alt ie -edig = lye! +e pi Closing Out SALE Men’s Solid Leather Work Boots—-! Reg. $4.50 $9.95. Selling at } Men’s Dress Shoes and Oxfords—| Reg. $5.00 $ Selling at 2.95 Men’s Felt Slippers—Leckies Reg. $1.50; Selling at 99c Men’s Brown Kid Romeo Slippers Reg. $3.45 $1 | Selling at 95! Women’s Patent and Kid Ties and; Straps—Reg, $5.00 $2 45 e | Selling at Women’s Pateng§ and Kid Ties and Selling at... BaedO| 65¢ Women’s Felt Slippers— EXTRA SPECIAL ! Reg. $1.45; Selling at Boys’ Solid Leather School Boots Reg. $3.50 Selling at $1.95 Men’s knee Rubber Boots $ Reg. $5.00; Selling at 2.95 Cut Rate Shoe - Store We Accept City Orders Just to prove that the pen is mightier than the sword take a look at this photo which shows Leslie Henson signing the register at preview of a talkie in the Palace Theatre, London. eS i night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver where he will consult with specialists, his health having been indifferent of late. If he fails to get relief there, he may proceed to the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Low Prices Feature Weeks’ Halibut Business—Am- erican Landings Ahead of Last Year—Bird Hunting Season Opens Following a week or so of quite encouraging bids, lowest prices of the season were paid for halibut at Prince Rupert The Letter Box during the week ending yesterday. The lowest price of the | week for Canadian halibut was 3.5¢ and 2¢ which the Erie Roy received for 9,000 pounds while the low price for Am-| Ve Fi erican fish was 2.5¢ and 2¢ which the Kanaga was paid for |naitor, Daily News:— 43,000 pounds. On account of the exceptionally low prices,| At the last city council meeting, . | 2» . j A a number of large American boats refused to sell at Prince |® member of the committee of the Rupert and. went on to Seattle intl |National Unemployed Workers’ As- the hope of getting better bids. The favorable but it takes n boo cond a te c Seb okinca — top price of the week for Canadian rain and wind to dampen Seyert: eg Same Were CaRGren OF tne ardor | i ‘ i ; school age workin yr relief on the fish was 5c and 2c which the Liv- of the more enthusiastic of the bird : Ag g for ef on the SAYS BOY WAS WORKING more thi ; , ie ity ingstone and Viking. I received for! nimrods. A ae a ge i catches of 5,000 and 6,500 pounds re- hosieeed uS.Was denied. by the city en- gineet who stated that no one un- spectively. For American fish the; With the closing of the Can high price of the week Was 4.8c and fish & Cold Storage Co 2c which the Onah received for 10,-|Ganoe Pass, Warke 000 pounds, end of last week, the fishing season} .4., ic not at ay at'. hatalced he Up to yesterday landings at pretty well wound up for the year cannot get books who has worked Prince Rupert for the 1932 season jn Port Simpson district although ST be A for the at a eaide had reached a total of 13,531,850 quite a number of fish are whi jhe “I oe F ae pounds as against 14,936,740 pounds ing caught thereabouts Vs ae oF » 15 years o age ane, at a similar date last year. Ameri- peewee y ove could not possibly be ee ; : }taken for 19 by the engineer or any can landings were slightly in eX-' «4. Gommissioner of Fisheries of iehah-podeeh ‘ ess ast year with a total of 9,-| . : ba aad cess of last year with, a tot ’ |British Columbia repo! that the} Hoping that you will print this 605,600 pounds as against last year’s| , ai . nt hin £F a : salmon pack on the Pacific Coast of |in your valuable paper, as a direct 9,467,340 pounds while Canadian a ree Canada last year totalled 685,104/, at , , engineers state. landings for this year to date were ; ire futation of the engineer’s state 3 926.25 ; ith tant cases—the smallest made since 1921, | ment 926,2 0 in comparison with last) \\ isting of 291.464 cases of sock-| year’s 5,469,400 pounds at a corres- : 1 l eye; 206,995 cases of pinks; 55,997} . . ~~ ponding date last year. j}cases of chums; 76,879 cases of co- | |hoe, and 27,147 cases of springs. The In an official bulletin issued by | geereased catch was due entirely | the Chief Supervisor of Fisheries! the falling off in demand and| for this coast, the salmon pack for’ not to any lack of fish; the adian |... , , | der he age of 19 was doing so. ; camp at , ‘ . i 7 y | We have information that, there anal at the Y ve is a boy by the name of Eckhardt still be- } T. MURPHY, Secretary. saumon the British Columbia coast up tO puns in all distric e October 1 this year is placed at praser and the Naas hav + xcept the] . na see 7 : 358 39 obs 974,529 cases as against 658,320 ceptionally larg: The cases at a similar date last year.) bed reports from al Per varieties, the pack this year and last is given as follows: pawning- ricts, ex- |cept the Fraser and the Naas, show Halibut land | been ex- | al | } | jan increased seeding 1932 1931 lings totalled 18,200,500 pound as] Cases Cases |aoainst 25,479,600 pounds in 1930. | Sockeye 274,104 282,716 The fish oil production of th pro- | For over oat s Springs 71,541 25,908 | vince last year totalled 2,904,406 im- cag Mj ee Pills Steelheads 1,039 1,217! perial gallons, as compared with} have proven successful in Bluebacks 27,220 25,187 | 3 972,600 gallons in 1930; pilechard promptly relieving torpid, slug- Cohoe 139,816 68,180) i) accounting for 2.551.914 gallons gish action of the Liver, Kid- Chums 245,471 4,032 | produced. Per districts, the packs for 1932) Dr. Chase’s A SATURDAY SERMON The Assize of God (By Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook, St. Peter’s Anglican Church) It is probable that every man, whether he believes in the unique claims of Jesus or not, is at least familiar with His history as given in the first four books of the New Testa- ment. If not, then he is a man lacking in erudition, for Jesus is by all acknowledged to be “The Man” of history. Richard M. Buecke—an outstanding philosopher, a Ca- nadian by birth, and one who does not .believe that Jesus is Divine—jspiration to nobility of thought. The yet has this to say of Him: man who is dead to humanity’s ap- “The superiority of Jesus to or- peal has wholly lost the meaning of dinary men consisted (among other iife He has murdered his own soul things) in intellectual acuteness, moral elevation, all embracing op-!on the rights of other imism and a sense (or the sense of) veth to himself immortality.” If then, you are familiar with the No man with eyes to see Their correct God created us ind hearts to feel Gospel of Matthew, Chapter XXV, ‘unctioning is dependent upon our | (if not get your Bible and read it) If th do not function cor In verses 37 and 44 you will find the rectly we alone are responsible. He following quotations from : parable then is de n te who excuses his of Jesus, there narrated iort*comings by saying, “O, it’s just “Lord when saw we Thee an habit.’ hungered and fed Thee- Pe On the other hand, the one who “Lord when saw we Thee an has trained his will hungered and did not minister un- with the will of the man Jesus to Thee-———” Christ, so that its output is habi- Here is commendation for good tually along the lines of compas- deeds unconsciously performed.:sion and sympathy—one to whom Here ‘also is condemnation for un-|it has become second nature to give consciously neglected duties. his life in service for others—such In both instances, the deeds men-/a one has “passed from death unto tioned, or lack of them, have little | life and saved his soul alive.” or no moral significance in the so- The saved soul is not the result tial world about us, yet do they)|of good works. The good works are letermine our eternal destiny the result of correct soul life, lived Many men rub shoulders daily in harmony with Him who knew no with the world’s sorest needs yet do |}sin—the man, Jesus Christ. not realize them. They have wil- . iiascpililie C.N.R. Trai .N.R. Trains fully blinded their eyes and closed their hearts. A man, a dog, a stone} -are all in the same category | ‘A primrose on the river’s brim, for the East— A yellow primrose was to him, Mondays. Wednesday ; ‘ (Aw Sees nothing more.” Mondays, ednesday and Fri day 9:30 a.m From the East— Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days 8 p.m Say in accord Blind to Inspiration The man whose eyes are blind to lature’s beauty misses a great in- | CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A, Orgayist, John E. Dayey 11 A.M., Family Service Sermon Subject: “AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH” 12:15, Sunday School 3 P.M., Sunday School at Wastview Schoo! for child: n under 12 7:30 P.M., Sermon Subject: “FOR VALUE RECEIVED! When we do meet the demands of our religion what do we get in return Friendship with the church will enrich your home ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Eighth and Ninth East Rey. P. M. Fosse, Pastor Rey. P. M. Fosse, Pastor While work of renovating the church on Eighth Avenue East of St. Paul's be held in the Metropole Hall is In progress, all services Lutheran Church will Tomorrow’s services: Morning, 11 o'clock 12:15 noon Sunday School, Evening, 7:30 ST. ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean CHILDREN’S DAY 8 A.M., Corporate Communion A, Y. P. A and Sunday School teachers 11 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Preache 2:30 P.M. Children’s 7:30 P.M. Young People’s Service Canon Rushbrook Service Preacher—The Deah ind in the process has trampled up- | Saturday, October 1h eS ‘mpi. a RR gy | minim A F [. Friday & Saturday a TWO SHOWS — 7 ang 9) \' , af, Ps Feature Starts at 7:59 & +a " Wat pm A, ADMISSION — jb, & 5h (= THEAT SATURDAY MATINEE ai 2 \@ Feature Starts 3:20—15¢ & th \@ is Romance on the Rampage — A Laugh Sensation = . Joe E. Brown in " * “LOCAL BOY MAKES GOOD” . WITH DOROTHY LEE, RUTH HALL a A Breezy Story of a Bashful Boy—You'll Laugh 'Til You Cry ‘i Adventures in Africa—“THE LION HUNT” FOX News jf . “PICTORIAL NO. 11” Cartoon—"“HIDE AND sppgy | * MONDAY and TUESDAY—“NIGHT COURT” ee ae ae ee HEADAGH & Frequent headaches mean too much acid. Na tralize the acids with Phillips’ Milk of Magneis It ends your headache because it removes the cause. Take a little whenever a coated tongue @ sour stomach or sluggish bowels warn you of an add jam conan condition. Take it when you've eaten too heartily, I} ews ro act? imoigas Tio” sour stowee” | | weanreue” | consrieatl? | Gas, maust ) ' or after any meal that “‘disagrees.”’ Be sure it # ; i | genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia, in this bottle : | Hicpeentannt ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillipa* “Milk of Magness sa Tablets are now on sale at drug dtores everywhere i Fach tiny tablet is the equivalent of a tk spoonful of genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia, The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous ecm “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ~ BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. _— cae put ener 107 ge) Capt. John Wick, well known Subject--"A YOUNG MAN AND JESUS | ‘asi fer 7 ‘ Ds whan’ ” x of the locs has a | iit meee Paver eure 14.674 | ibut a Jiao 1 | sailed 3 et ! KIDN as aloes © | Skeena River .......223,322 173,643) — wir: BND Do you read the classified advertisements? Rivers Inlet 71,634 76,517) = , — . - a - ith’s Inlet 26,362 13,915 ' cena ave aaa ses! ©“ TTLLTE THE TOILER” Everyone to His Tast : Q. C. Islands 6,851 6,187 y e —By Westover. District No. 3 ....137,613 138,746 -—-—— oo —— you MUST BE STARVED AFTETAR | BREING SHIPWRECKED- COME IN |} AND ORDER WHATEVER you Fo L WANT, CHIL PeREN |B me et The long Thanksgiving holiday| week-end saw many deer hunting} parties out, no less than sixteen | Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht) boats having been absent from the | Club floats last Sunday on hunting} ij a: bent. While some deer were brought ‘ i in results can by no means be said} to have been spectacular and a good | deal of travelling was involved in fr ywy//9 tm the most of cases where game was) is i r LA, obtained. 474 | | The bird hunting season opens | ¥ this week-end and, undoubtedly, | i there will be at least some of the, aN, more enthusiastic duck and goose) ' for an early oar none too hunters away Weather prospects are Lu TAKE A FRuIT SALAD AND TEA - Ae eet i ta aaa / \ GIMME A HALF : . >) igre DOZEN FRIED ee EGSS -CoFFEE AND | TOASST a Aas tte ae a ee > a — —— — — geet Seen ‘LU TAKE ONE OF \ | tree WERE BACK senies TO CIVILIZATION