VAQK FOUll THE DAILY HEWS Monday. Jlni'ch 1.1, ipjo ) BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I at 1 jJcSKKTx M 1DU I ( THAJHK CODNead, FEEL 1 ' f fT moving? ' iiiml Jffifejy.; If SO, Call Us Up Fxpcrienccd men Rive, satisfaction in household removal. j ii2 aT Int-i. FtATimc Senviec inc. -j -1 3 '6 Orders fop seneral .cartase. . i work given careful attention. We promise, prompt delivery WIRELESS STATION n-. w- .- g a - ..- - - EXPERIENCE of all Coal orders-sivcn In us. FOR STEWART SOON , Sport Chat. Daily News Classified Ads. OF LOGGER In rebuttal of the criticism PACIFIC CARTAS E wireles's .station i In n be up-lo-dalc installed al Slewai-1 in the lltaih' by the Fair board as to Ihe 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than BOc care thai wns Inken oT Hie K.- near future, accordins lo secral Edward Cullium Was Overcome Limited hibiliou Hall wilder. during Hie lellcr. which hale eeii received by Gas at Swanson Cay and Ihe FOR RENT WANTED Phone 93 llaskctvill As.u'ja(iou officials in I own lately friim Victoria, say Nearly Expired. stu.le Ihitl Ihe hall wa Fort HKNT Two fumislredi ItFI.IAItl.K aseni wanted for Hupert I lie Portland Canal New. Thi 111' none too zond shape when room. Can do lishl houses I IHMrirl. The Sovereign lnl-n will - lt up-to-date anil Kihvard tJiiIlium, a hand los- Ihey look bold of il la-l I&H and keepins. Plimie lied 250. If Life Assurance (jiipaiiy. Head modern in- every reierl, with yer, had a narrow escape from was.Ju fact, In a dirty condition 'office. Winnipeg, Man. Write sulliciently slrons scndins ami death as a i-pmiII in- liaxin been I'HK.MISKS occupied hy Wanderer." llnyi. No matter willi wh:;: Ihe Cha. A. Pyjie, priiice (leorse, Metropole Hall reeeivinfr instrument lo he a hie overcome tiy fumes in hU sras- blame 'lies, Ihe place wa. in 'Club for reul. April fjrl, inahaucr for Norlhern Itrilfsh rnovixrK or kiutisii li reach Vancouver and Victoria boal nt Swajisoii llrfy last Friday. ralli.-r bail' order al Ihe end of M. -M. Slepbeii. Coluiiiliia. injiKsr I1IIAMII inn ilireel. The co nT installation IlKIMIirMKXT or I.AMS Cullium, fu'yelher wilh Ins for rent to lodges or similar partner the baskelli.ill schedule and io. MOUKIIN Aparlnioiil-Phone lo rent. EXAMIXATHlX loll TIIK eilITII! nr and construction i estimated MANFFACTHItlNO firm lo C. (iaulio, arrived at Swan-son sihly, Ibere misht have Uren want assistant niiu:r organizations. he in the ncishhorhood of $10,000 Itlack 5I. tf pond asenl. K.cluie lerrl-arrieil 0b'cl' May from Ocean Fall on These nijire careful supervision of the f i.iiiilniliiiii e rir Hi imnn Nesoliolion for the site have lieen Thursday nihl..1 They on BOATS FOR HIRE. lory. OoihI iaple line 1 of lllllnr preeiil.' vmrle. aM ( ,.,MJ OFFICE SPACE -slept' premises by both Ihe Fair hoard -ik1ii1j.- ii (iiulif.t fr nniirr under way for some weeks past. the boal thai nivhl and on Friday and Ihe llaskclball associalion. hy every since. Only small nil tnrrra. in -u(T. mannr. 38 by 2t, heated, suitable for II is understood, lliiuieli as yel inoruin? Napoleon Marfaira, LAUNCH ' Narbelhnns"-Phone We sell capiriil necessary. Wrilei Hox' AlUnt Forttt Rngr. professional for rent. Can sboubl'Jie taken in fulure Axl"t3iil lin l ll.niK' i- an- i-niMiiyril man, bins deflnile this . Service. Hlack (0(1. If 312. Vancouver, II. C, d) rtiirlur IIm- Hit- not on point an a friend of Cullium, called at lo see that a similar coudilion , reautfi 1 U in i-.i.ii r Agents for he ascertained, thai I he ile se-iecleil the boal. lie 1 iiiniinf i,i .jirn vpj,r anil nit- ihtk.! i. aroused Oaulio iloes not arise uznin, e(erially AUCTION SALE. A.VI'FI) -iwior three ,'",,",,N, where pHssUile l ..rk ..n In, loomeii Norwegian American Line is on the Mile Hals aboo! hut Cullium, who Ihey thought priiVMiieni., m-li t rail-, ni. 1:,a,,,,.,,,,, hi view of Ihe fuel thai surh tia-improvcmcnls fnrnished suilc or small.fiirn- I"""1 ' M'h "r "" at" Swedish American Line where the old Oi-eitii View cabaret was .-fill asleep, did mil respond. were put in rf-cenlly AUCTION SALK At No. I lleach Ished bunsalow'. Apply llov ! lariory M-rrlre l lv.ii. 1' t , it.. mrr ia,i, h inmi-ni i . Scandinavian American used to stand. Thus, hcins ill I he I iaulio and Maclaii'e left I lie by Ihe Kxhibilioii as-ocia- Aparlmenls on Wednesday, llailv New Office CO ""uuni ih--i.iii uirer..j,n.e.,i tih ultry i Line. shore end of the dock approach- it boal anil relumed at 2 o'clock I inn. The place will now lw I rob March. 2:30 p.m. consist-ins 1 '-r Hi(l month r r iiMinlh llw mtmkI Hie nr rial ami Iijh in,nv Oliver Typewriters will iie must convenient for all and Cullium wa apparently still more suilablc than ever for in of: Tables, chairs, rarpel, MOIH'IIN hill.-e wanted lo rentilhtrjl yer. Trtvelm pjpeiixn, lrr M1. Cary Safes oneerned. As this is cutcrnmcni asleep. Leaving asain Ihey re door same wilh the new floor shot sun, bureau, bed, hall by responsihb parly. Apply Qualification foe Candldatti. property there should'hc no dilll- lumed at U o'clock and still and. Ihe lining of Ihe wall. and mirror, and small mirror, Hox III. Daily Xew Office. fit Ut,CjukImUIts U HrlsJ mini 0-llnibu! iirln-ii rr uij.c rei FIRE INSURANCE eully in sccurins il. Cullium did not answer. They particular efforts should he made blankets, hoiks, cabinet Wlule rar, m insni rriarariiT, itmhi riii-iil n.ti m. WAN'TKI) lo rent, five or SIX ilMKin anit with itiwrlen. became alarmed and itra??ed scwius machine, lool picture, lo lake of il. The llakct-ball care ro.noc.1 I...n. M.i.lneli IJh.n . Tliey MmmiUI li;ve e. rl. in' hi nr. ntbc Cullium outside, calling al the association ..should remem rrockery. elu. Philpott-F.vill - " ' " . " ini t(rkt.wft Ilia BF14IIIL' oraaniti- nrk HINESE PLEADED llltie 2'Jli. If ami luuiiif men. ami nave kn..vleif.. ,.t Dybhavn & Hanson same tiini for I'ri.vineial !-lable ber that were it uol for Ihi Fair A' Co., Auctioneers. fit IImi l'orel Aei. Third Avenue GUILTY TO CHARGES Martin, who wa I here, huildiiis' Ihey inijlil have diffi WANTFD lo liny Conk' love, parity Th oral eminatlon ami are ih-lrnril are pinu lo I.written,-I I lie ind lr. SI reel. culty in nin sanies and prac MANAGER VANCOUVER Plume Oreen 3311. (it ramliilate'a alnllly aenia- the abm.' Inr-All Prince Rupert, B. C. AND ARE PUNISHED Or. Street staled Dial Cullium tices al such frequent intervals etiK-rUiwe.klatemenK rliiraoti made and by aiillranl nine., jn had been overcome hy ras ;jnd as has been possible durins the TOWERS VISITS CITY BOARD. Jert I'rerereuce l rerinrallon l a-Uen by Hie to etauiiniiii ir.i i.lri Hah lion Chee, charged willi adminislered an anaesthetic past wilder. v ItOAllli Inlander, H.10 Second with llMlirrv The Ciamlnatlena.qnallllraii'.u-. After workin? on the man until . havinz opium in his possession. The etaininaiiimf will IkIiI it Ihe M. E. Nasmyth Arrfyed from Acnuc. Phnnn 137. t For your next 4:30 o'clfick on Saturday morn-iris, 'The leadins Ions dislance plan and on Ihe ilal naimil .. la-a fined $2iw, with Hie ion opt vas inlemlniK rawllilale stvuild aiMi I' u South if six months imprisonment, on Constable Martin removed swimmers in lhe; world are to Last Night and Went FOR 8AL IHlrlel I'orener r hl dlnlrii-l oli him o the. hospital where, at' Ihe to Burns Lake This' rallno roiini and for in formal ia irrinl Shoe Job he invited to compete in a common on Repair pleadins suilly in the police Inr the leiiir nr. Ihe amiiMii mi fe coui'l Ihis montins. Hon Jin lime of the officer's lcaviijp-for tournament , Ihis . year nt Morning. VK ace. offcfln aii exceptionally biilldtiia-lion forliK In wbii Khenhl,h It In will earh tie I... a I.I. U W nllnl rharscd with smokins; npiiiin. Prince Hupert yesterday al noon, swiiiiiuinpr Ibe Fpslish Channel, fine line or second hand and out anil mailed M Hie IHslrn i l'.'F-.r in Irr also pleaded vuilly and was fined he was makius favorable prog il is announced in. London. An M. K. Nasmyth, of Vancouver, 'rebuilt ensines, dynamoes and ihe time reach htm al leat km. I"'"" J. C. EMERTON 5ft and cosls. ress although Ihe physician had international relay race, open In insurance adjuster for Ihe firm 'o forlh. The prices are 'low A..l. 1.. Hi-Clare. Champion Shoe Repair Shop Tin' arresl were made on Sal-urday previously jrjvcn up hope of his men ami women, may ain un of P. .IS. Shalcross & Co.. fire and aud on some of these- term Vancouver Vn-h Hate. I Irn-i I vn..n-lir.ui"it Emad Ulock, Third Avenue niflit in a raid on TViird recovery. organized for Ihe Clianncl coa. marin loss adjulers, and also can be arranged, I I h.p. heay katnlnniu I'rinre llupert March March I l. I'i-iih kni'M"Hun Avenue AVesl. A sreat boom in Ions distance mauazer of Ihe Vancnuver 'Fow duly Wliile; 13-15 HuffiJo; Smaiiers March tni Cihmi rhiK't "Repairs while you wait" CITY EMPLOYEES swimuuns 1 forecasied rollowlns l's, amateur hockey champions 10 h.p. Palmer; H h.i. (iray; prince el.on nw.rite .March.Marrh it rnmwir i the jiclion of Adnlph Alexander, f Itrilisli Columbia and ciin- 11 h.p. Ferro; 10 h.p. Fay and f lltiifrfi .March J Wilhann lalf FUNERAL TODAY WlllUiii9.l ake March 3 X iIImim-uk- ARE ORGANIZING president nf I lie Clianncl Swim- lenders lhis year for Ihe Allan Howen; 0 h.p. Fairbanks; f h. o. n. Mil v mins Club, in presenljns that in- Cup, armed from Ihe' south last, p. tlaille Perfection; i'ii h.p. fle pn Iv MlnOPT ..r I h'i.I' Night Phones J. G; Sfeen, 371 The funeral of the lale Fred Association Which Will Include litiilion with a new cup lo he nishl on Ihe Venture and lefl Hvinriidn' Onlbnard: I h.p. W. Longwill, Blue 270 .elemiiiiii, wlin died on Friday All Departments 13 Being competed for-by aspirants of all on, this morning's I rain for Ilcital; .1 h.p. I'erro; 30 h.p. Day Phone S n li t al the fieneral liospilal. 1 ' Formed Now. nationalities. Il will become the Hums Lake. Mr. Nasmylh will Slinrebaker; 3 h.p, Fairbanks look placf al 2:30 this afternoon properly of Ihe first man orj i.nve.siiaie the recent fin; in Ihe Slnlionary; 12 h.j. Sludebaker STEEN8L0NGW1LL from the It. W. Undertakers' A Civic Employees' Associa woman wlio successfully swims interior (own when !!i, Hurns Stayonary; 1 2 h.ji. reverse Sheet Metal Works 'hajjel lf F-afr"iew Cemetery. tion, which will lake in em the Channel unaided as did Cap Lake Holel and a slore were destroyed. sear; 2 x5 It. p. reverse Ilev. Canon (. A. Ilix official ed. ployees in all department of the tain Webb and "His Hill" Hur-s'ess. He will return to Ihe sear; one 214x2 cenlrif-nzal rnr.viACF or itniTisti oolumhi- Agent for McClary Furncaes Th lale Mr. Slemmins was the cily, is hcinjr organized. A pre Mr. Alexander considers city on Thursday nishl soins on pump; 25x0 i Salmon HFI'AIITMKXT Korkst iinxxni.Of L'"f Sanitary and falher of Mrs. II, Ilnss of JhJ liminary riieelin? was held 1al Ihe ChauAel swim the realesl jsmiili by the Prince Huperl thai Iroller, i li;p, for sale or charier. F.VaAMI.XATIo Koll TIIF. l-oslllox (If Heating, Engineer cily. week' and early Ihis week anolh 'r athletic real of which man 1 evenins. 30x10 workhoal, 20 h.p. 6th Street and Fraiiter Street wjll be be)d al which officers w'll capable and Ihe best "Tncenlive. Ml.' Nasmyth si a ted that Ihe heavy duly ensine. Will sell or Thee npins eanilnainm"an'a vacancy ami lo for eiianie Hie. P11 "". Prince Rupert - - - - B. C. WIRELESS REPORT lie elected and preneral coure of lo Ions dislance swlmiuins which Towers had slnil Iheir f7lfle boll or charier al a low price for natea 10 iiuaurr ir oiiiirn action will be se out. II will he is I'csarded by him as the inly lhi4 season and were the jimaU- Ihe season. ' oilier boats and incre.fca in elarr.Feraat. Ranara. .. federated wllh the provincial as useful form of Ihe art. cur champs of Jin province, even oilier Jiarsaiu. Norlliern F..x-chanse. Tfireat ltanxrrs an- Sliri.riii imtilnveil ll rinn' tear. The anlary l per 8 a.m. sociation. ir Ihey hud losl to Calvary in Ihe if and Held epnn. Thl l "'"''",' ' OKAI) TIIKH POINT Snowin?, Steps which had been taken Proesls of nuslers asainsl ronlesi for the. I Ian Cup. Mr. .IllO.iin..i. a. 1 per.........luiiutlr.i...the.i.ih.1 serimn vnr nrnVUlM 1 T. LEE calm; barometer, I'O.'J.'i; lemper- before In organize in this city closius Iroul fishins from J-Vb.' Namylh accouipanied hi learn FOH SALl'-Fishjiis J.oal, i7xl$x 'atl.raci.iry ii'ii aervlce in niv In in....rlverf j and '''I"''! feel 5 inche..: 20 Jill mark obtained Jn Hie examimlloi' "J" nlure, iTi; bfa smoolli. have been revived following Me' (5 lo May 15 have been succe'ss-ful lo Calsary and si ill ha in his h.p. tle-re are are iiiiilnnlin-s tor prninoi"'" IIIT.1. 1IAHII0H Pmiwing. recent action oT the cily coum il and the .deiarlment of fish- jiockel Ihe key of his room In Ihe Frisco Slaudard rusfiie. Fully hiaher fur r-"iii"ii"inrht-r liancr rraili' III ho""rn l,r.'' nioilirv i lu. Lidies' & Gentlemen's lilil soulliwest wind; barometer. Inwards reducing wasres. cries has issiieii a noiice or an pallise.r Hotel whhih be .carriiii) . ''luippeil." A tiarsain, Apoly Nmiiiatinii may have au niijHirliiiiip '" u" 2H.7I; leinperulure 32; li?ht ainendiueul which establishes the nway by inislake. After wiuuius I 1 1 v i. "ilollarl, Lid., .Second o al Milieiii'iir Qualifications rauai'i for canaioaiaa.i-iaii"i TAILOR well; 7 :''' p.m. sjioke sli-amer he Avenue. 02 ran.liiijii- inu.i he Itrlll-li sulJn li- close season from lec. to from Ihe Towers, Calvary lost lo . " Fit Guaranteed Queen off Kpg Island 8 p.m. Had Bad Cough last 1 Jay of Fehr.uary. So Ihe Ihe lleslna CUjiilals so are al,o FO.H SALC Twenly-seven fool more in HrliMi than coliiiiiliin forty-live mr years at or"'an. ;.. souibtiound; 1 :.r() a.m. spoke and sprins auslers may conlinue lo out of Ihe Allan Cup nuinin. Irtillins boat, fully equipped; or and(rixxl-with cbarncicr.wiMMiveterlciiii-.inh phyicai ' .. steamer Princess Jlealrice off The streams. The regula tie nu " .. Third whip 0 h.p. Palmer cnslne. Phone TlM-y muntii Avenue, opposite P, O. ' Ural lile r luimliiir. Ilnilier i-riiiiinn. Pine Island, I :.'!." a. u. xoulli-bounil. 1 Phone Red 138 Sore Throat tion apply I" cutthroat and LEAFS On en 331. 02 veylnir and ruret prulerlloii; po-' nave si MAPLE MAKE ir......iA.tu.. r.r Arl: anil rainbow Iroul wes of Ihe 1.2 1 i;n,,t" DKiltY INLAND Cloudy, calm; meridian, which roustily cuts the OIL Several staking in Ihe ability The Hi eiuiiiiuatliiiis tiraaniae work are and ikiiII.v "'ill'n CLEAN SWEEP ELKS ........ .. .luliriiAil 111 ICI mr baroiiieler, 211.10; emieralure, .Never neirlrct rourh 'or rolrt however province a few mile east of Ti'lTace Oil Field for sale. ....I mm line- a imn - ramiiiuii- anility .'10: sea smooth. tllalit. If you do it can have tut one fa Spcnce' bridge on Ihe 0, P. It. Apply C. .Sv J. O. lox 71 Terrace, in i.ii.i.ii-i.w trntai- in aiinlli,anlh -J"l" ult; Il leave the throat or luuirs, or both. experience, education and llli"- r- Noon. railway and al Jlend on Ihe Canadian Win Junior League pilllard Fixture H. C. 02 Jen to verification by the ciuinm " ' . '. ann-teii, a single aose or Mothers! JiKAIi TJIKK POINT Clear. -DR. WOOD'S .National. II thus include by Score of 900 to 691. i'r'ri'reiii-e ii anen " F.I.ITK Cafe for Kiile furnUlteil wllh the tieci-nrary qtialinraiin calm; baroiiieler, 20.05; temper, NORWAY PINE 8YRVP all Prince llupeil district. The ulmve examinations -i" take rH'am' ature, 3rt; sea smoo. will help to atop the coufrti, aoothe the week's complete. Phone 17.1. tf at Prime Ittinerl on Marrti null Bring the children In last .luiiior llilliaii smli hers on Mann num. r MIT.I. IIAHIIOIl Snowing, Ihrnal, and if the ruuth or cold has liecoma iicuUrs fippiy to ihr pwrict l"r ,.r, to the liKht southeast wind; barojiieler, nettled n Jhe lgni the healing virtues- of ST. ANDREW'S FAVORS Leasue jini'tie, Ihe Maple Leafs MISCELLANEOUS. (lime lt.ip.rl, M.rlXXCs. the .Norway pine tree along- with the aoolh. made a clean sweep of Him F.Iks Il"l"" 2W.J; leniperalure, .13; light swell In- and etpertorant properties of other SAYING winnins by a score of tioo to 00 li IIFAVAHI) if I fall lo fir!w Civil "rr-i"" - Rex Barber Shop - 8:10 a. ni. spoke sleamer Km- etrrllent In-i!, ruota and tiarkl promptly DAYLIGHT The individual scores were a hair. Oriental Hair limit llnlr OF ;,ItlilTlsll II in IHtss or Uussia, latitude, lti.27 iraitlrates tlie had erfi-i-K, and the per. follows: 0 rower. Woild' (irealesl Till. mtiiicmi:llll.l C.OI l ll'l.IIT vinV Intent use ramiot hut help to brlna; about Sixth St. Phone Blue 78 N.; loiiHilnde, 3:.'fi V. relief. Pass Resolution to That Effect Sam llnwo (Maple Leafs), I50; Hair Orower. Ocows hair on I.OMItOM-IITI TIIK XUTTKH Ii FI.KIlTloXb Of TIIK I" Asl' "j BATH )I(ilV ISJ.'ANI) Snowinff, Mr. Albert Martli, Lower L'Ardolae, N. S., at Meeting on Friday Night. II. Aslori (F.lks), 121. hab heuis, iiitisl not b.n HUM) t.llM'llll ' "t .1(,e.,..i AMi ralui: Jianuneler, 20.10; temper-lillire, write: "About ( year a(ro I contracted a r- .1. Ilimd. 151): It. Smith, 1 10. pill where hair Is not wauled. Mli..i.ll Al-ll. 1- ...i"-' .-rrm ii- TIIF 30; sea smooth. rnld accompanied by a very bad rough and Kl Kl.TIO.X OF A II. Cure dandruff niul all scalp A.N S. 15(1; Susn, Sitijlh, 13'J. The SI. Andrew' Society nl tore throat, I aent for the doctor, but iiocsi: of oi' i'iJ,,,T LAND ACT. wtial lie preacrlbed (ltd me so little rood ils rcsular nieellnjr on Friday II. Allison, Kid; L. Aslori, 101. 1 roubles. 1.75 per Jar. nil: nctii ini. i:i.t:i'To M- '. "v I be-an to ket dUcouruifi-il. A friend came M. Chcnokl, J 50; lieorse Asents wanted. Prof, M. S. ir skVKx siTt'ATK mbi-i .VVipii The best in Nolle of lalantion to Apply'to Laaa Land, I'M'iiiny wenl on record in favor i.xck or iiiiinsii i:oi.i i town to nee me and asked me If I bad ever used til). Crosse, 448 l,osan"Ave Wln-ii SOU I LECTION WAS II''j- 'F-VjlJ In I'rini'e liuiu-rt l.anil Ulslrict, lieniiil-Ink- ftp Uj.uC mii-v IHriA' Svriili. I tfAf of duylishl eavins in this cily Shaw, . SIXTH UAX Oi' liKCKMHUI, l , , liUlrlit "f lil haiiKe li. anil klliiate K. Halliday. 150; N. Prinale, I pcf, Man, , rniiv ..i-... Ui.fioi......... icncl IV. i-eini In th'liiiiy nf I'url f:lnirtoii. H. 1:. hint I had not and sent him rlkht away toi'i'ho resolution was passed wilb-get - ami ....hltl W lake ih.iIi'k that wr, Jutliii JoIhhoii anil me a botlte, I started uhIiij It, and 'out opposition. President W. M. 07. anil Cf.iiii..,iii l.yrn llmiiioiirlentit.rin.v cec Iiredl'llt' II tli- Waller Mi-nil, fif I'dll F.lnKtnn. It. :., MUSIC. Strand (H-i'iiealiim llhianii''ii, Inleml In upl'l.v fur after a couple of days I round I was et- j,.w wa)t in n(. L.l,ur. The leastie slamlins o dale Is I nth (lay of January. 109). rwi iiAmiIiiIi t" Irani' pie pillnwIjiK ilrMrllwil Ilnr relief, anil after takJiilr two bottles'.r- follows: '' . ' i n ' f g - Mailln o iu-llly Hie ulinvo U'i1s: Ooiiiini'iii'liir al a hv l'linli-il al the noreneiia In my throat aci'Med to be PIANO SCHOOL. lloimr. Iiavlna- been aullmrlieil " V Miiilhratl of lit il, Itaime 5, Omit J'l. PJs. I'liini-r h-avaia; continue Its Ay. Method. All srade an t'nl' i "f IH-lrli'l, iheiii'K noilnat t rlialnit in Inw me, so I resolved to ins. pclillon lirielu. by TOO CLASSIFY LATE TO Cafe ualer mark, lh-iii' ..mii a rluum loijr use, and after I bad ued ttve boltlea botti Muplc. l.cftf I 352 HKH lakcti and special (lUi'lilioii . Omifirjlil..Tl.1.1 Id I f'.i.iit'f.A u lu ll.tlll'M. llllll All.) pi I-nn til l k water waler mark.mark,Ilienre Iheure went& ilialn a iliiilm aloni-IiikIi In my sure throat and couli were rone. I ftt F.ycclsipr - f 2571 H57 to beslnno!, Tcrius dei.lrlnir In be MiliMllulM "i.'V V VtiiiMI in nater nark li mtiit nf riainiifiiiiiin-nt would no ) wlibuut 'iir. Wood's' for any 1V)H SALIC - McClary Itan'se. SI. Andrew's I S'.'.T Hot) inoderalo. the riroiu anil unad in tne of soUMi"1""'' ami ciiiilaliiiiit 3 arres. mule nr leaa, money." clutlrs, kitchen caliini-l, dishes, (iioliu 1 2UC.8 ii In iTHellly.'the ulmve may rtilll tile a l. imllee All White JI'MI'H JOtlXSO.V. - , CIIAS. P. HALAONO. ? Help. 'rice, 3Sc and ,Cfle ( bottle; put up iTfp al I'rlnee Unpen, It. C. lIlN WAI.TI H MKMI. il C'o.I uTnlted, elc. Loiils Llltie, I J!S Bcv Klka . i L'Ulfi 7sti AMillraiit). only by The T. , Mllbiii v Hand Hlock, corner Slxtli and da,v;if March. I '''. .. ,., r.,,, pateil rttruiry it), ivtf. Toronto, Out". cnlh Avenuo I'aL ' tt I lea ver 3 '.'030 (I NO Fiillon.' Phone llltie 013 tt Heputy iiltlrlil jieni"!"-1