PAOR TWO THE DAILY NEWS Mon.lnr, fae is, io; ,, The facts are that Hie neor The Daily News "FRUIT-A-TIVES" In the Letter Box jwheti he ompijfd eil j 'Uy isdl f.r 19H eme-WH mis prop 'pntxci? nui'KRT uritisii Columbia advice of LeHv Intnl.!" on t Published Kviry Afternoon, cxrrpl Sunday, hy The News SAVED LIFE LICENSE SYSTEM. I lie cily solicitor. The mayor Printing and Publishing- Company, Third Avenue. JjER Hint cmmet an.I rollerlnr Ironl-l Kdilnr llii property enable property llaily Xrvr.: !. P. PCLI.nV. Managing Edilor. Hi.'ir.esliiiiiiles In Hie "gfwl old ila.v" wlH Mint fpe.l, This Fruit Medicine Always ri ilialinn wa uniiglit llie in-lisiliilanl.s ii 'tltrat la. VIkmi arrmnK nl SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . their tiiiltaicr mle it W dlenV- v Gives Relief of Ihe p.-irtli were Hf Cily Delivery, by mail or rnrrier. per monili,. .91.00 auffirienl. A lime unit m err. rw.1 thai il ia ! By mail ln all parts of the British Kinpire and Ihe United State. 917 Doaiot Sr., MosmlxL. lii.livi.Iual liernme prfi- !PS,'S', MinVi-nt taxes- hy adopi I'.I'.'O In advance, per year . $.ft0 . I snTere-i tei-rdy With Pynia. iUtf 111 1 1 la,b f i v .... i IHSI ?T r:. ..f To all cither countries; in advance, per year , 7.50 I ha.1 it for )rintii-l a!i tin lu.Mi-einn lie. People gradually sepami.d, miV. Tii" lll.rtiil..nii-.'.'.t mills. :i!.: I took did not do inn any gl. int.i ilif fT-iil litt.p tint il today I-. lnkc a .-r TELEPHONE 98 . t I r.ui smtnius alt .it."f'nil-a-tirft" nlinnl every trade has iU pe-d till iii. may -r sIbI.' iliai tWa-food for till St-tmatkj'nullt cialisis. We fin.l ii rheaiier in lie Hiinks an emr was inch insertion aaJ PUorJrn of Difrntioj, so 1 trie-'them. lime In swap llier.speriiilly Of Mir tna.le. Tl.' offi.-ial-s r Hie cily 'VnnMenl Diplay Adtertising $140 per per :i:M Kiifw v.ll that Hytftw was trade Willi Ihe iici:illie itmnu ITanlent $2.80 inch Advertising on Front Page per ' ' AfUr finishing a few boxes. I raclnrered hy others. .Money is ". worn. in. paper i. w.n-simply A insertion 25c line LochI Headers, per ttr Complete 1 entirely relitrcJ of Uic I s;x-pi sm. Ho. method of expressing '"n "" . Classified Advertising, per .insertion . . 2c per. word ...... my gnral hrjlth mi rcstnivd; an 1 the desire lo swap. Mmirv is in- ' e may-r auvts-.i Legal each insertion I"c ale line Nolices, per lam r;tinf to tell yoj that Iue rarl stored labor. n. .i Banking Service Conlracl Hale ujjpplicalmn. my life to"Kruit-a. lives" .I he lial..!e. dWM in wilWil beim: iuible f..r l. h" AH advertising, should he iii The Daily .Vews ftfTic. on flaf preceding Mile. AXTDIXKTTK TOUCHER. the last election w'as for free.l..m has !.. lie. n advtsvd Ilia! if Small traders and industrial publication. All .advertising received s id iject to approval. tOe a box, 6 for trial$Ue 2.. of the rishl ;to swap our goHl Hie Hallway iany iu.f great corporation! Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ' At Atialers or scut r--tiJ by for Ihe L-.uuU ..r , ,-.nlH,--1 iuilu Mils Mini . in- coj i"' workmen with modet tavings Fruit--tiriM (.iioiird, Ottawa. Wilhoul elru liejng added .-tfiiitll.-.l,- 1.1 11. The ..O account! and farmers with rfieir banking in llie ivt.v ..f ,u,t-t.m f.r I inn rn ' --dllle fael .ii" ilial III' iiy has DAILY EDITION Monday. March 1.3, 19??. 'inent Service. I alii a free trader ' "ei'lier l-aallv mnrally uny business find in the Bank of Montreal OCEAN FALLS hv nature and training but I . 'o money. Ilo; the banking service they require extended Coming to City rerogliirle the fa.l ttial the im-i-Mayor inC-rs m to l'". r Ilia and them with courteous attention. l.:is l-. ll.e ..roV 1"' lylnv s t to to Investigate. I...I-I lax n :.r- y TO ASTORIA eolleclinr ajllo' ailv Cmpany i m.l re. ceplcl melbod Tor W'liiil vc have always va lhl penfile hnild conic lar-e pall or the revenue lieecs. 'dure.! approximately 3l;n00 per The facilities of this Bank are equally at licre-and iiivesligale for IhenisHves Ihe ueeiis if Ihis plare. The 'muio f..r fi.- yars the .-..inn .1 aY Ilomiliion t... operate Hie the service of eyery class in the community. new minister of railways. Hun. V. (1. Kennedy, has promised thai Canadian Government Merchant imvernmenl. H i u a .urrci lax may nave ... ...u..". .... ... he will viil Ihis soHfon of Ihe couulry directly after the session Marine to Handle Shipments on swapping and very cosllv lo How arrives al I hat . .iic!u-: until Mime'Ion II is t- him lo ev.,laiii. If, to Oregon Mill. enlleel bill we find up of Parliament is nver and make a personal inspection of Ihe needs lb ...i.n.. i...nn .,,,.1 i... 1....1. Ili.-r.- is a i v p. 'liaiiil:'y r find posilnlilies of Ihis port and the railway anil district. That is VICTOiMA. Mar. II.- Another ..r collecting revenue which peo- ' heinv .mieled to lax im-l.le all we wish. We all want Ihe Ollhwa minislcrs lo come hereand pulp carrying contract lias hern will siand r..r we will bave'io-ovmenls in the near rulnie. , BANK OF MONTREAL ml jiniM.ii,ilf.,t willi us We inw.,1 rpsiills if il.v-iln ll.iv landeil by Ihe Cana.linn Oovern- lo be eonlenl with Ihe import 'tlu adopt ion of this airremei:i , menl Merchant Marine, and Astoria, il e4iisi.lernbly. than 100 years , . -will halei Established more While Hon. A. -M. Alanson's Irlegnim lo the'.mayor, as published iax ( Ore- will hereafter he a port License vcte Bylaw Down. in liiis paper on Saturday, is very rarefnlly worded, as of call on Ihe soulhhoiind voyages However, we have at home My advice is lo Ho- ratepayers Prince RupeYt Branch: H. ST. G. LEE. Manager. becomes a lawyer and a mmislef of the crown, jl carries a nole of of the ship- iipascl in the a continual pressure brought lo lo erne out in force and Vole optimism anil of promise that is very cheering. These are days firitish (Vlumtia-fIalifornia service. h.vir on ..or (iovernmenl for the down' this .agreement. I.el III.- when we need something to cheer us, and the message from the This follows upon arranse-nionls i aavkj-ku i4 T w twit nnJ ino t va t n inti illailwav Oimnaiiv go I.. Hie! made between the (J. t;. M. apgresslon ami gel their .rishl to azainsl Ihe (f th.-leourts Canadian National Prince lluperl'official delegate was just what we hoped lo gel. Railways M. and the port of Astoria for Ihe f-l ..f 11... r.nnl. nt l'ff,-.l,. I e.lAllllS OUT SS SeSSIIl.-ll I Oil a Arcortling lo .Mr. Mnnsou we ran safely count on improved hanlliii;r of shipments over Hie. refer to the license .system-which I foundation, then the city service as a In-ginning of Ihe policy (C "carrying nut lite Grand port terminals. - is- a direct infringement on Hie can reorgarize and build up per-inaiiently. Triink Paii(ic Hailway on the original plan"." II will 1ie,a won The paper ptilf. to be carrie.l on liberties oFour people to buy and If We miss this op- Prince derful change lo have a sympathetic administration of Ihe railways this contract will be shipped hy srll anion; Jhemselves. Iporliinity we may find ourselves Rupert 1'acific Mills Ocean Flls to in a more seri.ui court than I Ihe at t:an she why reason in this-district, it is whal we voted for at the last election you any lhe' 'nior llo.'s a Tree trader should need a lic- now threatened. am! we shall now look forward with confidence to the future. MONTtiOMKHY. A I.I . plant al Camas, Wash., on Ihe eni lo pniteef him from the r.olumhia lliver. Hie shipment people he trades.with? Can you1 ' - Shipyards 'South Strike African Serious. ,f ' . ? J will be hrouplit down from the cie any good reason-why n' TIE CUTTING IN northern port in from son to lf.nn 10 oj us neeos 10 asK permissmn Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock The South African slrike is rather a serious alTair, for il ton lots hy the steamers Cana engage in any Irade in open com HANSEN CAMPS IS indicates dial the spirit of lawlessness engendered hy the war has dian Hover,.Canadian Farmer and petition with our nei.jhhor.s? Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern nol el subsided. Kverywhere throughout the world the spirit is Canadian Observer, which-ply between Should not five trade, like char NOW ALL FINISHED makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. I'.rilisli Columbia and .California ily l.eifin at home Is the license Electric and ..more or less prevalent and il needs only Ihe touch of excitement Acetylene Welding. on a ten-day schedule. - At system in accord with free trade Olof lansen, the local tie Contractor, jsuch n thai brought ahouliliyvt slrike to set off the explosion. Aslnria Ihey will be transshipped principles? lioes it not result in reports that the rolling iPeopjeiif- Ihii-ijnUiAfricaii jlhmit are- killing each oilier Just ny the C O. M. M. and taken up who hold licenses or lari.OOO'tle' for the Cahadian Our planl J equipped In handle all kind nl 'because Ihey ilo mil agree in regard lit wages ami working condi-. the' river to Camas on river gelling a false idea, an arrogant .Vational Itailways in his camps MARINE AND steamers.. il.ea, lhat Ihey-are nof there for al flecker l.aVe and Wnlrnlt has lions.- This is a matter (hat might easily be adjudicated, lull at Formerly Via Seattle. Ilial purpose or selling service been completed and the work or ueh limes the-molt spirit prevails, excileuieot runs high and men . This pulp business up lo the on a competitive basis I)oe: it hauling Iheiii out to the railway: COMMERCIAL WORK , do things .Ihey would uo( in their saner moments. . present has been transported via not seem lo lower the standard is now going on. This l.'i.oniii PHONES 43 AND 385 S;aMe by water from dv-an Fall? and make a sorf or bootlegging lis i-eprcsenls about hair of III. i Courts Give Province lo Pupel Sound and thence by rail proposition or all trades?. t-nlire contract i.r 2."i(i.rKin which! Right to Collect, fo the works of the Cro'wn-Wil- I. I here any basis for making Mr. Hanson obtained this season.) "J The courts have decided that the Government of Jlrilish lamelte Company, the iierformance of service a The other 1 25,1)0(1 has been let! (Columbia has Ihe ri?h! toVolleel a tax on :.ll linno fAimd ;, ihn The C. fl. M. M. has contracts crime? lo settlers nloiig Ihe line who ' The best governed country are still busy mi eolllti: and province other Uinn that pnVchased from Ihe oflirial vendor. The ir"r falls In"I Siui Irs.nci-s-o' papor Tnw and Ihe least governed and costs liailiio. We have on hand a very limited only thing now to make ll.c less. ' government necessary mnnofMlly comt'snn Pedro. The three vessels pletc is to secure for Ihe province the sole right lo import. irthe,were. in fact, hroughl from Ihe IIOOMI-S K. 1"I IF KM A.N'. supply of Dominion Government gnuils that righl the.province may control.Atlantic (iast for the especial WATERPROOF i Ihe lifpior selling lo any extent they niav Hiiuk li j purpose or taking care of this THE RAILWAY BYLAW. On Ihe Mhole it seems as it Ihe moderation law lias worked lra4l!' prow,h Fdilor llaily X.-ws: OILSKIN Edson Coal and movement paper pulp by oul vve.lI. Possibly Ihe provincial have not enforced nlf.P ,fl (h u ii.i. In answer to a teller appearing CLOTHING Ihe law against illegal .selling jiisl as thoroughly as lliev might Iliat the fleet may be further augmented. in your valuable paper, dated March 1 1, signed by Mayor llo- There has in some cases been laxity which has caused a good deal Large Stock on hand. chesler, who xlatcs Ihal an amic which we are offering at the comment, bM yet in or Ilial there has ;ot spile been a better enn-dition able arrangement was arrivfd atj Prices vey low. generally in the community. whereby Ihe railway company; following prices J. F. MAGUIRE Ten Years Ago j would pay llie city l.l.flOOT Among Need of the Education Young; In Pi'nce Rupert lor general taxes ror the year Next the ,1'rmee Rupert Hotel MINE RUN, in bulk- djin jC id I Oil, or a reduction or !0 1 per ton, delivered ' There is still need or education among the young people in ier cent, I would ask Mayor Ho- ! .regard to Ihe evils or drinking lUcohol. Willi the passing or Ihe March 13. 1912, chesfer where he or his counsc.1 SCREENED LUMP, sacked o prohibition, measure M great many people considered there was no M. Ilnofjes has taken charge or go authority lo eider such arrangement. per ton, delivered V lO0J longer any necessity ror impressing on ihe yourrg people the evils. Ihe new cily ambulance which is Ladies, Attention! First First Come, Served vvnirn enme irom llie use of alcohol as u beverage. All such j stored in. the Pony Kxpress barn llalepayers. ji.sf corrsi.Jer a eampaigiis were i)rop.ed. Now il is seen thai Hie need f i mayor and counsel attempting s. ieriiii).- duration is just as great as ever il was. This should Fnsign llaruell, who has been to reduce a corporation's taxes Money Back ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. not T.e lefl ror Hie churches, although or course the churches cani'" ehargut. the Salvation Army in one year the amount or JMi'..- Phones 116 and 564 neip a greafrteal. It is particularly tbe work of Ihe parents of the!'"'1"' r,,r "ome time, announced 389.15 and calmly proceed lo comiminil. Hven those who use alcohol realize that Ihey would j '"dayjliat he and his family will raise Hie millage on Ihe rest of Drawing u.e oeuer wiiiiooi n aim can see thai the younger generation has I"- ,, !,oik. inc.eity this week Ihe ratepayer,, to make it up, the i-baiice lo eeaeb Ihe ...lull r.or..ul ;.i.....i ... ,......i..... . (Wake - - - I"' ...,..,i,a I-- iJllIJJJlJ np!j The rigurcs used hy Week iiitllieiire haMiig entered their live. i-iplain Itobinsou. vice presi uie mayor are Ta rly accurate. Last s Winner dent' of the Hoya! Crown Hank .When Ihey. are added lip Ihey Mras-Robinson or Canada and a prominent mer realize 80l..19M.'r., which was the DENTISTRY chant of Selkirk. Ontario, is vis with actiiul amount Phone fi6 paid ror general P 0 Box 743 iilns the riiy ami has purchased taxes in 1921 by Ihe Company. Ticket No. 7 Don't nrglrel your Innth. Ono dpeayed or missing tooth JAMES HUNTER s.nie real estate. Jfe is accompanied Local improvement laves may DEMERS lownrs your vitalily. hy Mrs. Robinson. well be left out as II confutes GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY The the issue lo nme "extent which LadlesReady-to-Wear DR. BAYNE freighter l.eebro Is feared should nol be done. Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 BUILDER io have , gone down between If Ihe proposed agreement is Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruoglea Trucks Prince lluperl and l.angara In carrie.l Die Itailway Company will Ofllco Hours: MorninRs, 0-12; Afternoons, 1:30.5:30; ' Term can be arranged for purchaser. which place he wenl with a only pay tli,!io lo the cily in F.vmlni?s, 7-9. cargo or lumber. It Is reported 192- for general (axes. I nder Flrat Avenue and Cow Bay Hint' pari or Ihe lumber cargo thi.s aureemenl no taxes can be TERRACE Prince Rupert, B. C. was round cast up on Graham collected on leased n"operty tor Maud. The lux William Joliffe. Ihe year lO'.'t'. For Ihn remain D A IT Our frozen herring bait Ib conceded by flshertnen ;ha been ordered out to search ing rnur years or liiis projioscd FRUIT LANDS " lo he the fltieat procurable at any Paclflo Coast ibir Ihe missing vessel. , iigreeinent it Is a debatable rtues Port and II is "Fjshy." Price, 130 per ton. i lion i.ow much taxation the. city havn a ttflrrl lit or flvn and TrP Tn" bftSl way of ,n,ur'" a &ood nualily trip ' FIRE! FIRE! j Canadian Pacific. Ilailway engineers can collect tor itseir during lhat Iimi-iutc Inurt.H nf Improved t6 hnvo plenty or our hard rrozem ice. Price, ami are now engaged in makf time. The agreement gives a ti per ton, frull land unimproved i-o In The fire Inspector have been round and we know Jiisl what ing HiirveyM Ihrotigh "'ellowhead approximate z,ft pep cent reduction town. I Our well-equipped nloro can supply fluhini? Rear, you need lo protcpf your wall, partition and ceilings. .shorter with route a view to the lo Pacific.finding a is reasonable to the Jlailwny Company. It It in time In Bjl your hind now! vJUirilS figiicrmen's clothing, Rrocerles and provisions to thai We make ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection ! assume ror Ihix ncnKiin'n opernlioux. ) and hardware. similar percentage would he lax-able against fire. Steel on the railway rertclied to the cily or present nrul W'fiti iih for fri'ii liool(. (inl NEW ENGLAND FISH Company jrikei-na Grousing loday and miipIi fuliire leases. Terrace and surrounding district. Rowe's Sheet Metal Ketchikan, Alaska Branch .. Works I good progrrnii Is bring made on $22,000 Rerund. Phone 340 the bridge lhat it IV allogenicr The mayor ulnti: ihal il was KENNEY BROS. & CO. likely (He railn will be laid Into an error Ihal the 'ity)dUrd Hie Real Estate & Insurance Brokers Ha7.ltoii by Ihe early Wmrrier. Ilailway Company ror 822,500.1 Subscribe for The Daily News