" nl'- ,h Ijnufiimrliia ftl ut 4ulnl ti ih l.lih a lhir immi prrrliHi a. e.utivany j rPllr, r,,,,,,!, , jM irrtiilJ) l,,-,r-- li?app-arano liuin certwr it lui lt; thrur .I ami atoM any oimhMrt or rir- h Hvoi-I. luptJi Ur.i iioimLi. innii.ir -i Hie lirotlo chauc for cbam Duflft rlwiiM: UwiM-e N.t rtuiu: uum xiutfe Itav ekus Unrt -! Order Now! Phone uiii.un.-.- that will put lliir "V ihi not cmniM- your nul-l.i,. lmihw. iimiimiifl rimir. Uolihi for their only hop lie rkwiu I xnl ol piiiuitrM mull, liu 58 .Limited Ih- altli in iral. I'mpT tiri,t. look on lit in lh at-livili of nl one iiir.iin hep falher' in the I'nuck' ! tmulif and lriiiil.wfiiva tj ah 4 zjra. hit.. Rhone 93 -.iitlM-inl lii. frh air, pro-imt lh IiiImi. !intadn your vlw. ti,t 11 filler, kh U Ira arc. ' On ad-vanlas. Iheir own tn-tory uver Ih Son a.V.r.St.N IKOMCTOJI.!. Afrnl. ili.-t all th ar iilial Iint. td 110ml iMMtk: read a how-vr. wtilrh a dnlnia or Misiami. A lillle allnl on In Furniture, Piano and In K-'l hi-a-Hh. Attml akulmlk pihmI nwuiMr ami keep ahral of Jie ha liter a draiita nf life error- of ih pal and their uu.' ranee iiuihict mtfut or covsi ir loot wTaicr.. J'afe Movlnif -tiiiiulanl ami ial hour. If yon ff dvlitpmul in (ml ilie. tiler- i Unit a ltiiiy emlinif I pnsal. al ifixnl form fthould make (he Tk lkl L O. r. tfrkln Let Us Advise Ym urt a woman, nothimc ran ltr.. ntnr. eromunl, art. Ilemem. hie, und on ome in a ry at-i-fjiiiK I'uinuck n prelly afe bet fur Ih .ini B.C. ruu-hcr. intrtiJ lo em-It is with a Ufctlma'a expert, rn1 Canor-l Crtae if l-r that mrntaflily and jr.uu liHilxhl allhoiiirh, a the ID Miniiv sr Line far a limu-e look o ipiikly: you your your iiHiuuer in '"lli Voh'ler. Snnd y.nir t u puiMl ror real uu tna bftlvrftl ence in all branches of the Gravel man. mUhimr ran nwipui-mi laale ln ne ihrooKh your eye fill 'ITtii.tr- v fan learned lal Tuday nishl. i. r ihm fulloviUi ilrilni lwl .it a liuildlng Trade,. immtmriKt tl imi pLnttJ ftl Ih. you nrtirh fur Ih anlnwi oil Ih rn. yiu can't alwly yoineUme 6rtAl rornrr f M !( thmr lell." The Rallie might cruiie nil k uiui: lbar 4-1 ti rbui.i Brickwork, work of lh 1mlin. A Great Care "Wanlr.1 a cuiti dy wilh plenty Hiiira aori rtialH.t thrnc wl " Inroiuh with Iheir fir-it win rk.in. tu r tbavuril. Coin-pri.uit of real humor ii i on puiht The Popular P-ettauranl. 3 Any mmlir f th I'ara-uvoulil rt -Th motion pielur. I"-- 111 a perpet. their laM tl kT. Stonework, who UiU ital adti'tiiiieni . .iiiliiiiially on appearance. .ntmi pru lira. itv Umipuny enue ot yr.iii diiriiiiiiion. r-lk V r. knunrrox Ilie Boston Grill In maintain i'vnty-fi 'f "'"l cite ymt -Hularity, wvallh and diplay hy all niovi fan. 'Th Harry l.ipoell, the tIUt imal V. HAMsloM, Af.ul. Concrete, etc. aterase audieno- 1 lired tnmli(r In rl4, allrinUrwi. u iw-ai miwi. iiui. Tinu in; very rnncE aurraT iid dmtbict. I'lan and Specification ,,,1'f nliiplt-k lu-li ten-ler for th Klk in th la- MSTUtrr or tnvsT Mioe t nml Knral aiirtmiit i llahl llii ry diolritiutlon, il al cro leap u ami Hi man In free to all our clienla. Third Avenue. rMiiiiluliti-. Tftko Um 1111 I. O. r lltmrkkua. of ' I., i-tpirlnion from th rompuny. hrinu -miriuou whom much credit i due for Ih uun, c rHrtfP! uh.mI m kpfiiy to lainta whlrh I - .Ulhoimb lha 'liN-k inlrad ymi i'u i i Hie, riitn;. I ADIFS' AUAIUARI darting of lh nam in Prince III w rtwir MlSMI.r for ru LklkU oil for and Miyral ttrvnra William Watts & Co. u:kc (ha paint of llm of Ih I'aruiiutunt bitit-.. Th mnllon nh-liir hi or lb Klktwa dwrttl Ur4. nf th mmhr Ituperi. i ma looklntr for a 'WuUr ilmor. inlnkat friend nf OF ST. PETER'S HAD .4uiuiirUi( ftl Iwl pUutt-4 al lh Builder and Contractors mad an .liM-k Company i Ihrir alrilily I" you leather helmel. naon- Harry liurui. nrwr f kit iioei ihcnr t lUn for l.adlr n.irlrnv Ihrlr niolion. th ilar rouiiil. It-Hipte whom you will wa kicked by a Imr w-y back l.nre a Iimmi i. Ihriir hi. aouia,. ckftiwi ik a P.O,Office:Dux 823.1017 Phone 4S2. SALE OF HOME COOKING 3rd Ave, Opan Day and Night (or kiirli n.irtravol l nn lb nter . You nr their friend, in I'.wirt and h ha a bad pol rkftio.; ia point ul cunuuoriurBi, Cum. frl.lni .bout 44 (rre. Jobbing Work of all Kinds. UVWhlta Help .rrn, nml not in lh tinlio. lieteilhele. and it mut b your on hi forehead where nothing uiuk mm ivi, nit. riiipraiiunl i u valuahl a-.l. rontant par nter In do any. Th I.adi Auxiliary of SI. lull kin cover hi ability to a r. ikoctoi. hut tmnramnl mil f rin. IhiiiK nr ay Mnythliur Uiul will I'eler' Anglican Hhurch. Seal play lacroii and attend to var. M tms ueaiBi cover f SaiTISN irol tn nui4iM- to yourmlf ami M-lni' lh confldeneo Ihe mil. (Vivo realiivd about 23 at llo ir ion and Mindry bit of bulnA C04WISU IN) PAOSATK SPECIAL OFFERING! tMhoily nlMiwI ynu. llurU of lion of midlon pklur lav nl of hnm eookinir and ic for hi inarm client. Thii It la lb Miller r tk A4nlMlrlla Art Provokes a Mar Iters Made'Vo mi-rallil lmiraiiint in Hi lu have placed in ym. Therefor, cream in th. lied l'n Hut nn I that if a lacrun ball or any. ami WlUlaoi tu in nrrv Nailer M4llubiui.ul uw (..late ut than to come home from Meaiura .no will not m tolrall; ar member of Hu- I'uruninunl Stock Saturday after n. Tlu al thing el like that xUmild laud Mjr.Tkk nnk trtlar imi mi l AilmlwirtlkM in in dtr or la work and find his meal not uii trroun iiM-n ami womn. anil Company r !- 4 A''---plaee. wa in pi-nitr" imrl of lh mi lii nob! brow h might turn Ik atxit vital r trauhxl to Mr.l ready, Hy trading w.th u Tweed'ART'SuUs our ui linn nhouhl h Kovrnl w-iple, olivunt.lance luoruiiiK und all afieruonn. Tb up hi In right there. It I to H-.kla B.C. Orar, lit Utmtce ul. NVwri.1 you not only save uiuuuy on hv -unity "l common rourly. and conduct th-h minht in any rnmmiltee in 1'liar an imprli-d ta hoped thai Harry find Hie Ik AIL raiau HKIiwi ar rvqutml lu mwiu mimI lb etalMt!miim your purvhaiee, but you get mnilr of lh ronipany way brliiK lheinlvei and lh flu.-t Mr, a lliltii. Mrt W. )aklr. leather armor plain bfur he IM unurmit ia tibial llilrlT dana 1 them delivered In ample time V .Nn Soie $30.00 profemtlon intn di. Mr. A. Fti-ebur. Mrn Wjl'.liri-llann. Miter Ih lil Vdnday Imi Hi it.w lH-rur. I will Im allow.! li iiwk u uliw um picliir mi ALL l-LMHO.M oolnr Btonl. lo tka aalil lo prepare your meal. puhll ituti. Any member falling Mr, ft. II. HrvMerlnn and niahl In that fal and furiou '. ar Brrur riiir4 m ear I Phen ua at Trial Order ut a lhuln "r in im untlr.lniil fvrlbollk. STEVE KING uiiivuram Irfc'lly t "lirt Hil rule U Mr, fl. Ililehi. league tiiiener. UITID al lh 111 at prlii. Minora I. Tbe i.nlrlmmnl wllluuil rui,iiilnn ilimial from -.4. Ik rrtlH- ar B nt Ha luluuibl. Ihl People s Meat Market UaM lo lntant OU kf IUH, ft ft. IIIV. fom-l-any. elix-k ThK1 Avnu of I In- illr'lir of Ih the company ' Bubcrlb for the (tally New. Enlrtte for lh Lacroit Lea. mm umi tiwrtt.iiruini,tt.C Hluai Tig