PAGE TWO TITR DMLY NEWS The Daily News HAVE YOU A EDUCATIONAL PrtlXCK nUPKBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe Prince HUSBAND SYSTEM, B.C. PLAYER Rupert laily News, Limited, Thin! Avenue. eklld or friend, ho Is taffsrtar 11. F. PULLR.Y Managing Kditor. fret ctfia, or othsr ski disease, Principal Campbell Ciplalnt Now cr aa cbstinat tor that hat dRd NAVY CUT Young lda l Taught to SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Medical trsatussi' if ao, that U 4 cas tor Zam-Rvk. Sprout City Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per month tl.Oo Mr, a Rills, of CaitleUo, OaL. By mall to all art of the British Umpire and the United State. writrt Mr tanhaad taffrred la-tttsrt.r j "There t a dedariwl lark of in CIGARETTES in advance. ner year Ifi.OO ttb a rvnalic tor oa his formal foot. Tk ln in recant lo the nti fore peaetrated lo tk To all other couutrie, in advance er year S7.50 iealional be, aad tli laffaBvmaUoa n so ylea of Jlnli-h Mmm- i tad tkal l rmiM aot alwp at Ma and a lo the difference he-! TELEPHONE Bit kit. -A'ur speadlac lot of tween Ihe jrevit in viaroe lodae' aioa aad irytaf svsry irafiy heard of. ith rami tnoe ef nh n Ike MS no rlt. 1 rsad of Transient Display Advertiinr fl.10 per Inch per insertion rare M -h Zaav-Bak had sffertrd rr vnt aehooi." iWUpwII Transient Advertising on Front Page S2. per inch la a ataiiUr cat, aad ot a hot. Harold raHkte, aenii Loral Readers, per insertion 55 per line -wvthla te hour after tk frit rrioeikal of the Prlnar a petto I lea Ik la aa r.t; Classified Advertising, per inertion 2c per wont aad Mk prtrra tk talaav I uhltc trltool. a,t tor Rws' Legal Notices, earh insertion Rc per agate tine bailee n draa oat Ik srtl-lag :iufc luncheon yierday - Contract Bates on Application. rdrd. id befor loag tk noon. The infoeniatwa nvafdmi ! All advertising hotild be in The Ilaily New Ofliee on day pre or e:trl krlxl." modern stitcatmft i bae4 u. ' ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval .ani-Bak' also .rs oltoasd atosra,woaads.abac's what people renw inner f their1 Member of Audit Bureau of'Circulation. (.i tapirs. uM tor, chapped haoda own acOtmt day aMed to al ! a...; ' ilbla aa. the children tell t and wlial DAILY EDITION V hot for l Si at all tfmf-flata, they hear from their neiailfcue i ttto Kriday. Sep! 19 J or Zam Bsk lu, Tore a to. The Organliallon T hecin with Ihe HHth Snril Splendid Work Of mrif-a Art nravnt- I had edV- The Northern Cross. tin haH he a toaitr math wi h; The missionary launch known up and down thi coast as the he roince wM deal a aari from federal control. i Ihr Northern Cm lia just completed ten year, of efficient servi.-. -i..-akr V ntoilTf yakaenl m having Item in rmmiimi lmol during this time h.i (DDIUrC t.anrr of U and aotai-u Rev. V. F. iiuhtrook. who prior to thi had leen seven years al KlWLt JUflil HtKt Willi him i a rtoinril of pajhtH- I'ori htsmgton, has been Ihe irt an.I only tktpper of thi launch from many tif his iiggeion having been embodied in the plan drawn q.c mm&zzzrirJzsr,?; by the naval architect for the launch wa built to Ihe order of rreeni ndniter ot -iucatson. lr. the Anglican iBoom-mn StHka at Sedgewlch Synod. Mclean, r aton pr lax-ial m-f.-. It is scarcely ioiMe lo adequately deseril the good work! ctloht Foe Jap Salt, tary. dune by Canon ltuhlrook on thi eonL He, I a master-mariner. rt' Cannorio Done At the Jef of th- rdaaratan- '-iaee a fine rholar. having taken a science eoor-e in the University of! For Yr a UierSnjtidnt of attuea. Toronto he find hi knowledge of geology and botany mot ne- lion and an aUnl vpertntra. fnl. a practical gardener and Miltrvmaii. and so aide In -ir Ttt" " T I""8" 'wr, eVnt. Ihe present Imlsisra of th pert advice to ihe eiiier: a mno genial rial tire, nmiur .HM. Prtw1 Jnkn. rpt. Harry Ncrtrten position tednK K j. Wdtis ant' hine wbevver he nie. rHvul in iwrt al oVIoek I hi Joba lHR reiMtivW Tke A I have .een with him on ome of hi trip I ean telify morning from Vancouver vuv the onnel mt btSe Mrrtaon for.' - to the wy the lonely cller greet hint, their face beaming with Jwn nrotte Uland. TV rmitale the ewaafme of slne with! "Superb Quality mi pleasure lo see him again, children especially teing attracted to lwmer had a nan pa.efvarer Nl idle and ragfttaimav and lh ' him as to a magnet. He viit lighthiuie keeper well a Mattered from Vanemirer for I fee Und eduoatiam office rtnmailgaae flssLifr of 1U- 20f settler ami hoW religions enice onrc a month at a and look on mother fuM at them ami see to at alsor are on. Mated time in at.out twenty different pWe. He ditrttitr literature vartmv aosavt Ifeere for Pi-tar forced. In ardor to do U.m lh- ' EkjmtJTt SO - OCh' . and doe obliging acts. Through ten year ttt faithfttt er Inelnded in lave Utter i ppodnl ian seine for each dt-Irlet c IOO-tl.75 vtce in these northern water the Northern Cro h MMiel were aeveral hwom mm from wto have a general merigt the spirit or sacrifice for the g.l of other whh Is the meaning Sedzewirk Itay w. have rme ver Itie wtrk mt toe ehoot. I Si.- of the Cross of ChriL Inke for a day aled frjure are nnilisfui hrottghou! F. It. Dh Vemet. ArehNhop wt Cvleiltmia. .? mm heinT imid. II yuica cnange ported I hat ibetr depart ore will Financing School Taking Place. Ittav Mile efleat on aaa-iaaVm, Part of (he evpravae of carrk ma In the old days people ied lo ing ationt this leisg a world Invavvrr. and that on Use dnraaio irk is uakoVr . I The Mao in the Moon of I'hangc. hut they knew nothing of what ww meant by modera wti um he rniMt. taken hf the nrovrinranl wnrt- ) quick chaiifr. These are the days of change or rapid" traosiUoaj TWe John iU had a gaad earaw ned throssah the edasralton V SAYSs- Face-Creams and of the ndling away of ancient landmark. i( freisM from (he south tor the pattntend. In wtsal are know a. Jonteel the world llakl including utrW far lh- ated vrnoids the drportt Perhap w getting into a ml and was needing m-M VtTrt a ha h- an awakening. At any rate the awaleninr came with ihe arcu f'xtr Japaee da- atman aottoj w mm-m mwiwmmnj mm mm anps'oi 4kser fje I hadae n rr- J r and as oon a the people ho wed a tendeney In reUpe iah r at Jrdwny. Lcwa Ha.. Lw In rnrai .-4. toe trnisteo aa-iard t I Nr i. apt b-poH and CumhMa fine oiu ways tuner to T1ee ft mnmm uir safsir aaw near parr i awakening come Keep them aJhe to th M taton. (are keac ptU un al tae potnd f the epeaeHse ivir neeity of remaining awake lo modern thought and trend. The manei n ininre i noi al all clear iuit it i natrHy making for IWIernewt, tor export to Japan. raet hy a sehmat rale lrMnl All eaaaene on Ihe Itaad thrsn(h tW Cold and Combination rm uiougn in me proce many may suffer. Nature alway are gov ornm sail. In nan. i XKX ife. iw..i row etaxed. officer of the Wool niuoc m ner meinou. ne na bo pity. Iteneath rt alL ""e""" "arc pan i -r, rnrwm usalHntkiMs. n lawat i me evoiuiMuuvo movement always going on. A lb Mat M&ms peiwliaM - -v" I ner aranars incream anal mmxr Reduced in price, now 50c a jar. te.lty trh joci utweti nam: aveanr nrty. tsvuntoHsal otaare .rf 4erreae. The aHsswtssm faoer. Kven the clod feel a Mir of mighl mte a happing atntave. Ta-latrre rimr sminry nsr npaaon aveaaig raj- arior i. wall lhe aatrml 1 Something within il which reaches and towers cannerae ope rating on lite d froHk torat rato. - - They are alao jnit uj in a new style jar ami w ill And gmping blindly alve il for Brht I-land lax y ear mere al alajai The rtiind hoard look anr HKI"TV t mt akta keep indefinitely as they are air tight Climb to a Mud hi gra ami flower. Hiver. Aliford llay and Lagoon ifte aliitHtilralioit .! i tot i.iil u i. eavaf to get 'in. i now in tor pro- pr..ple . slsaa. jilattrialUm Becoming i octal oBtrol. TW ORMES LIMITED ;A Spent Force. J ever. aa mi -onirad of tpo -jecte AMiKUi IB, tow. Ubad ai la hi address lo the Methodist 'General Conference thi t Ten Years Ago I to be lawch or of ase ar- get rm anrolaerr i ataootna 3rd Ave. and tith St. P.O. Ilex ! week. Dr. Chowa. Ihe preside!, said: rangement of the mirteadnm. thai ! win a forlnne in a tott-ry or Materialtin. which gav j In Pr'nco Ruport Phonra and hemg carried 82, 200 134 oaat i"'8" "f " fatfcee grave concern, and bombarded tmr ediiea- navoer ut.inw i" in uaai f la ,tMal tnMitioa wiltt such ceaeles fire, appear In rapidly Imhvs from la- 4mmI tnportor Mv-inee hnpsrt pwhei THC PIONCCR DHUCOISTS TWO ItCXALL STORt beeuaaaag a st free. Tbr h)(4be.i of e.4ulMm. reganletl aepumbae 29, Oecupia Savon Yaara a a disuse liked) tad. Iml conceive.! of a alone A great ada.t. in which h. The pwhtar ehooi easnris oerii. V WOMAN avap due t. salMral law wffd U have native frce m lhemete Ieen fifteen and laenly t.m f Pe abotst e-n year, the prri.-i ilnee J alwag w f-arttBf. far to a layman to hare been Mcce-"" tUr a ned. was snores -fnMy W into foreen Irrv.v-The -a. attacked a aempelet W. aeeosHit forvirigin. for inlmcl da4 m l be clearing era- grade ar dn Med into Juni- - d tor Ike wh4jle reaia mt apirttnal iataitHn. wbie tiwn at Hay One yelerday af- H r. intermedial and oeouir mmA A MAX ioav - mii an.l rar swl nly chaMewge, btt t rMeting the major atientMH of I he now thinking Mt lemw.M. Kike casptaV had brajeach of Use. r grade i. agaia II m-nm lltlttrum Bimtk, Primte Rmptrt. faaar SSS world. aaany too mt raglsiIiiivaad. Ihe ashjorl taught -la Hetiee nateriaiiBi i raahJemned a faaling lo .nprf, were ImMenod. Arehio dIngt,tare phonac isading. wriiinc. Dr. E. S. TAIT th entnraiwig aMnilie Meat whie MiiliiUMjr. from within onatraeior. wa act ni eta us -edHng. nav:r. geography. Ian. the Bnh bnvpire al leaL swayed the heart of ra attitude of cnarge. awage. manual work, drawing. Dental Surgeon liken, and settled world detiny during the Oread War UnctalMW. r.itwpo.ili.. healU. In Reitcael ha been in town HUaadiaa hit.iry, HrHs4i '"The sanly retirion where hi.,ry. malerialim eoaitMHie to tnanife! (Met Homn, 9. fa 9 tor the pa three weoh nM. and Jnkwg fwer t m il appeal to the aciMtne instinct. graaamar. lileratore. !.- I Ik. deire for immene arrwmuUltoa of thj world's goo.1.prf-Iue-mg ItHt ag hi heather. R. l. Mr. Caaapheit toon, nu timed toe mn i iw ii mimi . Sunday hj Appointment He e,e there at rotdroi Ixmr aeriosiMy deputed by Ihe gmwing ill return lo hi BVMtbad d in laaetiing anUinae. M M. :K,. f( fHll Vancfner bMnvanity f man. and i douned to early defeat. It reign a a tomarrosy Ik. He said that to every organ- 2? 1. (WUM a mi IB. IS i 12.u sa fu. resectable motive t even inOuence in human affair draw to n. tied school toe subJorU were dl. so a. aa Imi M si imuv. Huiliger. tomrefly pram. rkuj i.. :r a -e. It! live erret heart of men apparently oiot at.lictfd to -l" ras mwm r n.titrari aresimidalMMi. Ihe motive ret..r of the lawon IsaWy .New. learning beri.Hl anJ a rm-..nt TT" nTr-o-. t.WWW HI lmnget Ihe i malefaction of playing a. winning hand in toe game .f life. The p,! of l . that Iheir a visitor iu toe city. kepi every day of all ui-i- -enf e pwi is.. cm rr-laagtrt THEO COLLART. LTD. - NOTARY port h4Mkl apedj miry and miuslK-e lo o m-nv millMin of Pertlaltnt aad toe Itoie de,Hd t . .'sJ,"2T gV Z v PUBLIC advrlUing ia ab. Iheir le fortowate feo." olutely oeeeaiary to auece. Ttiere . ys ) awt iiiii oSiii Wa ara now agenta foe the Nw York Ufa Insurance Company, a pafaMar idea thai aai to m -lana an u leaaking 'S VltS The most liberal and tlrongl company an th ooallntnl. as a M( or wnao pro- riTTi.Tf tL' WO) aMta, 52,32,1S 0. Lot ua ahaw haw la your fa"iaa, tatt aa a roaUer of fact ii at i smm ae aroessisan a you I ' m am a 1iwm ui money. TAX SALE ritrjuiwf wa carefully Manned I Me wsr af m -- i land VSs. ranal k II r .r aorled .ot wila nreeiissn Me I aii War U a..oa. Phono Blue 6. Wttthotme Theatre Bleak. P.O. Boi SC. wtth epeetal aare to e toat toe of ia BsasasaSMi a Mm w War t-aekaard pupil roHod alien ooaoid a sa ot i jm m Atln Assessment District lion. W. iisii raa 'iiis ai - - Atlin, B.C. (s ions aa a Mr. Impbelt an thanked for - ov m iar r ii I MIMBT G1C VOTKC TBsl. , . his adiire vhih he iltosdraled KaoTwriT ' tr o vsMr . tm. ThorvUr a rn Bo.. rr-Tiri aZ. T J cL? M " - f ,r ly charts. and at the emctosim J r-rlsr a September 30 . . . V L t,ImTZZLZ' L" - H.. i Weav an- -v - U. aer-mTa rTT '"""i nwoy perstHsal anngraV- ntsao nra J-, lf. ot a a,rt. .M rMM mV.-1 "ZT - 1"- - U- Ista Mlalton from memher of Ihe r-ar seed -r n .... I,.i Iff. H M ii . If l-UI smu w t Birowal f ai W.v. s-nsr rinh ha . li i. illt as re aamartaed and The (oUsriMr UJ ke r rrrso aar lanirsMlMi Ik Mkmlas ia. is the Last Day , pleased at toe evident -r am - -uu-d a. iw ,a. a nTrT- ta 'aoS VrTr tnaery o-the ultjegt disidatesl by thr SUITCASES MML or MBSOVS ASUAftlO. short M.ciurTin or raortatr. trnrs f Amis tat i ealer. You thou Id act at once If you with to benefit from the Tsiev. lasweM. Ti os. TIU. TRUNKS Federal Government' of f er or now 5 i ' bond In etchang TkM TOWMMTK. Mr. and Mr. T Wallace. J for Canadian Victory Bond, maturing Da em bee 1, tS22. Rttreer. I. M, kak i ! ! 41. Itorman and Jam lirowa. CLUB BAGS 30 it owrlf of tht krre, j. m4 Ikk a i . . .Jit a j a September the lat day you can atall i.jj ' uaavlain. rearhed ihe cHy -i. conversion privilege, which entitla you to a bonut of on . . BtaatTT TawiaMTg. i last Mint tram and wdl -ail full . Virata r. . ,...;hwt , U Large Stock hand. month's interevL . n, . . ips.t .........v..., tat I Ml I tttbi allera.M.n on the lrm--Ji on ViscLroasa.ra. Ir4 ..ivsM-a a. 14 l . sa Hi Alto far Yh Usna Mr Wallace j Prices very low. Wo will convert your Victory u, Ut ...jk Bond without chargw ts i at 1 1 tia i manager .f the Wallace li.k. ! tit I !. i (!. enr aamaery at OaHon. Hi J. F. MAGUIRE Union Bank of Canada -1 lltorrfian i aud Mt Nsit to frvor Sprt llid Ciud II Alba, B.C. hsaisolsr Ilia, kJb nil. I . rauta. cu(at. illrwn i lorautan. j